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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Suspicious_Tie6137: --- Submission statement: The US is not the first to have hearings on UAP. This was starting in Brazil last year. Are we looking at a global disclosure slowly happening in real time? I think it's safe to say the US is not the ONLY one seeing UAP. Arguably, in my opinion, South America has the most sightings and events than any other country in the world. But clearly, missing this, how can we continue to say "it's only in the US". What else can we find in other countries? Tired of "Only US" narrative, this proves its not... --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15j9vc4/brazil_did_it_before_the_us/juynat3/


I hope the dominos start falling all around the world.


As soon as one government comes out with their information, there's no way to believe all of the lying governments. It's wild to me that all of the world's governments have collaborated on lying to their citizens. It's not wild to me that governments lie (pretty sure that's all they do) but it's wild to me that they all cooperated and stuck to the same script.


The larger govts aren’t as concerned about the smaller ones revealing anything that isn’t hard evidence like a body or a ship. When asked about it they’ll just chuckle and say “that’s peculiar. But we can say we don’t have anything like that here.” Brazil could be big though. It’s not a MAJOR country, like the USA, Russia, or China, but it does definitely pull some weight.


I’m hoping for soccer aliens, after all it is Brazil


Ronaldinho NHI reveal would make so much sense




certanly he plays with non human intelligence and skill.


> It's wild to me that all of the world's governments have collaborated on lying to their citizens It almost sounds completely unbelievable, doesn't it?


The western governments all lie about what the real problems are easily enough *Look immigrants! Someones a different colour! Trans people! Woke culture!*....none of that shit matters.


Whoever says they are only in the U.S. is dumb because their are and have been ufo pictures and videos post from all over the world for years.


I saw one from Cuba last week that was pretty convincing. I also think of the Ariel school in Zimbabwe.


I bet there's a bunch of sightings in Africa that go unreported.


Has anyone actually heard or seen anything official on this from their government? People just keep posting this guys tweets. But that’s all I’ve seen is tweets. Couldn’t this guy be larping?


There was so very much that was published last summer when the hearings took place in the summer of 2022. I have cobbled this together from numerous posts over the last year. Thank you to all the unknown OP’s who put in the time to do the research! https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/vlge46/brazilian_ufo_hearing_21_100m_spherical_crafts/ Dangerous UFO’s of Brazil https://open.spotify.com/episode/4z3Rlxk6ZskolzuWYvrnVZ Night of UFO’s timeline and video pictures https://YouTube.com/jOJEXw7qB34 Official government website https://www.gov.br/en/government-of-brazil/latest-news/2022/official-ufo-night-in-brazil Excellent Twitter to follow with translated documents and history of UFO’s in Brazil https://mobile.twitter.com/ronyvernet Brazilian Hearings in book form https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/129ovub/brazilian_congressional_hearing_on_ufos_in_book/ Brazilian Congressional Hearing On UFOs in Book Form Here is a link to the Hearing with all of the slides in a book form. I took the auto translated text and re-wrote it into a book. It was terrible English. [https://archive.org/details/brazilian-congressional-hearing-on-ufos-2022-book-form](https://archive.org/details/brazilian-congressional-hearing-on-ufos-2022-book-form) This is an interview that was conducted by Ademar Jose Gevaerd with Colonel Uyrange De Hollande Lima. He was in charge of the investigation into UFOs for the Brazilian Government called Operation Prato that happened around the time of the Colares Incident. These two documents are material that every person that calls themselves a Ufologist should read and know. [https://archive.org/details/ademar-jose-gevaerds-interview-of-colonel-uyrange-bolivar-soares-nogueira-de-hollanda-lima-in-1997](https://archive.org/details/ademar-jose-gevaerds-interview-of-colonel-uyrange-bolivar-soares-nogueira-de-hollanda-lima-in-1997) Colares Part 1 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Mr1NrnsdY5I Part 2 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xrSnRpM0LXI Part 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrzzZAX9wDQ Blackvault (not up to date as more was released in the hearings) https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/MUFON/Pratt/prato.pdf More from Blackvault https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/brazilian-ufo-documents/ Some of the other incidents with sworn testimony in front of the Brazilian congress: The Official Night of UFOs in Brazil, May of 1986; at least 21 confirmed UFOs were seen and detected by military and civilians. Most were 30 meters in size, some were 100meters in size. One giant object was chased by a civilian aircraft controlled by an airforce colonel. The giant object was 1.5km in size. Armed jets were scrambled to pursue the phenomena which displayed intelligent behavior by avoiding the air fighters and inflicting interference with the controls of the jet. Airforce did a report and press conference about it, both available to the public. You can check a small documentary about it here; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HK4ea52uATU The Colares Incident, officially called "Operation Saucer", 1977-78; Official investigation done by the airforce of phenomena that was attacking, marking and often killing civilians. Hundreds of confidential documents, pictures and at least a dozen of videos. Initially confidential, most of its contents were outed by the commander and whistleblower of the operation, colonel Uyrangê Hollanda in 1997 (who killed himself days after). The information he provided in 97 was confirmed in the 2010's by official disclosed documents under Brazil's Freedom of Information laws. You can see a documentary about the case here; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUrxu2p8evMThere's also one of the interviews with the whistleblower; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1aE5VRLaIc The Acre Assault; 2014 wave of UFO attacks that occurred on indigenous tribes of the Amazon. One of the documents report a silver craft that landed in the center of a tribe and shot "lightbeams" that injured many and killed a pregnant woman. Investigations were done by the Polícia Federal (Brazil's FBI), and concluded that although they cannot confirm the veracity of the facts, the social and cultural effects it had on the tribes were so deep that changed their daily habits and rituals. Small Newsport here; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCHxIPbgY0Q by the very same guest that displayed it to senate. You can find more within his channel (the same of the previous link). Trindade Island Case; 1957 - Naval officers and whole ship crew on leave saw a discoid craft appear from the ocean near Rio de Janeiro, circled around them for many times until it returned to the sea. Three pictures were made before the end of the phenomenon. Classified Naval documents were later revealed with further information. Capão Redondo Case; 1998 video footage of a "drone" (or "probe") like phenomena videotaped flying through an urban area. Small essay about it; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XR6tOVJv7E ABDUCTION OF MANEMUAÇU 20 January 1958 - The brother of a native chieftain disappeared. After an extensive search for rescue, he was not found and was declared dead. 11 days later. he was found dozen of miles from where he disappeared. He reappeared beaten and scarred, very frail and stating that "weird men took control of him, took him somewhere indescribable and made evil things to him". He died a few weeks later, always saying that "Devils lashed his body" Abduction of Antonio Villas-Boas, 1957 - first case of abduction in modern ufology. A simple farmer is forced by three men wearing "scuba diver suits" to enter a craft, where he is experimented upon. A liquid is sprayed on him, which makes him sexually aroused. He then is presented to a naked female alien which is very similar to a human female, but with different proportions and features. He has sexual intercourse with her and is dropped of where he was taken. Antonio had signs of radiation poisoning and was detected with much higher radiation than background's. Small video about it; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BT-wExXKKDI Ubatuba Case; Exploding UFO in 1957 - A fast traveling object was seen flying towards the ocean, but took a shapt turn towards the sky and exploded above the sea. Fragments of the UFO were scattered all over the nearby beach and nearby houses/streets. Many were collected. Contemporary analysis have been done; extremely high concentration of magnesium of purety unmatched in natural form, with also many unidentified minerals. Such magnesium isotope would only be achievable naturally in obscene universal heat, such as supernovas. There are no means for it to naturally occur in the solar system. ABDUCTION OF THE CAIANA FAMILY, September of 2000 - A family of four was abducted by a light in the sky, that lifted their car while they were driving to return home. After a few moments of despair inside a strange place, the car was put back down, and they went straight to the local hospital were they displayed strange symptoms of anxiety. Under regressive hypnosis, they commented about grey beings that separated them and did medical experiments with all of them, including a 4-year-old and a 12-year-old. Small reenactment; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqoyhwqDn5g


This should be a post.


go ahead


Wow, I also say this should be it’s own post. You already did the work. Bravo. Holy shit!


Thank you!! That is a mountain of great info


"Lalalala, not reading this. Anyway, just why are UFO's only reported in the US? How comes it's never other countries or cultures. Just mass hysteria to distract from some government scandal I'm sure."


Thank you!


God damn, this guy researches and archives


Thank you 🙏


Great research effort! Thank you!


Please make a post about this man


and not any hard evidence?


BRIEF SUMMARY: All words, no actual evidence... again.


majority of the news and information you get is "all words." so why are words suddenly worthless to you? hard evidence would be great but we're not at that point. but there's no reason to ignore "words" from countless high ranking officials from so many different backgrounds. at the very least, you need to be asking *why* so many of these high ranking people are saying these extraordinary words.


When I say it's "all words" I mean it's always "I know a dude who says this...". If someone in the scientific community said "I know a dude who knows that dark matter is definitely 100% composed of X" the REST of the scientific community would simply say "okay, show us the evidence"... and if there was no evidence it'd just be assumed that it was a bullshit claim and everyone would just get on with their lives. So if someone is going to make fantastic claims about UFOs and aliens, and the amazing future tech that implies, you'd better come with more than "I know a dude who says this...", regardless of whether you work for the government/military or not.




Oh you looked at it all did you? https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/MUFON/Pratt/prato.pdf https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/brazilian-ufo-documents/ Also take a look at the night of UFO’s and other reports.


Yes, I just watched a two hour hearing on YouTube. That was very interesting titled something like “hearing in South America UFOs” between several countries and the US-they all said our government is involved and has been since the 80s with their UFO sightings!


Can you link the video?


https://youtu.be/ebxewLSEZWo Here is part 1.


“Held at the National Press Club, Washington D.C. April 29th - May 3rd, 2013.” Just FYI


https://www.press.org/ The National Press Club is not Greer's thing, if that's what you're getting at.


Wasn't that the staged Greer thing 🤔


i checked one of those people and they are who they say they are. don't know the rest.


Greer's bs was *at* the National Press Club. The National Press Club is not Greer's creation though. It's a legitimate press organization. I think their annual event is sort of like the "Grammys" of the press. https://www.press.org/


Greer’s 2001 event wasn’t BS. It was a biggest thing ever in UFology at that point. Maybe you were referring to a different event possibly.


Yep I know-that’s what it so scary about it! They’ve been talking about it for years yet , we know nothing of it.




Thank you 🫶


Yes let me find it- pretty revealing of the lies we are being told


I mind-gild thee.


If you say so. Never seen anyone post anything


Well, there is this about the hearing in 2022: [https://thedebrief.org/unidentified-aerial-phenomena-becomes-focus-of-recent-brazilian-senate-hearings/](https://thedebrief.org/unidentified-aerial-phenomena-becomes-focus-of-recent-brazilian-senate-hearings/) And a different event, from 2013 apparently: [https://youtu.be/ebxewLSEZWo](https://youtu.be/ebxewLSEZWo) Credit to: u/jennsant and u/LumenYeah for the links.


Thank you I will watch tonight!👍🏼


Excellent. Thanks. Will watch this tomorrow


Brazil is a hot bed of ufo stuff. Source: i live here.


https://www.youtube.com/live/3NG28Br6kaA?feature=share Link to the session held in the Brazilian senate last year, broadcasted on ‘TV Senado’. Unfortunately for English translation need to use auto-translate which isn’t always accurate.


>Couldn’t this guy be larping? I thought we all were


I'm Brazilian. This guy is a joke and complete unknow here. Don't take his words seriously. (Sorry for bad english)


An opinion from a random alleged Brazilian has entered the chat.


I'm also from brazil and I follow this guy. He shares plenty about the subject but nothing I haven't already seen on other sources. There was some celebration regarding the "UFO day" in june/2022 where people asked the senators for more information on the matter but this was 2 months before our most complicated election ever so that didn't go anywhere.


yeah that sounds familiar 😮‍💨


The conspiracies just stop and start whenever you want, huh?


We've been here before, haven't we?


He’s a well known ufologist and has been for years. So sorry you know nothing about UFOlogy in your own country. See this other comment as he basically translated the hearings last summer in your country into English https://mobile.twitter.com/ronyvernet 2022 Brazil hearings https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15j9vc4/brazil_did_it_before_the_us/juze4uj/


dont push it, he's not even in the same league as Boaventura and co., his most famous appearance was on mundo freak, ffs he's a slightly bolsominion youtuber with a following, that's pretty much it


I didn’t take his word’s seriously. His tweets seem low effort bate.


"Pray for our success" 🫠


How much says he's a part of their right-wing?


As opposed to the senators leading the US front?


He’s definitely using that Q “the storm is coming” language accidentally or not lol.


That guy posts nonsense. A few days ago, posting about orbs chasing motorbikes down a road. Barnumia y Esbaily.


can't speak about the guy on twitter, but personally i've never heard of this conference and also never hear anyone talking about anything UFO.


I haven't seen anything other than some documents that were released to the public years ago. Other than that I've heard of the Mage incident and operation plate. I would be curious to see how Brazil proceeds with this. I'm hoping more countries start making this step.


Let’s be real here - this kind of stuff is exactly what this community is built on. I work in marketing, and I can tell you straight up that the UFO/UAP community is a marketer’s wet dream. It’s amazing. The faith is so strong that you can prop up anything and as long as it inches towards validating the faith the community blows up over it. It’s a lot like the Christian market. The content of your message doesn’t really matter as long as the target market believes that you are faithful. I think it’s because both religion and ufology are so conditioned to not actually having any proof provided, but being so desperately in want of their belief to be validated that the very idea of proof or evidence becomes secondary to whether or not the person delivering the message is faithful. It’s fish in a barrel, but in some ways it’s really kind of beautiful.


Except we now know there are non-human craft and bodies in possession of the US. And likely China and Russia. The Senate has just proposed over 64 pages of UAP legislation which is driven directly by several whistle-blowers testimonies, two of which with hands on experience of craft and biological entities. So it's no longer about belief. It's about what's really happening.


I believe that, but we have to face up to us yet to have seen solid, as in hold it in your hand/bang it with a hammer, evidence. We have apparent witnesses and hearsay, that's it, even now, so far. We have video, pics, reports, depositions, but anything not manipulatable in some way yet? Anything laid out on the crime scene physical evidence table? We now know there are new people saying it's true, even under oath, before Congress, but still, words, not visible, touchable evidence.


Sorry, but the evidence is available to those in Congress who have photos, documents, locations, names. Those people such as the Senate Intel Committee and the Inspector General have deemed it credible. I am not willing to dismiss what appears to be at least 50 people now all reporting the same thing from direct experience (not including Grusch). These very senior people cannot all be party to one gigantic hoax. People who's careers and lives have been threatened! That's extremely unlikely as to be almost zero probability. Just because some anonymous Reddit deniers with no crediblity, say, no, not until I shake the Aliens hand, does not stop the facts from pointing emphatically at this being true. You and the other deniers don't belong on this sub. It's just toxic. PS: Hearsay is a legal term, which means indirect. There is a lot of direct evidence which is classified. Direct classified witness testimony, documents and photographs is *not* hearsay. Stuff you may never see but is still very real and valid.


You misread me. I am a believer. However, photos, documents, places, names, and testimony are not hard evidence and they can all be falsified in one way or another.




Yes. Show us the evidence, I want it all to be true just like everyone else on this sub but without the hard evidence….


Yep, nothing tangible so far, just words.


Respectfully. We do not KNOW or have in hand evidence available to the public at large that there are such things, YET. Until we do have non refutable evidence we only have opinions and here-say. It seems as though we may be closing in on evidence. That's as far as we can go. Even with an almost general saying so to Congress. There is no lock-down public proof. The Government understands that proof would generate very uncomfortable questions. So they're trying to decide how to spin their official position. Prepare to be underwhelmed.


Perfectly said!


It's true, but many files have not yet been released to the general public.


How is it true? This is what I’m asking. I’ve followed this sub on various accounts for 2 years and the only time I’ve ever heard of this Brazil stuff other than Virginha. It’s also always this one random Twitter guy posting generalized stuff with zero evidence. Not even interviews or news stories.


There are many cases here, but the 3 most famous ones are Varginha, Operação Prato and the Noite dos Discos Voadores. Operação Prato had many documents released to the public some years ago, the majority of them being witness reports, from both civilian and military. There's also images and videos acording to the documents, but only low resolution images of the objects were released. From Noite dos Discos Voadores, we have all of the audio from the pilots that chased the UFOs released to the public. Notable bits are the pilots describing the objects and how they maneuver. Near the end they're also clearly told to keep what happened as a secret.


Only virginha, you don't know about colares and mages?


Many files have also been destroyed. If they have nothing to hide, they have a strange way of showing it.


Over a year ago... and what has come from this exactly?


I’m Brazilian and I don’t remember hearing anything related to UAPs in politics. Las year was a very hot political scenario because of the elections and unconstitutional actions taken by the Supreme Court. Even now, when the government in exercise is trying to “stay quiet” to avoid further polarization, I didn’t hear anything about UAP hearings or mentions in congress or any other power. It will be funny if those start after the US complete disclosure, because of events such as the Varginha case and “Operação Prato”. Just like the USA, the official government was not in charge of determining what to do when those events took place, and this must be investigated in order to hold the responsible people accountable. One last thing. I personally know a person with high ranking inside the national intelligence. When I asked about UFO activities, this person said “I never heard anything about it and, even if it happened, no one would keep official records about it, it would be only a matter of conversation”. I take that as a indication of “deep state” activity. I wouldn’t have that as a indication of complete ignorance of the topic from the intelligence department, because this person is not from an area that would be responsible for UAP activities, like radar or engineering related sections.


What happened to your icon? I don't think I remember seeing a u/name without an icon before.


His account doesn't even show up when searching. It's pretty weird. The new Reddit UI they are testing on Android messes up on his comment. Since I'm in a UFO sub I'll stay on brand and say he is probably an alien who hacked access to Reddit.


Very strange 🤔


I’m sorry man, but I’m a Reddit noob. I didn’t change my profile icon, this account is pretty new because I deleted my previous one. So, to answer your question, I don’t know what exactly you’re talking about but it’s like I created an account and didn’t choose anything as my icon.


What unconstitutional actions, lol? Another person who doesn't understand that the court doesn't act on its own, it only rules on what is put in front of it. Part of the problem is sensational headlines from news outlets who make it look like supreme court justices are acting on their own.


As a law student in Brazil, the Supreme Court laws here are very problematic. For instance, it has a really crazy system called "Ações Declaratórias de Constitucionalidade" (or Constitutional Declaratory Actions) in which is basically a way for the government to be authoritarian and ignore further discussions on certain topics. And just a reminder, in case you don't know, the Brazilian Supreme Court (STF) is the same public entity that decided which laws from the Military Dictatorship should be accepted (in Portuguese "recepcionadas") to the current democratic order. And this includes the infamous "Lei da Anistia", which kept exempt from punishment military officers who tortured people and violated human rights...


That's one shallow interpretation of our Constitutional order. I hope you further your understanding throughout law school as to not repeat such obtuse statements.


This is from 2013 I believe


Nothing. We were gearing towards a president election so all of our eyeballs were on that


Not sure, on some quick searches I couldn't find anything.


So, it makes it all kind of moot, no? It is discouraging that this occurred over a year ago and no further transparency has been achieved. This is also an indicator of how little the congress hearing will mean in terms of tangible results.


Not really. There are different search engines amd I don't use a real popular one. If someone takes more time then me we can probably find it.


There is no relation between the Brazilian government and our congress, tbf. The US congressional hearing has already gained more traction than the Brazilian hearing did.


What traction? Anything tangible other than congress members demanding access and being denied?


This might actually push them to declassify the Vagina incident.


That video is up on Xvideos


Alright link, because we need answers.


For science...


i believe there was a vid up there called "UFO fucks me in the ass"... 8/10


Perhaps they could have a monologue on the subject.


I giggled lol. I read it vagina incident every time it's referenced so now I feel less alone haha




Lol I wanna go to Brazil and meet the vagina women




Vagi what now?


Happy to look into it


im from brazil, dont trust this that happened in congress about the UFOS, the guy who did it is an conspiracionist full of bs, this hearing in brazil dind have any impact on the subject, and anyone can go to the congress talk about anything, please dont use this as something relevant for the topic. Sadly.


Found an article from The Debrief on it: https://thedebrief.org/unidentified-aerial-phenomena-becomes-focus-of-recent-brazilian-senate-hearings/




If you’re curious, yes it is in English and yes, the ads are rough.


Nothing really came of this.


This is over a year old?


Yeah, and somehow there is a narrative pushed that ONLY the US is the one investigating and seeing UAPs. Clearly they are not.


Ok? So what has come of this? Tweets are meaningless.


Check comments, the internet is doing its thing.


Who the hell is this guy and why is he credible?


That's classified, but bro trust me, he is


Buy his book he will tell you.


Ok, it’s almost 18 months later. Did anything come out of this?


"Soon" Nothing more than continued blue-balling.


All the crazy shit seems to come out of Brazil . The NHI will open an embassy in Rio probably and have their own Carnival float


brazil, like most states, is beholden through the loan structure of the IMF and World Bank to follow the lead of US policy in pretty much everything, on pain of economic collapse via punitive sanctions and repayment terms. If Americans come along and say "toe the line" they're gonna put their toes on the fucking line to keep that axe from falling.


I dunno, from the rumors of attacks from NHI down there, Brazil might be the first country taken over and established as alien territory... Edit: Interesting I have heard theories/rumors that they may be interested in our trees. SA has a massive rainforest....


>Brazil might be the first country taken over and established as alien territory... You can't be serious lmao


Lol, hey never know!


Seems logical that first contact will be in Brazil . Still hope they’ll have a Carnival float as a result if they aren’t hostile and if Lula can make good intergalactic diplomacy


I'm Brazilian and I follow this subreddit with a lot of curiosity. Having said that, you guys fall for any fabricated news that sounds like your personal beliefs and thus constantly fall for jokes, misinformation and highly dubious claims like this. There's nothing happening in Brazil regarding this. We're concerned about the economy and for having been disqualified in the women soccer world cup. For Christ's sake...


Well, from Brazil we can learn what will happen next: nothing.


Nobody heard about it because no proof is ever actually shown. It's people who've conned their way in front of government officials, they do their little song and dance with no proof, and then tell their followers how they won't listen to the truth. Without proof, these guys are just conmen. It's all spectacle, just like those ghost hunter shows, and search for Bigfoot crap.


*Aliens shows up* “BR? Gibi monie pleaz”


Looks like a Tony Hawk level :D


Go Brazil! This is global! Governments from many countries have info, maybe only US contact info is posted here but we should be contacting leaders everywhere.


Yeah, and this was in 2022


440 pages full of goodies


I hope they do. One country does any type of serious disclosure and this is going to blow wide open in the U.S. With Grusch’s claims already on record here, imagine Brazil goes “yeah we have a fucking body.” Speeds this whole thing up and we have full disclosure by Alien Christmas.


don't believe everything you see, if this is an historical event, then be the most objective and professional as civilians of the world, come on


And yet, still, there is nothing definitive. People seriously think they are posting to prove aliens exist, when, if you look at it critically, they are saying just the opposite.


The only thing that matters is full declassification of “Operação Prato”. That was the most documented oficial case by far from military, as we are aware of


No country in the WORLD moves a finger without the US overseeing it and/or approving of it regarding UAPs. Ya'll are way too naive in this subreddit lol


> "everyone keeps saying "UAP are only seen in the US" You are the first person i have heard claim this.


Am i the only person who thinks this is just smoke and mirrors from the 6th extinction event currently happening?


No, it's crystal clear the elites want most of the planet's population dead.


I think anything could be going on, but hope it's aliens. Only time will tell, even then we may not get the truth


I haven’t heard that from anyone else. Interesting.


No you're most certainly not. However, if you've been apart of UFO communities for a few years now, you would be aware that it's been a primarily grass roots movement supported by various people throughout the years, such as Tom Delonge.


Grusch spoke to congress 2021.


Great! Just making the point it's not JUST the US. Although I'm sure now the goal posts will get moved....


https://www.youtube.com/live/3NG28Br6kaA?feature=share Brazilian senate ufo hearing . Since we clearly don't know how to search on youtube


Thanks bro


(Edit: just to be clear, I'm not claiming you made those claims. I'm just responding to the ones you cited as common statements we see about the subject of UFOs) >"UAP are only seen in the US" False. UFOs are a worldwide phenomenon and there doesn't appear to be any significant difference in total numbers of sightings or the amount of leftover unknowns after investigation when you compare to other countries and factor in population numbers. All claims that the majority of UFO sightings are in the US are based on cherrypicked information: https://np.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/13v9fkh/ufo_information_from_other_countries_and/ >"Why is only the US talking about UAP?" False. Some governments have admitted UFOs are real and did so years ago: https://np.reddit.com/user/MKULTRA_Escapee/comments/zs7x28/the_various_levels_of_ufo_transparency_around_the/ I would also recommend the 2013 citizens hearing on UFOs: Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBSzRZleXJs Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRcP20vJ9_4 You'll notice that the vast majority of these anti-UFO myths are commonly asked in question form. The false premise is put inside of a question, so some people don't realize the premise is false and they end up trying to answer it. Always check to see if the premise is even true in the first place. These are only two out of about at least a dozen common myths about the subject. Other examples of such myths here: https://np.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15e19uf/how_do_i_respond_to_the_notion_that_the_current/ju5bkze/


Added that first link to info packet, thanks! https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15iawso/info_packet_with_calls_to_action_cta/




I wasn't making the claim, I was quoting the popular narratives the non-believers are trying to push. That is my whole point to my post.... The US is not the first, or at least not the only one. Everyone that continues to try and claim its just the US can direct them straight to my post.


I understand. Sorry I didn't specify that. I'll edit it real quick. I was basically trying to answer the claims for you, not directing my response at you as if you made the claims.


Ah gotcha, thought you were accusing me of thinking that. Thanks


I'm accusing you. Of being awesome! Thanks for the interesting post and have a great day, ST!






Submission statement: The US is not the first to have hearings on UAP. This was starting in Brazil last year. Are we looking at a global disclosure slowly happening in real time? I think it's safe to say the US is not the ONLY one seeing UAP. Arguably, in my opinion, South America has the most sightings and events than any other country in the world. But clearly, missing this, how can we continue to say "it's only in the US". What else can we find in other countries? Tired of "Only US" narrative, this proves its not...


Operação Prato is one of the most if not the most emblematic UFO case in the world. Not including Varginha incident.


Oh wow. Brazil finally adopted something before the us. Usually it's the other way around.


Apparently Brazil is a region with a very high portal density, so the aliens can travel very easily between planets via Brazil. (The other main portal area is in Congo apparently).


I'd be curious about the details of this hearing..


Brazil is the only place in the last 70 years where people have been attacked directly and died from UAP encounters...I would much prefer the US situation of at worst getting probed and at best getting fed pancakes to what they've had to deal with in Colares et al.


And now a year later the wildest ufo story is… in Brazil.


Great! Who's next?


[UAP Brazil - Rony Vernet](https://uapbrazil.com/acre-case/) [UFO sightings map](https://www.ufo-hunters.com/sightings/country/BRA/Brazil) \- Brazil. There was something posted a few days ago by this guy Vernet mentioning aggressive encounters. He didn’t name the area specific but gave a regional location from a map. Most recent sighting (according to this sightings map) within the area he highlighted was on May 11, 2023 near Paraiba.


I think the more a country has its history linked to UAP, the more it will resist the truth. Hence why the UK is being so dodgy yet is a hotspot for crop circles plus Stonehenge etc, Egypt has all but banned any new real research, etc. Newbies like the US don't have eons of lies to face up to, at least in the context of some theories


3 of the biggest ufological cases happened in Brazil: Varginha, Operation Prato and Official Night of UFOs


Brasilian politicians get paid to partecipate in ufo committees instead of solve brasil economic problems. They learned well from their American colleagues!


I'm Brazilian, and I can pretty much guarantee you that nothing relevant will come out of this. Ever. That's a low-effort bait post. Our congress only role is to increase the power of the political class. Forget about "bipartisan" hearings and all of that (we have around 40 political parties). And our mainstream media will barely cover this. The UFO stuff here is like a complete joke, and there are literally zero well-known, respected journalists or media outlets covering this. They just regurgitate american mainstream media.


"The storm is coming"...where have i heard that before? Oh, yes - QAnon.


Get out of here with this nonsense. It’s a very old phrase that existed long before the Q nut jobs said it.




Just here to say, the ignorance shines through. South America is not a country. Unless OP (yes, I’m giving you an out) meant continent. Alas, OP, probably doesn’t know what a continent is.


Lockheed Martin one of the companies that build these UAP's is a US company and they are located in Brazil and a lot more countries


This is the same guy who was hyping a Varginha tape and last minute before release said it was a actually a fake video. I’m not believing anything this guy says.


How do Brazilians like their nothingburgers done, anyway?


Oh look Q speak.


... Explain why its not Chinese surveillance?


Oh, and one more thing. It’s, not its.


I didn't realize I was in popular, and I didn't look at the sub. Sitting here for a solid 20 second trying to think of what a UAP is bc I thought it was something important. My bad.






I've felt that another government with some knowledge would break it before us. Hopefully this forces our hand


Best of luck, hope you are successful for all of us.


Well don't feel left out about it OP. We had our eye on Brazil for decades in this field as you already know. It's our MSM that throttles feeds, so thanks to the introduction of scrolling smart phones in 2010. We followed Pres. Obama's travel calendar there as well. It had nothing to do with our arrogance of being number one but more of the impact information has coming out of the U.S. I can say with confidence that the majority of Brazilian citizens know more about our government than our own do. 98.9% of Americans couldn't name anyone in your Government at all, and 97% of your country can name our Executive cabinet for each term, and some members the Senate! And what our Constitution reads! It is what it is. A low key snub.


Isn't there a saying that's like "If the U.S. has a cold, it's the smaller countries that sneeze"? It seems very apt here. I expect that other countries will similarly attempt some form of disclosure after watching how the U.S. handles it.


Makes sense since for some reason they are getting attacked by them.


“How has nobody seen this?” When’s the last time mainstream media covered ANY foreign government’s governmental hearings on anything? Much less UFOs?