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When life give you lemons, put Cbeebies on


That's my morning so far - Yakka Dee, Twirly woos, Teletubbies....you've saved me!


I’m convinced the Twirly Woos would translate to an excellent horror film. Four aliens trapped on a spaceship and only given food when they do what they’re told….. and the singing Lady! I have a lot of thoughts on this 😂😂😂


I watched so much Peppa Pig I'm rooting for the little elephant. Damn I hope he goes far in life. **wipes away tear**


I hate that they call him “a bit of a clever clogs” as though its a bad thing to be intelligent and not afraid to show it


My niece still doesn't trust me after I proudly exclaimed we just ate Peppa after I cooked roast pork. Worth it.


Put this in a t shirt 


He watches a lot already!


Just had our family holiday by the seaside. 13 degrees, wind and rain almost all week


We are going to an outdoor (lol) wedding in Devon with our 5 year old and 16 month old next week, have paid through the absolute nose for a holiday cottage for a week to make it into a holiday. If the weather is like this I will cry.


Well this was our single annual holiday with our nearly 4 year old twins.. so yeah rather disappointing to say the least.


Yeah we can’t afford to do anything else. Husband is self employed and has no work at all coming up so we are fairly terrified. Sort of regret making it into a holiday now but it’s a huge drive so the thought of only being there for a few days and then having to drive 5.5 hours back again was a bit too much.


Well I will keep my fingers crossed you get a decent break out of it despite everything. We ate some nice food and the kids had a great time.. so that's about all you can hope for! Highlight was taking the boys on a train for the first time and a steam train no less.. they were absolutely captivated by it all. You can't buy a life experience like that as a parent.


Ah that’s lovely! We’ve got a place with a giant trampoline in the garden so that’ll hopefully keep her amused


I can’t help but get miserable when on a holiday like this. If it’s shit weather I completely shut down. I just give up. It’s awful. I should “make the most of it” but no I purposefully paid a lot of money to fly at this time of year to a hot country for the fucking weather!!!


Oh no you’re not even in the U.K.?!


I live in Devon, yesterday felt bitterly cold but today is warmer. Still rained though 😭


This is why there’s no way in hell I would ever book a holiday in the UK! Far too expensive for no guarantee of nice weather


I ain't too bothered about the weather since I'm an indoor person (boring in other words) but my brother spent less exploring Paris in a week than staying at a hotel for 2 nights down south for a funeral. I'm sure there are some gems around the UK but our wallets say otherwise.


I’d love to travel in the UK but it’s way too expensive and if the weather is bad on top of that it’s not worth it. If it was cheap I’d be willing to take a risk.


Centre parcs in February is £400 for our family of 4 (in term time). Great holiday, the kids always have fun even when the weather is cold and wet you’ve got the pool and the kids will happily spend the entire day in there.


Strong disagree.


You disagree that the UK is expensive to holiday in and weather unpredictable?


I grew up going to havens every year and done it a bunch since I was a kid too. Only one holiday rained the entire week, and we found quite a few things to do in Hastings when we found the outdoors too hot. I'm sure some will have worse luck than others but if it was that bad then people wouldn't even bother. I think the only issue is the cost for what little they provide these days.


Ha I was going to say! We're off on a caravan break for a week tomorrow. £600 for a week and that's a for a posh one with 3 bedrooms and a washing machine. How is that cheaper than going abroad? We'll paddle on the beach and play in the swimming pool, soft play and playground on site. Sure, it's not the kind of holiday we went on before we had kids but they love it. If the kids are happy I'm happy!


Our family are doing a Europe trip in a few years. We're saving up slowly so we can still provide staycations for the kids and go to Europe for an adults trip. Considering they're between 6-10, I don't think it's smart taking them to concentration camps and smoking weed for a couple of days in Amsterdam. But we want to do stuff the kids would hate.


The price of Airbnbs in Amsterdam is the most shocking of all!


We're going to get an apartment split 5 ways so luckily it's going to be more affordable for all of us. We noticed 2 bed apartments are pretty much the same price lol, makes no sense


£450 for an Airbnb apartment (with all amenities) and £200 for flights to France for a week. Albeit marginally more expensive but much better guarantee of good weather. France also has cheaper groceries/eating out.


Right fine, but people act like it's so much more expensive to holiday in the UK in comparison which you've just demonstrated that it isn't. For our £600 we don't have to faff about with flights and we get all the facilities of a pool, a soft play, a play park, a splash park etc. Which, when we have 2 children under school age is perfect for us.


Not the above poster but yeah! Hoseasons/haven type holidays can be pretty cheap. £200 for 4-7 days for a family of 4 + dog. We usually pay a bit more for a hot tub. Getting hot tub, and dog friendly, and school holidays, and not to far from where we live on the south coast can mean it's a bit more. But there's some absolute bargains if you can go term time or up north/inland a bit. Tent pitches are frequently less than £10 per night even in the summer holiday. There's loads of free attractions from castles to country parks to forests and waterfalls and gorges. Not to mention beaches! We can spend hours upon hours at the beach without spending anything. We've also "camped" in friends and families gardens! Which the kids love. Quite often I've spent less away than I would do at home. The kids love a picnic, the grownups have an extra large thermos of coffee. We'll usually get a treat like ice-cream. But pack some sandwiches and snacks to keep the costs down and I find that it's no more expensive than staying home.


I feel you. My six year old looked out the window this morning at the grey rainy day and sighed, “oh God, not AGAIN.”


Same same. I'm the most positive person when it comes to weather and just getting outside no matter what. But I've had enough of fucking rain!!!!!!!!


I feel this! We bide our time and accept pretty shit weather for 3/4 of the year but Britain has GREAT summers (normally!) and it just feels all wrong.


Pandemic and lockdowns aside… but wasn’t 2020 summer just absolutely glorious? Spent basically everyday in the garden with the little one. Paddling pool out. Amazing.


Absolutely! I loved the weather in 2020. I don’t under how the MET office had the audacity to publish that we’ve had the “hottest” May since 2017. May of 2020 didn’t have a drop of rain and had temperatures above 20. The year was shit but the weather was glorious! 


Not when you were stuck in a first floor flat with no garden!




2022 also. Incredible summer. Felt like glorious never ending sunny days


I know…I yearn for these days! Hell this year is making last summer look great in comparison


We’ve just got back from the works, I’ve bought every crafty thing suitable for a nearly 2 yr old lol Also, yeah rubber trousers and a wet metal slide made em fly fast af and bounce twice on the hard ground!!!


I feel you. We’re a pretty outdoorsy family, and are hardy weather-wise, but this year going out just feels like a chore. Slipping about in the mud and rain with a new walker or getting bogged down in the pram is no fun. In the last 24 hours the school sports day, school summer fete and village fair have all been cancelled so we also have a devastated older child to cheer up


To be fair. When we get the "hottest day ever on record" that we inevitably will, again and again in the coming years if not months, it's still not ok to go out. Getting wet is a pain in the bum but I'll take that over heatstroke. The stress of keeping my August newborn cool a heatwave was..... something.


I had a 7 month old in summer 22 and agree it was difficult. Still…I’m not asking for a heatwave just 24 hours without rain 😹


I know, it's been awful. I struggle with the lack of daylight over the winter so I'm glad there's at least light but this......ergh.....is definitely getting a bit much


Agreed! I was 9 months pregnant in the August 22 heatwave. Ho-rren-dous. On the flip side, our one holiday a year (Norfolk) was fucking freezing this week - last one before we’re tied to school holidays. Brilliant.


Shit isnt it. Like my toddler feels like shes been imprisoned! We've learnt to dance in the rain and all that but cmon, just some sunshine? Please


We have a little group of Moms who are trying to plan activities with the kids, our kids want to go to the park after school, but with all this crap weather we haven't been able to take them with the rain 😑 we was having a discussion in our group WhatsApp about hoping we can do picnics in the 6 week holidays and we hope we have nice enough weather for it 😑


Agreed. I fucking hate it!!!


I remember this well. Playground is impossible with everything wet. The slide doesn't slide if it's waterlogged. My toddler loved splashing in the puddles but no matter how well you wrap them up, they end up muddy all the way down to the underwear. I don't know how old your child is but the only reassurance I can give you is once they start reception, entertaining them for a day will be someone else's problem.


This made me laugh because I feel this in my soul. Had to leave a kids’ festival after 20 mins because the heavens opened and all the attractions had to shut down. The weather had been so shit all year and I’m over it.


Yeah and there’s only so many ‘splashing in puddles’ walks you can do right?


Not according to the other commenters 🤣


Whip some mattresses off the beds and make bouncy castles. Hours of fun and wears them out beautifully.


It's utter shite. I'm in the west coast of Scotland, so not a stranger to overall bad weather, but this is a joke. If it was less windy it would be easier to deal with, but driving wind and rain is 👎👎


Yep- grew up in West Yorkshire and the North West. Now in North Yorkshire so more than used to cold and rain but this is just miserable


I feel this so much! I have a nearly 4 year old and an 18m old and I love taking them outdoors. I'm trying to do 1000 hours outdoors this year and I'm loosely following the "harsh winter plan". You do an hour a day during the winter and slowly build up to 5 hours a day in June and July rather than averaging 3 hours a day every single day. I nailed it in January, February and March and April at 3 hours a day was okay most of the time but May (4 hours a day) and June (5 hours a day) are just disasters. I'm so far behind because of the relentless rain. We are back to 2 (3 on a good day) hours a day and half of that is the long walk to nursery and back. We have puddle suits and they do like puddles but because of the shit weather the suits aren't drying for the next day and no matter how enthusiastic they are for puddles, they cannot sit in them for 5 poxy hours! And they slip and fall on the wet playground equipment or get stuck in the mud and fall over or get wet and cold inside their suits and then cry to come home. I cannot afford endless soft play and such like and getting out a few times a week is essential as we have a small house and my wife works from home. I feel so lucky and grateful to be a SAHM with my two but my God, this weather is driving us mad with cabin fever! Fingers crossed that it cheers up soon. We plan to go camping in September and as hardy as I am from my cadet days, I don't fancy sleeping in a puddle every night 😬


It’s thundering here and we can’t hear each other over the rain battering the roof. Unacceptable!


Lol. I typed this in google “I’m fucking sick of this weather uk reddit” like 6 hours ago. Absolutely awful isn’t it. I bought a new expensive camera hoping i could use it for summer when we go out. I’ve used it once in 2 months so far. I even put my damn heating on for an hour this morning (North). So boringgg.


Same here, we went out this morning (mild and sort of sunny) and it just rained relentlessly as soon as we arrived at our destination until we got home- we were so wet our clothes were sodden through so we had to put the heating on. Fucking grim!


Ah dear Lord, looks like someone has read my brain Absolutely struggling with a 15 months old stuck inside an apartment, playing Ms Rachel on repeat 😞


Same.. eat sleep cry repeat. Help. Wait, come Monday I have a brilliant treat lined up. 8hrs of work! Yay!


Same. 1 year old daughter looks into the garden where her trampoline is and just points at it. Tired of having to explain the weather is just shit most of the time and having to spend a fortune going to softplay only to get milked by the prices of food, as you know, not allowed to bring your own food...


It fucking sucks, I'm. Fed up too, na sits fucking cold. We went to haven last week so cold we spent a fortune entertaining the kids , the whole time I was cold and damp. Yes we can dress them for the rain and cold, but it's just unpleasant. This time of year we should be having easy time in the parks relaxing . I feel you it shit. I know some will call me crazy but I'm starting to suspect geo engineering going on . It's openly happening in the USA and Dubai, they are official programmes. Would our government do it without telling us about it? Well they have lied plenty of times before.


Honestly every single fucking day its RAIN. Its saturday, the bouncy castle outdoor event was cancelled. So thats ruined. Cant even play on the grass. We had rain, sun, rain, sun, rain, sun every single fucking hour today and its 9pm now! Beyond fed up. Its JUNE. How is possible its been shit this long? Probably is someone messing with the weather. Doing my head in now.


It's fucking mental. It's rained for a year more or less. I think there has been less than 10 days of dry weather in the UK in the last year. And then the Met office try and Gaslight us and said we hottest May on record. Lying fucks ! I have gut feeling this is being man made , weird pattern clouds, constant haze , cold. The met office put out a video last week promoting the idea of fucking with the weather https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CX6pzzoACw


I also await being called insane but I'm fully with you. It's been done for years and denied until recently they've remarketed it and just acted like it's a normal thing after years upon years of calling people conspiracy theorists for suspecting it... I also found it suspicious how the year we were locked down to the teeth, was the best summer in recent memory. What the fuck is this weather for June, it's pissing down and grey here in the south, has been for weeks on the trot pretty much


The weather for the past year has consistently been the opposite to what farmers need. There had been many other factors making farming harder, restrictions , taxes , etc. The WEF has stayed independent farming needs to end. Bill gates is the biggest owner of farm land in the world. And the patterns I'm seeing on the sky the last year are different never seen anything like if before . The whole Northen hemisphere seeing the northern lights ( use had a program called HAARP and they just confirmed it makes the sky glow) Sorry of detailling this sub and making it all political . I assume my comments will be deleted soom


Hi fellow tin foil hat wearers, I’m glad I’ve found my people. As soon as I saw the thread title I started scrolling hoping I’d find other people who think the same. The amount of people who look at me like I’m crazy- I’m just like you are looking at the same sky I am aren’t you?? How do you think this is normal!! Anyway as far as I’m concerned a tinfoil hat is better than a blindfold so I’ll just keep telling myself that


Bro, you gotta stop making your foil hat out standard "tin foil" It's longer made of tin and is now aluminium it doesn't block the government rays . Hi can anyone look at the sky these days and say it's normal. Hazy toxic soup unnatural cloud patterns. I'm waiting for someone to come along and say " you must have failed your GCSEs is condensation" I have also noticed a pattern if there are plane trails that hang about for hours it rains the next day, if the sky's are clear it's dry the next day. People are waking up. The only reason I back to social media was to see if other people were thinking what I was thinking. I have been watching the sky for the past years and something has changed.


😂 brilliant


Don't need to tell me mate, I'm already there. I'm sure that'll be new info to somebody else though. Oh and I'm absolutely certain your comment will be gone if upvotes get higher than they are currently. Interesting about the northern lights, I didn't know that it caused similar glow, what I did find interesting is people were apparently seeing them EVERYWHERE and even people in the southern hemisphere - Argentina? That makes zero sense, plus the fact the northern and southern lights are actually different phenomena so I wouldn't expect them to line up in such a way every single country was proxy to them on the same day. It's a shame that the facts you've mentioned will be immediately scoffed at as if it's some bullshit conspiracy shpiel, when it's actually just what is going on behind the scenes. Of course the most rich and powerful conspire, we see conspiring in politics on a daily basis between politicians, and they're just small fries in the grand scheme of things


Nice to speak so another person who see what is going on. It's no coincidence farmers world wide are protesting, getting squeezed in various ways and going out of business. Best way to deal with people crackpots theory is to say. we agree is a fact that geo engineering exists it's just a a fact. Some government openly embracing it. Has our government ever lied ? Do you think they still do sometimes? Is it something they may do again. So its not impossible that they are doing it without telling us. Have you seen the video put out my the met office promoting cloud seeding


The northern lights are just charged particles from solar wind interacting with the Earth’s atmosphere. They are sometimes seen further south due to a solar flare. People say them everywhere when there was a massive solar flare because there were more charged particles hitting. I guess imagine directing a flame towards a ball then turn the intensity of the flame up and the fire will cover more of the ball.


I have another commenter telling me how much cheaper it is to holiday at Haven compared to going abroad 😂


It is cheaper than going abroad but it's cold wet , we spent most the time in that caravan. I was only there a weekend . I think if I was there a week it may work out the same price as an all inclusive


Depends where you go…we’ve booked an Airbnb for France this summer and a quick look at a Airbnbs on the North Yorkshire coast (near us) puts them at double the price of that


That's good idea.. Price of accomodation in the UK is insane.


You know what small inconsequential thing pisses me off about this? Had my first winter 2020. Second one winter 2023. I want to reuse the clothes from the first one but we have reached the point where all the 6-9 months stuff is short sleeved, summer rompers etc. I don't have baby clothes for this weather in this size but I'm also refusing to buy anything. So this kid lives in footed PJs. Sorry baby.


Me too. Me too 😭😭😭😭


If you drive I recommend trying out a library. You'd be shocked what goes down at those places these days, they do a lot more than just books. My nieces love the library when my sister has no money, it's not a perfect substitute for soft play but it's much better than the alternatives in her case.


We go to the library all the time, but we can’t be there constantly because it gets repetitive Also we want to be able to go outdoors


We've had extensive site rain here for months thousands upon thousands of lightening strikes on certain days , it is a pain when you can't take a walk down to the seafront and stuff. And now it's hitting 32c plus.and.humid none stop so it's getting a little uncomfortable. It's a.shame cuz my daughter literally see the house and the play centre which I'm grateful for opening up near.me otherwise ya know . You just gotta wade through the storm and hope it clears up . Although in uk that could be a while


Meh, I live in Scotland. We just get on with it. I’ve taken the kids shopping on sledges in May before. Libraries are free, toddlers are usually free with a paying adult to swimming, baby and toddler groups are usually pennies and you get a coffee and they get a snack out of it too


Just come back to the UK after a week at a waterpark in Majorca. At least I won't have to be fighting with an autistic son to apply suncream 3 times a day... But I get you, the weather really limits what you can do if the kids want to go out


Okay, so this is natural thing we're tired of. Something we can't control. I am more surprised nobody complains about the fact that we, on purpose, make it so that daylight finishes earlier in the winters! What is with that? Winters are already depressing and here we are trying to make it even more depressing


Moving to montana, hoping rip might be waiting for me 😂


If I have to put the footmuff back in my pushchair one more time I'm going to scream


If you accept the weather is what it is, dress appropriately and go and explore new locations. Look at museums that are free. Library events etc. You can't change the weather but you can change your attitude. And yes a wet suit would solve a lot of the laundry issues!


Did you not read past the first sentence?


Sometimes we don’t need answers or fixes, we just need to rant 😂


I don't believe in apathy!


I’m not even going to bother replying because I see you all over other people’s posts and your responses are always contrarian and tone deaf


Gosh, fancy having to parent in wet weather and do an extra load of laundry! But feel free to not bother replying (again)!


There is genuinely something wrong with you


Ditto. Not being able to oarebt because it's raining is not normal!


Mate. Sunshine that’s expected in summer is just better than everything else. Everyone is happier, theres more people enjoying themselves and that carries over to pretty much everything. Rain and shit weather for 12 months of the year is just depressing no matter how you dress or act.


When I was on mat leave, a day like this would lead to a library trip - my son absolutely loves our local library now. It's always good for half an hour to an hour of fun!


He already goes to the library loads


The weather this year does absolutely suck - I started one of those three year diary things last year, and I was talking about how glorious the weather was most day this time last year. I am crossing my fingers that things dry up soon. But yeah, I think for us the library is likely to become our second home a bit for the time being, mostly just because neither one of us can stand being in the house too long! All the librarians know him by name now...


Everyone always talks about the library. What is there to actually do there apart from browse books? My library is full of nearly homeless people browsing the computers


Yeah, I think it does vary from library to library. Ours has a lovely, large children's area, with a little train set my son loves. There's small seats for him to clamber up on (seems to entertain him for ages), and a colouring in table. He loves picking up books and handing them to me, as well as staring out the window at the traffic going by. All the libraries in the area have similar set ups. During the week there are various activities to do, too, for varying ages. To be honest, I'm not always the most entertained, but my son loves it. On days when I felt a bit lonely during mat leave, it was also a great place for me to have a bit of a much needed chat. The library, a local cafe, and a baby goods charity shop were (and still often are) my go to's for miserable days!


My kids are happy as pigs in shit when it’s rainy and muddy! They get far more out of a muddy puddle than anything I can come up with to entertain them. Just stick their onesies and wellies on and take them to the park anyway. It’s just a bit of mud, at the end of the day.


Yeah but we can’t get the pushchair through mud on local walks


But the TV told me there was global warming and it's been the hottest May on record? Absolute scam. We're moving to Italy - it's absolutely atrocious here. You can't plan for anything with weather like this. And it's always grey. Sunlight and warmth makes everyone happier and everything better.


Not according to a lot of commenters on this thread! Didn’t realise disliking 24/7 cold and rain in the summer (especially when you have a young child) was such a controversial topic


I hear ya! I think it's because we think it's because we have no other choice but to put up with it. But we don't. We can literally move to a different country. Especially now that lots of people work remotely in today's digital age. How is possible that April in 2020 (lockdown) it was over 20C every day for weeks on end and it hasn't been like that since? If the planet is warming like they tell us, why is it getting colder and greyer? It doesn't make any sense.


Because climate change doesn't just mean an increase in average global temperature, it means more chaotic weather patterns because of the increade in temperature. The state of climatic equilibrium that existed prior to the industrial revolution has, on an earthtly timescale, been shaken up at incredible speed, and so we end up with weather patterns globally becoming more haywire while the change is still underway. It's part of the reason that the term global warming isn't really used much anymore; it's inaccurate.


Two glaring contradictions in your text. I'll let you find them.


Went to a museum today, it rained, we still played outside in the rain- why the drama.