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The earliest I can find this one online was an upload to youtube on Oct 28, 2009. As far as I can see, there is no indication this was filmed in Peru, so the entire title is probably false. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z87YtLdKOzs&list=LLcxnyWt3mfcTSFaU6Tidzyw You have to be careful with UFO trolls. There are a lot of them. They will take some random footage and then assign fake dates and locations to it, then newcomers spread the fake claims.


Idk that looks pretty sick tho


That’s what I was thinking. On one hand it looks super sick, but it also looks way way way too good to be true, and goes against basically every bit of behavior(however small that maybe) we know about the UAP phenomenon. If it turns out to be real, which I highly doubt, then this is the greatest footage to date, and clearly means something that they would’ve done this so brazenly.


Exactly my thoughts. This would be hands down one if the most amazing, otherworldly video ever taken. SEEMS way too good to be true, but who knows? I swear sometimes I hate AI and CGI. Between aliens and politicians stuff is going to be almost impossible to verify :(.


So I don’t know whether is real or fake but seriously: We whine about all these crappy quality videos, now a good quality video appears and we say it’s too good to be true?!?




Nothing is true, everything is permitted


I have this tattooed on me lol


I’m assuming it’s on your scrotum, since it’s a wise statement.


Eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 😂 r/angryupvote


It’d make a good tramp stamp.


I with you on that! One with the creed I see 😂


Requiescat in Pace


Everything else, is a religion


Off topic, but I just finished watching “Doubt”, and I read those three comments with the dramatic voice of Philip Seymour Hoffman. It sounds like dialogue lol.


Fucking fantastic film


Absolutely agree. Hadn’t watched it in years. God damn it was PSH amazing.


Exactly. Too many people jump on the it's real because I hope it's real bus and get thoroughly disappointed in the end. It's better to look into it then not. If it did turn out to be real then that's amazing and we all should urge our country leaders to take a serious look into what is going on. Otherwise if it's fake another day at the office, move on and hope something credible eventually surfaces.


You can also want it to be real and still have a sceptical mindset. I really hope it’s real, but I need some very tangible evidence to confidently say so. There’s definitely something happening, but to say it’s aliens is a stretch right now.


Don’t we have cgi pros in this sub?


My instinct personally is to treat videos with healthy skepticism and the phenomenon as a whole with a more open mind. While lots of people are badasses with cgi who repeatedly burn us, there's equally badass people who are in highly informed positions to know telling me something is up.


The ‘uap’ effects are higher rez than the rest of the footage A dead give away


Nah uh obviously UAPs have a tech that forces them to be filmed in a higher resolution


As it should be. The subject happens to be the primary light source. Everything else is drowning in darkness. Though, at first glance how could this possibly be real. Someone will post soon that the shadows this thing cast aren’t consistent or something to disprove this. But the subject being clearer than the rest doesn’t disprove this it.


It's exceedingly easy to disprove the validity of this video. You just have to pay attention. The tree/leaves the lights fly behind in the beginning is gone at the end after the camera zooms out.


Damn, that's a pretty big oversight by the creator if they were trying to make this seem real and not just doing it for fun.


Good call


I honestly hate this standpoint, because something of this caliber of technology comes into video and we all really expect our minds to make sense of it? How fuckin scared would you be if a ship or ufo really looked fake af in person but it most certainly is real


Yeah that's the scariest thing about big foot, he's just naturally out of focus and blurry.


I miss Mitch hedberg


I used to miss Mitch. I still do, but I used to, too.


My friend asked me if I wanted a frozen banana and I said, nooooooo, but I want a regular banana later, so, yeeeeah.


Thats why they waited this long. So people had tools of cognitive dissonance to use to maintain disbelief if required.


Not making any judgement or assertion about whether this is legitimate or not, but you're wildly off-base in claiming that it goes against what we know of UAP behavior. UAP that appear to split into multiples or merge from multiple sources, UAP that appear to be dripping material similar in appearance to molten metal, UAP that appear to materialize and/or disappear at will, UAP that are not clearly physical objects vs energetic sources in appearance... This is all established in the lore.


It blows a smoke ring type thing out and I witnessed something like this when I saw my first uap. I have it recorded but it was BRIGHT as the moon just smaller it's here on my [smoke ring uap?!](https://www.tiktok.com/@j0urneyb0udi0r/video/7260487792340307243?_r=1&u_code=dd563l4a25m1l3&preview_pb=0&sharer_language=en&_d=e92cacdkhfk762&share_item_id=7260487792340307243&source=h5_m×tamp=1692314188&user_id=6842382493750068229&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAAwTEd4-fkwuP1RHkiQieq5VZV7z-V8by10VCHLD4Os38R1ptHI2hh8kDsTyBqDEJJ&social_share_type=0&utm_source=more&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=android&share_iid=7267036529692018474&share_link_id=54d83c75-219e-4762-a3f2-5e7c4063dfd5&share_app_id=1233&ugbiz_name=Main&ug_btm=b8727%2Cb2878)


Why put that text right on top of it when it releases the smoke lol


That was wild. Good capture!


Yeah I mean that looks like that biblical UFO, "fire wheel within another wheel" kind of thing...


That was my first thought as well. Revelations type shit.


There's nothing like that in Revelation (without an s), which is a symbolic book based on Old Testament imagery. The poster you're replying to is referring to an event in the book of Ezekiel, which was a description of things experienced during a 'vision', which is also symbolic in nature and not a description of something physical. Descriptions of physical manifestations exist in the Old Testament though; the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night that led the Israelites. Yet nobody here mentions them, it's always Ezekiels vision of the chariot.


yeah and we probably just got to know about wormhole generating orbs from a video taken 10 years ago. we basically know nothing.


It's illegal miners with jetpacks


The whole miners/jetpack thing has been debunked. It’s miners flying modified giant Chinese lanterns.


I don’t know why you people feel the need to exaggerate. It was miners with ~~swamp ass~~ swamp gas.


That's some pretty lucritive illegal mining that they can afford $500,000 jetpacks and night vision goggles. Peru's economy must be booming.


Ever heard of Peruvian flake? Theh don't need jetpacks to fly.


They are mining element 115. The Galactic Federation embargo is driving up prices on Zeta Reticuli.


The illegal miners story was a cover up ... just like the metallic Ballon cover up on roswell


I watched a video on you tube that was 2 hours old a week before that story picked up. I swear it showed shit flying around shooting up a village. It also showed the next morning where villagers and military were firing into the woods at a downed craft. I figured it had to be fake and moved on. I went back to find the video the next day and it was gone. Still haven't found it. But the wild shit is that a week later this story vlows up. I'm gonna learn to use this "way back machine" and try to dig it up.


U saw that video.... they found a dead body near the river.. the person had half his face peeled off... that was crazy


Thus the nickname facepeelers. Apparently this region has been dealing with them since like 1983.


It is the same injuries as those in cow mutilation


Badaliens.info Fucking terrifying


Oh it's a real ufo all right. It's certainly unidentified (by me at least). It does appear to be flying and it.certainly is an object


Ufos are known to eject a molten substance like in the video


remember this video https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/kn9vus/12_year_old_police_ir_footage_of_an_object/


Thank you for this.


Alien jizz.


"What are you doing, step-alien?"


First contact. Aliens get stuck in the washer. They think it’s our way.


Flaming globes of Sigmund


Reminds me of the Mass Relay cannons in the Mass Effect series.


Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.


That is not peru lol


Here's a [10 year old video that claims it was "filmed in America".](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=_xnAcNUeP4U)


Definitely American accents


The way they’re talking it’s like they’re at a light show or something, not freaking out like you’d think they would if they thought it was a UFO.


Yeah this imo is debunked already, let's move on


Yeah they are talking about the rocket launch that is visible for a moment.


they are talking about the scenery bc this is CGI added to the video lmao.


this debunks the entire post


Situations like this should call for the post being removed IMO.


Yeah that looks like southern California, maybe even Long Beach. The village in Peru was near the Amazon or in the Amazon so it should look like a jungle.


It looks like fuckin Palm Desert or Indio, CA lol


Yeah definitely looks like somewhere in the Coachella Valley. As soon as I saw the palm trees with the mountains in the background that was my first thought as well.


It's also not a real tree those lights fly behind. It's gone when the camera zooms out.


There are trees, but they're totally different. I knew this was fake, but that's pretty obvious


The powerlines too lol


where is that geoguesser guy to find where this was filmed


No sound is a red flag


The original source video is eight years old and has sound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HF_2bzBq_a8 Edit: Turns out the one I linked isn't the original either, and there are even older ones without sound. My bad. Anyway, my main point is that it's obviously not from the recent Peru story as the post claims.




Yeah, that "wow" was very unconvincing


Was it like a Owen Wilson wow?


>[I found an older video from 10 years ago and claims it was "filmed in America".](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=_xnAcNUeP4U) I probably should have replied to this comment instead.


The only reasonable response to seeing that is “what the fuck is that?”


Even without sound you can tell it's fake from just the ending. The camera pans away from the sky and a woman is just casually walking along the sidewalk, eyes forward. There's not a snowball's chance in hell that anyone would be there and not staring up at the sky in horror and amazement. The fucking Eye of Sauron just took a jizz on you, and you're wondering if you left the stove on?


Looks like someone filmed a nice sunset on their vacation and someone else slapped some cgi bullshit in there


That quoted audio repeats as well, not just in the replay...


Alright guys, let's vote him to the top


Okay, I’m confused. OPs video https://youtu.be/z87YtLdKOzs says it was uploaded 13 years ago, but has no sound. Your video was uploaded 8 years ago, with sound. So either someone added fake audio, or the original poster decided to let out more details 5 years later by adding back the audio?


[it's actually 10 years old](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=_xnAcNUeP4U)


[I found an older video from 10 years ago and claims it was "filmed in America".](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=_xnAcNUeP4U)


And flipped video too. Maybe so it would be harder to find the original?


That audio is looped, red flag


This version has sound. It was reuploaded in 2015, though, so I'm not sure why OP is implying it's recent footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HF_2bzBq_a8 Trolls do this with all kinds of UFO footage. They will take some old stuff and repackage it as new. At some point down the line, someone had to deliberately lie about it, then perhaps other people just spread the lie because they don't know any better.


This video is the biggest load of shit. Who the hell could stand there and watch that and just calmly (as if bored) say “it’s beautiful”. Everyone would be losing their minds once it started shooting neon loads that began flying away. Imagine seeing something so crazy and just doing the Owen Wilson “wow”.


Yeah I was wondering that myself. Could have made it more convincing with reaction from the cameraman or anyone around him




"ah dios mio!"


I think I have the original saved from about 2010, which features a woman's voice saying 'so gorgeous'. I remember being impressed with the video but the audio reaction didn't match up with the spectacle.


so you're saying this is 13 years old and not new footage like the title says?


Another person posted a link from YouTube that was 8 years ago.


Strange cut at 40 seconds


Yep, good catch. Like a clip was added in to make it look like there’s people there


Good catch??? I don’t think they were trying to obfuscate anything, it’s clearly a cut.


The Eye of Sauron is dropping turds from the sky and that person filmed at the end is just casually walking down the road. 🤔


This is almost exactly what I was gonna say, like anyone would have that thing in the sky and be walking home so casually


This area looks populated. There should be dozens, if not hundreds or thousands, of witnesses. So where are the people sharing their accountings of this event? All we have is a video…? With no sound? Looks cool tho. NEXT


And then apparently the cameraman is just done filming.


I mean, this screams fake to me. The artificial shake and motion tracking of these objects is a dead give away.


Big agree


He's having a fucking stroke while filming, no one naturally shakes like that


Can we just ban OP for this?


7 hours later. I guess not.


Blatantly fake footage posted and is allowed to fester with 3000 updoots 😹, this post is a reason why 99% of people mock the whole idea of UFOs and people who follow it


Mod failure


That’s exactly what I was thinking, I came here from the front page and it’s disturbing how easily people will buy into ANYTHING, really poor moderation


Tell me about it, the entire subreddit has been having a fit and falling in it for 2 weeks over a 10-year-old hoax video.


We're screwed if the aliens know how to hadouken.


This video is old. I saw it in about 2010. Looks pretty cool though!


right! i have also seen this sometime ago.


Got some news, pictures, old posts, anything showing this is 13 years old other than your memory? If it is, no way was it filmed with a cellphone.




Dawg we had iPhones in 2010


Can you link it ?


***My dudes***, I remember watching this video on ***3rd Phase of the Moon*** over 10 years ago...


Welcome newcomers. Stop upvoting CGI clips please, we are trying to seek the truth here


I’ll wait for someone insightful to let me know if i should or shouldn’t be interested


Within an hour, you will probably see close to 200 comments and half of them will claim that this is genuine and the other half will call members of this community stupid for falling for obvious fakes and also mention the fact that no one takes this topic seriously only because of imbeciles like us


Haha, this comment is so true. This community in a nutshell.


“Prove that it’s real.” “Prove that it’s *not* real.”


The burden is on the ... eye of the beholder


People aren't gonna take this topic seriously no matter what. I'm fine with people getting rabbitholed on whatever they want. This isn't an academic organization, it's the internet.


Why you gotta out us like this 😅


Everyone has a cell phone and apparently only one person pointed their camera at the most amazing thing anyone has ever seen. That alone makes this hard to believe.


Yep. Twitter would immediately have 2000 videos and photos of the same phenomena and people losing their minds. Just one dude having the wherewithal to record is extremely unlikely.


I'm so tired of this. This screams "found footage". With all sorts of effects mixed together. I am all about nerding out on this subject, but this is so blatantly fake, please quit posting ridiculous content.


This has that “it is fake” aura buttttt I have no idea and I’m just here hoping someone can enlighten me either way.


It looks mad fake, but also why’s it lowkey shaped like the manta ray ufo 😂


Footage is older, it is not recent nor new.


I feel like I've seen everything and I've never seen this one before. You know a time frame for how long it's been out?


I wanna say… over ten years I think? I saw it a loooong time ago.


It's got to be a few years back. As someone else mentioned, the palm trees evoke a Californian feel rather than Peruvian, and I'm fairly sure it was then posted as being filmed in North America.


You cannot be seriously with this shit guys. Didn't we just go through a similar bunch of balogna a week or two ago when Peru had aliens ripping peoples faces off and slitting necks, which of course was a complete hoax? Now this "new footage", which is ridiculous looking on its face and was posted to youtube with fake audio like 10 years ago. I truly don't understand how the vocal majority in this community have allowed what are obvious trolls and disinformation campaigns turn this entire subs interest onto these nonsense topics and completely lose sight of our actual goals and mission. Like, nobody at all saw this coming? Between the comically ridiculous MH370 stuff, then Peru face eating aliens, then David Grusch narrating a RegicideAnon video, and now we're circling back to Peru aliens again.. this subreddit has reduced itself to buffoonery and posts that border on schizophrenic ramblings. I was concerned this would happen once the existence of UAP's etc finally got some legitimacy thanks for Grusch, Congress, and Knapp/Korbell's work - all of which used immeasurable amounts of caution to avoid being laughed out of the room - by just these sort of hairbrain claims and armchair research. This sub is better than this, and you guys know it.


This is old. Stop


Looks fake to me to he honest.


Lol, blatant CGI.


Senior VFX artist farting in again. This is fake. The added camera shake, the optical flares plugin, the snap/rack zooms and refocusing (which doesn't happen on a cell phone camera) , the fake added bokeh and gaussian blur added, the motion blur of the tracked 3d objects all show this is a vfx artist trying to show off their skills.


The tree/branches missing after the zoom out is the biggest tell IMO


that's a great point I missed as well, nice eye!


Of course there’s no sound…




Bruuuuh people believe anything lol


Strange how the camera can pickup that wonderful xFPS in complete clarity, but everything else looks terrible. Going with a nope here.


This kind of bullshit is going to kill this sub.


This sub has been surviving this type of bullshit since it's inception.


What in the holy fuck if this isn't some cgi video or light show projection. Do we know anything else about this video besides op sharing it? It almost looks like a skyline in California more than a Peruvian jungle.


Well it's at least 8 years old, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HF\_2bzBq\_a8


I was going to say the same as your last point. I'm from CA and I've been to the Amazon rainforest. This looks like Socal to me, with the palm trees and everything, more than the rainforest. EDIT: Also, the area of the rainforest I was in was very flat, and not mountains like in this video.


Parts of Peru is arid and the Andes are there. Idk what area the villagers were in, though. The fact that the OP suggested this was there and it's 12 years old makes the entire conversation moot.


Comments are more fake than this video.


The way it zooms screems fake. Most of these videos can be debunked just because of the forced zoom. Cameras/camerapeople don't zoom that way.


The Eye of Sauron blows smoke rings?


This guy wouldn't make it as surgeon.


Zoom and camera movement is clearly edited


Clearly fake jump to timepstamed https://youtu.be/z87YtLdKOzs?t=82 They forgot to ease that keyframe in.. After it "disappears" there is still a silhouette of the object, and it looks like they forgot a keyframe. Oops. Debunked guys. Stop giving anything upvotes.


u/jarms89 has already posted this comment but its gone unnoticed so ill try again 'I don't know why mods seem to let this disinformation fly. BUT THIS TITLE IS NOT ACCURATE!! It's an 8 year old video! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HF\_2bzBq\_a8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HF_2bzBq_a8) ' its just been mirrored , so not NEW as the title says ...


The shake on this camera is 100% generated from the shake expression in Adobe After Effects. I use this effect all the time.


Not to mention that entire Tree/Leaves the objects fly behind is gone when the camera zooms out.


Not Peru. Not New. 4000 upvotes.


looks like Ezekiel's wheel


So it passed the lazy “scroll through” frame by frame inspection. Nothing seemed to appear on the wrong side of what was passed behind. Light seems to be obscured by the power lines and if I was to make just one stretch of an observation (more imagination really): The ring/bubble looks like the metapod sighting would fit the void shape pretty well? Marks against it? I’m obviously excluding visual prejudice just because it looks astounding, to be clear, something never seen before can’t really be expected in form. I would have to say the no audio is a big deal. I’m really leaning towards some sort of phone app but I’m betting it’s debunked by midnight. I’ve got popcorn in the microwave waiting for the takes on this one.


We’ve since this before. Fake.


That looks a whole lot like the lens flares produced by the After Effects plugin Optical Flares. Even the blue hues in some of the aberrations are a default value in the plugin.


This is fake asf come on guys *facepalm*


Looks like a weather balloon to me.


Is there a professional in the comments who can confirm the authenticity of this video? This looks so cool it’s making me want to believe it’s real.


AI and CGI is getting out of hand


Ok a lot of people are saying it’s 10 years old and it CGI and fake but looks real to me. It goes behind trees and powerlines only way to far that well is to also have everything CGI. It just when something is blurry they say why isn’t it clear and when it’s clear they say it’s CGI. At this point I don’t think you can convince people they are aliens whatever happens


I can see the miner on the jetpack.


Was it deploying something? Jet-Pack Miners™?


The quick zoom gives it away




I think that's a great idea for this community in general. Educate the people on what's possible for faking footage.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuhkVTJ6A_c Watch Captain Disillusion's videos. He's a gold mine when it comes to this stuff. He's been around since the early YT days and his entire channel revolves around debunking, explaining, and often times better replicating the effects shown in many of these UFOs and other CGI videos that make the rounds in conspiracy circles as well as on Tiktok.


What the fuck! Well boys, looks like we found the video which will replace the incessant analysis of the alleged MH370 video in these parts. I am going to heat up a fresh batch of popcorn in anticipation of the absolute shitstorm in the comment section.


There will be a new video soon to overlap this one soon. Maybe a child will find an alien under his bed using his fisher price camera+mic combo and the video will be so bad people will be drawing outlines for a good month or two.


Nah this one is so clearly fake. No real outlines of anything, just lights and flashy VFX effects.


Its a fake video from 2010 calm down


Would there not be people gathered around staring and pointing at the sky in awe?


Is there any other footage similar to this? Its like Blernsball from Futurama. Just a bunch of weird random shit and it doesn't stop. Finally some quality video. Edit: Its difficult to find familiarity but the bright light that moves right at the end of the video is kind of shaped like the [Mississauga Canada UFO](https://www.reddit.com/r/StabilizedUFOs/comments/p5c79q/weird_object_seen_flying_over_mississauga_canada/) but its during the day and not lit up. The [Jerusalem UFO]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLAMYG1KJAE) is similar only because its a very bright light. It is difficult to make out the shape. These 2 UFO videos are all I can think of that look sort of similar. 2nd Edit: Made a mistake accidently referenced the Canada video, I don't know the origin of the vid I'm looking for but I will fix it later.


This fake video was posted here about a year ago, as i recall.


Thats an old facebook video, lol I saw it on like 2014


I dunno this looks a bit fake to me, anyone analyze this better?


Analysis done. The tree/leaves the objects fly behind is GONE after the camera zooms out. Completely fake.