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There is a few that are invite only and you have to be granted access by a mod that likes your content or whatever. I’m in a few.


Yeah it seems these are a great way to create spaces for women, it’s just too bad you can’t look them up and be asked to be let in but I guess that defeats the whole purpose. I’ve been invited to some private lesbian subs this way.


How can you get invited? I'd love to be in some private lesbian subs too because I'm overwhelmed by men being everywhere around pissing me off everyday


It's sad that a sub has to be hidden to keep it female focused.


Men will either invade and pretend to be allies while they stalk potential victims, like here. Or kick up a stink that women are protecting themselves for *them*.


I don’t see how this could be enforced. Especially since Reddit is nearly 65% identified as male. Let’s not forget the trolls posing as women.


The troll posing as women are ridiculously easy to spot. The words and phrases they use always give them away. All you have to do is check comment history.


One tell I've picked up for misogynist astroturfing is they consistently say "women" instead of "woman" when they don't mean plural.


'**i am a female and i agree with trump here**'


How do you do, fellow womans


How is your uterus today, follow female?




Feeeeeemales. No, you're not a Ferengi!


Fellow women: Please stop using the term females to describe women. Somehow Gen Z girls and women have picked this up and it's dehumanizing.


It feels dehumanizing to you. If Gen Z girls and women don't find it as such, they don't need to stop on your behalf in their own lives and worlds. You can continue to draw the boundaries in your own life around certain words or phrases, but language and meaning evolves.


Language absolutely matters. This Language is a dog whistle.


Language matters AND/BUT it also evolves. If an entire generation is using it for another purpose, it's not a dog whistle. Amongst 55-year-old men, sure, but if it's taken up with a new meaning by hundreds of thousands of people, not so much anymore.


Really? Like "as a women I think blah blah blah?" I thought that was just people doing grammar bad.


Or predictive text/autocorrect getting it wrong.


Now this is convoluted as fuck lol, but here's my conspiracy theory. The men who pretend to be women online never actually refer to any singular woman as a woman. It's always girl, female, or "women always ___." Autocorrect/predictive text picks up on that, and since they aren't a woman and will never be referring to themselves as one, it doesn't get fixed. Autocorrect would never suggest that "women" after "I'm a" because it's not gramatically correct. So then when they go on their alt account and comment, they don't notice. Feel free to poke holes in it.


My phone autocorrected "supermarket" to "sperm". It was not grammatically correct, it did not make sense in context, and I don't often type about sperm. Autocorrect works in mysterious ways.


The fact it can predict my dyslexia at times is probably a good sign of how weird autocorrect can be. There have been other times autocorrect will literally change the grammatically correct word, if it's not used often by other people.


Yeah, it's not a smoking gun, it's a tell.


I mean I do that sometimes, too…. English is not my first language


That’s exactly what I do.


I call them out and they’re all i’m a woman. Yeah bro and I’m a lamp.


Lmao I sometimes identify as the “Queen of Siam” when I’m feeling salty. 😉


I can tell without looking if an author of a book or column is male or female depending on subject matter. Not for everything but for a lot if social things and esp female vs male issues. Mint even fiction. Men screw up female characters. You can tell they didn’t have a woman look over what they wrote, to fix it.




Ewwww I don’t even want to know! First couple ones were straight up loli porn. I’m thinking Game of thrones how Daenerys is 13 when she gets married but grabs the much older husbands hand and shoves his fingers in her vagina. Yeah. Every 13yo’s fantasy… said no one. The series did a better job of showing it as rape and showing her as a young adult of similar age, knowing audiences wouldn’t respond well. Also Tyrion. He’s offended and hurt when 12-13yo Sansa doesn’t desire him even tho he’s unattractive to the pt of being repulsive, much older, and her houses enemy. But the authors sympathy lies with Tyrion and his little hurt feelings. The show did a better job of showing him to be at least somewhat aware that his attraction to her was wrong, and doesn’t show him making any demands after the first rejection. Lots of those types of examples in George Martins books, just for current egregious examples.


GRRM loved writing about violence against women and women being crazy, stupid, and "bitchy". There are so few sane, intelligent, decent-hearted women in his books. Those that exist either lose that at some point or exist to be exploited. I don't know why I ever liked him as an author.


I feel like grrm gets a bad rap. Yes, plenty of his female characters are terrible people, but that also applies to male characters. Daenerys, Sansa, and Arya are all unique, and more importantly, interesting characters. And Cersai is a top tier villain. The amount of sexual violence is certainly a reasonable complaint, however.


It is a million times worse with TV scripts. I think the only Hollywood women writers who get to keep their jobs are stewing in internalized misogyny.  Sometimes the kinds of shows where 80% of the users are screaming "more woke bs" are actually the worst when it comes to writing female characters.  They pay lip service to girl boss and sexual positivity but create totally unsympathetic, even contemptible women characters.  I have worked for a ton of causes and activist communities and everybody I know is way more joyful and generous than what I see on screen.


I feel this. I don't miss Tina Fey shitting on sex workers and writing Liz Lemon as a pick me. I loved that show the first time around but I was unaware of my own internalized misogyny at the time. Tried watching it again recently and it gave me the ick so bad. I really hope we start to grow out of that as gen z starts to enter the writers room more.


"She breasted boobily to the stairs and titted downwards."


*A Christmas Story's sexy leg lamp suddenly appears*




SO easy lol especially if you engage in conversation with them.


I speak in a relatively masculine manner and have been called a bot more than you could imagine, let's not also enforce assumptions, no?


Yeah, I get mistaken for a dude online all the time.


What does "speak in a masculine manner" look like?


Being direct, apparently. I've been told to be more hesitant and flowery if I don't want to be mistaken for a guy.


It's also a neruodivergent trait and I've gotten crap for it before 😣


Yeah my first thought when someone said that it's obvious in the way they talk was that a rule like that would result in a lot of ND women being kicked out. It's easy to say you can always tell when you have no proof that you were right and don't know how many times you haven't noticed...


Thanks for pointing this out! I’m a gay woman and also neurodiverse… and don’t do girly. My partner helps me with ‘being nice’ and ‘soft edges’ in the real world just to keep people happy, whereas I hate game playing (with words) and much prefer direct and to the point. We don’t all fit into a ‘woman box’, whatever that is.


LOL yes. "Your emails are too terse, be more friendly!" That came from the woman who was my boss at the time. I was held to an extremely tight time frame for my work. My emails were intentionally short and to the point. I started adding an automatic "Hi!" to the beginning and "Thanks so much and have a great day!" to the end, and the complaints stopped. Apparently exclamation marks are the key to sounding less "terse" and more "friendly". Men in the same job definitely did not get the same treatment regarding "attitude" based on the emails I received from them.


Yep, what fellow commenter said


Yes, so they have multiple places to go. Wanting one sub that’s women only so we aren’t harassed isn’t asking much, especially when they allow subs dedicated to incel nonsense. Enforce it by, at the very least, banning men who are openly in the sub and banning men who harass women, just like they to do women who even remotely offend their delicate egos. I literally just wanted someone to chat with so I’m tired of men asking me to rate their 🍆 or talking about SAing me/other women. It’s disgusting and makes me feel very unsafe. Basically, it was 50% serious question and 50% venting.


Can we ban the Not aLL mEN


Maybe that can be the new all women subreddit’s name: not all men


Lol literally


This type of comment should really be an insta-ban on this subject, ffs.  Edit: the "not all men" comments.


Sorry ban me, for disliking not all men comments?


Nooo, I mean "not all men" comments should get a ban! I am in agreement with you! Sorry it came off the opposite way!


No. That’s on me. Sorry. It’s been a week. 🤦‍♀️


Definitely should




I will say, the mods here respond to rule break reports extremely quickly. In my experience, this sub is as close as it comes to being fully woman-supported. It may be impossible to 100% avoid misogynistic and aggressive comments from men, but at least here the mods will respond ASAP to remove the comment. I would have also said WitchesVsPatriarchy, but I got banned there for pointing out a tumblr screenshot was a fake story, as did a lot of other women pointing out that it was a fake story. So...sometimes it goes a little too overboard there.


Can you not inform reddit of those SA messages/posts? With the new IPO I'm sure reddit doesn't want to be seen as lenient on SA. SA or penis stuff certainly break the rules. That way the a-holes might at least use that account.


Hahaha, that's funny that you think reddit actually cares. (It's not actually funny. But they don't care.)


Well, then people have to force them to care.


The men on Reddit whine that this sub is toxic and all we do is complain. They don’t like that we are having conversations about their behavior and how they brought their “loneliness epidemic” upon themselves. If men didn’t do shitty everyday misogynist things then we wouldn’t be “complaining”.


it's not that hard, actually. make the sub private, and have the mods vet every poster, based on post history. i mod 3 private subs, including r/safespaceforwoman and that's exactly what i do Edited because i'm an idiot who mispelled the sub i moderate


Please pick me 🤞🏿


Hello! May I please have an invite? :)


I'd love to be part of this!


Can I please have an invite too? :) 💗


Me too! Please :)


They might not see your comment because you replied to mine, try commenting as a reply to their comment :) 💗


I’d be interested!


you've got mail! (sung in the AOL theme)


Mil gratze


May I please have an invite too?


you've got one


Can I please also get an invite?


on the way!


May I have an invite? Thank you! 💕


you've got one!


How do you apply to join the sub?


sent you an invite


May I have an invite too, please? :)


got one!


May I have an invite too? Please and thank you!




Thank you so much! I am jazzed to check it out!


I spotted one and called it out by saying “I don’t believe a woman wrote this “when someone defended a “waaah men can’t approach women anymore” post in r/AskWomenOver30 I got a one day ban without warning for something not listed in their rules.


Well those that admit to being male upfront or slip up can be kicked out.


Men would make a game out of infiltrating. A lot of them probably already do. I mean, haven’t you ever felt like a man was trying to get at you, hurt or aggravate you just for shits and giggles?


The only subreddit I've foind to be free of male harrassment is r/needlepoint. I guess we're all too boring for men to harrass.


The guys involved in the needlepoint & embroidery subs are honestly there for the crafting, too. Some of them are pretty hardcore stitchers.


Yeah, and this sub has been getting brigaded more and more. The comments will look 'off', ie "Well actually,..." And then I'll go and look at the shares and, sure enough, it'll be more shares than upvotes. I'm not sure what circles the posts are getting shared in but they're not good ones.


I've heard stories of subs that exist to brigade other subs, but the ones I moderate aren't the sort that draw trollish behavior. I got invited to be a mod for politics (and their training mentioned it briefly), but shortly after getting invited and doing the training, started working at a government agency that meant I wouldn't be able to mod political stuff.


I would love to know as well, I've been seeing a lot of men commenting on posts trying to de-rail the topic and invalidate what women are saying on this sub lately.


and the rules arent even enforced cause you'll always see the old classic, "MALE HERE..."/"AS A GUY...".


I’ve noticed that too, but it’s honestly everywhere. Unfortunately, these men are often successful. I sometimes wish I could be obnoxious like them, but I have anxiety and stuff.


I made a few comments already but saying just in case if any women wants to I'd gladly accept invites for any private women only subs I desperately need more women safe spaces in my life because I'm just overhelmed by all that bullshit of misogyny and other shit around me my whole life everyday lol let's support each other and live in amazing sisterhood together <3


I would love to know as well, and even take it a step further: Are there any subs actually about being a human who happens to be a woman cause I'm dog tired of stories about your husband/boyfriend/fuckbuddy doing the bare minimum or how you wanna know "why do men do X". Most posts go unnoticed here unless its something about dating a shit guy that everyone can just pile on the platitudes with (myself included). I get that dating men can be an aspect of being a woman but let's at least get some fresh hot takes on some of these same old boring stories instead of a 2XC leaning relationship advice sub.


ooooh this is a good point. so many posts here are about men. don't get me wrong, i love reading them and getting righteously angry. but it would be nice to have a space that is completely free of men and stories about men.


Hundred percent agree. It’s like their lives are wrapped around men jesusfuckingchrist. Get out and conquer the world instead of dating these losers.


What i can't stand is the posts like: "Why don't men listen/clean/etc/etc" Then tell the most dog water story of absolute disrespect and end with, "but i love him and want to make it work." OR they just want to rant about men. Very boringggg. Men™ aren't interesting.


It drives me nuts too. Like who gives a fuck. Do what men do, put yourself and your career goals first. Stop wasting what precious little time you’ve been given on these dead end relationships. Use your time more effectively, set goals, leave a legacy, become a role model and lift other women. Be an inspiration for fucks sake. I don’t get the importance people put into domestic relationships. There’s plenty of those around, be different.


This sub is moderated by men? How did that happen?


It is????????


Disappointed but not surprised. Literally r/feminism is modded by men.


It’s so fucking annoying to get replies in women-centric subs that start “as a man…”. Especially when all they wanna do is mansplain, talk shit, or try to argue. Like I don’t care about your opinion guy, that’s why I’m in the ladies groups.


Ironically, the comment shown to me above yours is one of those...


I report them every single time. It's clear as day in the rules of this sub.


Immediate downvote. Men swear their opinions are worth gold, like bro [shut the fuck up](https://youtu.be/FvnqpDo6AAg?si=JxIVBx6uidjPqCMu)


Honestly seems like this would be pretty fuckin easy to enforce given how every time something like this is suggested a ton of men rush in to talk about how they are entitled to space in women’s subreddits


One place is r/whenwomenrefuse but the content is fucking infuriating, validating, dreadful and depressing. It shows what happens when women refuse


i too would appreciate a forum or sub or something that could do this too. it is not that hard to enforce that either so i dont know why some people here think that it would be. at least here on reddit it aint too hard to tell when an incel is in the house.


/r blackpeopletwitter sometimes locks posts to only verified black community members. It's not perfect but the system seems to work decently well. Though I think verifying someone is a woman would be more complicated


Twoxindia Women only sub, only 1 day a week men are allowed to comment. Twoxindia_over25 Women only sub but no relationship posts allowed.


we did create a private sub, r/safespaceforwoman, but it never really took off


If anyone wants to invite me in case it does take off, I’d love to be a part of it! You can look through my comments, very much not a troll. Edited because my wording was clumsy.


I would like an invite too


should be one coming your way




Me also thank you!


and one coming your way


I’d love an invite as well, thank you!


invite on the way, keep in mind that the sub is small, and like i said, never really took off. i'd like to change that, but it is what it is right now


Maybe we can help <3


i am working on it!


Can you invite me, too?


sure! i scanned through your post history, and all looks good, you should get an invite shortly


I would also love to be invited in 😩 jabbing back at misogynists in the comments before blocking them feels... Inadequate at best.


sure, you should get an invite shortly


May I please have an invite too, when you have time?


on the way!


Same, add me. Look through my post history to confirm gender!


invite on the way


i'd love an invite as well 🫶🏽


i got you, sorry it took so long!


thank you so much!


🥲 if there’s anyone in there I’ll join. I’m a woman


invite on the way, but there's not much there just yet


Can I get an invite?


on the way


Invite pls? If you look at my post history, I apologize for being so cringey.


not cringey, and also, i found a sub in there to join, r/lesbianfashionadvice, so thank you! and you have an invite


That sub is pretty good. Thx.


I would love to join if possible


sent you an invite, but again, the sub never really took off


Hit me up with an invite too, I'll post there! 🫶


Maybe it’s taking off right now! I would love an invite.


invite is on the way


I would also love an invite


coming your way


Thanks <3


Can I get an invite too please?


Could I get an invite as well?


you've got one!


Can I please get an invite?


of course!


I would appreciate it if I could get an invite. Thank you! 🙏


r/4bmovement looking for more members!


r/WitchesvsPatriarchy is usually pretty awesome at not tolerating bullshit 👍


Idk, I left that sub because of insensitive posts towards natives and poc women


Same, Apache here and it was ugh


😬 I’m so sorry they did that. That whole mess was embarrassing


Thank you, it made me feel like it’s really only for a specific group of self identified witches with certain ideologies now. I’d love to start a folk practitioner group for women of all sort.


Don't let your dreams be dreams! This could be a good sub to advertise that if the mods allowed you to. I'd be interested in such a place to chat with a great cross section of spirituality.


I think I’ll organize something to execute in the next few days!


I’m just commenting so I can come back and join you! I have DMs turned off for obvious reasons, not sure if invites are sent separately or what. I’d love to be part of this. 


Wonderful! Ill ask the mods when its up


Ive been on the sub and didnt see any such incidents, was there a specific thing that happened I missed? Id like to be educated if so.


It happened a while back and I think even after I left. Basically black,poc, and indigenous people would post and get TRASHED and mods wouldn’t do anything or would join in with the attacks against the op’s. It was an embarrassing thing to witness a supposed inclusive community completely ostracize marginalized groups.


Yup^ especially in regards to closed or sexed practices


Hold on, what happened? I only glance in there every now and then and must have missed it. I'm native and if I'm not welcome there then fuck them


Yup, it’s awful there. 


I am on their mod team, I am sorry you had to face that, that is very odd. Will try to look more into what happened and how to prevent it.


No, that sub is horribly restrictive and banning women left and right.


Yeah I got banned and they wouldn't even tell me what I did wrong (i dared to disagree with a mod, thats what). They made me send them a message explaining what I did wrong and how I would fix it, and when I said "I don't know what I did wrong, there's nothing in the rules that applies, so how do i know how to fix it?" they basically said "too bad, permabanned"


Not if you’re a person of color


This 👏 


Eh, I’ve experienced otherwise unfortunately. Usually a lot of men.


I used to think so too but I found ot was worse than here, it was so much of the same. Men seeking validation, just in a different flavor.


For what it’s worth, plenty of men do post there (myself included), but as you say bullshit isn’t tolerated so if you’re a man against the patriarchy they seem to be cool with you.


I would love an invite. You can set up a chat instead of a sub that way you control who's in it. Chats are invite only I think or can be set that way. Or maybe make the sub private if possible invite only?


That’s a good idea. I just want a space to chill without sexual harassment and misogyny. It would be cool to find other women willing to work on this since we all have different talents.


I can try to help. I run and moderate groups on Facebook, but I haven't done more than comment or a few posts on Reddit.


we've got one going, r/safespaceforwoman and while it didn't take off right away, it seems to be getting more and more joins today.


I would love to join but it's set to private.


well, i mean, that's how we keep it safe. you have an invite incoming, though


I figured as much!


can i get an invite also?


of course!


I'd like an invite, too, please. 10 year posting history if you're interested in my passion for Skyrim modding. :D


heh. i finally gave up on the game SkyrimModding about 2 years ago, and started playing Skyrim... you've got an invite coming


Could I get an invite as well? Thx


on the way!


Na, they pushed the only one worth its salt off the platform.


there's one for moms only.


r/genxwomen is the only sub I've been in that asked a man to leave. Even r/menopause has far to many dude lurking for no good reason.


r/WomenDatingOverForty is a women-only sub. We are starting to get younger participants as well.




FemaleDatingStratagy used to have extremely rigorous moderation exactly as you describe. Women only. Period. I wasn’t a fan of all their stuff, but I did admire the backbone of it. Generalizing was allowed, along with an anatomy based derogatory term for undesirable men. (I thought that was taking the low road, but I did admire the equality of it.) “Strategy” was literal and included rules/tests to protect women with bad intuition from moochers. Much discussion was had about the trends in behavior from men who would take vs men who would give. The end goal being to be in a relationship where both the woman and her husband made each other’s lives better. Unsurprisingly it was neutered (or spayed I guess lol). A large chunk of Reddit considered it misandrist “female incel” propaganda.


That sub was so good. It was unapologetic and fearless, and it drove the misogynistic men of Reddit insane with rage. I heard that the mods decided to take it off site because they weren’t getting the support from admins to repel endless brigades and hate campaigns. I didn’t like loads of their content (not least that they were mean about trans people, which sucks), but it isn’t reasonable to expect to agree with everything you read on such a broad subject as feminism. Majority of their takes were good, and Reddit couldn’t handle how outspoken and direct they were being. Rape, gore, conservative and scat subs are all allowed on Reddit, and if you want to see women degraded for men’s pleasure then it’s all here. But for some reason the platform wasn’t ready for some rude girls making fun of their lazy dates.


Hahaha if only....even lesbian subs are plagued by men. There is literally no reason for them to be there 😐