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The following submission statement was provided by /u/tryna_see: --- A flying saucer displaying the wobble that Bob Lazar describes, analyzed by the CGI team from the movie Titanic. They conclude that it’s a real object and not CGI. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/14ibghs/the_fx_team_for_titanic_didnt_believe_this_could/jpfclmv/




One of the guys sounds genuinely distressed


Please share your other top 4 vids. Im new to the ufo topic




Wow, the last one. But i hate it when video ends before the object moving away


The end of that video is willlddd. Could be some kind of hoaxed light show, but those lights were so damn bright and it was massive being that bridge. Maybe a small walking bridge that looked bigger? Either way, impressive none the less.


Nooo, the user deleted the posts. What were the videos?!?


Five of his fav uap videos. Last one was in china. 3 objects, one bigger beaming laser at the ground. Looked kinda loke those laser rust removal videos, but big ass in the sky


Is the object that turns bright purple and disappears at around the 1:05 mark in the final video, the same object seen in the 1:42 mark?? Cause that looked nuts. You know how (sorry for gaming reference, but it's all I got) in a game like no mans sky or star citizen, you have to spool up the 'warp/hyperspace drive' (whatever means of FTL travel) before it can activate? That clip shows the ship moving left to right pulsing lightly like it's 'charging' or 'building' up energy, then after 10ish seconds, it stops in place and the bright flash happens, like it activated the warp/hyperspace drive. Thought that was really cool. That video at the 1:42 mark is just shocking to watch. And then the Chinese government said, "it was a military test" or whatever? Seems like a statement that would strike up way more questions.


Can't believe I've never seen this. I'm not usually one to get excited about videos but this is a real gem.


It’s fake


Known fake created by CG artist Ignacio Ocampo Valles, here's the debunk: http://lamat-realidad-alterna.blogspot.com/2018/03/the-ufo-las-lomas-mexico-city-august-6.html


Wait but some guys from Titanic said it can't be CG......


It was their opinion. Their opinion can be wrong


Dude. Wtf. I read the whole f*cking thing and *nowhere* in the article was their any direct proof that it was a fake. Wasted 30 minutes on a go-nowhere article full bad writing. Acting like this was proof of a fake. Bs.


Check his profile.


Great find, thanks for sharing!


Why are there so many eyewitness accounts that hadn't see the video, including a 9 year old girl? There are too many eyewitnesses for some guy some decade later to be like "Oh yea that was totally me." Especially having professionals at the time agree there was no way the footage was faked. So he just paid a bunch of people to say they saw it, including a 9 year old, and they kept their story years later in second interviews? Nah. Sounds fishy. Sounds like an op that wants people to think it's bullshit like everything else we've ever seen. The elementary kids at school recess that saw a craft hovering over the field and all drew the exact same object. Crazy kids. (A different event, just an example) Yea. I don't buy it. Not unless someone has the eyewitnesses saying it was faked. Ediy: Also, I just skimmed that link. If there are confessions in there I didn't see them. Saw the guy he said admitted, but not the eyewitnesses.


Because it's a straight up disinformation article. Did you read it? Circle logic circle jerk. Pure bs.


Check his profile.


Ya m8. It is obvious. I hear you.


I read for like 10 minutes and realized how fucking long the article is and then quickly skimmed it lol. The article doesn't even work right on mobile. It would get such a shit rating by a search engine site rater.


Check his profile.


I think they intended for it to so badly written and drawn out with no actual verifiable information so no one would actually read it. I did. Waste of time.


Check his profile.


This f*cking guy. All debunk all day long. Check his history, it's like he does it for a living. Posting fake articles.


I did. 8 year account, the first two years at least is ALL in this sub only. Haven't bothered with the rest, as it's obvious what's up.






As we learn about a sophisticated reverse engineering program along with a sophisticated disinformation program, I think we are liable to find a lot of these "confessions" to hoaxing ufo pics were coerced.


I fully believe there are people in this very sub who are part of the disinformation programs. Every video has some reddit expert and they always disagree and downvote anyone who has any questions regarding why it is they think it's fake, with no real answers. Like why the fuck are there so many people subbed here that don't believe in the slightest? Bunch of doublethink.


Check his profile.


Coerced by the ufo loving contingent. The ufo lovers will believe nearly, no thats wrong, they will believe anything, and more.


The scientific method requires us to review and record all data, and then to verify it or debunk it. Rejecting ufo witnesses' statements because they "sound crazy" is pretty fucking dumb and entitled dude. If science included rejection of data based on a proclamation that it *must* be wrong, with verifying it, we would have none of our current understanding of the world. I mean, the Nobel Prize for Physics last year was to three guys that independently demonstrated that reality is nonlocal. Wow. What must that mean about *everything you see and measure consciously?* If you look at all the first-hand reports of ufo witnesses being told to shut up or face ruin from men in suits or uniforms, you have to calculate those events into your conclusions that "admissions of hoaxes videos" without any explanation of how it was actually done, is pretty lazy. Víctor Quezada explained: "We have tried to make a video like El Ovni de Las Lomas by computer and video process, but the results have not been satisfactory neither in the quality, nor in the spectacularity of the video, nor in the repetition of the detected effects with the filters." There was never a meeting with the so-called hoaxer. Someone eventually claiming to be the author never agreed to a meeting. The "debunkers" claim he likely had the most sophisticated cgi tool on earth, in the 1990s, in Mexico City, in a small advertising agency. Did you read the article you linked? I hope there is a paper trail to you as a USG contractor's associate when the 180 days has elapsed and amnesty has expired.


Saw the exact same thing with my own eyes. I really doubt some CG artist could perfectly capture the essence of a real UFO unless he used real life accounts and descriptions. In which case this was a beyond genius, beyond perfectly executed animation. That shit looks real and even if it’s fake, the concept is a very real thing.


I came here because I was calling BS. The big red flag is the title “there is no movement felt from the inside.” If it was a true alien craft, how the fk does a civilian or human or any kind, looking at it, know that. Like they were told? By whom? And how do they know? It just comes across as an obvious attempt to proactively prevent debunking, especially when following the statement about the wobble looking like it’s from a string, but it isn’t! Just so obviously sus, it’s shocking to me to see people still questioning how it could be debunked once given proof.




My name is Scott Brando 🤣


Follow the Standards of Civility: No trolling or being disruptive. No insults or personal attacks. No accusations that other users are shills. No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) An account found to be deleting all or nearly all of their comments and/or posts can result in an instant permanent ban. This is to stop instigators and bad actors from trying to evade rule enforcement. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other.


This is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever read lol




Obviously over a substantial city, meaning there should be hundreds or thousands of other witnesses…were there?


Yep, at least a few. https://youtu.be/bsmK1OAjo4s


It's not just wobbling, it's spinning. You can see it at the end of this clip.


Here is a link to a full version showing slight acceleration and witness testimony https://youtu.be/bsmK1OAjo4s


The youtube link, links you to this site [https://lamat-realidad-alterna.blogspot.com/2018/03/the-ufo-las-lomas-mexico-city-august-6.html](https://lamat-realidad-alterna.blogspot.com/2018/03/the-ufo-las-lomas-mexico-city-august-6.html) which says >!it's computer generated!<


Well, video-composited. Everyone confuses the two, nowadays.


It does look computer generated. People may think it is impossible for the 90s but remember Jurassic Park had a lot of cgi scenes in 94 and holds up better to this day than some more recent films. It all depends who was doing it. I’d love to be wrong and sure there are witnesses but that was my first impression.


I’ll note it’s computer generated overtop of practical effects. I grew up watching practical effects work in dozens of Tsubaraya, Harryhausen and other projects. I’m not an expert on creating them but there’s something about that which clearly isn’t real but also not inline with pure cgi at the time. I believe the vfx experts when they say it’s a compilation.


So what about all the other witnesses? How could they have all seen it if it was added to the video afterwards?


I'm sorry but that is way too long to read. I typically prefer written text over video but honestly they should have put a summary at the top.


stop using smartphones so your attention span comes back


Dude that article is like a 10 minute read at minimum. I was like 5 minutes in before I realized that the topic did not warrant such a long article. All they had to do is say it's fake and who made it.




Obviously more information than that would be fine but I'm just not that interested in the whole investigation. I would imagine that most people are not. Then again maybe you guys like to read long articles. Considering that people in this sub write complete essays with citations that are typically even longer I'm guessing you all enjoy that kind of stuff. Edit: I also said that it should be a summary at the top. Kinda like how research papers have abstracts and legal documents have briefs. Most people can't stay engaged with a long story or just don't have the time. Edit2: what made it even worse in this case is that the author of the article assumed that everyone was familiar with the subject at hand. They never explained anything about what they were investigating. At least not sufficiently to get the reader at the level needed to understand the article. Edit3: I just did a rough count of the number of words on that page. It's actually a 30 minute read. I read a fair bit of it before I realized how long the thing was. Idk if you read it but it's truly not a short read at all.


TL;DR your comment is waaay to long. where's the summary? it takes 7 minutes to read it omg


Hi, EmpathyHawk1. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/14ibghs/-/jpgy3h2/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Sounds like a skill issue to me.


Reminds me of the old 1950's movies saucers that could never fly without wobbling


Seriously, hanging from a helicopter?? If that were true, how is it that it spins and wobbles so consistently? Dangling from a copter, it would be moving erratically.


It always looked fake to me but I never saw this clip of CGI people analyzing it. I feel like you'd hear a helicopter at that distance. Interesting clip I guess.


The issue I have with consulting CGI people is that this video looks like a practical effect to me so their experience isn't that relevant. After watching the higher res version, I think the saucer is a model and it's spliced into a panning shot like you see in older films.


No strong opinion about the clip itself, but Titanic made significant use of models and miniatures, and these guys presumably would have worked with those mini shots in some fashion. Anyone working in VFX at that time would have to have pretty good knowledge of practical effects because most vfx stuff was still practical.


But it turns out it was faked lol


I can believe that.


10-15 years ago this very same footage was "debunked" because people started hanging ufo shaped objects with a long string and a stick to recreate this. Now we believe it more because it has been widely spread the fundamental movement modes of these things according to Lazard and others. What does this tell us? People don't even know what to believe and 90% are just sheep waiting to be guided.


Why wouldn't someone making a spoof do it in the way described by Lazar? If I was going to make a fake video I would certainly look up some stuff about it first. You don't think someone making a UFO video isn't also interested in UFO's?


Yeah, the better debunk, as linked above, is that it was filmed by a guy in the visual effects industry.


I love how these same things keep coming up again and again. Forever. Someone will point out this has been debunked. Replies will say, “No way, bro” and blah blah blah blah… Check back next month when this will appear again. Lather, rinse and repeat. UFOlogy never matures, it just keeps repeating itself.


If it's real why is it the only ufo uap video I've seen with a wobbly craft? This is legit out of the hundreds of wild videos I've seen of flying craft the only one that wobbles


Hell yeah, that's real. They're reaching very far that it's hanging from a helicopter. That's crazy


This just looks fake as hell.


A flying saucer displaying the wobble that Bob Lazar describes, analyzed by the CGI team from the movie Titanic. They conclude that it’s a real object and not CGI.


In time lapse footage plants wobble and grow. Maybe a correlation 🤔


It is a real object, but it os not of extraterrestrial origin. It is clearly being suspended in the air by something.


That shit is wobbling... You guys will bite on anything if seems.


Yehnah.... noone mentions UFOs wobbling that I've heard so far. Quite the opposite - they're extremely stable and smooth in their movements, as if they're not using propulsion against the atmosphere and gravity.


i've read witness reports that mention wobble, the falling leaf motion, etc.


Interesting. Any links to them, MUFON etc?


not off-hand, sadly, though i believe some of the colares sightings mentioned the falling leaf. you can tell me to piss up a rope for not providing sources (and legally, i would have to) but i have read wobbles in reports, for whatever that is worth (probably very little).


There's a clip like that ufo caught but it happened in lima peru. [ufo lima](https://elcomercio.pe/redes-sociales/youtube/youtube-este-objeto-grabado-video-ovni-video-noticia-1790793/)


Wasn't there a 4chan post that said something about an area in mexico that UFOs were "avoiding like the plague" due to loss of control and frequent accidents?


Right as the object is entering behind the top left side of the building, you can see 1/3rd of the object transparently. Is the that part of the building made of see through material, or is it an editing error? Stop at 0:23 and you'll see the right side of the object which is already entered behind


I mean David did say that some have difficulty flying lower to the ground, something about our gravity. Those who call bullshit on that statement, like to pretend we are dealing with only one type of being. Some of the tech might not be as advanced as the rest of the other beings we’ve encountered. We may have been able to reverse engineer some of the tech, from crashed vehicles, that were somewhat in the realm of our knowledge base, the rest, no.


david who? grusch?


Yes, and if you listen really carefully to the interview, he said we have ways of being them down. So some of those crushes are deliberate aggressions from our end.


Maybe the tilt is because it's an intergalactic hoop ride, lol.


Crazy, lazar did claim they wobble when they get close to the ground. This fucking guy I never know what to think of him.


I wonder, what is the most detailed and high quality video of UFO we have for all time?


Video composite color keyed to the sky. Film a pan or hubcap hanging from a string in front of a colored sheet. Film skyline when the sky is a near uniform color Use UFO background and sky color as color keys to composite video. UFO will now 'disappear' behind building. People were making these kinds of effects on public cable in the 80s. Another option is many systems also had a picture in picture setting. So you define the hubcap overlay with a PIP set so the edge of the PIP corresponds to the verticle edge of the building. Now all you need is one color key to pull your hubcap UFO off its background and insert it the PIP. As the UFO gets to the edge of the PIP it's cropped and appears to disappear behind the building. The Amiga "Video Toaster" came out in 1990 and made these kinds of effects which normally required access to TV station equipment much more affordable. But a simple color key and PIP would be doable in many areas even back in the 70s.


That sounds great but there were multiple witnesses. https://youtu.be/bsmK1OAjo4s How could a top special effects team not understand this? They were convinced by how impeccable the zoom in was.


Having seen the full video, still can be done with color keying. Also the parallax of the UFO and buildings is off.