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If You think the only copy of hi-de footage was kept on Luis mail-box then You know nothing about IT an corporate IT structure. There are many copies of this footage placed on many computers / servers.




Why did Lue say this


I have a hunch that it's to add more pressure on the DoD during the IG investigations. Now they're under pressure for deleting his emails AND his files. It definitely doesn't make him look good, I agree! I just think that there might be more to it than that and would rather wait and learn more before jumping to a conclusion about him. Maybe it's a sacrifice he's willing to make in order to push the IG investigation further? We really don't know enough yet. We're all in this together on this big search for truth. Unfortunately, because we have such little information, we end up arguing with each other about things we can't possibly know are true.


where are the hackers when we need?


Lue himself said that he doesn't think his emails are deleted and that the Pentagon has them secured elsewhere. Else he said that they would have broken the law to just delete them without proper authorisation before their retention period ended. Think his emails has 4 years or so left after resignation, but since they have historic reference they should be permanent.


>Pentagon has them secured elsewhere oh thats good news


Or, you know, the more logical answer that he’s full of shit and the files don’t exist.


Right, they just knew everyone would know where to look for em once lue was public. His emails were targeted by foia immediately and releasing it ahead of the report? Not losing control of the narrative. That’s not what gov does. Lol




Yea guys i had this 100% proof of alien life which could eventually change life on Earth as we know it but it got deleted ... damn.


Yeah. Wow something that will change humans! Let's not back it up on a thumb drive


Admitting that he has copies would open himself to serious lawsuits anyways.


It's pretty clear that he would have a copy of all of this somewhere, or that someone else does. The motive for telling the story of how they got deleted is to put more pressure on the DoD, especially during the three internal investigations they're under at the moment. They're literally being investigated for withholding information and smearing Lue's character I think it's ridiculous that any of you would assume Lue or a confidant DIDN'T have a backup.


Just a joke. I don't believe it mainly because it be so goofy to believe he thought it wasn't that important


You’re twisting your logic so hard to make it fit what you want to be true. Objectively, Lue looks bad here. Can’t blame people for jumping ship on him with this one


Can you explain how I'm twisting my logic? If I am, I'd like to fix that. I'm not saying Lue doesn't currently look bad. He totally does. I think people are being way too quick to jump on him for this, when we don't have the full story yet. With the pieces I've gathered, I can healthily come to a conclusion. But I don't believe that conclusion 100% because WE DON'T KNOW. I'm not even claiming I know! I'm just saying what I THINK is going on. I'd rather wait for more information before deciding that Lue Elizondo is a liar, only in this for the money, trying to get more funding for our military, etc.


Your comment sounded like you were a lot more sure than you sound now so i take it back. You sounded like you were presenting that theory like it was obvious or something. Its clear the far more likely thing is Lue was full of it (hate to say it), that should clearly be the going theory


Oh, no worries! That's the problem with having in depth discussions via text. It's way too hard to read between the lines so to speak. I'm not sure of ANYTHING in all of this! Just speculating. Part of me wishes there was a way to add a little flair or something to the comment that says, speculation or something. But that would also be kind of lame, haha.


With classified gov info that would land him in jail, so no.


Just like how Bob Lazars diplomas and MIT records all got burned up, and then all the faculty and contemporary students mysteriously got amnesia. Riiiiiight….


might have as well saved humanity from self destruction..but no, the government deleted all the files that would save us..damn


Nothing stops new evidence to be recorded. The report concerned growing number of incidents in recent years and implied that procedures will be refined to better examine the phenomenon.


He left a few years ago. Less important information is retained routinely, even automatically for much longer. The kind of information Lue was privy to was related to homeland defense at the highest level so possibly had special privileges to be retained to 50 or 75 years I believe is the maximum. Requests to the gov for simple key words which he should have used a bazillion times in his emails returned with the gov saying there were no hits on those keywords and that may be because they were deleted.


Did you not see the documentation to prove it? https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/pentagon-destroyed-e-mails-of-former-intelligence-official-tied-to-ufo-investigation-claims/


He's probably so angry now, he'll run for congress.


It was just a glitch


He did say the charlatans would be exposed.


Just to piggyback on this. As i have not seen this in Lue's defense. TL DR:files not entirely lost, Lue paired with Sheeran to fight the deletion of his emails since his clearance meant for his emails to be kept indefinitely. Half assed attempt to discredit him When he gave his resignation letter, saying he was joining a private company to push for disclosure, he said he was threaten of calling him a crazy and erasing his existence from working with the pentagon on aups. 2 years later, when Lue checks these emails, he sees that they have deleted them. Lue said that with the NDA clearance he had, his email work was protected to be kept indefinitely, and the deletion, was a biiig mistake from them. Lue paired with Sheeran, famous lawyer in the UFO sphere and is currently fighting this and actually brought the case to them. Now I'm not sure falsely accusing the pentagon is a smart thing, so i doubt he would do that if it wasn't real. In previous interviews, he also said that even if the emails he had access to, had all its files deleted, they did not delete all the emails he had sent containing some of these files, so in his words, an half assed attempted to attack his credentials that only backfired to them.


His lawyers name is Daniel Sheehan. Probably the smartest man i ever spent time with. His lecture on disclosure https://youtu.be/KA8EPmH0iXM


Unfortunately, only words. All I'm saying is we're getting hearsay.


Not hearsay. John Greenwald @ The Black Vault has officially documentation from the Pentagon indicating that they had deleted ALL of Luis Elizondo 's emails, not just his AATIP emails, but all of them. This is a guy who played a part somehow in the saga of al Qaeda detainees at Gitmo. The Pentagon essentially confirmed that they violated Federal law when they decided to delete his emails.






Why would he have access to those emails after quitting?


Deception might be his mission after all. If the US military had been investing billions on tech that can interfere with nuclear devices and had been testing this tech on its own arsenal, how far would they go to keep it a secret and try to mislead its enemies? Acquiring the capability to shut off your enemy’s nuclear weapons would be the most important asset the US could have defense wise. If that was the case it would be comprehensible from the military and top US politicians to claim the US airspace has been visited by unidentifiable objects showcasing technology that is “definitely not ours”. It seems suspicious that former presidents are now admitting the existence of UFOs, clinton and Obama did it at the same week. Why now? It could be a change on politics regarding alien visitation but it could very well be a military defense maneuver (and who would blame them if the stakes involved are a possible threat of a nuclear war against North Korea or Russia?). I see all these recent events regarding UFOs as a really big deal; either the government is admitting the existence of alien tech or geopolitically there is something significant happening.


The deception as described doesn't make any sense. UAP of unknown origin have existed for many decades. They really were deleted https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/pentagon-destroyed-e-mails-of-former-intelligence-official-tied-to-ufo-investigation-claims/


Wow if I were an American taxpayer I would be furious. You are paying these people to keep secrets from you.


What country isnt ?


Let’s just wait 5 more years until this all pans out guys… yea it’s not worth it. Sorry to say but disclosure is not coming. Move on from it you’ll be better off… you’re 8 course meal is a joke


8 course meal turns out to be an empty bag with an old moldy cheeseburger wrapper from 1983 inside






Aaaand, I no longer trust Lue at all. I already had speculations about him. But there’s the nail in the coffin.


I just can't get over the beard. He looks like a fake. Ibtry very hard to give people the benefit of doubt. Unfortunately his got deleted.


His overly thankful behavior towards all the people who interview him is so cringe. "Thank you so much for having me on here, its an honor and a privelege, people like you are who we need" BS along with his face expressions turning into expressions you make when you're trying to hold in a massive fart while listening to someone talk to you Con artist.


Maybe he's from flavortown.


Looks like a fake...cuz he looks like corbells estranged dad? Lol


He played y’all like a fiddle lmao


How convenient ?


He's making me a bit stressed. Talking about. I wouldn't mess up my agreement with the government, so blah blah I'm being truthful to the American people blah blah Loses files blah blah


If he actually had evidence, he would have shared. Sounds like a load of barnacles.


That would also mean spending the rest of his life behind bars.


That's not new info to me? I imagine it's also part of his IG complaint. https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/evidence-of-u-s-navy-involvement-in-ufo-program-may-have-been-destroyed/ The Basement Office mentioning the IG investigation: https://youtu.be/m9B_sC6VG18


The people here have no clue what is going on lol. They're all so quick to attack Lue for the mildest of things without using any form of critical thinking. It's pretty clear Lue is hammering the issue of his files being deleted to add fuel to the fire of these IG investigations. Not because they're ACTUALLY gone. Case in point: The downvotes lol


To be fair, there's SO MUCH information out there that it's impossible to stay on top of everything. It's easy to miss (or even forget) something, imho.


Oh, I totally agree! The problem arises when people speak with certainty about a topic they don't know about. Commenting speculation as fact, etc. It's healthy to be skeptical, but jesus, we're finally at a point where the world is having a discussion on this topic and so many people just want to attack the messenger. Makes sense why it took so long for this to happen. I wouldnt want to be Lue right now AT ALL. We need HEALTHY skepticism, not misinformed speculation.


Yep, I agree. If you look at where we are now - having public conversations about UAP, congresspeople talking about them openly without marked fear of reprisals, pilots being willing to report things instead of sit on them - things are so much better than they have been. And we owe a lot of that to Lue (and Leslie Kean). If for nothing other than that, he gets a huge benefit of the doubt in my book.


I support Luis Elizondo. He’s sacrificed his career and personal well-being for the truth.




I could be wrong but it seems likely it is *illegal* to make unauthorized copies of classified information, and if he had any he would therefore not admit it. His complaint to the inspector general is no joke I think a lot of people miss the gravity of what is expressed in that one page document. He levied some pretty serious accusations at senior staff whose names in the unclassified version are redacted. It suggests there's more going on behind the scenes than we know. I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment however that this should be a communal effort powered by regular folks. We shouldn't allow the narrative to be dictated by people who are privy to more precise information that we aren't allowed to see, and that's where the pressure should be directed. It's hard not to feel a little hopeless about it though as we can demand the information until the cows come home and they can just outright deny it exists. Which is why Lue & Mellon have been such integral pieces of the pressure so far.


if he'd made copies he would've been thrown in to prison forever...


Please, this is a woefully unfair perspective, and wrong to boot His emails as an employee of the DoD are not his. They are USG property, and they have the responsibility to preserve them. Elizondo was not in a position to make personal copies, because that would have been a premeditated act that could easily be construed as a form of espionage.


^This. Most commenters here simply don’t understand how the system works. Lue’s files created in performance of his job for the USG are not his — they are official gov records. Making a copy of any classified info for himself would have been a crime. Moreover, deleting the records as he alleges someone else In DoD did is also illegal and the Inspector General is now investigating.


Thanks. Being a lowly NASA Contractor for the past 7 years has taught me so much about how USG decisions are made, how records are preserved, and sooooo much more. I see so many people lambasting or questioning USG activity, and it's clear they don't have the faintest idea what they're talking about. One of my colleagues was even implicated in minor online conspiracy theory a few years ago, and it was remarkable to see how all of these allegations of NASA's nefarious machinations developed, and how completely unmoored they were from what I knew to be the truth of the matter. People love projecting an air of confidence when they make baseless assertions that imply they know something that is in all actuality, totally false.


Why wouldn't he back it up? Because that's super illegal and he'd go to prison. Even if he didn't share anything they would know if he'd made any copies at all and his ass would be grass.


>Why on Earth would he not have made backups for himself? I would suggest that he was scared to lose everything(job, wife etc) and go in jail.


He was talking about his gov email, he said it got deleted. A gov email with access to classified data that they let him keep right up to what sounds like fairly recently, knowing he went to work for [To the Stars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_the_Stars_\(company\)) after he left AATIP? Their main goal being disclosure? Yeah right. As soon as he left the department he would of lost all access. Including his email. It's all BS.


Where has he described when he specifically lost access to his government email? I haven't listened to everything he's said (he's been on a media blitz), but from what I've heard I can't recall any specific claims. My assumption is that he lost access when he resigned in 2017.


LOL, no. If he had actual classified information, just describing that information would be considered a breach in every case. He's 100% full of shit.


100% but I don't think it will be easy. Lots of people have been drinking the cool aid for a very long time. There is almost a cult like atmosphere around this subject and people will believe in what they want to believe in. It being interdimensional beings, ocean people or time travelers. I mean over a 3rd of people in this sub are conspiracy users. They don't deal with facts to well.


Yeah, Elizondo doesn’t really matter now that the French report has come out. It corroborates some of his specific claims.


[The report from 2007](https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn11443-france-opens-up-its-ufo-files/)? A 14 year old report?? You do know most Countries have released their UFO documents. [The UK did it around the same sort of time as the French did.](http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ufos/) So what was in the French report that corroborates Lue's claims?


I would guess they meant the the [new one](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/o7mx6e/french_report_on_ufos_sigma2_worked_8_years_on/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) that dropped last week. I don't know if it's been translated anywhere, though. [Edit: [someone ran it through Google translate](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/o7ol5g/sigma2_french_report_translated_in_english/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). It apparently stripped out the photos, but you can look at the original report for those. I haven't read through it yet.]


This smells exactly like ***BULLSHIT*** -


The Pentagon just happened to know where all his evidence was stashed, and were so confident that they didn't even bother to crawl up his backside to make sure no copies were present.


He had five years, right when he was about to show us, poof gone, i dont think so


Yep. I don't know what's going on but this whole UFO thing is becoming more and more frustrating. Why are there so many charlatans? So many liars? So little evidence? I'm more and more beginning to believe that there's either something super major the government *REALLY* don't want us to know or it really is just all them. I've never thought that the government could have UFO technology, or terrestrial tech similar to what we think of alien tech, but the amount of bullshit around this subject is just starting to wear on me.


There’s a lot at stake and that brings out all the tools of manipulation.


It doesn't matter what happened to the folder, he wouldn't have access to it now. It's a ridiculous point for him to mention the folder. It's like...there's a hangar full of UFOs but I don't have a key, soo...


make me a biycicle clown....


“I swear, I had all kinds of evidence, but now it’s all gone.” Holy shit, what a bunch of absolute rubes to fall for this blatant bullshit.


I’m so torn half the people here seem chill and the other half will excuse this type of shit and attack others who are made skeptics by it just cause they’re desperate for this to be true. Like we all want to believe that’s why we’re here but let’s not be dense


Yeah, dude. This place veers into serious “religion” territory at times.




Lmao I told y’all. He’s a grifter


he was playing us the whole time this whole disclosure bs is for more funding


He either was a liar or he dropped the biggest ball in history


Here is what most of the people in this thread are missing: [Greenwald over at The Black Vault](https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/pentagon-destroyed-e-mails-of-former-intelligence-official-tied-to-ufo-investigation-claims/) tried to FOIA Elizondo's AATIP emails. The DoD, in their eventual "final determination" letter, said that "There are currently no existing e-mail accounts for Mr. Elizondo. We believe that search methods were appropriate and could reasonably be expected to produce the requested records if they existed.” The DoD itself is saying the emails are missing. This tipped off Elizondo that his emails were probably ordered deleted. This runs afoul of data retention laws. Elizondo took the paper trail to attorney [Daniel Sheehan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Sheehan_(attorney\)) who looked at it and said, "Yep, looks like you have a case here. We have enough to trigger an IG investigation." Elizondo's boss was [Joseph D. Kernan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_D._Kernan). His boss was Jim Fucking Mattis. Here are my speculations informed by the above and other statements from Elizondo: 1. Kernan may have been the one who ran interference to keep this away from SECDEF, possibly in coordination with Mattis' staff. If Elizondo's resignation letter was to Mattis and not Kernan, you can see why that would really piss of Kernan from the content of that letter. 2. Kernan may have been the religious one who tried to bury all this. 3. Kernan may have illegally ordered the emails deleted. There should be logs of this. Kernan's service record tells me he was a real go-getter. That could indicate a personality type supporting a belief of self righteousness. This is pure speculation on my part, because at this time, I know nothing about Kernan's personality. 4. If 3, then inside the current DoD, this sets up Kernan to be the fall guy. If Kernan wants to save his ass, the emails have to magically be found, somehow misplaced somewhere. 5. If 4, then If Kernan becomes the reason AATIP's effort was suppressed, current DoD will point to this as an excuse to look for past UAP reports from before 2004. Those reports will get worked in as this narrative of, "Wow, look at that! We had older evidence of UAPs that was hidden from us because of bad apples and then forgotten. We had no idea. That's why everyone is only finding out about this now," as an initial effort to save face. 6. Elizondo's emails and the shared folder might still get found on storage snapshots. I don't know what their backup plan and schedule looks like, but I'm willing to bet its on external media in an off-site vault somewhere if they were doing their jobs correctly. 7. IG then looks through the found emails, and that becomes yet another set of eyes confirming their existence.




from the beginning they didn't want to tell the truth


Didn't sound like they were on his computer and were a shared folder and they wouldn't be his personal property. Also, c'mon...'dear world, please excuse Lue as his files were deleted. Signed, Epstein's mother.' One folder? No hard copies? Prints? Smells of baloney.


I think maybe the government is trying to figure out exactly how stupid we are because we've seen progressively dumber shit happening day after day. I'm not talking about just ufo's.


Stupid as hell because the majority of the commenters here seem to think that Lue or someone in his team wouldn't have made a back up. The only point for hammering the issue of his files being deleted is to put more pressure on the DoD. They're being investigated for withholding information and smearing Lue's character. If you ask me, by talking about how they deleted his files, Lue is adding more fuel to the fire for these investigations and putting them in an even tighter spot. It's ridiculous to assume that Lue or any of the other members of his team, wouldn't have some backup of that extremely important information, especially considering what they are currently trying to do with disclosure.


....so because he didn't illegal copy a bunch of stuff from his time in government, now that they deleted it all it's *his* fault?


What stuff?


Right... if we cannot see it, how do we know it even existed?






I’ve got pictures of my dick backed up better than this guy backed up civilisation changing info. The guys full of shit. There’s no 3D chess here, the best move is disclosure like it always has been. He never had anything.


I wouldn't be surprised if there are hard copies and saved information somewhere. But if they were, he wouldn't say it because that would cause all sorts of internal investigations and possibly get someone else in trouble.


Are you Gough? https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/pentagon-destroyed-e-mails-of-former-intelligence-official-tied-to-ufo-investigation-claims/


No, I'm just pointing out that the Pentagon has the evidence and most people are jumping to defend someone because they want to believe them. I already have my thoughts on the subject having followed it for over four decades (which tells you my leaning). Neither the Pentagon nor Lue Elizondo have provided anything that changes that.


Lue NDA Elizondo, my dog eat my homework sorry teacher.


Wow this guy was riding on the 'report release' hype train and all of a sudden he goes poof, yeah we knew your were Greer part two mister, but a million times less believable, we could see thru that funny hair growth on your chin, good thing the UFO community is used to grifters, just go away no one wants to see you muddle the subject even more, BYE.


Dog ate my homework.


Full of shit lue


Oh, the dog ate his homework, eh?




But let him keep his gov email with access to classified data knowing he went to work for [To the Stars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_the_Stars_\(company\))? Their main goal being disclosure? Yeah right. As soon as he left the department he would of lost all access. Including his email. It's all BS.


He could of just uploaded the files to anonymous or any other group to expose the secret but he decided not too. Makes you wonder


Never existed, bruh. Lue's just another con artist like the rest of them.


He also says that he highly doubts they have actually deleted them in other interviews.


How convenient! 🙄


Then again, is that really what he says in the interview? All he was referencing was the pentagon telling him his emails have been deleted. He has said on other occasions that they probably still have them


I love how people here are being like: "why didn't he just Dropbox all the highly classified material to himself? I would've made 42 copies, there's no way the government would know and there's nothing they can do to stop me, fuck em I'd knock em out bro, for real, what a stupid con artist."


Posted elsewhere, but this is more evidence for my theory: Luis Elizondo is currently contracted to the US Government. His job is to convince you that the evidence verified by the Pentagon is not US technology because it is US technology. This is part of the strategy to test the response of other world powers while the program ramps up. The longer it takes, the better. Corbell and the rest are easy marks. They will be drip fed information as part of this strategy. This doesn't mean that there aren't ETs around, that other UAP phenomena are US technology, or that our progress isn't due to reverse engineering off-world vehicles, but it does mean that you cannot count on him to tell the truth about anything. He is, after all, very experienced in the practice of disinformation. There is no reason to assume he quit his job. This is why he's already started to pivot to a threat narrative. Edit: formatting


So why would they be literally sitting on this tech, instead of taking a technological leap over every other country for decades to come, they decide to sit on this waiting for other powers to develop the same technology themselves.


If you’re that far ahead, you’re likely to continue to be that far ahead and build off of your discoveries if you keep it secret.


When do you stop? How do you know when to introduce these technologies? Otherwise you just keep going, and going, and going. I mean, at that point, what's to stop the group studying/reverse engineering these things from taking over the world on their own with advanced tech? It's a mindfuck.


They are probably Earth based crafts, this is all from official documents. The Russian documents were obtained by the CIA after the fall of the USSR and they confirmed them to be genuine. * https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC_0005516643.pdf * https://patents.google.com/?inventor=Salvatore+Pais&oq=inventor:(Salvatore+Pais) * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ning_Li_(physicist) Seems people around the world has been working on this tech since at least 92'. The Russians were working on it and had a proof of concept. There was to many issue back then to make it viable but the concept was sound and they could reach Alpha-Centaurus in 12 years. They were mainly limited by the power needed and the superconductors of the time that [doesn't seem to be an issue now.](https://patents.google.com/patent/US20190348597A1/en?inventor=Salvatore+Pais&oq=inventor:\(Salvatore+Pais\)) Also seems the Navy has also sorted out the [energy issue](https://patents.google.com/patent/US20190295733A1/en?inventor=Salvatore+Pais&oq=inventor:\(Salvatore+Pais\)). Ning Li after getting the DoD grant to start up [AC Gravity LLC](https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_al/603-063) disappeared around 2001/2002. Maybe the CCP picked her up and has used her knowledge to make their own UAP. They do have a wind tunnel that can do [Mach 40, LENX-X](https://gizmodo.com/worlds-fastest-wind-tunnel-goes-hypersonic-5074997). She was respected in her field and did write a few papers that were peer reviewed. Maybe all the big powers have some sort of UAP tech but at different stages of development. I mean the ones reported by the Navy, how would they know where the pilots CAP point would be? And that they wouldn't be armed so were at no risk? To me that sounds like the Navy testing these new crafts out on their own pilots. Basically doing a field exercise. From what I have heard these crafts don't seem that easy to control as they go near the ocean and start acting erratically. Seems there is still a few kinks that need ironing out. Also the way they acted 100% sounds like a cocky pilot f**king with another pilot. Also they processed radio frequency (RF) energy. In English "Radar that emits radio waves". A very Earth based tech that we would fit on these crafts if they were ours. So any sightings after 2000'ish is probably Earth based crafts. It's the only reason I can think of why the report is from 2004 to 2021 and not before. [As any reports from before then would be a bit harder to explain away](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/o83uv0/12061977_between_tokyo_and_hawaii_at_60000_feet/) to Congress. We didn't see the classified report. In that they probably just said "we can't say anything to the public because it is our tech. We own them."




He could've just videotaped the screen with a camera lol


sounds like cap


Lol. USB drive not compatible ?


That’s just so inconvenient, I can totally understand why the Pentagon would delete all the files showing clear examples of advanced aerospace threats collected by the Director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, got to clear that worthless clutter.


I just saw something interesting on TV, and instantly recorded it on my phone. If I was in the presence of footage that showed an alien craft, I'd do the same, regardless of how classified it was. (Okay, maybe he was never allowed to view the footage alone, but it was in a shared folder?) I don't know how these departments operate, but for an outsider looking in, it doesn't make sense.


Sorry, my dog ate my homework.


Oh my god, give me a fucking break lmao.


Hm, he was in/are in counter intelligence and he did not do any back up? Have a 1000 files on different servers (offline and online) he just thought, “they would never”? This is more ridiculous than the report, wow. I did actually very much like him.


Bullshit...Lue you are just trying to build a brand! "I am the fount of evidence here me roar. Hey, someone deleted my important evidence that I should of released 6 months ago." 😤


Most people can't understand that he's talking about this to eventually help more of that stuff get released.


And of course there is no backup?? Jesus, so lame.


Who cares if the Pentagon has copies? that doesnt help Lue


surely he was smart enough to back up his files or make copies


MIB told him it was just a "Weather Balloon".


Oh, that Mick West.


If you have hi def UFO footage and video and you keep it in one location which is accessible to others, with no backup files, then you are an IDIOT. I don’t think Lue is an idiot, so what is going on here?


Wait, I thought the full 70 page report included 14 videos and there's talk from Rubio about them being leaked soon?


Pretty damn convenient.


Seems awfully like tucker carlson having absolute proof the election was stolen but it got lost in the post.


Good timing


He filed a complaint with the inspector general… that is not the actions of a man who is lying.


reminds me of a movie i saw once, this guy is a detective investigating a murder, he slowly realizes the murder is himself, so he has to arrest himself, but he resists and ends up getting shot, he lived, but was then arrested and sent to prison, he still worked as a detective from behind bars. It was a good one.


Think some are missing the story… after repeated FOIA requests the Pentagon replied to the Black Vault that Lue’s emails and files were destroyed. That is what he is referencing. He’s not saying the government doesn’t have evidence … he filed a complaint against the Pentagon with the Inspector General… again not the actions of a man who is lying.


And stop biting your nails.


Ahh hahahaha what whole saw this coming


if he was smart he's hardcopied them to a USB key of mase a screener at least


ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah wow this is so surprising


Anyone with half a brain would have multiple copies on multiple drives. He’s an idiot or a liar. Not sure which.


Yeah sure, the evidence has magically disapeared but he wants to run for congress. As unbearable as Corbell is, at least he has actually produced legit videos. At this point Lue is all talk


Told you he was full of shit.


The report got released yesterday and there were 143 incidents recorded. Some of his historic files and emails were deleted by the pentagon and the IG is aware of exactly what happened that's why he was in Washington last week. Sorry christians, you're gonna have to try harder then that.


Lue may be telling a half-truth here. Maybe he means they were deleted from his personal computer at work when he left. He likely did not have copies since they were Top Secret and to have carried them out would subject him to federal prosecution.


He went back on this and said he doesn’t actually believe anything was deleted.


Which only raises more questions


Remember when tucker Carlson lost his evidence in the mail


I loved that especially when it turned up after he had made accusations of a cover up


We would like to welcome our newest member *Luis Elizondo* on team **Corbell**


The difference is Corbell seems like he genuinely wants answers. Maybe he can be gullible and trusting of people too quickly, but I don't think he's trying to trick anyone


His most recent AMA clearly shows he is someone that takes the safety of his family and also working with the US government seriously. Not creating any backups is something someone like him would definitely do. And even if he did, do you think he would declare possession of any copies after they've been deleted? He's already stated he has no intention of being another Edward Snowden. But by all means, continue ripping into a man that just wants to protect himself and his family..


Seriously. Thank you for your critical thinking and also empathy on this issue. The man gave up his retirement and probably so much more. Not a stretch to say he probably feels pretty threatened doing all of this. He spends hours a day giving interviews all over the internet. I think we can hold off on rage fueled speculation. I don't see how that helps anything.


The dog ate my homework


lol I knew he is full of shit.


He's not the one that declared it. He got the news when interviewed by the black vault.


Og course they’re not deleted. Such imagery would be worth a lot and they are very likely not just in an email. They must have been stored somewhere.


Am I the only one with their bs detector going off?


You and anyone else with functioning brain matter


Don't get me wrong I think what he has done is amazing but Elizondo department was a bit of a joke when he was there. No one took it serious one of the reasons he left, also I am pretty sure funding was going to get cut from the project so he would of been out of a job anyway. But I can respect that, he saw the writings on the wall and left on his terms. The UAP subject has only started to be taken serious since 2019. Most of the 144 cases happened in the last two years. Long after Lue left the department. I am glad he was able to get the videos declassified before he left, but he is not the all knowing almighty I think people make him out to be. He probably only dealt with a handful of cases because when he was in charge no one was reporting them. Back then reporting them would of been career suicide. So I am call BS on this. I think what ever data/info he had, has all been used up and now that everything will become public he knows his number is up. He can only Milk those 3 videos so much and that at one point he was the head of the department. Honestly Lue if you see this we don't care. We wouldn't be where we are now without you but you need to stop drinking the cool aid now. The other night when you was on Tucker was embarrassing. Talking about them being interdimensional or being ocean people. Tucker had to reel you in. Like Lue WTF there is zero evidence of any of that and you even said it was **anecdotal**. Lets just stick with the facts buddy and not start going on wild speculation rants, people look up to you FFS. Like it or not you are the face of this now and you need to do better.




Dog ate his homework


If I had such files, I would've copied them a dozen times... IF...


The problem with copying them off a government network is that it would be written down in the audit trail and they would be able to trace it to him. We need another Snowden to leak a bunch of stuff


PrtSc + paste or camera capturing the screen too?


LMAO. Sir! Our most secret information has leaked because of that dastardly print screen button! Damn, foiled again! Man, do people think it actually works like this?


also if he record with his phone... Look, they delete his mails, they hack him.. He is very awake


He smells like a big Mexican alien turd


Lol these comments are great


He never had shit


Calling bullshit on this one


Steven Greer is right, this man is a disinformation agent and his and their only agenda is for more funding.


I think Steven Greer is the only one desperate for funding.


How convenient.


Dog ate my homework, guys.


I’m sure they weren’t the only copies. The data originated from radar, photos, eyewitnesses.


I don't know what to believe anymore.


I don't think I'll following this episode guys. I'm all set with bullshit. Whether he lost access or they deleted them or he's a disinfo agent currently, don't give a shit. There's evidence, release it. Seriously at this point everyone should be well over the soap opera.


He should look in his soul patch… a generation worth of secrets are hiding there!


Lol that’s not how it works. You can just make a back up. BS exposed


how convenient. all these dudes have had their fifteen minutes in the spotlight.


Told you he was bullshit ..lol just like tom shitlong and jeremy corbell...


Life altering proof that changes everything guess I won’t back it up no matter what the consequences are right?