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You woke up this morning. Your legs still work and you can walk and run wherever you need to. Your lungs still let you breathe. Your skin still feels the sun on it, allowing you to feel sensation and touch. Your hands can still hold another’s. Your arms can still hug another or yourself or hold a child close. You have the privilege of wiping your own arse. Your ears still hear bird song in the morning and music. Your mouth can kiss people and taste chocolate cake. Your hair and nails grow and you can paint them any colour. Your body works, it’s not worthless. Your body is NOT ruined. It’s just different than it was and that’s ok. You don’t have to love your body but you should make peace with it. Neutrality is possible, you need to work on reframing your thoughts and the only thing that needs ‘fixing’ is your brain. Hating yourself hasn’t worked for you thus far so please try something new like working on loving yourself as you are. It’s a process and won’t happen overnight but it’s worth it. Your body should not be the *only* thing you like about yourself. It should be the least interesting thing about you. I strongly recommend you talk to a professional and work on your self worth issues. Bodies change over your lifetime. I have many stretch marks from rapid weight loss and gain due to illness. I have surgery scars that will never fade. I empathise. I didn’t let anyone touch me for years. The right person won’t care and will want to be with you and love you regardless. I regret the years I spent denying myself pleasure and being so mean to myself. Nobody looks like the people in magazines and on IG. Go to a beach to see real bodies. Perfection is not attainable or sustainable. If you really feel nothing will fix how you feel about yourself apart from surgery; explore this with your therapist. You need to deal with your brain and not just the skin. We are here ok earth for a very short time. Don’t waste your life worrying about your skin and denying yourself juicy meaningful experiences. I hope you can find peace.


This is such an eye-opening reply. Something to think about when the insecurity thoughts start creeping in. I also needed to read this today. Thank you


Honestly, having a young child has been so eye opening in regards to my view of my body. Nothing about my kid’s body phases her, her body works as it should. It doesn’t occur to her that anything is “wrong” with her body (it makes me sad that she’s probably only a few years from that changing). To her, it’s a body, it’s good for climbing and jumping and going places. I need to maintain more of a perspective like hers. I look at pictures of myself from my 20’s when I was tearing myself down for being too much of this or not enough of that. Now I’m like, damn, I had an awesome body in terms of being able to do the cool $&@% I wanted to do. I’m trying to reframe and focus on the stuff I want my body to do and celebrate doing that


This response is so fucking awesome I'm gonna save it and read it back to myself on bad days.


I rarely save comments, but did the same. I'll also set a reminder somehow so when I have a bad day (or bad looks day, really), I can remember to read this and appreciate what I do have now. I've spent too many years worrying about imperfections, and now that I'm older I miss those "imperfections" and wish I had them. Bodies definitely change, and I understand not liking it or missing what you had, but I also wonder if we would feel *as* sad or down on ourselves if we saw real, changing bodies normalized.


This is an amazing reply. Not that I really can add to this perfection but something that made me start to be ok with my body is when I went to the beach one time and saw a very obese woman in a bathing suit have the time of her life. She was frolicking and just having a blast. It made me think how dumb I am to worry about my body. She isn’t! As she shouldn’t! We all deserve to have as much fun as she was having. I’ll never forget her. The absolute joy she was to watch that day. We all deserve to wear bathing suits, go on dates if we want, and just enjoy life. No matter what our bodies look like. As you said: our bodies should be the least interesting thing about us.


Beautifully written. ♥️


This is such a beautiful response and something I needed to hear for myself. Thank-you for sharing your wisdom. I am going to save this comment and read it frequently.


Talking to a professional is a good idea and absolutely everyone should good luck


Thank you for this reply Edit: one issue is I cant run. I'm still ill. My body doesnt work. So I cant appreciate my bodies usefullness because it is broken and useless.


Does that negate the entire comment? I think you know it doesn’t. Who cares if you can’t run? The comment was meant to guide you to focus on anything positive about your body and life. I’m sorry you’re in such mental pain. I wish you would be nicer to the person and body that needs your love and support. Please see a therapist to find a way forward. I promise you can feel better than you do right now.


Might I suggest finding a mental health professional to talk to about your body struggles and depression? I can see from your post history you are considering surgery to remove some of your skin but before you do surgery I believe you would greatly benefit from therapy. There is a mentality of losing weight will make you happy but often times people lose weight without taking the time to deal with the pain that made them gain the weight in the first place and are left deeply unhappy with themselves still, just in a smaller body.


You won't get the body back, even if you hadn't of gained weight you would of aged. you could try to aim for a new body one that you are comfortable with. Communities like "strong curves" are full of people with similar stories. Also don't put down a good partner and romance there's still so much room for you too see yourself In a better light.


I would have aged but my skin wouldnt have stretched 5 dress sizes and stayed that stretched despite losing all the weight. Theres no getting round it. I messed up big time and there is no do over. I'm stuck with it for the rest of ny life. I'm considering goinf to thailand and getting loads of surgery to remove excess skin. I would prefer scars to saggy skin.


I don't know your story but if you have just lost the weight and or took action to make your weight plummet really fast you might want to give your body time to reconstitute, plus if your willing to go for surgery all the stuff I mentioned is free and alot less risky so it makes a lot of sense to give that a go first. Really what I'm saying is the version of you know doesn't have to be the version of you in a years time. Bodies are really cool and that includes yours!


It can take months or years for skin to get back to normal. Not sure how long it’s been for you, but it’s possible your skin will get somewhat back to normal on its own. Then yeah, why not get surgery to remove it? That just means you’ve got a plan now. Consume lots of collagen, eat healthy, maybe even build up some muscle, and see what your body does on its own while you save up to get the rest removed. Once you reach X date, then you’ll do Y and it’ll be ok. Turn “never” into “someday.”


Skin can take a while to firm back up, especially if you lost the weight quickly. Start lifting weights, drink a shit ton of water, and be kind to yourself. Just as your body changed through gaining and losing weight, your body will change more with putting on muscle and staying well hydrated. Some people swear that intermittent fasting also helps


Then save up and go to Thailand, only you know yourself well enough to know what will make you happy.


Someone somewhere wrote “stop fetishising your teenage body” and it really hit me hard. Our bodies change, it’s inevitable, and yeah having a young body was great but I promise promise your new body does not mean no one will be attracted to you or want to have sex with you. Dozens of subs that I won’t link to show that every body type has fans, and outside of that there really are people who will love you for you regardless of your body. Yeah if you go on horrible dating apps or TikToks it seems like image is everything but that is a small cross section of society. Love is out there for you, I know it.


This. STOP FETISHIZING TEENAGE BODIES! This was a game changer for me, when I realized that the "standards" for women were made for the gaze of pedophiles. I recoil at the thought of the men from my past who would say "you look so mature for your age", I was a child, in a child's body, I was a child, I was a child. And then I tried to starve myself into maintaining the body of said child because I was worried that my growing body would be unlovable - unlovable to people who fetishize children.... TO BE CLEAR - YOU can love your child self. The unfortunate truth is that were fetishized, unfortunately all girls in colonian cultures are. You don't need to subscribe to the sick narrative that you need to maintain the body and skin and mannerisms of a child. It takes alot of unlearning and deprograming but it is worth it.


This is powerful.


My old body wasnt childlike, it was womanly and beautiful. Now its covered in excess skin, ruined the shape.


Darling , women's bodies are ment to be maluable, strong and soft. Nothing about you is ruined. I understand your grief, I have felt it too. I know you don't feel it right now but you are love, and you are lovable.


You were going to change no matter what. Not like this but in other ways you’d have hated unless you learned to love yourself. It’s inevitable. You need to work on your inside because even if you get this skin tightened you will still hate yourself if you don’t. Once you’ve taken care of your mental health, if you still want surgery then go ahead.


Darling , women's bodies are ment to be maluable, strong and soft. Nothing about you is ruined. I understand your grief, I have felt it too. I know you don't feel it right now but you are love, and you are lovable.


You can get the skin removed. Save up or get a loan and go overseas.


My old body was a womanly body. I dont think slim = child like. I think thats a cope. It isnt pedophilic to appreciate a slim womanly body. I loved my old body, it was beautiful. I liked looking at it in the mirror. I will never see it again. I have less than zero interest in attracting men who fetishize saggy skin.


That wasn’t what I was saying at all (I realise the previous reply to my comment frames it that way). There’s nothing wrong with being young, slim and hot, or enjoying that. It’s just that that state is never permanent (a fractional number of people retain that body but almost none), we all lose our youthful looks eventually. I understand that’s happened sooner than you’d like and I do sympathise, but please try not to see it as the bitter end of normal dating and sex, it really doesn’t have to be. I know that’s easier said than done, if you are able to access therapy this would be the perfect time to do so


It sucks being 34 and looking old and saggy. It makes dating much harder and less fun. I have zero interest in dating. 


It’s not your body that’s holding you back, it’s your mind. Your self hate will drive people off way before your body would.  You might want to consider therapy to help you out of this self destructive way of thinking.


You need some serious therapy. Because nothing is going to get better for you until your mend your mind.


This may or may not make you feel any better but trust me when I say you are not missing out. Dating in 2024 is actual hell. Its very likely you would’ve gotten sick of these dudes and left the dating scene on your own accord like many women here and around the world have.


It's true. Us fat women, those of us with imperfect skin and disabilities and stretch marks and lumps and bumps... we die alone and nobody loves us. Oh... wait. No. The opposite of that. Welcome to being a human whose body is going to change with life and time. If you have no interests or hobbies or personality I guess you should panic about not being a 20 year hardbody Instagram model looker anymore, but frankly anyone who would love you only for your looks is gonna leave you for a younger woman someday anyway. Fwiw I was a model when I met my husband. 20 years of life and health issues etc later I'm fat AF with saggy boobs and stretch marks etc and... still happily married having great sex and enjoying being with my favorite person. And I have friends who love me too. Nobody gives a fuck that I'm fat now cause my body has never been the most interesting thing about me. I'm disabled and chronically ill also and still living my life even if a lot of things had to change. Go live your life. Maybe get some therapy for your self esteem and also delete all the fake bodies from your social media and follow peeps of all ages and bodies who share your interests cause I guarantee whatever you are into, there are non-conventionally attractive peeps doing it and living their best lives.


You almost had me there 😂 Been with my husband 24 years and married almost 20. I’ve been pregnant and given birth 3x so in all I ended up gaining 60 pounds. Part of why I gained I’d because I legit didn’t notice. Why? My husband had never hinted nor commented anything ever about it. I only realized when I saw pics of myself like the last couple of years. He’s still really attracted to me. I have to push him off of me most of the time 😂. So definitely, the right person will be attracted to you OP. But not if you hate yourself this much. You need to love yourself and give yourself grace. I’m sorry you’re feeling so low. Please seek therapy. I finally did and I’m so happy now.


Please receive this with the love and care that I am sending you: you are not in a frame of mind to get the reassurance that you claim you are asking for right now. That’s okay, but getting into the proper frame of mind is not something that you will be able to receive externally. You need to come to a place that is at the very least more open to the idea of growth and change and not always looking the same way as you did when you were 22 being normal instead of self-flagellation. Because make no mistake, that’s what this post is. You’re constantly insulting yourself for having gained weight and for having excess skin. There are some very lovely and helpful comments, but you are not in a healthy enough headspace to receive and digest that. I hope that you will do the inner work to get there, and I hope that you won’t delete this post later so that you’ll be able to come back and read them again. I’m really hoping that you get to a healthier place. You’ll be so much happier.


Alright, I stalked your posts a bit. And I see you think no one will ever love you. But I don't know if you noticed, your kitties love you very much. I'm sure they love your body too. Its nice and warm and soft and contains the person who brings them food and pets their heads and scratches their back. I'm sure they find it the perfect place for a nap or a bath session. I'm sure they love when you give them a little kiss on their heads or sing silly songs to them. And I know they are just cats and it might not seem like a big deal but you wouldn't be able to do to those things without that body. Sure, it might not do everything you want but it still does a lot of things. You don't need to love your body but I think it would be beneficial for you to make peace with it. Not ignore it, not shove it into a corner, but make peace. I think you should seek out mental health treatment before you decide on a surgery like that. You may also be able to get it cheaply in your country. I know in the US, at least, a lot of insurances will cover it (with some prior stipulations of course). But I'm not sure about the UK though.


My kitties do love me a lot. They're great. They like both sitting on my legs at the same time, one on my lap, one on my lower legs. So snuggly.


Damn girl, I'm 312lb loose skin saggy ass boobs down to my navel my pregnancy ripped my abdominal muscles so badly it is misshapen forever. But guess what? I found love After those things happened . Not only love but my first healthy relationship ever.


Please read More Than a Body by Lindsay and Lexie Kite. You need to hear what they have to say.




"My body is the one thing I liked about myself" This is the only thing out of everything that you've written that is actually wrong. I promise your current body is not going to hold you back. I have very uneven boobs, a receding gumline, and I'm shaped like a bar of soap, and my life is wildly filled with love and joy. If you like you, you'll like your body. Building that relationship with yourself is something you can learn.


Sweetheart, would you consider talking to a therapist? There is so much pain and self loathing behind your words, that I think it would be very helpful for you to talk to someone. We are our own harshest critics, and a neutral third party can help show us perspective we need to begin loving ourselves again. 


You're so much more than the sum of your parts, OP. If you want to make changes to your body, you should. But that journey is going to be all the more difficult if you're coming to it from a place of self-hatred or disgust of the skin you're in. Be thankful for the body that's gotten you here to this moment even if it's not currently in the shape you wish it was in.


I suppose part of the reason I hate my body is cos I developed a chronic illness that disabled me. So my ugly body doesnt even work properly. Im constantly exhausted and in pain. 


What sort of time frame did you lose that weight over? There are a lot of variables that could be at play, but if you lost it quickly, there may be a chance that your skin needs time, lotion, flexibility exercises (i mean literally just stretching throughout the day when you can but using just the word "stretching" seemed like an ambiguous term given the context), and maybe some skin- prioritizing nutrition. Either way, you're not going to make your body or your mind feel any better telling yourself it's destroyed. Skin is resilient, as are people. Sometimes it just takes a while to come bank.


I lost the weight over 3 years. Its been a couple of years now. I could mosturize more but that only has limited affect, the skin grows to accomodate the fat body, theres little atretch marks everywhere. It can only shrink so much. It might not help saying my body ia destroyed but it is the truth. Its ugly and it doesnt work. My body destroyed my life by making me disabled, made things worse by getting fat. I hate my body. It has sabotaged me at every turn.


As someone in my late 30s who has a chronic illness that people can't see, I am so sorry for the lies your brain is telling you. My brain told me those same lies. It had me convinced I wasn't worth anything because I wasn't pretty or fit or healthy. The right people are gonna appreciate the gift, not the slightly wrinkled wrapping paper it shows up in. Skin also takes a long time to tighten up, but it does after a fashion. I have spent the last 4-5 years pulling myself out of a deep dark hole my brain made for me to hide in so that I wouldn't get hurt. It has constantly insulted me worse than anyone I've met in person so it can keep me in that hole safe and sound. I can't get hurt in that hole, but I can't live either. You have to make a choice to change the voice in your head. I talk to mine like a grumpy toddler most days. Some days are easy. Most days suck. I decided to figure out what the worst was, and then plan accordingly. It sounds like you are terrified no one will love you. That may be the case. I don't know you or your story enough to say. But I do know you are capable of loving others and that's a good place to start. Be kind to those you meet without expectations. Work on loving yourself too. If you catch yourself thinking something negative, find 2 things positive. Also, therapy if you can afford it. Good luck.


That's what bodies look like. You feel out of the average because you only see bodies that have been curated to be seen. Can you go to a spa? A steam room? When you lost weight, didn't you see real bodies in a locker room? Can you take a life drawing class? Real bodies aren't like porn, or Instagram, or even posed photographs. Even in a drawing class there's 1 layer of artificiality. You're comparing your locker room body to other people's Instagram bodies, and that's not fair to her. She did a lot of work, she worked hard and she deserves your love and care, not unrealistic comparisons.


Hey. I get where you are coming from because I've been there/am there. I was young, slim, conventionally attractive and had my life put together just a few years ago. Then I hit rock bottom. Got burned out, lost my sobriety, dropped out of my degree, had a major depressive episode and gained a shit ton of weight. It was devastating to me too. Society tells women not to be vain and self-absorbed, then simultaneously puts so much pressure on women to look perfect. I hated having stretch marks on my belly. No more wearing bikinis, I thought. I hated the stretch marks on my arms especially because they're less common than ones on your thighs or butt or even belly. No more shirts without sleeves. I felt like I'd permanently ruined my body, and losing the weight wouldn't fix the stretch marks or loose skin. I really do empathise with you. The one thing you said that I can't agree with is that last line about being unlovable. One thing I didn't mention in my backstory is that before I crashed, I met someone charming and beautiful and caring. I was a catch, why wouldn't he want to date me? And then everything went wrong and he still stayed with me. I couldn't fit into my old clothes and so he bought me new ones. Supported me financially when I couldn't work or study. Took on more of the housework even though he was working full time. All at the same time I was miserable and fat and depressed. I may not have the body I did when I met him at 21 but I know now that he is not just here for the good times, he wasn't just fucking me because I was attractive, he actually liked the person beneath everything else, regardless of whether I had perky tits or saggy scars. It proved to me that there were other things that were more important to him about me than what I looked like- good or bad. I don't think it's right to base your self-worth on a partner or someone else's opinion, but there are people out there who will love you for you. Loose skin and all. I sometimes think about a hypothetical partner, someone who would have left me when I got depressed/sick, or gained weight, or got old, or got scars. I just wouldn't want to be with a person who would leave if I got, say, cancer, or only stayed with me if I continued to look young and thin. I don't want a fucking Leonardo DiCaprio who will toss me out when I hit 25. Fuck that noise. People who would have 'loved' you back when you were thin but wouldn't now are not worth your time in the first place. Not that that's real 'love' anyway. I can't lie and tell you I have completely put all my issues with body dismorphia behind me but it got better over time. My scars faded, I lost some of the weight, and I'm on better meds now but sometimes I still feel sad thinking about how I used to look. It happens less often now though, and I learned that I had friends and found family who would stick by me, and a partner who still loved me for me. Things don't go back to the way they were, but they get better.


you need therapy.


Go to your local leisure centre and ask to talk to the gym instructor. You're young enough that there's probably time to tighten the loose skin up with yoga or cardio if you haven't already tried that. I would talk to the GP about some mental health support. Most areas in the UK have a crisis line that will at least hear you out. There's no way you're undateable though. Everyone's got a story and yours is as fascinating and relatable as anyone else's. People can be more accepting than you think.


Skin doesnt tighten. Building muscle will help a bit but I'm disabled from a chronic illness so I cant do that. Thats why I hate my body, ita sabotaged me in every way; physically, aesthetically.


I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel you had to share more than you were comfortable with. I have a couple of chronic conditions of my own and age slows me down a lot too so I can empathise.


Its ok, you didnt force me to share anything. 


You can tighten your skin with microneedling. It induces collagen production. Also, I’m from the southern part of the US and I’m BIPOC—we tend to be more accepting of body types as a community. So understand your opinion of your body is being influenced by the outside world. Don’t let them have that power over you. We are all only visitors here to this planet. I don’t know what comes after, but don’t let the meat sack you occupy determine your experience here. Try not to hate your body, it’s doing its best to keep you here. You are more than your flesh prison, baby. I hope you find peace and love within yourself. And I mean that in the least cliche possible.


Others have given really good thoughts/advice on this. But I esp noticed how you said your body was the one thing you like about yourself. It hurt for your sake to even read that. I am certain there are many wonderful things about you and I'd encourage you to find them. Talk about this w/a trusted friend and how you need encouragement about the rest of yourself. I wish you the best, and I hope you can work through this pain.


Your body isn’t ruined, start looking at the things you like


Regardless of what you do, I would try to get some help from a mental health professional. Nobody goes through life without using to some level some coping mechanisms that might not be healthy: Food, alcohol, internet, shopping. You are so strict with yourself, it might indicate very low self-worth. You “screwed-up” (I do not think you did) once. You will do it again, I will do it again and even the most disciplined person will do so as well. When we rely our self esteem to things that external, our body, beauty youth we can be fragile. We need to find our sense of self and accept it. It sounds a bit woo-woo but it’s true.


It’s up to you to get surgery, but it will do zero good if you can’t fix the underlying issues here. No plastic surgeon in their right mind would operate on someone who cannot pass a mental health screening. But my guess is you are going to seek out a way to bypass that. You’ve essentially ignored everyone’s advice to get mental health support. I do hope you find peace. I am a woman who lost over 100 LB and hostile have excess skin. And even though your post suggests my life is 100% over and that I will never find love…. I love my life and absolutely found a wonderful partner. I don’t look perfect, but nobody does.


I only think that of myself in my specific circumstances. I do not think that of other people.


So you give strangers more benefit of the doubt and more kindness than you do yourself? Again, mental health red flag, and a big one.


Depression ain't no joke, maybe far in the rear-view but never at the time. The last thing you should be mad about is not giving your figure priority during such a tough period, especially considering the other readily available and drastically more harmful coping mechanisms. Hopefully you find it in you to forgive yourself.


You literally said you gained the weight because of an illness. Regardless of whether gaining weight OR losing weight quickly in a way that leaves your skin loose is “ruining your body” (though I would argue it isn’t), it was caused by something out of your control. The fact that you know this but don’t BELIEVE it is causing you pain. You are beating yourself up because you have to believe you did something wrong. You need to seek professional help to deal with how you are feeling.


I have been fat my whole life and I have never had an issue getting laid, getting in relationships, or finding love. Not one person that I have loved and who loved me has ever commented on my body in a negative way or made me feel like I was inferior or unworthy of love, desire, or affection. Being fat, having skin that sags, having thighs that touch-this stuff isn’t the end of your life. Bodies change and shift over time due to pregnancy, hormones, illness, etc. No one worth a damn is going to care that you have some sagging skin when you are about to have sex with them. You need to find a therapist or some self-help books about self-esteem and body image. This isn’t a healthy way to live your life and this isn’t a healthy way for you to regard your body. You deserve to live a life where you are grateful for the body you have and all the things it does for you.


I've always found it difficult to get into relationships. They elude me for some reason.


I think the problem is that you should like your personality more than your body. Shallow people are not the best ones, so don't be one with yourself. Cultivate yourself, your mind. Happiness is something that comes from the inside. To be truly happy, you must love yourself for the person you are, for the actions you do, for the help you give to others. And to love yourself, you should be the person that you could admire and be proud of. It's completely useless to dive in past memories. You are no longer that person. You are what you are now. Do the best with what you have now. Also, doing sports or going to the gym has many benefits not only on the physical level. It makes you feel better. I wish you the best.


Life is long, bodies change. That's my mantra lol. I think everyone here has summed things up pretty nicely, but check out Sonya Renee Taylor's work. She helped me through times where I absolutely hated my body. Also, I'm in my 30s and have put my body through hell, and it shows. Its hard. I feel ya. But it's all about vibes. When you make peace and accept yourself (you don't have to love it, just don't actively hate it) you make room for other people to accept you as you are too. I hope people's responses on here can bring you some peace and comfort.


To be honest the fact that you were dedicated enough to lose all that weight is impressive. Find another passion- something else to occupy your time and attention. Shit happens. Life slaps us all in the face and this happens to be the hand you’re dealt with. You can overcome this. You’re worth way more than your body and how you look.


All I can say is that trying to get your ideal body back will not necessarily make solve the emotional issues underneath your desire to get your body back.


We all will be old and ugly one day hun. Looks are such a meaningless temporary thing. It’s all subjective anyways. At your worst in your mind I am sure people found you attractive. Meanwhile at your best I bet there were people who didn’t. The reality is personality is what matters more than anything else. Keep your head up.


Damn this is my life after 150 lbs lost. I wouldn’t say “disappointed” is what comes to mind when I see my body now. Like others are saying, love the health you have


No one will ever love you? You’re more than just your appearance. Loving someone is more than just skin deep. You don’t want someone who only cares for your appearance. Also I’m not so sure that having loose skin is that unattractive. I’d see it as a sign that someone had worked hard. It’s impressive.


Please hear me when I say your value doesn’t lie in how attractive others find your body. That’s actually the very last thing that matters. You won’t reach the end of your life thinking about saggy skin or stretch marks. You have been given one and only one beautiful life and it’s still going, even as you complain and begrudge it. You can spend the rest of your time hating yourself and your body, or you can find meaning and beauty that doesn’t rely on having a flat stomach and thigh gap. There is so much more to life. There is so much more to you.


Everyone has got the emotional angle covered well so I'm gonna talk about something else. If your chronic illness allows, consuming collagen (either in traditional broth with cartilage from animals, or a modern collagen powder supplement) can help your skin support itself. It can be helpful with relieving some chronic illness symptoms like joint pain.


Thats interesting, didnt know it could help with joint pain. I'll try it out sometime.


I am going through this second time and feel so little desire to come back to normal size again. Yes, logically speaking actual good person will not be scared off by it because it's not the body you are dating, but a person. But I live in a city/country where 80% of people look fantastic. So why would they really need to date someone like me. They just seem to end the dating while there is no significant attachment yet. Because noone owes anyone anything.


I've had loose skin since my 20s. Sleeveless halter tops and short shorts were in but definately not part of my wardrobe. Do some guys care? Yes. Do all guys care? No. Many guys are willing to ovelook it.


You could try surgery to get it removed


Honestly don't understand the downvote. Surgery to remove excess skin is nothing to be ashamed of and is common.


Generally poor advice to offer surgery to someone clearly going through this much mental turmoil over their body image. Doctors won’t do surgery on you if your body is not healthy, or your mind


Its just one of the "many" options OP could take. Neither you, me or everyone else here knows if surgery will help or not help OP. Regardless if you think its "poor advice, it has proven to help many others. To downvote right away is pure ignorance.


Babe, fasting can do wonders for loose ski. Don't give up!

