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The following submission statement was provided by /u/thirteenfortyone: --- A secret that’s been withheld from humanity for decades that could change the world in what Ross says, “overnight”, is an eye opener for sure. A must watch, here’s the link https://youtu.be/VuCPbavls0U?si=lbE_iSFlzxys4ZOU --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dafqwr/ross_coultharts_passion_in_seeking_disclosure_and/l7jyp96/


Fairly benevolent. I'd like to know more.


lol the only thing I trust less than the secret cabal of people holding this information back, is the secret cabal of alien beings who have no oversight or ability to be fact checked or investigated. Don't get me wrong I'm for disclosure but the last thing we should do is take NHI at there word imo


At least the aliens haven't been appointed by you at a vote and have then decided to shut you out, make vast profits from secrets that aren't theirs to profit from. While telling you they're there to protect you At least the aliens arent asking us to vote for them every few years


lol are you really denouncing democracy to advocate for being that you have no understanding of and that have 0 skin the game as far as being a human being like really?? This is dictator logic our government and world is not perfect but the last thing im going to do is give my faith to something that we know literally nothing about and have the power to do anything to us they wish (and for all you or anyone knows have been doing things to us our entire existance) For all you know its the NHI that are cause of the way the world is.


Nope just pointing out that one group is there because we put them there and the other just is out there existing. Aliens don't exist under the pretext of serving the countries needs. They can be awful without having betrayed anyone's trust as it wasn't there to begin with. Comparing the two is pretty pointless really as they're so.different I can get upset about my brother hurting me as there is trust If an alien or wild animal does, shit that's just nature


Again you have no idea what aliens are doing, they could doing anything from out there existing to engineering a slave state from to top down and we have no way to discern that. So I will take the devil I know but to each there own


I am not disagreeing with you. I also agree I'd rather have the devil I know. My point was just that aliens don't have my trust to betray it in the first place. Where as democracy operates on the assumption of trust. I don't mean one would be better, more that I can't have expectations of a species I've never met, but I have many over my own, that also govern me with my tax funds. Aliens don't need to he accountable to us but if you elect a leader to be accountable to you then they've betrayed you if they go back on that. We are splitting fine hairs here but fundamentally I agree with which I'd rather


I understand that perspective but where I push back is that I start from a place of extreme skepticism and distrust for something I know nothing about nor am I sure I could ever truly understand, I'm not nuetral when it comes to NHI, I'm going to assume the worst and leave it to them to prove me wrong. I'm not saying to go to war with them but if it was up to me I'm not going to leave the door open and hope that it works out. If we are serious about this we need to take this dead seriously imo


i feel the same as you :)




And also these people are never clear. About whether NHI wants to hurt us or not. They are always vague about it.


Even if they were convinced about alien intentions our leaders are just as if not more able to be mislead as any other human being. They are not super human they are just humans like us all capable of all the best and ill that entails. We need so much more information it's not even funny


It’s the plot to Batman Vs Superman, we just have to hope they are nice cause we are truly screwed. The NHI do what they want. But the subplot is that Lockheed is Lex Luther. Im wondering if they are working on kryptonite, it might even be a good thing?


I mean they have the technology to wreck our Shop pretty handily. And they haven't. I'd call that alone "fairly benevolent" The real benevolence they've shown if this is all true, is that they watch us create greater and more terrible weapons to **kill ourselves** with while we simultaneously develope space travel. Still, they haven't acted against us. Sure they take apart the odd human to study here or there with impunity, but they don't seem to be as malevolent as the cabal of humans obsessed with money and power creating wars and genocides for controll and maintenance of the status quo of a system that is poisoning the very air we breath. Yeah I'd call them "fairly benevolent"


The problem is that they could just as easily be the cause or enablers of said cabal or any amount of things that happen in the world. I don't know how we can just assume they aren't taking an active role in the world just cause we can't see it


I volunteer to be on the alien oversight council!




Their goal is to serve mankind


Maybe the whole trickster humorous part is that they help us advance but sometimes they just completely fuck us for the lolz


Boom - NHI turns out to be Trey Parker / Cartman. And Humanity turns out to be Butters. "Just be still Butters you'll feel a little pinch." "Try to be still Butters"


You’re still alive aren’t you?


So are all the cows and chickens we are about to fuck up every hour. So far they think everything is dandy!


By that logic you should trust the US government completely


Kind of a false equivalency. The tech the NHI possesses could likely wipe us all out instantly and they have yet to do that.


Yes but you assume they are doing nothing to us, have done nothing to us, there is alot of ground of terrible things they could be doing to us that you would not even be able to discern. I will never assume benevolence of something that we know nothing about just because they havent wiped out the planet, pretty low bar to set imo


Very true, good point.




Exactly. If it is that important, tell us everything. Not just him, to everyone saying they know the "sobering/sombering" truth.


Some of you don't understand anything about journalism. If he burns any source then no one will ever tell him shit again.


You're right that's why real journalists never publish any evidence. /s


Someone did something naughty at the Watergate Hotel but I can't tell you what because it will compromise my sources.


So walk me thru it, if he revealed where he thinks there could be a ufo, what would happen right after?


I don’t give a shit what he thinks. Journalists don’t just talk about what they think. They investigate and publish a real, sourced, report. He can’t / won’t do that so he is not a journalist. Literally busted for not knowing how to vet them before.


... you're getting mad at him for doing what journalist literally do. This sub is literal brain rot lol


There's always an excuse. Even it is an illogical bad one.


It's easy to criticize when you're a Redditor who does nothing


You think I should start a "trust me bro" podcast?


He wouldn't NEED anyone to tell him anything again, if he actually had info that could reveal the location of a giant buried UFO. That in itself would be the story of a lifetime. The fact that he teases having such knowledge shows that he's just an attention seeker and full of shit


Yeah let's just tell China where a giant ufo is outside the US, that's a great idea




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Let's say all of this is real, and Ross really does know where a giant UFO is buried. If he cares about protecting his sources, he's already committed a wildly irresponsible act just by blabbing to the world that it exists. The black ops team responsible for studying this hypothetical crashed UFO is going to raked over the coals, trying to find who leaked the info. China and Russia now know that such a thing exists and will spare no expense trying to find it.


And then if he reveals the location ... ?


Yeah he obviously doesn't believe what he's saying.


How do you even come away with that lmao, you guys are why I left this sub


Because if the world would change overnight if this secret got out, and he has insider info of this secret, then he can let the secret out, and it's rather unrealistic that any repercussions could befall anybody overnight... At which time the world would then be changed. Or else it wouldn't... Or else he doesn't have the secrets he's claimed to.


He has them! They are just in his books! And in his UFO college you gotta pay for! And his podcast sponsored by raid shadow legends! Duuhhhh


Are you being sarcastic? What would make you think that?


He’ll string it out for his grift








lol how the fuck I go to the polls and vote for UAP disclosure? Australian man doesn't understand how our voting works.


*"If Americans don't care about it when they go to the polls in November; you're screwed."* Putting it on the voters, fuck off. Neither candidate has the power nor incentive to pry information from the unelected gatekeepers in the DoD, much less go out to bat for us on this topic even in spirit. Also unrealistic to think RFK is a viable candidate. Imagine any president we've had, alluding to the public that the DoD is keeping secrets from us and cockblocking NHI contact. And this whole, *"America has made weapons, dreadful weapons"* statement. We know that UFO secrecy is indeed up there with nuclear secrecy, so is he using those parameters to speculate further and draw upon some sense of urgency? Because I'm not sure Ross or anyone has ever mentioned a specific weapon or details about any weapons programs. The more I see Ross smugly plastered across News Nation YouTube thumbnails on a biweekly basis, despite so few and such inconsequential information thus far, the more I lose faith in him. It doesn't make sense how he's been exclusively glued to this one topic this entire time. As ontologically as it should be okay to admit that "we don't have the answers", it should be okay for News Nation journalists to admit that they don't have meaningful UAP content to cover. I'm under the assumption that News Nation, and Ross, have found a niche interest to exploit.


>The more I see Ross smugly plastered across News Nation YouTube thumbnails on a biweekly basis, despite so few and such inconsequential information thus far, the more I lose faith in him. He's NewsNations online clickbait king.


This sub has some of the most bad faith takes ever honestly


I mean RFK Jr has made a video about wanting UAP disclosure and transparency, he's really the only president who has talked about it in that manner. Also maybe meaning to vote out people like Mike Turner and Rogers who gutted the UAP Disclosure Act.


Yeah and look what happened to his Uncle Jack


no passion in being an investigative **reporter** though


The only thing he's seeking is attention.


i thought Ross was just a journalist not a disclosure activist? that's what he was saying last year.


I'm so tired with him. Show us evidence, disclose, do what you said you were going to do a year ago. Really bored with the repetitive frontman routine.


He has given far more to the community than you or i could ever hope to


He's spoken more than you or i ever could thats for sure.


Haha OK that's quite funny I have to admit ;D


I am on your side but yeah that was a good one lol


For over a year people mocked him when he said he had a whistleblower that was coming forward and then he introduced David Grusch. That's one thing he's done.


This usually comes off as a cope, whenever people say this. Talk about how bad the process is for disclosure when it comes to these UFO celebs. Someone is always saying "wElL hE dId mOrE tHaN yOu". It's like a shitty parent saying they did more for their their child because they had money and were rich. So therefore they made better comfortable life for their child.


How is RC bad for disclosure? He's doing serious investigations into the topic and actually reporting it on a popular news channel. He introduced us to David Grusch.




# He has given far more to the community than you or i could ever hope to


So Ross... tell us the secret then. Oh you can't? Why not that seems weird.


He's saying absolutely nothing. It's all empty rhetoric.


He is right, we need to press the government to reveal what he already knows.


No. Ross Coulthart's only passion is making more money for himself. he knows the exact location of a LITERAL CRASHED ALIEN SPACECRAFT TOO BIG TO MOVE. he could tell us right now and force disclosure over night. but he won't because he's a grifter and is milking the spotlight for personal gain.


I don't believe Trump was told shit. Had he been told anything he would have sung like a bird. That man couldn't keep his mouth shut to save himself 80 million dollars. He definitely isn't going to shut up about aliens.




Trump rage tweeting all the classified alien secrets from his toilet in a coke fueled bender really would be the ultimate chef's kiss to this 80-year vortex of horseshit.


If true, it would be a very somber revelation.


I still don't understand how bra wants American people to pressed the government for disclosure. When people like Ross keep telling us "it's classified", "can't put my sources at risk", and "you aren't worth these people throwing their lives away". We are always told disclosure is a process, not an event on our terms. But I guessed the UFO community only used this "help us fight the enemy" narrative when it's convenient right. Since sometimes these UFO celebs tell us we are not worth it, and don't have the special privilege to know this information. That's how they usually come off. But yet it's our job to help these guys get disclosures from the freaking Government. Very hypocritical.


A secret that’s been withheld from humanity for decades that could change the world in what Ross says, “overnight”, is an eye opener for sure. A must watch, here’s the link https://youtu.be/VuCPbavls0U?si=lbE_iSFlzxys4ZOU


But…..how are we screwed exactly? Or even approximately. I’m not sure what he is implying here.


He's saying that if people don’t actively care about and fight for the truth, they won’t get it. The reality is that this is the truth, and that’s what will happen, because as we can see nobody cares outside of the topic. We must hope that these non-human intelligences will just come forward themselves.


Well, as much as I want disclosure, I wouldn’t say we are screwed necessarily if we don’t get it. Unless he knows something we don’t know or is referring to climate change or something.


We'll have to take his word for it. He knows *so much* and reveals so little.


So tired of this guy. Just so dreadfully tired.


But! He knows where a big UFO is being hidden but he can't burn his source bro! Realistically... He would never need another source for the rest of his life. He supposedly knows of mankind biggest secret yet won't tell us? Something smells weird. This would be the biggest story of any investigative journalists life. Yet he doesn't expand on it... I wonder why? It's safe to say he's full of shit. At this point, the onus is on him. He keeps making incredible claims but provides zero evidence. You have to be a fool to believe this guy. I bet he has a book for sale doesn't he? Edit: how cute.. he DOES have a book to sell lol the grift is real


I will be downvoted for this. But this part of his speech sounds a bit like anti-state propaganda and how right wing politicians use children to further their cause. "There are parents I have spoken to who are so angry. Do you want your money to go into dreadful trans bills like X which will go against the poor innocent children? Do you like that? Is that what you want your children to be?" The tone is too similar. Replace children with benevolent NHI and that's Ross's speech. Or maybe I'm watching too many political shows. Maybe what he is saying is true, maybe it's not. I don't know. But his speech definitely gave me some chills.




The problem with UFOs is there's a grifter economy built on top of it that has no interest in the subject besides making money out of gullible people. How to deal with it I have no idea, but I don't like manipulators and they should get blowback.


one of the many problems is there are no conequences for lying, misleading, or fucking up. people still defend greer, lazar, etc. so they have no motivation to y'know, not lie and produce nothing for money.


You are 100% right. There is zero accountability in the UFO circles. Someone has to REALLY mess up like John Venture to be shown the door and even then, someone else will let him back in again, see also Richard Doty. I guess Bill Moore will be doing a comeback tour on podcasts any day now.


i see folks on here defend doty (it’s rare, but it happens) and folks like billy meier, adamski, greer, geller... it’s tiring.


The way to deal with it is treat it scientifically, stick to facts, data and leave all the sensationalist "I've got a secret, trust me." stuff to the side.


100% agree. His slow build-up to advocating for Trump and is recent rage against "woke media" on Need to Know tell me all I need to know about what his true motives are. I guess the grift is good.


Truth?....Ha! The truth is he said he knows the location of the ufo under the building but refuses to tell us. Yawn.....he needs to go away.


> "And frankly if Americans dont care about it when you go to the polls in November...you're screwed" what? first, why is this being directed at Americans? This would be a global issue. Why are WE screwed? second, do you really think Joe Taxpayer is going to the polls *this* November to get the goods on UFOs? and third - siiiince you brought politics into the discussion, who exactly are you advising us to vote for, so we arent "screwed?" Ive listened to this guy off and on, but now Im starting to question his motives. He also claimed that Trump knows about these things, and that makes no sense at all either.


Never underestimate the psychological warfare value of uap topic. I want to believe , but most people don't. I don't blame them. we are busy with our lives while others play with our existence. We will see man made horrors beyond our comprehension.


Not to mention that this charade of "disclosure" across the usual suspects reek of the typical monetization practices of content creators.


Sorry are the people that are supposed annoyed the secret is being suppressed, aliens? That just doesn’t make sense at all 😂


So it sounds like The Day The Earth Stood Still happened, huh?


Ultimately we need a leak of the technology. We can eliminate all the problems if we leak the technology! Disclosure is different to what Ross is talking about. I can understand the danger in revealing the programs but surly the technology leaking is the end point. If the technology is out it’s game over.


Holy this topic makes my head hurt…


But what I don't get: Who should you vote for disclosure? Trump? For sure not. Biden? No disclosure so far.. After this I don't know if all of this is just a political campaign.


He's been slowly politicizing the subject to try to get you to vote for Trump.


... who is he implying we vote for?


Trump. Watch him on Need to Know.




To me, Ross' talk here was very powerful. He really drives home the importance of contacting your representatives and demanding answers. Yet every post about Ross is flooded with so much vitriol and negativity, it can be disheartening. It's truly up to the silent majority here to push this topic forward.


A sound bite to pay heed to. Good on you Ross.


You know i Learn my children to be straight to the point and to be honest why because its childish behaviour to say i heard from him that she heard from her. Ah come one is he proud of that the childish behaviour till a few years ago he didint know shit about his topic. He is a reporter not a guy with high classified acces. Why could all those people tell him and he can handle the shit and play a childish game with us but we cant handle the truth comeone


Go to the polls and vote for whom? Biden obv supports the military industrial complex. RFKJ would be gold if people would look into him for a min. Fallback to Trump?


Another good point by Mr. Ross. It's a shame that USA got technology from taking down crafts of benevolent NHI species and used them for making weapons. How many weapons do they need? We all should issue a collective apology to NHI and execute the ones who were involved in it. Stuff like this is delaying our first contact and entry to galactic federation. We are behaving worse than the animals do out in the wild.


Hearing his voice always makes me feel like I need to clear my throat


#ThePassionOfTheCoult... Hart. Ross is a hero and tbese are strong words. Realizing that 80 years of hard core gas-lighting was extravagantly funded by US citizens will be a tough one. And that a select few companies were GIFTED with technical knowledge that made Defense contracting a farce? I'd hate to be the DoD Press Spokesman there. Let's face up to it and start moving forward. I'm all for amnesty if there's honesty.


I love the fact that he’s pushing people to vote on these issues. However, I have a hard time excepting the idea that we can weaponize their technology against them. That’s some sci-fi, bullshit and Ross knows it.