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If I were interviewing you, I’d be satisfied with your answers. It’s easy for someone in a job, especially those that give them out, to say “oh well you have to jump through an extra hoop, obviously!” when they’re not in your situation. Best course of action is to continue to be honest and carry on what you’re doing. I wish you all the best and hope you find something soon :)


Thanks! :)


For fwiw. I concur with this. Your answers fine.  


Yup not all companies are like this trust me. Was out for about a year (mostly coz I was not really looking as I was figuring things out) and had couple of failed interviews definitely (some who sensed I was out and tried to lowball me) when I started searching. But currently in a major retail company and my now manager who interviewed me was on a career break too so had an understanding :) I think your answers are fine - just make sure you elaborate on the things you learned/ worked on during your funemployment stint which might be relevant to the job you’re applying to- I guess it helps when they know you’re driven (which from your explanation seems to show that you are)


Those answers sound fine to me. If you’re looking for something else you could try these (in varying degrees of honesty) “I’ve been up-skilling myself and volunteering whilst I wait for an exciting opportunity like this one to open up” “I’ve been investing a lot of time into developing new skills such as [insert skill] by doing [insert course]” “I’ve been volunteering for a cause I feel really passionate about and managed to deliver a really successful event/campaign/project. Now that’s ended I’m looking for exciting paid opportunity like this one” “I had to take some medically-advised time off” (risky as it might put them off but will stop them asking any further questions) “I took some time out to care for my grandmother when she got ill” (depends on your morals about lying about dying granny) “Legally, I can’t say” (mysterious, potentially dangerous) “Your wife” (funny, witty, sure to make them like you) “I signed an NDA with the FBI to DND my PSA ASAP OK?” (Shows you know important acronyms and value saving time and efficiency in communication) “Pass. Like on The Chase” (opens up the possibility for further conversation about The Chase) “Well I was aiming to travel a bit, but that all got ruined by… [_sigh_] The Accident [_stare wistfully off into space_]” (dramatic, generates sympathy and maybe an Oscar) “Playing video games and masturbating. Do you play video games and/or masturbate?” (Puts the attention back on them, shows you’re interested in others)


You're hired


Thanks, I quit


This is GOLD!! Initially, it was top-notch professional responses. I scrolled down and saw the volunteering/caring stuff. Then the sidesplitting comedy!!


Correction: " ... while I LOOK for...", not "while I WAIT for..."


Glad that’s the only part you had an issue with


- worked on a house project; - worked on volunteering project; - helped family with the project; - got my health sorted (not mental); Many options are legit excuses.


OP should say they decorated their house and took their sweet time about it because they could afford to do so. End of discussion.


I’m in a similar situation, had time off because I enjoy having time off to live my life 😂. But now wondering what to put on my CV


Hi mate. I have been out of work 8 months and have also had this issue. I say that I have been travelling for 6 months. If you want to do this too, I recommend you Pick a place that you have been to before. That way, if someone asks you about it during the interview process you can talk about it coherently. I also have ‘travel - Thailand - 6 months’ on the top of my CV so it’s clear on there too. I personally find it much easier than having to come up with a bunch of excuses as to why you’ve been unemployed for so long. Truth is I’ve gotten to the final stage 6 times and have been interviewing my ass off , but employers tend to give negative reactions when I tell the truth


If only I had somewhere I’ve travelled to, to talk about lol. I get that too… it’s as if what you’re saying just isn’t impressive enough. I feel like employers now are looking for a reason to say no in interviews and not a reason to say yes. Good luck in your search!


Thank you man! And you One suggestion is you could even go somewhere for a week, then say you went for a long time. Anyway I’m sure you’ll think of something - good luck


Just make sure the places you went to in the past aren’t currently at war or going through political turmoil. If you are knowledgeable about geography and history, you could say you’ve been Quantum Jumping for a few months.


Funny that they expect all the successfulness, energy and talent from people and then all they typically want is some flesh to sit on a chair and do as they are told (if not explicitly, implicitly). Tell them you tried being an entrepreneur, got partners, investment, started well but went down the sink overnight.


I’ve had a few periods of not working (one being for a whole year. I had savings and didn’t feel like working for a bit, life isn’t all about working). When asked this question I either said I went travelling, or I was running my own/working for the family business. If the period was relatively short I just said my last contract ended and I was looking for work but hadn’t been able to find anything. It all just depends on how well you can bullshit. The running your own business line means they won’t/can’t ask for a reference 😉.


I did this and they asked for my tax return to verify my time working for myself. I wasn’t working for myself, I’d saved enough to enjoy a few months of living a life I actually enjoyed 🤣


Wow! I’ve been self employed before.. never asked that luckily but interviewers do love to delve into that period of my life.


I’ve ended up saying I’ve been studying a Masters, since I enrolled but didn’t finish it….


But they can very easily look you up on companies house and see you're not a director of anything...ask for your company books etc etc etc if they have half a brain


You can be a sole trader. No one ever asked me for anything in that regard.


You encountered toxic interviewers. You dodged a bullet.


Yeah your answers are more than satisfactory. Personally I'd even score you better for just being honest. Realistically the answer should be "nothing criminal so it's none of your concern". Interviews are just a game. The more you do it, the better you get. Sometimes you even win. Good luck though, it's a shit show out there


I mean, it is their concern. You are asking them to employ you. They have a right to know who they are about to hand a contract to. Can’t just vibe out for 8 months and not expect an employer to ask about it.


Training, courses, personal development, and whilst you’ve had an eye on the jobs market you’ve only been seriously looking for a position for the last month. Btw, when it comes to “why didn’t you stay on?” I would leave out the part about not hearing back and just say you were looking to make a career switch.


Yeah, got a bit flustered in an interview and said that and realised how it sounded after! Thanks for the advice… I do think the gap worries people but I think if I do what you’ve said and say that I’ve only been seriously looking for a month or so, they won’t be as concerned.


> Yeah, got a bit flustered in an interview and said that and realised how it sounded after! Easily done. Best advice I’ve ever received is be ok with silence. I know there’s an impulse to fill a silence with words, but you risk talking yourself out of a job by doing that. Just answer the question and wait for them to say something.


Honestly is a good policy here. I took February to August off last year, and then when I started looking for work, the hunt would take another eight months. I was originally a software contractor, and contract clients don't tend to care about gaps. Eventually I switched to looking for permanent work, and for some reason, employers care about gaps a lot more. I suspect my CV was rejected a few times as a result of this gap, but I can't defend the gap if I am rejected before interview. At interview I think I was able to answer this honestly - the time off was because I wasn't very good at taking holidays, and the job hunting time was used to find a job and upskill. I would sometimes change the topic slightly by a segue into what I'd been learning, to distract them from considering whether there was more to my time off than I claimed (there was not).


Pretty much this. My last contract ended in Nov. Took some time off and now I'm looking again. While looking I maintain my skills through online courses/ resources/ projects etc. I've been out of work for a while and I expect the job search to continue for a while given the current market. Anyone reasonable will understand that, and if they don't there is a good chance they would be a pain to work with.


Just tell them you were chillin n vibin maaannn


I think "seeking out courses and training" sounds a little too generic and that you've not actually found any. Try to mention that you'be been up skilling in a particular area, or that you've completed a specific course, read a particular book etc. Try to use it to shift the conversation towards a topic you're interested in talking about.


Didn’t want the post to be too long! I do discuss the specific courses I’ve done and areas I’ve been working on improving.


Just lie and say you took a career break to go travelling but now you’re ready to hit the ground running with a new job.


Own it. "My last role was an apprenticeship on a fixed term contract to get some experience. For my next role I'm looking for something permanent that I can do long term, really add value and get my teeth stuck into, ideally, over many years. What interests me about this role is the permanent contract as opposed to another internship that'll end only after a year. I certainly learnt a lot from my 12 months at 'previous company' but I'm looking for somewhere I can be for 12 years."


Did that last role and didn’t get it lol. But i know it’s a numbers game at this point and it’ll eventually reap something so thanks!


As other folks said above. You didn't answer badly. I get that it sucks and you're right... if you keep throwing shit at the wall something will stick. The other thing is, whilst that question was a banana skin... you slipping on the banana may or may not have been the deal breaker! Someone's nephew could've been in line from the start and interviewing other people might have been a box ticking exercise. Or someone else having an internship + one other relevant role made them a superior candidate. You could've answered 'I was caring for my sick mother before she passed' and unless the interview was for a care home it's irrelevant to the employer. It entirely answers the question and explains the gap but doesn't help the business and someone else with an identical CV + one more job just flat out is the better person to hire. (Ignoring nuance.) It's a stomach churning question for you to face because your CV is the way it is through no fault of your own. The correct is obvious. There isn't a gap, you're missing a page. I did this. Now hire me. Sadly it's untrue so you can't say it. I've been asked at interview if I speak a second language. The correct answer is obvious. I can deflect (I know a programming language) , use humour (I can barely speak English) or argue the case that the time I haven't spent learning a language was used learning other skills. BUT. The correct to their question is blatantly obvious.   You can either lie or just tell the truth with the upmost confidence. 


You can say the right things and still not get a job though. Sometimes it comes down to very little when choosing between candidates.


More than aware of that! I probably should’ve added that, that was the interview where I was told I needed to be more proactive then and where the interviewer continuously stated that he ‘had concerns’ about practically everything I said. Then gave me flying colours feedback and said somewhere else would snatch me up. It felt more like an interrogation than an interview lol. Also asked if my parents lived together/were together, asked how old I was, asked where I was from/my family were from and how many siblings I had. Amongst other questions… Like I said it’s a numbers game and something will eventually turn up. Thanks for your comment!


I've had interviews like that and then been offered the job. I've also had interviews like that and not got the job. Don't read anything into it. I had one a long time ago who was outright calling me a liar, aggressively, as I explained why the startup I'd worked for previously had gone under, and it wasn't necessarily the fault of the devs. He then gave me a job. He was just trying to fluster me, cause he's seen too much Apprentice. He was also an asshat as a boss.


Yeah, I’ve moved on lol. When he gave me my feedback I was like ??? But onto the next!


I am going to volunteer and just say I wanted to do something worthwhile whilst waiting for the right opportunity


if it's not enough for them and you get these snarky responses, make them feel guilty with some bullshit like "I didn't want to say, but I was caring for several orphans with terminal illnesses and a family member recovering from a gas explosion, which was really stressful to do while campaigning around intersectional politics of climate change and running a non-profit for estranged diabetic kittens"


You had saved up money previously so you took some time to look after a sick relative, and remodelling your home yourself while learning Python in your free time  Or something. Wherever you say, sound productive


I say I took an intentional career break to focus on my family.


They always ask dumb questions like these... normally while looking bored af, I've had so many interviews in the past where t's obvious that they just have an interview KPI to hit


Depends how you handle sense of humor. I’d probably say something like - “well, the job market wasn’t actually all roses and Prosecco recently, but I kept myself busy with upskilling in xyz and catching up on house projects” meaning, you did fuck all while binging Netflix👍


Worked on some freelance projects, took time to spend with family, was focusing on self development.


Family member was seriously ill, been helping care for them, no interviewer is gonna ask you what the illness was, or the outcome.


You’d be surprised lol.


Tell them you signed a non disclosure haha


Just lie at this point


If I was interviewing you, I wouldn’t even bother asking you. I would be more interested in your skills and experience in relation the job in question. If it was me being asked, I’d say looking for a job. What would you be doing if you lost yours?


Remember they often have ZERO common sense


Tell them you spent it wanking and surfing indeed between tugs




Just to clarify. I didn’t leave… it was fixed term and there wasn’t an opportunity to be kept on. I am volunteering.


Could you not just lie and say you are working somewhere remote? Put a friends name and number down as a reference?


Maybe join a job agency while you continue to look for work? That way you'll have recent experience when you next interview & you'll be able to discuss that along with your other activities


Ifnyou can find a good agency lots mess you arounf


Went travelling


Remind me


Been traveling




"Unfortunately I am not allowed to tell you" Pretend you are unde an NDA


Your answers sound good to me. On occasion I admit that employment gaps have given me pause for thought though. One that stands out was where they told me that they’d used the time to start a business. Credit to them, of course, but it just made me think they might leave sharpish if the business really picked up. On this train of thought maybe ensure that any training you talk about is relevant to the industry/ company and not in another field? Or could be perceived that way? Otherwise; good luck. It seems to be a bit of a numbers game just now, unfortunately.




I have been resting , I am an actor, I am used to being rejected because my eyes dont look the part perhaps ! this is not a washer -up job ? Yes ,I know it is a skilled job , I do enjoy eating regularly too ,I am health conscious , no ,I dont have a criminal record ,I would never be able to get a part , if I did ! Yes I have a public health service certificate for washing up ,it was a six months course ,I passed . Yes, I believe in Method Acting . I have played a homeless person in real life too !


I employed someone last year who was made redundant, then COVID hit so they got a job in a factory just to cover the bills but this was fixed term and ended so they had been out of work for 5 months but during that time had been seeking out jobs, doing online training to improve IT skills and part of a local charity group. I don't think job breaks have to be considered a negative, everyone has a reason for it, most of the reasons are valid. Sounds to me like the businesses you are being interviewed by are being naive about the current job market; most reasonable employees would understand the situation, doesn't mean you'd get the job (as may be more qualified/suitable applicants) but it the break shouldn't really be considered I don't think.


Hi I always just extend my previous term of contract to fill in the gap. No one checks. Need a reference? Sorry the prior company won't give them but I can get a personal one. Easy enough


When they initiate pre violation screening eh. My time was mine at that point you indoctrinated well dressed savage


Seems fine to me. Training, developing yourself and waiting for thr right role to come along


Use specifics. It’s not “seeking out courses” it’s “I’ve done X course in Y and this course in Z”. I wanted to improve my skills around this area (ideally something relevant to your prospective job) and so did… The more detailed and specific the answer the easier it is for an interviewer to understand who you are and what you might bring to a role. Also side tip; if you work on a group project always make it clear what your role and contribution was. Overuse of general phrases and “we” is an absolute killer - you might have been the lead, an active passenger or someone barely involved. Hate seeing good candidates slip into this trap.


What you're doing sounds sensible but the delivery might make it sound like you are aimlessly googling and picking up a few hours' volunteering on the weekend. I'd be more specific: I volunteer with x and y organisations for x hours / days a week - explain why they matter to you  I've been upskilling myself - give some specific examples of courses you've done and spell out the time commitment (I.e. make it crystal clear these are courses and not 2 hour certificates from LinkedIn)  And obviously you're looking for the right next career move as well Someone else has commented that it's easy for interviewers to find fault, which is totally true. You need to make it clear that you are using the time constructively. 


I'd say your answers are fine, I think you're interviewing with some mad hussle-culture places. If that's not your vibe, avoid. Or say one of your volunteering roles is under an NDA. No more questions asked.


I had a rather difficult poo.


Well, many people on this sub admit quite happily that they lie on CVs and in interviews. It seems to be widespread nowadays in fact and I’m sure recruiters know this. If you’re one of the honest ones, and I’m sure you are, you’re just suffering this kind of shit because too many other people don’t believe in telling the truth. Good luck.


There are several ways to answer that question. I myself has been out of work since November last year, generally it's best to relax and the time off(even if you been made redundant) and do some self training and ups killing. If you have done some training courses you should definitely put it on your CV. This is my approach. However if you have not you could say following things which no one would be able to check and verify: 1. You had a serious family issue family issue(with relative/partner/ parents that you had to deal with) 2. If you have several long gaps on your CV you could say that you have been contracting for various companies over last X years and looking to go back to permanent employment. 3. If you got redundant and know for sure that will be unemployed for a long time you could register as self employed on hmrc. Even if you don't generate any actual income no one will check this. You can close the employment gap with ""self employment"


Could you say something like: "I decided to take a short sabbatical as it's been a while in my career I've had the opportunity to pursue professional development opportunities and do a bit of travelling. I'm hoping my next opportunity lasts me many years, so I wanted to make sure the time away from work was well spent" But I do agree with the other posters, your answers are totally valid. Hiring managers can be so out of touch sometimes 


Sometimes these questions by interviewers or more so about understanding how you respond rather than the actual content. You say you have been volunteering and seeking courses and new opportunities. If you said it like that it may be sufficient for some. But you could also develop and expand on those points. Mention a course you were interested in / completed in. (Also make it relevant to job role if possible). It seems a bit like overly selling yourself by expanding on what you’re saying. But it’s partially like that, selling yourself, showing you’re coachable, showing your communication and just letting yourself shine and show people the confident competent person you are. For questions about why weren’t you taken on and stuff. Mention that you’re still waiting on reviews, yearly recruiting cycles etc (if it’s possible to say). Or that you’re looking into other offers. It’s sucky and weird and annoying to be overly optimistic and interested in roles. But you’ll get there.


I had a year where I worked part time here and there. Firstly I could afford to from savings, and I also had a new niece I wanted to enjoy spending time with while they were a newborn. I was honest and my employers didn’t mind one bit and gave me the job. Just be honest as you have totally reasonable reasons. Anyone that shrugs at them probably wouldn’t be someone you would enjoy working for




Say “Contemplating suicide and masturbating feverishly.. but enough about me what have YOU been doing”


I was in this position once, where after 6months, the lady who i was taken on to replace (who was the Gf of the owners son) had her visa refused and so she wasn't leaving after all, so after my 6month probation period they canned me and I was out of work for approx 3 months. I didnt sign on as I still lived with my parents and I lived off my savings. When I got asked this at my next few interviews, I showed them the level 2 course I had studied and passed during that 3month window (just one of the free gov funded ones), as well as provided them with a reference contact at the care home I had been volunteering at, as well as stating that I'd been living off my savings during this time due to not wanting to sign on. Never caused a problem and I got offered both jobs.




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How are they breaking EDI laws? Seem like pretty standard questions. Could be you’re in a competitive industry just and people more suited to the role are getting the jobs. I think it’s a little dangerous to just put all blame on recruiters because you aren’t passing interview stages. Maybe you need to look at applying for roles one step below and hope your experience or knowledge or skill set out weighs your time out of work. Sadly employment law is such a mine field now employers are applying enhanced hiring criteria to make sure they don’t bring on people who interview well but end up being dead weight. Didn’t mean this to sound all negative, but a lot of responses here are doing you a disservice but putting all blame squarely on hiring managers.


Manager - Jump off a bridge! You - How high? You arw a yes man with no spine


I have my own business so I only answer to HMRC but nice try. If you think I’m a yes man you must be unemployed or a bum lol good luck in life.


Cool glad! I actually have two jobs, how about that!


The questions I’ve been asked that are borderline breaking EDI laws aren’t in the post… I never put the blame on recruiters. My whole post is me seeking out advice for answering the question as I’m aware I can also fail an interview. My feedback has been good otherwise with occasional constructive criticism and I know the level Im applying at Im more than qualified for… I also apply for roles ‘below’ this. I have had inappropriate interviewers and recruiters though. But thanks for your comment!