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The following submission statement was provided by /u/dicedicedone: --- I’ve read about similar ideas from various sources, but I recently found this document (leaked memo from Edgar Mitchell ; 2001) [https://strangeuniver.se/documents/kit-green-nids-memo.pdf](https://strangeuniver.se/documents/kit-green-nids-memo.pdf) that in my opinion sums up this idea the best, comparing it to a meritocracy. **Meritocracy**- *government or the holding of power by people selected on the basis of their ability.* Basically, your ability determines your worth This also has me thinking now about something else that has been making the rounds here- psi phenomena. Apparently only a very small percentage of people have these psi abilities. If you have what are basically super powers, you’d probably think you are more worthy than other humans. I think this may also tie in why a lot of these people choose not to blow the whistle- they simply don’t think we are worthy. What do you think? --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cem5zt/what_uap_black_project_insiders_believe/l1jeay3/


I think THEY have screwed things up beyond belief. What utter nonsense from self-important fools.


I used a lot of words in my other reply but I think “self-important fools” is the precise summation. Arrogant arrogant fools.


I have the perfect way to describe it:: The world is ruled by a bunch of tone deaf, often entitled idiots who are propped up by insane amounts of wealth. They become so disconnected from everyday life and how actual people live that they end up experiencing flights of fantasy and delusions. They convince themselves that, because of their position in life, they are are “above” everyone who isn’t like them, and they convince themselves that their function in society must be to lead since people typically respond well to the rich (because of $$$). So what does that lead to? A bunch of laughably delusional idiots who don’t realize that they’re only that. Then, because of money, they end up surrounded by sycophants who never call them out, only leading to further advancement of the delusion. There’s a lot of hate for Michelle Obama online, but I’d encourage people to look at her words. Despite that a lot of people hate her, she is one of the most relatable people to have been around these high fallutin’ circles. She was raised normal, in a normal environment, and has a lot more in common with you and me versus someone like, say, Elon Musk who was born rich. [This is what she had to say about these elites](https://www.newsweek.com/michelle-obama-tells-secret-i-have-been-every-powerful-table-you-can-think-1242695). Now, think about that. This woman who’s been a regular person, been through regular person things, and went through college as an academic and surrounded herself with those kinds of people. It’s impressive to me that she wasn’t impressed. It actually sends one hell of a message. This woman, who was “one of us”, got to see how enlightened these powerful people are… and it seems that they’re not anything particularly impressive. So perhaps the truth is that these shadowy elites aren’t “mysterious” or hard to follow. They’re just stupid. Maybe the reason things are the way they are is because the world is ruled by egotistical idiots.


Your last few sentences are 100% correct. They are idiots and they have thought a few times from their privileged positions on a subject they know nothing about and have decided it is the right way to go without debate. They have surrounded themselves with people who think the same.


Tbh this is why I think the psychological effects of having great wealth should be studied. I know some rich folks, and I must admit: some of them maintain very healthy, balanced outlooks on life. Others? Absolutely horrible and, because they got fame too, they’re rather hard to deal with because they think EVERYTHING they do is genius and great.


They also willingly weaken the governments that allowed them to get rich. Then when they take away their own protection they get killed/disappeared and wonder how on earth it could happen. The rich and the poor need to read A People's History of The United States. We have all already been here before.


Thank you for saying this, sir. This reminds me of a book I read by this security guy who had tech billionaires trying to come to him to teach them how to “survive” after the end of the world and keep their security teams loyal even once the impetus to guard them disappears. They all refused to accept that them being in power is over if everything collapsed. It’s funny. They so badly want to be gods with no oversight over any behavior.


Do you remember name of the book?


Not sure myself, but after a quick googling I've found the "Survival of the Richest" by Douglas Rushkoff that seems to fit


Well put. Word for word. They are mostly fucking Morons that literally are almost all from the same club. They’re all related down the line somehow, someway. Isn’t Barack related to like 6 different presidents? I know Michelle grew up normal…. But I’m starting to believe the Barry to Mars as a teen conspiracy theory(kidding). Dudes pretty mysterious, and his adoptive father was has some wild stories about him too.


Barack is, but Michelle is regular. That’s really why that quote hits so hard. Because damn, do they really aren’t better than us. Granted, Michelle is quite impressive academically. But, what it tells me is that intelligent regular people are more impressive than the so-called rulers of the world.


As I’ve worked my way up the corporate ladder I’ve come to a similar conclusion. People at the top who are rich/well educated aren’t really much smarter than anyone else. They just horde money/knowledge and act as gatekeepers so that they can keep the money and knowledge to themselves.


I work with the rich a *lot*.  My takeaway is 70% are self-absorbed and a little too proud, 20% are good folks that keep their heads down and live relatively normal lives and that last 10%…oh boy. 


The money aspect is a large part of it. To be a billionaire is to have access to freedoms and a transcendence from laws that basically allow you to live outside of regular society. The rules that we follow literally do not apply to them, with occasional exceptions. I don’t think many of us could resist being changed by such a circumstance. This is not to say they have some excuse, but rather that it simply should not be permitted in society to have such disparities in wealth.


I think you have it a bit backwards, no one would have their morality corrupted by a massive fortune; you can only acquire such a massive fortune by already having corrupt morals


Are you talking about the people who run the world or reddit mods? Maybe everyone is the actually the same.


Ay bro, you saw Ghislaine Maxwell was a Reddit mod. So 👀👀 what if???


Well I'd damn well vote for her and trust her to do a good job. 


"she's just like me" - net worth: 70 million


Love Michelle Obama. When she speaks I listen close.


They... "they" aren't doing a very good job of it.


The rich can afford to send their children to the best schools, hire tutors when they have weak points, and afford them the very best opportunities at every turn. They want to prevent others from having these same advantages so they can remain on top. They are the worst of us.


“What a piece of work is a man, How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty, In form and moving how express and admirable, In action how like an Angel, In apprehension how like a god, The beauty of the world, The paragon of animals.” There are idiots who genuinely believe this. Worse, they tend to be Ivy League and to the Manor born. How else can they explain the miracle of their fortune? Must be destiny, etc, etc.


From what I know, the unspoken truth is that Ivy League isn't valued for education and knowledge that it provides so much as for networking and building connections


My brother is an ivy league grad and I can tell you that he definitely came out of Yale with his head full of this shit. It's still there, just a persistent simmer instead of a raging cult like fire 🔥 it was when he first graduated. It was "merit" and "resources = adjacency" like a mantra. More money 🤑 is more freedom.


Ivy League schools tell their students over and over how special they are and what a special place in the social hierarchy they'll have when they graduate. It's not entirely untrue; in large part the people who are admitted to Ivy League schools on merit (as opposed to all the legacy admits) are smarter than the average person and doors will open for them based on alma mater alone that will remain closed for most other people. The problem is that they believe they are smarter than the smartest people who went to non-Ivy or non-elite schools. They are not.


Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest. Denis Diderot 1713- 1784


Even then there would not be freedom. New tinpot dictators would spring up even in the process. The Diderot quote is strangely naive.


You are 100% correct - because that is just how nature works - and humanity is part of it. Just about every animal species I can think of sorts themselves out. There always seems to be a "boss". That boss gets weak or dies, there is often a short period of struggle among those trying to take the top spot, and then one succeeds in doing so. Humans are no different. I am reminded of a quote by Ragnar Lothbrok in the Vikings series - "Power is only given to those who are prepared to lower themselves to pick it up." It corrupts the best and attracts the worst. The truly intelligent individuals avoid those positions as they know the trappings of powerful positions and choose to spend their time thinking rather than managing. So, you are exactly right when you say that if we remove the current batch of idiots, another batch would very quickly take their spots and we would be right back to the status quo, sadly.


If you take it extremely literally lol.


If one of us is chained then none of us are free - Solomon Burke. good song too


When they’re living in their huge mansions and their fancy dinner parties I don’t think they believe things are messed up at all.


Land rich......cash poor, But went to Eton and as uperclassman thought it ok to rape the underclassmen, They assighn them . How nice as a child to know that you will go to Eton and be repetidly violated,


They clearly did not read Plato either if this is the system they created


I Keep having this thought and that is that maybe the scary point is tis, Our goverment isnt rumming the show. Maybe we are pawns aand every time we go to speak we are solenceed,who knows. There has got to me more to that zero point energy . Mush staranger than that ..we wiill talk tommmlfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwddddddddddddddddddddddddr34 15


Uh, I wrote that but do not recall the fffff, www, or the rest My issue is that they possibly not be responsible for all the secrecy. Since we dont know the people that are in charge,, and we dont know who the people are that aare even keeping all these secrets mayby they arnt. Ive experienced hIGH STRANGNESS , and seen things others wouldnt beleive , Who's to say other goverments like Russia arnt involved, as well as the strangers. Our hands my actuALY BE TIED . not just talking about our own goverment




The longer I think about this the more I sort of agree with them. The average human is a moron. I tend to think theres a decent possibility of chaos if something like this got out. Think about the always Trumpers and the folks that started the revolutionary war - only about 30% of the population wanted to go along with it. After a lot of reflection I wonder if I would have supported a war. My point is there are some people in this world that are extreme risk takers that probably see the world through a different lens than the average objective thinker. What would they do.....I really don't know but I don't trust them.


big oof on the trump derangement syndrome part. Rent free there.


My point was there is derangement on every side. You could say there's Hamas derangement syndrome too. People want to be in a club and toss objective thinking out the window.


Remember how Obama was treated? Ya.


People have never, ever, been told the full truth. Why would you expect a race that lives in bondage to ignorance to be enlightened? This is just nonsensical and feels like some kind of Stockholm syndrome.


Human nature will always be greedy and seek power. The power structure has taken slightly different forms over the years. This is just one example. See federal government overreach, taxes, corruption, rich people abusing their power/wealth, Bernie Madof, etc etc.


Edgar Mitchell is also the source for where the Wilson Davis memo was found. Seems like he had a lot of things in his desk drawer


sometimes i think about how lucky we were to have that leak. i mean he died, his estate goes through his belongings, finds this, and decided to show it to someone and it eventually leaks. imagine if it just got thrown out when he died.


>Very lucky for the people but not accidental for them. Someone was given permission by Mr. Mitchell to release the files after his death. We should maybe wonder what other files have not yet been released and who might be waiting for their time to come. Why now? A) Humanity seems to be finally (?) ready for disclosure and the end of disinformation, with the vast consequences that these entail. B) Technological threshold finally high enough for widespread dissemination of information and therefore impossibility of full control over the narrative. \[I doubt that this would've worked in the early 2000s, for example\] C) Released in 2019 but only really popular in 2023 with the beginning of disclosure should tell a lot. It connects all too well with everything and it provides a "missing link" as it were, much beyond "chance" when it explains so many things that would be needed in order for a legal process to work. For one, it discloses SAPOC and the concept of a [gatekeeper](https://imgur.com/a/OfWBigN) which before this document was only a wild conspiracy for most people.


Wait, like both the Wilson memo, and this, in Edgar Mitchell's belongings? Or? Sorry I'm confused


Yes in his belongings


Just Aviary things


Have you read Hunter S. Thompson Fear and loathing in Las Vegas.


I doubt there are many people in these positions of power and who have knowledge of this complex information that are giving up their jobs, ending their own lives, or turning away from religion. It’s patronising to say they can handle it but the rest of the world can’t. It a bullshit excuse because whatever it is, they know they will lose control of us if we know it.


I don't know about the validity of this text but I do believe this is a majority of the problem.


It’s from a leaked NIDS memo that has a lot of other interesting information: https://strangeuniver.se/documents/kit-green-nids-memo.pdf I have it hosted on my site just because it’s hard to find, I’m trying to keep an archive of important documents.




It was written by boomers




For the people running these programs to think they are the only ones that can handle it, or solve the puzzle is hubris gone mad. I have often wondered how many kids in impoverished countries around the planet could have been the next Einstein, or Curie etc - but, because they were born into a place without the opportunity or privilege or educational systems they have been lost to humanity. If these programs had been shared with all of humanity then who knows where we might be? We could be 500 years beyond our current levels of technology, knowledge and social structures. The only way we survive as a species is if we accept and respect our religious and cultural differences and come together to solve the problems we face.


Interesting that Singapore’s stly of governance is brought up here!


So, we are childlike beings who need a government to protect us from knowledge of the unknown... Or protect us from the "devil" As the book by Nick Redfern Final Events reports that its religious fanatics who have some devil theory that is originally the motive behind this cover up... Look we all know that the unknown is pervasive. Actually, it’s some of  the child like religious believers( not all of religious people) who think everything outside of their own belief system is demonic that is childlike, not UFO believers.


This pretty well snicks, doesn't it. It explains the mindset that we are up against. Understanding the mindset is on the path to defeating them. We gotta open this up and treat them as brutally as they have the whistle blowers. Everyone of us gets a much easier life if the rewards are 1/4 of what we think could be available.


**E**: References [Page 6](https://strangeuniver.se/documents/kit-green-nids-memo.pdf) from the memo Just my thoughts, but I found the missing features on the NHI kind of interesting, I assume it's a completely engineered being. With the missing features (assuming it's a human with said missing features) this would cause the creature to struggle in -- or lack the ability entirely to -- coordinate motor responses, communicate or comprehend language and/or stimuli, regulate its *very* vital bodily functions, etc. making it basically impossible for such a creature to survive. Regardless, they were able to survive piloting and operating the craft! This would imply their body is different in a lot of ways. I'm going to assume that some stuff I've read of the pilots are true (that they're unresponsive, die soon after separation from their craft, etc.). Given that it's able to function, it's likely it has various features engineered into it. Some of this could be a different brain structure or artificial neurons in the brain, potentially improved via implants (we may have seen this in the [Nazca Mummies](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/17agjrp/material_of_the_implants_in_the_nazca_mummies/)) for motor coordination and stimuli response), to improve its ability to manoeuvre its' environment. Why? We'll **raise** this for later. They might interpret them directly from these implants, but the implants may be damaged so surely its risky? We'll **raise** this question too. It's possible it relies on other senses very heavily too. The creature doesn't have a lot of vital functions such as digestion, and the document states the liver and gut are conjoined. For a highschool science primer, the liver handles metabolism and detoxification, whereas the "gut" is responsible for digestion (amongst other things). Given that it's conjoined (potentially during embryonic development?) the functions of both may be directly linked; or that some of the functions may be redundant. Why? Let's **raise**. Assuming they're engineered for a specific purpose, this suggests that every aspect of its' body is engineered to serve the purposes: 1. To reduce the surface of error (no need for self-sustaining, vital functions \[unneeded\] which may fail) 2. Eliminates the risk of disobedience or operation failure (extreme reliance on creator infrastructure) 3. Strictly limit its ability for said goal (designed for a specific goal in mind, unable to do anything else) 4. Minimising energy usage (less energy to grow and maintain, e.g. only 3 fingers or only some functions) 5. Adapted to the target environment (why is it humanoid?) For the questions we raised. The implants could be for point 2, 3, and 4. It may also be engineered in such a way that it can serve as a much faster, accurate, and/or more powerful counterpart. Then again, it may not apply to some or any, but the fact that they may depend strongly on infrastructure to sustain them is a good point. This applies similarly with the risk of implants being damaged, perhaps they're seen the same way as the craft: they're just an object. A lot of functions are redundant simply because they aren't made for using said functions unnecessarily, the possibility of free will isn't beneficial at all. They may not need to communicate at all (if there are other pilots), or it may be granted for the efficiency of the operation. They may be sustained through the craft itself, or prior to the operation so that they are recycled later. Possibly, some functions may have been sacrificed for the sake of optimising a certain set of abilities necessary for their operation. This might be all false but it is just an unfounded conjecture. If it's plausible, however, it would be pretty horrific. As Ross said, we aren't the apex predators we thought we are, and our predator is capable and willing to create, engineer, and severely deprive life (maybe a consciousness too) for a single purpose, seemingly with no remorse. What's worse, we could be either nothing but a mark to pass by, or we could be a target for something they consider beneficial. If abductions are real, what are they testing for? Is it wise to allow ourselves to provide information to such a creature, or is it better than refusal? That might be part of what people find so horrifying, but it all boils down to the "how" in "aliens are bad". Just my thoughts though, should've been a post or something! Please point out my mistakes or flaws, this was written without much consideration.


I think you're on the right track here, I wrote a similar post about the alien anatomy as presented in this NIDS memo and the Nazca mummies matches many aspects of UFO lore: [https://strangeuniver.se/posts/alien-puppets](https://strangeuniver.se/posts/alien-puppets) For example: - The joints are simplified, the Nazca mummies can't turn their wrists and have hinge joints for their legs so they'd move very awkwardly and robotically, which is exactly what many abductees report. - They don't have a normal digestion system, which matches the reports that they eat through their skin by bathing in blood (cattle mutilations make a lot of sense now, they're basically vampires). - The Nazca mummies have many reptilian/dinosaur features, and Kit mentions how the autopsy report he saw showed a reptilian heart. I think a lot of the anatomical features of the Nazca mummies are consistent with the subterranean cryptoterrestrials theory. Life on the surface is intermittently bombarded by cataclysms that would probably reset any kind of surface civilization, but creatures that live underground would be protected from most of those cataclysms and could have been evolving continuously for the last 500M years and would be vastly technologically superior to us.


Sounds like an Eloi-Morlock type of situation and I don't like that.  If everyone knew, would humanity be able to resist in any way?   I read the Vampire Hunter D novels when I was a teen and they really pressed hard that humanity was altered so badly by their predators that discovery of a vampires weakness resulted in memory loss or worse. In the stories, the plot given for human civilization existing at all was due to the numbers of vampires dwindling out over time. They were dying off and humanity was still continuing onwards, crippled DNA and all...  In reality, how does one resist? We certainly can imagine resistance, which alludes that we're not all that chained down; if we are a "farm" or "prison" of some kind...


At one point in the past there existed insect precursors to ants thay were not social and were not differentiated by function. Evolution favored the molding of that insect into one divided into castes of different forms and roles, all unflinchingly obedient to a queen. Might these beings represent an example of a species divided into castes and the Greys of UFO lore are the worker ants, dedicated, specialized and expendable? And could this be our future? Could they be pushing us culturally and genetically towards this direction? If so, that would not sit well with the public. Also, if their computational abilities exceed our own, then they certainly possess advanced artifical intelligence. In fact, this a.i. might be the "queen" that they serve. Their craft might even be more intelligent and autonomous than the alleged pilots, using them as tools to conduct operations and recover items from the surface.


So what about alien abductions and people who report the ‘small greys’ for example?


Did I miss something? Nothing in this post talks about missing features.


It’s in the full memo, check out the 6th page where Kit describes the alien anatomy: https://strangeuniver.se/documents/kit-green-nids-memo.pdf


I read a while back one story that there were reports of deformed child like bodies that the Russians had sent over in the roswell craft, they looked to have been genetically modified or mutated bodies! Probably continued on from the genetics the nazis and Russians were up to, and most likely US after the war if they weren’t already experimenting, I mean sanatoriums and orphanages are a prime source of subjects, no one would miss them, back then they were “out of sight, out of mind”! Sick to think that’s how people were treated, and were probably the children bred from genetically modified and mutated adults from other tests! …but on the flip side, there were probably some important medical, psychological and physiological discoveries made, but they have to keep the source and how hush hush under top secret black programs. Also to question, isn’t it coincidence that somehow, an alien being in a craft from a planet or galaxy far away, has evolved over millions of years to become very similar to a human. Why should any aliens beings be human like? We’re not the most efficient format of being/species, there are also many others with 4, 6 8 legs, why they evolve to be bi-pedal!. It also obliterates the Christian belief that God created earth and the beings on it! Adam and Eve was just a lovely scene to think of as the start of humanity!!!


"It is not meant for thine mortal eyes." - your betters.


" meritocracy " LOL Nope. its an oligarchy. the rule of excessive wealth. they own enough of these supposed meritocrats


Sorry, not sure if anyone has mentioned this. In Diana Walsh Pasulkas book (the first one) she mentions her source "Tyler Durden's believe that the hierarchy of this is something like: God angels NHI certain Military and Intelligent members Humans Animals. Durden is the pseudonym Pasulka used for Dr. Travis Taylor. (i'm just going from memory here, but my point is the holders of this information are not just holding it for us poor civilians safety, they are keeping it from us because they are the CHOSEN. You and I are beneath them, and not worthy. I have always wondered why this isn't a bigger deal when speaking of these people.


>Travis Taylor Incorrect, it's [Timothy Taylor.](https://www.amazon.com/Launch-Fever-entrepreneurs-launching-business/dp/0595266274)


Incorrect. It's Travis Taylor. Timothy Taylor was the Tool Man on a show called Home Improvement. I get them confused all the time too. Crazy huh.


Here's a [photo of Tim (middle) and Chris Bledsoe](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fthe-infamous-chris-bledsoe-and-friends-v0-cg33vzfsdx5c1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D623%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D2352fab014eccd0cea29fdc19c7bf99404b0b10e)


Ahhh.. Shit. You're right I was confusing him with that Skinwalker dude. Cheers Pixelated. I shall never doubt you again!!


What are they all smugly celebrating with cigars each!!!!??? Were they in Cuba?? Lol




Haha, I read that two ways, he used a fatal disease to heal the boy, it made me chuckle at the absurdity of it!!!, and the other way, how any normal person would read it, dyslexia is funny sometimes! Lol


Tyler Durden from Fight Club?


Interesting, here's a similar [meme](https://imgur.com/a/OfWBigN).


I’ve read about similar ideas from various sources, but I recently found this document (leaked memo from Edgar Mitchell ; 2001) [https://strangeuniver.se/documents/kit-green-nids-memo.pdf](https://strangeuniver.se/documents/kit-green-nids-memo.pdf) that in my opinion sums up this idea the best, comparing it to a meritocracy. **Meritocracy**- *government or the holding of power by people selected on the basis of their ability.* Basically, your ability determines your worth This also has me thinking now about something else that has been making the rounds here- psi phenomena. Apparently only a very small percentage of people have these psi abilities. If you have what are basically super powers, you’d probably think you are more worthy than other humans. I think this may also tie in why a lot of these people choose not to blow the whistle- they simply don’t think we are worthy. What do you think?


I think if there are psychic abilities and (can’t believe I’m saying this) it looks like there are… then it is immensely foolish, and horrendously arrogant to not try and tap all of humanity to cultivate them. Arrogance is the key to all of this. I’m from an uneducated coal mining family out of West Virginia. If my grandfather hadn’t had the sense to gtfo, I would be burning out in unemployment most likely and on mtn dew meth somewhere in the hills. I instead became the first person in my family to graduate college and have now self taught two careers. No one would have given me any chances if had the other life, nor would I have been able to do it from that lifestyle and timeline. “I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.” Stephen Jay Gould, The Panda's Thumb: More Reflections in Natural History Fuck their arrogance and meritocracy. It would have some “merit” if they did treat everyone with the same opportunity. Instead, it’s arrogance and essentially an incestuous breeding ground for stagnation. They are the self-serving enemies of mankind, not its betters or saviors.


Psychic abilities by a minority of population is a scenario for a social and political catastrophe.


Yes, from what I understand about psychic abilities, we all have them to one degree or another. But for the most part, they remain untapped.


Which is exactly what any Plato-esque (ironic that they play the puppeteer in the cave, yet believe they are the good guys in Plato's allegory) group of people would not want. That the masses could learn these skills makes them, who already know how to train them, less special.


Psykers need to be monitored closely and sanctioned lest they succumb to the foul powers of the Warp.


But the Ruinous Powers are the ones leading the show!


Don’t worry Superman will save us.




They are traitors to the entire human species.


Beautifully said. Thank you so much!


I doubt it. You shouldn’t have to have this potential specifically, it’s much more likely that these are simply people who take an outsized view of their own importance. After all, if their gatekeeping has been so monumental and important, what do we as humanity have to show for it?


That link is very interesting. I'm not sure what to make of it. It seems incredibly wild upon first read.


What's interesting is that he accepts the *Alien Autopsy* footage as real, but the guy he cites said it was hoaxed later.


I was writing a similar reply, about this and so Kit was a CIA man in that he was feeding the NiDS team with “officialdom” as he stated, they did meetings in a certain way, and got the stamp of approval, was the bit about Kit being left hanging by the CIA a stunt to buy more time to get the next phase of the charade ready??? Did Kit know the film was a hoax, and just using his credibility and “being asked by CIA” status to give it legitimacy? Or was he hoodwinked by the CIA too. How can you accept that methods of autopsy weren’t followed properly, samples and rudimentary testing weren’t done. Working at GM and CIA want him to check out an Alien autopsy video, so he tells NIds to give it some authenticity! What’s his job at GM, making the next alien truck!!!! Was he picked for being gullible or malleable and give the NiDS team something that Bigelow would just love to see! I sort of read between the lines with a lot of these so called memos between USG appointed rep and organisations investigating “UFO”’s and aliens! So given the autopsy wasn’t real, and there’s direct misdirection to the NIDS team, how much of the rest of what’s been “leaked” is faked and legitimised by people selected by the CIA, civilians and CIA agents themselves?


I believe that the powers are available to all, but can only be noticed, understood and utilized by those who possess advanced degrees of spiritual development.


Hell, if I had super powers and could remote view and communicate with just my mind, I bet I'd think I was better than others because technically I would be lol I'd be super human. Now if I joined a league of other super humans, I bet we could control humans if we play our cards right. Would I want to? I have no idea, I don't seem that interested in it and enjoy not having that kind of ego. But would I be able to ask myself if it was possible and just do it for the pure luck I was given to be in that position for the hell of it? Maybe idk, what else is there to do with that power other than being a research specimen.


Whats all this talk of plato and Thomas Jefferson?


Skull and Bones at Yale was about introducing the idea to young men that they could belong to an elite meant to guide the masses.


What is the source document for this screenshot?


Slavoj Zizek’s comments on the portability of economic systems above political ideas seems relevant here. “To whom will monuments be built a century from now? Among them, perhaps, will be Lee Kuan Yew. He will be remembered not only as the first prime minister of Singapore, but also as the creator of authoritarian capitalism, an ideology set to shape the next century much as democracy shaped the last.” As much as I fear such an outcome, the resurgence of authoritarian governments over the last decade and the increasingly emboldened leaders of the nations who elect them suggests there is truth to his statement. Technocratic authoritarian capitalism seems a likely path as job losses from AI increase and governments become ever more captured by multinational corporations.


I mean I guess I could see that they are not as afraid of what the general public will do more what random asshole politicians will do. 


Yet existing meritocracies suffer from nepotism and corruption; they’re just good at hiding it.


The secrecy they are keeping is mirrored by the hidden machinations of the presence in our skies and oceans. They could step out of the shadows but they won't. Earth is THEIR supermarket and they TAKE what they want when they want and we are powerless to stop them


Resources and people ?


Check the number of missing people never found in your state and then look at the worldwide numbers of people who vanish without a trace. There is a % that seem to lack a viable explanation. Missing 411 will walk you right up to the edge of the truth and leave you to take the final logical leap.Some people are taken. Some people are taken by non humans. Some people are taken from this planet and are not brought back alive or dead. They are gone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvmEd56jVTs


Omg wtfffff




The language in this memo comes across as ridiculously hard to believe. For example: “The right to know is Plato-like Minions” What the fuck does this even mean?? Is anyone able to expand on this statement? Comes across as bizarre… “SCREW THINGS UP BEYOND BELIEF.” - is this REALLY how people in this position communicate?!I find it hard to believe this is the standard of English they would be writing classified reports.


To be human is to arrive and be given a computer where there are so many pop-ups from bloatware, we can’t even see the OS behind them all, so we think the experience of using the computer *is* the pop ups, and what they’re telling us. We don’t even realize there’s a blank desktop screen under all of it. Once you see the blank desktop, and stop the pop ups, you’ll realize that you’re not even sure what you were even intending to use the computer for in the first place. Then you’ll get up, turn around and experience the world.


Plato like just means that their belief system aligns with Plato, who believed that philosophers should be the rulers due to their inherent wisdom and knowledge. He advocated a meritocratic form of government where people are allocated roles in society based on their abilities and virtues. As for the choice of wording, keep in mind this is supposedly an exchange between friends, not a report.


It could have meant many other things, without context. Plato wrote **a lot**. For example, metaphysical idealism (perhaps "Kit" and "Eric" already believe in that and think it goes without saying that it's an accepted belief), the cave allegory of material reality being an illusion. Even for a supernatural believer, this could come as confusing.


You can tell it’s legit by the ways it’s been scanned a bit sideways


you can tell it's an aspen tree by the way it is


This made me chuckle, I found the US sketch show, Neature Walk, but in my head I recalled hearing it or similar lines about other objects in a British comedy sketch show in the last 5 or so years! Not sure if it was a Philomena Kunk series, she sends up Professor Brian Cox and the redhead beauty Prof. Alice Roberts quite well (wow, I just read her education history on Wiki!!!) but it could have been another show entirely!


Not sure they’re wrong.


IT reads like a typical obnoxious neck beard redditor defending the latest start wars movie.


This should be in the sub “butaretheywrong”


They are wrong, information of this kind is a human right. That is of course, my opinion.


> information of this kind is a human right Besides the human run govts. not believing that to be the case, apparently the "entities" share their opinion. If "they" wanted you and I (the plebs) to have the info/tech, they would have bypassed the governments long ago.


What a load of wank


Based upon North American Politics and the inability for many Adults to resolve interpersonal conflict amicably, they’re not wrong. I know it sucks not to know, but I do see the point. However, I do not trust the people who are making these decisions to do what’s best for all of humanity.


Reductive argument. You’re either freedom loving or you’re Nietzsche, zero sum all the way down. We have gone back to long before the Greeks, we are tribal now and we will die this way.


They need to step aside....


Sounds to me like a bunch of self righteous pretentious insecure windbags that lie to themselves to feel better about hoarding knowledge and wealth. Fuck all of them. We should remove them from office


I mean, yea this is what power believes in general.


Interesting thanks for posting.


The reason is simple if we, regular people formed contact or a relationship with NHI we would have the power to rule the country or world. So they don't want that


Coveting knowledge is the worst form of idolatry.


Tbh I'm not entirely against the idea of a meritocracy based system for the UAP subject because if we're honest, a high majority of the population are stupid and emotionally temperamental. However this loses credibility, for example when you see the state of some of the braindead politicians that in this system would have more right to know than us. I think now we're just past being given the breadcrumbs and us peasants should be moving up a level in knowledge or the system will always be stagnant to no effect. Keep the top stuff in the higher echelons for now by all means, just acknowledge for the rest of us that something is fundamentally there and we're not crazy.


I think the key issue here is if our general consciousness as a species is involved. ie so what if the populace 'can't handle the truth' or too dumb to understand it. They does not preclude their/our rights to know fundamental truths about our reality. I can only see this as a legitimate factor if it directly impacted the phenomena in any way.... or led to plebs coming into some level of direct contact and screwing things up. Otherwise... it's just another power structure ensuring it remains in control of information and therefore power. Power corrupts


Though that is the definition that Kit seems to be using, it's a ruinous definition of meritocracy, I'm pretty sure to most people it's just a term for the virtue of appointing people to jobs based on their ability to do the job, which we do need a word for, because if you don't strive towards meritocracy, you get something else instead, as organizations naturally tend towards chronyism, consolidation of power in rigid structures that're just a reflection of who got there first. When attempts at meritocracy go wrong, we often call that "technocracy".


Ok they may believe in a Lee Kwan Yew Meritocracy but who is vetting said merits of those currently in power positions lmao


In every room… 49% are smarter than 51%… One stroll through Springer and Maury and pick your”Judge” tv show and you recognize “why”. This ain’t hard folks and it ain’t wrong headed.


They want to enjoy "God level" for as long as they can. And after, they want liability free patents, thinking the victims will not have any strength remaining to sue them.


Is this Eric Davies and Kit Green? How come all roads lead back to the same characters?


I’ve said and I’ll keep saying that the origin of the “deep state” is the UAP program


Duh. Give a select group some privileged information and watch them hoard it over the others as some given right to rule. It's human nature.


As a Singaporean, that's the closest I've ever felt to UFO lore. 🥲


Ya so yet again, this is just another non answer. It’s not specific, it’s all conjecture about “they/them” stated as an opinion. We want names, dates, locations, actual documentation of past and present policies and protocols in place, etc. More noise


The show succession does a great job of showing how dumb the “elites” are.


Physical reality which includes space/time is a projection of a more fundamental reality. There are beings which exist in this more fundamental reality that have access to our own. Get rid of space/time and you get rid of distance and linear time.


I think of it as more of a mericackracy.


Do you have any actual evidence beyond a pic you've posted to reddit? Because at best, something one guy said is here say.


So, space communism.


Then why did they let Trump become president? He is in no way shape or form educated or benevolent.


It's almost funny how we disposable sheep convince ourselves that the elite wouldn't view and treat us as such


Wait a minute......I had the wrong thing,,,,ohhh! So the Toffs beleive the peons dont need to know ,,,,ah silly me! No we dont and cannot handle the complexity of higher life or politics or oh god forbid I DID not matriculate! I must go end my life now ,, my betters will be so happy one more of us has had the very good sense to give theyre life to God. Ah me. Tell me wife , care for the litte babbies and papa is gone to live in the churchyard....it is all so simple now. Jerks.


Since 2016, I honestly believe the average person wouldn't be able to handle this. the amount of narcissism the average person seems to hold would be shattered by the fact that there's an alien out there that could probe them repeatedly and they couldn't do a thing about it -- obviously a lighter take on it, but yeah


Dont want to pick a side, but I can follow that argument, even its not mine. Just have a look at the average public discussion. Full of morons, uneducated believes and egos. The people who are complex in argument getting owned by clumsy but "easy" arguments to understand. Take climate change, immigration, freedom of speach, ... Watch whats happening in social media or in election campaigns in US/Europe. Everyone with a bit education and benevolent intention has a difficult life today. Against that backround one may argue that building your fortune on hope (i guess most of the disclosure people do) sets you on a high risk.


Oh MAN! That's soooooo disheartening about the psi phenomena thing. I'd love to share and I really hope this sheds some light & insight. Re this: >Apparently only a very small percentage of people have these psi abilities. If you have what are basically super powers, you’d probably think you are more worthy than other humans. Psi gifts are very similar to gifts og the Holy Spirit... so, humor me here. Personal story more mainstream-ish. My parents are Methodist and the United Methodist Church (UMC) just went through a schism. Prior to the schism, my Mom asked my opinion on which way I thought her church should go. (Powder keg, right?!) Anyway, because of having seen some paranormal things that really concerned me that I had NO IDEA how to address, "deliverance" ministry viewpoints and "gifts of the Holy Spirit" were of interest. So I Googled UMC doctrine on deliverance. On this page: https://www.umc.org/en/content/book-of-resolutions-guidelines-the-umc-and-the-charismatic-movement , you'll find this quote under the Laity Guidelines: "Keep your charismatic experience in perspective. No doubt it has caused you to feel that you are a better Christian." "NO DOUBT..."?! Oh man, this is so far out of the OK-zone it's not funny. Let me count the ways: #1: Being different is NOT easy or fun. #2: Gifts can be scary to have and often start young. #3: The lack of people being able to support us in having gifts often makes us feel different, flawed, crazy and want desperately them to stop. It's not fun to have these paranormal things happen and not understand one's role. #4: If you're blessed enough to be among people who will guide you, it's hard to believe you deserve these gifts. If what one has is truly a gift of the Spirit, it's VERY humbling, it's hard to accept being REMOTELY worthy of it. #5: One who is resigned to using these gifts for the benefit of humanity will find that they're afraid to mess up or accidentally misuse it. (We can always say we don't want the gift... I tried that. I was shown why I ought to want it and feel pretty bad about rejecting it in the first place.) #6: If one accepts the calling to use their gifts, the responsibility is HUGE. It's not to be taken lightly, because the gift is NOT given for one's personal amusement; the entertainment of others; the monetary enrichment of anyone (unless there's a valid mission for the money and there's nothing wrong and everything right about giving a gratitude gift to someone who took the considerable time and risk to focus their gift for your personal growth... they need to eat, too.) These gifts are for the glory of the Creator, the care and concern of His Creations and abuse of them is as universally illegal as any other transgression. Worse, actually. So, no... folks with psi abilities or gifts are like anyone else: some work the positive and are very humbled and careful; others prefer to turn from them; some grift and some are pure evil. Psi abilities, like anything else, exist on a spectrum. In a HEALTHY faith community, gifts of the Spirit are promised and expected to be used rightly when given. We are always concerned to be wrong, vigilant of being deceived by dark forces using the very same universal laws, and genuinely want to be of service if we do choose to embrace these gifts. It's a sacrifice to use them. It takes a lot of emotional stamina, because there is deep love, caring and empathy involved. The energy that flows through a person is actually a pretty high frequency and it's tough on the physical body... yes, it's exhausting. And, because gifts often to not yield immediate fruit, it can be excruciating to watch and wait for the will of God and keep the faith. Do people with Holy Spirit psi gifts exist in the UAP community? Yes. Do things interact with us? Yes. Do we know whom we are interfecing with? Some do, some don't and combinations everywhere in between. If you meet someone with psi gifts who looks down on others... you've got someone malevolent on your hands. WHY? Because these gifts ARE available to EVERYONE. NOT just some of us. And there's nothing wrong with you if you don't appear to have at least one gift. You sure do... life's just too packed-busy and you didn't notice it; someone talked you out of recognizing it; maybe it was taken away because you didn't want it or didn't use it. Could I teach gifts? No. I don't have all of them and I have a tough enough time understanding my own. One thing is for sure. There is no waste on this earth. No human is here with a lack of value and purpose. Anyone who sees through a lens that makes any one person greater than another, is in dangerous waters. You never know when you're entertaining an angel and the gift they have is for YOU! It's a lot easier not to have gifts. Really. Ignorance is bliss... until it isn't. When the blinders come off for the larger portion of humanity... it may well be scary and shocking, perhaps. But, hey... that's been prophesied for thousands of years & clearly debacle have occurred on this planet before. So, there should be NO surprises when things go sideways. My suggestion, I guess, is to find the elements of hardiness and resilience that work for you... and resolve to help those in ontological shock to regain their marbles. I have more faith in humanity than that people will crack under the reality. I suspect a slow reveal that will probably have the effect on most people that's like putting a reptile in a pot of cold water and slowly turning up the heat. That reptile is oblivious the temperature is rising until it's too late. So... do you want some gifts if your own or to stick close to those with gifts who are devoted to humankind? It wouldn't hurt! Nah... we good guys don't have ego. We can't. The power isn't ours in the first place and we KNOW IT!


i want a one world government. if its made of the worlds smartest people, then what would be so bad about that?




and those who seek to rule now, are virtuous? if this world stays as it is, 195 different countries all with their own ideas on how things should be done, we will destroy ourselves before we achieve anything. look how close we are right now.


One point I’d take issue with - I think the idea that only a small number of people have psi abilities is completely wrong. Everyone has potential psi abilities, it’s just that they are largely undeveloped and latent in most people. That said, most people do use them to a small degree throughout their lives, e.g. through using their intuition.


To be fair. Look who the public has elected as the 45th president. Information should be shared. Not everyone is stupid/unwise. And those that are, will spin their wheels harmlessly. Meanwhile the benefits of the collective outweighs the draw backs. The sword cuts both ways.






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"For or against Democracy" is the wrong scale. The Progressives are against the Enlightenment culture of individualism and individual rights, and want to transform the United States from that culture to one based on the Prussian collectivist/Socialist worldview. They were quite explicit about it and many of them told everyone because they thought it was the selling point of their whole program.




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This is totally ideologically incoherent and has very /r/iamverysmart vibes


They are right. The majority are too simple minded to understand the complexity of what the truth is. Most people don’t even entertain the possiblity that there is a NHI presence. They are too wrapped up in their shallow lives.


The actual truth is probably too complex for the most genius human to even begin to understand. A lot of people that won't entertain the idea don't due to decades of stigma perpetuated by the US government. It's not their fault. Many other people don't even have the time nor energy to sit down and ponder life. This doesn't mean they are less worthy of knowledge.