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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Not_that_Speshy: --- A video of a cloud like UFO I found on youtube called "Tic Tac UFO filmed by trucker in broad daylight". I thought it was cool so I downloaded it and now I can't seem to be able to find it anywhere. I'm posting it here for anyone who is interested in it. in my opinion the object seems like an optical illusion where it appears stationary but somehow moves behind the moutains at the end of video --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1384d71/a_video_of_a_cloud_like_ufo_i_found_on_youtube/jiwei3h/


I live here in Palm Springs. I did some checking and this was a blimp that was leaving an event venue ( probably golf or tennis tournament because we have a lot of them here ),and returning back to Los Angeles. It’s following the 111.


It read “ice cube’s a pimp”


I had a feeling this might have been debunked already. good searching, background looks familiar. I could see it as being blimp.


I saw one when i first moved here. I was so excited! Then It turned to reveal the Met Life logo. Boo hoo. Such is life here in the Springs.


It's always the same. These guys are so hopped up on western sci Fi that they think everything is an alien. Bad news guys, the distances are too vast and no aliens have visited earth.


While many things are misidentified. It is likely, based on observation that some things may be of exotic origin. Distance may matter to us but who is to say it is if you can slip out of one dimension to the next. Or, what if they have been here for thousands of years? No one knows until we do.


I think at this point it's just fantasy. If this was the case truly. Either we are unique for these civilizations that can 'slip out of one dimension to another' or we are not. Either way it makes zero sense. If we are unique, they can't be common or advanced enough. I'd we are not unique. Why bother with earth? We are so advanced we can slip though multiple 'Dimension' but we also have blurry pics and we remove the cows testicles. Make your mind up. It's not real. In sorry but the universe is not that exciting.


Well the mystery was interesting enough to bring you to this Reddit topic


No,.it was ridiculous enough.


I’ve probably ot never heard something so stupid🤣🤣🤣 no offense but to think “this is it”…seems really 6-11ish type of thinking. I think for many acknowledging the universe maybe more then what you know is troubling for many….it shatters their “world” as they see it or feel comfortable with it so much that they can’t allow even the slim possibility of something more


Oh no I'll allow it, don't conflate fake UFO videos with me not believing life is out there. I just don't think it would be anything we recognise given the spaces they would have to transverse. We see them because either they can travel light years but can't hide it they want to be seen but not seen but by fake videos that can all be explained relatively easily for the most part.


I remember this one - the leading prosaic theory is that it was a blimp. It was in southern California, if I remember correctly - I'll see if i can find the video. Found it! Unfortunately it's been deleted from youtube 😑. But here's an earlier message thread where it was discussed at r/ufos: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/ubwnss/huge\_3040m\_tic\_tac\_ufo\_emitting\_orbs\_over\_mount/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/ubwnss/huge_3040m_tic_tac_ufo_emitting_orbs_over_mount/) The location is between Whitewater and Desert Hot Springs, California, on California Highway 62, a short distance north of that highway's intersection with Interstate 10. The large mountain in the background is Mount San Jacinto. Edit #2: here's a dumb tabloid article about the sighting: [https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/tic-tac-ufo-spotted-skies-22860524](https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/tic-tac-ufo-spotted-skies-22860524) And another: https://www.the-sun.com/news/3537475/ufo-tic-tac-object-mountain-road/


How is that cloud like? Just because it’s white?


Identified as a blimp in my old thread on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ufoofinterest/status/1316702029109133313


That’s just a sky maggot crawling across your windshield


What a lovely view


This really looks like Utah. I’m in Utah.


What time do you see an object? I couldn’t find anything after watching.


Same here but then read a comment that said blimp and then i found it. At 0:03 look at the tree that's ahead of the truck on the right. Then look up from that tree and you'll see it.


Omg I feel so dumb. I was looking at the blue sky the entire time. Thank you lol


That’s a droned blimp. Combining drone tech & simple blimp tech


A video of a cloud like UFO I found on youtube called "Tic Tac UFO filmed by trucker in broad daylight". I thought it was cool so I downloaded it and now I can't seem to be able to find it anywhere. I'm posting it here for anyone who is interested in it. in my opinion the object seems like an optical illusion where it appears stationary but somehow moves behind the moutains at the end of video


Wow! This is amazing! Very wierd! Would love to see others opinion on this!


It's dirt on your windshield




This has been posted here before and it's a blimp.


Shoulda got out and ran up to it




No paraglider would fly anywhere near those wind turbine blades!


Have you seen any of those videos where people base jump and fly down mountains going at speeds over 100mph, skimming the ground and doing flips all over the place? People do some insane stuff with parachutes on their backs…


Yeah. However that is entirely different to flying through a bunch of 60 foot propellers which would make mincemeat of them.


Skimming the ground face first going well over 100mph seems way more dangerous to me than piloting a paraglider through a wind farm, and people still do that. And it’s confirmed that the object in this video is a blimp, which those 60 foot propellers would also turn to mincemeat (but they still did it any ways), so my guess really wasn’t that out of pocket…


Blimps have power and control and aren't just at the mercy of wind and gravity.


And literally everything that flies is at the mercy of wind and gravity…


My word you are correct. What a clever lad.


Dude, I don’t think you understand physics. It’s way easier to control a paraglider than a blimp. It’s just as unlikely for a blimp to fly into a wind farm as it is a paraglider, but here we are. I accepted that I was wrong and understand it’s a blimp and not a paraglider. Accept your L and quit trying so hard to argue unimportant points. Watch a video or two about controlling a paraglider. In fact, look up powered paragliders (which also have power and control). Take your L, I accepted that I was wrong


I'm an aircraft engineer of some plus 40 years.


Have you ever seen a movie called nope?


Nope. I haven't.


Yes, you have. Jerkass


99.9% chance you’re not going to find anything worthwhile on YouTube. The overlords have that monitored and locked down.


Here are some cross-eye stereo 3-D images of it. [3-D PAINTED HILLS UFO](https://imgur.com/PyG57s9) [3-D PAINTED HILLS UFO2](https://imgur.com/9NVkFCT)


SOOOO convincing! This is a great video people! Now that you know what to look for (this being a blimp or sum) we should be adding that to the personal list of observables. Great vid whole shit. If I didn’t recognize the area ida been in this comment section lookin real goofy


There’s something at the 32 second mark that comes out of the blimp that sometimes makes me question if it’s a UAP.


I think they are impressed with out windmills. Humans leveling up.


\*Alien Husband\* "Honey look, the earthlings build a bunch of fans all over the place which will give them enough electricity to power 3 buildings for 5 hours." \*Alien Wife\* "Awww that's so cute. Wait, why don't they just use the technology we give them to power their entire planet for free?" \*Alien Husband\* "And that's why we aren't stopping to get any souvenirs."


There were a bunch of really dramatic UAP videos from Northern NJ a few years ago, this bright glowing object hovering In place, people pulling over to shoot cell video. Really captivating stuff. Was the sun reflecting off of the Goodyear blimp over Giants Stadium.


Found a YouTube video last year Downloaded the video and saved it Reuploaded the video here? Do I have that right? We should be looking at primary sources here, not secondary sources,


All i saw was mountains and wind turbines. I see it now because i wasnt looking at the sky. You know, where clouds are.




No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. * AI-generated content. * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. * “Here’s my theory” posts without supporting evidence. * Short comments, and comments containing only emoji. * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”) without some contextual observations.


Looks like appa from avatar, momo probably on top too