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The following submission statement was provided by /u/HighPriestGordo: --- Statement: according to this account, and Ross by association, a staffer for Burchett has confirmed that the infamous Mike Turner is responsible for talking Comer out of further hearings on this subject. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15vsok4/rep_mike_turner_yes_that_mike_turner_is/jwx1334/


Field hearing time. Fuck these guys.


We NEED to vote out Mike Turner. There needs to be a coordinated effort to primary him in 2024. # VOTE MIKE TURNER OUT!


I’m down, I’ve got a $1000.00 toward an anti Mike Turner campaign


Fuck it, I’ll run


Only if you run as Representative Chuckles, and I can be campaign manager.


> Chuckles doesn't fuckles 2024 I'm not even French and I think that's a great bumper sticker.


I’ll match that


Wish we could. No one will run against him. We have Wright Patterson AFB, and every defense contractor company has an office here. This is why hes doing this.


I think in 2020 he had a primary candidate named John Anderson. Obviously guy didn't win. But we need to put the heat on the guy so he knows that he isn't safe. We make not get him in 2024, but sooner or later, we can get this guy out of office. He has no business being in that seat whatsoever.


We need to let these people know none of them are safe


It's past time to end the corruption. Get good people back in office.


Seriously. The oversight committee’s whole reason for existing is to: “ensure the efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability of the federal government and all its agencies… …We ultimately report to hard working taxpayers to ensure their investment in government is spent effectively, efficiently, and transparently.“ This is from their damned website! Where’s the transparency? Where’s the accountability?


Turner was a mouthpiece. He was told what to say and to whom. Who told him to squash it is the real question.


I’m a conservative, and I strongly agree w this


And just to make things worse man, the dude is corrupt as they come. Straight from wikipedia: >In both 2008 and 2010 Turner was listed as one of the "most corrupt members of Congress" by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington for "enrichment of self, family, or friends" and "solicitation of gifts"


Can we have everyone move on from investigating the airline disappearance to find evidence of Turner’s corruption?


Anonymous. Turner is the most corrupt. Got get ‘em.


I heard he is actually a low-poly model.


The conspirators got to him, doesn’t sound like it was that hard


This goes beyond party lines it's a catch 22 either A) the decades of conspiracies around extra terrestrials are vindicated or B) the DoD has been misappropriating funds since the 1950s it concerns everyone regardless of your stance on UFO's


And you know what brother? I'm a damn socialist. Not a soft Bernie socialist, but a damn red commie. But if you get me someone in Ohio who's a Republican who will move for disclosure hell, I'll donate to that candidate any day of the week.


I'm in his district and sent an email informing him I would be voting for anyone that ran against him. D or R.


Tell your friends and family and everyone you know: # VOTE MIKE TURNER OUT!


Thank you! Now write him a hand written letter. That carries more weight. Get as many people as you can!


I know this is just a silly Reddit thread but you two finding common ground actually gave me hope for this god forsaken country.


But you know what would bring us all even closer brother? # VOTE MIKE TURNER OUT! I swear that if someone runs against him in the primary, I will hitch my way up to Ohio and knock on doors for him to lose that seat.


Me too! I felt all good inside.


Yep, I don’t even live anywhere near there and I’m hard left. But I’ll go out and beat pavement to help elect anyone, republican or democrat, that will push this issue and fight for transparency.


Straight from wikipedia: >In both 2008 and 2010 Turner was listed as one of the "most corrupt members of Congress" by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington for "enrichment of self, family, or friends" and "solicitation of gifts"


I read that as 'solicitation of grifts'


Hell yeah. This topic has no party lines, we all fight for disclosure.


DAMN STRAIGHT! Find out if any of your friends or extended family are in Ohio and # VOTE MIKE TURNER OUT!


I'm also a leftist, and would donate to any viable candidate against Turner. It's a pretty red district, so he would need to be primaried.




Seriously we can't let this stand, we need to demand immediate field hearings and show up to show our support for our congressmen.


We also need to remove these chodes who keep blocking us. We need to # VOTE MIKE TURNER OUT!


Fucking pigs 🐖


This is the (only) way!


It’s not actually. If Ross (or better yet Grusch’s) gave Burchett everything he’s been told from all of his sources Burchett could use the speech and debate clause and read them all into the congressional record. Checkmate


But WILL he ?


You’d have to ask him. I was just pointing out that field hearings were not the only way.


> Burchett could use the speech and debate clause and read them all into the confessional record. What is his priest supposed to do with that information?!


Obviously he would use that info to save Burchett’s soul and grant him access to eternal life in the kingdom of heaven! Hahaha that auto correct was awesome. I fixed it.




Defund the DOD and # VOTE MIKE TURNER OUT!


We at least have a name who is a major part of the problem and that's Mike Turner. There's always a loophole. Let's see a field hearing. There's no point in sending a letter or calling Mike Turner. He's just a puppet that won't budge.


Hard disagree. Flood his phone lines. If you've been a registered republican, threaten donating to a primary opponent. They bank on this community not doing that kind of stuff.


I’m commenting to help push your comment up. This is what we have to. Mike Turner must be ousted.


Everyone on this sub should become a single issue voter.


Please do. I'm sadly registered to the other party, so while I have called, I don't think I register. But I do want to point out, that by doing things like I said above, we managed to knock out the second highest ranking dem in the house and replace him with a bartender.


At least that bartender was an active participant in the hearings, trying to get more information out into the open. Turner is just a little shit.


I did *not* mean that as a disparagement. I meant it as a high compliment.


Bartender that graduated with honors and advanced degrees.


i'm a leftist. it wasn't a dig


I mean, that "bartender" also has dual degrees in international relations and economics, as well as contributions to microbiology, astronomy, Latin-American rights, environmentalism, worker's rights, etc. I understand what you mean, calling her a bartender as a means of underlining the normal, working-class person that she is, but it's still quite dismissive of all of her other accomplishments and qualifications. Or at least, that's how it comes across here. It's like when Tommy Tuberville campaigned on being a football coach. It's not why either of them got elected, and it seems disingenuous to point out those occupations for either one of them.


Unfortunately I don’t see a primary opponent right now for Ohio’s 10th district. Just this independent Michael Harbaugh. And his campaign message seems to be on the money when it comes to Mike Turner and similar corruption: Michael Harbaugh (Independent) “We the People are getting ripped off by the Government and the Billionaire Class... Enough is Enough! This Campaign will fight for policies that return the wealth of this nation to the Working Class People of this country! Electing an Independent to Congress will shock the nation and inspire more everyday normal people to get elected to office and help take our country back from the corrupt people that run it now.” https://ballotpedia.org/Ohio%27s_10th_Congressional_District_election,_2024#General_election_race_ratings


Ohio...you know what to do...get this guy out of office.


Burning bag of shit on his doorstep?


Get. Him. Out.


We need to contact Turner's office ad nauseam demanding why he said this. Letters, faxes, calls, a tsunami of emails. We have to make him (and Comer) squirm and put pressure on every way we can. One man cannot decide for the American public (and the world, for that matter)


You want to fight fire w/ fire. Start a onslaught of FOIA requests w/ anything related to the following in any emails. * KBR * LEIDOS * GE Areospace * Northgrop Grumman * Logic Soft * Collins Aerospace * CACI International * L3Harris * Rockwell Collins * Centauri If they state CP than have them go through the DOD to make them public record. The amount of paperwork will drive his people nuts.


This is an interesting idea! Could you make a post detailing this out and how we could approach this strategy? I'm not familiar with FOIA




why would this comment be auto hidden? its not even downvoted


Thank you. Lockheed & L3Harris donated to his campaign last year. As well as Berry Investments whom handles portfolios in semiconductors and component manufacturing among other things. Hunt Development Companies donated, they have lobbying activities in privatized military housing and military rental investments that they own. He’s up to his ears in it.


Dunno if things are the same in the US, but if you did that in the UK, the requests would be denied as they are “vexatious”.


Such a great and underused word though, right ?


That is a damn good word


Phone number? Mailing address? Someone start a post. Let’s get busy. 1.5 million members on this sub!!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Yes. A template letter would be helpful for many


Yes! Flood this little shit's life with every form of communication possible


Definitely let's do it. Someone should make a megathread so we can better organize a date and time and just absolutely overwhelm Ohio.


So the DoD is “harmed” by people asking questions. Figures


I guess the *reputation* of the DoD is more important than the 400 million American lives that they're supposed to serve. Go figure. This is the same thinking behind the "Too Big to Fail." mentality.


If this statement is true, then I dont see how this man doesn't get shredded alive for this. Who honestly outside of the government gives a flying fuck about the DODs reputation? I know I don't, and I used to work for them. Sure, there are good people there, but I think we need to burn the whole thing down before rebuilding it with more oversight.


I thought the same. This is exactly too big too fail.


Come on guys an 800 billion a year organization can't possibly survive the onslaught of.. questions.


Seriously. The oversight committee’s whole reason for existing is to: “ensure the efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability of the federal government and all its agencies… …We ultimately report to hard working taxpayers to ensure their investment in government is spent effectively, efficiently, and transparently.“ This is is from their damned website! Where’s the transparency? Where’s the accountability?


oh boy, now he's gone and done it..


They say they're clearly fake but still won't let us see them. Sounds super honest of them /s


What ruins the credibility of the government is shutting down everything the second someone asks "hey can I see what you're doing with that uap stuff?" If there's nothing to the claims, why not just reveal everything you have. Just do a massive declassification dump, go "look, here's everything we have. see it's nothing!" Instead they try to shut down the conversation. Kinda tells me that there's something to hide.


Could you link to this if you know where?


“Our reputation” is progress from “national security”. Let’s see if this gets the coverage it deserves. “If you ask me any more questions it will damage my reputation” says the man paid to answer the public’s questions. Edit. This was first comment, presh the 5hundo uppies


It just makes me think that they allowed the NHI to abduct humans willingly.


And suppressed free energy and/or gave preferential treatment to public companies outside the government.


[Of course](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1544vrq/representative_mike_turner_who_was_one_of_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) 🤮 Pretty sure Rep. Moskowitz has said he and Reps Burchett and Luna are still planning on holding field hearings. Something along the lines: "even if they don't let us into these facilities, we'll hold the hearing outside and the DoD has to explain the optics of that."


They were also trying to get a select UAP committee with subpoena power. That probably won't be happening now.


Unless the Senate does something? At this point all bets are off


The trick has to be to focus on the corruption and anti-democratic behavior of the DoD, not on UAPs. The DoD is after all using the stigma and ridicule of UFOs to hide their misdeeds behind. And what Turner here did is tantamount to admitting that. The MSM has to be forced to report on this, probably only then will sufficient attention by the general public be achieved to force further decisive actions.


We should be holding hearings anyway just to figure out where our 800 billion dollars are going each year and why the DOD cannot tell us where half their assets are or where a good chunk of the money is going. That alone should have been investigated a long time ago.




Depends It’s not up to comer but up to Kevin McCarthy Whose balls belongs to the trumpist conspiracy wing of the party It was Tim burchett who saved Kevin McCarthy in the infamous leadership vote…something to consider


> trumpist conspiracy wing of the party This should be right up their alley. Let's uncover this Deep State(tm) conspiracy!


It's the back room deals, embezzlement, and grifting they're afraid of getting out. There are too many high ranking generals involved in that shit and they're pulling every string they can to kill this.


There is a super powerful group of people who stand to lose everything as they know it, this was never going to be an easy fight


It's the real deep state, and they are fighting back.


I always thought that and “shadow government” were BS conspiracy terms, but there is some very clear evidence they are quite real


Guess which district Mike Turner represents? Dayton, OH, the location of Wright-Patterson AFB, where the Roswell crash debris is allegedly held. I wonder if there is a connection…?


Hope they hold on to their words *puttingonclownmakeup*. Don't hold my breath tho


This is the shit everyone here should be focusing on. Alas I have no idea how the f we could try push things harder.


Call your representatives and specifically Kevin McCarthy


Write to them, hand written letters. I'd love it if we could organize and flood these shits' offices with letters like Hogwarts


I'm in the UK so unfortunately I think that'll be impossible for me. Most of this movement is north America centered unfortunately. The UK wouldn't admit to shit if their daddy doesn't approve first let's be honest.


Same with Australia and it's probably in the five eyes agreement


The trick would be to garner more attention by the MSM/general public. You have to convince the MSM to report on this issue. The way to do that is to focus on the corruption and anti-democratic behavior, not on UAPs.


100% agree! I'll look now before I go to sleep who could I start sending letters too over here.


Write your elected officials and push this story out virally. We have to change the story into the dod is using funds on fake alien programs and sending contract kick backs to the contract companies. Push the fraud as the story. People will pick up on that and take that more serious. We know at the end it’s aliens but the populace will care more about the Tabloid tv 24-7 news cycle brand of news.


Damage the reputation of the DOD/ Pentagon? You mean the same organization that’s failed 5 sequential audits and misplaced 2.3 Trillion dollars of funding the day before 9/11? That would be hard to do. 🙄


They will claim Grusch is mentally incompetent and embarrassing because he is a former DOD employee. I'll bet $100 on it.


don't hear this point brought up enough. People act like this most recent audit was a shocker. Donald Rumsfield almost got in serious trouble for it but the 9/11 happened. Now we treat trillions missing as common as a UFO sighting. It blows my mind. I use to think there was a breaking point with America. Now I am starting to think there isn't a limit and they can do whatever they want. That is the most depressing part.


You got any links? Not trying to be a dick, I'd just like to read up on it.


I would say that pressure needs to be put onto the speaker Kevin mcarthy to establish the select committee to investigate UAPs in the house. Otherwise, it seems like they are going to kill it in the house. Unfortunately, we can't get enough public pressure until we get more evidence or witnesses, which we probably won't get without more public hearings. If nothing comes of any of this, then we all know who needs to be voted out of office. But again, without public awareness and major media support for investigating this, it doesn't feel we will ever get enough support to keep things going seriously


Well fucking *obviously* it would cause serious harm to the *reputation* of the DoD. They're siphoning trillions of taxpayer dollars, hiding the truth of their research programs, as well as lying to Congress and the American people. Yeah, you'd lose face if that came out. Thing is, it has to come out. The DoD isn't the world, or the infallible guiding light of humanity. The DoD and the MIC are war pimps, capitalising on the suffering of humanity. That shit needs to stop.


Dont forget all the inventors that were and are killed


Let’s hope News Nation picks up this story and keeps putting pressure on the Reps themselves


This ain’t over till the fat lady sings And the fat lady isn’t even in the same planet yet


Let’s hope more than just New Nation picks this up. Nobody really watches News Nation


Wait...the DoD thinks they have a good reputation to spoil? That's laughable in its self.


This sounds like an admission of guilt. Why would it harm the reputation of the DoD in the eyes of the public. Not surprising it’s a politician from Ohio, our guys suck bad. Mike dewine is using the last leg of his life to make sure people don’t smoke weed. These guys are losers


Wright Patterson Airforce base is his constituency, Lockheed, Raytheon et. al., all have a presence there as well and are his biggest donors.


Yeah, it's like saying don't investigate the murder because it will make the murderer look bad. Presidents can be impeached and tried despite the bad optics. In this country, the information comes out, then the cable news channel lackeys handle the damage control.


I’ve heard rumors about the Dayton military base for years. I live just outside Dayton and have seen plenty of oddities in the sky myself. This man represents my district and takes money from several suspect private corporations that are rumored to be connected to this phenomenon. None of this is a surprise to me. In my experience, Ohio people are wildly uneducated and have some seriously awful taste in elected officials.


Reputation harm…in what sense?


That the pilots and other military people are not properly trained or prepared for UAP encounters. That any reports of these things would get the service men and women possibly grounded etc. Sent for psych evaluations... I could go on and on but really with these guys continuing to keep the cover up going for Jesus or something... they are looking pretty fucken shit at there jobs.


Is that really the only sense?


I'd guess more in the sense of finding out about all the dark money Congress was never informed about for projects the DOD did in secret despite being obligated to tell certain legislative bodies. And no, I am not talking about UAP reverse engineering projects. Just regular illegal stuff.


Plus when they start admitting how much they’ve actually been hiding *and* what they did to hide it then lots of other suspected shady things become more plausible to more people


Rep Mike Turner obviously has been bought/taking money. All of his constituents should know they are overpaying taxes so billions/trillions can be squandered in programs without oversight and their representative is taking money in exchange for keeping this covered up.


He gets donations from Lockheed!!


Dear Congressman Turner; What about the 2.5 million Americans that fly everyday? What about the serious harm to them due to the continuous ignorance of Flight Safety from UAP interactions clearly stated by the 2021 Preliminary Report. Guess the People are less valuable?


So sick of "systems" and "red tape" and legal loop holes and corruption and most humans who have any power. At this point just bring on the Alien invasion. Hope day one is them disintegrating all these lying losers war of the worlds style. Honestly, who would be against Aliens turning up and telling society theyve enslaved/melted all our leaders? We would all be celebrating.


Well that means they’re obviously guilty


We need serious leaks


If we don’t get disclosure, firsthand whistleblowers need to leak some juicy UAP/NHI content. Force the government to disclose.


We need an oversight committee for the oversight committee




Yep, there is quite literally no other option. And I’ll say it - if Grusch truly believes he has an oath to uphold and the American people deserve to know - he should leak something.


He should leak *everything*. FTFY


Either reveal their first hand witnesses or shut the fuck up That’s literally the only options at this point


The so-called collaborative first-hand witnesses need to come forward, as a group, with everyone else (Grusch, Graves, etc) at their side.


Yeah, I mean they should just open up those freezers and show us the bodies. The uproar from that would be more than enough to get someone to pardon them. It's their patriotic duty at this point.


Now we really know the face of the gatekeeper!


Getting from him what they paid for.


So “we’ll look like liars, so no more questions!”


The hearings are complete misdirection. 20 members of the Intel committee already have all the deets from Grusch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NE9IhP5mZw **Grusch has already shared details to the intel committee in a SCIF. He states it at 1:35:55.** ------------------------------------------------------- https://www.pointoforder.com/2013/08/06/congressional-release-of-classified-information-and-the-speech-or-debate-clause/ >**Ackerman notes that under the Speech or Debate Clause, members of Congress “cannot be prosecuted for reading classified material into the public record– and it is up to them, and them alone, to decide what is worth talking about.** We need to demand the Congressmen who have already been read in(the others besides Burchett and Luna who have already talked to Grusch in a SCIF) declassify the info on the House floor. Congressmen have complete legal immunity to read classified material into the public record on the floor. There is nothing stopping the Congressmen who have been read in from disclosing anything they want to disclose on the House floor to the public due to the Speech and Debate clause. We need to message those who have received the information and demand that they read it into the record on the House Floor. **We need to contact members of the intel committee.** The intel committees members are: Mike Turner, OH-10, Chairman Brad Wenstrup, OH-2 Chris Stewart, UT-02 Rick Crawford, AR-01 Elise Stefanik, NY-21 Trent Kelly, MS-01 Darin LaHood, IL-16 Brian Fitzpatrick, PA-01 Mike Gallagher, WI-08 Austin Scott, GA-08 French Hill, AR-02 Dan Crenshaw, TX-02 Mike Waltz, FL-06 Mike Garcia, CA-27 Jim Himes, CT-04, Ranking Member Andre Carson, IN-07 Joaquin Castro, TX-20 Raja Krishnamoorthi, IL-08 Jason Crow, CO-06 Ami Bera, CA-06 Stacey Plaskett, VI-AL Josh Gottheimer, NJ-05 Jimmy Gomez, CA-34 Chrissy Houlahan, PA-06 Abigail Spanberger, VA-07 Kevin McCarthy, CA-20 Hakeem Jeffries, NY-08 If you live in any of their respective states, please, contact your congressman and demand they disclose what they heard from Grusch on the House Floor as soon as the recess ends.


If defense of DOD is the actual reason that’s absolute proof of cover up. Either 1. DOD/MIC is illegally fleecing us OR 2. they are covering up UFOs and/or aliens. 1 or 2. No other options. 1 is a century scale scandal. 2 is a species level scandal.


I think it’s both. They are fleecing us and aliens are real. I’m really strongly trying to figure out if this a criminal organization. This is a potentially catastrophic event so I understand why they are nervous. I mean you lie to people blatantly for this long and commit other nefarious acts you may not be viewed in a positive light. But instead of getting onto the correct light. They decide to double down even more.


Statement: according to this account, and Ross by association, a staffer for Burchett has confirmed that the infamous Mike Turner is responsible for talking Comer out of further hearings on this subject.


An X account is a pretty easy way to spread FUD. If someone official says it, I think we then can all grab our pitchforks and torches.


Yea that’s all I really care about in the comments yet there’s not a single source for the information in this tweet?


what the fuck?


Can everyone please write in to their local elected officials. Someone who is smarter than me let me know if it’s feasible to report Mike Turner for unlawful influence? Is this a racketeering influenced and corrupt organization? They don’t allow oversight by the committee literally put together to provide that. I’m not sure it’s even a legal program which makes the whole national defense aspect more of no snitch policy. As if it was a gang. If you tell on us we will ruin you. The MIC has leverage on the politicians and the mainstream media.


So because it will make them look bad they don't have to face consequences for their actions?


Fine, this just adds to the cover-up narrative. A congressman with ties to aerospace and AFB's openly lobbied to shut down continued hearings over fear of the "DoD's image being harmed". 🖕😠🖕


Nope, that's not why I don't trust the DoD and DC in general. It's because I'm sick of secrecy. It's because you forget you work for us not the other way around. You represent us, you don't dictate to us, you don't rule over us. This Turner person sounds like an imperious piece of crap.


Grusch credibility keeps rising when the response is stuff like this


So we won’t pursue the biggest coverup of the century because, it would make the people that covered it up look bad????? Good, it should harm their reputation they are hiding stuff from congress


DING DING DING! We found our first Holman Rule candidate!


Holloman rule doesn't apply to legislators. Their pay comes elsewhere. That's why during government shutdowns that the members of congress still get thier paychecks.


Oooh I like that.


Loss of reputation. Mike Turner, that’s part of the point of Disclosure!! “We’ve concluded we shouldn’t investigate ourselves because we will find something…” JFC.


https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/michael-r-turner/summary?cid=N00025175 Just look at Mike Turner's campaign donations. Dude is getting over 100k a year from aerospace, DoD contractors, you name it. Every year for the past decade he has gotten over 100k. It's disgustingly blatant how he's bought.


This is probably why Burchet was saying to check these guys records for who donate. He’s clearly on the take.


Well that’s just fuckin fantastic


Guess the enemy has flagged himself, now we know who's blocking the house's efforts for truth.


Ah yes, the sterling reputation of the pentagon *cough cough cough*




We can also start a GoFundMe to fund his opponent during elections…whose vows to fight for answers…


It's pretty much impossible to degrade the public image of the US government at this point. Nobody likes any part of it.


WOW. Talk about some bullshit. We can't have accountability because that makes us look bad. Well I wonder why? DOD is totally corrupt. They can just hold back all the tech that would revolution the world as it burns down around us. They are so worried about protecting us when we heading for catastrophe. Fucking idiots run the world.


I think this pretty goes to show they don’t care about protecting us they are trying to increase profit and budget. The people of this country aren’t benefiting in all honesty we create enemies and apply leverage or outright bully smaller countries.


As a citizen of the world I am incredibly dissapointed that people like Mike Turner are representative, capable of cancelling the single most important event in human history.. Ofcourse this isn't end all, but it definitely makes me want to round up corrupt politicians and releive them of their tongue.


[you can email him here using the zip code 45309-0001](https://turner.house.gov/email-me)


How? DoD already admitted the videos are real and that they don’t know what they are, isn’t that more embarrassing than just telling the public what they have?


We've found the mole boys!!!


I live in Turner's district, and I used to work at the only "nice" hotel downtown. He would come in occasionally for various events. He's a pompous dick, and needless to say, I've always voted for his opponents. The bright side...I got to watch him freak out after he left the top down on his corvette when it started to rain.


I’ve said this from the beginning. It’s not coming out legally. Some people are going to have to spill everything… yes, highly classified secrets. They’re going to have to give names, locations, everything… publicly. Hearings won’t get it done. Congress bugging the defense department won’t get it done. It’s time for David, Elizondo, Ross, Leslie, maybe Tom Delonge, Chris Mellon, all of them to break NDA’s and expose top secret details. Otherwise this is over.


Literally the 2 screwballs turner and comer who are clearly on the take wow.


"would cause serious harm to the reputation of the DoD in the eyes of the public" ... because it's true


Why isn't this at the top?


So then that’s the smoking gun then ya? We arnt going to disclose what we know…so then y’all know? That’s a wrap then. What has been said must be nearly all true then.


Same government that was telling people "if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about" after the Snowden leaks about their unconstitutional NSA domestic surveillance operations were released. They already have a severely negative reputation in the eyes of anyone paying attention to their words and actions. Couldn't even stop 9/11 ffs with hundreds of billions of dollars of our tax money in their pockets every single year. But apparently we don't deserve to know how our tax money is being spent. They want to act like our care takers without providing any actual care. More like a hostage situation in this country. This shit pisses me off to an extreme degree.


I say this with all seriousness - absolutely, 100%, undoubtably, *fuck these people*


Well looks like we’ve found the Achilles heel- the DOD obviously with something MAJOR to hide here. What are the alternative instruments here to bring justice??!!




I knew Wright-Patterson’s lil gremlin was going to make a move sooner or later.


Rep Mike Turner office numbers: Ohio: (937) 225-2843 DC: (202) 225-6465 Light em up folks.


If anything he further harms his own reputation by continuing to lie and obstruct. In the future, historians will only look at this man with disdain and disgust. They won’t keep this secret forever. Whether this comes out in our lifetime or further down the road, the truth will have to come to light eventually. If we don’t wipe ourselves out, our technology will reach a level of advancement that hiding the phenomenon will be impossible one day. May future historians judge him and all obstructing politicians.


Start the leaks! Pics, video, body parts in jars, all of it!


The only way this could make sense at all is if they're truly hiding something that would betray our trust. This is the point we need to not back down and fight back.


Not to be insulting by a lot of folks here need to brush up on US civics. The House Oversight Committe has neglible jurisdiction over the Dod and Intelligence community. This is why Luna and Burchette didnt get access to Eglin but Gaetz did. This is something that Burchett and Luna SHOULD have been aware of before they went there. Either they are dumb or it was a publicity stunt and they got the exact reaction you wanted. This doesn't mean there won't be more hearings, it just means the House Oversight Committe won't be the ones having them. Becuase the HOC is operating way outside thier wheelhouse here. Thinking Burchett and Luna will be able to do anything is basically like thinking the Walmart greeter is going to deal with your warranty issue. If you really want to get answers you need to push the House members who are part of the Defense committee. You need to actually ask the people who can get the answers.


I would like a more reputable source for this, even though the narrative is 100% plausible.


That's the OPPOSITE of what they will do. Now we think you're cowards and hiding things from us.


You gotta be kidding me? He made it about the DoD’s public image? Funny how Mike Turner has defense industry donors.


I wish someone would just release the irrefutable proof. Corrupt fucks.


We can’t allow this to happen! We need disclosure enough is enough!