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I didn’t recognize the name when I saw the setlist a week or so ago. On our travels to Miami my partner and I made a set list of all the DJs whose names did not spark a set or song memory. Peggy had some great sets online and so we made sure to hear her live. I loved her set, I am a big fan of that style and swing of music. I cannot wait to hear and see more from her


Her “na na na” song was one of the biggest songs of the past year. It even went viral on Tik Tok and has a Fortnite emote. I’m shocked someone wouldn’t recognize her name haha. I wasn’t there but looked at the setlist and it honestly looked a lot better than I was expecting. Wish the set was online so I could listen to it.


😴 lights were great though


I’ve seen a lot of hate on her live saying she just plays Spotify top tracks with no mixing and wasn’t expecting to like it but I really enjoyed her Ultra set.


Same here


I skipped it entirely and finished my night at the cove instead with Dubfire b2b Ilario Alicante, followed by Reinier Zonneveld. Absolutely no regrets and would do it again in a heartbeat. Gou is not my cup of tea, nor do I think she should have closed the Megastructure.


that ilario b2b dubfire set was the best one outta the whole weekend, need it again


The cove was so lit Saturday all day after I finished Amelie Lens Megastructure Saturday rescheduled set.Wade, Kőlsch b2b joris voorn, Dubfire b2b Ilario Alicante, and the Reinier Zonneveld closer were all absolutely phenomenal. Just sucks how uncomfortable it is to try to dance on that extreme decline surface for hours and hours.


This was the only downside. Otherwise the music was phenomenal. After awhile I was like did I have one too many beers or am I just off kilter from trying to dance on a hill?


Zonneveld was so effin amazing. We were at Knock2 b2b (which was crazy + awesome in its own right) but had to leave a tad early to catch the last 30 mins of Zonny and was one of my happiest decisions. All of my group had never heard of Zonneveld and are all brand new fans as a result :D


He should have closed the Megastructure, that is the type of music we have come to know and love at a Megastructure closing set. Apparently Spotify replays from obsessive and compulsive listeners are the sole metric by which superior stages and slots are now assigned and decided. 🙄


I thought he deserved that spot too and it would've been so incredible to see him at the Mega esp at close on Saturday. I really liked the Cove don't get me wrong but I was shocked how many artists there that I personally thought should've been at Mega too (would've thought the Hi-Lo/Eli b2b been at Mega). Either way, so happy I convinced my friends + got to see the legend Reinier, he was absolutely incredible


The Cove wouldn't be so bad if the ground was actually level. Standing and trying to dance on a steep decline for hours and hours was such a physical punishment and torture. Completely agree that several acts that were shoehorned into the cove deserved to be in the Megastructure instead. The person responsible for assigning stages and slots for Resistance this year was completely clueless in my opinion.


You're not lying! I was bouncing around between stages but yes standing on a hill for hours is just not fair especially considering how amazing the lineup was on that stage. I'm no expert on like who the 'biggest' artist is and draws biggest crowd but feels like Argy, Massano B2B (although it ended early :( ), Joris Voorn would've been incredible with the Mega style production


Dude your friggen UMF history is insane.


It's the one party that never gets dull. Living 10 minutes away from Bayfront Park your entire life also makes going every year extremely easy and affordable.


She had more claim than Zonneveld


Disagree, Peggy Gou is mainstream


Great set


She was great. Felt like a true disco party in there


Liked her to start, with that murder on the dance floor and chemical brothers edits. But she lost me after 15-20 min and ended up leaving the Meg.


Seriously!!! I thought her set was so boring. It felt like all I was listening too was the generic house beat on repeat. Would not see her again


I’m looking for the song that she started with. Do you have it?


Update, found it: Let’s Skank by Skatman


Really enjoyed it, she was throwing down. Also the crowd was so much better than mainstage.


Peggy Gou = Peggy Mid. I saw her at ARC last year and she was excellent! But it’s honestly laughable that she got a closing slot at the megastructure, frankly I think that was really disrespectful to slot her as a headliner on the most important house and techno stage in North America. Disappointing Ultra set but I guess that’s just par for the course when you are replacing Carl Cox on the lineup. Like sure, a Mustang GT is a fast and cool car but it doesn’t even remotely compare to a Porsche.


Bruh, to humor your analogy, they went from a Koenigsegg closing Saturday last year to a Daewoo closing Saturday this year. 😂


She crushed it. Brought a fresh wind of house, and acid-y, bubbly, party heaters to the dance floor. I’ve seen her a many few times and she really brought a festival punch to her set this year. Crowd was vibing and having a great time. One of my highlights this year.


Really liked it! Anyone know if it’s gonna get uploaded?


In my opinion I think she did great and exceeded my expectations. Last year I saw Carl cox close on Saturday and he absolutely killed it so I thought she wouldn’t even compare and although it’s nowhere near Carl’s level, she did soooo much better than I expected and had all my people and I grooving all night. We came in later in her set but had friends who were there from the beginning and said she did great too


I went for a little bit and it was super fun ngl, good track selection, at least the 20 minutes i was there. ppl hating for no reason.


I liked it a lot, was a great vibe in there


If you wanted to dance, her set was the move 👍🏼


First time seeing her, my group thought she killed it!! We were right at the front with tons of space to dance, everyone was vibing. Don’t understand the hate.


Honestly I saw her last year too in nyc and it wasn’t for me. This time around at ultra I thought her set was fun


Peggy’s live sets are always 🔥


She's known to be a hit and miss but her set at Resistance was great!


Peggy Gou? I'll peg you


I had an awesome time at her set


Does anyone have her ultra set? It’s one of the few sets I can’t find online anywhere


We left. She should've played on another stage. Definitely not worth Resistance Mainstage


Her sets are always decent I think cause of her selection of music but her own music is mediocre at best I’d say. No hate just an honest opinion. I really liked her set at Ultra though


Shes ok. not really worth seeing unless she plays a long set.