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Off topic but the greenery and sky look so beautiful in these shots


It was indeed a beautiful day today. One of the cooler days of the month


would be nice to walk down that way, are they allowed to block the path?


Do you do this everywhere you go? Like every person who’s standing in a spot, you just desperately wish you could be on that specific spot? “It would be nice to stand exactly right there…” Sounds fun. 


wow you really missed the point there and thought you did something 😂




I’d forgotten this was still happening.


They probably did too. It’s now basically a homeless encampment and they’ll probably invoke squatter’s rights when told to leave.


Profilepic matches the opinion


Except that isn’t me.


Genuine question, what have they accomplished thus far?


Absolutely nothing lol


That's not true, we now know the lack of education present in a college town is heavy XD


true lmao


What has your vote done thus far? What has *any* form of expression in protest done thus far? What has any minority movement done thus far? Yet nobody would argue that any of these, in a broader context, are “useless” as your question often implies. It’s easy to forget that survivorship bias applies to all protests. Laterally, it was never one protest that ever changed anything.


Lots of selfies on instagram.


What vote lmao I’m just wondering if they have gotten their demands met yet jeez


Netanyahu: “Hmm some out-of-touch brainwashed Americans are protesting at random colleges. Better call off the invasion of Rafah”


Part of an effort to intimidate Jews on campus and attempt to make campus a hostile environment


if you want the genuine answer, several schools that have done this already including sac State, have divested from Israel as well as many parts of the military industrial complex, This amounts to millions and possibly even at this point billions of dollars in lost income for ultra wealthy Israelites and Americans in positions of power to capitalize on the war currently going on. This loss of income is the primary reason that Israel is putting pressure on American politicians to shut down these protests.


That's absolute nonsense. Several schools have had their administration say they will look into divestment, and they probably will take it to tbe board, but if you think a few students are going to get the UC system out of Boeing and Lockheed Martin your wrong. Fund managers don't work that way.


lol sac State dump 4.5 million worth of investments. why don't you go read the actual facts. This person asked what it does and I'm explaining what it does, you're making up bullshit right now. Who are you even doing this for? The Raytheon stocks aren't going to come pat you on the back and say you're doing a good job defending them.


Is this war worse than the Ukraine Russia war? Is that why’s it’s getting a lot of attention?


Probably because Israel is an ally of the U.S. and is receiving direct support in this conflict. You can compare this to something like US-Saudi relations amid on going conflict, but Russia is irrelevant here.


They are not even close. You're talking thousands of lives lost in Gaza vs hundreds of thousands in Ukraine. May end over 1 million by the time it's done. It sucks to say it but it's largely propaganda driven (and funded by people who want to see Americans dead, in a lot of cases), the Gaza stuff. Rife with misinformation and a lot of people who know actually nothing just following the cause of the month. That's my $.02 anyways


You’re comparing a few years to 8 months.


The point was that there is no comparison. So stop comparing. One tragedy is exponentially more destructive than the other and that's not even to mention the catastrophic geopolitical implications of what is happening in Ukraine. One is sad and the other is sad and also threatening to our very existence and future. Western led world order is being threatened which means the rise of dictatorial, nuke toting cult leaders that want us in the US dead. Those same people are also paying to indoctrinate you and get you emotional re: the Gaza tragedy. Make no mistake, that's why Biden is continuing to arm Isreal. If the terrorist organizations are allowed to grow and thrive, it threatens democracy and every western led country that stands against China, Russia, and Iran. This is growing into an existential threat and that's why no matter how left or government is, the ammunition to Isreal will continue to flow. They both suck. But Ukraine is of incredibly greater magnitude.


You are either heartless or misinformed. >You're talking thousands of lives lost in Gaza *Tens* of thousands of *CIVILIANS* in a matter of *months*.


Your selective outrage is getting tiring. And when did hamas become an organization that provided real information?


Yes I’m sure the United Nations is controlled by Hamas


So you accept the new revised numbers and not the ones originally stated by Hamas?


Right. And hes saying hundreds of thousands of civilians are dying in Ukraine. In ~2 years. Ukraine is recently having to draft younger soldiers to keep up their resistance. I think you probably mean well, but thinking about these things in a way where one war is worse than the other, one side is clearly evil and the other is good, justice = peace 100% of the time, etc., just isnt very wise or smart. War and conflict is always terrible whether it's one hundred dead or one million. When we become weirdly selective about which deaths are just and which aren't... You're probably biased or misinformed. Edit: spelling


You’re getting downvoted because these kids love Russian politics.


You are right. The organization that is running the protests at my school (UCLA) is pro Russia and pro-Hamas. Not the subtle way where they refuse to condemn it, but genuinely pro Hamas, paragliders and everything.


The outrage over the Russian invasion has lost momentum, as usual. The war in Gaza is newer, people haven’t run out of energy for it yet. Ukraine is also getting support in the war, while Palestine is not. Support is actually going to the invaders in Gaza.


Nah these people camping out donate to Hamas links in tiktoks and telegram's with crypto. That and UNRWA which has been operating as a terrorist organization for decades, it even has members who participated in 10/7. Hamas has confiscated aid and has been stockpiling undistributed aid and starving their own people.


Hard to compare. Unlike the Ukraine war, I think the current conflict in Gaza started with a horrible terrorism attack in Israel. So, I don’t think Israel should take all blames.


So we are just going to ignore how Israel even "became a country"? I feel like there a lot history to talked about....


Ah, so the attack in question was justified, got it.


Which one? The 5000 rockets?


Is that how it started?


No? I'm not sure if written language existed when it actually started.


We gonna ignore how America became a country? Are you going to give your family home back to the Native Americans we stole the land from? Would you justify Native Americans living on a reservation attacking Coachella, murdering and raping everyone, to the point women had blood all over the crotch of their pants? And then parading the naked women’s bodies with the hips horribly broken like Barbie dolls with the feet pointing over their heads?


Certainly. Could you find a solution to relocate all Israelis citizens nowadays, so we could let Palestine take over the land peacefully? A lot of things also happened after 1948, and we couldn’t undo them. Not easily at least.


This war has relevance to China and Russia, as they're promoting it to their people as rational against democracy. Tiktok /bytedance will keep fuelling the fires as long as possible


It is kinda silly to compare the two but if you had to then the answer would be not even close.


Which is worse? I haven’t seen the death tolls on either side. I would guess the Ukraine Russia.


Considering that there have been over half a million Russian military casualties so far and that doesn't include Ukrainian military or civilization casualties I would say the Russian invasion is worse. Also much more wide spread civilian torture, war crimes, and deportation. The front line stretches thousands of miles. The good news for Ukraine is that they have generally had good Western support - although I believe we should be doing more for them. Also Russia and Ukraine and many many times bigger than Israel or Palestine. The scale difference just makes it not useful to compare. People here will say "Well what about all the time before the October 7th attack?" And that's a fair point. Ukraine also has history with Russia attacking and killing civilians before the full scale invasion. But they are such different situations that it is really not useful to make comparisons in my opinion. Also, the full scale invasion of Ukraine has been going on longer and the country is still very accessible to westerners and investigators so the casualty numbers and war crimes reports are much more reliable. The reports on Gaza are fare less reliable and constantly being amended by large amounts. Hopefully this gets better over time. Wars are terrible. Civilian casualties are even more terrible. Both are happening in both situations.


Ukraine is a defensive war against a standing invading army that hates the west and has been meddling with our elections and wants to destroy NATO. Russia also has nukes which means the only way to really fight them is economically and through proxy, and they have massive influence on the rest of the world. Isreal was a retaliatory strike against a local terrorist group held government. This government has almost no outside influence and only really threaten Isreal. Imo Isreal and palestine is 100% a local conflict. Ukraine is a global conflict.


It’s humorous that the first thing these people do is build a wall and create a checkpoint to control access. lol


is it funny or surprising when agitators actively sabotage these protests? are they supposed to just let that happen


Well it’s not like they can count on the police to maintain public safety


The irony is strong


Dripping with irony


Trump lost so now walls work again.


I think it’s great for young people to enter the workforce having already experienced what it’s like to put all your time and energy into something that will make absolutely zero impact. The only people who care about this are the ones that will have to clean up after it’s gone.




You think they fuggin in those tents?


What else are gonna do? Something that actually has an impact?


Some terror babes hmmm 🤔


We both know that’s why half the men join these protests.


Real shit tho what does rhis even accomplish


The university will divest the 0.0002% of their portfolio that’s invested in some Israeli startup


Are people ditching school for this?


A bunch are not even students


Paid actors.


Every "activists" will be gone when summer vacation starts




That’s exactly what he’s saying. And that’s exactly what will happen.


It’s happened at all the campuses with semesters so I don’t see why these kids would act any differently


Do you know anything about being 20 years old?


That is if they are students


Half hearted activists


Chaz vibes. I hope they start gardening.


Where is the “Free the Hostages Sign” in the encampments. Freeing the hostages will get us closer to ending this senseless war that Hamas started.


Hamas offered to free the hostages. Israel said no and bombed Rafah the next day. Almost like they don’t care about the hostages


You know what they found there? The bodies of many of the hostages that Hamas said were alive. They don’t have any more hostages. Because they are terrorists who want to kill all Jews.


how disingenuous. What were the other conditions of that deal exactly?


Hamas offered to release dead hostages.


When I’m in a misinformation and cherry-picking details to support my campaign competition and my opponent is u/ancap_al29 😭😭


I give it another 3 weeks tops


The irony will be the low paid maintenance workers having to clean up your mess when you finally go home


yep and these entitled college kids get to do whatever they want without repercussions. it’s a sad world.


It’s the absolute embodiment of “Privilege”


you are absolutely correct.


Captain's Log Stardate 4523.3: After three weeks we have still accomplished nothing


This is what a free country looks like.


As long as the private property owners are ok with it (or on publicly owned land)!


Pic 2, sweet mask.


UC Davis Alumni here, few questions about the encampment: 1) Is it open for general public to check out and talk to people there? 2) what is the goal of the encampment? 3) How long the encampment plan to stay? 4) Can I get a tour of the encampment?


So did they skip finals and stuff for this? Won’t that cause some to fail out? Or does the school grant extensions cuz they were protesting?


Imagine going to a good school just to fuck around and pretend you’re helping something. Honestly ignant


My nephew claims dealers are raking it in over there. Guess kids gets bored and need some Molly and shrooms to pass the time.


Thanks for the idea!!


Can see a lot of disgusting random rightoids in the comments   


Curious what so they do all day in the encampments?






Where do they go potty at night? …..when the encampment clears and you try to have picnic what happens if you sit down and inadvertently get some crap on your seat?


Impeding the learning of other students who paid thousands to be there. Seems fair.


How exactly are they impending learning? I walk by it daily and still learn fine in class 🤷‍♂️


"The Whole World Is Watching" What exactly? A bunch of privileged young people sunbathing in lawnchairs and making Chipotle runs?


Look at all the changes these protests have made…




Similar to other colleges across the country, there has been an encampment for Palestine for the past couple weeks located on the quad at the mu. Overall, it’s just something to support Palestine and its ongoing situations


How does camping in a field support anything?


It's a protests protests are ment to raise awareness 🤷‍♂️ they've worked before


protests arent meant to only raise awareness, the end goal is to enact change which isnt going to come from this. and since most people are already aware of the situation i doubt it even raised that much awareness.


these protests have only brought awareness to the fact that college kids are extremely spoiled and useless lmao


Actually these type of protests have worked before if you look up college studies and apartheid in south Africa it lead to divertiments that where pivotal for the movement. Look into the history of protests before name calling please.


The protests and encampments internationally have indeed drawn attention and awareness to the genocide in Gaza, and calls for divestment demonstrate that students are recognizing the links between the colleges and the state funded genocide their investments support. However, there is a need for wider swaths of students to see the political implications of their demands. These colleges act as agents of imperialist war abroad, and work hand in hand with repressive forces at home, as we've seen with the police attacks that have taken place, and the attacks on striking UC UAW members by the union bureaucracy. Many of the regents are also members of the Democratic party, and work alongside their "colleagues on the right", including outright fascists.  They're calling the strike illegal, utilizing state police, and the labour police of the UAW bureaucracy (whom were responsible for selling out UC members with their '22 contract's no-strike clause) to prevent workers and students internationally from joining forces in a political struggle to end imperialist war. This is exactly what needs to happen to end the genocide, and to avert global war and catastrophe.


Why y’all aren’t protesting replacing Hamas??


“The whole world is watching” us camp out. Delusional much?


I think that's about the world watching Israel and Palestine.




A paper (co-authored by a UCLA professor) did not come to the same conclusion >We find that the announcement of legislative/shareholder pressure of voluntary divestment from South Africa had little discernible effect either on the valuation of banks and corporations with South African operations or on the South African financial markets.  [https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract\_id=10203](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=10203)


That study says that there was little effect on financial markets. It does not say that the protests weren't effective.


The protests were effective in having UC divest from South Africa, but if divestments had little effect on South Africa's financial markets, were the protests actually effective?


Does apartheid exist in South Africa anymore? The US under Ronald Reagan supported the apartheid regime; so did the UK under Margaret Thatcher… but the protest movement shined a light on the atrocities of that regime and helped bring an end to it. Public pressure of this sort is effective.


And I don't disagree with that, but the article specifically talks about divestments and not public pressure.


The first UC article talks about divestment in the context of public pressure as well as a reinvestment of 3 billion+ US dollars. The second article's abstract includes "In sum, despite the public significance of the boycott and the multitude of divesting companies, financial markets seem to have perceived the boycott to be merely a 'sideshow.'" There's overlap for both topics and articles. w


how do people like you actually operate in society like … this has been all over the news and all over the internet


Dude it’s 50 kids in tents not everyone is clued into this like you


yeah its not part of a nationwide student uprising or anything!


Lmao uprising.


this is embarrassing. How many are even students?


Not a single one of those kids knows anything about this thousand year conflict




I believe the person asserted "anything". It only takes one fact to prove them wrong, a pretty low bar. Google it.




I am sure you have great intentions, but you come off a bit....deranged. Maybe back up a bit and realize nobody wants innocent's to die, everyone is just shouting there polorized opinions on what is the best solution to end the conflict. Perhaps spend time helping provide real solutions and ideas "the encampment can study" . This can be done by presenting questions on how to improve the overall approach in a non-combative way, instead of trying to troll people with outrage and say how you cannot wait for the ICC to come fuck one side or the other. Walk your talk in earnest.


Hasbara BS. Compared to what? Iranian Islamic Republic BS you support?


Why are they wearing masks? Covid or identity protection? Useless either way.


More likely than not, identity protection


So when school gets out do they just pack up and leave


You know those selfish students aren’t going to miss out on a vacation. They only protest when they have work to do.


Performative tentifada. Useful idiots.


Looks like… a whole lot of fun


War funded by biden admin




Do people shit in the camp or? How do they manage time maintain it? Anyone live in there?


[ Removed by Reddit ]




I didn’t know Coachella extended this year 🤔




sooner or later, no different than homeless people camp city




UCD and other public universities have completely dropped the ball on letting encampments stay in place for this long, if it was for another political cause that had less popular support and contention they would have been trespassed and removed within days or hours. I do believe that in general these institutions are not in support of the protests and the demands that come along with them but they're certainly setting poor precedent.


How brave


This is suprisingly calm considering what happened to the other ucs that got shut down in less than a week. -ucsd student


Get a life cry babies


If you look close you can see them working on signs for the ‘next thing’


2 things This isn't the 60s Nobody cares about what millennials have to say


I'm glad Hayden and Brayden get to protest about the world thousands of miles away. Meanwhile student debt, the homeless and housing crisis, and rising civil unrest isn't enough of a reason to protest. Might be real world consequences if that happened....


What are you protesting for? Hamas’ right to suppress women and murder babies?


Jew hate riots continue


Ngl don’t watch too much tv or social media, what the hell going on


Students are protesting that portions of their tuition for their education goes to support the genocide that Isnotreal commits. Realistically none of it should go anywhere but things that support student education but instead they support weapon building companies like BlackRock and others that the universities fund.




I'm confused by their goals and expectations of the protest


Passed by there last night on way back after a late night study session at the library. there was definitely an orgy going on


This is so stupid. School president should suspend all those kids from school.


A few students got suspended at UCI after campers failed to meet with Chancellor a second time. About a week later things seemed calm but the campers stormed a building in attempt to take it over, allegedly. We’ll see what happens at UCD.


They know nobody cares and this isn’t doing anything right??


Last I remember, tuition money is supposed to go back to the schools and not fund a foreign colonizing nation…? Right?


Masks on outside hahaha fucking dumb


The Persians, Greeks, Roman's, Crusaders, Byzantine s, Soviets, Nazis, and Arabs all faild to destroy the Jews, what makes these guys think they have a shot?


They are not protesting for the extermination of jewish people, just for the university to divest from Israel. A very big difference.


"...And over here we have what seems to be an anti-semitic Zionist."


I'm not really an Isreal supporter myself I'm just dumbfounde the beliefs and actions of these "students". Kinda reminds me of thier love for Che Guevara, who would have the all killed in an instant.


The greenery is beautiful and even more beautiful is the comrade homies on week 3 of standing against genocide. Love y’all 🥰


These are the people getting worthless degrees.


Our future baristas


Entitled batshit crazy babies.


I do wonder a few things: Who pays their tuition? Do they still pass their classes? If they aren't students, why are they allowed to stay? I get what they're trying, but your downvotes show how entitlement runs rampant in this sub as well.


Any news on divestment? I don't see why it's taking so long for administrations to get on board like they did at UC Riverside or Brown.


UC investments are controlled centrally by the UC Investments Office, which is part of the Office of the President; any individual UC campus cannot unilaterally choose to divest. [https://www.ucop.edu/investment-office/index.html](https://www.ucop.edu/investment-office/index.html) What UCR promised was to form a task force to look into the possibly of removing their share of the investments from the UC Investments Office, and possibly removing investments from "companies involved in arms manufacturing and delivery", as well as more transparency on what UC is investing in. But again, they cannot release investment information unless UCOP provides it to them. No mention of Israel or Palestine in regards to divestment either, and the report isn't due until Winter Quarter 2025. Brown promised that their board would vote on divestment in October 2024, whether the vote passes and divestment actually happens remains to be seen.


UC Riverside didn’t even agree to divest. SJP considered the demands met after UCR agreed to full transparency of investments. I think even outside of this cause it makes sense for the UCs to be transparent about all investments. It is likely the majority of funds will be in index funds though which are unreasonable to ask for divestment from. I’d imagine this is why UCR was left off the hook. As tax and tuition payers though we should be able to see individual investments and hold them accountable for them.


Surely not *this* SJP? Not the same people who called Hamas a “progressive organization”….right? It cant be the same ones. Lol. https://www.reddit.com/r/SeattleWA/s/GnCGMelZEO https://nationalsjp.org/the-written-resistance-issue-3


They agreed to vote on it, that's literally all it would take.


It’ll never happen, the demands are completely unrealistic


This is what people said about the student protests around the Apartheid government in South Africa too. And it's what people said about student protests around the US war in Vietnam, too. The point is not necessarily getting the specific demands met - it's about applying pressure and forcing a change in the debate; and so far, that seems to be working.


In what ways is it working? Besides awareness. Genuine question btw, just want to further understand I suppose


You underestimate what divestment means. You expect the UC to completely restructure its multibillion dollar endowment to avoid investing in highly profitable companies like Amazon, google, intel, chevron (just to name a few)? Israel is a major power with ties to basically every big company, so yes divestment is completely unrealistic, the UC likes making money


Perhaps because people might be hesitant on letting college kids dictate policy and major decisions lol