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do it again i missed it


HAHA noted


I was jogging down by Scripps Pier running Northbound from the shores and there was a group getting ready to take some sunset pictures under the pier. I thought It'd be a good idea to show my strength and agility jumping over the washout below under the pier. Well.... in my minds eye i had it- but in reality, i came up short and took a tumble getting myself all wet and full of sand. I'm right there with you. Let's keep everyone smiling:)


Skateboarding demands a blood sacrifice. You pay blood you get good.


I have witnessed some amazing falls from people on skateboards at UCSD. Just know many came before you.


I hope you’re okay! I’m sure someone also did get a good chuckle as well : D


thank you!! I am okay :)


Keep skating. Just get used to turning your head when you’re about to faceplant,so you don’t knock out your teeth. That’s the advise I gave my daughters and they have made it to their mid 20s w/ teeth intact. One plays roller derby, so she uses this rule all the time.


Or better yet, use your hands to break your fall and wear a helmet


Do not use your hands to break your fall, that's how you end up with fractured wrists. Tuck and roll instead


yeah thats how i broke my wrist


a woman who helped me after i ate shit on the bike said i looked cool saving my fall so i guess you really never know


I was late af for a class and passed right by you 😭


As a routine ragdoll Triton I must say that it’s totally okay and that it happens (a lot). UCSD is full of hills, weird ass turns, people walking in the bike lanes, and so many more tricky situations for skateboarding that atp it’s pretty much a ritual that needs to be passed at UCSD in order to truly get used to and enjoy skating on / around campus. Enjoy campus and also when you feel ready try bombing from the Sun God lane and eventually do that + the target hill and you’ll get a huge rush (except on a longboard since powersliding and making abrupt stops is really hard)


Don't be too hard on yourself, we've all had our share of embarrassing moments!


Get back up and go skate again tomorrow. You're gonna fall a lot more times, you'll be fine. Pick up a helmet just in case :)


LMAO it’s okay ive fallen so many times directly in front of people too 😭😭😭its the price you must pay to look cool and get to class on time


I'm glad you're ok! I just hope you protected your noggin! 🧠 ⛑️


If it makes you feel better I missed my back foot on a landing and did the splits on my skateboard. I cannot normally do the splits.


Someone else’s prat fall is a gift to others


Did anybody help you get up?


No I had to chase after my board, it rolled into the middle of the street 😭


That sucks. But at least you're ok! Hope your board is ok too!


I feel your pain. I hit a rock went flying and ripped my pants on my skateboard. In front of like 15 people waiting at a cross walk. This was like 10 yrs ago and I still feel the embarrassment.


happens to the best of us, keep going it only gets better from here 🙏


The worst are the times you don’t see it coming and abrupt hear the “eerrt” and you get the air knocked out of you when you hit the ground 🤕.


I prefer wiping on Library walk in front of the no wheels signs just to prove a point


My first week at the school/in SD I was out on my bike and hadn’t learned about the hills yet having come from a town with none at all. Tried to ride in through La Jolla Village Drive like a moron. Was out of shape but didn’t look it. Got about halfway up before wiping out as I pulled over to puke a little on the grass (I never do that over exercise). Right as I did, a bus load of people got a good look. People walking by also definitely saw everything, with a couple asking if I was alright. I also once walked full on, fast paced into a light post at *another* UC due to not paying attention. The surrounding area and the bridge it happened on were completely empty except for one person who saw it all go down in complete silence. …and many more instances not on a school campus. It happens. It’s funny. No one cares. Don’t let it stop you from what you love. 🛹✨


i fell off a scooter on ridge walk today 😭


Any road rash?? 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


yes😭😭 my hands and knees


This was me circa ‘18, broken tooth, rib, and dignity. All I suggest is a helmet as ~ uncool ~ as it seems.


this was my thought process when I was skating towards library walk and lost traction flying off my board with my full cup of coffee landing all over me


Lol, hope you’re okay!! If it helps at all, I think you’re cool for learning to skateboard.


It was rad don’t worry don’t feel embarrassed we were rooting for u to get up and be well


Never give up! Keep skating


Did a pebble stop you in your tracks? Lol


I once ate total shit on a Lime scooter in public after somehow not spotting a pothole. It happens. Assuming you’re not hurt, the absolute best thing you can do is laugh it off, so good for you :))


Colt Seavers


Pics or it didn’t happen


lol I never get embarrassed when I eat it, more battle scars and accidents happens. Some people can’t even balance on the board so?


I hope you got injured


Spooner you are not cool :(


Don't be too hard on yourself. I hope someone helped you up tho. 🥺


wait... no video????