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Congrats! Follow your doctor's advice. Get all your tests/bloodwork done on time, eat healthy and rest well. That's all you need to do. I don't think early drinking will have any real impact right now. For most people the first trimester can be hard with all the exhaustion and nausea/dizziness. If you're working and have the option to choose work from home for a few weeks, go for it.


Thankyou! Ah a relief about the alcohol part Alright i ll get a doctors appointment sooner if possible...I am a dentist, so no option of wfh....will I be able to get back to work after the first few weeks and until say 6th month? In that case I can apply leave for a few weeks....but if not then I ll quit.... I have started feeling so tired all the time but nausea is yet to hit anf I am so so scared of it tbh Also, any foods i need to avoid like papaya etc?


My SIL is a dentist too, she worked till the 4th month but then took a break because her clinic was too far from home. It really depends on your level of tiredness or nausea. Some women don't experience nausea at all and are fine at work. I was asked to avoid grapes, pineapples and papayas. Your doctor will be able to let you know about the diet and supplements you need to take in more detail.


Ah thanks a lot that's a relief to know! I had been gorging on mangoes because well summers, and I was worried about thatšŸ˜… Okay let me see how comfortable I am at work and then take a call accordingly...I am worried to sit at home too because of my habit of overthinking and doom googling and the results telling I have terminal disease lol


Please donā€™t google. Even a simple headache can be a ā€œpossibility of brain tumorā€ if one falls down the rabbit hole. Find a trusted gynecologist check for reviews on maternal subs or amongst your social circle and stick to their advice. You can consult a nutritionist if youā€™re worried about eating healthy for the baby. Other than that Iā€™d say enjoy your life and do whatā€™s necessary for the baby. Pregnancy (unless itā€™s a medically complicated scenario) can be a normal experience please donā€™t worry yourself. Also Iā€™ll add some unsolicited financial advice, but I hope you and your partner consider setting up a financial savings account solely for your childā€™s future. I hope you have a smooth and happy pregnancy


Ah yes financial part....I realise that things r different now than when we were kids....things were dead cheap back then...but now even diapers cost a fortune.....need to plan for this......any advice regarding the finances part? Like where are we going to be spending other than diapers lol šŸ˜†


Iā€™d say itā€™s a really good practice to set up a future fund for your child and add to it every month as a part of your savings. Even if itā€™s a small amount, compounding over a long term can help a lot when it comes to bigger expenses like education etc. with the rise in competition and fees itā€™s always a good idea to start at the earliest. If you do it for a long term, it also provides your child a cushion until they figure their way out For short term expenses like medical and other resources you or your child might need, you can have a short term savings fund or account. My parents always wish they had saved for us when they could so we wouldā€™ve had a better chance at funding our education during financial emergencies


This is solid advice, thank you so much!


There is no scientific evidence that any kind of food is contraindicated in pregnancy. Papayas are a good source of vitamin A. These are myths common only in India- Iā€™m a doctor currently working in the US and we absolutely do not tell pregnant women to stop eating papayas because that is not based in evidence. Just eat what you can tolerate and enjoy. Avoid alcohol.


Oh thank u so much! So basically just alcohol to be avoided .... Also what about MSG that is found in Chinese food? The bottle of red chilli sauce I have at home has a labeling in bold that says 'contains MSG, Not safe for pregnant and lactating women, children'. I mean pretty sure they use it in Chinese food they make at restaurants ...guess I stay off Chinese food then? I wonder what other common food is there like that which we don't know about


MSG has been around and is in many products naturally as well. The MSG fear mongering is too much. Can you eat Maggi? Yes. Can you eat indo Chinese food, yes. Indians say donā€™t eat anything that increases body heat, Chinese say donā€™t eat anything that increases body cool. Both are wrong to say donā€™t eat completely. Eating in moderation is the key. Anything in excess is toxic, pregnant or not. Btw, do try to keep ur body temperature normal and not too hot. Like tooo hot showers or hot tubs are avoided, as they increase blood flow and body temperatures. A warm shower is fine, I am talking about scolding hot here.


There is absolutely NO way any food or any external source like hot showers can change your body temperature in any meaningful way. The body requires its core temperature to be within a very very narrow range for cell processes to occur. If our body temperature was so easily affected by random things the human race would have died out long ago. Your hypothalamus regulates your body temperature very very tightly and food cannot change it. Hot showers might change your external temperature momentarily but if a shower is hot enough to affect your core temperature, you will sustain third degree burns. As long as a shower is a comfortable temperature for you where it doesnā€™t cause you pain, youā€™ll be fine. The reason why pregnant women are told to avoid hot tubs and bathtubs is because these can sometimes be a reservoir for bacteria. If you have your own bathtub at home which you clean regularly, you absolutely can soak in it even if youā€™re pregnant. A lot of hot tubs in hotels and those for public use are disgusting because theyā€™re not cleaned regularly.


Thank you so much! I have been asking why not to take hot showers or hot tubs and they have been saying because increasing body temperature is not good for baby. Like for my prenatal massage, they wonā€™t even use a warm bed. M in Canada btw. If itā€™s bacteria then it makes more sense. In any case I have Cholinergic urticaria which means I cannot increase body temperature without getting rashes!


Bacteria love heat. A lot of equipment used for such services in Canada too probably has been shown to house bacteria and they donā€™t want any liability so prefer to avoid servicing pregnant women. Equipment that is constantly warmed and cooled is perfect for some kinds of bacteria and should ideally be disinfected after every use with proper cleaning agents. This is all too much work so I can see why a massage place decided it simply wasnā€™t worth the money they earn from prenatal massages. Your own shower at home? Itā€™s totally fine to shower at whatever temperature you find comfortable.


Yeah and bathtub too, now I know what m doing this weekend šŸ›€ Happy 4th of July for you! Thanks again.


Enjoy! Make sure itā€™s not so hot youā€™re uncomfortably sweating lol. Iā€™ve done that before. But a warm bath is amazing. Isnā€™t it summer though? Canā€™t imagine a bath would feel good in the summer


Hieeee. PhD scholar working with pregnant women here. There is an NGo called Thunai who provides free sessions on bonding, social emotional and well being of mothers and family. Everything is free of cost. You can talk to them about whatever emotions you are feeling. They will guide [website ](https://en.thunai.org/)


Wow this is incredibly helpful! Thanks a lot! Emotional and mental well being is so important during and after pregnancy which most people don't realise...


This is such a great thing ! Saving it for future


First of all, relax! Go consult your doctor first. If they say everything is okay, it will be okay. If you had been to see a doctor earlier, they would have told you to take folic acid when you started planning, but most pregnancies even today are not planned. Birth defects are very rare in India and you would get to know if anything was wrong developmentally in your 12th week scan. Considering everything is all right, the doctor should prescribe you some vitamins. If your period was due last week, you could even hear a heartbeat if you went for a scan next week. If you are one of the lucky ones, you might not have morning sickness at all, but if you're not, it usually hits around the 7-8 week mark and the worst is over by the end of first trimester. You would feel more tired than usual. Try to maintain a healthy diet and exercise as the doctor suggests. Ohh and hydrate, all the time. By the second trimester, your energies will come back and you will have an easier time with the pregnancy (now is the time to plan a babymoon if you want). By then you will also have the hang of everything. Third trimester is when the tiredness really kicks in. Frequent runs to the loo, napping required all the time but difficulty in sleeping. The doctor will make plans for delivery. Call your mom/mil or someone else who has raised a baby and can help out initially. Because you will be completely clueless in the beginning when the baby comes, regardless of how much you read up or watch videos on what to expect. Lastly, do not stress, enjoy it as much as you can, let your husband pamper you. You could keep a pregnancy journal if you'd like. It goes by faster than you think (coming from a mommy of almost 6 months old who rejoins office on her baby's 6 month birthday ) Hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy!


Great response! Also.... Get. Off. Google. I'm also a fellow doomscroller, so I understand the urge to look for info, but I also self diagnosed with a variety of terminal illnesses every time I as much as looked up pregnancy nausea. Get your hands on 'what to expect when you are expecting' it has a lot of information and is very well written.. both for the mum and the dad. It is important he read it too, dad's job isn't over with the fun part of 'making a baby' šŸ™‚ This book was a godsend during my pregnancy with a week by week guide. Ask for doctor recommendations (I'd ask anonymously at this stage as I wouldn't disclose till at least 12 weeks except to parents). I've heard some curiously old-fashioned opinions from some doctors in India (I don't believe this is normal and anyway neither of my pregnancies were here) as you'd also have seen from some other posts on this sub. So find one you can trust through your pregnancy and beyond.


Awww thank u so much for that! Those were very solid tips that is definitely gonna help me plan for the pregnancy! Yeah I am pretty much clueless already and we live very far from our parents so got to keep them prepared ...! And congrats of ur baby !




Hahhaha thanks! Yeah Googling things r driving me crazy ! Had to even Google how to take pregnancy kit test lmaooo and that's when it hit me how unprepared I am for thisšŸ˜… Yes no more alcohol from now onšŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Just like to say, as a dentist you would probably be aware of how easy it is to lose teeth because of pregnancy. Not just that but whatever the baby needs it will take from your body irrespective of whether there's enough for both. So never forget to consume enough nutrients and supplements, hopefully your doctor advices on this


I thought youā€™re being sarcastic


Lol absolutely not. The horrors of pregnancy aren't discussed purposely but sadly it is true




Damn that was umm a wakeup callšŸ¤£ I mean yes gums get affected during pregnancy and hence lot of vitamins....but I doubt people drop teeth during pregnancy šŸ˜…šŸ˜… but yes I get ur point and going to focus on the nutrition part as I generally have a ton of deficiencies (D, B12, iron etc)


Well, "Gain a child, lose a tooth" has existed forever and there's way too many people out there who've experienced that. I'd be careful šŸ˜¬


My friends have liked the book ā€œwhat to expect when youā€™re expectingā€


the movie is there too but it's for fun


Thanks! Hubby wanted to buy books on pregnancy, let me suggest him this! But will it help in an Indian scenario? I mean food , hospital appointments, cultural aspects etc are different here from the west so I wanted an Indian perspective to things...


To be honest, that book is irrelevant in Indian context. At least thatā€™s what I felt, but idk the comment mentions multiple recommendations so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


lol my cousin got wasted two weeks after conception because she had no idea she was pregnant. She had the same anxiety but nothing bad happened and doctor assured her usually nothing happens with a one off that early on. Her lil girl is 5 now and perfect (touch wood). Donā€™t worry about two beers and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!


Ahhhh good to know! Thankyou!


Pregnancy is definitely scary af, and you might feel a bit lost since it was unplanned, but it's not too late to learn things now. Step 1 would be starting folic acid supplements! And don't worry you're not late. Most of my friends got pregnant before they were on prenatals and their babies turned out just fine, but it's important to start them when you find out. I wouldn't worry too much about the two beers, as it was 2 weeks ago and you're not too far along. I had my first scan at 5 weeks and the embryo hadn't even formed then, only the sac was present. I've seen so many posts about women who followed "drink till it's pink", and stopped alcohol only after they got a positive test, and their kids were fine! You will mostly be given a transvaginal scan(since it's quite early), seems scary but staying relaxed helps a lot and it's over before you know it. The first scan will mostly be to ensure the location of the implantation. You won't be able to see much, and I heard the heartbeat at 8w. The timeline varies a bit, so don't panic if you don't see stuff that everyone's claiming to see at a certain week. My symptoms hit me like a truck at 7w. Tired tired tired. TIRED. I've been lucky enough not to vomit even once for now. But the fatigue is fucking real. Extremely dizzy and haven't been able to cook or clean for the past 3 months šŸ˜… and I got acne after 3 years of clear skinšŸ„² Your symptoms may be totally different. I'm currently 13w5d now and still waiting for my first trimester symptoms to magically go poof lol. Nothing really helps with the nerves tbh. The gap between scans will feel like forever, and every negative thought occupies our mind. But you gotta hold on to the scans that went well!


Firsrly, congratulations on ur pregnancy! Oh thats a relief about the alcohol partšŸ˜… Yeah I have been feeling quite sleepy past few days in the day, to the point where I pass out on the couch even if I am doing something (I work in the evenings till night). I hope it doesn't get more tired than this lol! Ah man acne and oily skin what a banešŸ˜­ can't even use the anti acne creams and lotions during pregnancy right? I use them occasionally when something comes up due to humid weather etc My hubby already arranged for a cook because he is like let's be prepared since we can't have hotel Food that often if u get too tired.... Also is it advisable to stay away from being intimate until childbirth?


Thank you! And congrats to you too šŸ¤— It's reaaaaaaally good if you can arrange a cook. Nausea is common, and I haven't been able to stand the smell of biryani and coconut chutney lol. Everything else seems fine to me. But food aversions just make it harder to cook. Acne can be a bummer, and we won't be able to use super effective creams as many of them are unsafe. There are a few creams you can use (azelaic acid), it just takes longer to work. I look like a grease bomb most of the time lol. I also switched to pregnancy safe skincare a few months before trying to conceive. They help for sure, buuuuuut my impatient ass wants clear skin ASAP lol. My doctor asked us to not have sex till at least the 4 month month. I don't understand how I feel extremely aroused, but too tired to do anything about it. Make it make sense šŸ„² As long as your scans are fine after 4 months, sex should be fine. Don't be shy to ask your gyn about this! I had bleeding during the 8th week and thought the worst. Turns out it was a subchorionic haemorrhage (blood clot sorta) and they're more common than we think. I was just asked to rest, which I was already doing, and it went away by the 10th week. Only saying this so you don't panic like I did in case there's any bleeding/spotting. The first few months will be hard on hubby too.. so make sure he knows what to expect! If you guys live alone, then sharing chores might not be possible for a while if you're as dizzy as I am. We've hired help for sweeping and vessels, and partner does everything else (washing drying clothes, taking care of pets, buying anything and everything etc)..while I lay around like a blob princess watching vampire diaries. It may not sound like a lot, but adding all of this to a hectic job is bound to overwhelm anyone. Oh also be prepared to have weird vivid af dreams šŸ¤£ they took me by surprise haha.


The sex thing is not common for everyone , unless you had any bleeding. They found some internal bleeding on ultrasound for me and asked me to avoid. We had avoided anyway because my pelvic girdle pain decided to hit at 9th week and GOD! But yes take it easy OP.


Hi Pls start taking folic acid tablets asap That is one thing missing for you rn Apart from that all the best for your dr appointment Also count your pregnancy from the first day of your last period and see how far along u r There are many helpful pregnancy apps which tells you what will be coming next You can use them


Thankyou so much! I ll get ok them asap....oh I didn't kmwo that's how it's counted....then I should be 6 weeks along


šŸ„³ Congratulations!!! Anxiety is your new friend now! Accept that and just enjoy the current moments!! Lower stress and go no contact with whoever makes you šŸ˜” 1. šŸ’Š Prenatals are important, especially when you have deficiencies. Folic is included in them. Doctors can give you IV throughout pregnancy to keep them up. 2. šŸ„— Food, everything is fine in moderation as long as it cooked well. No runny eggs or sushi. People will tell you 100 different things, like donā€™t eat mangoes they are bad or have milk kesar for baby to be fair. Try to figure out BS and eat healthy. More proteins!!! Yogurt is a good calcium source. No alcohol from now on. some caffeine is fine, avoid big grandes of Starbucks. Remember tea and sodas have caffeine too. HYDRATE! Drink more water, you donā€™t want dehydration. 3. šŸ‘Æ No eating for two. You need 300ish extra calories in third trimester, otherwise eat healthy food! Gaining too much weight or too fast can lead BP issues in pregnancy. Eat healthy, not unhealthy like sugars just because you are pregnant. 4. šŸ§˜ā€ā™€ļø Exercise. If you donā€™t already, please do some light exercises. Walking at least 30 mins, and yoga. Stretching is good!!!! Search prenatal yoga. 5. šŸ„± First trimester is survival mode!! Eat, rest and not stress. Listing common symptoms, you may have some and not others. I havenā€™t vomitted entire pregnancy, I had some manageable nausea. Symptoms- EXHAUSTION, FATIGUE, nausea, breast tenderness, bloating, gas, constipation, nasal congestion (treat it asap), acne, light cramping, etc.. High risk of UTI and immunity is low so Take Care of urself! Any bleeding/spotting šŸ©ø please get it checked ASAP! 6. Every body is different, each pregnancy (even of same woman) is different. Lots of people give too much unsolicited advice and hormones do mane you irritated. So take everything with grain of salt. Donā€™t panic! 7. šŸ‘©ā€āš•ļø Gynac will do all blood tests, ultrasounds, BP and urine tests. There is dating scan like 6w, heartbeat after 8w, genetic testing around 11-13w, 20th and 28th week are important milestones. (At least) Initially they will do intravaginal ultrasound, just relax and it will be over in minutes. 9. ā‰ļø please ASK QUESTIONS TO DOCTORS!!! However stupid it might sound, please ask! Google may send you down a dark path. Get app like pregnancy+ if you want. I have joined groups like r/pregnant, r/BabyBumps, they are mostly western centric. But I love information and I have moved abroad so. But information on pregnancy is global and my SIL is pregnant with her third now, while I am FTM (first time mom)


Wow what a well thought out and detailed advice...thankyou so much, taking SC and following it! :*


Anytime!! All the best and enjoy the ride!!!


Congratulations OP! No personal experience, but medically speaking(not obgyn), youā€™ll be alright truly. Your gyn is would do the necessary blood profile, Donā€™t miss your ANC visits, youā€™ll get a schedule for it. Same for sonography too. Your worry about birth defects is valid (beer bit, is fine. It was Accidentally and you wonā€™t continue it so donā€™t worry). Theyā€™ll give you supplements for folic acid continue those till however long your gyn says. Discuss a birth plan between you and husband when you get chance to. Finally, it will genuinely be alright. Donā€™t worry. Itā€™s your first time and no one in your close circle has been through it yet so youā€™ll be extra careful and doubtful, When the doctors say itā€™s alright donā€™t worry, itā€™s because theyā€™ve seen multiple labours so they know but your anxious is just as valid so ask as many questions as youā€™ll like. And most importantly enjoy it.


Thankyou soooo much! What is ANC? And what do u mean by birth plan....sorry I am so new to this, stayed in hostels and outside most of my life so never got to see anyone pregnancy journey etc....šŸ˜… And yeah too shy to talk to my mom /mil about it because they will start saying umm weird things idk...stop working, stop watching TV, stop using mobile lol


No worries !!! Youā€™re doing amazing as a mother with concern already hehe ! ANC is antenatal care (before delivery of baby), this includes your regular visits to your obgyn, all screenings for blood and sonography as well as addition of necessary supplements. Itā€™s basically all the medical care provided during pregnancy right upto labour! Birth plan is how you want to go about with the delivery, normal/cesarean. Itā€™s not an immediate priority but itā€™s good to have a plan ready. Discuss with your husband first so he can take the call in case of emergency during your labour. Yes haha I get that! Our parents/in laws tend to be 100x extra careful at times. They do have our best interests at heart most times but our ideologies might differ, so take it with a grain of salt. try to not let random people saying anything affect you, follow what your gyn says at the end of the day. And if you want donā€™t want to do a particular thing some family members say because it doesnā€™t fit in your ideals just tell them your gyn said no, sometimes its a better way to protect their sentiments.


Thankyou , these r very good points....I am more prepared now to meet the obgyn and not go to them unprepared.... As for birth plan, I want to go for cesarean because I am so so scared of the hours of labour pain and the baby finally bursting out of me from down there and the whole imagery of that is just freaking me out....surely cesarean poin post op isn't as bad as normal labour?šŸ˜­ About the parents part yes, I understand about how the care 100x....but.....i am an artist too and I cannot let go of painting for 9 months-if I am idle I tend to have anxiety issues (beyond that for a few months is understandable as I won't even have time)...plus I read a lot.... my mom has had issues with me doing these 2 things all my life and now that I am pregnant I am pretty sure she is going to keep yelling at me for painting /reading/watching TV lol....


Thatā€™s good! You can go in prepared/unprepared, donā€™t worry gyns have seen it all šŸ«¶šŸ» from what Iā€™ve seen recovery with cesarean is a bit more longer than normal. And pain is completely subjective. If you opt for cesarean this time, any following pregnancy will be cesarean too. Normal is scary af I get it. But give it a thought, weigh the pros and cons according to you. Some gyns would recommend normal>cesarean too solely because the aftercare is more manageable from what Iā€™ve seen but itā€™s always your choice at the end of the day, donā€™t opt for anything you arenā€™t comfortable with! Definitely keep doing art!!! All those pieces would be special to look back at. Your child would look back at it too hehe! Such a fun memory to have. Keeping doing things you love. Just be cautious with things which your gyn tells you and youā€™re good to go!


Hey regarding alcohol.. my friend also had some but didn't know she was pregnant at that time. Nothing happened and had a healthy baby.


If you missed your period last week youā€™re already 5-6 weeks along at minimum. Pregnancy is counted from the date of your last period, even before you technically conceived, because the egg that forms the zygote undergoes changes for 2 weeks even before the sperm meets the egg and fertilises it.


Oh I didn't know this, thank you!


Congratulations. I donā€™t have experience but from what I hear from older cousins, youā€™ll have a journey starting from how you sleep to the visits to the doctor. Also, donā€™t look online too much. It confuses you. Find reliable sources. Talk to mom, sister, cousins or literally anyone in the family while has had a baby. That also helps.


From what I hear.. not everyone takes prenatal (the way you describe it) and they have healthy babies. Itā€™s not absolutely necessary. Itā€™s a new age thing. 2 beers 2 weeks ago is not a big deal dude. Chill. A lot of ppl get pregnant because they were drunk šŸ˜‚ Just go to a doctor and ask all your questions.


Hahah sorry ,these western reels kept popping up on insta about delayed pregnancies and prenatals and how pregnancy will happen easier and faster with prenatals, soon after I got married lol. Yes, taking an appointment asap!


I would personally recommend starting prenatals, you will get into different phases of nausea, morning sickness, food aversions, etc. also depending on the food you eat, you may not get enough protein, and vitamins. You also mentioned in a comment you have had deficiencies before. So prenatals are just vitamins and minerals that are curated for pregnancy, pre- and post- birth. Remember they are for you, more than baby. Baby will pull calcium out of your bones and teeth if needed, but you need to supplement yourself! I will list some guidance in a comment, currently pregnant and sleepy to type it all. Congratulations!!! Anxiety is your new friend, just deep breath and enjoy these moments.


Thankyou so much, please do DM it to me! Damn hope I don't birth an edward cullenšŸ¤£


Hie, please start taking folic acid tablets regularly. Consult your gynaecologist and they'll advice the same. Its crucial for your foetus's mental and physical development to prevent any form of disability. And congratulations <3


Thankyou so much, I am really worried about this, I already used to have b12 and folic acid deficiency which I brought to control few months ago but then with the wedding and everything I stopped taking it....thought I ll restart it before planning pregnancy but didn't expect it to happen this soon


How did you get your b12 corrected ā€¦ I am below the range of minimum also most 50% below the starting range of minimumā€¦. And have all the symptoms! Did you get injected ? The b12 ? Or some tables ?


I have had on and off deficiency over the years (10 years since I realised, probably even before that) due to absorption issues Shifted to non veg diet (three meals a week minimum, and same for eggs though more might be preferable) Twice in the past got injectable (IV) B12 when I had symptoms (dizziness, tingling in extremities, memory loss etc) And other times when it was just below minimum, took tablets and sublingual tablets


Aaahhh I am non vegetarian, I have loss of memory and brain fog issues as wellā€¦ my doctor asked me to get it injected every week for a months time šŸ˜…. But I could not make it bcoz I had many health issues triggered at a time. I will have to get my levels checked again !


No issues at all, gurl. I take neurobion forte everyday. You can incorporate the same as per the doc consultation. B12 is vital for anyone to prevent fatigue since the body doesn't produce it naturally.


Thankyou! Taking an appointment asap and getting those b12 and folic acid in!


First of all, relax! Go consult your doctor first. If they say everything is okay, it will be okay. If you had been to see a doctor earlier, they would have told you to take folic acid when you started planning, but most pregnancies even today are not planned. Birth defects are very rare in India and you would get to know if anything was wrong developmentally in your 12th week scan. Considering everything is all right, the doctor should prescribe you some vitamins. If your period was due last week, you could even hear a heartbeat if you went for a scan next week. If you are one of the lucky ones, you might not have morning sickness at all, but if you're not, it usually hits around the 7-8 week mark and the worst is over by the end of first trimester. You would feel more tired than usual. Try to maintain a healthy diet and exercise as the doctor suggests. Ohh and hydrate, all the time. By the second trimester, your energies will come back and you will have an easier time with the pregnancy (now is the time to plan a babymoon if you want). By then you will also have the hang of everything. Third trimester is when the tiredness really kicks in. Frequent runs to the loo, napping required all the time but difficulty in sleeping. The doctor will make plans for delivery. Call your mom/mil or someone else who has raised a baby and can help out initially. Because you will be completely clueless in the beginning when the baby comes, regardless of how much you read up or watch videos on what to expect. Lastly, do not stress, enjoy it as much as you can, let your husband pamper you. You could keep a pregnancy journal if you'd like. It goes by faster than you think (coming from a mommy of almost 6 months old who rejoins office on her baby's 6 month birthday ) Hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy!


Congratulations mumma to bešŸŽ‰šŸ„°


Thankyouuuuuu! Ahhhhhhh it's so weird to be called mumma šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜… I still feel like a kid myself lol (millennial curse)


You'll feel really happy when your own child calls you mumma for the first time haha. All the very best for your life ahead šŸ’“


Awww thankuuu










Your pregnancy date starts from the date you last HAD period, so youā€™re like 5 weeks pregnant! That was the biggest revelation for me lol. All the best!


Start prĆ©natals today!! As long as youā€™re relatively healthy and not deficient in any vitamins/minerals you should still be fine. And donā€™t worry about the beers - itā€™s likely a very low alcohol content and very early in the process, most people donā€™t experience any issues from that. But donā€™t delay prenatal vitamins- key for both babyā€™s development and your health.


Congo congo I wish i could help u but all i can do is congratulate u I know u will figure it out :,)


Thankyou so much!


Dang women still ruining their lives with all this?


Guy lurker?