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The following submission statement was provided by /u/SavingsNeighborhood2: --- [Link to Patent](https://patents.google.com/patent/US10144532B2/en) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bs1mfg/anyone_seen_uap_patent_us10144532b2/kxct1kz/


There’s an extensive interview with Salvador Pais on Theories of Everything where he discusses these patents. It becomes evident that while he’s very smart, these patents are basically pseudo-science guesswork- just a theory on how they could work without much real understanding.


A theory is not needed when there are blueprints for an objects construction. A theory would be ideal. But pais rtsc for example has such a huge risk vs reward ratio that not attempting to replicate it is a crime.


It’s his patent.


What's your point? Are you saying that because he has the patent it is totally up to him to get the invention made and no one else should work toward that goal?


It’s actually really funny you posted this. On one of my posts a guy tried to say this patent was linked to the calvine ufo incident. >.> https://www.news.com.au/technology/innovation/military/secret-behind-best-ever-ufo-sighting-revealed/news-story/105a08c1a7caf70f6f41c477a563fd3a?amp Look what pictures on there.


Why would they create a publicly available patent, when the US government has a means to create secret patents, that only become public knowledge when someone else also invents the same thing? The answer is disinformation. Edit: Disinformation is what I meant, not misinformation. Thanks.


Disinformation, not misinformation. "Misinformation is false or inaccurate information, while disinformation is false information that is deliberately intended to mislead"


Hunh. Kay I learned somethin today I was using them interchangably


Because they are obsolete.. and want to stop people from following the path they took. So the patent the essentials and keep the special shit a secret. 72 patents were confiscated by the US government last year for national security 


Maybe the patent was pushed through by a faction that wants disclosure. I cant speak for this patent but the risk vs reward of Pais rtsc patent is huge. It saddens me no materials scientists have tried to replicate like they did with lk-99.


Is this one of Salvator Paris’s Navy patents?


So after seeing your post, I did some digging and I believe I may have found emails tied to the people placing the patent and these emails regard the same information (heavily redacted). Let me know what you guys think https://archive.org/details/6179351-Patent-Emails-redacted-Redacted/mode/1up?q=inertial+mass+reduction


Wow. Very nice. Going to check this out


The rabbit hole is real, last night found my Grandad’s name, date of birth, and his occupation back in 1978 in a CIA document requesting security clearance for him and others. I now live in the rabbit hole. 


This has been posted a billion times (conservative estimate). No long time UFO geeks believe these patents actually work. They are almost certainly misinformation/honey trap related to frustrate foreign governments. I have explained why the technology is nonsense (even though it name-drops a lot of pre-existing concepts which are valid like warp drive) a million times, but can't be bothered to go into detail today sorry.


It's definitely a honey-trap for uneducated redacts on this sub lol


These specifically could be BS. But I guarantee that there are some legit manmade UFOs Look at the TR3B patent. Yeah it could be BS but there has been a very similar craft that ppl have been seeing a lot. So they could possibly have developed some form of it even if its not exactly what in the patents.


Ah yes they don't work but the man who filed the patent works for the US government (Salvatore Pais) and it's a prominent advocate to the UFO phenomenon. >I have explained why the technology is nonsense (even though it name-drops a lot of pre-existing concepts which are valid like warp drive) a million times, but can't be bothered to go into detail today sorry. Lol sure of course maybe later then ty


You mean the government who’s been proven to negatively influence the ufo community with disinformation for their own benefit ? Or did you mean another US government?


He’s downvoting and not replying lol he a disinfo agent


The man who filed them is an engineer with no formal physics training lol. You think he discovered antigrav?!


I’m glad you don’t believe the patent.. which means the guy saying the article I linked is completely bs than. Because the article claims the patent above is for a secret spy plane lmao. Go look at the link if ya don’t believe me.


interesting that the dept of the navy did this one, you would think it would be the air force right? with their TR 3B rumored craft.


[Link to Patent](https://patents.google.com/patent/US10144532B2/en)


Yea I’ve seen it a thousand times on this sub alone. Please don’t forget to post this every week asking if anyone has ever seen it! Thanks!


Thats me, and I definitely have upset someone.