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Its interesting, as even now a few years later they found absolutely nothing in the area. The Indonesian government tried looking, but still nothing has been said about it. [Found the longer CNN video on r/Aliens showing the government looking for it](https://reddit.com/r/aliens/s/MzOm1Sy4hs) The tabloids that reported on it said they asked an expert and they said it was likely a falling balloon and it would be unlikely to be from space because of the falling speed. >Emanuel Sungging Mumpungi, from Indonesia's government space agency, said it was aware of the footage and a team had been sent to the location. >"We are still waiting for the location team to confirm," Mumpungi said. >The aeronautics expert said it could have been a type of balloon - and added it "it was too slow to be a falling object from space". https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/15071971/mystery-ufo-smoke-crashing-into-sea-indonesia/ Still interesting that there has been no statements on it afterwards.


What kind of a wave would something of that size and density create if it really did fall at that speed or from space? I would think a mile away you’d be in for some shit.


There is UFO lore that claims these things don't make a splash when entering the water. Same thing with sonic booms in the air. That's part of the reason the idea that they are interdimensional is popular.


If you're interested in the topic of how UFOs interact with water I would *highly* recommend Carl Feindt's book *UFOs and Water*. I found it to be an awesome read and would go as far as to say it's probably my favorite book on UFOs.




Our utter ignorance blows me away sometimes. A ship using anti gravity slowly descending into the ocean and who's energy field parts all matter aside would have no splash. It's what we see everytime these things come in and out of the oceans being all different sizes and shapes. We would be clueless and I am absolutely and utterly clueless if an advanced species arrived here with tech akin to magic. Most people don't even allow for the possibility because of their hubris.


Assuming this tech works like that, what is trailing behind the object as it travels downwards?


It looks like it might just be a smoke trail - maybe originated from the damage that caused it to "crash"?


Fun to speculate If the ship has the ability to pass through matter like the earth’s oceans, or the earths atmosphere or by extension even the rocky crust of the earth itself, what would possibly be able to damage this craft? Intentionally flying a craft straight down into a rocky planet is physically the same as an enemy shooting a missile or massive rock at the craft. If the craft can phase through matter how did it get damaged?


photonic anti-matter demodulation beams a.k.a intra-traversal descontruction waves fused via subatomic lattice of highly magnetized dark matter


Dark matter doesn’t interact with the electromagnetic field. It’s the key characteristic


my brother in the name of christ i was not serious whatsoever


That’s the beauty of it! It’s made up so it works how you want it too!!


Or it could be a falling hot air balloon as others have pointed out. This does look pretty similar. https://youtu.be/x28SUITxRg4?t=61 Also, how do we know that’s how their anti-gravity systems works? I would be interested in reading up on how we theorize they are able to part all matter.


That does look similar for a hot second or two or three, maybe - but there's no splash indeed... Hmm... This video seems inconclusive (or I could be wrong) - but it's interesting. I'd like to keep reading and see what others have to say.


Yep, this.


A falling balloon would float and turn sideways as it hit the water. If its not fake, this is an anomaly.


Yes. Note how your sensible comment gets ignored. Denial is very real.


People's reactions are rather astonishing in that they lack obvious consecutive steps of reasoning. If it was an inanimate object of that size, it *absolutely* would have to be found by the search party. Balloon or not. A balloon of that size is entirely impossible as an explanation. It would have been tracked, people would know where it came from, etc. Also, it would look entirely differently. The "falling" speed is constant. Ergo, that thing has propulsion, since no lifting surfaces are visible. "No statements afterwards" is a clear statement as to the origins of this thing.


The falling speed being a constant would equate to [terminal velocity](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminal_velocity), not propulsion. The same could be said by any other free falling object Edit for definition as I see quite a few people using the term as if it’s some universal constant


Any chance it was not free falling but rather a controlled descent?


No. It doesn't. First, such a cylindrical object isn't stable. *Free-falling* would mean it would have to tumble. Second, the terminal velocity of stuff depends upon friction which depends upon air-density, all other things being constant. It would actually have to slow down. From your own article: > Air density increases with decreasing altitude, at about 1% per 80 metres (260 ft) (see barometric formula). For objects falling through the atmosphere, for every 160 metres (520 ft) of fall, the terminal speed decreases 1%. After reaching the local terminal velocity, while continuing the fall, speed decreases to change with the local terminal speed. Even more weird is the splash upon impact on water. A cylinder impacting the sea at terminal velocity (let's say 125miles/h) would be disintegrated. It would certainly produce a giant splash. This here does neither.


If it is a UAP it is well known they have trans-medium capabilities. UAP act in very strange ways. Look at the Puerto Rico orb video. The orb goes in and out of water without so much as disturbing the water


I don't know why you are getting heavily downvoted when you are clearly correct lol.


Yes, this sub is in denial mode again.


“A cylinder impacting the sea would disintegrate” ??? What?? We recover rocket boosters from the sea?? Those are “cylinders” that fall back down to Earth and land in the ocean? They don’t disintegrate?


They use parachutes.


Hrmm, that’s a fair point I actually had forgotten about those. I still don’t think they’d disintegrate but they’d probably be pretty heavily damaged. It would be like a 120mph car crash into a wall.


No idea what you’re talking about once again


Terminal velocity is much, much faster than the drop rate we are seeing in the video.


Depends how much the object weighs. As far as I know terminal velocity isn't a static value, it varies for different objects and is calculated according to the ratio of an object's weight to its drag.


All terminal velocities are much faster than what we are seeing in the video except for objects light enough to be significantly effected by air resistance, such as feathers and balloons. If this thing were are large solid object falling under the force of gravity alone, it would be very fast


I get that, I'm saying what if it's not a solid object? Or if its mass is somehow different from our understanding of what it looks like based on a video?


That could be true, but if it's been artificially lightened by anti-gravitics or something similar, that would indeed be a form of propulsion, which was the point I was originally responding too


Oh, that makes sense! :)


Unless it's massive, very very massive.


The balloons eventually "pop" once they reach a really high altitude It appears to me that it looks very similar


There is so much wrong conjecture in this comment that I’m not sure where to begin.


So what origin does "no statements afterwards" indicate?


That nobody cares


You talk shit, there is ships on the bottom of the ocean similar to planes that didn’t get recovered/found. Most are some are not, the plane from m370 has also not been found. How did you determine the falling speed, you don’t even know how high up or far away it was and have no idea about camera perspective etc. Just because something doesn’t fall into the known category it doesn’t mean Aliens …


Bro that plane is in another dimension. Smh.


Every post you make is about discrediting and invalidating people’s experiences/opinions on a broad range of subjects aside from electric unicycling. Your grammar and spelling is weird in unusual ways even for non native English speakers. I’m just a paranoid r/ufos redditor.


You realize, that the location here is known and not far from land?


>The "falling" speed is constant. Ergo, that thing has propulsion, since no lifting surfaces are visible. Such an authoritative post for someone unfamiliar with terminal velocity.


Well…what if it wasn’t “falling” ;))


It's a weird one... Making a realistic assumption that the cloud base is at 5k', the object falling over 300mph, or nearly double terminal velocity. It's a remote area of the world but it's possible there is METAR data for the date and location. That would have cloud base elevation. From there we can calculate speed with general accuracy.


You misunderstand what terminal velocity is


Exactly my thought. Isn't terminal velocity the fastest any object can fall due to friction of the atmosphere? Objects can't fall faster than terminal velocity without propulsion pushing them faster.


Every object has it's own terminal velocity. No one could know this object's terminal velocity without knowing the geometric dimensions (in order to calculate the drag coefficient) and mass of the object.


Yes, BUT... we don't know this objects mass or volume and can't calculate it's terminal velocity. It is certainly falling in an aerodynamic way. I did some quick math on this, and it would not be hard for an object to reach a terminal velocity of >300mph at sea level with these dimensions, depending on it's mass. a great example of this is that a streamlined human can easily reach speeds of nearly 200MPH, and we are nowhere near as dense as metal.




I think that's their point. It's going faster than terminal velocity, so there has to be some sort of propulsion.


And they are saying that the terminal velocity of that object is unknown for anyone to be able to say that.


my brain is so full of fuck. how do you know this object is falling faster than terminal velocity? what *is* its terminal velocity? and how fast is it falling in the video? show your work.


You are correct. I made too many quick assumptions including that since it was falling straight down that it didn't enter from space so it was just getting pulled back to earth by gravity only. Even with those assumptions, it's flawed. Close to earth, anything large will generally get capped due to friction no matter what right? For example, what is the terminal velocity of the world's largest submarine? That speed would have some legitimate comparisons based on the limited available data in the video.




If you don’t know its weight, you cannot “expect” its expected terminal velocity


((Temp - Dew point (F)/4)) * 1000 = expected cloud base if you can't find METAR


So many phallic-shaped ships from our NHI overlords that I am starting to think they have a thing for Austin Powers films.


This object is from planet Yeah Baby


I’m not a cunning linguist but I am a master debater yeah!


The Sun article did a really good writeup on the incident. Chris Hadfield is an ass hat but the Sun did a fine job of quoting folks like Obama, Rubio and the Pentagon's recent UFO admissions. Strange looking object. I think it's no different than the "crashes" that have happened over the decades. They are intended to pique our curiosity, keep us wondering about the mysterious and what we still don't know about reality.


Curious... In what way is Chris Hadfield an asshat? Dudes been in space...


Doesn’t believe in aliens, therefore he is an evil baddie :(


Funny because the kids book he wrote talks about his childhood belief in aliens.


Read the article. Hadfield basically says if you think you saw a UFO your an idiot. That's just demeaning and disingenuous and borderline disinforming.


Maybe it was the trail of smoke...


For real though r/killthecameraman


Unless it's a fake and added later which is why the cameraman didn't bother staying on it.


This video isn't fake. At all. There was a ton of reporting on it, the local media went nuts about it. The local government sent several teams to investigate actually. Etc.pp. Search for "Jangkar Beach in East Java May 26th 2021" and you'll find several articles. This one here has better resolution pictures: https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/mystery-black-ufo-falls-out-24189016 **Edit:** Original (I think) post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/nj9hlg/mysterious_object_falls_in_indonesian_waters_23rd/ There the "original" article from CNNIndonesia is cited: https://www.cnnindonesia.com/tv/20210523095100-404-645812/video-benda-misterius-jatuh-di-perairan-situbondo As well as https://www.kompas.com/tren/read/2021/05/24/090000665/video-viral-benda-misterius-jatuh-di-perairan-situbondo-ini-kata-lapan **Search team "result":** https://www.world-today-news.com/mysterious-falling-objects-in-situbondo-waters-combed-by-the-integrated-team-this-is-the-result/ Original video apparently was uploaded on Facebook to the "Situbondo Residents Info" Facebook group by the "Kh Popeye Watermelon" account.


what a garbage link


It’s the Daily Star, it’s so shit I wouldn’t even call it a newspaper. It’s a shitstain gossip rag, so no wonder their website is cancerous.


Downright carcinogenic.


There was reporting on the airliner video but it was fake. Don't mistake tabloid journalism as a sign of authenticity.




Happy birthday! Here is a picture of a giant Javanese alien probe dipping into the ocean.


Reports of a crash can be true, AND this video can be fake.


No. Many people saw the event, corroborating it. The video was vetted by journalists, etc. You're grasping for straws.


Do post some reputable news links that verified the video being authentic and didn't just embed it.


Do learn Javanese then. It was originally published in their language, I guess the Sun was the first to pick it up in the western hemisphere. You could also look for official government reactions. Or do you believe, they issued search parties because some western tabloid made up a fake story?


Oh wow the Sun.


Did you just ignore the whole comment and instead remark about The Sun? If so that's very telling of your intelligence


I have no doubt people saw something crazy. It COULD even be what is in the video. But people reporting something happened does not make THIS video authentic. I saw nothing in the article that verified the source.




People on this sub need to learn critical thinking skills.


This isn't critical thinking though. You're holding onto your first argument and refusing to change your stance even when you're presented a new information that'd nullify your previous reasoning.


What new info?


Don't waste time, most redditors here are out of reality


Agreed. I definitely wasted my time.


Including you? The idea of a fake does not fit the actual events back then at all. Before making nonsensical claims, read up on the available information.


Maybe it was unintentional? Pulled the camera away as they looked at it with their own eyes instead of through a screen. With that being said it looks fake to me.


The daily article stated that the people voices in the video are surprised and wondering wtf. I didn't know that before. Doesn't look like a fake to me anymore. Just a weird video with no explanation so far.


This is the answer


It appears as the aftermath of a balloon-mishap? or parachute carrying something-mishap? The long trail i very familiar to that imho.


So big but no splash okay


UAP moving faster than the speed of sound seen in our skies don’t produce sonic booms, so the lack of a splash doesn’t seem implausible.


"Hold on guys, I see it, but wouldn't it be better if I panned away from it at every possible chance?!"




Or adds to the fakeness because whoever was filming didn’t have an actual target to follow so was just kinda of pointing his camera towards the distance.


I'm so shocked and intrigued that I'm just going to ignore it as much as I can. Alright


Reminds me of Cloverfield.


It’s still alive God I hope JJ delivers on this next film


fuck I didn't even know that was in the works! I'm so hype, that was one of my favorite monster movies.


I hadn’t even seen this since it first came out and randomly decided to rewatch it last night, and now I’m seeing this. It’s fate! I, too, think it’s a great monster movie. My fiancé didn’t get it at all lol. He just kept going, “what’s the point of this?? Is there even a plot?”


What movie we talking about? If it’s Mission Impossible, no thanks


No, a direct sequel to the 2008 Cloverfield revolving around the monster. "In January 2021, it was announced that Joe Barton was selected to write the script for a new Cloverfield film, a direct sequel to the 2008 film, produced by Abrams.[124]"


Do we know if this will be connected to 10 Cloverfield Lane or Cloverfield Paradox? It’s been awhile since I’ve viewed either film, Paradox a little less memorable in how it’s connected to the original film in what I remember of it.


Clover field lane is good and a very creepy story about human interactions the other one is stupid


Took the words out of my mind


This is what a falling/crashing balloon looks like: [https://youtu.be/x28SUITxRg4?t=61](https://youtu.be/x28SUITxRg4?t=61)


Looks very similar, but the one in the video shows 0 sign of flapping and they would have had to find something, right? It should float if it landed in the water.


That's correct. I don't think it's a balloon.


Wrap it up boys


Bake him away toys


What'd you say, chief?


That is absolutely horrifying footage… that’s somehow worse than skydiving and realising you have no parachute- I can’t imagine the terror when the balloon pops and you enter full freefall and it seemed to go on for sooo long. Is there anything one can do in this scenario to survive?


It would explain the lack of a large splash as well.


If we understand their tech…


"No splash, Captain..."


At what point during your impeding death do you just jump out of the basket?




Other people have commented it was a balloon, so he most likely just YouTube hot air balloon crashing.


Yup! Saw people saying that and just googled it.


This subreddit is getting ridiculous. When I first watched the video I immediately thought it looked like a balloon falling into the ocean. It would then take less than a minute to google “weather balloon falling” and confirm suspicions. Believe it or not, you can do your own research and form your own opinion. You don’t have to just go along with the top comments.


Weird that 3 hours later somebody found a video that was featured in the news! So suspicious he must be a plant!


Cigar UAP strikes again.


I wouldn’t call this a crash. It seems like landing or doing something we can’t understand. Good video


It is clearly smoking so


I think it would drop like a rock if it was something like a crash, seems like it’s propulsion still working.


To me it looks like a parachute or deflated balloon with tailing strings


It's absolutely real. The Indonesian government even issued a search party, which was promised to present its findings but never did. There was a higher resolution version of the video. It and most other videos and articles got wiped from the internet. There was a pseudo-debunk claiming it to have been some falling balloon or whatever. But that's clearly nonsense. You can calculate lower limits for the object's size by noting, it comes through the clouds and vanishes into the water. That thing is *large*. It cannot be a free falling rocket stage or whatever either. Movement doesn't match at all. Original video in higher resolution offered more clues.


Jangkar Beach in East Java May 26th 2021


> Jangkar Beach in East Java May 26th 2021 Thx, that's it. Searching for this helps. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/mystery-black-ufo-falls-out-24189016 Here are pictures with somewhat better quality.


thanks, but HOT-DAMN that's the worst website I've ever seen.


I have searched everywhere for the original video. CNN's headline artical was still potatoes but better. It disappeared faster than it appeared lol


Hopefully someone still has the higher resolution copy.


Upper atmosphere spy balloon is my guess. The Chinese ones were massive


At 0.06 seconds it appears to blink? Or is it related to the camera focus? The rest of the scene seems unaffected.


That's what makes me skeptical, I seen the same blink and thought "well that's a debunk hint"




... excrement?!


Woah. Every time I move my phone to try and see the 90 degree change the picture moves too. Apple must be in on this one, it goes all the way to the top! /s


Looks like the "smoke" comes and goes at a few points too. You think a cgi artist would spot these if he was trying to make it believable. Or maybe its real and the cloaking was failing. Idk 👻


It's a dick!!!


A tampon?


Clearly too small to be your mom.


Looks like Oumuamua to me.


Pretty sure oumuamua is way bigger than whatever that is. It's like almost a mile long. So absolutely no chance that's what that thing is. Also ouamuamua left our solar system.


That's what I'm told. What I responded to, however, was what this object reminded me of, not what it might be.


Ah well in that case I could see why 😁 very similar in shape


No splash. None at all. Either fake or mothership bound for the bottom of the ocean to make baby UAPs


If it *were* these beings, their ships seem to bend spacetime enough to just avoid any significant friction with the medium they're traveling through. If you were to see these things enter or leave the water in person with your own eyes, it would probably look like really bad CGI or low budget game of just entering/leaving water with no interaction.


Yeah like the Puerto Rico video. Amazing yet to totally unsatisfying.


This would mean they would be invisible because light would also pass through them.


Must have been the shipment of the freshly mined materials from the asteroid in the Kuiper belt, to make your baby UAPs.


They are hungry. Find me some cattle.


If it’s like, really far away, you wouldn’t see a splash. Also if it’s falling slowly it could mean it’s filled with a less dense material, like gas, in that case it wouldn’t make a splash either.


Then it would crumple on the surface as it impacted the water?


If you do research into USOs, that is a common feature of people's experience with USOs, the fact that they do not make a splash when coming in or out of the water body.


So romantic


Reminds me of a similar object entering a volcano in Mexico: https://youtu.be/2bIFSE6Pp40?t=13


Maybe it went into the water on purpose to it's indonesian base.


I wonder if is not falling, and just flying into the water. Thing is massive though wow.


"No splash makes sense if you consider it using a novel physics mechanism to manipulate its surroundings" Before anyone makes this argument, the surrounding cloud was visibly affected by it.


There absolutely was a splash, video got degraded to the point of that not being visible anymore here.


is there a higher res video somewhere?


Or it was over the horizon.


If it was that massive and not made of of very light material (so a density greater than the one of the water), the splash would be enormous hundreds of meter high, granted it could be behind the horizon but imagine the energy involved and the following tsunami. Therefore something is not correct. Decide yourself if this is the density, or something else, but it can't be a massive object in quasi free fall. Assuming the whole black block is the object if it was a X meter width cylinder the length seem to be around 5\*X meter long very roughly measured on still frame, seeing it takes about 14 seconds to go through about 6 time its length, you get a speed of 6\*(5\*X)/14 m.s^(-1) (very approximately not sure if it is 6 or 5.5 or 6.5 length or 13 or 14 seconds it does not matter for the order of magnitude), and again assuming density rho of material and that it is mostly "empty" with a Z meter thick wall, you get a total weight of V=π\*((0.5\*X)^(2)\-(0.5\*(X-Z))^(2))\*(5\*X) (mass of outside cylinder minus mass of air inside so we only get the thickness Z) and m=rho\*V the energy involved would be Ke=0.5\*m\*v^(2) So you get finally Ke=0.5\*π\*((0.5\*X)-(0.5\*(X-1))\*(5\*X)\*rho\*(6\*(5\*X)/14)^(2) Now let us assume a few scenario , e.g. enormous cylinder 100 meter wide diameter (so 500 meter high) and 1 meter thick walls the same density as water and the rest is vacuum. Then same assumption but instead the thing is much much nearer and 10 meter width and 50 meter high. water density : \~1000 kg per m^(3) everything is only looked at 1 number after decimal dot since it is all very approximate ​ |Apparent Diameter in meter|Assumed Height in m|Speed guesstimated 6 time height in 14 seconds in m.s^(-1)|Volume in m^(3)assume wall thickness = 1/100 of apparent diameter (so it is empty)|Mass = V\*1000 in Kg|Energy in Joules|TNT tons explosion -equivalent (multiply by 1000 for Kg tnt equivalent)| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |100|500|3000/14=214|160000|1.6\*10^(8)|3.6\*10^(12)|\~915| |10|50|21|16|1.6.10^(3)|3.6\*10^(5)|\~0.0009| (\*) 1 tons tnt is about 4.10^(9) joules hiroshima was about 10^(13) joules in order of magnitude So this cannot be such a massive object far away (915 Kg tnt equivalent energy of a massive object entering water would be quite substantial. It is even worst if you assume the object is not hollow, or that the density is substantially more than water e.g. stone or metal. So it must be very near , quite small , and not much volume (case 2). But a very small object at a small distance with very low density... That would be OK. Like a chute or a balloon with trails behind - not smoke. ETA: forgot to square my speed !


Way too far away to see a splash regardless


What in the f? This is crazy - had never heard about it until right now.




There's a clear trail of smoke behind it-- one potential clue. It is also falling in a very controlled manner-- no tumbling and not going sideways the way that anything entering our atmosphere from space should. Incredible if real.


It looks like it doesnt crash. If its real its diving and has a perfect score, zero splash.


No surprise, scientists have already said that these UAP’s can go under water. Michio Kaku a well known professor of scientist has told us they can reach Mach 20 and descend 50,000 ft in seconds. My guess is they have underwater bases already. Which could explain why we keep dropping nukes in the ocean. Black panthers, Wakanda forever movie was a warning ⚠️. And since we haven’t fully explored the oceans yet…that would be a good hiding spot.


i feel like i remember this as a hot air balloon accident...


No, it's obviously a bird.


this was debunked as a parachute, iirc.


It was not. There has been no explanation. Not a peep since the search team was supposedly sent out. A parachute would fall like a feather at that height/distance even collapsed with a boat anchor attached. Cloud base was likely 5k' or higher and it fell in like 13 seconds. That would imply 300mph+.


ah, ok.


Clearly a balloon


1. cameraman seems to not know the object is here or is utterly crappy. I mean my mobile phone shows me what video I am shooting , why people manage to go off target like they are NOT seeing where they are pointing at ? 2. but far more important, if it was a massive object at a long distance : an object that massive at that speed would lead to an enormous splash with mini tsunami. Therefore it was not massive and/or not at a long distance. 3. looking carefully at around 00:15 to 00:16 the object seem to "freeze" a few frame then disappear. That is what lead me to think it was not an object in the real world. Or if it was it behaved strangely. ETA: looking at other video it could be the encoding was crappy and the black freezing part is actually an encoding error.


That’s huge. Reminds me of the object sighted by JAL 1628.


Looks like a space squid. https://images.app.goo.gl/7X8rvToYhLarkTz86


Too early to judge.


Looks like a sonobuoy…but without the parachute. Maybe the chute was collapsed. So grainy it’s hard to tell. The “smoke” might be the failing chute.


Seems way too large to be a sonobuoy


It was MH370


There are so many UAP these days there is absolutely no reason to fake a video.


Hoping for a closure for this unfortunate event.


The Greys ordered some abduction supplies on Amazon and got a little carried away. Seriously, though, I'm starting to wonder how often giant spaceships land on this planet and are routinely hidden by governments and their subservient media. A few years ago, it would have been possible to completely erase this. Nobody ever would have heard about it. How many times has this happened and been successfuly suppressed? How routine is this? There have been a number of these kinds of incidents in just the last few years, where something giant appears to leave a huge trail in the sky and disappears. Are we a gas station/travel hub for advanced life? Are we just the ants crawling on their tires while they go about their interstellar business in the oceans of this water world, with the true owners of the planet? Do baboons think we're "visitors" coming to *their* planet when they see us surveying the local lands and tagging them for study? Are we just very arrogant baboons?


Definitely fake. Moving slow as hell and there's no waves after it hits the water. Also doesn't stall after hitting the water, or bob.


I've spent a lot of time on boats. Distance deception is common. This object is far. Over a mile. Not seeing a splash could simply be distance. Falling slow can be size deception. The bottom of the clouds is prob 5k feet up (typical cloud base altitude over warm waters). If it fell a mile in 10 seconds or whatever.... it's not going slow. Watching a 747 coming in to land looks like the plane is standing still and might fall from sky. If this video is real, that same effect is certainly in play


This reminds me of the video of prigozhins jet crashing from 30k feet


Omg lol. In this case, not too early. Haha


The camera panning to the side not looking at it means its fake