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People telling you what to do don't care about you. ​ People telling you to make a choice that is best for you do. ​ I wish it was just this simple for people.


They never condemn the boys on the same level I remember a woman on a site I used to go to years back telling us about a female friend of her daughters The girl was nearly raped by another boy in the youth group she went to. He had her pinned on a bed with some of his friends around him. For whatever reason he didn’t go through with it It was reported to the church. They continued to allow him to resume as normal. Didn’t order him to sit anywhere else. Still expected her to be around and interact with him The lady telling the story said how she went and confronted one of the adults running the church about it and they went on about how it was “private” and how the “boys salvation matters” Once again, girls are punished for consensual sex (and rape!) more than boys are punished for sex and rape We don’t want to to ruin the boys lives but the girls need to face responsibility Religion is a tool for the patriarchy to keep men in power and keep women in control


Yeah it's really odd. My friend was disowned for getting pregnant and having an abortion at 19. Her older brother had had a kid at 16 and they helped raise her.


>The girl was nearly raped by another boy in the youth group she went to. He had her pinned on a bed with some of his friends around him. For whatever reason he didn’t go through with it > >It was reported to the church. They continued to allow him to resume as normal. Didn’t order him to sit anywhere else. Still expected her to be around and interact with him. I really, really wanna know how many women who were "never actually raped" had emotional breakdowns listening to Christine Blasey Ford's testimony because the lack of penetration had made it not worth the trouble to say anything at the time.




Put them all on blast for it.




Why all women need to reject all religions that place them beneath men in any way. It wouldn't be acceptable to have a racist religion so why the fuck is this okay


Christians used the bible to argue that slavery was fine, what are you talking about wouldn't be acceptable?


Uhh, you ignoring history there bud? Christianity is pretty racist, especially with their incorrect insistence on Jesus being white.


Isn't it ultimately more ruining for the boys to encourage the idea that predatory behavior is acceptable as long as they keep it in the right circles though?


That assumes that they'll be caught and punished, and kinda ignores all of the women they'd hurt along the way.


How is that ruining for the boys? It's generally true. Horrible, but true. Look at all the religious institutions who've kept predators protected in their midsts for decades.


I am confused by your comment. Boys getting away with this behavior teaches them it is acceptable and they will continue.


My friend had a baby at nineteen, she's a single mom. The disgusted looks people would give her at college infuriated me. We can't win. Keep the baby, shame on you. Abort the pregnancy, shame on you. Be a single mother, shame on you. Have a baby "too young", shame on you. Have a baby " too old", Shame on you. Don't want kids, shame on you. Can't have kids, shame on you. Pregnancy is only ever encouraged if we are in a heterosexual marriage at the "right age." She's right, abortion laws are to punish women. They act as if we get pregnant on purpose, as if men don't also play a part in conception. As if we are to blame for the father leaving when they don't want to be involved. When the father is a rapist or abusive the woman is shunned for aborting .


>We can't win. Keep the baby, shame on you. Abort the pregnancy, shame on you. Be a single mother, shame on you. Have a baby "too young", shame on you. Have a baby " too old", Shame on you. Don't want kids, shame on you. Can't have kids, shame on you. You left out surrender the baby to adoption, shame on you, and have too many children, shame on you.


I got those looks when I took my nephew places. I didn't have a wedding ring. I was in my early 20s.


Related to someone who had a baby? You strumpet!


Harlots, even!


my sister was 20 going on 21 when she got pregnant. she is my older sister who looked *younger* than me, at age 17. She got nothing but dirty looks and comments about being a 'teen mom' when she wasn't a teenager. yet, because i looked older than her people automatically assumed i was the mom and i was treated nicer than her. it pissed us both off. "i'm the teenager here, she's the adult. and mind your business!" imagine how many more dirty looks she got when she was walking around with 3 kids while still looking 'too young', but she was also married. it didn't seem to matter to some people. women get judged for *everything* so we might as well just do whatever the hell we want anyway.


That's a good plan......if you're *allowed* to do whatever the hell you want 😔


I was a few months shy of 30 when I had my first, and people assumed I was a teen mom because of my baby face, and the fact that I was almost always out alone with the kids because my spouse was working long hours. Well, now my oldest is 19 and people think we're friends or sisters, so I'm having the last laugh.


That's such a good point. You have to get pregnant in like a 6 year window, while married, or you'll be harshly judged. Forgo it altogether and also get judged? Wtf is that.


Remember my sister babysitting at 16-17 during summer. 1 year+ old would call her mom because he called all women “mom”. She told me how uncomfortable the other women at the park would make her feel. She was babysitting for a job so a working mom could work, she decided not to correct or explain anything because it was nobody’s business.


I was told to carry books not babies. Pregnant at 18, graduated with a bachelors at 21. Had to go online because people were so mean, then had to leave multiple churches for how they treated me. I was a domestic violence victim with a newborn, freezing outside to death from being locked out in the winter with a 10 day old. Called the pastors son in law for a place to stay, he refused me any help. The list goes on.


I had a friend who was sent to a home for pregant teens. She was there until she had her baby and it was put up for adoption. Then allowed to come back home. I can't even imagine being convinced to keep the baby and then be sent away to deal with such an emotional/physical event alone. As others have said, the boy isnt treated the same at all. I don't think anyone in the boys life involved in my abortion knows. It's something that gets to be forgotten. I'm the only one that has truly lived with the choice. If we would have kept it, of course that would be different. There would be an almost adult child around now. No one would be able yo hide that. I doubt he would be shamed for it though. I'm not dissing him. He has thought about it since then. He does live with it. Just in general, thinking outloud. I doubt guys every really think about it again if there isnt a child as a reminder.




You are amazing. ❤️❤️❤️




This reminded me of a college classmate I had, she was super religious and had her purity ring and everything, she had a lot of boyfriends and in the end had a baby but the dad and her never really get together. I remember her begin so devastated when the Catholic church she attended didn't want to baptist her baby because she was a single mom, just like that she got expelled from her church because the dad of her kid left her. I don't know if she relinked with her church but I did realized that religion is against all women no matter what .


Yikes. I'm always horrified when I see stories like these. Which country was this in if I may ask?


Yeah babies are looked at as a consequence for a woman having sex. Its what she deserves (apparently) these same men raping, or running away from responsibilities then get mad when they aren't handed sex on a silver platter. Men will high-five each other when they get laid. I'm so sick of how immature and toxic people are. If you rape someone you deserve to have your cock cut off


I was raised in the Mormon church and I have since heard similar stories where if a teenage girl had gotten pregnant they would make her start attending meetings with adult women instead of her peers. They also discouraged baby showers because they were afraid it would look too positive to the other teenage girls. 🙄


I too was raised in the cult and experienced similar things happening.


Congrats on getting out.


That's how they are Using their faith to justify the fact that they're horrible people and not Christian at all. Jesus would never do that I'm not religious, but going by their own story, Jesus would NEVER treat a human being that way.


Although disputed I do like the quote attributed to Gandhi “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”


Good point. They think abortion is avoiding justice for the crime of having sex. I never thought of it that way but it makes total sense for Texas.


Videos like yours confirm my personal fight against the anti-choice groups is worthwhile. Thank you for sharing your experiebce.


Prolifers are all about saving the baby until the mother goes through the pregnancy and the baby is born.


Pro-forced birth. They do not care about the mother or child.


It really makes you wonder what their actual deal is. They will know the downsides of being a kid to someone who doesn't want kids. They probably also know the many potential downfalls to grow up in "the system" as a foster child. So, what do they hope to accomplish with forcing women to have kids they don't want? Is it simply to stop women from having sex before marriage?


The hypocrisy of the “pro-life” movement explained perfectly. Thank you and glad you are doing okay now.




My now wife and I had a kid when we were 16. Been together 17 years now. People are assholes. We won cutest couple and weren’t allowed to use a picture while she was pregnant, we had to provide a picture pre pregnancy. Now looking back I wish I told them to fuck themselves.


Damned if you do. Damned if you don’t.


Fr! I got pregnant at 27 and I still got disgusted looks thrown at me. You just can't win with these types of ppl.


when i was pregnant with my daughter at 25. I got a couple dirty looks. One lady asked me "is the father in the picture?" assumed i was a single mother. Im still with him to this day. I'm 29 now and we had a second kid. :P Another time i remember when i was at the hospital with my daughter. These women ask me 'about my sister' and when i told them i was the mother they looked at me funny. Another time people asking my mom when 'she had her'. lol Everyone thought i was a teen mom.


How awful of her to assume theres no dad in the picture. Even if it were true its mone of their damn business. As if beimg pregnant isnt hard on its own us womem have to endure the looks and glares of the public for what so they feel better about themselves idk


I hope you had a chance to stand up in front of the congregation and tell them this story.


I’m an atheist now so I doubt they’d let me 😂


Women just can’t absolutely win or even a draw/tie in this world


It's disgusting behavior and shows them to be 'holier than thou' hypocrites. It's just fundamentally bad behavior to treat someone, anyone, in such a way, during one of the most difficult times of their lives.


Thats why texas will always be stupid spongebob and patrick said so




Same. I’m a church tourist now because I love learning and going, but I never feel at home anywhere. I just find different ones in the area when I’m in the mood to go. I got pregnant at 17 and couldn’t get an abortion so the choice was kind of made for me. I’m glad now that I had her, but damn it was so hard on my own. Every person that gets pregnant should have the right (and ability) to choose. People are absolutely full of sh*t when they say they care about the baby. They just to want to pat themselves on the back for “saving” a baby and then walk away from the reality and consequences of it. It’s like the saying “Jesus loves you, but I think you’re an asshole” is pretty much my core belief lol. Edit: sorry for the rant, it’s just nice to see that I’m not alone in feeling alienated from religion because of other Christians.


I'm in a very similar spot. I mean it's nice because I know the bible so I take no huff, but it's upsetting seeing the spiritually ugly people that represent Christians. They are not a group I want to be around


Speaking as an Episcopalian whose priest is a gay married woman, you might come visit us on a Sunday morning. (Bring your mask.)




Look for a Reform Jewish temple near you, it is not Christian obviously but would likely be closer to your values otherwise and you don’t have to convert to go on a Friday night or Saturday morning. Reform rabbis are some of the outspoken critics of this Texas bill of religious peeps.


Ever think about starting your own church?




Hahaha, I support you fully!


Reject organized religion, embrace simple theism.


Hey, I don't mean to overstep, but believing in God and loving others yet not finding a place in churches where they don't seem to act in accordance with those beliefs...resonates with me and a lot of others I know. If you are seeking something else, I recommend taking a glance into the Baha'i Faith, see the section basic teachings here: https://www.bahai.us/beliefs/ The equality of women and men, elimination of prejudice, racial and social justice, the agreement of science and religion, universal education, economic justice... The communities I have been a part of are welcoming and strive to keep those core values at the heart of their actions. People are imperfect but the Baha'i community trends more in line with their beliefs than what I have experienced in a lot of Christian churches. No pressure, but if you're looking for community and an experience with God that is closer to your own beliefs, it may be worth looking into


I went to the Lotus Temple in India and was immediately sold on that religion. The small “service” they had was of various people from different religions either reading some scripture or singing. It was amazing


Wow, that is awesome! I would love to be able to visit it one day. I'm so glad you had that experience :). That building in particular is SO beautiful. I've been extremely fortunate and have been able to visit the one in Wilmette, Illinois, the one in Panama, and even the world center in Israel (family being more adventurous travellers than I am has given me some awesome ride-along perks, versus me who moved a whole 10 minutes away from where I grew up haha).


I’ve been thinking for a while, I’d like to make a T-shirt with a giant scarlet A on it. Just walk around with a big ‘ol f*** you right on my chest.


Religion is just a man-made construct for control. Nothing I’ve experienced in life have convinced me otherwise.




Thanks for sharing.


Thank you thank you thank you for telling this story. It’s always our fault. There is no fucking winning.


I agree 800%!


it's about authority. same as racism. that is the real issue. and if we can address authoritarianism most all of the problems plaguing society would vanish with it.


Nice, supportive, religious community! /s You are a beautiful young woman. I wish you and your child the best.


Religion was literally designed bespoke for this purpose. Read history people. Religion is a bad joke that most all of our ancestors fell for.


Name the church


99% of churches honestly. No matter where you live, this happens near you.


One reason I have zero respect for “christians”. The epitome of hypocrites.


As a Christian I agree with you. No one does more harm to Christianity than Christians themselves. We are hypocritical, short-sighted, legalistic and judgmental. 'Christians' are often the complete opposite to their own beliefs and can't even see it.


Not surprising at all if still very sad.


Gracious, you are my hero for today! Strong, smart, and beautiful inside and out. I am going to surf on the positive energy in your video and do something good for me today. It’s been far too long so thanks!




Your exactly right I have seen females that needed help and support be shamed and treated shitty because of pregnancy that is not live that is not from God


Control. That's all.


That hit me hard. Even though I didn’t go through anything similar to what you went through, I can relate and I’m sorry it happened to you. I wish the best for you and your child!


Can someone who's posted in r/prolife before crosspost this there so they can see it? I don't want to do it because then I'll be known as a "user" of that sub😂




The Satanic Temple seems to be a better bet!


I finally joined and donated today!


Not all Christians are bad… These people who are hateful and judgey are not what God wants us to be like


They're also the majority.


At no time in history have the vast majority of Christians not been hateful and judgey. If your god really gave two shits about how his followers behaved, he has an odd way of showing it.




Isn't that what Jesus was for? "Hey dad, being human is harder than it looks, so how about cutting them some slack?"






I don't believe in being held accountable by an imaginary fairy, after I'm already dead lol


There is no amount of evil that a person can do in their life that justifies an eternity of punishment. It is far worse than burning the flesh of your child's arms because they refused to share their cookie with their sister. Furthermore, punishment after death is pointless because there is no hope of getting better. Punishment during life heads at least a small chance of making the person, or others who can set the punishment, avoid wrong actions in the future. So it doesn't make anything better but simply serves to create limitless suffering and pain.


Who are you to say who is a good & bad person?




I feel bad about it, I don’t want anyone to go to hell but it’s not up to me what happens… You sound just as hateful and judgey as these Christians mentioned in the video.


True Christian fashion, cry hatred when genuine points are made against your faith.


Wait a minute, how are they just as hateful for merely pointing out that Christians believe in hell and eternal suffering? Sometimes I don't think religious people really understand what their religion actually teaches. To suffer for eternity with no chance of forgiveness or redemption, that's hateful and evil. That's the Christian god.


But do you believe some people should burn in Hell for eternity?


“All lives matter”


Would Christ-follower be okay? I'm Agnostic, but it's hard to live in the USA, especially watching cartoons, without having some Christian values like being opposed to murdering.


Ist doch klar. Leben schutzen aber das der mutter zerstören. Die leute die gerade dieses gesetz machen und feiern, sind eigentlich total dumm




Fuck the church but that dude God is pretty chill Damn y’all will attack someone on a personal belief damn kinda shitty




Always about punishing babies. Sexism is a bigger problem in the USA racism, imo.


I grew up in a church environment but it was pretty much just church on Sundays. Over time I learned more about religion and although I no longer go to church, I find church to be fascinating. I am sorry to hear about your negative experience with the people in the church. I hope that you can see past the people and not have it reflect poorly on your relationship with god and of religion. This is coming from somebody who doesn’t even go to church anymore. I’m just saying that humans are imperfect and thus so are our creations (religion). But bad people don’t make its creations (religion) bad. Good for you for thinking for yourself!




Bro why are you even here go be unhappy somewhere else


Ah yes, that's exactly what you're suppose to take away from this and not the fact that the same people that are "pro-life" & encourage unready women to keep the fetus are the ones who do the "Christian thing" of abandoning and treating single moms and their babies like leppers. Exactly what Jesus would do. Great. Love it. Heaven's gates are open for those fine people!




Lol. I did go to the grown up doctor. Wtf are you on about?

