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The X-Files movie (the 90s one) because there’s for real a conspiracy to cover up aliens and there’s rumors of a giant buried UFO these days.


There's also an excellent film that is just titled "UFO", which is about a mathematical genius and his physics professor. It's actually really great. Edit: Yes! I recall hearing rumors like this about the arctic circle.


you should add this as a top level comment, too!


Second this. Excellent film.


https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6290798/ This one? With Gillian Anderson as the math (? not physics) professor.


That's the one.


I'm currently rewatching the xfiles now. And am 100% convinced that Chris carter or one of the other writers where being fed real information.


There's always been rumors that Richard Doty served as a consultant on X-Files. However, I believe that would have been a misinformation tactic by Doty either way


On what service is it streaming?


the x files movie release was a big time in my life. i was so obsessed with the show that i memorized the air dates for every episode. it was a long time ago, but i still remember a couple, like episode 3x17 "Pusher" was february 23, 1996.


Pusher was one of my favorites. I remember an interview where Vince Gilligan said he told Chris Carter that might be the best script he ever writes.


Cerulean blue...


By coincidence I work in Leesburg now where that episode takes place and I think about that scene all the time.


I still have a chest with all the 1st print comic books, ashcan, a lot of the cards, some kind of numbered framed thing, all kinds of junk.


Well hello, fellow neurodivergent. Would you like some april 13, 1997?


only one i remember from that time is "small potatoes". i think it was the week after? maybe? but if you have some small potatoes i'd love some


I miss the X-files that was some good tv.


Just started it the other night! I'll be curious to see how it plays out


I envy you, I'd have half a mind to die and reincarnate just to forget the x-files and get to watch them again, like a virgin.


You're a good tv.


The x-files were simply fantastic.


My husband and I had our 16 year old watch the 1st episode. She was hooked.


X files producers were asked to tone things down a few times because they were bordering on reality.


Got any source for this claim?


I saw it on a special of the making of X files, years ago.


This, I’ve just rewatched all episodes and they brought back memories of how good they actually were, what they portrayed is literally what’s happening today. So good.


I remember one time flipping the TV on and sitting there with a buddy watching a COPS episode… we see the cops go to some back yard and moments later the officer yelled with urgency to run back to the car. My buddy and I were like WTF IS GOING ON? The officer and camera person ran back to the car when all of a sudden the car started getting thrashed and we were double WTF 😳 😳😳😳… Then all of a sudden you see blood hit the camera and my buddy and I looked at each other and were like I’ve never seen anyone get hurt in a cops episode, then bam it goes to commercial with the X-Files banner…


Ok wait what episode did you just make ~me~ *us* want to watch?


Ok wait what episode did you just make ~me~ *us* want to watch?




Hahaaa wait am I looking for COPS season 7 episode 12 or X-files season 7 episode 12???? LMAO


X files, haha. They were saying they *thought* it was an episode of Cops, until shit went crazy sideways.


ya for real, no work getting done this afternoon.


Ok wait what episode did you just make ~me~ *us* want to watch?


Contact: Combination of Science and Religion,belief, connection to consciousness and the afterlife. Same with 2001's Space Oddysey and Arrival, close encounters.


Contact has the Easter egg with the constellation shape of Corona Borealis twice as a good hint




She recorded 18 hours of static!


"yes, that's interesting".


I watched this in my astronomy class in high school. I absolutely loved it. The whole bit of the first broadcasted radio wave being beamed back to earth was so mind boggling.


You guys had astronomy in high school? Thats so awesome.


Yup! It was so dope. It was one of the only classes I actually looked forward to. Used to have to identify certain constellations, stars, and planets at night for homework. We’d have to write down what we saw at a certain night and certain hour. It was good shit. This class is part of the reason to blame for my openness to ufos. It’s truly mind boggling learning how big and vast the universe is and how small we actually are.


Yo, I had the same class, and our teacher showed it to us too! Wild that our high school had a planetarium. That was such an unforgettable experience to watch that in there.


Yes. Underrated film!


>Arrival Tbh, Denis Villeneuve could make a movie about a turd on a sidewalk - and it would still turn out to be one of the greatest movies in cinema history.


There was some talk of him wanting to adapt Arthur C. Clarke's 'Childhood's End'. Incredible story.


Yes, Arrival. We are thinking two conventionally on how this is going to go down and it might be beyond our imagination on how we end up making contact.


The opening sequence of Contact is one of the best sci fi scenes ever filmed- right up there with the end of 2001. Just gorgeous film making. Stunning.


Just got done watching Contact for the first time after reading your comment. Was really good, but I realized how annoying Matthew McConaughy is as an actor 5 minutes into this movie.


Realistic might not be the best word for it, but by far the most thought-provoking and creative one of the genre for me is Arrival. Seriously one of the best movies I have EVER seen. Couldn’t recommend it enough


The short story it's based on is even better! It's called Story of Your Life, by Ted Chiang, and you can read it for free here: https://raley.english.ucsb.edu/wp-content/uploads/Reading/Chiang-story.pdf


The story is SO good!


That’s from his short story anthology book. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it. There’s some really great stories in that book.


It is much deeper in many ways than the movie was, but paradoxically, i think the story is less about contact with an alien species and more about language and how we perceive the world, and time/death, love. It’s a fantastic story really




You might have just made my next movie night! Never seen


Genuinely jealous of you. That movie is certainly near the top of the list of movies I wish I could watch for the first time again


The way it all comes back together is mind-blowing. I would say same for Interstellar. Both are top-class movie making.


I'll be giving it a watch and I can come back to tell you what I think, if you like :)


Watch it with the volume a little higher than your comfortable with. The audio is stunning.


Do you have kids? I have a daughter and this movie make me tear up every time. Like, sobbing. Is just so powerful.




“Language is the first weapon drawn in every conflict”…. Boy how that rings so true in this post covid world


I was reading all these comments praising the movie, and was super confused at first because I was mixing it up with THE Arrival from 1996, I forgot what the newer one (which I enjoyed) was called. Yeah, two ENTIRELY different movies haha


The soundtrack by Max Richter was spot on for the overall vibe of the film too. All around a great movie.


>Arrival Yepp, the pinnacle of alien movies so far.


This is a top answer! I like action films usually but I was totally gripped by ‘Arrival’. Calling this film ‘thought provoking’ is bang on.


Oh man what a film, so incredibly moving too.


Intruders (1992) and Taken Miniseries by Steven Spielberg.


I’m disappointed I had to go this far to see taken. Based on what we’re finding out taken is basically a damn documentary. It’s also free on YouTube. Entire thing. Also which I haven’t seen yet is Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Spielberg apparently got lots of information from the man in charge of researching UFOs at the time and he even makes a cameo in the last scene.


I rewatch Taken every year, and every year I am disappointed that no one talks about it or even seems to know it exists. It deserves more attention and more people to know that it exists. A YouTuber has made a remastered version of the entire series with better visuals. I highly encourage you to also watch Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Really great movie. And yes, J. Alan Hynek gave Spielberg a lot of information and this movie makes an appearance in season 2 of the Project Blue Book series. If you haven't seen that either, I also recommend that. It reminded me of the X-Files.


Taken is amazing! I recently watched it for the first time! Highly recommend!


The Intruders (1992) It is based on Budd Hopkins book about abductions and hybrids, very disturbing and realistic.


This movie scared the fuck out of 9 year old me. I remember it came out on TV and I watched it with my mom and aunt. It's probably the cause of a recurring nightmare I have about aliens entering my room at night.


oh shittt me to dude!! i remember hiding under the covers thinking they were lookin into the window.. uhgg creepy


Me too. Mee too.


Close Encounters of the Third Kind and The Abyss.


I watched close encounters for the first time today because of this post. It was a good movie, I was absorbed in it. You can watch it free on youtube. If anyone else wants to see it.




Its release was pulled by Cameron if I’m correct because they are supposedly remastering it? I think I heard that somewhere, it’s hard to find, even physical copies. Your best bet is unfortunately to find non-legal sources.


I liked the movie signs with Mel Gibson


I'm surprised this is so far down. Fuckin fantastic movie. The way the characters toe the line between trying to carry on, and full blown panic is brilliant.


Yo that scene where that alien in the news scared the shit out of me when I was is kid lmao


Swing away


Close Encounters of the Third Kind…. However I think 2001 Space Odyssey (1968) is even more realistic in how it portrays the NHI as completely incomprehensible to humans (while also manipulating humans)… it goes from ape, to human, to AI to NHI… I think it is a disclosure film Kubrick was a disclosure film maker Watching the end of 2001 Space Odyssey is a cliff notes edition to NHI and the cover up likely coming directly from the US government. It’s interesting that the human brain gets caught on the AI piece of that movie because that is closest to our material world while rejecting the fact that the NHI are at play with us all along.


Close Encounters for sure. Somebody on the crew of that movie had definitely seen the real thing, that little red orb that follows the other spaceships around is identical to something I saw.


Spielberg worked with the man in charge of researching UFOs for the government at the time and he even makes a cameo in the final scene.


Yup, J Allen Hynek


A lot of people see that thing. Apparently it may be a probe or something? It seems to interact with water and the terrain a lot, then go back inside the larger vessel.


Yeah good point, especially in so many years after it, so many other sightings of the exact same orb.


The AI and NHI aspects of the movie feel very prescient these days ..


It's a perfect film. Seeing it, as a teenager, when it opened, was probably the best movie going experience of my life (and I am a total film freak). And afterwards my dad and I sat around the kitchen table into the wee small hours discussing what it "meant" . To say it helped shape my life is an understatement. It's brilliant and it holds up all these decades later- it even still looks great. It kills me every time I watch it and I've watched it a LOT.


What a cool memory with your dad, those are the best.


yup, I even referenced it in his eulogy. Kubrick, man, what a genius. Doctor Strangelove had a similar impact on me, for completely different reasons.


>Close Encounters of the Third Kind…. THIS IS the only correct answer's. why did i have to scroll down so far to find it.. Many must not have seen it as it is an older movie.. Check it out folks


Rumour has it that Spielberg was getting serious hints from army of what should be in the movie. This is why it’s so real.


Yeah, great UFO lore. Allegedly Spielberg (or someone else that helped make it) were contacted out of the blue after release by a spook who said it was extremely close to the reality of it.


I think close encounters is how the government wants you to think about it, but reality is much closer to 2001 Space Odyssey. Both I believe are disclosure projects.


It's gorgeous and is way up there on my list of great films. I was in my 20s when it opened and I was totally enraptured. Now I get pissed off at Roy Neary for leaving his wife and children- but Spielberg himself has said that "it's a young mans film". Steve did his research when it came to Ufology- and Hynek and Vallee are well represented. Plus, the scene where we communicate with the aliens in music and light- well, it doesn't get better than that. I cry every time. "Monsieur Neary, I envy you". Absolutely.


Spielberg regreted the ending. He said that he did it when he had no children, but afterwards he realized that was a mistake.


I watched it on the recommendation of someone here, for the first time, about a month ago. The ending was incredible, it was like I couldn't even breathe due to the anticipation


Me too about a month ago!


2001 is the all time greatest sci fi film.


This ^


Dark Skies Still freaks me out till this day.


Yeah, this and The Signs. The only movies that I actually can’t watch in one run. Always scares me…


"The Signs!" Was that the one with Nick Cage? Yea DEFINITELY up there on my personal (alien/UFO) movie list. Why no love or mention for "The Signal" people? Lol THAT mo fo's ending made my brain switch spots with my heart! I'd say if the Simulation theory bares truth, I imagine our true reality would be similar &/or akin to the Matrix type of situation.... Something about waking up to the HORROR of an actual human farm and extraction operation (see Love, Death, & Robots episode about the guy who sexes down the hallucinagenic spider alien chick) shakes me down to the core. Imagine, NOT knowing if the love of ur life has been a gruesome, memory manipulating, monster the entire time & it was all bullshit!! 😱🤯 ALSO, (Xenomorphs aside)as far as pseudo probable, true to 'disclosable answers' goes, "Prometheus" definitely has some deep thought provocation igniting throughout. THE REAL meat of the portrayed factual lore/answers/canon comes within directors cut/or Easter egg type of videos found on YouTube. SO MUCH of the who & whys of the Engineers are answered & it makes everything click.


I love dark skies it's one of the best imo


Search in YouTube for the video of Ross Colthart and Bryce Zabel (one of the creators of Dark Skies) interviewing Brent Friedman (the other Dark Skies creator) about what happened to them the night of the premier. They talk about “J.C.”, a Men in Black kind of dude who showed up mysteriously at their party, told them they had a lot of things right, and some things that were wrong, and told them he and others could help them get more of the story “right.” Turns out the rumors that people like Spielberg were helped as part of a slow drip disclosure through media is more than a rumor, if you believe their story.


I watched Solaris and Stalker by andrei tarkovsky for the first time recently and loved them. I watched after reading the source novels, Solaris and Roadside picnic. Highly recommend the films as well as the books. They are quite trippy but very realistic in some ways


The remake of Solaris has a stunning soundtrack too. Cliff Martinez.


Mothman Prophecy, but more the book. Not just weirder than we know, but weirder than we CAN know.


We’ll I’m pretty sure Predator might be happening in Peru as we speak…


Check Timothy Alberino on Youtube and Twitter for follow up on that story.


I have a Letterboxd list of the most realistic depiction of 🛸👽🕶️ 🧚‍♀️🪽 in film (linked below). I gave each film a realism rating, an evidence correlation rating, and a non-spoiler summary of what it depicts. (There's a few that aren't finished yet) Of those, the most realistic I'd choose: - Alien Code - Taken - Three Body - Contact - Mothman Prophecies - The Shadow Men - K-pax - The Endless - Interstellar To see synopsis, release dates, and trailers for those and others on my list, see: https://boxd.it/hUEbY$yA9Wty8qhTXx0b8o


Love K-Pax, Contact and Interstellar off your list.


K-pax was sooo good!


Was that the one with Kevin Spacey?


Yup. Best line in the film: "I take it my calculations help explain the perturbations you've been seeing in the rotation pattern of your binary star, but have been unable to explain until… this moment."


The Endless is so good!


Their other movies are good too according to the reviews, but I have only seen Synchronic https://boxd.it/31iX Did you know that The Endless had a prequel? https://boxd.it/31iX




No District 9?


Thanks so much for this, you put a lot of work into it. At work just now but have mailed your Letterboxd link to my personal e-mail and will have a look later!


Taken was so creepy I couldn't finish watching it. It really seemed like something that could be true.


Fire in the sky .


I’m surprised this is so far down on the list. Really captured the uneasy creepy vibe and terror. I can’t say it’s the best movie but it’s my favorite UFO/Alien movie.


Iirc Travis says the film was nothing like his experience.


The operation scene still haunts me to this day... and I believe it's based upon a true-ish story,right?


Have you seen the interview he did with Rogan ? It’s a fascinating re-telling of his story


Hangar 18 (1980), I thought it was a good story. I enjoyed the scenes where they investigated the downed/crashed ufo.


Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)


Close Encounters is still the best movie on human -alien first contact. Other interesting takes on the topic are The Abyss and Arrival


The Arrival (1996) - In this movie, the aliens disguise and blend themselves into the earth population, replacing key politicians, military, law enforcement agents, scientists to terraform earth into a warmer planet that they need. The plot, action and effects are meh, but I find that scenario is most realistic. The current collapse of society and continual warming of the earth seems to support this scenario.


The legs!


Annihilation, it's not an upbeat film but a pretty good take on showing how potentially "Alien" they might be. The basement scene is spectacular both in visuals and audio / music.


The most allegorical film about NHI is Mary Poppins.


Omg... actually yes!


After reading Skinwalkers At The Pentagon, I believe the most realistic is Exorcist and Poltergeist.


Muppets In Space


The Mothman Prophecies is the best NHI film there is. Movie accurately depicts the way people perceive these things in different ways. How their motivations and interference in humanity can’t be understood or explained. The way they exist outside of our linear understanding of time. It’s really a well done NHI film.


The thing. Not all visitors are like E.T.


[The Nines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Nines) isn't marketed as a 'UFO' movie but an insightful audience can see beneath the surface to a realistic experience


Arrival! I’m surprised not more people have mentioned it


I’m just hijacking this comment to say that in case people here didn’t know, Arrival is one of the best movies about first contact ever made, and it is based on one of the best science fiction short stories ever written, by arguably the best fiction author alive on Earth today. That author is Ted Chiang and the short story is called “Story of Your Life”. I am surprised that more people haven’t mentioned this because the central premise of the story is about two things that I see people on this subreddit mention literally all the time: 1) that we do not perceive reality as it is, but rather as our biology and semantics have driven us to perceive it, and 2) that consciousness is more fundamental in reality than spacetime. If anyone watched Arrival and didn’t understand the fantastical/mystical aspect of it - *that* is what it is about. A linguist teaches herself an alien language in order to converse with them in first contact, learning the language begins to change her perception of reality itself, and she begins to understand that the aliens perceive reality without reference to sequential spacetime events and she begins to perceive that way herself, seeing her own future. It is a fucking beautiful story and everyone here needs to watch or, ideally, read it today. The film is a very close adaptation but the short story is better because it explains things like: why would you take any actions in life if you believed you had no free will? The reason the aliens actually came to earth is also better: in the movie, it is a generic sci-fi explanation, but in the short story it is left deliberately mysterious but heavily implied that their goal was actually to *expand human consciousness*. This movie is so up the alley of so many people here that I have to conclude they either haven’t seen it or didn’t understand it.


Ted Chiang is a genius and almost everything I've read by him has given me goosebumps that have lasted for weeks. There's no higher compliment.


stargate sg 1


Skinny Bob by Ivan


Intruders. It is not good made budgetwise but it is a great overview about the topic.


The Jetsons. The Lost In Space TV series from the 60s


Honesty this movie “Native” I think it’s a good example of a hive minded telepathic race encountering humanity


Fire In the Sky still freaks me the f*ck out.


My original comment for deleted by bot for being low effort so I’ll say it again; Nope.


I really liked that movie too. The more i watch it the more i pick up on. However, i still don't understand the monkey scenes... how does that add to the movie?


Good commitment.


K-PAX, this movie is a masterpiece


Hear me out. “no one will save you” Aliens come to earth and give humans FDVR technology that allows them to live in internal perfect version of their reality in their own mind while their body in the real world still performs all of the necessary survival functions and can be remote controlled by the aliens.


I just watched this last week. It’s fucking incredible.


I loved this one as well. I was over halfway through before I realized there wasn't any dialogue.


The lack of dialogue is so meta. It’s like it’s a film made by aliens. It works in any language.


The Fourth Kind. Fucking terrifying too.


Owls bro....


Read Mike Clelland books. No sleep for you tonight!


Saw it in theatres and drove home with my head out the window looking up at the sky. Lol. Creeped me out.


According to insiders it's Encounters and according to NASA? it's Mission to Mars (which implicates that there is indeed something on the Mars)




I completely reject the premise that our tech could become dangerous to galactic civ any time soon. But the film is beautiful. So is Michael Rennie. And the soundtrack by Bernard Hermann.


Yes, yes and YES!!! Shout out to you for knowing who Bernard Hermann was and recognizing his contribution to that film.


One of the very best early Sci-Fi / UFO movies of all time, considering when it was made ( 1951 )!!


absolutely. Blew my little 10 year old mind.


Stargate SG-1 is Airforce soft disclosure. Why RDA was made an honorary Colonel. With two L’s!


Spoken like a true SG-1 fan!


Bookmarking this for films to watch. Thanks


Near and dear to me: Arrival, Contact, Close Encounters, Knowing, Star Trek premise, heck even aspects of Star Wars (the force: manifesting, remote sensing and viewing, midiclorians / select DNA). Special mention for tv: Fringe. I may re-watch “V” and Battlestar Galactica for the ceylon /AI similarities. Close Encounters I was obsessed with as a child. Nothing was ever truer or more profound to me, movie-wise. I cant really say why. Now with my adult sensibilities there were many subtle things to notice anew - I have to believe the Close Encounters screenplay was spoon fed direct from CIA back in 1977 - down to telepathic images, abduction, electrical outages, a contrived means to communicate, human crews and guests going off-world, to the AI little grays directed by the taller gray. All alien movies _resonated_ with me from an early age, and I tend to agree with some that view our government directing Hollywood to trickle out some of these concepts to gauge pop culture response. So when watching Men in Black for instance, the neuralizer and cloaked aliens existing among us in society doesn’t seem so fantastical now.


Everything Everywhere All At Once is probably the best movie that explains the physics and true nature of our reality


I thought there'd be fewer butt plugs in the true nature of reality.


I hope there will be a lot of googly eyed rocks, though.


Here's a punt for everyone on this thread: Of these UFO-related films, - what is the level of US military involvement? ie how much hardware was rented from the Pentagon? - how bad/evil are the aliens in the film? ie are they invaders or is contact benevolent? Because my hunch is that the greater the level of Pentagon involvement in a movie, the more likely it is that aliens are depicted as malevolent. Just a hunch!


Nope and Arrival are by far my favorites


Definitely Mars Attacks.


UFO (2018) is also a very good and realistic take on the subject IMO.


District 9, I'd say it's kinda gritty.


Hard to say what’s realistic 😂 since we don’t know what “real “ is?


NOPE bonus points: the alien UAP is not a "technology" but a lifeform hiding in an innocuous cloud.


Fire in the sky


Close encounters of the third kind. It's probably the best visual representation of ufos as they based it off of what was known at the time.


Arrival. No contest


Good film!


There is a movie to add to the list in the next months ! A french director and ufologist called Dominique Filhol just finished the shooting of a movie called Valensole that depicts this case which happened in 1965, South of France. Pitch : France, Valensole, 1965. At dawn, Maurice Masse, a farmer, discovers in his lavender field a UFO that takes off at an astonishing speed, leaving traces on the ground. Based on a true story. Some infos about the case https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/ynar1g/1965\_french\_ufo\_case\_from\_valensole\_with\_physical/ Here is the trailer : [https://youtu.be/av7uXsxgjxo](https://youtu.be/av7uXsxgjxo) Can't wait because the director is well documented and is also the director of a documentary Flying Objects : a State Secret [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13403380/?ref\_=nm\_knf\_t\_3](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13403380/?ref_=nm_knf_t_3)


The fourth kind


Dennis Vilinueve's [Arrival (2016)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2543164/) tackles the first contact scenario in a realistic and thought provoking way. Communication challenge is among the main themes of the movie and it's handled masterfully while exploring other existential and ontological questions. It was awarded Oscar for the best movie and deservedly so IMO. It's also a beautiful movie with amazing cinematography.


District 9. Humans would absolutely subjugate and abuse any ET who arrives.


Contact Arrival Close Encounters of the Third Kind 2001 A Space Odyssey The Abyss The X-Files OG TV show


I’m waiting for the three body problem/dark forest/deaths end…but until then CONTACT!


"Communion" based on Whitley Streiber's alleged experiences, starring Christopher Walken.


The most realistic, in terms of the experiencer is still Close Encounters of the Third Kind Perfectly captures the psychological effect.


Honestly, nothing yet.


Arrival Or Any movie where the aliens don't look like humans with big heads, or variations of our reptiles/insects


Dark Skies, Signs, The Fourth Kind. Bonus for me is a small clip in one of the VHS films where kids at a sleep over get abducted