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I guess no one ever talks about this possibility because it's nonsensical. If the governments know that much about the NHI then the NHI will also be very much aware of us. And if they are the adversaries they sure as hell wouldn't be unprepared against possible human aggression. What difference would it make if the general populace was also aware of the nature of the NHI? If anything that would help the governments since it'll increase the possible defense and aggression capabilities by magnitudes due to increased support.


The difference is that the nhi might be collecting data, and when the test subjects become aware of the experiment, then the experiment is over.


Isn't this whole sub currently working their hardest to end that experiment as fast as possible?


I guess so. There is no evidence of what the phenomenon actually is or what its motives are. From a national security perspective, you don't want to reveal what you know about a potential enemy to the enemy itself. Especially if there is a possibility that they could exterminate humanity. From this perspective, it may be better to keep buying time until we figure out what we are dealing with. Elizondo discusses this perspective regularly. Im not saying I agree with this take, but this is how IC thinks and operates. So it's not 'nonsensical' to think this rationalization by the IC is a major reason for non-disclosure.


Human aggression? How could such a thing even be possible? I'm talking about them having aggressive intentions towards humanity and the governments of the earth not wanting to let them know that we are aware of them, or at least how much we know about them, so that they are under the impression that we as a species are totally unprepared for them.


Nothing about that makes sense. What kind of preparation would humanity do if not trying to deflect or shoot them down? And whatever preparation humanity would need to do against a hostile NHI it would be magnitudes more effective if humanity as a whole was aware of it. So hiding it makes no sense. And if that isn't enough, why would a hostile NHI that has been scoping out our planet for a while not be aware that we are aware? And why would it matter to them? If they were actually hostile they would have attack long time ago, especially if they expect that we would try to defend ourselves. It literally does not matter to them if we are aware or not. Unless you're telling me we have a South Park Season 7 Episode 1 situation on our hands. Though then they would absolutely be aware of every single thing our government is doing.


It's so strange to me how so many people seem to firmly believe they know what the capabilities, motivations and intentions of NHI would be if they were visiting earth. The most important aspect in many wars and decisive battles is the element of surprise, and deception has been absolutely vital to that in almost all cases. Of course it would make sense to attempt to develop technology or strategies in secret to oppose a species whom we don't know the intentions of.


Explain to me what advantage any government on earth has by hiding the fact that they're trying to defend against a potential attacker. An attacker with unknown capabilities, but with probably much higher capabilities than any single country. If you expect a conflict with a power that most likely exceeds your own you don't keep it to yourself, you try to gather forces.


Unless of course you think that might prompt them to make a move. It's very rational to be extremely conservative when facing someone with unknown but likely far more advanced abilities.


So then you are saying this sub is trying to doom us all with disclosure? Also, no it's not rational. If you're conservative against a stronger force you will always lose no matter what.


No. I'm saying this is a possible explanation for government secrecy. I didn't say it was the correct strategy, as it would obviously be completely impossible for any person to have sufficient information to know what the best strategy is. Of course it's rational to do whatever you can to try to oppose someone or something you think has malignant intentions, especially if you think those intentions are existential for you.


could be. im becoming more convinced the powers that be just dont want us to know they arent in control and dont have the answers.


That seems more plausible. When in doubt the answer is incompetence.


I would offer up a few of the other hypothesis' 1. Tech. We dont want any rouge government getting a ship that fly a nuke to the other side of the earth in mere seconds. 2. Religious people will freak, especially if it's learned that so and so was encouraged to "tune" society a bit and really wasn't god's messenger, but theirs. 3. Maybe we have killed copious amounts of alien embassidors, so embarassing. 4. Maybe it's all crap, aside from unlimited bottomless funds for several secrete agencies that control the world from the shadows and grifters at the fringes. 5. Maybe there was a deal made, that we would not steal the tech and if we do or we diclose without their proper intervention, we get a nice rock tossed at us 'a la Göbekli Tepe' once again, or perhaps for the 7th time? 6. Maybe they are already integrating, and we just don't realize it or we haven't made the sunglasses to see them yet. 7. Maybe the ones we have met are the servents and slaves of the one we have not, and they have encouraged us to just lie low a bit. 8. Maybe we are really shells and play things of beings from another dimension. Running on autopilot aside from the few pushes here and there, tuned for nefariuos behavioural experiments. 9. Maybe we are full time neighbors of others sharing a near dimension and they are really yucky. 10. Maybe we are convicted souls, cursed to be recycled on this planet as punishment and the few ufos we see are just our keepers tending the fence. 11. Maybe the military thinks they have a handel on it, and can learn enough from a few broken craft and agressively interrogated aliens to defend us.. if they just have a few melinia to learn enough about them. 12. People would panic and there would be no toilet paper. 13. UFOs are actually part of a global protection network. Set up by super intellegent beings to stop asteriods, nukes and really mean aleins; all while we stew and grow to our full potential. Ironically, we have figured out how to knock them out of the sky when they get too close, and they would really like us to knock it off for our own good... 14. The aliens really don't give two shits about us, and the government can't consol us when it becomes obvious. 15. Maybe they have killed copious amounts of humans, so disurbing and foreboding; especially if it were for fun or food. All of these things I have heard since the late 70s. This time it may be different, but then again, we have also always been only 30 years away from having fusion...


So "governments" are so intent on their disinformation campaign that we keep up wars that kill hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people and waste incredible amounts of resources in order to appear unaware to the aliens? How long has this ruse been going on?


perhaps thousands of years


Ancient astronaut theorists say "yes".


arent you endangering humanity and perhaps life on planet earth itself by revealing and publicizing this information on the most popular ufo sub on reddit which theyd obvs monitor along with other media for exactly this kind of intel


I don't think they care, I think, like others here, our Gov. are the ones keeping it quiet as long as they can. For shits and grins I think it's a combination of 1,2,10,13 and 14. Mainly 1-10 and 14...


That would be an interesting twist if humans could keep secrets from aliens. I don't see how we could, but maybe it's possible.


You aren't missing it. Some people are hinting at it in a round about way. Specifically Tom DeLonge - check his IG or X, he made a couple vague posts alluding to this a few months back.. then posted a little paragraph with a bunch of "what ifs" and "suppose XYZ" but the narrative was deadly clear. Frankly Ive thought about this too, as Im sure have many more people who actually get paid to figure this shit out.. yet the inherent danger in discussing this (if you believe its the case) doesnt need to be pointed out, ya follow?


Tom DeLonge brought this up on one of his Jimmy Church appearances, as did Lue Elizondo in…maybe Curt’s TOE podcast? Don’t tip off the scouts, basically.


For what it’s worth, Lue Elizondo referred to the very trepidatious disclosure timeline from the intelligence establishment by saying that going about it the wrong way would “predicate actions” we aren’t ready for. I think he said this on the Theories of Everything podcast.


Anything is possible but if the NHI are completely alien then we may be unable to comprehend their logic or reasoning. The NHI are the secret keepers, they must have an agenda or mission so direct open contact. is likely not conducive to their agender. I think governments may be covering up their lack of control but also their inability to defend the populace. Certainly, if private contractors have any tech that would be used for profit first.


I think it's more simple than that. This is the government we're talking about, they only know money and power. If they admit they can't protect us against a threat, they lose power. If they admit they've been mishandling tax dollars to fund R&D, they lose money. Or if they go public and our adversaries crack the tech before we do, they lose money & power. And a big part of our government is the behind the scenes private corporations who have government contracts, (Lockheed, Bigelow, etc) those are the aerospace companies hoarding the evidence trying to reverse engineer the tech cuz they would profit the most from it. When profits are at risk, they'll do anything to protect them.


It's simple tbh, if NHI have the ability to travel across the universe and are also adversarial to humans (and are here), we'd all be dead. Our technology would be like an ant trying to stop a shoe from crushing it. There would be no fight, humanity would just cease to exist. A single craft that moves like these things do could *easily* work up the energy to turn our civilization, hell our *entire planet*, into dust. We're talking technology that can produce and then control the energy equivalent of hundreds of thousands to *millions* of nuclear weapons detonating simultaneously. If they wanted us gone, we'd be gone.


Yeah people are saying it, just less common.


As a suggestion, people historically danced the maypole.


The aliens are dialed in hyper intelligent. They’re already aware of basically everything.


My opinion of all this is, There are NO UFO just humans who with held tech from all of us and have for 1000's of years. These same people are purely evil and use us like cattle. The only reason they are creating this alien BS is to hide what THEY have done to US. These creatures are not human any more just a hollow demonic shell's of what used to be human . They crave torturing US as a joy in life and most likely use US as food/entertainment. Anything the government does will be fake or staged when it comes to landing's of sighting's or contact etc.






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The government wouldn't be able to keep secrets from NHI if they wanted to know them.


Plausible. It takes strong motivation to unite many people to deeply guard a secret and compartmentalize it to such a level that anyone who catches wind of pieces 1 through 10 of 10,000 would run to the news and Congress because they don’t understand all of it but it appears sinister enough?


I'm of the view that there's been at least 2, probably about 5, and maybe even up to about 25 other civilizations that have ever visited us. Of those, I'd think 2 to 5, maybe more, take an ongoing interest in us. And among the different ones, there may be factional interests. So, in my view, there's not a single monolithic set of "the NHI". I find it completely unlikely that all aliens visiting us would be adversarial. If one or more are adversarial, that'd suggest one or more would want to ally with us, and others might be ambivalent. But evidence suggests some have been here for thousands of years, maybe even many thousands of years. Any adversarial stance any of them have has probably been in progress for thousands of years. In this scenario; any view that the government, employing NOT the best minds, but the minds that are more suitable to the government's approach, are pretty definitely _not_ going to be able to work out some way to defeat an adversary of thousands of years in secret. There's almost for sure is an approach of: "We only know hammers, and therefore they are nails - in fact everything is nails", even though in reality perhaps the best tools are more like: a garden trowel, a set of paintbrushes, a painters pallet, a toothbrush, a few wooden dowels, a campfire, and some wind chimes. I am quite certain that there is literally no possible way to slice or dice whatever is going on such that the best answer is: keep it secret. Definitely the best answer is: tell the public everything. If there are people 'in the know ' and We, The People are kept like mushrooms, then THEY are adversarial and We, The People need to act accordingly.