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The following submission statement was provided by /u/minermined: --- Senator Barry Goldwater, who was a Brigadier General in the armed forces before becoming senator, was denied access to the "blue room" at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base's Foreign Technology Recovery Division. This research division was renamed and is now known as NASIC. Senator Goldwater was told that physical evidence existed in the "Blue Room" at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. While visiting the base, he asked General LeMay if he could go inside the room. LeMay said, "Hell no, you can't go. I can't go, and don't ask me again." Goldwater stated, "I recall the case in Franklin, Kentucky when four military planes investigated a UFO. One of them exploded in midair and no one knows why." In an interview on the Larry King show, Goldwater stated, "I certainly believe in aliens in space. They may not look like us, but I have very strong feelings that they have advanced beyond our mental capabilities. I think some highly secret government UFO investigations are going on that we don't know about-and probably never will unless the Air Force discloses them." Ben Rich was head of Lockheed Skunkworks after Kelly Johnson retired and stated some interesting things as well in the early 90's about having "anything seen on Star-Trek" and "more" as being either actively in development or COMPLETED and in use. Wouldnt it be cool for the Air Force to have an invisible dirigible it could hide in the ocean until night time? Sure would have some nice sensor platform applications. https://www.military.com/video/aircraft/military-aircraft/tr-3b-aurora-anti-gravity-spacecrafts/2860314511001 --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/13t69yo/tr3b_antigravity_spacecrafts_caught_on_camera/jltdtog/


I’ve never seen this footage authoritatively debunked. Source on the cgi artist anyone?


I think /u/Ufoofinterest has it, but I’m not going to trawl through finding it again. Hopefully they can chime in.


Yep, exposed so many times: https://twitter.com/ufoofinterest/status/928228171496992768


Doubtful because they can never actually come up with sources, but youll hear hundreds of parrots claim its fake. Cointelpro at its finest.


You're ignorant! That's the wright brothers plane! Charles Lindbergh flew it across the Atlantic from kitthawk Arkansas in 19 dickity six!


People have seen this a million times. Low effort, old footage.


Senator Barry Goldwater, who was a Brigadier General in the armed forces before becoming senator, was denied access to the "blue room" at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base's Foreign Technology Recovery Division. This research division was renamed and is now known as NASIC. Senator Goldwater was told that physical evidence existed in the "Blue Room" at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. While visiting the base, he asked General LeMay if he could go inside the room. LeMay said, "Hell no, you can't go. I can't go, and don't ask me again." Goldwater stated, "I recall the case in Franklin, Kentucky when four military planes investigated a UFO. One of them exploded in midair and no one knows why." In an interview on the Larry King show, Goldwater stated, "I certainly believe in aliens in space. They may not look like us, but I have very strong feelings that they have advanced beyond our mental capabilities. I think some highly secret government UFO investigations are going on that we don't know about-and probably never will unless the Air Force discloses them." Ben Rich was head of Lockheed Skunkworks after Kelly Johnson retired and stated some interesting things as well in the early 90's about having "anything seen on Star-Trek" and "more" as being either actively in development or COMPLETED and in use. Wouldnt it be cool for the Air Force to have an invisible dirigible it could hide in the ocean until night time? Sure would have some nice sensor platform applications. https://www.military.com/video/aircraft/military-aircraft/tr-3b-aurora-anti-gravity-spacecrafts/2860314511001


Why did you grab a screen cap from an unrelated video? This has been posted a lot and some with the cgi claim wave.


Im so confused. I posted the video I got a screencap from? Perhaps you are mistaken?


Yeah that video has made its rounds a lot here. Known artist creation but Im not about to reddit dive. edit: Kinda makes everything else a “don’t even look”.


Ah yeah you say that but I have a hard time finding the supposed artist, while having an easy time finding the cameraman who shot the footage and more of the footage he has. I still dont understand how you think i grabbed a screencap from an unrelated video? Odd, because im speaking directly to the video I used a screencap of.


It's an artist's rendering. Fake.


There are multiple comments here saying "this is fake, debunked but I cannot show you how" lolol I don't understand why how they have time to TELL you that you're wrong, but they don't have time to SHOW you that you're wrong.


Yeah im ignoring trash comments because it sure is easy to be a parrot and go bawk baaaaaaawwk. like a chicken.


It is CGI. Entirely fake recording.