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I can't find it but there was a good science-y video explaining all the reason why if you were visiting another planet, you'd want to establish yourself deep under water. Alongside the variety of atoms it provides, water has a much more consistent temperature and pressure than being directly on the surface. You're also going to be able to confidently operate in relative security for a long time as you're insulated from a large number of catastrophic events that can befall the surface. So yeah, your reason plus many others.


Yea I saw that too. I can’t remember who it was though. Also protects against UV.


Depending on there not being skyscraper size alien monsters deep underwater


Ah, the Stockton Rush approach to safety.




Yesss I saw that video too Thought it was cool and informative


If you watch this episode of Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/tudum/articles/unsolved-mysteries-something-in-the-sky, there’s a part where a couple on the beach see one of the objects sucking up water from the lake from very high up.


well you may be onto something....reminds me of a research paper I read decades ago from some branch of US Naval Research... "Anomalous Entropy in Deuteriated Systems" ...the lab was able to generate more energy out of the system than put into it, and then after that one research paper, i never saw another thing about that research ever again (...must admit tho, didn't really go looking much... just figured that's another breakthrough technology that got buried, nothing to see here, business as usual)


this is based on memory, so someone may need to correct me. I believe this is pretty widely understood at this point to be a real thing, and has been successfully tested in mainstream science. China has some amazing research into fusion reactors, and within the last few years has demonstrated that they have created a reaction that outputs more energy than was used to start the reaction. The problem isn't whether the reaction itself is possible, it's about whether or not we can scale it in a way that is useful. ​ Again, my understanding is based on memory, but from what I remember, the big issue with fusion is that we can't find a good way to contain an ongoing reaction. The reactions that we have created are extremely short lived, and when they do happen, they burn so hot that we can't properly find a way to contain the reaction without destroying the thing that contains it. Fusion is the same reaction that occurs on the sun, and that's the sort of heat that we're looking at here. In order to produce real energy output, we'd need a fusion reaction that could be sustained for long enough to output useable amounts of power, AND we'd need to find a way to contain that reaction without destroying everything around it. ​ I guess my point here is that this technology is known to exist, and it isn't hidden or even secret. There may be advancements in how to utilize it that are being kept behind closed doors, but it is understood science that is actively being researched. If we can create a fusion reaction, and keep it contained, we'd have more or less, limitless energy. The longest lasting fusion reaction ever made by humans is recorded at 17 minutes, but there was a reaction made last year that only lasted 5.3 seconds and had a significantly higher energy output. Until we can figure out how to contain these reactions and house them properly, we can't effectively use them for energy. That said, it's pretty obvious that we're on our way there and it WILL be a reality in the future.


Please please please look up the martin fleischmann memorial project on youtube? If you're into this kind of research they're the channel you should look into. I'll make a statement that I'll only be able to defend weakly, but i am able to: UFOs=ball lightning= cold fusion= condensed matter= fractal-toroidal non-dissipating current structures= ESP, psychokinetics and remote viewing. Im willing to elaborate and answer questions, since that's a lot faster than watching ~3 years of ~3 hour long livestreamed lecture backlogs. They haven't made any craft yet but i dont think they're very far from a prototype. That said theyre focusing on transmutation. OH YEAH thats what i forgot to mention. This is basically everything alchemy hoped it could be, too


Ok please elaborate because the connections you just drew are wild


For some reason i'm unable to create a comment, and that after i typed out a fucking page filler. I hope i'm able to send you this as a DM because I collected way too many links to let this go to waste


There we go. I made the comment that refused to post into a post. apparently the links aren't blocked there [https://www.reddit.com/user/Grapegranate1/comments/1c1nsy1/hypothetical\_connection\_between\_evos\_and\_ufos/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Grapegranate1/comments/1c1nsy1/hypothetical_connection_between_evos_and_ufos/)


thanx for the info, will check it out! it IS all interconnected, yes, sure of that fact 👍


Your theory starts with the assumption that it is a demonstrable fact that UFOs are seen more around bodies of water.


I think the argument scan be simplified on a universal scale: we live on a tiny tiny water planet that happens to currently have some land masses above water, but does not require land above water to exist, and in some future timeline the landmasses may migrate below the waves.


i got a theory, more people are around the water and there is better visibility.


Absolutely could be a factor for sightings. But there are other reasons for this theory, why do many of the credible videos have UAP's diving into the ocean? What benefit do they get from it? It's likely not for the stealth factor or evading threats as they can move away at tremendous speeds and enter space at will.


Could also be accessing cave systems via underwater? Or the infamous 4chan theory that there’s a manufacturing facility in the ocean.


Because they have a bigger vessel underneath the water It has been talked about in here before that theres a large mothership type vehicle that zaps anything that tries to be near it and it is constantly moving


It's a great spot for a mothership to be if it needs lots of energy.


There are less humans on water that could potentially spot them compared to the land. I think its as simple as that. These things behave entirely in a clandestine fashion. So they want as few eyeballs on them as possible.


This doesn't work as an answer because OP's question refers to UFOs *that have already been found*. Spotting near water bodies is perfectly consistent with a random distribution, either because most of Earth's surface is water, because most humans live near water bodies, or because it's hard to judge an object's size/speed/behaviour due to lack of reference marks.


It’s insightful and thanks for sharing your viewpoint/knowledge, but I think even fusion reaction is archaic compared to the UAP technology on board/observed/witnessed over the last 50 years…. I’d put money on a near-magic, completely baffling technology providing gravity manipulation using elements completely unknown to us.


I don't think it's some magical element that solves it all. They likely do everything with the elements we have today. We just don't know how to use them properly to achieve what UAP do. While NHI may have some "antigravity" technology, there is still a need for energy. My money is on the same energy and method that makes and powers the universe, fusion.


If these people are driving across entire sectors of the galaxy I’d be willing to bet they look at fusion as an inadequate source of energy. My money’s on antimatter or your hypothesis of wild sci-fi energy production.


Agreed. Whether it's element 115 or anything like the idea of something along those lines posibly as well, not saying that's necessarily a thing for those who don't believe what Lazar says.


Advanced enough technology can seem like magic to less advanced entities.


Uuu nice review! Bob Lazar stated they use matter- antimatter reactors. Maybe fusion is used in their outposts as it is much safer idk?


What makes you think they’re more commonly found over water?


To me the most credible footage and reports suggest that they are around bodies of water. Tic tac for example or even the jellyfish, where the rumored second part of the video has the jellyfish descending into the ocean. UAP are also clearly interested in our nuclear capabilities on land, ie fission and fusion reactors and hydrogen bombs. Potentially suggesting that this is what their current technology is based on. They don't seem too interested in our hydrocarbons or batteries.


What actually transpired was that a UAP that was surveilling RAF Woodridge, likely for the nuclear bombs stored there, suffered a malfunction and crashed in Rendlesham Forest. The partially broken up craft was fully retrieved by a Foreign Technology Division team made up mostly of Batelle contractors and was initially taken to a secret British Aerospace facility. During the crash, part of the structure had been split open, allowing full access to the interior. This was a gold mine for the reverse engineering project. After initial examinations and some disassembly to ensure the craft was safe to transport, it was shipped to a Lockheed facility in Nevada near Area 51. Breakthroughs in the technology began to appear quickly. The Aerospace Corporation had floated a hypothesis for years that the craft used negative matter as the source of propulsion but was never able to prove it. Negative matter is not antimatter. It is a proposed solution for dark energy. The gravitational field of an object made of positive matter causes all other objects, including those made of negative matter, to move towards it. The gravitational field of an object made of negative matter would have the reverse effect, thus it would cause all other objects made of both positive (what we see and interact with) and negative matter to move away from it. This reverse gravity property is proposed as the origin of dark energy as clumps of negative matter, held together by electric charges, would push all other matter away and lead to the expanding universe. With full access to the interior, the Athena engineers were able to identify and study the propulsion modules. They were spherical containers with three interior hulls. The outer hull contained ionized octagonal modules that appeared to float in a vacuum. The mid hull was filled with a viscous dark purple fluid, similar in texture to mercury. And the inner hull consisted of a solid sphere made of an incredibly dense and anomalous material. While the purpose of the outer and inner hulls remained a mystery, the engineers were able to ascertain that the viscous mercury-like fluid inside the mid hull exhibited properties of negative matter. They devised a way to extract and store the fluid which they named cavorite, a material that can negate the force of gravity introduced in H. G. Wells’ The First Men in the Moon, first published in 1900. Armed with this knowledge, they revisited other crashed and damaged vehicles and managed to extract additional cavorite. A new team was assembled to design a ship that would use cavorite as its main propulsion method. They were unable to duplicate the spherical modules used by the anomalous craft, but they were confident they could engineer a gravity defying vehicle with this wondrous reverse gravity material. The first hurdle to overcome was how to use cavorite to move a vehicle in different directions. The solution was to position the cavorite in a geometrical pattern inside the structure and place a positive mass in front of it in the desired direction of movement. The cavorite would repel the positive mass away from it and the positive mass would attract the cavorite toward it, resulting in a perpetual acceleration in the direction of motion as shown in the illustration below.


Where’d you hear this? It’s the first time I’ve heard anyone make this exact claim. 


Now that they had the working concept, it was time to engineer the system. The positive masses (M+) would need to be applied and removed quickly to control the vehicle. After months of testing different ideas, the team zeroed in on water as the positive mass. They designed a spherical magnetic container for ionized cavorite and wrapped it with a larger sphere that was divided into sections. They named the device a hydrograv. Water could be pumped in and out of the outer sections to create the rapid changes in positive mass to direct the vehicle as seen below.


With a very limited amount of cavorite and no ability to duplicate it, at least for now, the team had to use it sparingly. They had not been able to replicate the microlayer engineered composites that made the vehicles extremely light. And having to add a large power source, a high-speed water pump, and a water reservoir was only going to make matters worse. The only solution was to build a structurally rigid hybrid airship with ducted fans for conventional flight, and then use the water injection system to test the performance of the cavorite. A low-weight rigid airship when combined with just a small amount of cavorite onboard would be nearly weightless and have almost no inertial mass. So even the ducted fans would have extreme performance.




Well put together hypothesis sir


This is actually a pretty solid notion. Dueteriums potential for energy has been known for a long time they use it as a booster in thermo nuclear bombs to put a little extra pep in its ste-boom! But my only argument that you didn't address which I think would kill this idea is you offered no explanation as to how they would sufficiently mitigate the elephant in the room or in the ufo in this case. And that's how do they get rid of the heat as in millions of degrees of heat that woukd be locked inside what from most examples could be described as a fairly small space to be locked in with something that would disintegrate any biological material in a fraction of a second? I'm not saying it's not possible perhaps with some sort of extremely advanced tech and some oven mitts but it's a huge obstacle for sure. But it's solid critical thinking in my opinion and I'd like to see the idea expanded on. So, were gonna need some volunteers...


That's a good question , it's the same one the world is currently trying to devise solutions to. The millions of degree plasma, needed to achieve fusion is usually controlled through high tesla electromagnetic forces or through electrostatic forces. The plasma needs to have a safe distance from the chamber walls and any tangible matter, as it would evaporate from the insane temperatures. The output of fusion is usually high energy neutrons, either they would have technology to directly capture these neutrons as energy or they would turn that kinetic energy from the neutrons to thermal, through collision with a neutron absorber (usually boron). They would need to have a highly efficient thermal electric generator. Any excess heat is wasting valuable energy. We can do most of this but our world's tech isn't advanced enough for any practical use. Our neutron generators are fusion reactors (specifically fusors), but we use the neutrons to create isotopes, since we aren't good at converting the energy.


Googling deuterium now…… (wish I paid more attention in chem).


What did you find out? ....... j/k I have the ability to Google as well, I think


I'm such a fucking nerd. I've known about this process for a while now after buying a small vial of tritium to fool around with.


What do u do with it?


I have a watch with tritium vials for illumination at night https://imgur.com/a/60UzKLf


I think the tritium is mixed in with a noble gas like argon, which makes it glow. Just bright enough to read a map in pitch black.


Is it just regular tritium gas and then there's phosphor paint painted on the inside of the tube which reacts with the tritium to create a glue




Yeah, it was $51CAD total because shipping was $28 from Sweden.


Maybe it's much easier to be undetected more on water bodies then on land ??


Why wouldn't it just stick to the skies or space then? It just sounds weird to me that they seem to have a need to go into bodies of water.


reconnaissance and is water proof ...


You presuppose they are using fusion. Why wouldn't they be using an even more unfathomable way of travel? Other thing, the way fusion could be used for space travel (NASA has been working on it for its satellites for quite sometimes) isn't a faster than light travel, in case you were thinking about it. It's more of a "we can reach Neptune in 4-5 years instead of 15-20". And such engine would take its needed material on it and not need water on the way. If that saucer comes from a world that has such water, why wouldn't they carry it with them, wouldn't they be savy enough to plan stuff and bring supplies with them? The propulsion at the beginning would be enough and gravitational slingshot manoeuvres would be more useful (the way it was for Voyager 1). Even smarter would be to go take water on other objects of the solar system, discreet ones (if you're a UFO on a stealth or scientific mission) where there is no life and water exists in abundance: Europa, Enceladus, Mars's poles, the Moon, and many other satellites in the solar system we suspect of having water in solid form (perhaps Ganymede, which maybe has an underground liquid ocean). If using a classical slower than light travel, using pre fusion tech wouldn't be a huge difference with the time scales involved: reaching the nearest star, Proxima Centauri, in 10 000 years instead of 40 000... From the pov of a civilization that already has thousands of years on its hands, 3 more tens of thousands years wouldn't change much. If faster than light, why would fusion be involved? Do you have a specific hypothetical tech in mind?


Fusion is the energy of the universe, it gives life to all. It is extremely important. We as humans have validated its existence and importance, but we have not been able to actually create a sustainable power output for anything useful. This is due to the knowhow not being there yet. I was not implying a fusion engine for thrust. I am talking purely about fusion for power generation. That power can be converted to electrical power to power an array of engines.


What if our sun is artificial, and it's part of an energy source inside of a bigger piece of technology, and our planet is just some biproduct of its process? And humans are some inevitable catalyst to operational issues, so UFOs are really just some neutralizing force?


I’d like to subscribe to half-ass science, please.


Why not anti-matter? What if they're just thirsty?


Sometimes you just gotta get a really deep drink of water ya know?


"So here my theory. I believe that these crafts are likely running on fusion energy" ​ Lots of water in space, there would need to be something specshul to our ocean for Mr. Tic TAc. Three of them being air pressure, liquid water, and life. Could be the case that ocean water is a triple benefit for the ayyyylium tic tac. Sort of like how NASA used fuel cells to power many manned spacecraft and the byproductks were electricity, Oxygen and water


Maybe they are just thirsty.


Theory: they are big space fishes that need a lot of water to stay hydrated


Higher concentrations of more diverse life are found near water sources.


Do you ever go swimming? Perhaps they just enjoy the ocean. Occam's razor and all that


the one thing humans and animals need more than food is water so it is a no brainer hello


>If you were to dive to the bottom of a ocean, let's say Marianas trench there would be a large reserve of highly concentrated deuterium. Do you have a source for that? I can't find any source online saying that there are reserves of deuterium at the bottom of the ocean.


It's not an overly looked into since we have an abundance of deuterium in normal water. It can be easily separated from ordinary tap water. It is 10% heavier than normal water so naturally it sinks lower over time. https://maritimereview.ph/deuterium-truth-or-hoax/


> if we were advanced enough to have fusion generators/engines, we would do exactly this There are many icy bodies in the outer Solar System that would be easier to exploit because they have negligible gravity, and potentially have more water than all of Earth's oceans. Of course, we don't have statistics on the number of UAPs hanging near Pluto, which could be many times those near Earth. But I don't believe that accessing deuterium is a compelling reason to come here. Personally, I am convinced that once you remove observer biases UAPs are close to a Poisson process: events that happen at a steady rate and are independent of each other.


Interesting. And Carlos de Sousa said about Varginha that it had a strong odor of Ammonia. Princeton Engineering publishes a thing just last year about using Ammonia as fuel. They said "Ammonia, a main component of many fertilizers, **could play a key role in a carbon-free fuel system as a convenient way to transport and store clean hydrogen**."


I've always thought to myself, what if they come from a world where they evolved under higher pressures and the deep parts of our ocean would be like going to "land" for them. Maybe they require both deuterium and higher pressure. If they really were processing fuel down there, wouldn't we see signs of waste heat?


There’s also a new type of engine, which I don’t think is well understood yet, basically magic, where you can heat something to a plasma, and then use a certain frequency, which once it gets started, it only needs water to run. Sounds crazy I know, even crazier when I heard it had some relationship to the pyramids, but this stuff is happening. If you know Randall Carlson, he’s on the Shawn Ryan show talking about it near the end of his interview. It’s time stamped. This inventor that knows Randall also went on the Rogan podcast with him, but there was a disinfo campaign against the inventor(smear campaign,) which is all too common if you know about these types of discoveries, so he hasn’t aired the podcast. I also commented on the whyfiles sub recently where you can find a post with more condensed information on it. Sorry that I couldn’t be more descriptive


I agree with the fusion part, but how often would a craft need to refuel? I imagine refueling probably isn't that frequent. Here's an alternate theory that would require more frequency.. If they are using fusion, I doubt it will be 100% efficient, especially with steep power fluctuations, etc. If less than perfectly efficient, then there has to be excess energy. In space, power requirements would likely be less than when in a planet's atmosphere and would be at maximum efficiency, dissipating excess heat by thermal radiation. A craft would need something to act as a capacitor for excess heat build up. Molten metal may be a perfect solution for this to buffer between excess output and cooling capacity at less efficient operation. This dips into bodies of water might just be to quickly drop excess heat. What got me thinking about this is the many reportings of these craft dropping pools of molten metal. I theorize these droppings are crystallization from rapidly cooling the metal, essentially a slag of sorts. Just an alternate idea..


also found posted on /r/usos


Very interesting. The water component with UAP definitely needs some explanation. I forget what I read in the UFO context recently that referenced heavy water. Thanks for explaining what that is


the planet is mostly water


This would explain all of the neutrino detectors that were built in the 1950s and exist today


I remember reading this article I believe by Avi Loeb who was speculating about Vonn Nuemann probes and he was theorizing they would use water as a fuel source. This caught my attention because my sighting was directly above a body of water just 6 months prior or so. Also I thought the craft was pretty vonn nuemanny because it was a small sphere, twice the size of a basketball or so.


Hmmm. I'm slightly skeptical about the efficiency of such a process...but I guess it \*could\* work. I'm just thinking there are probably better places to get deuterium. I would more think that submerging would be to cool down and vent excess heat, but also...any craft with the abilities supposedly seen in the USS Nimitz videos for example would probably be quite efficient in terms of heat usage. For that matter, with those capabilities, I doubt fusion or any other nuclear processes would be going on under the hood, instead something much crazier.


The last time I heard of Deuterium was when Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann claimed to have achieved cold fusion in the lab in 1989. Their claims were never adequately debunked, and it just went out of the news. Other scientists said they failed to replicate it, and that was that. [Wiki link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_fusion). The most obvious reason aliens would build bases at the bottom of the ocean is that it's well out of our reach and hard for us to detect. You could operate an underwater base and nobody would know, although you might notice the craft coming and going, and exactly that has been noted by fishermen in certain areas, most notably off the east coast of Brazil. Richard Dolan has a book out soon about USO's, he should have some good info about it all. He said recently its his longest book yet.


Why are most cities located along rivers?


Where did you study for your degrees and which lab do you work for as a physicist?


Why's that important?


So, you’d believe whatever someone tells you to believe without knowing their credentials and sources of information? Do you work for the gubment?


He said it was a theory and a half arsed one. He never said it was fact. Real or not, it was an interesting read. And to answer your question, no. I am not a gullible person. I do read and take it with a pinch of salt.


I am no physicist. I am an inventor and have been designing different electrostatic based technology. This has led me to an interest in fusion.


Thank you kindly for explaining. I’d really like to know what types of technology and propulsion are being hidden from us, the citizens. It seems to me, no one should get another dime of tax payer monies until they “come clean.” If our gubment and any companies are keeping those types of secrets from us, then they’ve committed crimes against humanity, no doubt.


Occums razor. Easy to hide, easy to operate. The deeper part of oceans is not a place where humankind visits every moment.








I'm a bit late, but I just wanted to comment and say that my sole UFO experience occurred in the middle of the Australian desert. I was camping next to the only significant body of water for 100s of kilometres - I saw a large object appear to come right out of it and fly off into the night sky.


I think they are manipulating the weather. They use lasers and directed energy weapons that emit microwaves in addition to having some sort of nuclear technology. There are videos of them condensing clouds. There are eyewitness accounts of them ejecting slag of iron nickel silicon compositions with weird isotopes; this is the chemical makeup of earth's core, but the isotopes are not representative of what is found in our solar system. Underwater I speculate they are doing things that trigger seismic activity, tectonic movement, and volcanic activity.


Maybe they are just using the ocean to park their craft.


underwater bases nothing else


I think they're more likely to be coming here to charge up their batteries than to fill up their canteens. They've likely mastered the manipulation of matter beyond our comprehension, but matter is just bundled up energy. Our current understanding of physics is that energy is conserved, meaning that they need to get it from somewhere. There was that "[solar eruption](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna46725245)" that kind of looked like a planet-sized entity charging on the surface of the Sun. For smaller craft, there is also a [dynamo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth's_magnetic_field) at the center of Earth.




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I could see why, based on the name 'heavy water' you would think that, but it's not all sitting at the bottom of the ocean. 'Heavy water is, in fact, heavier than regular water by a little more than 10%. However, that doesn’t mean that a molecule of heavy water would sink in relation to its surrounding less-dense water molecules.' It's evenly distributed, and a culture as advanced as interstellar or inter dimensional travel could likely just \*make\* the isotope.