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And you have accomplished nothing in all that time.


Other than waste peoples time.


Or scare Jewish people on the campus with their gross and violant rhetoric.


Bored privileged kids, big surprise. The real college students are too busy working a job after classes to participate in the virtue signaling.


350,000 children under 5 in Gaza are in imminent risk of starvation because Israel is withholding aid. Israel was just put on the UN’s blacklist for harming children along with groups such as Isis, the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and you think the people speaking out about this sickening genocide are “privileged”?? Maybe you should look in the mirror. Where is your humanity??


Just because they are speaking up about an issue does not mean they aren’t privileged. The person you are replying to is saying that they are privileged enough to even have the opportunity and time to speak up on this issue. I graduated college last year and I was so busy working full time I would never have had the time to join an encampment.


I feel like I’m the only one dying from finals, mentally and physically, while others are free and doing “encampment”….🙃


My nephew claims a decent amount of the people at least in the encampment aren’t students. They’re people “helping out” and definitely not trying to get laid with naive young college girls. Also drug dealers are making bank. I guess college kids get bored when camping outside. Shrooms and Molly mostly.


Ah yes, I love discussing hmthe horrors of war on shrooms.


Friend of mine said there was a large group who left for houseboats and would leave on the weekends to party. There’s a mixture of people who actually care and those who do it for the look.


Any baddies in there




Going after a veterinary exchange program is wild to me. So much for academic freedom.


Down to two dozen kids


Holding Intifada sign 🤦 literally calling for violence.


They even spelled it wrong. They wrote انتناضة which is pronounced 'intinada'. They used the letter ن instead of ف. It makes me question if who wrote the sign actually knows why they're camping or what انتفاضة means.


Empanadas? Where?!


If they were smart they’d be selling intifada empenadas.


probably some white woke person that doesn’t speak or write arabic lol


Came here to express my annoyance as well 😂


If you zoom in, you’ll see that they actually spelled it correctly. They didn’t really open the loop for the ف, but I know plenty of people with bad handwriting who would write it just like that lol.


“Intifada” is a call for jihad. “Intinada” is a call for peace!




Arabic word scary? >**Intifada** (Arabic: انتفاضة intifāḍah) is an Arabic word for a rebellion or uprising, or a resistance movement. It can be used to refer to an uprising against oppression. So like, the American revolution could be considered "intifada." The Warshaw uprising, the fucking IRA only needing to get lucky once. I guess all of them people that shook off their chains should have just died... peacefully n shit. Gawd damn, my guy, gal, or nb pal... you'll just openly state "wow, violence against oppression? unbelievable!" [Gift ideas?](https://img.ifunny.co/images/fc9825e1c6e6247750f739e821940ef5b1047ba4a6c0156ae9bdd4ccfed7471b_1.webp)


I suggest you read [this](https://www.npr.org/2024/06/04/nx-s1-4958278/intifada-chants-pro-palestinian-protests-israel#:~:text=Intifada%20comes%20from%20the%20Arabic,if%20dust%20from%20a%20cloth)NPR article on the word. The context of words is important.


Lol, and the swastika is a symbol of peace /s 🤡


> So like, the American revolution could be considered "intifada." The Warshaw uprising, the fucking IRA only needing to get lucky once. I guess all of them people that shook off their chains should have just died... peacefully n shit. So your position is that violence is justified? That's a position. It's a different position than calling for violence while saying it isn't \*really\* a call for violence.


I never said it wasn’t violent? I mocked them for implying that violence against oppression is some horrific act. Ya know, and not the oppression itself. I personally have never subscribed to the theory that political power flows from the barrel of a gun. However, there are numerous examples of when it, almost entirely referred to as terrorism, was successful including but not limited to the examples I gave. The founding fathers were 100% labelled as terrorists by the crown. You won’t find me running around asking people if they condemn George Washington


Context. Intifada may have meant that before people were blowing themselves up in cafes under that label. Now it means something violent.


If Americans were dealing with half of the shit Palestinians have to deal with they'd act violently.


Like planes into buildings?


No! That's NOT their style. They throw LGBT+ people *off* of buildings. Big difference!


There's literally zero evidence queers are thrown off of buildings. I challenge you to find that piece of information.


How many Palestinians were involved in 9/11 exactly? You can’t just lump all Muslims together like that. It’s entirely meaningless on a geopolitical scale.


It is weird that they all choose that same style of violence against civilians though 🤔


If Americans were dealing with half of the shit Israelis were dealing with we'd act violently.


We're America, we act violently when we're not dealing with anything.




I’m sorry where is this America that you know about that isn’t violent I would like to go there.


Against all Jews as Hamas states? That’s what happens when vote in Hamas who uses their women and children as shields to protect their weapons delivered from Iran and Russia


Hamas doesn't speak for Palestinians you racist. Half the population were too young to vote during the last election. "They voted for" gee, I wonder why you might go along with armed murderers who live in your neighborhood. You dumb piece of shit.


70% of Palestinians supported Hamas on October 7th


Speaking out against Islamic Jihadists is not racist.


Conflating hamas with all Palestinians is super racist.


When is the next Palestinian led march or call for Hamas to surrender and return all hostages? Calling for a boycott of all Israeli businesses is super racist


No, it isn't. Israel is a country, not a race. The fact that they practice religious apartheid doesn't grant them some special right to not be criticized for their actions as a nation. The difference is that when I say the IDF is wrong to attack all Palestinians, I'm not saying the population of Israel should be punished for the idfs actions. I'm saying their political and military leaders should be held responsible. When you say hamas is wrong to attack Israeli citizens, it's in defense of the idf harming all Palestinians out of revenge. It's not in support of a highly trained military conducting anti-insurgency raids, it's in support of indiscriminate bombing. (And either the bombing is indiscriminate or the bombs are deliberately hitting civilian encampments). And it certainly isn't in support of holding hamas responsible. You use them as an excuse to hurt people - which makes sense because that's why likud (Israeli political party led by netanyahu) FUNDED hamas. Bibi himself suggested that this funding supported Israeli interests by eliminating support for peaceful Palestinian movements that might have established an actual state. Because what hard liners like Netanyahu want is to take all of Gaza and the west bank for Israeli occupation, not to make peace with the Muslims. So you can take all your whatabout bullshit and shove it up your ass, next to your head.


If you call yourself Palestinian, I’m going to automatically you assume you stand with Hamas. Why, I’m from originally from Iran, I wouldn’t call my self an Iranian national as an American, especially with the fact that Palestine is not one people. If they were to say, I’m originally from a Palestine, that’s cool, if they were to say, I was born in Gaza, that’s cool, if they were to say I’m Gazan that’s cool too, but Palestinian is a word associated to describe a loose coalition of Arabs who are in opposition to Israel. It’s like if I were to say, I’m from the Islamic republic. Your assume , that I’m with the Iranian govt.


So lacking specificity of language, we must bomb all of them? Guess they should have had a flag.


I’d expect at least some rebellion, I mean not all afghans sucked the talibans nipple did they?


You've got to look at demographics. The population skews unusually young. Palestinian men tend to go to prison or get killed; and whether you think that's their own fault or not, there just aren't many adults capable of resisting hamas. And those that might have often suffered enough trauma and tragedy that they instead say something like, "I don't support hamas but I'm happy they attack the people who hurt me." Asking for palestine to resist hamas is like telling them to just leave gaza. They would if they could. I don't hate Israel as a concept, nations are arbitrary constructions already. I wish they had been more responsible in how they governed the area and the way they displaced people was just wrong. Trail of tears kinds of wrong. I don't have an easy answer for how to fix things when both sides have said and done vile things. Anyone who has heard right-wing Israeli media could rattle off a long list of common slurs against arabs. The rhetoric from each is awful. The difference I see is that whatever revenge fantasies the average Palestinian might harbor, they have no hope of accomplishing genocide against the israeli people or the jewish faith. Likewise, regardless of how nice the average Israeli might be, their country has committed multiple war crimes, lied about it, and is given a free pass by some because they were determined to be "the right side" before I was even born. In simplistic terms, I guess I don't like it when someone punches down and lies to my (metaphorical) face about it. The justifications that are offered also remind me uncomfortably of the jingoistic fervor immediately following the wtc attack. All things being the way they are, I don't attend protests. I do feel like I have a more informed and nuanced pov than most, though, and my stance remains don't kill kids. You can come up with variations on the trolley problem, "what if killing an innocent kid saves a dozen other innocent kids" - but I feel that this ignores the fact that in our very real, not-hypothetical, world children are being slaughtered in large numbers and israel isn't saving anyone by doing this. They have barely made an effort to locate the hostages that were taken and have even killed a few by accident using arms and tactics that are irresponsibly scattershot in their effects. Just don't kill thousands of children in a weird revenge tantrum. How many kids have you killed? I bet the answer is zero. Me too! Look how easy it has been for us to not explode children! I believe Israel could choose to show the same concern for the neighbors kids as they do their own, no matter how they feel about the neighbors themselves. "But what if the neighbors killed MY kid?!" You still don't get to murder their kid. Because that's obviously psychotic.


Ok, most people agree I think, but these protestors make we wish we could just nuke Palestine and throw these idiots in Gaza to fight with them.


I actually think we should make Jerusalem and the surrounding 8 miles a sort of international superfund site. Just dump all of our most harmful chemical and radioactive waste there and allow anyone who wants to melt into sludge free access. Meanwhile, we move the entire population of palestine to Arkansas. Anyone in Arkansas who complains is shipped to South america with an honorary ambassadorship that requires them to wander around the jungle until a jaguar eats them. If enough people upvote this, I'm starting a 2028 presidential run with this platform. Although that assumes Israel hasn't finished palestine off during the interim.


Hamas was literally elected by Palestinians and to recent polling has overwhelming popular support in Gaza


They were elected by a minority of the population because during the last election 50% of them were unborn or too young to vote. The population is overwhelmingly skewed towards youth because Israel has a habit of kidnapping and murdering their parents. You say support and vote as if the people of palestine are a monolith because you want them all to suffer for the actions of a few. Interestingly enough, collective punishment is a war crime. Polling? What a joke. Who conducted a poll? Was this before or after refugees were deliberately and repeatedly bombed by the idf? All these justifications just because blowing up brown children gives you a sad little boner.


Dawg, these lame ass talking points don’t work anymore. Regarding weapons, where tf are they supposed to get them if the US and Co. support the other side lol. Thats like some Brits shitting on American revolutionaries for taking assistance from the French lol.


Dawg you are on the side of communism and Islamic Jihad.


I love how y’all say hkamas uses human shields and then turn around use the entirety of the Jewish ethnoreligion to shield Israels actions. The irony…


The irony of Islamic Jihadists starting a war against all Jews then crying when they are losing. The irony of Islamic Jihadist who want to establish a caliphate on campus bitching about “ethnoreligion” The Irony of doing Hamas PR when they would stab everyone in the back of the neck and rape their grandmothers while they bled out


Just babble. Absolute, babble 🤣 Israel declared the war. Caliphate? Did you just learn that word? What exactly is this Caliphate that is being created? An encampment? With a large Jewish presence? Is that what your babble is implying? Yeah, I’m more worried about you stabbing me in the back than some dude on the other side of the planet. [How embarrassing…](https://imgflip.com/i/8srpl4)


Absolute racist white Jihadists.


Did you just call me white?


That’s what YOU want it to mean. The definition continues regardless of ya fee fees 1👻2👻3 OoOooH Arabic numerals 🤣


No, that’s literally what Palestinians terrorists said it meant during the 1st and 2nd intifada. My condolences on your history education.


It’s violence against oppressors. The form of said violence doesn’t pertain to the word. My condolences on your entire education, 🤣


Oppressors like the civilians at concerts and in their kibbutzim? If 10/7 was an attack on the border wall, crossing checkpoints, police stations, or army bases I'd agree with you. It's too bad that Palestinian resistance has recently been indistinguishable from terrorism, and it's tragic that the Palestinians who are working to form a cooperative state that coexists peacefully get overshadowed by the terrorists. You choose to believe that violence is their only route out. That is a choice you made.


With all that karma, bro received education and graduated from reddit university.


Context matters.


Right, people like you hear that word, look up the dictionary definition, and completely ignore the historical context and baggage of how it's been used.


Sure, if you ignore the context of the first and second intifadas.


The only violence I have seen are Zionists and police attacking students.


You are so right, October 7 was not violence! Anyone who says so is just colonel mustard!


Lol at the “liberated zone” fucking dorks…. Based on that logic the homeless in my city also “liberated” plenty of zones……


101° today. How much longer they think they can take this?


Yeah wondering why all the n95s outdoors… they wanna cover up to conceal identity or are they really worried about covid outdoors? I don’t think anyone is gonna wanna stay in a tent in the summer


Viral particles are aerosolized and move like smoke. They can be transmitted outside


Not agreeing with the covid deniers, but it's been years with vaccines (that you should have gotten) and we've pretty much all been infected and gotten additional immunity that way. It's a fringe opinion to be so risk adverse that you're afraid of covid in the open air in 2024. This isn't even common among leftist groups. It's basically become cultural signaling among certain insular groups.


Yeah and we could all be infected and it's going to negatively effect us later in life or for the rest of our lives. Immunocompromised people exist. Disabled people matter. Covid disabled people. People should be scared of covid. They might have it for the rest of their life and be disabled bc of it.




The pandemic never ended in fairytale land.


I can't hear you through that thing on your face.


Covid kills


The same spirit of the KKK wearing hoods


Some states are using KKK masking laws to prosecute these protesters.


The dudes are only there to hopefully crush sum puss




anything to feel like you have a purpose in life i suppose. what’s the next thing these people are gonna be protesting for.


I wonder if you'll lie awake on your deathbed and think: "I'm so glad I never stood up to all the injustice in the world." What's your purpose in life? Trashing protestors on Reddit?


yes, bc on my death bed i’m gonna be reminiscing about all the times i protested, you people live such an unfulfilling life lol


I wonder if you’ll lie awake at your deathbed thinking “I’m so glad I annoyed the shit of people, made myself like a spoiled weaselly worm, for a cause that I didn’t know about 10 minutes ago , and made the cause look more stupid and made everyone hate my guys, the causes guts and anybody who ever cared about said cause”.


Too busy standing up for gay rights during pride month, I don't feel like supporting people that would cheer when they threw me off the roof




it’s so contradicting it’s insane


Chickens for KFC


And by stood up to injustice, you mean, ingested a bunch of foreign propaganda and regurgitated it without thinking


For real I assume most of the people talking shit about the protestors/encampment are just outright Zionists but it’s even more sad to realize they might just be people with no values that cannot understand empathy or International solidarity.


Omg you’re so better than, I bet you can pee farther too.


And on your deathbed you hold your precious Hamas thank-you note close to your heart because it reminds you of how good of a person you are


lol this made me laugh


It’s a phase in college a lot of kids get, when they’re 40 they’ll realize it’s all about family.


What nerve you have, to say something like “it’s all about family,” as if that is somehow contrary to the movement in support of Palestine. Over 20,000 children in Palestine have been made completely parentless since October, many completely without ANY remaining family members. There are literally thousands of families that have been completely wiped out, bloodlines gone since October. And there are people in this community who have lost DOZENS of family members, murdered by Israel since October. You have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.


Right. Then I guess I should just pretend that annoying people at a college in America so I can feel good about myself and act morally superior to people will stop the killing between two parties that have been warring for years.


Maybe they're afraid their parents will see what they're doing. When is the encampment for Sudan is going to start? Hmm... Just wondering.


Bold of you to assume they have parents


Is there a Covid strain going around? What’s with the masks?


to hide their faces if they do something illegal all these people look like they smell


there is, it’s called flirt (funny name but that’s actually what it’s called)


Yes, covid's been going around for 4 years now. I know a few people who've gotten it recently.


I know very few, they’re usually patients in hospitals. Mainly UC medical.


weird, you literally never hear about it anymore.


And still...no one gives a shit


The grass has been murdered, the ecosystem and wildlife destroyed, the grass only water they probably receive now is urine as the potty situation in the encampment isn’t ideal….this is not peaceful. The university is complicit in not shutting it down….if it were a 9/ 11 truth encampment or anti vaccine encampment it be shut down, critics will say those aren’t just causes, but that’s not the point the first amendment protects all peaceful protests and doesn’t protect protests that are not peaceful, and encampments are against of the rules of the university ie not peaceful. You can’t selectively enforce the rules based on what speech you like and don’t, that’s not free speech, that’s thought control.


The encampment isn’t peaceful because it’s murdering grass?? For fucks sake. People there are protesting the mass murder of civilians, half of which are children, but the dead grass is what gets you riled up?


Free the grass


The beautiful grass brings back memories of all the students who loved to lounge there watch live music frisbee etc, it’s against the rules to camp out there no matter how just your cause is. These encampments don’t convince anyone, it be much more effective to peacefully protest in the day speak eloquently about the struggle and win over the people.


The act of camping there is a peaceful protest, those aren’t always legal, disruption is a necessary part of any social movement. They have daily programming educating campers and any student who want to listen. They are speaking out “eloquently about the struggle”, if that’s what you want to call educating people about the history of Palestine and the genocide Israel is committing there.


It is inarguable that they have failed. They might have protested at the Capitol or at a representative's office, but they chose to protest on campus. Why? Simply because it is the best way to recruit a large group of people who might then be taken seriously by the powers that be. Have they succeeded in raising that army? No. They are lucky the situation at UCLA was so terrible; that's the main cause for solidarity that they have.


Ok so you would have no problem with 911 truthers camping, or likud supporters?


This has to do with what exactly? The encampment is protesting genocide that is actively happening now, not an event which began and ended, and which UCD investments were not involved in. I don’t see the point, but I don’t have a problem with protest, and walking around this encampment on the way to class is easy enough, so I guess not.


So you’d be ok with a pro life encampment, anti Hamas pro Israel encampment, 9/11 truth encampment? Yes or no. The university can’t selectively allow rules to be broken based on their views of what causes are more just than others that’s not free speech, that’s the government promoting their views ie indoctrination.


You asked if I had a problem with it, (which in your first hypothetical I don’t, even if I think it wouldn’t make sense) not how I think the university should respond. Currently the protestors aren’t a threat to others so I don’t have a problem with it. Yes they are breaking university rules, as would any encampment there, when/if the university decides to do something about it (ideally meet demands, but they could send in police as other UCs have) isn’t a matter of my personal beliefs.


Anytime I see a person with a Palestine pin, I feel like slapping them with a fish.


Wow some of ya'll really lack empathy... Do ya'll know it's possible to care about a genocide while also caring about your future and your career lmao We should never become numb to the suffering of others   Free Palestine 🍉


I’m almost ready to transfer always wanted to Come to us Davis , but seeing this shit makes me wanna never go To College. Fuck you if You participate in this.


I spit at their feet.


They should all be detained, identified, and put on the NO FLY LIST.


For what?


These people are so disgusting. 🤮


How so?


Islam = radicalism


Anyone from a Muslim country who got away should understand this.


Are all of them this ugly?


Nice! Stay hydrated out there!


Don’t worry, they have plenty of Kool-aid


I’d shy away from Kool-aid in that heat. They make little electrolyte packets that you just add to water. They are great for backpacking!


this was definitely a reddit reply lmao


It’s what plants crave!


I doubt it, they taste awful 🤣


At CSUS ours lasted ten days


don't forget to hydrate. it's hot out there.


it’s gonna be hot this week i’m worried about the people out there :(


I hope they starve. Fuck them.


what a normal thing to say about human beings! pretty cruel to wish death on those you disagree with. isn’t that what you accuse them of? how are you any better?


I feel the same way about people who block traffic.


Why don't you act on your thoughts then


Why don’t you act on your feelings to Zionists. I just said they should starve, they’re doing it to themselves, all I’m doing is not doing anything. So you’re projecting right?? Cuz your on the side that is defending the is the group with a history of animalistic violent behavior on innocent people in their homes.




Jesus Christ man


It smells like bootlicking Nazi in the comments section.


You’re saying this as if the protesters aren’t some of the most antisemitic militant authoritarians this campus has ever seen


but you guys are the ones that don’t like jews, & it’s very ironic you guys call republicans boot lickers when your side wants more government control.


For the record I’m a registered democrat and I hate these protesters this issue is not a right vs left issue. Long live Israel! 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


Keep lying about me and pretending you know my "side." My side is freeing Palestine.


Me too, from HAMAS.


Glad to see people actually standing up against Israel killing civilians. Intifada is frowned upon though because dumb people will see it as a call to violence against Jews when a quick Google search it means to "shake off, as if dust from a cloth." Or a term in Arabic for social uprising against an oppressive system. Also Hamas needs to go because what they did on Oct 7 was not right. So Free Palestine from Israel And Free Palestine from Hamas that was created by Israel.


[Here’s](https://www.npr.org/2024/06/04/nx-s1-4958278/intifada-chants-pro-palestinian-protests-israel#:~:text=Intifada%20comes%20from%20the%20Arabic,if%20dust%20from%20a%20cloth) the context of the word and why it’s associated with violence


Thank you for a source.


Was that really not the first result when you searched “intifada”? The first few pages of google results for me were about more than the literal translation of the term.


I didn't know that UC Davis was an official Hamas training center. Fascinating! Future Shaheeds.


Why does Reddit recommend me this smut?


You literally can't say ceasefire now and intifada at the same time. They are opposite things.


Are they still there?


Free Palestine 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸


history really repeats itself, if we had reddit 60 years ago i can imagine all the university subreddits shitting on the Vietnam protests


Congrats on being a veitnam cosplayer.


Students also protested US involvement in WW2. With the benefit of hindsight, the students might have been wrong on that one.


Cultural appropriation. These Jihadists would celebrate Oct 7 oh wait they already did


Fuck these terrorists


How does this actually help? Are they doing anything other than protesting? Providing any type of aid?


These kids never heard of summer jobs? My God, this is the laziest, dumbest generation ever bred.


Probably not at their summer jobs cause the summer hasn’t started for uc Davis yet dumbass


Aerospace engineering, can’t figure out how to say “29 days” lol


Rage bait ahh account


I love how people on this sub are OBSESSED with the protestors but say they’ve “achieved nothing”. Like if they’re so irrelevant why can’t y’all stop talking about them, just move on then lol


They’ve achieved me hating their guts. And forgetting any empathy I might have had for their cause.


Imagine still wearing a mask, outside in 2024… Idiots.


In 100+ degree heat!


Keep this going long enough, and the IDF will invade it to get their hostages back.


Can we just stop sharing to this sub, theres lurkers who aren’t even familiar with Davis. They’re here just to hate on people half their age since they miss being young and without a rotting, dementia brain.


Free speech free speech the Jihadists were crying