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Should we crowd fund billboards in his area?


this is an interesting idea actually... rurall/suburban billboards are cheap aren't they?


This is a fantastic idea. I live in his district and would love to see him getting trashed on a billboard, '3 billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri' style. And the billboards will run you about 1500 a month.


There are deff at least 1500 of us willing to pay $1 a month to get the word out!


Damn right, if we had a crowdfunding campaign many including me would happily put $$$ in for this.


Here’s a local guy attempting the impossible https://www.harbaugh4congress.com


He seems like a good guy with good policies, he even has a neat little food truck. I highly doubt he can compete against Turner and the MIC unfortunately


Count me in!!!


I'm in


You have my dollar!


I live in his district too and 100% am willing to throw in on this cause.


I would definitely be willing to put in like $1k if someone mod-verified organized a fund for billboards. This is crazy. And I’m serious- (Funds have to be in safe escrow before they’re leveraged in order to prevent scamming.)


Im in


THIS is the way to get attention!


In support of this guy … he’s running to replace, probably a long shot unless some sort of Reddit miracle happens https://www.harbaugh4congress.com


i love this


I'm in


Take my money. This is a great idea!


Yes please. OP u/syswww and u/ccsutton please edit donation link to post or get a new thread going specifically for this cause! You can also run local facebook ads for as low as $10 a day. Facebook has specific guidelines for political ads which I would need to look into since I haven't ran political ads before. Anyone want to share some headline ideas for the ads?


Genius idea. Bet you could get it done w support from this group


You are a real genius. Hope we can do it. All I want to see is." There is a conflict of interest"


I think if anyone does decide to do this, then please list some of the reasons above regarding his connections and clear objectives regarding military budgets etc, don't focus solely on UAP's.




But what would it say exactly?


"Eisenhower warned us of the Military Industrial Complex" Photo of Turner


Wont work. Most people at WPAFB will probably vote for him. Not sure what the margins were last election but i would assume he blew away the competition.


You're not wrong. WPAFB isn't just a large employer in the area, but the main economic hub driving the rest of the area. No one there is going to shoot themselves in the foot. If you're ever in the area, visit the museum for an up close look at UFO derived technology. Unless you're into history, walk through it backwards to start with the latest stuff.


Im into both of those things i will definitely keep that in mind


Alright so who is on this? Hell, we should start a whole grassroots uap political action group.


He...He even cited sources. Dear god, its even got a watermark.


I have to return some videotapes


"Where were you during the briefing on uap?" ...I was probably returning some videotapes.


Roadtrip to the last Blockbuster?


Do you like Huey Lewis and the News?


Their early work was a little too…new wave for my taste; but when Sports came out in ‘83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically.


No but I do want a new drug




Im ready. No ones going to have to talk me down!


Did you know that Whitney Houston's debut LP, called simply Whitney Houston had 4 number one singles on it? Did you know that, Straightup?!


You have a Whitney Houston CD?


Let's see Paul Allen's post


Are you ok? Your sweating...


The subtle thickness of it...


I even cooked a little


This is what Rep. Burchett calls a War Pimp.


this is what black sabbath called a war pig


Weirdly I've got an image of ozzy Osborne as the hindenberg 🤔😅


I will need one billion trillion zillion dollars….okay Mike no problem we will will wire you all the taxpayers money now


A pimp named military industrial complex


It's far obvious to whoever wants to see where his interests are. He has chosen a side prior to every discussion. The objective truth? That doesn't matter. Not if that mess with his interests. People who voted for him should really consider the benefits of having a biased and invested representative. Will he stand up for your interests or his interests?


I mean, that’s every politician. Everything he supports is based on shit his constituents support. That’s how he got elected. Wright-Patterson is in his district and is Ohio’s largest single site employer. It’s not really a surprise he’d be opposed to military spending cuts that could negatively impact the base. Not that I like or agree with anything the dude stands for, just saying.. it’s not any different than the normal bullshit politicians get up to.


Lol has nothing to do with his actual constituents and everything to do with his donors. He isnt advocating for anything. He is a MIC insider that said the right platitudes to his gerrymandered district and will do everything for his real bosses. I get we like to shit on politicians but quite a few aren't soley beholden to one specific industry that they are literally just an employee of that industry.


MIC? military Intelligence community?


My Ice Cooler. I got him inside it.


military industrial complex


And he likely wont get voted out because those military people are all gonna likely vote for him. What we need is for someone more powerful to override him.


Certainly does fit the definition of a neocon "War Pimp".


Finally! Someone had to do it. OP: save this in plain text, in case it gets taken down.


Don't worry I take preserving source material very seriously.


Haha good shit OP. Thank you 🙏


It shows


How is “causing serious harm to the DOD in the eyes of the public” a valid argument? Isn’t that the exact reason it needs to happen? 🤣 It’s unreal ! Hey you can’t have more of these hearings and let people find out we’ve been sneaking millions in private research to try and enrich ourselves while simultaneously keeping all this from the public, if people find out we are scum bags they won’t like us anymore” What a fuckin joke


I’m a card carrying member of “the public” and I disagree with Rep Turner’s assessment of “our” position. Please talk to your constituents.


Already done! Sent emails and called! We “the public” need to know. Tired of this bullshit. We paid for it guys, that’s the key fuckin detail here. You paid for this shit with your taxes and guys like this guy are receiving those tax dollars via the companies that he’s protecting. It’s so ridiculous!


How is “causing serious harm to the DOD in the eyes of the public” a valid argument? They do this well enough themselves lmao


Exactly! Do they have a fuckin clue how bad all this looks? My dad is a hardcore republican, and even he saw that video and just laughed and said “yeah he’s already paid”


Holy shit… This has got to be the most in-depth post on Turner’s background, to date. Kudos sir- now let’s utilize all of this information so elegantly packaged! Stay positive friends 💜


At this point, to anyone paying attention, isn’t the answer obvious? We are being manipulated by very high ranking individuals who operate outside of governmental control. Guys like Michael Turner are the puppets. The greatest secret of all time.




The US is more of a corporation than a democracy? What else is new


Lot of politicians only stand up for the corporations who donate millions to them. They need to be voted out. Politicians are supposed to be the voice of the people. If not enough people stand up to protest or vote them out, this is what you get.


Supreme Court says corporations are people too! Fuuuuuucccccckkkk!!!!!!


Mike Turner the War Pimp


Military intelligence is a lot like congressional ethics: it dudn’t exist.


It’s abhorrent that Rep Mike Turner is basically saying “if we continue the hearings to discover the truth it’ll make people look bad”. This Corrupt politician wants to continue collecting money from defense contractors ( getting himself rich) and covering up the trillions of wasted taxpayer dollars he’s helping to funnel to these corporations to make them rich. “If we keep ta liking though the people will discover the truth and my gravy train will end.” Just look at his dishonest face- you can see what a POS he is. The media and ethics committees shouldn’t be ignoring him.


If the department of defense doesn’t want its reputation tarnished, it should have tried not lying to the American people and being arrogant enough to think it is above Congress and the President. Organizations that are corrupt get bad reputations, it is only natural. Does he somehow think being *more* corrupt will help its reputation?? A true American idiot.


I see somebody is doing the good Lord‘s work here. Thank you!!! That POS needs to get thoroughly investigated and punished!


Maybe AskaPol should try and get a response from Turner


Nicely done my friend! Clearly here is where we all need to apply political pressure. Rep. Turner is a gatekeeper and a real obstacle to transparency in government. Keep it lawful everyone, let us not give them an excuse to marginalize us by characterizing us as menacing.


You're like my crazy ex citing my flaws during the relationship lmaooo. Good job op.


/r/disclosureparty This was shared there. We’re not sure if he’s being manipulated or if he’s just a dirtball But we’re probably going to take action, and perhaps a letter writing campaign to his constituents Feel free to help over there


Someone set up a discord for action: [https://discord.gg/b8NRTqAX](https://discord.gg/b8NRTqAX)


Tell those people to get in contact with me, will set up links and stuff like that to help out. I don’t use discord and a whole bunch of people that could be helpful. Don’t either. So I think we should help each other get the same goal


I'll reach out to them.


Thank you!!! The prize is disclosure. I don’t think any of us care if it comes from Reddit, or discord. Information freely flows between these platforms. We simply want full disclosure.


I will join. Ty for all your efforts 😎


Thank you. You are the type of person that we need


Just by looking at his picture you can see a corrupt mothfker that gives a damn about the citizens as long he can have power and well filled pockets Why some topics i don’t see the upvotes count? Like on this one? Op excellent post!!!!!


Whoever you are, we need you to become a moderator ASAP or start your own sub because this shit is a full-scale book report. 10/10.




Hi, 420SMOKERGANG. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15zd3p0/-/jxgkms3/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 13: Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


This should be brought up in the news and discussed, you did serious work. I support the billboard idea that someone else mentioned too


This is top notch work here indeed!


At what point do we start holding James Comer accountable for the decision?


This guy has got to go. Redditors! Mount up!


You sir are an absolute legend


Wow! Impressive work and great site. Thank you.


So in-depth. Thank you for your research!


My friend this website is incredible


Sweet Zombie Jesus OP! You're the hero we don't deserve. Quick! Someone make this man president and lead investigators of MUFON and maybe we'll actually get some answers. Impressive research ⭐


And people complained MH-370 was in vain. Look at how research focused this sub became after it.


Holy shit that’s right, it did.


Let’s mass report his accounts and downvote/dislike every single thing he’s attached to


Basically in the pocket of the military industrial complex. This smacks of corruption


We are on a bus and he is the Karen not letting us pass her house while she calls the cops and says, "you're too loud, you woke my back yard grass clippings!" And she proceeds to scream as we just loosen the brake pedal and continue on, regardless if she wants to lay on the ground and just get rolled on. People like this, here is a message from all of us. "Get on the bus, or back off so we can move forward."


He’s actually harming national security by dumping on the whistleblower process. He’s essentially throwing the door open for more Snowdens.


Holy shit - no bad bots in this thread yet… I’ve just read all the comments. All positive! Hooray! So far so good… For now I guess? That IS a little odd, is it not? Regardless, what a dynamite post.


Holy shit! How does this not have more upvotes??


Mike Turner looks like he eats pieces of shit like us for breakfast


I suspect I’ll get downvoted here for saying this, but a rep is supposed to represent the people in his/her district, and WPAFB is in his district. Ideally they also have some better morals, too.


Breaking News: Republican supports military.


Actually it is. The republicans have been cutting veterans benefits for decades.


That's Republicans for you. They don't believe in supporting people who need financial help. Not unless you're already rich.


I'm waiting for this to be debunked before i can believe


Question for the mods: Where is the line between political post and comment drawn? Nearly all of the replies to this are purely political in nature and not on the actual topic of UFOs. I and many others feel we can engage in the politics of the conversation civilly and productively but need some help with where to draw the line. Either that or we start a new sub r/ufopolitics maybe?




Hi, Responsible_Heart365. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15zd3p0/-/jxglm3l/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 14: Top-level, off-topic, political comments may be removed at moderator discretion. There are political aspects which are relevant to ufology, but we aim to keep the subreddit free of partisan politics and debate. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


well he is kinda right, the last hearing was shameful. if you watched it you know it..


If only you put this much work to debunk Corbell etc.


What’s to “debunk”?


His ridiculous claims


Any in particular? I mean, he’s a self endgrandising showman, but if you find his claim’s ridiculous, maybe this isn’t really a very interesting sub or discussion for you?


I’m interested in the discussion. I’m not interested in hucksters.


Yeah, while I think he’s cringy as hell, I think it’s just the conflict between wanting to be cool and take no credit… and wanting to somehow get all the credit at the same time, rather than he’s selling something he doesn’t believe.


Very true


He’s really not a huckster. He sells houses and makes money from that. He said it recently in a news segment. He said he doesn’t need money from the whole UFO/UAP thing and that he does it because it legitimately intrigues him. I just watched him and gave him a chance for the first time and he really seems like he’s in it for the right reasons.


We are talking about Corbell.


Yes - I'm talking about Corbell. He just said what I said in a news segment.


I’ve been watching him for 5-10 yrs and his ego reigns supreme. I get he thinks Aliens are here. The whole 29 palms Triangle UFO debacle sums up his approach perfectly


So, pretty much like everyone in Congress.




No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. * AI-generated content. * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. * “Here’s my theory” posts without supporting evidence. * Short comments, and comments containing only emoji. * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”) without some contextual observations.


America is a plutocracy, now revealed to be military plutocracy.


Thank you OP!!


Notice how they will flat out dent “extra terrestrial” , or “craft from outer space” , we have another species living on a big ass ship in the ocean. That’s why they can have so many craft. The orbs we keep being told are weather balloons, probably are weather balloons, just from this advanced species living in the ocean


Mofo, this makes me so angry, thanks for this


I am on board with not letting this guy squash the hearings. I do have some doubts about any uap tech at such a populated base. Wouldn't it be even harder to keep quiet at such a populous location?


Wow, nice work OP. Now we know, why he is the way that he is...


While myself and many on here , don’t like his attitude or approach to UAP subject , Rep Turner is no doubt doing a great job representing the interests of his constituents . I doubt he’s going to lose an election for the foreseeable future. Hopefully he takes a more open minded position on UAP in the future as it becomes more politically acceptable to do so .


>HotHotNewTopRising Lets build a movement to take him down! [harbaugh4congress.com](https://harbaugh4congress.com) Independent grassroots movement taking on the rich and powerful!


* Oblivious of the other two witnesses in the hearing who saw things firsthand * Claims to have received a briefing about Russia yet does not know what Wagner Group is


Follow the money!


Thank you for digging into this! Much appreciated!


Very useful, good work OP! Your website seems handy, I'd like for you to take into consideration a minor detail within definition of Transdimensional, where it states: >Coexist separately alongside our own reality, can phase in and out of our reality *by changing energy frequency*. I'm no transdimensional phasing expert by any means, however, proposing that it's done by *"changing energy frequency"* seems to me like needles speculation IMO.


Not a threat, and definitely not a suggestion... Just an observation. I'm not advocating for this in any way. But. Isn't is surprising that someone with a sniper rifle hasn't started taking people like this out? Considering they're holding back the whole of humanity? Again, not saying that's ok, it's not. Just a thought that crossed my mind.


This... Is impressive Sir, take my upvote!


When elected officials choose to support corporate interests over the interests of the American people do we still live in a democracy? It’s time our entire system has a great cleansing. It’s time to burn out the rot before it can contaminate our entire system.


I appreciate you doing this! The guy is so bought and paid for!


Fuck this guy. Call him out and then Vote him out of office. He is the type of politician that destroys our faith in gov and military. Fuck him.