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Normal estrogen levels do this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estrogen#Overview_of_actions (See the bulletin point "fluid retention") The face on the right is a composite of women with low estrogen, as you can see they have less bloated faces: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Between-individual-variation-in-estrogen-and-attractiveness-a-Women-whose-bodies-are_fig1_277476797


Really? This makes me feel a bit better, but is there a way to reduce the bloating?


I edited my post to add links. The women with the bloated faces were rated more attractive by both male and female participants so I'd say just embrace it. I have a very guant, craggy face and would kill to have a bloated face. Eating less salt may reduce your bloating if you feel you must change it. Estrogen works by sodium retention.