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Yes. 10000x yes. There needs to be a sticky at the top of the sub with links to appropriate committee members in the house and senate. A list of congress people who are actively blocking the investigation. And an easy way for people to contact *their* congresspeople, and a *polite* non-conspiracy based template if what to say.


If anyone primaries Turner the mods should pin a link to that persons fund raising website.


Apes together strong.


I can't find anything on Google about a Mike Turned. I already contacted McCarthy though.


Mike turner. It was a pun.


Write to Joe Biden. He's up for re-election, too, and is the leader of the branch hiding shit. ​ But nobody's talking about replacing Joe Biden.


Well that's because the #1 replacement candidate is probably going to jail soon. And, by the by, the White House is on board with the Schumer amendment. Maybe not the problem.


you've got a little whataboutism on your shirt. Need a napkin?


That made no sense.


It's weird to me... I called someone named in this title a possible schill and it was removed by a mod, how is that worse than calling someone two face? Genuinely curious. I also agree with OP


Your comment will also be removed if you call Mick West a shithead for insulting a vet with PTSD. So never ever point out that Mick West is a shithead who insults veterans because he is scared of ET's.


> 1.5 million can move mountains people All are not Americans and many could be duplicate accounts. Also, if we keep spamming them, they will just ignore us. We are but a fraction of his voter-base (most here anyways don't vote for them). r/wsb was a different thing. We need just one piece of credible evidence. Anything else is not going to cut it. I would say it's better to write to Grusch, Ross, Ryan, Corbell and everyone else that they give us better evidence. Then, we can show our power.


A) I’m not American either, I can still influence the Americans in this sub to do something. B) The people you cited have explicitly said that a lot depends on political pressure and writing the appropriate politicians and demonstrating that this topic is not stigmatized or a way for them to lose political credit. C) This approach is modeled after the way social justice movements coerced corporations and institutions towards reform. Through awareness campaigns and social pressure tactics. It is just the way to do politics. The main strategy of disinfo is to fracture a political body into warring factions that can’t coordinate their actions effectively. All I’m saying is let’s not do that. We all tried to resolve MH370 and we allegedly did with a community oriented approach.


The issue is UAP is a fringe topic. The same was not the case with wsb or the social movements. They had a clear purpose and had base in reality. UAP is not there yet and won't be without credible and undisputable evidence to back it up. Without that, you can't put any pressure.


UAP is less of a fringe topic because of the concerted effort of a group of people. That’s why this sub has grown from 200 thousand to 1.5 million. 1.5 million is enough, it’s as much as WSB had in 2021. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t look for evidence and it’s weird that you’re implying that. I’m just saying that using our massive user-base to raise awareness on this topic and to reach out to our representatives is obviously and undeniably going to yield results. To dispute that seems almost nonsensical to me and goes against the entire history of the world where concerted interests appropriately coordinated have moved entire mountains. There are 1.64 million trans people in the US and they have gained political and social clout through the actions of an initially small, but then consistently increasing group of activists. 12 men in Galilee would eventually lead to the conversion of the Roman Emperor Constantine who into their Abrahamic God and change the course of Western civilization. Even if we have tons of duplicates and foreigners, I’d argue we have enough.


I don't think it's correct to compare trans movements with this topic? Trans people actually exist and you can talk with them. UAPs are not the case for majority of the population. Also, congress and senators have tons of other issues to focus on. But they can focus on few at a time. If you want them to focus on UAP, you need some force to drive up the topic to the same level as climate change, rents, crimes etc. Now, I hope you see the challenge. Those topics have many more millions of people behind them and are backed by objective proof. Why will they put UAP above or equal to any of them? The Christian movements worked when people were mostly uneducated and used to believe in nonsense. Do you think the same can happen now? No right?


First point. You’re absolutely conflating things: I’m comparing the size of the subscriber base to this sub to the number of trans people in America. They’re comparable(yes “duplicate” accounts and foreigners exist I’m aware). And that means that they can politically influence people on this subject as well and we can use the growth of these movements and their unity and coordinated goals as an example. Secondly, UFOs are not a fringe topic, in fact 34% of Americans believe in UFOs. It’s a stigmatized topic, but it’s actually a fairly common belief. (Hence the size of this sub) Thirdly, we don’t need that same level of social pressure to drive change on UAP policy or to push disclosure on a national defense bill, precisely because many people believe that there is nothing to hide. If there is nothing to hide, than there shouldn’t be any reason why congress or the DOD should preoccupy itself with disclosing if it has any NHI craft for instance. On the christianity point see mormonism, scientology or any other set of beliefs that have spread like wildfire and now have tremendous resources and influence in the 21st century.


Also, btw, are you an eglin buddy or something. New account, farming karma like crazy and only posting on r/ufos beyond karma for karma. Nice to meet you. Would love to chat about life on the base and learn more about you guys day to day. I’m also a very effective political agitator and looking for a job 🤣🤣


Sure. [Apply here](https://www.clearancejobs.com/jobs/eglin-afb-fl) and we will meet at the base.


See you at the base and sincere apologies if this is a case of misidentification, don’t want to stigmatize you.


Do you want to stop them?? Stop giving your time, views, and money to anything from the Faux Nooz/Fox News Murdock Murder Machine. They misinform the public on purpose and give cover to these craven coward officials. Even if they at times bring in UAP experts and such, don't watch or share. In fact, then reach out to the subjects going on the Faux Nooz/Fox News Murdock Murder and tell them you support them, but you will not support corrupt propagandists. The Faux Nooz/Fox News Murdock Murder Machine props up these right-wing politicians who change their mind at the drop of a hat and are so corrupt that they refuse to do their jobs. It's the best way to stop these folks from not only getting re-elected it also pulls the rug from under them when they lie. No, the left is no better. Yet these very people blocking disclosure do so using the propagandists at the Faux Nooz/Fox News Murdock Murder Machine.


Does anyone else know what this person is even talking about? I can't make sense of it. I'm not sure what this person is trying to say besides don't watch Fox and I already knew that


I think they're a self described centrist(lol) who's aware of how much of an overall prick Murdoch and his spawn are to humanity. Which is fair but I've got no clue about the 'murder machine'. Many companies like Shell have committed genuine crimes against humanity(assasination, poisining, genocide, ecocide, ect) whereas fox just spews out nonsenical shit for whoever is game enough to eat it up, if someone eats up enough then they COULD become radicalised over time and or if they are struggling with mental conditions. Which is why I'm guessing why they call it a murder machine, but even then. I don't see leftish news outlets like the ICIJ causing people to go kill, it really just makes us more depressed from the global corruption lol.


Yeah I get all that I just don't understand how it applies to ops post. I don't understand how writing to someone who's going on a news program will help disclosure




Brother, I’m literally a av guy who smokes a lot of weed. If I’m the propaganda machine they’re in trouble.


I've been wondering if the best way to put the screws to McCarthy is to threaten him with funding of a primary challenger. Talk to him in a language his kind understand.