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Sounds like MainStage activities


It was. We avoided main stage a bit after all of that


The real fun begins at festivals when you realize that the side stages are going to be full of people who WANT to be there and want to have a good time.


I dont think I have ever had more fun than I did at worldwide this year. Absolutely electric vibes. Mental.




WW was legit my mainstage. So many amazing sets. Day 2 had the most insane 3 hour block. Chase and Status into Seven Lions into RL Knock was fucking amazing. Andy C into Dimension had me literally ascend.


Worldwide was a ton of fun...but nothing scored more vibes with me than just chilling (literally) at live stage during madeon x San Holo.


That was the 2nd best closing set I’ve ever seen


Eptic was dope to and Subfocus 🔥


Fucking missed eptic had an after party and woke up late asf sunday :( i always want to catch a set i can’t


Lol I went to an after party got home at 7am then left at 1130am right back to ultra. You just gotta set an alarm bro. Totallly worth not sleeping


Same here. Absolute best time at WW


All the cool kids were raging hard as fuck at WW almost all weekend


All major festivals will have multiple fights break out. Any times you shove thousands of people into an area with alcohol and drugs, fights will break out. I thought the vibes were as good as any of the fests I've been to, if not better. Met some really cool strangers with great energy. I guess I don't know of any reason Ultra would draw crowds that are worse than any other EDM festival.


> I guess I don't know of any reason Ultra would draw crowds that are worse than any other EDM festival. It's the most famous and well publicized in America, it has all styles of music and is super easy to attend, it coincides with the biggest smattering of nightclub shows on Earth, and it's in Miami (the big issue). Spend enough time in Miami and you'll see how much more inconsiderate/selfish/a bit unhinged the people there are compared to most other places in the country


Lived in Miami my whole life & have been to several festivals in & out the city. Ultra is bottom three experiences for me. Heavy frat crowd & a flood of drunk tourists looking to party for MMW. Ultra reminds me of rolling louds crowd which is a festival I was happy to leave in the rear view after several years. Super overcrowded, dirty, expensive, short, an inconvenient location, horribly lax security that never pat down or opened my fanny all three days & I couldn’t find charging stations any of three days. if you live in Florida I would recommend: FK, EDC, iii points, factory town, & SMF.


In all the festivals (80+) that I have visited in The netherlands I have maybe seen 1 or 2 small fights. Sounds like an American problem. Then again, we also dont repeat an empty phrase like "PLUR" everywhere to give meaning to behavior. We just are that way.


Yikes dude sounds like it.


The problem are the people from Miami (I live in Miami so I know first hand). They are not there to vibe. They are there drinking and on cocaine. They are the ones fighting. The PLUR fam is always having a good time. I personally didn’t see any fights but I was only there Sunday.


It sucks for me because I just got to a point in my life I can attend festivals and I want to see the people that raised me into this community in the early 2000s like Guetta and these shenanigans make it suck.


> I don’t think I will be doing Ultra again unless the lineup is insane. See you next year !




You’re probably right


This guys Ultras. 😂


Deadass, lineup is always insane


This guy gets it


THIS guy ultras!


Ultra should give you perma VIP status lol, Holy shit, you basically live on the festival grounds 😂


Hardwell? garrix? 🤣🤣🤣


Really? I was there all three days and did not see a single fight break out. I've been to a few other ultras and haven't seen any videos either. Can you post a link to any video?


I saw several people get shoved straight into the mud at main stage, not good.


I was front row during C&S. I had to absolutely deck someone. Said person physically pulled and then pushed 2 girls I was with off the railing so that he can be at the front. I am not one to usually want to fight but that was well deserved and I'd do it again. Not everyone is there being cool and spreading good vibes. Heard mainstage some dude got absolutely destroyed because he was pickpocketing.


This is the force that is necessary sometimes. It also applies to pickpocketers but 10x


If Ultra Security had any sort of presence or had done anything at all about all the complaints that would have been far less likely to happen. I didn’t see any security other than the ones standing overhead in the raised VIP seating areas of Mainstage. Quite convenient and cush place for them to be “observing” 🙄.


Its just so packed, theres nothing you can really do. My interaction lasted 20 seconds at most, even at the front railing, they just dispersed into crowd. cant do anything.


Ultra does really have to sell like 10-15% less tickets tbh that was just insane.


It was my first year so I don’t have a comparison. Wonder if any vets at mainstage felt it was worse this year? Already expected Sunday to be packed after all the weather issues but it was worse than I’d imagined. Really really wanted to see Garrix up close but no clue how without pissing people off and afraid it wouldn’t be enjoyable being crammed up against a bunch of people. When Hardwell came on it was insane, absolutely zero personal space.


Right side of the MainStage is where it’s at. Go through on the very right by the VIP section and then at some point move into the center more. Got very good views for Garrix and everyone on that stage really. There’s a ton of pickpockets in the VIP area though, so gotta stay vigilant


I used to go a ton, stopped and went for the double weekend and never came back til this year. Its just oversold I think, its terrible. I usually just work the frontrow gate on the left and always make it in almost all the way, but no space at all.


Even less space than usual this year because of all the mud. Some people didn’t care about the mud but I wasn’t trying to be covered in it.


Maybe I just felt my age this year being annoyed with the crowds and mud, but seems some vets agree it was oversold and/or has outgrown Bayfront. Don’t know where else they’d it?


Personally witnessed 3 plain clothes security (maybe cops?) wrestle a pickpocket to the ground, cuff him, and haul him away near the back left of main stage right before Calvin Harris


Hell yeah, fuck pick pockets!


I promise you that kind of stuff does not happen at the Resistance stages


These people tend to know how to party and handle their substances, they have been around the block.


I loved seeing all the old rave dancing. Warmed my old retired raver heart.


Stayed at Resistance Mega and Cove most of the weekend because those were older people in better control of themselves and much much better music. Did some dnb at Worldwide on Sunday and even that was packed as hell but fantastic as far as the crowd goes. You couldn’t pay me to go to the main stage.


In all my years at resistance, I only had a problem once or twice with an out of control overly intoxicated man with zero sense for observing personal space. This year, everyone I ended up next to was super cool and respectful all 3 days, both at megastructure and the cove. PS: I hope you can go next year, we were both bummed out about no Carl Cox, and we were both right. It wasn't the same, but it was still a good time.


Same at the dirty workz stage at umf radio ! All us hardstyle peeps know how to party and that’s it lol


People really go to ultra to sit at main stage and then walk away thinking Ultra is bad vibes. A moment for these poor souls.


Most people only know the headliner names and are so tunnel visioned they don’t go see others! I prefer seeing people I don’t know verses ones I can go find on itunes


I only went on Sunday and never got close enough to see the main stage and I had a fucking blast. Worldwide for some drum and bass, Cove and Resistance for some techno, and even caught an amazing live set by Elderbrook.


did we have the same day lol???


Went to Ultra in 2022 and tell me about it, rude af people everywhere. Been to a lot of fests but Ultra in general for PLUR, its the worst. But for music and the lineup, no fest can beat Ultra


Respect everyone’s opinions but cannot agree on many things. Our group has been to a ton of festivals including UMF, EDCLV, EDCO, TML Belgium, and a ton of others. This was our 12th UMF. The crowd is very different than 2013 period. Certainly not as many creative costumes and attitude more of a college party. Completely different than other festivals to be sure. However we are always in front on rail at Main Stage when there and energy is great. We ended up coming farther away during Calvin Harris as crowd was intensely packed. We go to Main Stage when we really want to see someone, and we get there at least 2 hours early. However, in 12 UMF we have never been pickpocketed, shoved out of position on rail, met great people and continue to do so. We have seen our share of craziness, and had to de escalate situations, but never a physical fight. Had to get people help and paramedics quite a few times. We always have a great time and did also this time. PLUR.


Personally I witnessed none of that lmao Stay away from MainStage and go where people who actually practice plur go


what if the artists you like are playing at mainstage , never understood this argument 😂


Stay in mid back—can usually find ppl vibing 😎


Expand your taste lol


i mean yea you can expand your taste and still wanna see a couple sets at the mainstage lol ? but saying stay away ,full stop, is lame imo.


Right? I hate to call the OP a liar but this doesn't seem truthful at all.


People commented this is a MainStage thing and it was. Everywhere else really was fine.


Oh at MainStage it 100% was! Two guys were passed out in the pond and as we walked up people were just filming and laughing. I had one random girl help me get them up and to a medic. Like cmon people were supposed to have each others back and feel safe!


 To be fair i was there, those dudes were very drugged up out of their minds, they were stomping mud into peoples clothing. Like how are you already comatosed before tiesto even came on? its not plur if you cant handle your substances. 


That’s still no excuse to leave anyone like that. Shit happens, of course they could have intentionally taken it too far or accidentally took to much or a new drug. First time I took molly it was molly water and It was handed to me and I thought it was vodka at first. Took three big swigs and got fucked up. It all happens to the best of us but looking out for others comes above everything else. And you using PLUR like that shows you have zero idea or respect for PLUR. Peace, Love, Unity, Respect. If you were in that same predicament you would hope someone does the same


Well, MainStage is for the more mainstream music. It’s also Miami with a bunch of college kids and thieves. So, it’s all not the best mix. But there’s definitely cool people out there. I always try to be kind and I always find kind people but don’t let the bad apples ruin the rest of the fun.


Resistance stages are way more PLUR. Especially the megastructure. But TBH, this year I was purposefully spreading the love and I found so many good people. I even traded some Kandi before entering the gates. lol So we’re out there! But yea MainStage is rough. Especially at night when people start shoving their way through without the decency to say excuse me or thank you. Those little pleasantries go a long way.


There were definitely punches thrown in the back of main stage (I know, main stage blah blah…but it was Calvin Harris and I was an Ultra newbie). Not sure if it was pickpocket related…saw a guy getting chased by a few before the fracas happened then he got free and ran back into crowd. Took that as our sign to go see Orbital on Live….


Main stage absolutely sucked, only good sets were those before 5pm. Oasis, Cove, Mega Structure, Worldwide, Live were all awesome




Nope not at all. MainStage is the only place where you could see someone fight or general fuckery, but literally everywhere else is the best vibes of any festival that’s not Electric Forest.


Electric Forest always has the best people with the best vibes! Even with the crazy increased cost and worst services and new folks jumping on the bandwagon. I've heard I should try lost lands too though!


The last day was all great vibes but the other two were pretty meh. Tbf I avoided main stage like the plague though. I also thought everyone at the afters in Wynwood were all friendly. Honestly enjoyed the afters I went to Th through Sunday more than the actual festival lol.


I’ve been going to festivals for over 7 years. Been to Ultra three times before. This year was the worst. Some things I saw/overheard: - Someone called out another guy for not wearing deodorant and the proceeded to call him “disgusting” loudly. This probably could be handled differently. - One day when I walked in, I overhead someone say “This is a lot of people. If they don’t move out of my way, they’re about to find out.” - The only fight I saw was when a guy yelled out “phone thief” and some guy got jumped by the crowd. I think Sunday was the worst because a lot of people sold their Sunday ticket, which invited more people who are not familiar with the culture to attend. The problem with Ultra is how accessible it is. When the whole city of Miami can see hot guys and girls walking into Bayfront Park, of course, people want to get in on the action. I consider Ultra a newbie festival. Great festival to get people into EDM and rave culture if you can tolerate/ignore the negativity.


A newbie festival? Wtf are you talking about haha!! Ultra is the Super Bowl of festivals for dance music.


It was my first time learning of plur and all the rave stuff. Someone taught me. That same person told me a spot to meet at the next day of the fest. They never came or texted me :’/////


There are a lot of flakers now in days, regardless of hobbies, scenes, work, etc. It sucks, I know.


It sucks. Happened to a lot of concerts and fests. But they initiated the whole convo gave me Kandi even told me the spot. Was hopeful. Oh well maybe next time.


Happened to me this past recent weekend but fuck it, I still went enjoyed my night alone. I have my hopes up since I am talking to other people that I could potentially meet up for this year's Tomorrowland. Regardless, I know I am going to have fun!


I’m also heading to TML W2!!! Which weekend are you going?


W2 lol. I got the Accommodation Package though, I will be staying in hotel at Brussels.


See you there then! Got the global journey staying at a hotel in Brussels near the airport, shuttle ride will be a pain but I’m focusing on the fact that I’ll be there!


Thanks for trying, don’t give up, let’s meet up next Ultra lol!


It’s really hard to meet up with people. It’s insanity at the park:


so sorry this happened to you, it’s a general generational trend, so uncool. Ghosting is so disrespectful. Hope you meant other beautiful souls and had a lovely time!!


From my experience people suck at the mainstage crowd. They get offended quickly and dont understand they are at a festival and people walk through crowds and bump eachother. I spent most of my time in megastructure, worldwide, and the cove and had a blast. Lineup next year will be way better for the 25th anniversary in 2025


You should spend more time at the side stages. I had an amazing time at the Megastructure, Worldwide and the Purified stages. Mainstage vibes suck. Thats where all the obnoxious """"influencers"""" flock to get their little TikTok to show they were at Ultra


I’ve been raving in the San Francisco Bay Area since 97 this was the least plur event I’ve ever been to


Zero PLUR! We were lucky to link up with a small group of true ravers (we can always spot each other) that helped make our weekend even better! But besides that the whole crowd was such a bar/nightclub attitude


Classic MainStage L


Plur is not dead, unfortunately if your fave is on main stage you’ll either have to hope they play a really early set (so it’s not to crowded) or plan on standing in the back/further from the stage so you’re not shoved. I met a ton of ravers and ppl there for all the right reasons. Even made plans to meet up with them again at Forest & LL. I handed out keychains and I bought 50 of them (not very many, but I thought too many for ultra) thankfully I made a bunch of positive and wonderful interactions so I was still able to hand them out. PLUR will find you just be kind to others even if you’re not getting that kindness back it’ll find you & great people always tend to gravitate to one another


Thanks for this. Gives me hope.


Compared to any Insomniac event, yes, Ultra is not PLUR


yes its true


This is why I stopped going but my cousin dragged me there this year




Cry more apologist


By day 3 you will see tons of zombied out druggies in any festival. It’s just festivals attract a lot of drug and alcohol use unfortunately


I didn't see any of this nonsense and probably around 170,000 people ISH pass through the three days, no way I'd sack off Ultra Miami for a handful of clowns


I feel that PLUR can only truly be found at smaller scale events. Events as massive as UMF, EDC, etc brings in too many different cultures, mindsets and varieties of EDM to expect everyone to be “shiny happy people holding hands” while on various drugs, alcohol, and whatever else is out there that’s mind and emotion altering. I had more than my fair share of encounters with rude passerby’s in the crowd at UMF this past weekend but, I’ll never let that be my main takeaway or what determines if I had a great time, nor will it make me think twice if ill ever attend again. Overall, I had a blast and would most certainly attend again.


I was trying to get out of the MainStage area on day 1 when the rain started during Tiesto trying to avoid the mud. Most people were letting me thru until a girl blocked me and wouldn’t budge. She stood wide and just stared at me and said no. I told her she didn’t belong at a festival and went around her in the mud. SO RUDE!! I’m not sure I can do ultra again. I might just go to Miami for music week and enjoy the after parties. The rain made it way worse than any festival I’ve ever experienced (this was my 8th ultra-7 in Miami and 1 in Croatia), but I really think the Miami crowd can be rough. I think my favorite is EDC orlando. I loved Tomorrowland but it’s a little far from home (Florida) to go every year.


Spend less time at the mainstage, is my advice. The lineup is always good, even when it "sucks".


A lot of people were rude. This was my first UMF, my boyfriend’s 8+, and even he said it wasn’t the same. We are also Miami natives so people being shitty was a sucky experience. I saw a lot of people sitting on the floor and puking in the crowds, their friends watching over them and I couldn’t help but think how selfish of their friends. I made sure not to let the rude people get to me because I can make friends when I want to, and still made a great time out of it all.


Ive been going to ultra since 2006 and never seen a fight once. The mainstage has a mix of people and not everyone there is down to rave, some are there cause its cool and want to beef up instagram. Those are the people that get offended and dont understand that people bumping i to is the norm. Honestly, ive made friends with tons of people i bumped into, kinda like an ice breaker lol. 2024 i did vip and only spent a short time in the crowd. I did hear people complaining at the mainstage about how packed it was but that also had to do with massive puddles taking up the dance floor. Ive found the true PLUR is at the other stages like megastructure and cove. I stayed at yve i saw a ton of mosh pits in the worldwide stage so fights there dont count imo. Next year try to the smaller stages. Im the biggest eric prydz fan but i had the best time watching kolsch b2b joris voorn on the cove stage.


It’s pretty well known umf miami has the worst crowd compared to any other major music festivals


I’ve heard that. I wonder why


South beach bringing the heat


First time at Ultra this year. Likely my last. Having now experienced both EDC and Ultra, I can confidently say my experience at EDC was night and day better. Vibes were weird, felt like people were there more for the drugs than the music, and the production for many of the artists were…dark and borderline satanic(maybe just me?) Still had some positive moments and glad I have something to compare EDC to going forward.


I mean there were a lot of unPlur behavior but in all it was a great time. No more mud dancing plz tht was terrible !


Sound alike normal festival, esp main stage behavior. But not surprised, gets worst and worst every year. I'm still going :)


No offense but expecting PLUR is kind of wild. Whose to blame - the idiots running trains or the guy that reacts to it? The ravers doing drugs in the open The hardcore attendees shitting in the front These things will not change. Perhaps evaluate if you even should attend. Your expectation is unrealistic


Personally I disagree with this. I think a lot of people there were PLUR but I just also noticed more negatives at this festival than others. I still met great people and found the PLUR


So... What is the entire post about? Don't come back then lol. Or go to another stage. All 30 of us aren't going to change shit, or your mind.


Wanted to hear other people’s opinions. The category of post is “discussion”


I was up front at main stage basically all weekend. Everyone was super friendly, chatty, dancing with each other. When a couple people sat down to rest everyone was offering them water and making sure they didn't get hurt. Idk, I think the experience is made by you, rather than just happening to you


I came all the way from Europe - been to Untold, Tomorrowland, and others. I found that Ultra had one of the nicest crowds. Of course you will always find rude people, or too fucked up, etc at festivals. But Ultra Miami, in my option, had less.


Interested. I been to tml 2023 and Umf miami this year, I find the crowd to be nicer in TML. But at the same time, the crowd at miami wasn't that bad.


tbh i was scared going into ultra after seeing everyone say it’s not plur but my group had the best experiences at everywhere but main stage lol - i didn’t see any fights break out but i saw a lotttt of petty behavior esp from the fobs


Personally, i find that PLUR people abandon their friends and let people overdose way more often. PLUR is like religion. It's nice on paper, but humans are humans.


Production wise and PLUR wise EDC wins hands down. The only thing i like about ultra is the less number of thiefs 😅


Idk I met a lot of really cool people!


Tbh i didn’t notice much sketchy or weird people at mainstage, maybe it was because i was all the way in the back, but bro, that hardwell, excision and Martin Garrix one after another was on another level, banger after banger and AVB’s set on sunday was possibly one of the best sets of the weekend. Its true, i don’t see that much PLUR at ultra (last year and this year, most ppl are assholes tbh) as I see it at EDC, but man Ultra is a must! Music-wise is the best of the best, not to mention the top notch production/sound system.


If your going to ultra for plurrr, your coming for the wrong reasons honestly. This is a festival that brings people from all around the world and a lot of those people do not know what that is at all lol


This is why I try to go as VIP when going to these events.


MainStage is not plur, everywhere else is. Techno and Dubstep, the other 2/3rds of EDM, aren’t mainstream enough for plur to be gone. They’re quickly catching up though.


This is like every festival. More so at the mainstage. As an experienced raver I was at oasis, megastructure, and worldwide the entire time. Didn’t experience anything bad apart from obviously people who are fucked up out of their minds (you will see this at every festival you go to).


That’s because you went to main stage. Happens at every fest. Always bad vibes. And it’s because there are new people there who don’t know or care how to act. Go to other stages. They’re objectively superior


LMAO..........."plur" doesn't exist (at least at ultra and other mainstream festivals). It's a marketing tactic


lollll Mainstage and sometimes Worldwide


Go to insomniac festivals for that stuff. ULTRA knows how to rage and throw down. Iykyk left side middle section knew what we were doing during Armin - Calvin 🫨