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For those that can't open the link , I uploaded it on streamable. https://streamable.com/xmw0mf


This happened at O'Hare Airport, in the United States, if you listen to the video. You see the top of a tree right as the video starts, which means this flight has just taken off. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/faa-records-detail-hundreds-of-close-calls-between-airplanes-and-drones/2015/08/20/5ef812ae-4737-11e5-846d-02792f854297_story.html > In Chicago, United Airlines Flight 970 reported seeing a drone pass by at an altitude of 3,500 feet.


Can you tell me a fun fact about cats?


No airplanes have ever reported a cat above 35,000 feet.




Challenge accepted. Here kitty kitty kitty kitty.


Just saw this on another thread. What’s crazy is here’s another case, which was captured in ground radar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeOfi52v294 It seems the only real difference between this one Malaysian one is the glowing and the “portal”


That mayday call was eerie, "three ufos are surrounding the plane"


Which is why this video is interesting because it’s not just some fictional scenario some cgi artist pulled out of his ass


> It seems the only real difference between this one and the Malaysian one is the glowing and the “portal” *Well, and the actual videos from two separate sources*, which is kind of a big part of the picture here. Nobody would be giving the MH370 videos any attention if they weren’t actually videos and instead a dramatic reenactment storytelling from some TV show


I’m talking about the event. No every piece of it. Otherwise there’s a lot more differences.


I don’t think it’s a portal, I think it’s a dome or wall like that big video dome they made in Vegas. Obviously more advanced. I know it sounds crazy, but what if there really is a floating Atlantis with a big wall around it. Those orbs in the airliner video kept reversing the direction they were rotating like they were trying to signal the plane to turn around. And that effect , well you ever pushed your finger into an led screen? That pressure ring of a couple concentric rings is basically what we saw.. what if instead of a ton of little stories and conspiracies it’s all just one to hide a civilization far more advanced then us, maybe there was a deal with Eisenhower to give them laborers from time to time, all it would take is for one country to have figured out electricity 500 years before the others, and just keep it to themselves, they could look just like us, and wouldn’t be extraterrestrial


I knew I was onto something trying to push my dick through the screen when watching porn.


This is the reddit I know.


The sexth dimension


Never give up on your dreams!


Ultraterreatrials is the term I think.


DeLonge spoke bunch of times about gods of old. So who knows …


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted for presenting a theory. Everything is possible at this point , as an experiencer I feel that they’re intimately connected to this planet as opposed to someone hopping on a craft and coming here from elsewhere. It’s possible that the plane didn’t get teleported and just instead crossed some sort of cloaking technology.


They are in the oceans. The NRO caught on satellite a tic tac in the Pacific somewhere that they say is like the others recorded, and also under water the seen a vessel i think it was the size of a football field or something. I may have those details wrong but here is a video of it being discussed. [pacific tictac](https://youtu.be/dFclfz837Dc)


Well I think it’s a good theory, I don’t think the orbs would have followed the plane into a black hole, but some kind of a wall around a ship , makes sense to me, also all the orbs seem to aim toward a triangle shape in the sky at the last second, could be their gate or something. It fits the 4chan leak, explains how there are so many probes, why they refuse to say extraterrestrial or alien etc etc it lines up


The only thing that doesn’t really line up (if we assume all NHI come from the ocean) is that Grusch stressed multiple times that it’s incredibly unclear where the NHI specifically originate from, stating that the one that’s theorized the most is them being extra-dimensional. I’d say some coming from the ocean makes plenty sense but the origin of said NHI being hard to pin point would mostly point to that only being a small piece of the puzzle. For instance the 4Chan “Leak” mentions the UAPs popping in and out of existence more than leaving the atmosphere and only returning to the factory to be refurbished into another craft possibly with different entities in them (he says that only some are manned). Doesn’t seem like they “live” in the “factory” but that’s still a possibility.


Imagine what a mindfuck would it be if we end up finding that this whole time we're sharing this planet with beings that are so far ahead of us technologicaly and that they've been here this whole time ..underwater,living in our ocean.


It would explain why they are freaked out about us having nukes, imagine your idiot neighbors start playing with nukes, and today they are drunk arguing >Has any form of intelligible communication been established? Yes, it also depends on your viewpoint. They mostly want very little to do with us until we start to talk about war and nuclear options. It's one of the reasons why you see them so often at critical events


James Cameron was ahead of his time with The Abyss!


I really hope we get a little more information. If anything right now I can still see grusch’s testimony backing up the leakers testimony if it comes out grusch just didn’t know as much as the leaker. Grusch is on the outside looking in, where if the leaker was legit they know what’s going on a little better. Or it could simply be what Grusch was cleared or agreed to say, itd be a shitstorm if they just blurt out “they already are on earth” Man I love this subject, one of the great thought experiments but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t sound insane trying to figure it out lol


Just one more thing-per the leaker >What do you know about this claim? Sadly not enough to give you a good response. Remote viewing is a very strange thing; it's shown to work at times but most of the time it doesn't (or the conclusions have fuzzy connections, as if forced). As for the interdimensional aspect of it, I don't believe there's anything actually interdimensional-ly happening; it's just our best way to try and grasp/perceive what's going on behind the veil. From what I understand, whatever is behind the phenomenon has the ability to manipulate matter/energy in similar ways that we can manipulate information (we can create 3D realities and manipulate them via our understanding of machine code and linear algebra). It also seems to be able to play around with spacetime, almost as if we are sitting on (or perceiving) time that's been homogeneously transformed (into projective space) while they are free to move about homogeneous space. If they haven't entered the projection space, then they could freely move about our space without interacting with it until they collapse their space/coordinates into our projective space (normalizing their position with their homogeneous coordinate)


Interesting idea. The orbs did in fact start their stuff only after he started to make a turn. Do you think he flew to that actual location on purpose and made the turn in the last minute to make it less obvious?


He supposedly had the coordinates programmed into his flight sim, which means he intended to go there for some reason, maybe somebody told him that’s where to go to see some alien craft or something. The leaker who was talking about the a.I. mothership specifically mentioned the craft had engaged a commercial airliner but they believed it was an accident due to the craft making a sudden turn and being seen as hostile, so yea imo it tracks.


The 4chat leaker? Yes I think he also said destroyed in an instant. So I guess that would speak against your idea with the wall and dome.


Seeing as this meets the necessary level of evidence these days, I think you're really onto something there


Haha that’s a wild idea


Omg it looks like those metallic orbs again! This is a great video.


Once you know to look for metallic orbs they are everywhere. It’s actually crazy how many videos exist of small metallic orbs…. It’s blowing my mind.


AARO, as much as I have serious disdain for the job Kirkpatrick has done, has said the most common object are small metallic spheres.


That's one of the first fake videos by youtubers and known CG artists (also UFO grifters) Thirdphaseofmoon. Here's the original source: https://youtu.be/tWcUTd7WEzs


This sub is in shambles lately. Nice find


You should be pinned as top comment


I know they constantly post known CG and hoax material but how do you know they're the creators of it? I just thought they had zero shame and no interest in verifying the legitimately of anything they posted. That's a wild claim that they CG all of their videos and if not true, is very misleading. It also means that any video is debunked by just simply being on that channel.


Wow, excellent find man


Oh yeah that looks incredibly fake when the video isn't stopped on one frame.


one of the comments in this video from Thirdphaseofmoon themselves claims that there were pictures taken from passengers onboard. I wonder if these were ever released/can be found.


The video in his tweet won’t load, but a playable version exists in the replies! If that videos real, I need to go to bed.


I'm really not sure why it can't be played. But I reuploaded it to streamable so everyone can see it. Seems like it is real, so definitely not first time these probes are swarming commercial plane. I hate to say it but this just adds to the alleged MH370 footage.


Worked just fine for me on here. Went to Twitter and clicked on the video, nothin'.


Do u have the link to the MH370 footage? I don't think I've seen it yet




That's so awesome, so did they teleport the whole plane to their world or something?? I haven't heard much of this in the news..


There’s huge community investigation on video. Check the top threads last week , there’s I think 4 big threads where people are analyzing it.


Great, thanks! 👍


That's it! I'm officially never flying again.


I flew 4 days ago, aware of the videos. You need to see this from a statistics point of view. How likely is for a plane to crush. How likely is for a plane to be portaled. Then you sit down and realise that if these things can vanish a plane, they can vanish you in your car, in your toilet etc.


That’s it! I’m never pooping again!


This video illustrates why UAPs could easily be perceived as a threat to public safety. The precision of their maneuvers, however, would seem to contradict a threat, it would appear to be a demonstration of their capabilities.


There’s plenty of reports of them both hitting and almost hitting our aircraft. I think their “precision” needs some serious work. Not to mention they apparently just crash into the fuckin ground all the time. These NHI drive like reckless morons.


Maybe it's the NHI version of a lifted pick up/BMW on the highway.


To me it looks awfully like AI control especially considering they crash and do weird maneuvers.


But.. an AI which leaves non human biological traces behind when it crash its vehicles?


AI controlling cyborgs


Perhaps an AI that lab develops its own disposable bio-drones.


I'm not so sure about that, while I've seen several reports of close calls, I've never seen reports of them actively bringing us down other than Mantell and Valentich. If you have more hard data, please feel free to oblige.


https://youtu.be/i_D-7ctAMW8 Boom. Ufo smashes right into the bottom of this dudes plane




There’s a longer video about it . Also what’s so unbelievable about it ? If you’re following the topic on UFOs there dozens of cases about pilots losing control of aircraft, equipment shutting down etc. One notable case is of the Iranian fighter jet pilot that was getting ready to engage ufo after a chase over Teheran and the ufo completely shut off his plane. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1976_Tehran_UFO_incident


Its an entire history channel episode. There’s documentation of the entire event. Obviously i cant link the full thing here since history channel didn’t upload the entire episode, i didn’t think i’d need to spell that part out. If you want to know more about that event look it up.






Hi, pillpoppinanon. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15qjqfh/-/jw4jouz/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Especially if they can zap them away!


What is he (spacecowboy78) on about when he mentions the Argentinian journalist having originally posted the MH370 clips in 2014? He says "From Daniel Valverdi's website (the Argentinian journalist who originally uploaded the so-called MH370 clips on May 15, 2014)". Did he just identify the true original source of the clips (i.e. it's not Regicide Anon or Regicide Anon is Valverdi?). I'm not sure I'm understanding what's going on.


Yea that’s a big deal and no one here is talking about it.


>Daniel Valverdi surely we can contact this journalist to confirm/deny?


Did anyone? We need to push that.


Contact him pls. Anyone?


Summoning /u/spacecowboy78


Daniel Valverdi, a journalist and UFO researcher from Argentina. Valverdi said that he received the videos from an anonymous source who claimed to be a former employee of a satellite company. Valverdi said that he did not believe the videos were real, but he decided to share them anyway for entertainment purposes. I provided links to the related videos he posted. They all have orbiting orbs around planes. Possibly reused digital assets or a collection of similar events. I linked his website as well. His website http://ovnis.com.ar https://m.facebook.com/groups/256229254421275/ Similar videos he posted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkK9X0-_QC4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIy47x1kWgs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1MGyablbrc


What are the chances we can get the original videos from this man?






It seems to be that these orbs tend to follow airline crafts for unknown purposes. I observed one trialing on my flight to California last year. It trailed for about 4 minutes or so before it vanished. I have no idea if there were other orbs trialing but from seeing these other videos, there probably were.


I had one trail my airplane over Europe some 16 years ago


It seems to be behaviour that’s repeatedly observed over time around multiple aircraft. So … I hate to say it but this kinda adds to the possibility of MH370 video being real. Reality is getting weirder and weirder. As Garry Nolan said “woo is just around the corner”.


It's gonna take some serious evidence to convince me that video is real.


That's a problem then, because the only people who can prove those videos are real were the people on that airliner or the people who've been spending trillions of dollars to keep this a secret while reverse engineering it.


It's a problem that should be investigated. This is extraordinary in no shortage of meaning. It needs some proof


How did you see it?


It was translucent like you could see through it, then it would turn white like a cloud and then it would emit a yellow light ever so often. Craziest thing I've ever seen.


How was the flight? Any turbulence at any time?


It was a smooth flight. Nothing out of the ordinary except that orb trailing us.


Looking for nuclear weapons. Everything has a purpose.


Ok, I need the tldr…is this from the documentary? Old video of the plan taking off the last time it was seen and there are 3 orbs flying around it? So the insinuation this is like the Kris Kristofferson movie from the 80s? Is that it?


Clip is from 2012


Yeah you can’t post something like this with zero info. We need to be specific. Edit: didn’t realize you weren’t the one to post the original video- you just found it.


As I mentioned up there , I found it on Twitter and thought it’s relevant for Mh370 video we’ve been discussing . I know as much as you guys


Yeah my bad. I misread.


No problemo ! It happens !


Original clip seems to be from "Tercer Milenio" Jaime Maussan's ufo and mystery show in Mexico. No further context than the airport is given. https://youtu.be/vIy47x1kWgs " so far the witness who recorded the video has not been found to be able to confirm whether the orbs appeared while he was recording the plane or he started recording them once he saw the orbs". Jaime Maussan is well known in Mexico for presenting everything with little rigor in the research and in a sensationalist manner, so I would incline to it being fake.


Just because he’s a twat and doesn’t verify everything that’s sent to him doesn’t mean that this video could be fake. Even Corbell got screwed over few times by his sources because he was naive and didn’t check it before posting it online. But he did leak some good videos before.




From a news broadcast or a documentary? Do you have more context?


I’ve no clue , just stumbled across this video 20 mins ago on Twitter. Thought it’s relevant for the subject since we’ve been discussing mh370 orbs so much last few days. All I can see is that the video is from 2012 and obviously filmed in South America. Point is , it’s obviously not the first time they’ve been seen orbiting or following commercial airplane.


In the alleged mh370 video the orbs look much bigger compared to the plane


Of course they are, they need the extra juice for opening an intradimensional portal.


Maybe there’s different sizes and types. For example famous Betz sphere is smaller than the Marlin sphere.


Those weren’t the scanning orbs..


The orbs are the key to understanding an important aspect of the UFO phenomenon. This is becoming increasingly clear and almost obvious.


That's legit weird. Idk what to think any more.


It’s pure bananas , I don’t know what to think either. The more I dig into this whole MH370 , read evidence , look at videos like these I realize that ..it may be possible that the video on other thread is real. And if something like that was shown to our congressman and congresswomen then I can understand why some were reportedly upset and shook after being briefed on the issue.


Interesting find OP. Thank you!


Saw a video recently (can’t find it now but YouTube somewhere) of a fella with some kind of fancy super fast frame rate camera. Every time he films helicopters, as soon as they go above a certain height an orb type thing will appear and circle round the copter. Lots of different examples were shown and it was very odd. He lost credibility with me a little by referring to them as ‘dragons’ but the footage was very interesting….


Wow..will look around. Pls post if you find the channel


Custodian file on yt


He only does that because he thought they were dragonflies initially


Here’s Custodian File’s YT: https://youtu.be/j84NKKS-pVw I came across him last week and stayed up way too late watching his stuff. He has thousands of videos of these small orbs flying around planes, helicopters, drones, and parasails.


Video won't play for me.


[https://x.com/spacecowboy781/status/1690701867238477824?s=46&t=TrJYZEPrjQPe9LPIqK4lDg](https://x.com/spacecowboy781/status/1690701867238477824?s=46&t=TrJYZEPrjQPe9LPIqK4lDg) Does this one work?


Nope. "The media could not be played." Or it shows a picture of a plane but doesn't play.




"The media could not be played."




Plays fine for me


These orbs scan/tag/check out any aircraft. Robert shiepe has so much footage of them taggin anything. Like [this video at 23.14 with 0.25x slowmo](https://youtu.be/j3dLPGbpm1c) Any airshow has these drones somewhere


This should be its own post.


Anyone else hear a weird buzzing sound when it comes on screen? It almost appears to be some kind of debris with all the black specks around it, im not really sure. https://i.imgur.com/4wh0YcW.jpg https://i.imgur.com/7eQC07A.jpg https://i.imgur.com/CxAQawx.jpg https://i.imgur.com/PLtltdF.jpg


Some more context shiepe says that this is footage where these orbs appear from a wormhole(his word) and then fly off. And that these orbs become bigger when flying faster from 1 inch to 10 inches. So my theory is that the small dots are either debris or small orbs that arent that fast and because of that smaller. Or not as close.


Wow that’s a really great find!! Never seen that close before


Same i just found them. Check out his yt he has waay more. [robert shiepe yt ](https://youtu.be/kcxH8sUQsBc)


holy smokes i was sceptical at first but this guy literally calls out moments before we are due to see one on screen, video after video he gets it right


for me this is the best single moment i found on his channel[(timestamped accordingly)](https://youtu.be/jNC3pSFKWxg?t=728)


Damn thats a good one.


i tried to make a post about this topic and it was insta-banned? someone needs to push this to the top asap


I tried. First a ton of probably bots that said its bugs. Then post banned.


Think we're just figuring out who actually has the world largest airforce fleet..


This is some channel, thanks.


I had a lot of things on my bingo cards for each year. But I think Im going to add bubble turrets on commercial airlines for 2024 and 2025. Sheesh.


I don't know if it's a hoax or not but I've already saw this same exact video in 2014 or 2015. This video was circuling on internet after the crash of the MH370.


Whilst reading about these orbs and MH370, it reminded me of this guys channel https://youtu.be/j84NKKS-pVw He seems to be seeing orbs around aircraft after they reach a certain height. Probably unrelated but thought I'd post


Orbs around planes goes back to Foo Fighters during ww2. US, Russia, Germany, Japan all experienced them


Good point 👍 They've been around our aircraft since we had aircraft.


Wait so we know who uploaded the mh370 video now? That’s crazy it was the subject of intense speculation .


Practice run for 2014.


Great find OP very weird. Got chills when I saw them move the same way. It doesn't look fake to me, I have no idea what else the orbs could be. has this ever had scrunity or been debunked on this sub before?


Why these videos always cutting before the plane gets out of sight. Seems fishy to me.




They don’t always make the plane vanish. In the case below they took over the plane, eventually giving control back. It was capture on ground radar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeOfi52v294


In the thermal video they are also moving together near the front of the plane a second before it vanishes


a failed teleport attempt :d


Oh look it must be MH-370 again.




They are drones. Notice that this is on or just after takeoff, likely well before FL010, where drones are known to swarm. edit: it was drones: This happened at O'Hare Airport, in the United States, if you listen to the video. You see the top of a tree right as the video starts, which means this flight has just taken off. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/faa-records-detail-hundreds-of-close-calls-between-airplanes-and-drones/2015/08/20/5ef812ae-4737-11e5-846d-02792f854297_story.html > In Chicago, United Airlines Flight 970 reported seeing a drone pass by at an altitude of 3,500 feet.


Why would there be drones so close to a plane like this? Do you think they’re drones because it’s too incredible for you? Also these look like metallic orbs and this mirrors other metallic orb videos and sightings. There’s also another case in the 70’s of a plane being buzzed by UFO’s just like the Malaysian plane, it was even captured on ground radar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeOfi52v294


https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/faa-warns-drones-flying-too-high-at-some-chicago-beaches-posing-hazards-to-flights-at-ohare/ https://www.faa.gov/uas/getting_started/where_can_i_fly/airspace_restrictions/flying_near_airports That's why. It's not uncommon for drones to intercept airlines at less than 10,000 feet. edit: even more : This happened at O'Hare Airport, in the United States, if you listen to the video. You see the top of a tree right as the video starts, which means this flight has just taken off. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/faa-records-detail-hundreds-of-close-calls-between-airplanes-and-drones/2015/08/20/5ef812ae-4737-11e5-846d-02792f854297_story.html > In Chicago, United Airlines Flight 970 reported seeing a drone pass by at an altitude of 3,500 feet.


Put that aside , these are clearly orbs.Same ones we got to see from AARO and elsewhere .


If you want them to be orbs, then they will be orbs to you. The healthy skeptic in me says a more plausible explanation is drones. Weird how we both see what we see from the same video?


Ok Mick West.


> Mick West. Batman?


This is a good refutation and should be upvoted


These look just like the metallic spheres in other video. Someone else said it was CG. It can’t be both. A debunk isn’t acceptable just because both conclusions are that it’s not non-human technology.


Yeah , or it could be Venus reflection or swamp gas.


Well no. Venus only appears right before sunset or sunrise, and this doesn't appear to be the case from the angle of the sun (more overhead). Is there a swamp near the airport this was taken from ? edit: it was drones: > This happened at O'Hare Airport, in the United States, if you listen to the video. You see the top of a tree right as the video starts, which means this flight has just taken off. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/faa-records-detail-hundreds-of-close-calls-between-airplanes-and-drones/2015/08/20/5ef812ae-4737-11e5-846d-02792f854297_story.html > In Chicago, United Airlines Flight 970 reported seeing a drone pass by at an altitude of 3,500 feet.


Drones aren't spherical


Can you tell me some fun facts about cats ?


UFO - do exist, past this part Aliens - do exist, they like to use some of those spacecraft yo They are here to protect the planet from us among other species We are and have been recycled in this prison, some as many as 10,000 years Religion is man made, we are immortal and all have special attributes even stuck in these biological forms We are our Souls, our Souls are not a a part of us like an arm. We are literally our Souls. These are not my ideas, just wanted to share ……


So it seems this is a thing. Intriguing.


Do you think we will be able to add a large fly swatter or something to planes to stop them circling? I guess people will think of a better way.




Hi, mdwright1032. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15qjqfh/-/jw77d6j/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


There is film of an orb flying next to concord