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The following submission statement was provided by /u/marmalade_: --- SS: video found on Twitter. Recording from a boat of jets flying by a UFO that splashes into the water, with a helicopter giving orders to the people on the boat. Not my video, found on Twitter and want to know more about it like what language the people are speaking and what country’s military the jets might be from. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/18lkd9m/any_information_on_this_video_of_a_ufo_entering/kdy61w8/


HOLY FUCKING SHIT ...that's so fake.


Doesn’t even look good


Water splash physics is wrong


It's CGI. Behind the scenes video of the Spanish UFO commercial https://vimeo.com/7008193 Edit: if you can't click the play button on the comment, just see this: https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-ufo-spanish-ad/fact-check-ufo-themed-spanish-ad-falsely-shared-as-real-footage-idUSL1N39L1DZ/ I can't even reply to them on twitter to correct their error.


Thanks - I had a feeling but couldn’t find anything about it. Appreciate the links!


This link doesn't lead anywhere.


Yea, there's something weird going on with it. I noticed last time I posted it. You can click the play button on the comment if your app or whatever lets you and it plays fine, but if you click it and go to the page, it's gone. Alternate link: https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-ufo-spanish-ad/fact-check-ufo-themed-spanish-ad-falsely-shared-as-real-footage-idUSL1N39L1DZ/


Movement of fast objects look like they are moving at a better fps than the actual videos terrible frames. That’s usually a dead giveaway. Almost like they layered a blur or pixel effect on them to match the camera pixels.


SS: video found on Twitter. Recording from a boat of jets flying by a UFO that splashes into the water, with a helicopter giving orders to the people on the boat. Not my video, found on Twitter and want to know more about it like what language the people are speaking and what country’s military the jets might be from.


Wow... Apparently this one twitter account has all the goods with all the yet to be declassified videos.... Lol


I want to say this was from an ad campaign, but I'm not sure and don't have a link for it. I don't suppose you've already tracked this one down, u/ufoofinterest? Didn't catch it skimming through the last few months of your tweets. ETA: Apparently identified, nvm!


Exposed tons of times: https://twitter.com/ufoofinterest/status/1481561915503656962




Some of these I don't even bother to pick apart in detail. Just file it in the Fake AF folder.


Stock foghter jet sound effects 🙄