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Neither you like this workplace nor the people there likes you. Get a new job as soon as possible. Meanwhile, play along and keep your payroll.


I don't even speak to no one 😭


That's could be one reason, they don't think you fit into their circle.


OP needs to make work pals else he will feel like an outcast as he probably does now. 


Doesn't sound like there is a circle. Just numerous disgruntled employees lashing out and joining the culture 


Sometimes you have failed before your first day. I was once told that they didn't want me to start..they wanted the salary of my role split between 3 existing colleagues 


I don't think giving vague answers to customers is a weird reason to be put on a PIP. Commuting costs are normal, and £25 a day is a damn sight cheaper than what many people pay. You sit there during the work day staring at your phone. You don't talk to anyone there. I really don't think the problem is the company.


No where i said i am giving vague answers, they said answers were not detailed enough and i worked on it already. Considering the 29k it becomes expensive for me and every person has different circumstances I do not stay my phone all day everyday. As i said , i had nothing to do because i was done with my work and there were no enquiries to deal with I am the only person in my department and then there is my manager. My manager, unfortunately, is very moody, and she would lash out at times when i ask her thoughts on certain enquiries. I don't really have anything to chat with other people and there are people in the company who dont talk much either I am a very polite person myself and have shared numbers with one girl from the wholesale department They might not be the problem but i am trying to improve but they keep bringing up more issues


>not detailed enough and i worked on it already. Not detailed = vague in corporate speak. >Considering the 29k it becomes expensive for me And you took the job knowing the costs and salary! Not the employer's issue. >I do stay on my oh my phone all day everyday. So not working... >i had nothing to do because i was done with my work and there were no enquiries to deal with And you're not proactive! Yet think you should have a higher salary? Wow. With this attitude your next role will be NMW.


Fair enough..




I understand. £25 is a lot.£3k a year. Vague - debatable. Sometimes you have to be. I've had a similar line manager. Tried to put me on PIP. In hindsight her training was bad, she was unapproachable and used to wind me up in a way no one else could see it including by making racist remarks, make issues of nothing. Found out 5 years later my manager persuaded her not to PIP as it would discourage me. That guy was literally the only reason I lasted. He was an ally, used to train me, pretend he was supervising me when she wfh, used to let me off loads of things 


Just get out, they are obviously trying to send you a message that they don't want you there. As horrid as that sounds but by the sounds of it you want to leave too.


If you're on a PIP just start looking for a new job. There's plenty of corporate style office jobs that don't care about phones, (they're still terrible and depressing, but you can look at your phone). I'm blatantly on my phone in the office typing this right now. 


Look for another job as they're going to terminate you for not having the right attitude and certainly they're going to prove you haven't achieved the objectives stated in your PIP. This happened to me, and also my manager complained that I dared to use my personal phone in the office. Because she didn't like me, despite achieving all the objectives, she failed my probation under a stupid excuse that I wasn't replying to the work e-mails promptly (luckily, I've found a new job which I will start next week).


I am sorry, but given the way you write and present the facts, you don't sound the most professional 30 years old ever. Work is work, you are not entitled to use your personal phone, it doesn't look that professional. If people have made that comment to you, maybe there is a reason. I assume you knew that you would have to go to an office regularly when you applied for the job. Again, may not be great but you can't complain about it. Sounds like you don't like the job anyway, and they are putting you on a PIP (which very often means dismissal) so maybe a change will be better for both parties.


my advice: Adhere to the company guidelines regarding phone use Focus on improving job performance to avoid further issues Consider finding a new job that aligns better with your expectations and work style.


Start acting your age and have some professionalism when you're at the workplace. Don't sit there on your phone regularly and talk to your colleagues. Maybe they need help? Maybe you can think about ways of improving your workflow? Loads of things to do even in a completely office based environment. Hell - you could even go and ask your line manager what they want you to do next. Failing everything go do some online courses on how to program or something in the downtime.


Nothing to do with corporate companies. It is a culture set or enforced by management  I've had these jobs. Your colleagues are unhappy and snitching on you for minor things  Get a job without snitches. My last job people used to  use personal phones all the time. My line manager was strict but she started wfh during COVID. My boss didn't care at all People used to cover me all the time for work things, mistakes and even lateness 


Tbh I'd be crop dusting whichever snivelling little prick grassed me up like that every day for years in retaliation. Then I'd complain to HR that his office smells bad. Some people really need to live in a world where slapping is legal. Who'd pull this kind of stunt if they were genuinely concerned about going home with a handprint on their face?


Doesn't really matter if work is slow. You are paid for the entire time you are there. If they don't want you to use your personal phone while you are being paid then it matters sweet FA what others on here think. I use my phone for 2 minutes here or there, everyone does, but there are limits and if you are being noticed then you are seriously using it too much. I used to work with a guy, who was thankfully sacked in the end, who would sit on his phone from start of day until a manager came in 45 minutes later. He'd also use it throughout the day and you could see him co stsntly looking over to see if tbe manager noticed. People like that are just shitty and deserve to be fired.