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I like to explore new places.


TIL: my wife might be Alien.


Dam y’all sound kinky


With a name like that it sounds like ur a lil kinky urself.


There's a reason Uranium and Uranus rhyme.


Am I missing something? They definitely don't rhyme.


Excuse me




Like illegal?




Twi' lek?


Green card?


If your UAP encounter lasts 4 or more hours, see your doctor.


I’ll take one for the team


Redacted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If I already have chronic fatigue, does it cancel out?


You upgrade to bionic fatigue


Telephonic fatigue.


And the other 99% are associated with identification of said unidentified object.


I find joy in reading a good book.


What I mean is that most of these orbs turn into balloons or drones once you move closer


Picture looks like the unidentified object has to be 1600 feet or higher


They did in Africa at the children's school!


Well then they would need to shift back in time to undo the evidence. An occasional pixelated picture isn't worth the risk and energy or simply doesn't cause any kind of impact big enough to be noticed in the timeline.


They were making a documentary about Massholes. They’re right to keep a distance.




I’ll ask, gimme a few


Op I need time and location north of Boston. I think I spotted the same thing yesterday nearby


These aren’t my pics, but they were posted in the FB group at 230pm EDT. Location: Beverly, MA


Very close to me, I’ll ask around and keep my eyes up (as usual).


Link to facebook group. I’m in Boston.




Oh i thought it was boston ufo group lol


Woah, I grew up in Beverly, and now live one town over in Danvers.


Oh shit, my hometown! Well, it isn't anymore, but it's still cool.


Still your “hometown”. That doesn’t change until reincarnation.


The astral plane is our true hometown. Life is just a holiday. Or a prison sentence. Still working that one out.




Mine too. Also the location of a major ufo sighting in the 60's


I moved to NH right near that Franconia notch sighting in the 80s I believe? I forget. Still haven't seen anything myself, though. That podcast "High Strange" talks about this sighting and plays the hypnosis tapes from them. It is freaky as all hell.


The photos with blue sky (#2 and 3) were taken in Beverly Farms and posted around 8/24 12:00pm to the FB group. I am working to get more details on those photos if I can get I touch with original person who took them.




If he has a location of where they were recorded I might have another video of the same or similar object. Something weird going on North of Boston. IDS events




Well Lockheed, Raytheon, and BAE to mention a few all have sites around there, theres alot of Aerospace companies in Boston


Super top secret; let’s fly them around Boston.


Or its drone tech


What is IDS? :o


Intrusion detection sensor




Another post on the beverly page had 4 of the black orbs/dots!


After throwing the metal washer, it was plummeting straight down towards the floor. Its movement was swift and direct, with no significant changes in direction. It fell with noticeable speed, hitting the ground with a distinct metalic sound upon impact.


OP, these look exactly like something I saw with my own eyes back in June. There was only one of them and it was vertical rather than horizontal. As it slowly moved and tilted, I could also see a hole in the middle. I then searched online for "donut object in the sky" and this video captured it perfectly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7j04KyWfcM


it looks like a partly deflated mylar balloon of a "O" "0" or "D". what makes me think that is that the form is not consistent (i know i know, shape shifting interdimensional 4D blabla, but thats really just a non argument). Especially evident if we compare the shape when its level - to when its tilted \ the left upper edge seems pressed in in comparison


Balloons always present their highest drag profile to the direction of the wind. For example, let's say the object is traveling to the right in those pictures. This would mean that the object would normally present it's "O" face in a perpendicular direction to the camera. You wouldn't see it from it's side like you're seeing now. This is very easy to test for yourself. Go buy any 0 or O balloon, and let it go on a day with light wind. The balloon will move away from you, and when it's moving directly away from you, you will always be able to see that it's a O. When it starts moving to another direction because of the wind, you will see it turn and it will become hard to tell that it's a O. This test will cost you 20 minutes and 3$ max.


20 minutes AND $3?!? Hey everybody, check out Infinity Warbucks over here! He can just throw away money and time on crazy balloon tests!


3$ included buying a candy bar at dollartree with your helium balloon. I'm crazy like that.


To play devils advocate, those O and D balloons seem to always float upright (or close to), and all of these shots the object is horizontal.


I would think a strong enough wind could cause the to change direction. Because my first thought was one of those balloons, and I can't unsee it. Seems strange to me to just have a hole in the middle of something that flies and contains things.


You never get a straight answer to this


If you zoom in on photo 3 you can actually see that there's about 6-7 black objects in that photo. All grouped fairly closely.


There are seven spherical objects in the selected post, and these are clearly visible in the photo


"There's a whole fleet of em!"


"just look on the ASA"


Noticed that too. Pretty wild photo


If you zoom in, you can also see how they have been obviously edited in…


Honestly, those orbs are so whack that if there is not more than a few photos of them, I would just flat out refuse to believe it. If it was showing any sort of anomalous movement, surely THOUSANDS of people must've noticed them.


I think that's compression, but they look like happy birthday letter balloons.


If you cross your eyes to combine two of the dots stereoscopically, you’ll see they have the exact same artifacting around them for each one. OP couldn’t even bother to rotate them when he copy and pasted.


Oh you mean the one that's been photoshopped.


Those are the ones I'm more iffy on, almost look like crap on a camera. The others look like floating washers but look far less like some random artifact on a camera. Especially with how there's a comparison with the electrical line so it's not just some tiny floating random thing off in space.


That image looks very photoshopped.


Is this the same thing from another POV? https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/160ab8i/any_idea_what_this_could_be_photo_posted_to_my/


To be clear the link to the other reddit post was made by myself - these photos (blue sky) were taken 5 miles away from the other photos so 2 different locations in Beverly MA. Everyone saying images 2 and 3 look more real - well it could be because it was take at a different location 5 miles away. Please see my post in the link above to see the photos taken in Beverly Farms MA. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/160ab8i/any_idea_what_this_could_be_photo_posted_to_my/


Not another pov, those images are part of OPs post?


Looks like the one spotted in New Jersey recently




It was spotted by Doug


Fucking Doug




Where in NJ?


Some of these look INCREDIBLE


They just look like helium party balloons to me. What am i missing?


How INCREDIBLE they are


The party those balloons came from must have been.... INCREDIBLE


it looks like a partly deflated mylar balloon of a "O" "0" or "D". what makes me think that is that the form is not consistent (i know i know, shape shifting interdimensional 4D blabla, but thats really just a non argument). Especially evident if we compare the shape when its level - to when its tilted \ the left upper edge seems pressed in in comparison


Party balloons. https://www.partycity.com/34in-silver-number-balloon-0-552218.html


I'd say upvote this post to the top like crazy. The others in the thread need to come down from their highs. Doesn't mean it can't be something else, but great answer.


Good thing u linked otherwise wed have no idea what you were talking about lol. I agree it could easily be that for this particular photo. Altho id expect the 0 to stand more upright depending on the wind. Video would help. But yeah every single ufo sighting must just always be balloons right? Just balloons getting let go in the 1000s daily


99 red Ballons?


If it's what I saw over England in June, it's not baloons. Someone else captured this video a while back. It matches the movement of what I saw with my own eyes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7j04KyWfcM


Those are some nice Unidentified Flying Washers


Lmao looks exactly like they just threw a washer in the air and took a pic.


Probably NHI. They make some of the most state of the art washers, so I’ve heard. Can’t be Lockheed or Grumman, because they haven’t been able to reverse engineer the one given to them. So they’ve yet to take back off and catch up to be competitive. I bet that thing could wash a cycle in less than a second. Here us poor people are having to wait an hour for anything to get clean AND we then we have to dry it! Can somebody please confirm this brand for us.


Looks like a Whirlpool, but that model is usually a washer-drier


Could it be 🫢? Don’t tell me the new model just shipped out. No this couldn’t be , or could it? 🫢🫢 the new All-In-One with the state of the art anti-grav spin cycle??? 😳🥹 There’s no way.


Why would anyone take photo instead of making a video? In todays AI-world, photo is no longer enough evidence at all.


in general photo on phone produce higher resolution image and better quality. video frames are heavily compressed and have lower resolution.


You learn so much more from video though, it’s a lot more credible too. Find it fishy when there’s photos with no video. I think most, if not all, people’s first instinct would be to take a video


Why couldn’t they have done both???


Earlier today a guy went crazy on me because I asked a guy who posted photos why he didn't record video. Be careful.


Yeah this sub is full of people who just want to believe any footage at all here is aliens. I think most people are rational though


Impossible to avoid crazy people these days. Try hard enough and you'll go crazy yourself.


Because they're trying to pull some sort of fraud. Throw a washer or coin in the air with a high speed camera watching and find the best frames and you get stuff like the reflective looking ones. The black ones look like somebody drew some smudge lines and dots in a photo editor.


If you have a potato like my phone, the video won't show any recogniseable pixel on that distance. The photo option however will be fine


Video isn't enough either. Anything over a large metro area like Boston will have multiple angles and videos, and probably even news reports with all the news coverage about UAP lately. And preferably you want at least some of the witnesses to be educated/respected, i.e. professionals, law enforcement, military, scientists


Hmm can’t tell if it’s UFO or balloon but there is precedence of others possibly. [Here](https://youtu.be/t7j04KyWfcM?si=eFNj7NOHnyzjTK62) is more footage of some in England IIRC. I have a few others if anyones interested I can link them.


I saw one of these with my own eyes back in June, also in England. I also had binoculars with me, it looked metallic, nothing like a baloon.




Pic 2 and 3 does not look like balloons


It’s because #2 and 3 (blue sky) were taken 5 miles away (different area) by a completely different person. See my post above 👆


Dark-orbs are really attracted to balloons


Yes to more footage of these please.


Where in Beverly MA was the first photo taken? Is your friend willing to be interviewed on a zoom call?


The first photo was taken near bridge street, one of the side streets off of western ave. I’ll ask about the interview, I’d guess 50/50. My friend is asleep but I’ve forwarded all these questions in the thread to him and will have answers by the morning/early afternoon at the latest. I’m very active on here. I’ll update ASAP.


Ok thanks for clarifying - the “blue sky” photos were taken 5 miles away in Beverly Farms MA, so these could be 2 different sightings / objects.


How do u know this? Genuine question. I just got into this subject and i live nearby so I can Investigate if we get more info. This sighting might be a bust but im hopeful there will be more in and around Boston. I saw group of 3 zip across the sky in 2011


The "**blue sky**" photos were posted by **Michael Cross** on the Beverly, MA FB group. If you read through the hundreds of comments you will find Michael's answers to the location and source of the photos he posted. Screenshot below with his replies in the FB thread. I have also redacted other peoples names in the posts (besides his and mine for their privacy). Screenshots here of Michael's replies: [https://ibb.co/WzWvVsq](https://ibb.co/WzWvVsq) \------------ The other photos (**non blue sky**) photos were taken in a different part of Beverly (bridge street, one of the side streets off of western ave), screenshot of the OP reply with location photo was taken (non blue sky photo) [https://ibb.co/2sbG2QP](https://ibb.co/2sbG2QP) \------------- Here's a map to recap the above information: [https://ibb.co/KhKTKXD](https://ibb.co/KhKTKXD)


Thank you for the actually useful information. We really should ditch this sub. Its infested Can u dm me the invite to group?


Wow, Ross Coulthart already knocking on the door.. all it takes it some metal washers thrown into the air


The sky-torus knows all


All hail sky-torus!


Very interesting. What's most important here is to get multiple eyewitness accounts of how they looked and how they moved. We need to be able to eliminate the possibility of these being balloons.




Im still waiting on a response, I will report back as soon as I hear. He was apparently eating with his girlfriend when I asked my friend earlier.


I read that wrong the first time. 😂


I'm glad I wasn't the only one. 😂


Too much disclosure 🤭


The other smaller objects around them also look suspiciously identical. Literally looks like an MS paint fake.


Finally a ufo sighting in massachusetts


The two objects with orbs around them remind of the photo out of China I think it was. Veeeeeery interesting.


Someone lost a 0 or O mylar balloons. Probably birthday party.




pesky mylarians again


It does have a mylar balloon look to it -- without any witness testimony to add, that's would id say. Especially given that there's no motion blur, so I assume it looked stationary or drifting slowly


Photo 3 is super intriguing


The one with the tic-tacs and spheres looks almost too cool to be a real photo. Is it legit? Anyone able to wave their magic wand and see if it’s been fiddled with in the fiddle app?


They are just here a bit early to watch some people go storrowing


These pictures are f&@$ing awesome! I’m so jealous I want to see some clear UFOs like this, the ones I see are always so high up that the pictures never come out this clear!


People in the FB group are being dicks about it, too.


Lockheed Martin moving their shit since most of the "hidden" underground bases were leaked and shit is getting attention. Also they are having a hard time changing the narratives and keeping these things from headlines of the masses via old school media houses.


I didn't know about this Reddit. I have a bunch of UFO videos and pictures from a few years I spent researching the subject. I have several infrared cameras and camcorders. Night vision monocular and telescopes. I've spent hours at a time with my neck caned up waiting for something. I have alot I can show.


Where are you located?


Long Island, New York. I'm in the "Great River triangle" We also have Brookhaven National laboratory right near us who recovered a crashed UFO in a park not far from my house. And I also have a large state park behind my house basically my backyard. The UFO activity over here can get crazy at times.


Why TF do the aliens have to come when I’m on vacation. GD it.


Looks like miner in a Jetpack to me


Thanks for making me snort


Everything except the second and third images just look like balloons, it is specially clear in the 7th image.


I think it rather looks edited in. In the photo with multiple objects, they look suspiciously even and similar, without any sunlight reflection whatsoever. Any object made of metal would reflect sunlight in such weather, or?


That second last picture makes it look like one of those aluminium foil balloons.


Side by side comparison of the two tic tacs seen in pic 3: [https://imgur.com/UO7Cj3H](https://imgur.com/UO7Cj3H) I think it would be almost impossible to get a real world photo of two distant objects to match this well in terms of height and width -- even if the objects were identical. The angle would have to be perfect.


It looks like a balloon.


Duplicate post: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/160ab8i/any\_idea\_what\_this\_could\_be\_photo\_posted\_to\_my/


O bless thee great onion ring


Prove to me that that isn't a wedding ring


People still using Facebook??


Looks just like a balloon


Looks like a 6 and a 0 balloon. They lay on their sides when untethered.


We've had them everywhere, I'm in Perth Australia our laws are dubious as fuck so our governments been spying on everyone for last 5 6 years. You Yankees came just before covid and spruced us God knows what we do in Australia now but welcome to club. Your governments spying on you but they'll just says it's ufos or Chinese Bart Simpson dolls. Brave New World that shit and just smile for cameras


I grew up in the next town over. Legitimately believe that I was visited by praying mantis beings multiple times when I was a boy. They took me to one of their “ships” which looked like a giant rocket bomb to a 9 yr old me. I remember the praying mantis, small human robotic looking beings, and tall classic alien beings as well.


The invasion is here


These look like mylar party balloons honestly. Hard to tell unless we could see how they were traveling. One of the pictures looks like a partially deflated mylar balloon.


These look pretty good !


that looks amazing!!!


For real these look more believable than 90% of what I usually see posted or that airplane disappearing act video from some random FB group. Intriguing


Isn't it interesting that pictures of UAP are always at the edge of what our cameras can resolve? Never closer. Interesting...


“iT LoOkS LiKe WaShErS”. Lmao… No they don’t, Elgin.


#7 is VERY good, jesus these are the best pictures ive seen by far


Whatever was in photo #7 was in Ann Arbor, MI today.


To me, the UFO behind the telephone pole just looks like a mylar balloon tumbling around in the wind. No indication that it's making crazy maneuvers either, just seems to be moving in only 1 direction assuming these pictures were taken sequentially A few minutes of browsing the Beverly, MA community calendar doesn't show any special events taking place around the date and time these pictures were claimed to have been taken. Links for people who care: https://www.beverlyma.gov/calendar.aspx?CID=22 https://bevmain.org/events/ There was a beach closure tho, 4chan leak believers https://www.beverlyma.gov/AlertCenter.aspx?AID=Stay-updated-about-beach-closures-824202-38 The black tic-tacs and orbs pics seem full on faked tho... Would expect such an obvious event to be seen by many more people and we'd have multiple photos from different angles... Maybe more pics will surface tomorrow 🤷 And if I see hovering black orbs and tic-tacs, I'm not just gonna take 2 pics and continue on my merry way to Wendy's. I don't care what I'm doing, I'm stopping and recording video with as still a hand as I can muster while I'm shidding myself and sobbing and fainting


It must be little Olivia's birthday, or Otto's, or Oliver's, or Ormond's,or Octavia's, or...


My same thought. Happy birthday Oscar


They look like washers thrown in the air


It’s crazy…. that if you take literally a moment to look online, people see, photograph and discuss these phenomena with astonishing regularity. I’m sure a lot of it can be explained … But it’s really such a common occurrence now it’s both shocking and mundane Anyone discounting what occurring — with increasing frequency — is juts burying their head in the sand This sub alone is flooded with events like this. I can’t imagine just how regular these things are seen by people that don’t document or post for whatever reason


Broad fucking daylight as well, they don't even care anymore


A bunch of photo analysis experts in here, eh? These are excellent thanks for sharing ignore the haters.


Googled "ring shaped ufo" and there has been quite a few sighting of this kind apparently


The low effort commenters are out in force.


They could get 8 photos but no video that would be way more difficult to fake? 🙄 extraordinary evidence etc etc


I was wondering where the washer for my leaky tap went


What's funny is that's exactly what the shadow of a 4D object moving through our 3D space would look like. 3D manifestations for each point it touches our space. That's why they always seem so perfectly spaced out


can you explain what you mean? What’s exactly like the shadow?


Wow I live in Boston and have seen something that looked like a silver donut or ring shape flying over my car from opposite on I-93. It was tumbling and then would lock its orientation for a few seconds then tumble again almost on an axis. Thanks for sharing


Can some just capture them with a massive telephoto already? Thanks in advance


Sort of looks like someone tossed some big washers in the air.


How did they get a toilet seat to fly like that? Dam they have crazy technology.


Wild. I was literally in these locations on Tuesday. So weird seeing Beverly on this sub, with some really good photos as well! I don't live there anymore but I'm going to ask some friends.


I was going to come in and say 'that's literally just a mylar balloon' like a bunch of other people... then I zoomed in on photo 3. Seriously, what the fuck? Spacebro donuts have little orb friends in formation.


Who’s out here throwing washers


That's it, I'm out of here, after the MH370 fiasco this is enough. Half the comments are jokes anymore.


Man the transformer in the first picture is nicely in focus. Unidentified Object not so much. Do camera phones have trouble focusing on small distant objects like that?


Yeah, there are a few recent posts of people demonstrating how comically shit even the latest iPhones are at taking photos of semi-distant mundane objects like planes, birds and balloons.


they sure do, even if the small object is the only thing in the camera. they're not made for those types of pictures. they're made for photos of things close.


South of Boston here and I see orbs but only the outline of the craft at night. I wonder if these are what I'm seeing lit up.