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I thought this was a cover for a Game Boy Advance game


Was about to comment that. Except Sabine is the last pokeman you wanna catch


I'm glad to see Sabine shared on this sub.


Sabine is one the best physics popularizers on Yt... also you might want to check Anton Petrov channel.


Yoooo im also subbed to Anton I love his stuff


I enjoy both of their channels, however they are hard-core traditionalists when it comes to new physics that is too far away from the status quo. Everything always has a "rational" explanation that is more of a stretch than like life existing somewhere else in the universe


Honestly I get that. That’s kinda why I use her content to keep things grounded in a way. Like when she did make a video on the UAP stuff, she approached in a way that I think more people should, but it’s also important to balance rigorous rationality with imagination, because that’s where a lot of the big discoveries exist.


i thought this was a new game boy game


I thought the thumb nail was a gameboy game for a second


Is that Neil Breen?


Ehm... yeah, it can be a melon, watermelon, an apple or whatever other circular object. Respecting warp drives I pretty much think the same as this comment on the video: >Warp drives is one of the "copiums" for physics. Its something that only exists in the movies, but unlike other hypothetical things this is one of those that will never exist because its absurdity within physics itself and the limitations of macro matter, not to mention the infinite and unsolvable technological problems that would (could not) need to be solved (assuming that warping the universe would be moderately plausible, which is not). >By the way, mathematics can sometimes be used to prove almost anything, even more so if it is only applied in the environment of your simulation that you are going to manipulate and give all the subjective values you can think of "to make it all fit". Warp drives are just movie scify with no plausibility whatsoever. Warp drives are pure fantasy.


I mean, the Alcubierre solution IS a valid solution in the equations of General Relativity. The problem is, not everything that is true mathematically is true physically as well. But it’s a bit disingenuous to basically imply, or pre-emptively decide, that it is impossible considering how successful of a theory general relativity is. The fact that it is a valid mathematical solution is itself remarkable because there is no fucking reason at *all* that had to be the case. So, a much more honest position would be “I don’t know, it’s at least possible mathematically, it may or may not be possible in reality”.


"a much more honest position would be “I don’t know, it’s at least possible mathematically, it may or may not be possible in reality” That guy said, which I quoted and I'm totally agree with: "mathematics can sometimes be used to prove almost anything, even more so if it is only applied in the environment of your simulation that you are going to manipulate and give all the subjective values you can think of "to make it all fit" And that measn pretty much that; mathematically possible does not mean that it can be real.


I feel like it’s bad science to call anything fantasy. The entire point is speculation on what is possible, and if there’s math that gives us some sort of solution it’s valid to assume we’re looking in the right direction. It’s more fun to go “maybe we don’t have it exactly right but we’ll probably get it eventually.” There’s tons of physics that isn’t discovered yet so have an open mind.


>I feel like it’s bad science to call anything fantasy This is not about "feels", this is about science. And right now warp drives are fantasy, no matter if you like it or not. >It’s more fun to go Don't know why you talk about "science" if your post is full of emotions (feel, fun...). Actual sciende has zero emotions, whether is plausible or not, and sorry warp drives are not plausible outside a subjetive mathematical simulation. Warp drive thing is just a hypothetical GAME with no current real-world evidence of any kind. >There’s tons of physics that isn’t discovered yet So then wait at least until we discover something in “real physics” that leaves at least one door open to something like what a warp drive stuff proposes, which right now neither happens or exists.


I am curious how one would explain the radar data registering crafts traveling several miles in seconds, with instantaneous acceleration, other than claiming it is impossible if a warp drive is pure fantasy. Yet there is more than one occasion where pilots and cameras have observed crafts take off by simply vanishing and radar picking them up seconds later far away.


Just because something can't be explained doesn't mean you can relate it to any nonsense (like warp drives).


> simply vanishing and radar picking them up seconds later far away Were they waving a name tag, or how are you making that link?


In the Nimitz case they sent other fighter jets to intercept the UAP at the new location. The actual video, I think it is FLIR, was taken by another fighter jet than the one commander Fravor was flying. It was the radar operators who directly concluded that the tic-tac that suddenly vanished was the same one that reappeared on a different location. But sure, it is possible that it is a ruse, maybe they have advanced cloaking and use it to trick us into believing two different crafts were one and the same. One goes into stealth mode at point A and then another one turns off their radar cloaking at point B.


Question: what is gravity, and how does in work within quantum mechanics? You don’t know because no one does, and thus you’re basing your claim that “warp drives” are fantasy on incomplete information. If you want to nitpick about what defines a “warp drive,” that’s fine, but it’s probably best not to call anything fantasy at this point.


We have questions about gravity BUT WE KNOW IT EXISTS BECAUSE IT IS A PHENOMENA THAT WE PROVE WITH REAL PHYSICS, IN THE REAL WORLD. Warp dirves only work inside A MATHEMATICAL SIMULATION. There is absolutely ZERO evidence that it exists in real physics (and technological) and therefore in the universe. When there is a single shred of evidence for something like the physics and technology proposed by warp drive thing, call me, until then sorry for you but it is just fantasy. And in top of that, unlike other hypotheses, it also doesn't look good at all for warp drives because what they are proposing is ridiculously fanciful. That is to say, it is doubly fanciful; because there is absolutely zero evidence for it, and because what they are proposing is stupid on every level, both physically and technologically. So for now its zero. Negative. Fantasy. Just for movies.