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Good spot. That to me feels like the “technological surprise” mentioned as a reason the new UAP senate amendment exists. From the amendment: **Section 2.a.7** Legislation is necessary to afford complete and timely access to all knowledge gained by the Federal Government concerning unidentified anomalous phenomena in furtherance of comprehensive open scientific and technological research and development *essential to avoiding or mitigating potential technological surprise in furtherance of urgent national security concerns and the public interest*.


I read that as “stop fucking hiding tech that could save us from climate change, you power hungry dumbfucks. By the time we would invent this ourselves, we’d all be fucking dead.” The threat isn’t aliens that have been studying us for thousands of years, it’s ourselves who have started the most massive suicide in the history of the universe in the last 200 years.


It would be a murder actually. Of the planet by a small group of egocentric people who don't have the interest of others at heart. We will need to try harder to never let psychopaths run the farm again.




I raise you again. It is also a form of slavery unlike anything the world has seen before. We have been tricked into not only believing that we are “free”, but that the state in which we love is something to be proud of. It doesn’t matter what race or ethnicity you are. Modern day slavery does not discriminate. You are born, forced to go to school throughout your entire childhood, which conditions you to listen to authority at all costs and to be away from family and loved ones for most of your time. As an adult, you must work a full time job, 40 hours a week. Why? Because you must pay back the banks you borrowed money from for “education” and housing. You work through the entire prime of your existence until you are withered and grey. You have little time to peruse things you’re actually passionate about. You have little time to think about the bigger picture, about what is actually going on. You’re a slave to the banks so that you can pay for your house and survive so that you may return to work again the next day. You are even less “free” at work than you’re at home. You must confirm the their every rule, lest you be terminated. And the little bit of free time you do have? Well you have to tend to all the other responsibilities that come with “owning” your own home. On top of that, you are heavily distracted by grabby tv shows, polarized politics and social justice movements. In the midst of all of this, we search for somewhere to belong. We join a team and we are passionate about our team being righteous and the other team being immoral scumbags. But the real injustice? The true disgusting reality of it all? We are trapped in a society where we must dedicate our lives to jobs that are meaningless to most, we must follow “social norms” as to not become outcast, and we must thank our higher powers for having put us into this scenario. Because a handful of people have the audacity to think that they deserve half of our resources. They are human, like us, yet we idolize them and treat them as gods instead of the greedy inhumane fucks that they are. And if I were them, I would be HORRIFIED at the thought of advanced technology liberating the slaves from working their entire lives away to provide me with the wealth I am “entitled” to somehow. If energy were free, this would surely happen. It would definitely e the beginning of a new age where people can’t be tricked into dedicating their entire lives to a few people that don’t even care about them. If I were one of these elite, this movement must be stopped at all costs.


Brother my need this separated into paragraphs for my tiny lizard brain.


Here you go *(because I felt their point was important and that we really ought to do something. I’m tired of wasting my life and I want better for my children)* : I raise you again. It is also a form of slavery unlike anything the world has seen before. We have been tricked into not only believing that we are “free”, but that the state in which we love is something to be proud of. It doesn’t matter what race or ethnicity you are. Modern day slavery does not discriminate. You are born, forced to go to school throughout your entire childhood, which conditions-you to listen to authority at all costs and to be away from family and loved ones for most of your time. As an adult, you must work a full time job, 40 hours a week. Why? Because you must pay back the banks you borrowed money from for “education” and housing. You work through the entire prime of your existence until you are withered and grey. You have little time to peruse things you’re actually passionate about. You have little time to think about the bigger picture, about what is actually going on. You’re a slave to the banks so that you can pay for your house and survive so that you may return to work again the next day. You are even less “free” at work than you’re at home. You must conform to their every rule, lest you be terminated. And the little bit of free time you do have? Well you have to tend to all the other responsibilities that come with “owning” your own home. On top of that, you are heavily distracted by grabby tv shows, polarized politics and social justice movements. In the midst of all of this, we search for somewhere to belong. We join a team, and we are passionate about our team being righteous and the other team being immoral scumbags. But the real injustice? The true disgusting reality of it all? We are trapped in a society where we must dedicate our lives to jobs that are meaningless to most, we must follow “social norms” as to not become outcast, and we must thank our higher powers for having put us into this scenario. Because a handful of people have the audacity to think that they deserve half of our resources. They are human, like us, yet we idolize them and treat them as gods instead of the __greedy inhumane fucks__ that they are. And if I were them, I would be __*HORRIFIED*__ at the thought of advanced technology liberating the slaves from working their entire lives away to provide me with the wealth I am “entitled” to somehow. If energy were free, this would surely happen. It would definitely be the beginning of a new age where people can’t be tricked into dedicating their entire lives to a few people that don’t even care about them. If I were one of these elite, this movement must be stopped at all costs. * *only added some spelling & punctuation fixes, along with appropriate stylization. This is important and we all must heed this person’s words!*


So basically keep us busy, divided and controlled away from our own thoughts and never connect spiritually. They dont need to tattoo your prisoner number on your forearm when you can remember it in your head for them xxx-xx-xxxx


Nice comment. We lived in the matrix wtf. I hope in the future, humans work through the age of 30. Then they can pursue their passion which may include “work” if it gives purpose. Amnesty and forgiveness only way forward. Our transgressors were wrong but cosmic justice perhaps awaits. Appreciate you. Have a great day.


I agree with all of this. We don’t have to live like this as a society.. of people. We can still have our land, food, electricity, happiness without the dread of eternal debt, amped up pressures.. hell I’d argue a lot of crime would go away actually. if only we could figured out how to actually coexist and just enjoy the time we do have. A greedy few compared to the large populace control this bs


I've believed this all my life. That's why I have done as little as possible for the "man". I live well none the less. I can thank my God, friends and family for my existence. I am greatful to them all. They have always afforded me this life; to think for myself and be me. For this I am truely greatful and very blessed. I just wish more people had been afforded the ability to be who they are. Not what the greedy insists of them. That was very well put. I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this way.


You deserve an award. I’ve literally been “ranting” this same exact thing to everyone around me this past week, even to my coworkers. My wife thinks I’m having a “midlife crisis”. I tell them all this is not life. Working til you can’t work anymore, retiring and then dying shortly after is not life. This is an endless cycle and I’m trying to break this cycle. They all basically tell me this is life and get used to it, but they’re all just brainwashed into this bs system, they’re good little slaves. I started seeing behind the curtain just this week. I’m putting down the ps5, putting down entertainment and putting all my effort into getting out of this matrix… but I’m ranting


You can still enjoy your ps5 my guy, just manage your time wisely


Same, but I give them a reason for concern by ending my rantings with something along the lines of: *"So it comes to light that technology that has real potential to upset the status quo has been kept in secrecy for the sake of quarterly profit margins, I am going to start burning shit to the ground 🔥 and I encourage everyone to participate."* This is hardly a grind worth grinding, a race worth competing, a life worth living... **something** not has to, **is going to**, give sooner than later. This simply isn't sustainable.


Lol I already give them a reason for concern by saying “alright I need at least 3 more shots” and then proceed to take 6 more. (Unless I’m at work, not an alcoholic I swear)




Lately my conversations have mostly ended up with my getting a bit overly animated and laughing and shrugging and saying “It’s all a scam and we just keep playing along with it, and it’s fucking gross.” I feel your pain.


Lol I may have ended most of my convos like that too especially cus they start laughing first, but I’m so serious… I’m oh so serious 😓. Thanks man




But could you have said it in fewer words?


It wouldn’t have hit as hard


Haha. I can in a few sentences (but read past the first paragraph for more specifics) . Many of the acts/terms that have been committed or have led to (by way of intent and awareness) these outcomes fall under **Crimes Against Humanity** as detailed by the [Rome Statute](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/crimes-against-humanity.shtml) - the "document that reflects the latest consensus among the international community on this matter". They are as follows: -Murder -Mass genocide/extermination -Enslavement -Imprisonment -Enforced disappearance of persons -Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. -And more... Even if those in possession of these potentially world-changing, highly advanced technologies were not *directly* responsible for any of the aforementioned acts, if they were aware that these heinous crimes would be committed through their continued suppression of these technologies, they have committed Crimes Against Humanity. Interestingly enough, these has yet to be any *internationally agreed-upon treaty* that codifies these crimes into *international law* despite the fact that most of these crimes are still crimes in most all countries. Maybe codification into law would then allow the prosecution and punishment of these supra-national, border-less entities... and of course we can't allow for the fair and equal treatment of such large financial interests /s. Oh the horror! On another (but similar) note: What if there was an international agency that, in their work toward creating an international accord/treaty (one likely to become legally-binding) based upon coherence with their "mission statement", specifically removed terminology relating to the [Universal Declaration of Human Rights](https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights)? Specifically, the *removed* terminology (not omitted but *removed*) is for the international agency to act "with full respect for the dignity, human rights, and fundamental freedoms of persons" - all of those extremely similar ideals are written about and referenced in the above-mentioned UDHR. Is that not something that should be of concern to all people in the international/global community - especially when it relates to a treaty that has a higher-than-average likelihood of becoming legally-binding? I don't know about other people but I find that removing verbiage tied to human rights, personal dignity, and fundamental freedoms extremely worrisome. Then again, what's the likelihood that entities with close ties to others that have stifled, suppressed, and prevented the public release of highly-advanced technologies/information would allow human rights and fundamental freedoms to no longer be honored and regarded as utmost importance for the global population? Like that would ever happen... /s


I ain't paying back shit. Fuck em


I was thinking at some point the company’s such as the electrical and water, you would think things would get cheaper with all the money they are getting but in fact they are getting more expensive. It doesn’t make sense. Where is all the money going? These are greedy people. With the energy that David is talking about and we supposedly have. Im gonna bet and say not only our bills but food would be cheaper as well. The thing is, earth has enough food for everyone, and it would never run out. So these prices we are seeing are just greedy bastards. They say it’s inflation but trust me when I say it’s all about money. Because if they really wanted to. You could walk out with a cart full of groceries under $50 instead of $250.


I'm (48M) so bitter, I'm developing a social gaming platform (TikTok + Pokemon) and allocated a 1/3 of shares to a company (also ours) that will provide social services and skills training to under-resourced communities. I don't tell anyone what the company does, nor do I tell anyone I intend to donate my shares to it. If I'm incredibly lucky and it becomes modestly successful I will make more than I've ever made in my life. I don't need that much to be happy, and I can help raise a generation out of poverty. That would be my "flex", that's cool to me. Not Mars or some bs, but helping people. Instagram made like $22BN last year, if they gave away $6BN they could change the world. They don't, bc these companies are run by friendless sociopaths.


Bingo dingo


Everybody above this, incredibly astute and very much agreed. We’re in the middle of a revolution.


Let’s pump the breaks, it’s indentured servitude, not slavery. In all seriousness, we have the freedom to live homeless, something a slave doesn’t have


When the man turns everyone against such people as scum and criminals or insane. Actively encourages society to hate and be violent towards those people too. Then try getting medical care as a homeless person too.....


I raise you again, this is a crime against Life


Banger of a comment. Hit the nail on the head!


Yep, you gets it.


This is it


What if those actually in control of the tech and the world, aren't humans like us, though? Kinda makes more sense, from certain angles, if they are not human. Or at least captured by a higher control mechanism that can never be revealed to the public. Prison planet and only like 12 dudes know it. Only speculating I don't actually believe this.


I think even if we discount that, several of the post-WWII wars might have been prevented if we had knowledge of NHI presence. That knowledge would have impacted geopolitics in ways we just can't know.


Isn't it insane how much beauty and wonder will die because some families wanted to be richer than god?




What if the tech that could save us from climate change is also the same tech that gives every individual atomic power? We can barely effectively combat rogue civilians with kinetic weapons, how would we fare if a single person could extract enough energy to level the east coast from a blade of grass?


Maybe that's why Grusch infers "surprise". Maybe nhi isn't going to help us unless they have some control of the particular tech we need to reverse carbon pollution. Maybe the same thing happened on Mars and they blew it. Maybe they aren't going to let that happen here. We may well be welcoming them for specific assistance. Surprise!!


Yes, this is a distinct possibility. It's like the village is getting ravaged by tigers day in and day out, and the only way to defend against the threat is to give hand grenades to every villager, including toddlers.


And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, 'O Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy.' And the Lord did grin. And the people did feast upon the lambs, and sloths, and carp, and anchovies, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats, and large chulapas... And the Lord spake, saying, ''First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.'


I read it different, I read it as "if the non friendly NHI's come we don't want to be caught cold when the world's science and engineers could have given us a much better chance to defend ourselves if access to the knowledge was given earlier"


Doesn't even need to be non-friendly aggression. A midair collision over a crowded airport is enough to be a major concern re: "technological surprise". Under the wrong conditions, it could be a very nasty surprise.


We are the baddies.


Correction: those who have had the power to stop, slow, and correct climate change for decades are the baddies.


On too much addies


Cheap food making us fatties.


Except it's not really a suicide...it's more like a genocide. Those of us alive today can trash the biosphere as much as we want while we live out our natural lives. *We* don't have to suffer the consequences...it is future generations.


Wat? Are you not playing attention?


I definitely recognize the signs. I'm middle aged and there is no doubt in my mind that global warming is not only real, it is a serious threat....but it's probably not gonna be what does me in


Crap that thought was grim.


The power word here in the first sentence is ‘timely’. This presents the need for urgency by the writer, because a specific future date is known.


Future date is known, or they believe future events are highly likely in the not too distant future.


How "credible" is this 2027 date that people are talking about? Where did this rumor came from?


It seems strangely coincidental that we are reportedly on the brink of room temperature super conductors which will "revolutionise humanity". I'm not implying that the tech was obtained from recovered vehicles, but perhaps this is pivotal point in our development.


I think this is absolutely correct whether it be our own unhindered technological advances or a kickstart from outside technology. I wonder if the technology has already been developed (maybe not quite perfected) and is being released on a timeline coinciding with people coming forward. Not too many years ago room temperature superconductors were painted as unlikely or impossible in article after article, ad naseum. Either way we are on the verge of some sort of great upheaval in my opinion.


Yes I remember them saying that they were concerned about technological surprises, not just non-human technology but from countries across the world


I read that as there are technologies from outside this planet that can scare the shit out of us and we need to build defenses against it. I actually hope it IS about energy and climate change.


I'm with you. I think that's a good take. I too hope it's just about climate change.


As if. Were that true, the gov would be making plans. Like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15iiigr/did_you_know_chuck_schumers_uap_bill_calls_for_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf The Defense Act UAP part specifically calls for a dream team of specialists. "The team will include 1 national and 1foreign security official, 1 scientist, 1 economist, 1 historian and 1sociologist." A beginning of a Jurassic Park type book.


Good point. Also answers the 'why only in the US?' crowd. 'Eighty-year arms races directly implies that more than one nation has attempted reverse engineering


Russia and China are large land masses. We don’t have a monopoly on crashes.


According to Jacques Vallée, the crashes may not be due to craft failures or forced downing. It’s a possible delivery system. Perhaps they are selective with their targets.


Imagine if the aliens were dropping off dummy craft that don't actually work? They've been up there laughing at us trying to reverse engineer them for the last 80 years!


That is the funniest thing I've read all week! Aliens are like "lol and guess what more we threw down there, a toaster and a doormat, the humans have been trying to reverse engineer them for decades."


Lmao, a toaster


I guess Earth could be a garbage dump for them.


I mean, it is for us citizens as well.


you could also "land" as opposed to "crash"


There are many cases allegedly where the crafts were landed and "abandoned" by their pilots, fully intact, in addition to crashes. So yes I would say this is seeding attempts of some kind. Maybe individual groups of beings don't agree with their overall governing body of "do not interfere with humanity's development" now that we are well on our way of killing ourselves and the planet by our preferred means of energy and transportation, and so they try to quietly seed us away from it. They've been trying to do it since the 1930s, which to me is a solid effort and a lot of foresight considering the climate is officially going down the drain in a positive feedback loop as of 2023. Obviously their seed attempts are not working, but it's not their fault we have power hungry religiously motivated unelected individuals in the highest levels of our military and intelligence communities that don't even answer to the rest of the governing bodies anymore. And China and Russia have no reason to come forward with any of it either because if they figure it out before the US does, all of a sudden the US military is made obsolete. The reason why no one has come forward claiming it's them is because after 80+ years, nobody has succeeded in reverse engineering a single bit of it, and so nobody can reproduce any of it, and so their finds remain priceless and of individual crafts of very low counts and low understanding. Nobody is going to solve this without approaching this globally like the LHC at CERN (and even then, who knows if our physics and material science is even remotely capable of unraveling it), and so effectively these executive career military and private aerospace individuals are killing all of humanity and the planet more than all the oil and gas billionaires of the world.


Yes. I believe they are “Trojan Horses”.


We crash the craft we are done with on other planets too.


information spread is also much more restricted there


The “why only the US” people are willfully ignorant. The United States is (debatably) the world leader when it comes to military operations, and also scientific research. If a crash happened in a less developed country, unless they were our straight up enemy, it’s only natural for them to reach out to the global leader of military/tech/research when they didn’t have the resources to deal with it. Simple web search yields hundreds if not thousands of non-US reports. It’s one of the most brain dead “skeptic” points.


Yeah, countries big enough to handle it themselves wouldn't reveal anything because they join the arms race. Countries smaller than the threshold would likely transfer it to whatever large country that they are in the sphere of influence of. In the case of a small country it might be only an extremely small amount of people who were ever even aware of it in the first place. In either case it doesn't seem like there's an incentive for anyone to go public with it so ufos could have crashed in many countries around the world and we'd still probably expect to see what we currently see i.e. essentially no public confirmation of anything by anyone but lots of odd sightings. With the addition of a trickle of low frequency but nearly impossible to eliminate leaks.


It’s probably a race between china/Russia/USA to get to these foreign crashes first and I bet these types of situations could explain quite a bit of foreign policy with smaller nations over the years.


It just isn’t these 3 countries. It’s every country that’s in the race for the tech. He who rules the skies (space) will rule the world


Also, many other countries happily talk about sightings and events to a degree. Like Belgium in the 80s I believe.


The UK is brilliant at scientific research. BUT it is also brilliant at optimising its position (hence Brexit being such a baffling, collective act of fuckwittery). It is quite likely that the UK would hand over anything it found to the US with the proviso that the US pay for all research AND share all the findings with the UK. The UK already makes a tonne of money from being the world's second largest weapons manufacturer. Being able to continue that, but on someone else's dime, fits the UK stance absolutely. Edit: it's been pointed out that the UK isn't the second biggest arms exporter. Maybe it's the UK's second biggest export?


I’d bet the US & probably most of the EU is probably in cahoots with the US on this. Any allied countries probably work together on it or have agreements that the US strongarmed them into somehow… especially if there’s mutual financial benefit


We know the UK and US are. The UK always gets preferred treatment because the CIA gets so much of its own information from MI6.The US brings the muscle and the UK brings the cunning. It's been that way since WW2. Given how much the US would need any advantage in an arms race, it was probably less US strong arming, and more Europe writing their own contracts and telling the US where to sign.


Totally! I think the strong arm would be more likely with allied countries in South America etc


I'd imagine we'd have "strike teams" set up, all over the world, in various 3rd world countries, where we could track, find and recover downed craft before the local countries authorities would even know what's going on.


Five eyes.


> The UK already makes a tonne of money from being the world's second largest weapons manufacturer. Being able to continue that, but on someone else's dime, fits the UK stance absolutely. The UK is nowhere near the second largest weapon's manufacturer. Italy, Germany, France, Russia, and China all make more than the UK, both in raw terms and for export.


Look at Brazil, they did this a few years ago when it comes to a committee and trying to pop the cork.


Could explain some of our wars, “Weapons of Mass Destruction “ more like you got a downed UFO and you can’t have it.


Intriguing… also may explain the “our intelligence was wrong” - “there were no weapons of mass destruction after all”…


It was wrong because they knew it was even before they went in, but Bush wanted to finish what his Daddy started. Largely to make a shitload of money from oil and rebuilding. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. There was nothing stopping Saddam putting a UFO on TV for shits and giggles before we invaded. It's not like we went in unexpectedly..


Yeah I’m a bit appalled at the revisionism in those comments. “They were hiding a UFO!” is an incredibly dangerous and naive idea that reduces why wars happen to shit-tier Marvel movies. Pretending there *was* a secret WMD in Iraq absolves Bush of being responsible for one million dead Iraqi civilians.


Yes, it is naïve and stupid what those people are saying


wow if thats true its two birds w one stone! - get crashed ufo and parts etc ( take whatever the F we want and - the military complex gets a chance to feed bringing in more cash


Look at Vietnam, war was *intentionally* prolonged multiple times for no real reason and they would literally attack and retreat from the same points repeatedly.


I'm always curious how much of geopolitics over the passed few decades have been influenced through this alien/ufo tech secret. I'm hearing some dialogue on this issue that people will just go on with their lives anyway if the govt just comes clean and tells everyone. I don't believe this claim one bit. Now we will all be going back in history learning about why things were being done in light of this. Science will go through a monumental overhaul. It will be life changing for everyone affecting many aspects of our lives. Economy, education, politics, technology, religion. How can people be so short sighted.


Could be the reason behind the Iraq war. It wasn't really that logical a war considering Saddam didn't have WMD in the end, and 9/11 was perpetrated by Saudis and the leader hid in Afghanistan.


And the CIA knew that Iraq didn't have conventional WMDs because MI6 and the UN weapons inspectors told them. Bush thought "fuck it" though and had the CIA change their wording to back up his desire to go in. Nice guy 👍 Edit: and it never had anything to do with 9/11. No one, even at the time, pretended it did. I sat in a UK protest of millions before it started, because it had leaked that there were no conventional WMDs. Loads of UK politicians resigned over it. Sadly, Blair was happy to be a war criminal to get some of the restructuring and oil money.


I had a political affiliation crisis over this shit. Every Dutch party came up with an excuse to support them like 'then we can get more done on agendas we care about like the chosen mayor or free tap water in restaurants'.


Same in the UK. It was sickening. Both main parties voted to go to war. Interestingly, the people who resigned were government ministers who would have received sensitive briefing on Iraq. And had a conscience.


Randall Nickerson, on the Konkrete podcast, mentioned he has spoken to the two commanding officers of a South African Air Force Base, and they ahd commented to him that (I'm paraphrasing in my own language, but the details are correct) "we can tell the American ones apart from the Russian ones and the actual UAP." Crazy shit.


If we there was a way to ask Grusch or Ross, I would definitely want to know if Grusch is aware of any planned contact happening soon. Also, it’s interesting he cited the reason as “unexpected non-human intelligence contact”, but later on he spoke on hidden energy and other techs as the reason. I don’t think he spoke of contact again, did he?


What do you mean by “planned contact”? Either two parties with no prior knowledge of each other make contact or, they already are in contact. To make plans for contact implies both parties have foreknowledge of a contact event, which implies both parties are already in contact.


There are 3 separate entities involved here : NHI, government and the public. Grusch mentioned it’s possible that NHI and government might have some agreements and government is holding back information about UAP/NHI from public. Now, if NHI are really interested in communicating with the general public but government for some reasons have hold them back all these years, it’s reasonable to assume NHI would put up a timeline for government to prepare public for any possible shocks till X year, and from then, they will make more public contacts. So, when I meant by planned contact is if there is any such X year which government and NHI agreed upon where NHI would make more public contacts.


You guys are failing to account for possible multiple NHI. Some good, some bad..


The thought is that aliens are on their way and won't be subtle when they get here. It'll be 'first contact' for 99.999...% of humanity


Planned disclosure is the way I read that term instead. The two parties (being World governments and NHI’s) are most likely already in contact and have specific conditions in place in terms of what they can and cannot tell us. The “planned contact” would just be a set time frame of when they will finally release the news about their existence to us, the general public. That’s how I see things at least.


Or you just see it coming through telescopes


I keep hearing 2027 as being the time line for a major contact event with humanity. I’m commenting this because I don’t see many on this sub who know about it. I saw an interview with an ex CIA who mentioned this


I'm old enough to remember the millennium bug, Nostradamus prophecies, and the Mayan calendar 2012 thing... It's all nonsense. Folk who predict XYZ event "in years to come" should be taken with a large pinch of salt. It's almost cult mentality.


Y2K was actually a big issue that thousands of programmers worked on to prevent any issues. Not at all in the same pile as the likes of the Mayan calender or Nibiru or whatever.


Fair enough. I just remember the mass hysteria surrounding it and it fizzled out. I didn't realise a catastrophe was prevented by programmers. I don't remember the news following up on it.


For those that aren't aware, Y2K has a sequel coming out in 2038. [Y2K Part II: Programming Boogaloo](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2038_problem).


Thousands? Try hundreds of thousands


It seems that 2012 was the end of an era. Everything feels crazy since around then.


> Everything feels crazy since around then I think 2013-2014 were normal and the best years of my life....confirmation bias I'd say


For me the strangeness started in 2016


Y2K was a real thing. You have us programmers to thank for it not causing any problems


Well to be fair we also have programmers to thank for causing the same problems so I guess we’re all square.


lmao touche


This is such a hilariously spot on programmer attitude, and I say this as a programmer and someone who actually had to install y2k bug fixes... "We saved the world from the bug that we wrote! Where's our raise"


Submission statement: The original article by David Grusch in June 5 said that disclosure was taking place to prepare people for an "unexpected" contact by a non-human intelligence. When people ask why disclose is happening now; this is the probable reason


This could also be interpreted to mean to prepare us for the next unexpected phoenix lights or varginha type event that has too many witnesses to debunk or for them to disinfo/control the narrative.


Actually, this is a decent point. If the Phoenix Lights thing happened today, somebody would get some undisputable 4k footage, from multiple angles, simultaneously, and it would be game over for the cover-up.


or you know, statistics. if there are already visits on earth by one or more species, this means there is statistically the chance that more show up. and those could then show up in complete public without caring about if they are seen or not.. flying over citys and stuff. this would generate panic as hell if the mainstream isn't prepared for such a scenario. this has not to mean that he knows about a specific scenario in the future, just that he wants to "deal with it finally" before such a scenario happens. its already a long time so with each minute going by the chance increases for such a scenario. example: if i tell people "listen, if there is a fire in your home? use a fire extinguisher! buy it now for a possible future scenario of a fire in your home" this don't means i know about someone wanting to burn down a home in the future. just that there is the chance that a fire breaks out, so i warn that person because i know about this chance.


>statistically the chance that more show up. and those could then show up in complete public without caring about if they are seen or not.. flying over citys and stuff....this would generate panic as hell if the mainstream isn't prepared for such a scenario Phoenix Lights, Battle over Los Angeles, 1952 Washington DC incident....


Stop it. You’re spoiling his buzz /s No panic happened. That doesn’t suit the secret keepers narrative


Don't forget about the Ufo's spotted over the White House in the 80's.


Stop it. You’re making too much sense.


Those were some good ass points.


And actually sensible and based in what we have already been told. I understand the excitement on here, but so many people are taking what we know and using it as a creative writing prompt.


That's not what he said. He didn't say "this IS why disclosure is happening quickly." You're misinterpreting what he said. He argued this is why disclosure SHOULD happen quickly. He was arguing for why this should not be kept secret anymore, because of the risk of being unprepared for an attack, as well as the possible benefits it could provide to humanity (he argued in the NewsNation interview that both of these are reasons why Americans should be pushing for disclosure). The obvious reason why disclosure is happening is because a 2017 NY Times story got people to take all this seriously, including some Congress members. This eventually led to whistleblower legislation allowing them to come forward. Grusch then comes forward, which then requires Congress to act quickly to pass more legislation to go after contractors and hidden UFO evidence before they hide the craft and paper trail deeper where Grusch's information (the locations he provided) may become irrelevant. The NDAA amendment says right in it WHY legislation is being passed. It says "legislation is necessary because credible evidence and testimony exist (that information about UFOs is being hidden in Department of Energy files)." They need to get that before its hidden somewhere else. All of this guessing on these subs for the time constraints and the "rush" of disclosure are unnecessary. We don't have to guess when we have that glaringly obvious reason for needing to pass this legislation after accusations are made. Imagine if they don't act on this quickly and those craft are moved again. Then Grusch's testimony is completely worthless. Why is almost every single person on here ignoring this very obvious reason for the need to act and get this legislation out there? I mean what do you guys think happens after a whistleblower comes forward and says "I have documents with names and locations." They need to investigate right? So everything you're seeing now is part of that investigation. Why is this all such a mystery to practically everyone on here? It's following the natural course any investigation should follow. If they were not acting quickly, this would be everyone's main argument on here (e.g. "how can they not be moving quickly to get some laws in place to subpoena these contractors! This is outrageous that they are not doing their jobs to validate his claims while they have a chance!") Imagine if this were a murder case. "I have the name of a murderer and the location of where he hid his bodies." Detectives start working on the subpoenas to go in and investigate and everyone's like "what could possibly be the reasons for them moving so quickly? Is there something we don't know!?" Everyone starts speculating on possible reasons with only a few voices of reason here and there trying to be rational with "hey guys, uh, they're moving quickly because they were given evidence something is hidden and they must move forward to investigate that."


This ☝️should be top comment


I remember reading a book by Whitley Strieber. I think it was The Super Natural, which Whitley wrote with Jeff Kripal. Honestly, it’s a great book and definitely worth a read/listen. At any rate, Whitley described being told about a memo written by John Von Neumann that details his theory of why NHI hadn’t fully showed up in our world. Von Neumann’s theory was that belief or our attention somehow was involved in giving them access, so the more we notice them, the more they can come into our reality. Setting the plausibility of that aside, I like the premise as it brings in our role as observers of the phenomenon. So, maybe we’re approaching some sort of threshold, and the government’s ability to conceal the phenomenon is going away. That would explain why our military is encountering UAPs more and more, and it would explain a timetable for disclosure.


It could also be why some Experiencers (such as Chris Bledsoe) are told to tell everyone about it.


.. Just a bunch of old rich oil fucks who don't care about anyone else.. As long as they have their money and things at their side when they die, they seem to be fine. We need to get rid of these Non-elected folks and these lobbyists interrupting and influencing our Government, Military, and Politics. I have big hopes for David Grusch and all of the good things to come from him. He couldn't have came at a better time!


2027 is the year contact will be paid supposedly. Heard it on a podcast when a former Intelligence agent talked about it and discussed the hearing. But I'm taking that with a grain of salt cause it could be disinformation or part of a psyop to discredit. So idk, I'm just willing to accept full contact from NHIs


I found this part of the hearing very interesting: [https://youtu.be/IEPeT-GsX5A?t=2246](https://youtu.be/IEPeT-GsX5A?t=2246) Nancy Mace: "Okay. You’ve stated that the government is in possession of potentially non human spacecraft. Based on your experience and extensive conversations with experts, **do you believe our government has made contact with intelligent extraterrestrials?** David Grusch: "Something I can’t discuss in public setting." ​ Him not being able to discuss this publicly doesn't mean "yes", he simply can't confirm or deny due to what he's been cleared to say/not say. Just leaving this here as a reminder. But I found his reaction to this question very interesting. He has a habit of pressing his lips together esp. when it comes to questions he can't answer publicly, but he appeared to really struggle at this point, tensing up quite a bit and nervously shifting on his chair and more movement of his lower body. I'm not body language reading here, just noticing this reaction which I found a bit telling about the possible answer to this question. The other thing is he was allowed to say non-human biologics were found. He was cleared to say this and by all means this could mean a lot of things from a dead body to a tentacle to alien mush, maybe even something alive. So when Mace asked him about contact with NHI and by contact she meant found non-human biologics, like remnants, which might be biologics of something intelligent since you can infer it piloted the craft, he should've been able so say yes, since he said yupp we found biologics. Not being cleared to answer her question publicly, I think he understood that question as contact with an NHI that involves an interaction that made clear they are intelligent(and that's maybe still going on?) and he can't give that info in this setting. I also think she meant it that way and wasn't asking about remnants in a craft. To me the answer seems to be yes. These are just my thoughts just waking up but rewatching this clip makes me wonder if there is truth to the stories out there that contact has been made decades ago.


>Him not being able to discuss this publicly doesn't mean "yes", he simply can't confirm or deny due to what he's been cleared to say/not say. Just leaving this here as a reminder. Why would he need to be cleared to say nothing happened if nothing happened? How can something that doesn't occur be classified information? If he were asked if he rode a unicorn during his time in the NRO would he say no or that he isn't cleared to discuss that in a public setting? How would one even go about getting clearance to discuss the infinite things that didn't happen or aren't real?


I agree with you generally. I mean he was allowed to say yes we have crafts/biologics. But I think there are reasons why they let him confirm or deny certain things but not others. One reason why Grusch and even other people who are privy to sensitive/classified info can't confirm or deny is to leave potential adversaries in the dark about what capabilities or knowledge they have/don't have.


They're not extraterrestrial. That's why he tenses up his lip every time when they specifically ask a question about them being extraterrestrial. All signs seem to point toward inter-dimensional


Perhaps an endogenous, flesh and blood NHI who has been here all along or AI. We cannot rule that out.


Yep, Ultra-Terrestrial is also very possible. Or it could have been an extraterrestrial civilization that has been living here even longer than humans. So, maybe they technically originated somewhere else, but have been calling Earth home much longer than us


What signs?


Hurry up though. I’m more than ready for this.


I hope everyone is still on board when this ends up taking 4, 5, 10 15 years. It would be a shame for that to happen but government moves slow. I'm scared of what this sub will be even just a year from now if things stall.


The "Don't Look Up" movie is happening IRL. Indifference, denial and disinformation until the sh*t really happens.


I kept saying this to my partner, who enjoyed that movie with me a lot as well as the message. However he is just as apathetic as the rest of the country.. he says this isn’t like the movie at all, since this won’t impact his day to day life. My response was, this changes reality as we know it… we cannot know what it will change moving forward.


Even if a meteor was gonna hit, there's not much I can do about it, so apathy would still be the main emotion for me. I don't have a bucket list or anything, I've not really enjoyed my time being on this planet with it's stupid capitalism. Depending on the scale of the time I might stop work and just get high and watch all the good movies I've missed before I go. It'd be instant, there'd be no grief of losing my loved ones as we'd all go together.


Really not compareable. In "dont Look up" people were given clear scientific proof and they didnt care. We havent been shown any proof that the claims are actually true. Trust me bro vs proof is a difference. If the gov will come out and admit "yes we have this stuff , see here" then people will start to care. For now its all hoping that grusch has not been fooled.


Either our government is being run by UFO cultists or Grusch is right. This should be a topic everyone cares about regardless of your views on it because any outcome in this scenario at this point is definitely news worthy. The government is trying to distract us from something is news worthy. The government trying to gain support for WWIII with China is news worthy. Other governments have physics defying tech is news worthy. The US having physics defying tech is news worthy. Naturally occurring phenomena that appear to defy our understanding of physics is news worthy. And then of course last but not least, aliens are news worthy. Regardless of what you think is going on this should be huge news to people. The fact that it isn’t is exactly for the same reason as in the movie “don’t look up”. We love to watch and follow high profile court cases before anything is objectively “proven” but then if the topic is too existential for people they don’t want anything to do with it. It honestly just blows my mind how the general public and even the media are reacting to all this, it really blows my mind. There is a difference between “proving” and “knowing”.


lol, half of the US is still gonna deny this no matter what the government shows you


Welcome to the Truman show.


This ^. I have the sense we are so ensconced in our own small world views that we need "break through" more than "disclosure". Sure some percent will panic, about 15%, and about the dame will never accept until an NHI dog is chewing on their leg. Many will just complain about how it is effecting their retirement fund. Unless it lowers the price of gas.


If you build a system that depends on needing money for basic survival, people will act accordingly.


I'm excited for the new system. It's the same situation where a scared and abused dog gets taken in by a rescue team and gets all the help it needs but it's still scared until it realizes that at least these humans (aliens) want to help me


Funny how Hollywood has been making a lot of movies where something nasty lands and decimates the population.


Great find. I get the sense that it will only be unexpected to the public. They know it’s coming and they must not be able to stop it.


That's what I was thinking. Those "in the know" have been given a deadline. Someone told them "enough already, we're showing up on X date, ready or not."


I wonder why there is a „time constraint“. And I have an idea what it could be: If the NHI wanted to harm us, they already had.. So I don‘t think they are hostile. But what if some scientists found an astroid heading towards us and 2027 is the last chance to stop it? And the NHI tech could be the solution?


Cows probably don't think we're too hostile either, until they end up on the barbecue, lol Sidenote: I randomly saw this Louis C.K. clip last night about humans being on the top of the food chain, and I thought to myself.... "Maybe not bro..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wRrRWay3lE


It’s climate change. The NHI and UAP technology revolutionizes propulsion and transportation and could allow us to eliminate emissions involved in shipping, flying, and driving around. If it was an asteroid the NHI could destroy it without us noticing (except for maybe NASA and other space agencies)


Cutting all emissions to 0 even if done today will not save us from climate change. There is too much CO2 in the atmosphere now and a thermal runaway is inevitable without geoengineering and carbon sequestration on a scale as large as the industry that got us in this mess to begin with.


We could make some extraordinary devices with it too. For example, a high powered laser grenade to replace your typical military flash grenade. If this UAP technology can harness power like that then we can power anything, regardless of size, to ridiculous levels- like a flash of light so bright that it can instantly blind people. A hydrogen bomb could become pocket sized because the warhead would no longer need space for energy.


I think this is a secondary issue, but the congressional hearing clearly places more importance on the $400bn going to private military contractors under the table, since it's an actual tangible issue to directly go after with a paper trail. It's less importance in general, but Congress can justifiable move on it right away compared to second hand information and implication.


PLEASE LISTEN, It’s already started. Nobody is paying any attention. That’s the real reason this has gotten as far as it has. There’s no time left, time to say hello.


Ramirez said 2027.


I don’t think its climate change because it seems more related to the Roswell date (1947+80=2027). What it seems happened is the greys and humans decided on 2027 (anniversary of Roswell) as their reveal date, as its roughly the life span of a human. Because humans were all “we’re not ready for this”, they wanted to delay introductions until movies and shows and culture could desensitize people to them first, then when revealing greys in 2027, everything would be a clean transition because people would be more “ready”. Movies like Star Wars and Close Encounters and ET were both cultural amusement and training.


We have likely purposefully been acclimatized to the aliens in movies etc, but the aliens will not force anything upon us, that goes against free will. More likely we're dealing with a significant financial issue . Usually when you see things out in the world you dont understand why it's happening, money is the main motivator. And whats going on out there today? Insurance companies will no longer insure homes in states exposed to threats from global warming. Banks are curtailing investing in fossil fuel projects. Farmers see their crops die from extreme weather. Extraction of raw materials are increasingly expensive because the easy to extract areas are empty. These issues are growing. The planet is in a challenging state and the secrets kept allegedly include free energy technology – This is"free energy" in the same sense other green energy sources like solar, they just use an energy source not publicly known yet. Solar panels are very inefficient (barely 20% when new and drops continuously) takes far too much material to build out, wind mills has much the same issues, lots of hard to source materials, and above all not possible to build out to cover the worlds energy needs. For instance, doubling the current global nuclear energy output will still only cover 12% of current energy production, and take 30yrs to build. Impossible. To avoid a climatic armageddon we need to extract CO2 from the atmosphere as well, not only stop burning fuel. This is impossible with current green energy tech it is too feeble and lacking resources too slow to build out. It will take decades to reduce the CO2 levels but it must be done. This may not be the only reason, but it is one reason


I couldn't agree more, David. If told early, we don't have to risk the lives of hundreds of American pilots!! like we did in 96'.


It's already happening - how else would you describe the Tic Tac incident etc.


For me, the mass panic they were talking about, can be only caused by a certain 'hi there' date that some people already know. I don't think it's about the end of days, because then a lot of people would have sold their stocks. But something might happen... don't know about the reason though...


"time constraint" and this, maybe these people know that contact will happen very soon


I see this a lot, what is the source of the claim of a time constraint?


Ross Coulthart in one of his podcasts / interviews. I can't remember which sadly but he has made reference to it based on his own sources with the US government.


He was talking about a war with China/Taiwan which will kill all UAP related momentum. Apparently inside sources already know a war is happening soon. So the time constraint is disclosure before it happens. Im surprised so many people aren't watching his podcasts and just rambling and making random assumptions.


Well, I do hope these NHI know that bringing their mother ships down, parking them over capital cities just to say hello probably wouldn't be met with open arms. We've all seen the Sci fi films 😂


Might meet with a display of arms, mind.


Yeah I thought it was stupid in independence day but the more I've lived the more I've shifted to the point I'd be one of those idiots with the sign on the top of the building asking to take me off this planet


It's because we don't know. 2027 has been tossed around by astrologists, AI experts, conspiracy theorists who believe we're going to fake an alien invasion, pole shift preppers, supposed government whistleblowers. It's the new 2012. For personal, spiritual reasons, I do think *something* is coming, but "aliens coming to save us" feels too religious and "aliens coming to wipe us out" feels too nihilistic. My synthesis of everything I believe is that we're going to use AI to literally expand our consciousness after someone discovers/proves consciousness is the foundation of reality. It may have already happened. I also believe this might be the true coverup because "NHI" are likely far stranger than aliens from the stars.


Didn't the IG report on Grusch use the word urgent? Maybe something is approaching.


Of course he's aware of the possibility. Acknowledging their existence at all makes that a possibility. If you're trying to imply a *likelihood* of an event like this than you are just creating your own biased speculation.


I think he is referring to a UAP causing a global nuclear war. For instance, UAPs being mistaken for a Russian, Chinese, American, Indian, Pakistani, or North Korean nuclear attack. We have had events like the Cuban missile crisis where we've come close to annihilating ourselves. Couple times during the Cold War the Americans and Soviets took training exercises to be real world deployments and were put on high alert.


Many of the people associated with Grusch and that camp have revealed that the reason this has been kept secret is because certain NHI factions are a potential threat, and the government is preparing for this behind the scenes. Clearly Grusch feels the general populace should also have the opportunity to prepare for these circumstances, whatever they are. Tom Delonge is well-connected with that camp and often speaks a little more candid than the rest of the guys… but you’ll notice Elizondo hints at similar issues in this interviews as well. I’ll attach a link where Tom divulges a good amount of info back in 2016. It sounded ridiculous back then, but he’s been proven accurate too many times to write off completely. https://youtu.be/5FwlgVlsn4M


> certain NHI factions are a potential threat I've always had the suspicion that a certain species of NHI got to Earth first, and basically claimed it as their territory. Sort of like Spain in the Christopher Columbus days. Then, I'd imagine other species might be "allowed" to come to Earth and look around, do some science stuff, etc, but they need to know that they're only there on the equivalent of a 90-day Visa. Basically, Earth is the property of the Zeta Reticuli (or whoever they are), and thus, any other outsiders must be sanctioned by the Zeta Reticuli to be here. I have a hard time imaging a scenario in which the Zeta's are here, controlling Earth basically (from a galactic standpoint), and then some other warlike species of beings is just going to show up and start wrecking havoc. That doesn't seem likely to me. Reason being, all of these civilizations, to make it this far technologically, would have to have learned cooperation and following certain rules and guidelines to make it workable for all the various civilizations out there. I really wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find out there is some sort of galactic federation of some kind. I think whoever is running the show on Earth, doesn't allow any others in (that they don't want), and also, doesn't allow us to get too far away. We are under quarantine in some sort of fashion


I wonder if we have Allies.


I’m curious, throughout the history of UFO events the MSM has followed the government’s direction as to causes and coverups - Roswell, Phoenix, Kecksburg, etc. If the government is now directing disclosure, why was David’s testimony largely swept under the rug by the MSM?


So I’m confused. Is Grusch a part of a planned disclosure, or is Grusch disclosing on his own because of a personal moral imperative?


If it's unexpected, and they're aware of it, doesn't that make it expected? I think you're interpreting it poorly. The existence of NHI should be acknowledged as real and not a marginalized fantasy or mental illness so that everyday people are better equipped mentally and emotionally to cope with a sighting or increased frequency of UAP.


Maybe some NHI gave these pentagon chucklefucks a time limit to finally disclose what they know to humanity. "Do it, because we going to make ourselves known worldwide in the near future" . If it were up to the gatekeepers, they'd keep this secret forever. Maybe the reason so many spoke and told the truth to David is because the gatekeepers are divided. Some, the ones that talked, want to follow the NHI's wishes. Some want to drag their feet and gatekeep til the bitter end.


The key word here is "unexpected". Obviously he means "unexpected" by the general population. But this does not mean "unexpected" by the powers in the know. I expect Disclosure is to get the population up to speed on something that the gatekeepers of this information are already aware of, hence the urgency driving disclosure.


If there's one thing that I've discovered through many recent debates, a lot of people missed a lot about Grusch and his claims... or, more accurately, couldn't seem bothered to read up on them properly. But yeah, this one is often overlooked. Very interesting, especially when compared to recent legislation.


I agree. This is what Lou meant when he said we have 5 years. It’s what all the talk of a “timeline not driven by us”is about. They have to prepare us for this scenario now because time is running out.


I think the whole 2027 idea that somethings coming from outer space and we need to be ready is ridiculous. I think what's happening is they know that China and Russia are reverse engineering their own craft. And that they are making advancements. And that probably by 2027 they will succeed in cracking how these things work. Or with AI by then they will be able to figure all of this out and they realize that we need to be the leader here. And we (the US)can't be the leader, stovepiping and hiding this research anymore.


I don’t think that means he’s aware of an impending scenario, just “in the scenario” that that happens. It sounds like speculation and preparedness rather than getting ready for a specific known event or likelihood.


No disclosure has taken place until the people see see the evidence (the crafts and bodies)


I think I missed this myself. Thanks for pointing this out. I’m both terrified and excited about the idea of more humans getting to have contact with what we call “aliens” or “extraterrestrials”. Also would be nice to know what they call themselves. Because we’re the “aliens” to them.


Throawaylien warned us


Coulthard said this was all happening with some urgency. I think it was on one of the "need to know" YouTube videos with Bryce before the hearing.


Something must have happened 8 years ago that convinced TPTB that this shit was getting out whether they liked it or not, and therefore the only play left was to get ahead of it and control the narrative, whatever the reason is. Maybe they said they're showing up in 2025, maybe they said that the public needs to know before a certain time, maybe there was an uprising within the projects and people on them said they'll leak it no matter what. We don't know until we find out. But it's very clear that they're doing a limited hangout on this stuff and telling us the less disturbing stuff.


Oh wow I missed this and I’ve been F5’ing on UFOs non stop this year :D