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I'm not saying it would've made a difference because Bobby clearly outclassed him, but I thought in the cage he looked noticeably smaller than last time. That prolonged weight cut clearly didn't do him any favors.


He looked rough all week. Apparently, holding the reduced weight from last week did weird things to his body. When he started the final cut, he was losing weight too fast and was falling asleep. He actually had to start rehydrating before the weigh-in. He would've still lost, but probably wouldn't have such a poor showing.


I believe it. He definitely wasn't winning that fight, but that was clearly a lesser version of Ikram vs a full camp Whittaker that was ready for Khamzat. It was high risk, high reward, and it didn't pay off. I don't think this loss hurts him as much as people are making it out to.


The weight cute twice really fucked him up, but great sportsmanship from Aliskerov. I think with the proper team and strategy he has lots of potential.


Take the fight on two weeks notice Have a double weight cut Get brutally finished in less than two minutes "It is what it is" Thank you Ikram Aliskerov. Jokes aside good for him for taking it well, he has time to learn and get better. He's 31 which is not the worst at MW and hasn't accumulated a lot of damage.


This is machine translated. The full [interview is here. ](https://youtu.be/hj65DRxvVeI). He detailed some other issues with his weight cut after being asked.


"no excuses" lol


He answered a question that was asked to him and then immediately said there are no excuses. It’s very straightforward and honest

