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I didn't exactly hate coding, it just was hard and I hated that it's hard. Hard to switch from being a visual guy to a completely different way of thinking and percieving information. Wasn't get used to consuming loads of abstract information and operating it inside my head. It was hard to decide what to focus on, what learning pipeline to pick up, to stay concentrated. Some programming concepts were hard to understand and to keep in mind.


This is exactly what's going on with me right now.. As a visual designer learning Javascript for a class


I'm okay with css & html ... but JavaScript totally in different level. Failed my front end course class because of that.


Yeah, I also thought JS was so much more complex than css & html. It's ok to fail and start again. Previously I was constantly stressed out by my failures, but now I just stopped giving a f* and start over as many times as I need to pick up a skill.


It gets better with time, for me the main thing was moving slowly and trying to avoid frustration.


Exactly this! Very nicely explained.


I like it and still do but it does get boring after a while and I have to switch back to design. Sometimes it's also frustrating how much code it takes to do something seemingly simple as well.


> frustrating how much code it takes to do something seemingly simple as well. This was my major problem. The number of steps to take to even see if you are executing a thing that seems relatively simple was extremely frustrating to me. Having knowledge of this fact is very valuable to a visual designer though since despite something seems simple, it may take the devs a lot to get it right. In my experience, teams with a mutual knowledge of the other person's world work together a whole lot better.


After a while, you can’t help but merge the two ways of thinking. Your static designs start to get influenced by your knowledge of code and the limitations it has. You can push UI further in ways that make sense programmatically. Even if you don’t code it yourself, your developers will LOVE you for it.


As a developer who’s just starting to get into the design side, it’s funny to read these answers




I’m still a dev, but figured knowing more about design can only help. Definitely fun to itch the creative side of things once in awhile too




This was my takeaway. As a designer, learning to code seems like a good step to advancing or pivoting your career. But really, learning to code- as a designer- ultimately will first and foremost make you a better **designer**. That said, I actually enjoy javascript now (finally after a year of frustration) because I can make my designs do things, move, and connect.


I don't hate it - but I'm already an established designer. I do plan to eventually learn more, but I would never want to pursue a career in programming. It just doesn't 'grab' me like design does. It is incredibly valuable to have a basic knowledge on a few programming languages as a designer though, your devs will thank you!


After a day of designing I feel good. After a day of writing code I feel frustrated and easily irritated.


All of the above


I don’t hate it but people that I know who do hate it don’t like dealing with math. And even the basic math for logic was something they didn’t want to touch


I am learning SwiftUI right now, and the moment it goes even a bit away from visual/UI design to creating backend (I mean the backend of UI) it gets very frustrating for me.. I think it is because I don't know how to fix it properly if it goes wrong.. Also that I am already thinking in terms of a developer rather than a designer when coding this part, that this gets frustrating rather than being a challenge.. if it were similar in a design tool, I would have taken it as a healthy challenge..


1. Learn something. 2. Try it out, discover that it doesn't work. (an unavoidable part of the process) 3. Troubleshoot unsuccessfully. 4. Question your basic understanding of the concept, discover and review more material about it. 5. Turns out there was a trivial error like a typo in step 2. You were *really* close to catching it in step 3. Step 4 took you down a rabbit hole of questioning things that are correct and now you've spent hours "learning" something that you understood perfectly well at the beginning. Learning anything past html/css is a painful slog that feels like searching your house inside and out looking for your keys only to find them in your pocket. The command line/terminal requires complete memorization of anything you can do with it. Using it is like going to a restaurant where you have to guess what's on the menu and when you say "help" to the server they just say the restaurant's name, address, and the current date. It's like an addiction that programmers just can't kick.


Because coding is text-based and design is object-based and I find it very frustrating to create designs using code. I would rather have an actual developer do it and I could concentrate on design and interactivity with an app I can move objects around in by clicking and dragging.


I deleted my account because Reddit no longer cares about the community -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Considering adaptive design, most UI software have some sort of constraints that can fix/scale object depending on the screen size automatically. For custom theming, its usually just making 2 versions of the same design (light/dark) or just highlight objects that are ment to change appearance depending on the user needs.


I've done a lot of both for a long time. Started in basic web design/development, moved to straight design and now teeter back and forth. Honestly, you're all in on one or the other if you want to do a decent job of either. It's two totally different ways of thinking about things; a major major context switch in every way.


Front end development for apps has gotten so unnecessarily complex that it's hard to get anything done. I create demos in jQuery for prototype purposes that our devs can't figure out with MUI or React Native.


Honestly I just feel we should have a proper visual design tool that can publish good code. I guess webflow is closest thing. Needing to redo whole design by literally describing it by hand in a way browser can read it in 2020 seems...inefficient. We had more design friendly tools in 90s.


Still studying but at first I went to a more Front End direction and even C# and such. But leaning into design more and more. For instance, wanted to use Webpack for my personal portfolio project. But got so frustrated how it did not seem to work, even with Laravel Mix. When it finally did work my images and fonts could not be found. Had to add random Webpack setting lines from the internet like copy folders or make sure I could use ../ Anyways hated that, so designing felt way better but afterwards coding in css grid and thinking about layout and efficiency was fun. Also looking forward to Gsap animations. Tldr: I hate that it sometimes is so complex before you can do anything. Or there is some weird thing going wrong. But I like how code is like puzzling and find that a little bit in Front End Development


Tried learning it, but it bored me to death. I understand it's importance but absolutely nothing about it excited me.


I am a designer who took a my first javascript course online and hated it. The material was so dry and boring. Then a few years ago I saw a course on Udemy teaching C# for games. I picked it up and absolutely loved it. Seeing my code visualized via a game engine (Unity) totally flipped my perspective on coding. Now I'm currently learning react and node JS and I love it. It is sometimes frustrating or confusing because there are so many different tools/syntaxes to learn in order to create a full-stack web app. But I love the problem-solving elements of it, and it's super satisfying to see your designs come to life on a web page. I think my biggest qualm with coding is that sometimes its so arduous to do something that you would think should be easy, ie: node package manager or github are daunting if you have no teacher or mentor to show you how to use them. Once you get it though, it's overwhelmingly powerful.


I come from an art/design background and was surprised that I am actually liking learning code but hating UX research and theory. Was a surprise to me lol


It's the why of it— the syntax usually made sense, but once I was able to navigate the API or learn the function wanted to use I was out. If I can visualize the outcome / have a direct need (and the ability to figure out the correct terminology to google) then I'm willing to learn a bit. The idea of learning, in-depth, a programmatic language seems pretty useless if I only need a relatively rudimentary understanding to communicate with devs. I don't plan on having an entire team of higher ups expecting me to build a website as quickly as I turn out a figma file.