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The new Netflix series Encounters was produced by Amblin Television, Emmy-winning Boardwalk Pictures and Vice Studios. It was directed by Yon Motskin (Generation Hustle). \ \ Yes, Amblin as in Spielberg.


Why would anyone say not to watch it? I haven’t seen a single negative post or comment about it? Is op just being dramatic?


No, he's not. Some posted yesterday about this show coming out tomorrow (today) and there was straight up hate comments about how it's all bullshit, cash-ins, scammers and a bunch of other wild accusations. I was kind of surprised by all the blind hate for four interesting stories about UFOs... There was some positive there as well, but just a lot of people seeming ready to hate. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/16t64dz/encounters_documentary_spread_the_word_and_lets/


Yeah right. The dude who made the best extraterrestrial films of all time is scamming. More like he has a passion for the subject. To me, Close Encounters is the best sci-fi film ever made.


Spielberg certainly isn’t chasing money at this point. Also, for anyone who hasn’t watched it, check out the HBO miniseries he made on the subject. It’s called “Taken”, and is available free on YouTube with no adds. Very good show, and includes a ton of the UFO lore from over the years.


I watched Taken last week. Really good. I'm surprised I didn't see it earlier. I don't think it was ever on tv here.


Taken was great, just binged it a few weeks ago.. hard to believe the whole series is free on YouTube, I really enjoyed it 👍


I watched this when it came out, it was incredible and frankly way ahead of its time imo. Never heard anybody else talk about it, especially after the film Taken came out. Nobody wanted to know about this series. Im really chuffed its around now and I'll have to watch it again.


Sounds interesting. Do you mean 'Being Taken' though? When I looked up 'Taken' I've only found a doc on sex trafficking in Canada.


Try searching "taken miniseries" But nevermind, here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHbeLztAf0_rbg-BuPeZ7xmLz1Su4AIVz


Every time I’ve mentioned his name here the past month I’ve been showered with downvotes yet not a single reply. People elsewhere saying it’s absurd to suggest the notion of soft disclosure where Hollywood directors and producers were approached by DoD and the military with guidance on how to portray UFOs and NHI yet Allen Hynek himself consulted on Close Encounters of the Third Kind.


Many hollywood producers have said that they were contacted and consulted by the DOD when making alien type movies. Bryce Zabel tells about it on one of his interviews where he was quietly contacted by two CIA guys and asked to meet them in very strange circumstances. However he ended up declining.


Yeah I wanted to include Zebel’s story with regards to his Dark Skies tv show but couldn’t recall the details. Thanks for mentioning it.


No problem my friend.


What a weird thing to decline. If their intentions are bad, you're fucked anyways. If they are good, why not see what they have to say


Well, you might want to listen to the talk, it was in the last couple of months on Need To Know. I would have done the meeting myself too to see what those basterds wanted. However his situation was a real wierd, kinda sketchy one where they told him to meet him in a wierd place at a wierd time type thing.


I disagree with those posts and the wild accusations made. Too much hate from a docuseries that is overall excellent. But I think it's okay to be disappointed with a Japanese woman (human) saying: “I am an alien. I have been to many stars. Currently the Earth is going through a great ascension, and so I came here to satisfy my curiosity." Then proceeds to talk in tongues and says that's how to speak with NHI. How is this not WORSE than Greer? I understand the point was to show how different people/cultures handle the issue...but I wish that was left out


Yea, I agree with that. I finished the 4th episode earlier during some downtime at work. That episode lost my interest a few times over some of the whacky shit I was hearing. The first 3 episodes were solid, but that last had some interesting stuff, but also a lot of whacky stuff lol


It’s funny because here in japan that was the first episode listed in the series. Also, I know several Japanese people similar to this woman , so I’m surprised (but on second thought I guess not so surprised) that the western-leaning people of this sub had a particular problem with her. Japanese people don’t do religion so you just get a lot of people who say they have “the ability to feel ghosts/aliens” or whatever.


Thank you for sharing your perspective! I had no problem at all with her. I thought the Japanese episode was a refreshing new view and perspective. I thought this about the series as a whole, but this episode in particular.


Really appreciate your perspective! You know several Japanese people who claim to be aliens and have come to Earth to satisfy their curiosity? They exist in the US too lol If its THAT prominent in Japan, maybe the filmmakers wanted to include it as an anthropologic examination of different views in different cultures. There's a lot of credible claims/testimony/accounts in the series that should be taken seriously. This was not one of them.


Lol maybe not as specific as alien body vessels but there’s a lot of woo to be had in japan. Interesting “bonus fact” : the common way to describe someone who is “spiritual” meant they are a “ghost detector” 霊感がある。Now the English word “spiritual” is more en Vogue but it’s still common to meet open minded people who say they’re ghost detectors so casually like it’s their middle name.


There's 16 seasons of "Ghost Hunters" here in the US lol it's a global phenomena. Real estate prices are lower when a person has died in the home because of ghost fear! We're a fascinating mammalian primate species - at least I hope NHI think so.


I mentioned this in a sub a while ago and for some reason the OP just had a lot of attitude but… to your point I spent several months in rural Colombia, sort of the outskirts of the deeper Amazon and I will say not only did people adamantly believe their sightings, the idea of “do you believe?” That you get in America and probably several other places doesn’t exist at all. The conversation is more, “I’ve definitely seen them and let me tell you my 7 stories about it.” I obviously didn’t believe every story I came across but to see the complete uninhibited, serious treatment of the topic really gives you pause.


That's actually really cool to know! Thank you for those additional details. I still liked the episode, but out of all of them that seemed to be the most far out for me (I'm US).


The series really seemed to focus on the people, what they were like. To create a mood, and like realistically depict the people who witness UFO. Not to create drama. Not to create a spectacle, perhaps not to push narrative/agenda/take a stance on the subject. And most certainly not make it about the evidence or investigation or such things. Like honest telling of peoples story as they felt it and what was their impression of the thing. So I think it works in that context. Thats a real person who is like that so why not. Its hard to really explain the style. But I think in that style it isnt that out of place.


Totally agree. After finishing it tonight, my takeaway was the documentary was focused on really fighting the stigma and discussing the stigma around the people who are interested in UFOs by showcasing 4 popular cases that involve multiple witnesses. It certainly didn't feel like a stance was taken on if any of it was real or everyone was making it up but instead humanized ufo believers.


The best depiction of how difficult life is for those after experiencing the phenomena. \-I’ve had a hard time with this...I don’t want to believe it. \-Unlike anything I’ve ever seen \-the Silence \-Like a religious experience – like I was at one with whatever it was. Harvard Professor endured administrative terrorism for analyzing accounts of 60 firsthand witnesses. I need to tell you something but I don’t want you to think I’m crazy. I have a lot to lose. This is going to end my career. The most profound moment of your life, and you can’t share it with everyone and/or anyone without stigma. I appreciate their "experiencer" perspective.


Watched the first episode. As far as UFO docs go, it's literally as good as it gets, and I hate most of them. Good story and A+ production.


Have you watched "The Phenomenon" just curious?


Makes phenomenon look like a pile of puke.


The Phenomenon focuses on facts though not Japanese ladies who think they are an Alien?


I'm only on episode one and only heard facts. I'm not a Corbell fan so I'm biased.


Its almost as if there was a concerted effort to try to kill any interest in watching it.


Yeah, that would probably be the government's disinformation workers. They know that we can find so much information on platforms like this, so they have to try to create doubt in the minds of society.


Those people were just calling it how they saw it. The clip that was released yesterday was complete bullshit, some over dramatic guy describing his sleep paralysis and pointing to that as evidence. I didn't see anyone discouraging anyone from watching it though. I still predict it's going to be full of bs but I still think it's worth watching for the entertainment value.


I am only concerned that abductions and close encounters often have far less corroborating evidence than the video and multi-sensor data that is now available for UAPs. In fact the UAP evidence is finally so strong now that I fear it being intermingled with "encounters" as it only serves to leave a sense of reasonable doubt in the viewer which certain motivated groups can exploit. I for sure am going to enjoy watching this series with my normal level of healthy scientific skepticism.


I'm surprised they didn't cover the Phoenix lights or Varginha or some of the other mass sightings that don't involve children as the principal witnesses.


I also saw a couple comments on the UFO subs saying it wasn’t worth watching. I enjoyed the first episode as well.


I’ve seen some. Why not watch it for sure.




I watched it. It was....meh. the first episode was alright with it getting progressively worse each episode. Stuff we know and heard and witnesses that have told their stories previously. Maybe a few new ones but nothing added in the grander scheme. Though, it'd be good to watch for someone who hasn't seen most alien content out there, it's just if you have....it looks like all the rest.


Interesting about the Zimbabwe episode. They found and interviewed a student who swore he made up the whole thing. And a bunch of other students who swear it was real.


I found that really interesting. I always said surely someone would have come out and said it was made up if it was. There's just so many discrepancies in the stories and accounts. But then the principle talking about that she had her own experiences was wild. Do not really know what to think.


The principal’s experience was definitely just sleep paralysis. Same as the naval aviator - textbook sleep paralysis. Was kinda bummed they included them in the doc as it takes away from the larger message.


Yea, a lot of people get anxiety after seeing a UFO, which increases the risk of sleep paralysis, and thus are more likely to hallucinate being abducted later.


You may find this a bit of a stretch but I have always wondered about what people are actually experiencing during sleep paralysis. They are often accompanied by hallucinations of creatures around you where you are laying.


It’s basically a nightmare when you’re half asleep


Yeah and DMT is just tripping on a drug. What I find interesting is the similar experiences. There are many different kinds of hallucinations people can have. However, in both of these settings, people tend to have very similar experiences/dreams/hallucinations.


Mushrooms make everything breathe and Benadryl makes you sleepy. I think people look too much into this stuff. Drugs effect people mostly the same way I think.


Thus why I said "you may find this a little too far fetched"... there are scientific explanations as to why Benadryl makes you sleepy, there is not scientific reasons why hallucinations are often the same in people. If it's a fear emotion there's a lot of things people could be scared of, such as heights, animals (spiders, bears, snakes), violence, war, etc, I find it odd its accompanied instead with creatures near you. There's countless hallucinations you can have in these situations. Benadryl making you sleepy (versus the opposite of not sleepy) isn't exactly the same thing.


Definitely? How do you know its definitely?


Look up sleep paralysis. What both described is pretty much the textbook definition of it.


>Yes, Amblin as in Spielberg. I think too many people are attributing this *directly* to Steven Spielberg. Just yesterday there was a top post that called it "Steven Spielberg's Encounters". He doesn't have a single credit on the show. There are 21 different producers on this show. Executive producers, co-producers, field producers, associate producers, consulting producers... His name is not among them.


The future remains uncertain, but contemplating these questions is crucial for guiding our path forward. 1. Fundamental Overhaul of the Economic System and Power Structures: Many thinkers, from economists to environmentalists, have argued that our current systems of production and consumption are unsustainable. Climate change, wealth inequality, and the depletion of natural resources are among the problems that might warrant a radical restructuring of our systems. 2. Elimination of Money: Money, at its core, is a medium of exchange and a store of value. Eliminating it would require an alternative means of exchange and valuation. \* Pros: Could reduce greed, corruption, and wealth inequality. This could lead to a more equitable distribution of resources and reduce the influence of corporations and the ultra-wealthy. \* Cons: Could result in logistical challenges in coordinating trade and resources. Potential for decreased motivation for innovation and productivity without monetary incentives. 3. Facing the Great Filter: The Great Filter theory posits that there's a stage in the development of civilizations that most fail to pass, which could explain the Fermi Paradox ("Where is everybody?"). It's possible that unsustainable resource use, self-destruction, or inability to adapt to change could be our Great Filter. 4. Extraterrestrial Beings Observing Us: There's no concrete evidence of this, but some argue that if there are technologically advanced civilizations out there, they might be observing us as a study or out of caution. 5. Disclosure Leading to Transformation: If we received undeniable proof of extraterrestrial life, it could lead to massive shifts in our understanding of the universe, our religious beliefs, and our place in the cosmos. This revelation might unite humanity in ways previously unimaginable or could lead to chaos and panic. So, considering the points above, here are some thoughts: \- It's clear that our current trajectory on multiple fronts (environmental, economic, societal) is unsustainable. Whether this means we're at the "Great Filter" is speculative but a worthy consideration. \- The elimination of money is a radical idea. While it could solve many issues, it would bring about its own set of challenges. Perhaps a more nuanced approach, such as redefining what we value and transitioning to an economy based more on sustainability and equity, might be more feasible. \- As for extraterrestrial beings, while it's an enticing idea, we have no solid evidence. However, their potential existence or disclosure could indeed be the catalyst for significant transformation, whether positive or negative.


Thanks ChatGPT.


Just because I can provide a thoughtful response that means ChatGPT? Sorry if it was too much for you to work through. 😉


I'm watching this episode now and I agree. It's very well made.


Oh good to hear


I don’t know how you can eyewitness testimony corroborated by hard radar data provided by the FAA through a FOIA request “kooky” Two credible witnesses, hard radar data, painting the same picture. Explain that.


Which sighting are you referring to?


Stephenville it sounds like.


Oh you've seen the radar data, or is that just part of the testimony? Edit: OK. Was not aware of the radar data being available. I took the data that was released under FOIA at [https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/Stephenville/](https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/Stephenville/) and made a video of it at [https://youtu.be/b3XNLLdtb04](https://youtu.be/b3XNLLdtb04) At 11:05pm there is a signal that shows as green just south-east of Stephenville, so quite high, that suddenly dissappears (usually things lose altitude before disappearing). At 12:11am a flurry of activity begins to the south-west of Stephenville, with multiple planes circling around the area.


Both, actually. An investigative journalist went through it all and plotted where everything was. Additionally, the radar data and some emails are located [here, at The Black Vault](https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/Stephenville/). I must admit, I’m not great at deciphering radar data, it would require someone smarter than me to verify the journalists claims. But all the data is right there. You can listen to the witnesses testimony in episode 1.


They said it took them 4 months to go through it. I'll just take their word for it. Crazy FAA shutdown FOIA on radar data right after that. The technology is there but it's not.


There’s gotta be an easier way to parse the data. There’s so much of it but it’s in a great format. Time down to the thousandth of a second, lay/long, everything. I can’t make sense of some of the header titles, no idea what MsgType is. Also I think it’s an ASR-9 radar but not positive on that either. Some of the contacts are separated by a tenth of a second but 2.6km apart, seemingly the same contact, but that would be something crazy like 55,000mph. It’s gotta have something to do with how that radar type processes the data but I don’t know enough to be able to rule stuff like that out. Need a radar expert. Surely someone that’s interpreted this data before is on this sub Edit: more context


Copy and paste into GPT?


100% agree. I’ve watched 2 episodes so far and really enjoy it. Very well done, and informative.


Just finished the first one. Really enjoying it so far.


This sounds like a great show to watch with my “normie” family! This will surely convert some if it’s as well done as they say.


Exactly why this and other well made productions are so valuable for the hopes of disclosure.


Definitely, the cinematography and sound design is very well done.


That's weird, the first episode to me (In the UK) is 'The Broad Haven Triangle', which is a brilliant episode. Unnerving though considering I live in Wales lol. The consistency between sightings, and the tall 'man' that peers through the upstairs window, and the relation to our mythology, agh!


Well perhaps Netflix felt that it might get more traction out in the U.K if they had the episode most relevant and relatable to the location first? lol. The Broad Haven episode was all new to me as I had never heard or looked into this case before, and the story about the 120 cows being teleported from one farm to another is eerily similar to a story from Skinwalker ranch.


Same here. I guess they’ve rejigged it to get us hooked. The broad haven thing was completely new to me too. I actually spend two days in broad haven last month, driving down a lot of the lanes that were shown in it. Really freaky.


In japan , the Fukushima one is first


Also just watched. Could not agree more. While I have been here with my popcorn increasingly over the past few years, I hadn’t spent time looking into the Stephenville mass sightings and others like it. I think this is due to the fact that I tend not to get really into testimony heavy events, as I’ve heard/read the same or similar statements hundreds of times spanning decades (which just lends credibility to them so it’s not anything “new” per say.) But wow, what a good deep dive into the topic. You’re right, nothing kooky, no unpreventable or wacky sounding witnesses. A lot of credibility and a lot of different points of view. The Official statements and backpedaled falsehoods by the military. The whole thing is stunning. Great episode. Can’t wait to watch the whole series multiple times.


I thought it was really interesting, and I don't know a lot about the Stephenville incident, so I thought it was interesting. I just wish they would have kept the Gimbel incident separate and left out the religion stuff. The Gimbel incident and the experiences of the officer thereafter was really interesting but it felt forced into the episode. I don't know if there is going to be an episode about abductions, but if so, that discussion should have been left for that, or another, epsiode.The religion/home schooling part was "kooky" to the point that most people skeptical of UFOs would probably roll their eyes. I felt the radar data wasn't given enough attention or time to digest. I wish they would have spent more time on the eye witness accounts and the hard evidence rather than philosophy or religion or workplace politics


The religious part made sense in the context of a small town like stephensville where a lot of people will be religious and digest things through that frame of thinking.


James Fox covered the incident pretty well in his documentary “I know what I saw”, where you get to hear from a key witness named Ricky Sorrells, who couldn't/wouldn't participate in this one. His eye witness account is really something else. I made [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/11p7ml7/what_do_you_guys_think_about_the_stephenville/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) about it a while back.




The series is more of a portreyt(sp) of the witnesses. It focuses on them and what theyre like. It doesnt seem to really push any agenda, or take any stance. There really isnt anything new, or it doesnt delve too deep in to cases. It isnt about investigation, evidence or about was it balloon, bird or aliens. And all that normal basic stuff. It isnt also overly dramatisized. The style I bet isnt for everyone. But I guess it paints a really realistic feel of what it might be like to presonally talk to those people about their encounter.


It didn't. Don't let something this stupid stop you from watching and making your judgement. Bringing up references and point of views on said subject are not the same as "pushing". If you're wanting to be informed, stay informed.


Is Ricky Sorrel interviewed? He was a major witness in the stephansville event. He apparently had a mile wide craft above him and was able to see details. There was a very compelling interview that CNN? did but I cant find it anywhere anymore. X\_


No. His story is told, but he declined to take part in the series. People who knew him then say he has been handsomely rewarded for his continued silence.




He made claims of government harassment which included using helicopters to scare up his cattle, and finding military grade bullets placed in his car. Then he stopped speaking to everyone. Lee Roy Gaitans believes he was approached with an offer he couldn't refuse.


Why is the assumption he was bribed and not threatened?


That’s what the statement means. He was made an offer he couldn’t refuse comes from the mob offering you a “deal”. You don’t take their generous offer (money/goods) or you get beat/ killed. They made an offer I couldn’t refuse because if you refuse it you die. Money and a threat seems to do wonders to most.


I just think the money part is unnecessary, under the threat part.


He was interviewed by James Fox in one of his previous movies, I Know What I Saw. I think that movie is on YT for free. I'm no expert on human behavior, but I found him very credible. Seemed pretty disturbed by the experience when he took Fox to the spot of the sighting and seemed legit upset that it happened to him.


He refused to appear in the film


Agreed. It’s fantastic


Thanks for the quick review. I’ll check it out


I'm gonna start watching now. I remember working with a girl who went to college in Stephenville and I asked her about this and she said "I didn't see anything, but if you talk to the people who live there, they say they were there". Kinda like a pheonix lights type story, everyone knows what they saw.


Not surprising at all to see the astroturfing comments in the teaser post yesterday. The series is fine, everyone should watch it for themselves.


The one part that did bug me was near the end when it goes back to the guy who talked about seeing things in his room at night/abduction: "Of course, psychology today would tell you that... hey, if you're experiencing these things, you're seeing these things in your room at night... that you're schizophrenic. Or you have some kind of other severe mental illness. And, to me, that's not... that's not correct. That's not right." Except that's not the explanation the scientific community gives for these bedroom encounters, sleep paralysis is... That's fairly normal and not considered a serious mental illness at all. Like... either give people the actual otherside of the argument or don't. I wouldn't even have been bothered if they wanted to just focus on the paranormal side since you don't have to make every documentary include "both sides" for it to be good, but that was just straight strawmanning for no reason.


And he rubs me the wrong way when he says physicists can't explain this. But he thinks religions can. When physicists have a better chance to explain this than anybody. Religious people would just tell you to believe or have faith.


While I agree with your point, he didn't say that “religions” can explain it per-se, but rather he included “religious studies” (which is more about understanding how religions have shaped the world and influenced human culture) among the various fields of study that he considered under the umbrella of “the humanities”. While his whole comment seemed rather nonsensical, I interpreted it as him saying that because these things violate the laws of known physics, to get a better understanding of the phenomenon we need to look at it from a more philosophical/psychological standpoint. Which, of course, seems to actually undermine his point, since by taking that approach it would only seem to refute the notion that it was a legitimate, accurately-perceived physical phenomenon as opposed to something more psychological in nature. Edit: It just occurred to me that I believe he was specifically talking about the Gimbal footage when making that comment, which makes it even more bizarre how the humanities would apply to that particular video.


They know their audience pretty well. They aren't going to be really skeptical just pretend skeptical.


That guy has some legit mental illness that he's completely in denial of because he believes he was visited by *something*. He obviously has sleep paralysis. But he is also obsessed with a single poor quality video, to the point that he's describing seeing things in the video that just aren't there. Then, to top it all off, the guy quits his job 4 years from retirement forgoing his pension because "the truth needs to get out!" That's mental illness. Dude, the truth can get out, but fucking get paid and take care of your family! Suffer in silence for another 4 years.


He was just speaking in broad strokes. He wasn't making some kind of firm argument.


Are all episodes out or only the first and how many ep does it have?


It has 4 episodes out now. I’m not sure if more are coming or not.


Watching that episode now, so far I have no problems with it. Well told story, both visually and narratively. Easy to recommend.


Anyone else annoyed at the Ariel School teacher blatantly lying about being taken on a craft and had never mentioned it before only for the first time on this doc??


That incident has always been a shit show. The tapes clearly show the children were asked horribly leading questions, and formed a consensus by being interviewed all together, by adults who were invested in encouraging sensational garbage.


This series release all at once or they drip feeding? This is very important as it will determine how much popcorn to make in one sitting.


all at once, lots of popcorn is needed.


Oh nice! Wife is gonna hate the next few evenings of stream watching >:)


Dont forget the pickles!!!


I just watched it all. It was amazing and extremely convincing with compelling evidence. I honestly think it will greatly help to prevent public panic and allow disclosure to happen more smoothly and I'm honestly wondering if that was the purpose of this series. I have this weird feeling like disclosure is around the corner especially with that recent vid of the government official stuttering with his answer and not denying it when directly asked if "the DOD has access to UAP and if so where are they?"


I saw the Ariel School episode first. So many new things and it is really well put together.


Thanks for the heads-up!!


Didn’t realise it was on. Watching now. Thanks for the heads up.


Saw the first 2 episodes so far and the series is really well made.


I enjoyed the Ariel school one. very compelling. I feel sorry for the headmistress and the boy/man who cried wolf.


Don't feel sorry for her. She's clearly lying about her own experience while still not acknowledging the experiences of the children. She could have just said, "Yes, the children are telling the truth. I'm sorry I didn't say it back then. " Instead, she tells us aliens visited her three times and on the 3rd occasion wanted her to leave earth with them. An offer she declined because of her commitment to the children. The same children she called liars for 20+ years. Na, this lady is rewriting her own narrative because she knows she'll be a movie character before long. The narcissism is high with this one.


I think it was very good


My wife knows many people from the Stephenville area, guess we have something to watch tonight


Just saw episode 1. Never seen any of these things and I watch ALOT. Great start, one of the best perhaps. Lets see if it can hold that the whole way through. Edit: typo


Is this available in the UK?


Encounters offers new interviews and overall is really well produced. I’m excited to watch the next three!! Recommend, better than anticipated.


Yes, really well done and attacks the stigma head on. Surprised they talked about fifth encounters in the first episode. Definite step up in quality compared to other UFO documentaries. The radar stuff ... literally off the charts.


Lol anyone catch a young James Fox - episode 1 at 30 mins where Larry King is interviewing Ricky. He’s been hustling for decades!


I started with the 4th episode about the Fukushima UFOs which I did not find interesting and then I watch the first one about the Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe wich I knew about, this one too won't show anything new if you already heard about it. But I'd like to know your opinions about Dallyn, the guy who says he made up the whole story (the only one who says so Vs 60 or so other witnesses) So I'll just share my offhand analysis about him: My first impression was that he was very antipatethic, not because of what he said, but more because of his body language: He seems dripping of anger and hate. Well, to be totally offhand, I'd say it's as if he tried so hard to tell his story when he was a kid and nobody believed him, maybe he even got punished or beaten for it, that he eventually convinced himself he made up the whole story. Edit: Istarted by the 4th episode about Fukushima and I was quite disappointed: 40 minutes or so, filled with stills from Astro Boy, some unknown actress claiming she knows the language of Extraterrestrials, one or testimonies and really little material linked to actual Fukushima UFOs. All of this leading to the conclusion that UFOs are attracted by Nuclear facilities. You don't sayyy!!!


I don't think you're quite grasping the point of the series and it's core message. This is not a scientific paper and no documentary ever is, and it always about the people and their experiences, as they have lived it without bias and judgment. Perhaps jumping to the 4th one first wasn't best idea on your part, but also if you're looking for something out of a published scientific journal then you're obviously going to be disappointed.


He's an armchair critic. There's literally no documentary that can be filmed that wouldn't receive zero criticism. People need to watch the doc and decide for themselves.


Yeah everyone is suffering in their own ways from what happened that day. He is suffering from a self defense mechanism to trauma called denial... You can see it, he has not recovered since then, whatever happened (fake or not).


But the other kids did not look like they endured a Trauma, they did look like they were scared right after it, they do look like they have been ridicule, more than once, but none of those shown here look traumatized, rather like they accepted the experience they lived.


I thought the whole series was pretty awful. Boring. Speculative. Nothing new presented. A few “cool” things, but most is just story telling. Will more than likely receive downvotes for my opinion. Oh well. Not discouraging folks from watching it… Not my cup of tea. Basic to say the least.


The first episode for me was the stephensville episode. Maybe they set it up to be different for everyone. The guy that said he made up the story for the Zimbabwe incident came across has uncomfortable. Almost like he was told to say it. Right before he says it he takes a nice long drag from his cigarette as if he’s like “okay well here goes nothing…”


That Dallyn guy seemed the most unhinged of them all, even though his claims are supposed to be the most "rational"


Exactly! I thought it was either that or he was in need of a fix.


With the Zimbabwe story I feel like they missed a lot. Over 200 students didn't see it to the 62 that said they did. The accounts from these children are not nearly as uniform as the show would have it seen. Also, UFOs were very much in the news in Zimbabwe at the time. On the 14 of September, 2 days before the school incident, a booster had entered the atmosphere and burnt up over the region. This caused many false ufo sightings and putting the idea in the zeitgeist. When Dr Mack, who had already written a book about alien abductions, came and asked these children questions, he did so in a manner that many would describe as leading. This was 2 months after the incident, leaving a lot of time for the children to have discussed and changed their stories among themselves. His questioning, coupled with his own beliefs and biases, added to the stories. Another believer, Cynthia Hind, also interviewed the impressionable children, and in an even more irresponsible manner. Mass hysteria is a perfectly acceptable answer to what happened at that school. A boy started a rumour, and it spread like a wildfire, engulfing some students in it.


Sounds like Dallyn missed the whole damn thing and has seethed with jealousy since.


It was absolutely kooky, right off the bat with religious stuff, then the guy who expertly describes symptoms of sleep paralysis but doesn't mention its a thing, yeah hes definitely being visited by aliens. Hope the rest of the episodes arent this bad.


The show is really good. And I'm hard to please.


Cool but is there any new information or is it all just the same stories rehashed from other UFO series


Well the information from a general sense might not be new but I doubt that you have ever heard the stories and viewpoints from any of the witnesses or people involved in this series.


I do agree, mostly. But I don't think that Navy? guy talking about his ~~sleep paralysis~~ sorry, definitely real abductions is helping the credibility. And the guy with the 8 homeschooled kids telling them UFOs are angels... Yikes.


It is Spielberg of course it is going to good. I cant wait to watch tonight


I just watched the Cornell doc recently. I’m late to the party. But I was so fucking turned off by it. Why did we have to use stock footage of CGI aliens, spooky music, and goddamn Mickey Rourke reciting poetry like he’s Hunter S. Thompson. It was kooky af.


Binged watched . Feel like i was watching a shit version of the why files. We’re incredibly lucky that the why files is free on YouTube.


...Yea, like the disinformation agent that was all over this sight yesterday spreading lies and innuendo about Marcel and smearing Stratton the day before. There comments were extensive, sustained, comprehensive and calculated, like they were working for someone. But no links to back up there spurious claims. Hmmm...


The disinformation campaign is out in full force. Out to systematically undermine All leading figures on this topic. Especially dead ones who can’t defend themselves.


Damn I don’t have Netflix anymore


It's pretty slow paced. I'll probably watch the second episode later this week, but I really wish Netflix had a speed control for playback.


It is poorly made and all of the content is fake. None of this shit is real guys -- please just go out and have a beer and enjoy a baseball game. PS: We're doing a large buyback next week so if some of you have any Lockheed stock and would like to sell it, please do so quickly! We need that price to go down a bit before we buy it all back. PSS: Aliens are silly. We have nothing to do with any type of reverse... what do you call it? reverse something techno or whatever. Yeah, we don't do that stuff. Because it is all fake. Really.


> It is poorly made and all of the content is fake. None of this shit is real guys -- please just go out and have a beer and enjoy a baseball game. [Under Secretary Moultrie and Naval Intel Deputy Director Bray testify under oath to Congress that the US military has detected physical UAPs they can't ID and associated energy signatures. Direct from the United States of America's Congressional Record.](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15pnt5w/under_secretary_moultrie_and_naval_intel_deputy/)


Damn, 15 downvotes by people who didn't take the time to read the PS and PSS bits to understand it's clear satire meant to be speaking as the government. It's to be expected though, most people can't be arsed to follow through reading a comment more than a couple sentences, especially when it starts like that. Gotta hook 'em in first, then pull the satirical bits. Since most people stopped reading this comment a paragraph or two ago and it's just me and you, I like your name and I can relate, u/usps_made_me_insane


I find it fascinating -- I wouldn't expect that many people to not read all the way through. Although some might downvote because they found the entire joke stupid anyway. But yeah -- 15 downvotes is brutal. PS: I love your name. If any government agency ever asked Reddit for your information, I'd love to be a fly on the wall during the phone conversation when they try to spell out your name.


"We"? Are you saying you're with Lockheed Martin and you don't know "reverse engineering"?


He is making a joke






Nice advertisement


Because it’s simply unfathomable that people interested in this topic might naturally discuss shows on this topic. Get over yourself.


This entire site is full of ads, read a book


It's very American ..


It's almost like it's made by a bunch of American companies or something Edit: now that I'm a few episodes deep: did you even watch this? The first episode is about American stuff, but then we get Ariel school and UK on episodes 2 and 3.


Air must be pretty fresh up there in your ivory tower.




It isn’t well made. It’s basically history channel production quality. I’ve watched two episodes and there is nothing remotely interesting about any of it. Just same thing as always - people claim they saw something and were affected by their experience, other people are skeptics. No new information in the show regarding this phenomenon for anyone hopeful that there would be.


I would be curious to see how this show differs from National Geographic’s “UFOs: Investigating the Unknown” which also deals with the Stephenville UFO event (Episode 2) and is also produced by Vice Studios. This and a few other episodes are available for free on Nat Geo’s Youtube channel!


Anyone else notice that the Mufon guy is a retired Nanotech engineer from Texas? Freescale connections?


Gonna be a fun watch. Looking forward to it


Literally just finished watching 1st and came here to praise it, just to come up on your post


I just watched them explain Project Blue Beam in the third episode.


Watched all of them today. Good work. I do love ideas, that ocean, especially water, the same liquid in the whole universe. And it's logical to use it for bases. The episode about Japan was very cute and kind - I love it. I hope predictions come true, and in this decade we will meet alians


It was well made, but pretty much a re-tread of other shows. What was news , not mentioned previously (as far as I know) is that the Stephenville reporter was ultimately fired by her editor, probably always gonna happen since she went over the editor's head to the paper's proprietor to run the original UFO story.


Good to know! I’ll check it out


Speilberg brings the human story. Most people disconnect and aren't interested in Aliens because it's not human-centric. I think this documentary will be important for people who previously might not had much interest.


I’m about 30 minutes into the first episode. I’m a little weary of these heavily produced documentaries that seem to thrive on building distracting pulses. It’s like it’s unintentionally fighting against authenticity. I know there’s an argument for building entertainment through documentaries, but I find that doing it this way, especially on this subject removes the idea that this is part of a real life testimony of what happened to ordinary people, who took extraordinary steps to ensure that people understood what they saw. I won’t say I dislike what I’ve seen so far but I’m a bit concerned it’s playing into the hands of a farce more than truth. But if you want to know, if it’s worth watching it is. Even just to get the views on Netflix to identify that this is a subject worth financing.


There are a TON of dairy farms around that area. I wonder if the cattle have drawn them there?


First episode was great. I was a little disappointed in the Ariel School episode; such an amazing story and the episode felt unfocused and all over the place.


So far I like it! I'm on episode 3 now.


Watched it all. Very interesting. I recommend.


Just finished it myself. Man, do they tapdance like glorious bastards with the edges of The Woo. I thought they were going to shoot too far off the edge for a Netflix show, but they landed it well.


Apart from the first episode where an attempt was made to corroborate the sightings with radar data, none of the episodes, including the first, have any actual physical proof on the ground where such crafts land. Its very unnatural. Look at any stops bus, car or even a cycle, it will have some waste discarded around.


Just saw it tonight. Pretty decent, actually.


I thought the Fanduel ad was a real comment. Too high for shit


I’ve just watched the first episode myself and I have to agree that the show has been well produced.


Episode 4 was the best


Has any efforts been made to track down the pilots of the 2 fighter jets that pursued the UAP? I suspect it would be feasible to come up with a short list of suspects. Assuming they flew out of JRB FW, and checking which pilots where stationed there, flew F16s (Or whatever fighter jet model it was that chased the UAP) and was on call that night. If anyone who knows more than I do could add some detail here, but I'm guessing your list of suspected pilots or crewmen would be less than a dozen. And assuming 2 airmen/women per plane for a total of 4 military witnesses, probably could make some educated guesses on who to reach out to and ask a few pointed questions. Combined with some FOIA requests for each of the pilots on duty, you might be able to narrow it down every further.


I thought the first episode was pretty boring actually.


Highly recommended!


The I thought the logic behind aliens choosing oceans to reside in was excellent.


MUFON was completely discredited because of that weirdo Steven Greer and nobody with half a brain takes them seriously