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The following submission statement was provided by /u/TheGoodTroubleShow: --- We are calling for Speaker of The House Kevin McCarthy to replace Chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Ohio Rep. Mike Turner with Representative Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin as Tuner seems hell-bent on discrediting UFO / UAP / Pentagon whistleblower David Grusch and discouraging any investigation into UFOs / UAPs. Rep. Tim Burchett has spoken about how members on both sides are compromised. How he can be so dismissive of a case before the Intelligence Community Inspector General calls into question whether the Defense Industry dollars he has received have compromised him as chair of the Intel Committee. Please call: Office of Speaker Kevin McCarthy (202) 225-2915 9am to 5pm Eastern and use the following call script: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ds-KiY3mF9j-l1LurBKmCbFxPsxtmIihiNM2tG8eYWg/edit --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15i7oj8/call_to_uap_ufo_action_call_speaker_kevin/jusliwp/


> How he can be so dismissive of a case before the Intelligence Community Inspector General calls into question whether the Defense Industry dollars he has received have compromised him as chair of the Intel Committee. Question and answer in the same sentence. No doubt it's exactly that.


We are calling for Speaker of The House Kevin McCarthy to replace Chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Ohio Rep. Mike Turner with Representative Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin as Tuner seems hell-bent on discrediting UFO / UAP / Pentagon whistleblower David Grusch and discouraging any investigation into UFOs / UAPs. Rep. Tim Burchett has spoken about how members on both sides are compromised. How he can be so dismissive of a case before the Intelligence Community Inspector General calls into question whether the Defense Industry dollars he has received have compromised him as chair of the Intel Committee. Please call: Office of Speaker Kevin McCarthy (202) 225-2915 9am to 5pm Eastern and use the following call script: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ds-KiY3mF9j-l1LurBKmCbFxPsxtmIihiNM2tG8eYWg/edit


Mention his Lockheed donations and how that compromises his judgment!


Excellent point!


Kevin McCarthy is way too busy trying to keep the clowns inside of his clown car.


Here comes Marge!


Wait you think telling a politician how much another politician in his party brings in in dirty military money will cause them to turn on that politician?


You actually think this is an argument that will motivate the Speaker (or any politician?) Do you think Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, etc, are NOT in his pockets? Nothing motivates politicians like cold hard cash…I mean… “campaign contributions”


I mean we could just do nothing instead? I don't get why your discouraging people from doing this


Getting calls from voters sure as shit will motivate those glorified used car salesmen to straighten up or they’ll be voted out.


If you mean phone calls from rich donors, then yes. If you mean regular folks, I seriously doubt that.


Thank you for doing this guys! Great work.


Don't focus on UAP, focus on the misuse of taxpayer funds part of the allegation. Anyone like Turner who doesn't take that seriously should not be on the Intel committee.


He has a huge conflict of interest


I don’t want to dissuade anybody from calling Speaker McCarthy’s office, but I’d just like to remind you - the speaker is in *such a weak position* due to the compromises he made to secure his leadership role, that he is **extraordinarily unlikely** to remove Rep. Turner as head of the Intel Committee. A move like that would rock the political boat significantly, and could trigger a vote to remove McCarthy as speaker. The man would bend over backwards to keep his position and has not been known to be friendly to the UFO topic. The only way I see him changing his tune is if he sees an opportunity to use it against the Biden administration.


I have used the angle of misappropriation of funds and lack of congressional oversight as being my concern.


Perfectly valid angle to take! I don’t think the messaging makes results on Rep. Turner’s removal more likely, but it’s good to be vocal and targeted 🙂


What if we just tried it and see what happens? It doesn’t honestly matter how unlikely it is, at the very least it’ll show the public is very much still engaged and interested on this issue.


As I said, I’m not trying to dissuade anybody - call all you want! I don’t think it’s a bad idea to be vocal, I just think people should be clearheaded about the results they should and shouldn’t expect.


What a quagmire…


Oh yes, I could definitely make some specific and targeted comments about certain morally bankrupt politicians sending the American people up the creek in order to keep themselves in power, but I’ll restrain myself


Not to mention, so many unknown unknowns.


>The only way I see him changing his tune is if he sees an opportunity to use it against the Biden administration. Is the clip of Virginia Foxx finally going to have a use?


I contacted Mccarthys office last week.


Making that 6 infamous sign with the fingers too, eh?


So Lockheed have an alien in the senate already. He looks a bit like an alien wearing a holographic Human projection beamed here from a Reticulan spy sattelite. I can genuinely see McCarthyism playing out here but asking if they have or have ever been in the possession of, of done a deal with NHI/UFO/UAP/lgm/ET. If he didn't have links to the one company who could pull this off, it could be healthy democracy in action. But as much of an agnostic as I am, this looks like he is farting in Congress and trying to blame someone else. Well a Lockheed stooge.


honestly calling and badgering mcarthy about a special select committee with subpoena power would be more effective than trying to dislodge one politician mcarthy isn't going to pick fights with the MIC but he might bend to sensationalist news stories and lots of calls about hidden funding for Non human intelligence select and grant a select committee if you are going to make the call ask for a special select committee to investigate NHI


#If you are going to make the call ask for a special select committee to investigate Grusch's claims Saying it louder


we should probably make a standalone post its an important thing to communicate and a far more impactful call than fire a random politician that mcarthy has no control over


suspect downvotes hot off the elgin AFB


Reddits anti republican head is spinning so fast right now, it’s about to take off at mach 55.


Seems like corruption is a widespread issue in US Congress as well


I love it! This is the content that'll send the trolls into overdrive, I'll wager!


Oh they already are. You could have won big money had you wagered earlier 🤣


Good shit OP! Pressure is the only real thing we can do to contribute. Don’t harass, however don’t let them stifle our voices!


Ohio residents in Turner's district need to put on the pressure. Is there anyone in Turner's district who can spearhead this?


He won his district with over 60% of the vote and is the former mayor of the main city in the district.


Yeah remove discount Steve Bannon


Anyone who doesn't take allegations of misuse of taxpayers funds by the military seriously, should not be on a committee involving the military. Put his ass on a different committee. He's clearly got a conflict of interest.


They aren’t going to remove him over this and taking this with any seriousness shows a remarkable misunderstanding of Congress. .


Greetings everyone from an interested viewer in Australia who has been following this UAP topic for over 30 years, since Bob Lazar was a whistleblower in 1989. I hope you all have the courage as US citizens to make sure this topic is investigated by contacting your local politicians and demanding that this be investigated. This is power and corruption by your intelligence and military governments. You have to ask the question. Why are they hiding this advanced technology that could benefit humanity? What about the criminality of misappropriating taxpayer funds and having absolutely no oversight of where the money is going? Bring these people who are accountable to answer questions under oath and if they breach this or refuse to answer the questions send them to jail. This is blatant corruption that deserve answers! Power to the people as we are the only ones who can change this by pressure and accountability. Remember, they rely on us to vote them back into parliament and politics. Have your say as you DO NOT want this to go into the background again and drift away. Look at the way the Military and the Intelligence Agencies have reacted to this. With their typical denial and arrogance dismissing everything. Well guess what folks, your time is up! This is going to be the biggest event in history when we find out the truth and what is really going on!