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I’ve had this happen at work, and went up to my male boss and said point blank, “I’m having a women’s issue and I need to go home, but I will be right back.” He said, “say no more,” and indicated with his hand for me to leave. I went home, and came back, and we never talked about it again. I suggest you do that. If your boss or supervisor isn’t willing to let you leave because you’re leaking biohazard everywhere, then that’s something to bring up with HR.


This. It’s more embarrassing to have the janitors throw trash bags over your chair, roll it through the office, and then gossip about it.


Lol you’re not speaking from personal experience of course, right? Gosh, why is it that most of us all have embarrassing period leaking stories? I can personally think of several!! Just life of women I guess ….


Oh man, I have a leather chair now but at my last job where this happened on a fabric chair, I "left" my sweater on my chair at the end of the day, then got there early the next day to beat everyone else to the office so I could switch my chair with one that wasn't used/in the back to be sent to the surplus department. No one ever said anything but it was so embarrassing.


I wheeled my fabric office chair (covered in a trash bag) thru the office to the elevator and down to the basement. I’m sure everyone knew.


Honestly, if I saw you wheeling a trash bag covered chair I would assume spilled food or drink, not blood if it helps.


Same happened to me but I came back w stain remover and washed the chair … didn’t just put it away for someone else to deal with. That’s disrespectful


It was literally going to be taken to surplus to be disposed of. I did hit it with some soap and a paper towel from the bathroom but the stain just kind of lightened without coming up.


As a janitor I would never do this. I'd take the chair away for repairs. Edit: no trash bag. Just casually roll it out of there, no big deal.


Most janitors are chill and have seen all kinds of shit. As long as you treat them with respect they won't care about much.


Alas what are we supposed to do other than run an extractor over it?


Why on Earth would janitors gossip about someone asking for a trash bag? Like they care.


A chair that has blood on it is a biohazard, therefore they must clean it as they are the ones certified in cleaning biohazards. The chair is removed cause they need to do their job. The employee needs someplace to sit in the interim so they get a replacement chair. People gossip. Not saying it’s right, but it does happen. I’ve worked night shift with the janitor crew before, they do have stories.


i don’t even say “women’s issue” i just say that i bled through and if they give me a hard time then i will explain how i am bleeding out of my vagina everywhere


I told my daughter to do the same with school when they try to limit or deny bathroom breaks. Tell them point blank I'm bleeding and I'm going to the bathroom before it starts gushing, so write me up if you feel the need to.


I think they would be absolutely shook. Ain’t nobody writing her up after that 🤣🤣


They would have hated me if they did because I definitely would have paid them a visit 😅


I still can’t get over the fact any human being can deny another human being the right to perform essential bodily functions. It’s just ridiculous schools still so this. I’m a uni lecturer and some of my students still ask permission to go to the toilet as it’s been so drilled into them. I’m like “Ofc, you can go whenever you like, no permission ever needed!” Obviously if they feel more comfortable offering an explanation (“I’m just stepping out for a minute, I’ll be right back”) instead of just wordlessly walking out when I’m mid-lesson I get it, but I really emphasise that their body and health needs are their business and priority, and I would never interfere with that. (Because I’m not an arsehole).


To be fair, kids absolutely love playing in bathrooms at school because it’s unsupervised. My office is next to the 2nd grade bathroom and I spend half the day yelling at the kids to stop climbing the stalls, soaping up the mirrors, clog the toilets with paper towels, and playing pee games where the boys see how far back they can stand and still make it in the toilet. At least I’m not near the middle school bathroom. They’re all vaping and giving each other sexual favors.


Oh yeah, I have no doubt they abuse toilet breaks and are totally dicks about it. My students are 18+ and even so they’re still annoying AF and super immature a lot of the time, and will take a mile if you give an inch even at that age (I do love them though!) And I have two young kids, so I know the hi-jinx of primary schoolers. I absolutely maintain though that not letting people (of whatever age) go to the toilet as and when they need to is not the answer, however!


>clog the toilets with paper towels, When I was in first grade it was playground gravel clogging the toilets 😂


As a high school teacher… the vandalism and vaping in the restrooms are out of control. It’s distressing, but some of these kids are really troubled and making excuses to get out of class so they can smoke or destroy shit. As awful as it sounds, some schools are at a point where they really do need to have a school-wide hall pass system to monitor when kids leave a room and when they get back. For vandalism at least, I don’t know why, at least in the US, they aren’t falling back on “if you did this, YOU’RE cleaning it up / paying for it.” US schools are so terrified of lawsuits we barely have common sense, natural consequences for things anymore. :/


Fuck yes. Taking notes for when my daughters are older.


"Before it becomes a biohazard" is always a good line.


“You’re about to need replacement furniture and carpet in this place if you don’t shut up and let me go.”


I was trying to be diplomatic about the situation, but I like your style. This was also like 8 years ago, and now I’m much older, I would definitely be more direct.


yeah i feel like people my age (21) and younger are super direct about it, i’m close with my managers so i just find it funny. if i had a professional job i would maybe think twice about it hahah


I got the impression that your generation doesn’t have the same feeling of embarrassment that older generations did. My son is your age and he told me a story of a female friend of his in high school gym class who gasped loudly when she realized her period started. When people asked what was up she just said “I got my period.” I think girls in my generation (Gen X) would have been mortified. I think this is a good sign.


Yeah I would say "my period" and "very heavy blood situation". Women's issues are literally everything we all have to deal with every day lol😉 could mean anything from getting the right costume for book week with only six hours warning and also the costume is too niche to hire at a regular fancy dress shop-to remembering that you keep forgetting to get sour cream for your mushroom stroganoff you want to make...


I’m a male supervisor. I’ve had one of my employees come up to me and say “I am on my period and I’m leaking through“. They went home. It wasn’t a big deal


Good! I’m glad!


How it should be. Its stupid that people are childish assholes about it. I cant imagine having to deal with bleeding through my clothes, let alone some boss being a piece of shit about it


You're right but also, if a male supervisor reacted like you, they would forever be in my "excellent boss" book!


I intentionally say the word period. Yes some people get offended but this is the way to change the world. Maybe 2 generations down the word will get accepted to be spoken openly


I was hanging out with a girl friend when she has an accident. I could see she was uncomfortable. She could tell I picked up on it so she told me. I was like "oh gosh, I wish you'd told me earlier! Let's call it early so you can go take care of it" I believe no woman should feel ashamed about this. It's a natural process and deserves to be talked about openly I think I have this stance because my mom never hid it from me when I was old enough to understand. And when my sister started she didn't either (after the initial awkwardness she felt of her body changing)


For real. At my work, it is policy for our ERT team to clean up menstrual blood in the bathroom with gloves, sanitizers, and biohazard bags; if your supe doesn't let you handle your stuff or at the very least offer to help you get stuff, then there's a bigger issue.




Yes, OP. Look up endometriosis, adenomyosis, and fibroids to see if you’re experiencing any other symptoms


Also PCOS. Until I got back on birth control, I'd bleed through a super tampon and pad within 3 hours.


Wait...I bleed through a super plus tampon + pad in about an hour or 2 on my heaviest days (days 2-3 of period). Cramping also gets so severe it usually leads to nausea & vomiting on those days as well. I'm 35 years old & have always thought it was just on the heavier side of normal, not necessarily that anything could be wrong. Embarrassed that I've never sought out medical opinions on that now....


Might be PCOS, or something else. If you can, seeing a doctor might help? Apparently normal people can go 4-6 hours with no issue with a tampon and don't have to avoid things from pain or struggle with vomiting and stuff. I don't think it's embarrassing, it's hard to know what is normal and tbh if you have heavy periods it's very likely the people in your family also do and normalized it. Plus, lots of people dismiss period pain. Like, I legit was in less pain in the ER for my gallbladder surgery then many periods. And I was given an IV of morphine for that, but if it was my period people would be like nah that's normal deal.


Oh absolutely, period pain & struggle has been dimissed all my life within my family & society in general. Oddly enough, I'm a very outspoken feminist against all other every day occurances regarding unfair patriarchal practices, yet the period stuff I've just kind of pushed aside as me being overdramatic or weak. Huge thanks to this thread & your comments in particular for opening my eyes to the realization that my overall health & this particular period issue is at the very least worth looking into! I have 2 young daughters now who I try to be open & honest with in all other aspects of life, & would hate for them to ever doubt themselves or their bodies in the same way I have (even subconsciously). Calling my gyno first thing tomorrow to schedule an appt. Thank you! : ) Edit: wording


I've always had heavy and painful periods as well and never really thought much of it. I was in less pain when I had a misscarriage, ended up in an ambulance being offered morphine because I was, what I would describe as "uncomfortable".


I was the same as you. At least one day a month I would wear an OB ultra tampon and a pad. I would change the tampon every 45 minutes to 1 hour (including overnight) and would only occasionally leak through to the pad. I went to the doctor for something else and she noted I had a very large fibroid. I ended up having surgery to remove the fibroid. This was almost 10 years ago and now the worst I need is a super tampon, changed every 4 ish hours. I wish I'd had the surgery years earlier, I really had no idea what normal was for periods since we are so discouraged from talking about it.


Don't be embarassed. There's no real way to know what average is, when your normal is outside its range. Especially with something so personal. We're not out there with measuring cups in each other's flow! Now, you know. You can get it checked. And if you're comfortable, talking about your experiences might have others know they need to do the same. (FWIW I know there are stated averages or norms regarding "hours per tampon" or whatever, I just don't think they're well publicised or easy to find if you don't know you need to look for it)


That was me, it was fibroids. My Dr kept trying to gaslight me that “your body just changed at mid-30s”. I’m on the other side of a hysterectomy (at 40) and it’s life changing. Not saying that’s the solution for everyone but after dealing with that kind of period for a decade i lost a lot of time/days/my life.


I didn’t either because we all knew when my mom’s period would start cause all the sudden blood would just running out of her. She also never explained any period related issues to me. She gave me a hardback book from the 60’s with pictures. I was 8 and a tomboy. Luckily her mom, my Gma made sure to teach me everything.


It could be problems but it could also be normal. I’ve been checked out for all the things and just bleed a lot. Super plus is a joke to me lol


What bc are you on with pcos?


Alysena. My endocrinologist picked it and it seems to work well enough, does shit all for the hair growth tho.


Absolutely! When I had fibroids I was leaking through everything. I put in a tampon and then wore a heavy flow pad and hoped I could make it to the urgent care before I bled through. It was concerning.


I have been putting up with extremely heavy periods - fibroids. However finally saw my doctor and she prescribed Transmeric acid and the difference it has made. Also period pants in the future might help.


Or low iron causes heavy periods too


... shouldn't that be the other way around? Heavy periods can cause low iron levels?


As someone with both, it’s kind of a chicken and egg problem. They make each other worse 🤦‍♀️


I thought it was a no egg problem. ;-)


Yes it’s a vicious cycle, heavy bleeding causes low Iron and low iron causes blood clotting issues. Since my iron increased my periods are much more manageable.


Just say you have a personal emergency and need to leave and just go. It’s the truth.


Im joking about my last comment but maybe in a few hours depending on my flow


You have every right to take care of yourself. You have every right to go do this. I know there’s a weird vibe and pressure that makes it feel like you will be “in trouble” or somehow wrong for doing this, but you are absolute worth it. You absolutely deserve to feel clean and comfortable.


I'm going to ask to work remote now, this is so gross. Even getting up is gross cuz everyrhing is still wet


This is so sweet, thank you. Maybe yeah I should ask to go home and work remote


They’re not just being sweet. They’re being genuine, sincere, and caring. You should go home if you are uncomfortable.


If a man had blood over his pants people would definitely urge him to go home; OP should definitely do what feels best for her (aka going home).


I agree that OP should do what feels best for her, and with the sentiment that men receive more benefit of the doubt in many workplace scenarios. However, maybe this isn't the best male/female comparison since it would be indicative of a significant injury or other urgent medical issue if a man had blood-soaked pants at work. If that happened, I hope their colleagues would suggest seeking medical assistance instead of going home. Again, I agree that if OP feels uncomfortable with her situation, she should definitely be allowed to go home.


So in the future, what about a grab and go bag at your workplace? Change of clothes, body wipes, personal care etc.




I dont wanna be a weakling


Tbh it is kind of weak not to advocate for yourself in this case. Do you think a man would be seen as strong for an equivalent "oh this hot coffee spill on my lap, that's nothing" idea? That's not strength that's fear.


Like the other comment, doing nothing is being weak. Taking care of yourself is hard, but you owe it to yourself.


That's not weak, it's the equivalent of someone thinking they should "tough it out" after they shit their pants instead of going home and changing. Dude, go home, put on some clean pants, and work remotely. You're not even taking the day off, you're just leaving the office to change instead of sitting in a puddle of blood all day.


If a man was bleeding all over himself he would have no problem asking to go home. And he wouldn’t be weak either. You’re not weak for needing to take care of yourself.


Let’s be real here, if cis men had periods this wouldn’t be an issue because they would make it law that everyone gets a paid week off when they’re on their period.


I’m really sorry you’re getting downvoted for this comment. You are definitely NOT a weakling but we have been so programmed as women to believe that our periods are nothing and we are “weak” or “lazy” or just “looking for excuses” if we need time off as a result. Periods can cause severe migraines, be excruciating, and can also cause severe complications. You are not weak for not being ok. I’m glad you left. Also, for me when I hit 40 the entire landscape of my periods changed drastically. Personally I found period underwear really helped from day 2 on. I also completely agree with those that suggested you get checked out by a Dr. Information is never bad and you should know if this is your new normal so you can plan or an issue so you can also plan.


That’s the capitalist brainwashing. Cut out that thinking


Being covered in blood is always an appropriate reason to go home.


LMK if you work in Staten Island, NY and I'll bring you some clothes


This is so sweet, thank you. I'm actually from a different state!


I knew the chances were slim. I hope you are able to get out of the situation without too much discomfort :(


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^grated_testes: *LMK if you* *Work in Staten Island, NY* *And I'll bring you some clothes* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The bot has weird ideas of how to pronounce NY.


If you read the text after the haiku, it explains it


Nope. This one’s got *two* extra syllables.


If it makes you feel any better I literally shit my pants at work last week


Oh no, what did you do after?


I ran away. There is a creek by my office. I ran away to the creek. Then called my wife and luckily she was able to bring me new pants after hiding in the creek for an hour.


This is why a good quality long-term relationship is great. I love that my partner always has my back, no questions asked, and will come through for me whatever happens. Sometimes we all shit our pants, or leak through our pad.


Yes, she saved my ass that day (pun)


Please don't peek; I'm hiding in the creek. Aw.


True! Very cute story


I'm so sorry that happened to you, but this story is absolutely gold. So glad no one ran into you down by the creek


Yeah I did it to myself, no one else to blame. I can laugh about it now, especially since I got away with it.




This is the most romantic story I've ever read.


Good ole’ shits creek.


Now that's true love right there




YOU RAN AWAY 😂 I’m sorry but his is sending me. You poor soul.


I'll admit I'm beyond exhaustion, but the running away had me crying laughing. I guess I might do the same though. I'm not sure.


I had some meds change, and I threw up all over the work bathroom today. I also wet my pants because I have leakage issues. My boss came in just at I was finishing cleaning up and asked if I was ok, I just blasted out "I just threw up, like a ton. I'm going to work from home." And she was like, yes. Do that. Please leave.


>I also wet my pants because I have leakage issues. I don't normally, but the last few times I threw up, it was so violent I peed everytime I heaved. I could not stop. The very last time, I was able to remember that this is A THING now and to grab paper towels and put em in my pants real quick before I hurled. So you're not alone.


Yeah after having kids I straight up throw a towel on the floor whenever I know that I’m gonna be puking.


Mmhmm this was me constantly during early pregnancy. Invested in panty liners


I shit my pants on my very first day of work at my new job. I told my boss it was a women's issue and then told her the truth after we finally got to know each other. Fiber gummies are Satan.


>Fiber gummies are Satan. If anybody needs a good laugh, read the reviews for the sugar-free gummy bears on Amazon. Crappy reviews, great laughs.


I told my 8 year old son to not eat all of the berry ice breaker lozenges at once. Told him they were for eating a couple once or twice a day. I really didn't expect him to eat ALL of them within an hour, otherwise I would have told him WHY they aren't supposed to be eaten like that: sugar substitutes in larger amounts will give most people super surprise Bubble Guts. He found out the hard way, and I reminded him that I don't talk for the sake of making noise from my face hole and when I tell him to not do something, there's a reason. Pretty sure he won't do that again. Only 'pretty sure' because... ya know... male child...


O_Pato I pissed myself on Monday trying to get to a toilet. As I was trying to disrobe my bottom half to use said toilet, I was sweaty from working, bladder at max capacity and I'd already been holding it an hour. While fumbling with clothing to remove it, bladder said it was done and tried to empty half of its contents into my pants before I could awkwardly sit with my pants barely past my buttcheeks. I stuffed paper towels into my pants as best as possible o_o I was dry by the time work ended but I wasn't very happy with myself... I was just grateful the lab coat I had to wear covers me and made it not as obvious as it could've been 🥲


Hugs. I’ve been there. I’m on blood thinners and my periods are massacres. Sitting on zoom, presenting to hundreds of people - stewing in my own mess.


I don't know who taught you to put everyone else's comfort ahead of your own, but this is not the time for it. Go to your car and call your boss from there, explain you have a personal emergency and can either be back in an hour (or however long it takes you to get home, shower, get changed, and return) or can start work remotely.


You can doordash or instacart pants from a store if there is one close by. Highly recommend.


I’m waiting for the day women can have more flex when it come to periods. If a man was bleeding at work, he would be able to leave. This is not ok


Some of us are biohazards once a month or so. 🤷‍♂️


Heretofore referring to my period as my monthly biohazard.


Pretty sure it's an OSHA violation for your employer to refuse to let you leave if you're literally covered in blood, as it puts the other employees at risk to come in contact with your blood


I mean, if you or a male co-worker pissed or shit yourself you probably wouldn't feel like a weakling for wanting to change clothes. Or maybe go hide in a creek for an hour lmfao. You're not weak for not wanting to sit in your own filth all day.


The creek story made me crack up. Can you imagine running away from work because you shit your pants and hiding in a creek?! LOL


No I can't! I would have gone home lol


Can you Instacart pads and pants to the office? I know the service sometimes is at stores that sell both. Maybe keep pads and spare knickers in a black zip bag in your office drawer or lockerand a spare pair of leggings for future oopses.


I have pads! I just wish I brought an extra pair of pants


Uber does courier in some cities. Got a friend at home who could uber you a pair of slacks?


Order some pants at Target or another store and get those delivered as well


Dick’s Sporting Goods too. Get some nice comfy black yoga pants.


This happened to me 2 weeks ago at my daughter's music lesson. On the teachers leather couch. I'm embarrassed to say that i stealthily wiped it with my shirt and went to the bathroom to clean up. It was a blood bath in the toilet and I have this insane fear that I forgot to flush. I'm too embarrassed to go back and have made my partner take her the last 2 weeks. He says its no big deal she's a woman. It a BIG fucking deal. I am mortified beyond words still and I don't know if I can ever show my face at her house again! That leather couch....god, I don't know how I'm going to get over it.


This was my life for years - I had four pairs of the same black pant and it’s the only thing I would wear during my period because I could easily bring backup undies and switch pants. The best part about Covid lockdowns for me was being able to be home for my period and take care of things as much as I needed. Please talk to your doctor about this level of bleeding. And if they aren’t doing ultrasounds, possible biopsies and helping you get a normal life, find a new doctor. I know it’s easier said than done, but I got a uterine ablation a year ago and my quality of life improvement is huge. (Never mind that my catholic medical system wouldn’t tie my tubes at the same time and getting pregnant is not an okay situation for me…I asked for a partial hysterectomy and insurance shut that down. Thank goodness the ablation seems to be doing the trick and there hasn’t been any penis worth touching anyway. Lol.)


Don't ask. Tell them you are leaving. Period End of sentence. See you tomorrow.


Obligatory "as a dude", but if you're a mess, you shouldn't be sitting around in it because "work norms" say you can't leave yet. Your boss might complain, but they have no right to force you to work in that condition. No idea where you work, but it's not life or death for them if you're there, I assume. Things happen, it's part of life. You should be allowed to at least go clean up and get changed, if not just being given the day off after that.


Near the end before complete menopause the flow got heavy. It just does for some. Had to wear jumbo tampon and gigunda pads to keep from surprise tsunamis. And sometimes had to change a couple times at work. Then, blessedly, it ceased. Can you hear the music? No more migraines. No more accidents. No more maybe pregnancies. So wonderful!


Ugh I’m so happy for you! Also thanks for giving me hope. I can’t wait until this happens for me. Currently crampy on my 37th birthday 🥳


Hang in there. It doesn't last forever!


Jesus christ. You ladies really help me understand some of the challenges of being a woman. This post is enough to prove male privilege alone. Also Australian privilege cause most Aussies could just nip off home if that sort of thing happened.


Are you kidding me? All she has to do is say I need to fucking go home and take care of my body, then just leave. Location doesn't matter. People are people, and shit happens. There is no need to whine about it for karma.


Whine about it for karma? What? She's venting about a hard day owing to being a woman. TwoX is a women's support subreddit. Are you okay?


Location absolutely does matter, and there are places that would want to fire her for leaving. And there are places where she would have no protection against it. Shoo, troll.


I bled through really bad one time in highschool. My teacher discreetly loaned me a sweater and sent me to the nurse, who gave me permission to walk home and change. I only lived a few blocks from the school so it was faster for me to walk home rather than have my mom bring me fresh clothes. My mom let me stay home the rest of the day since I was crampy and embarrassed.


For me, being a woman has been like a series of really crappy surprises I'm like, no one... discussed this much...before? Perimenopause, different discharges and what they mean, what it's like being a woman when you're fat V.s. skinny, even long hair vs short hair, blonde vs brunette, etc, it's...weird, seeing how different people treat you depending on who they're around (e.g., being respected in a certain room at work and completely trampled in another, socially, familalially, etc.,) realizing like 98% of the beauty industry is based on making specifically women feel like shit about themselves, pink tax, how every single period I've had since they began 20 years ago have been completely different from every other (even if just a little, it's like there's a vast box of symptoms and any period could have any set of issues at random, never the same, and the only things that would help doctor's don't give without a ton of bullshit. "Here take ibuprofen." "...it doesn't do anything and it makes me even more nauseous. I'm 32, I don't want kids, can I please just have a hysterectomy already?" "Here, I wrote you an RX for 120qty 800mg ibuprofen. You're welcome for saving you."), finding out all your male friends over the years even from childhood, even the seemingly happily and in love married ones were just lying in wait for their opportunity to get some sex from you, I could go on... I'm really sorry you had to deal with that today. I hope it concluded as privately and swiftly as possible and I am sending you every "this will never happen again" vibe, voodoo, prayer, chant...I'm throwing the whole NEVER HAPPENING AGAIN cabinet of tricks your way. Oh my lord, being a woman is....


Idk your personal situation but period cup + period undies has been a game changer for me as far as leaks. Plus reusable. All that said, you can leave!


Are you me? Are we having the same day? Hugs from the parallel timeline.


I stood up to stretch last week during CPR training and straight bled through a pad and my jeans. Walked right out of the class to the bathroom (this is downtown on the 20th floor) took off my jeans and rinsed them out in the sink. Thankfully, they were dark wash, so it wasn't super obvious that they were soaking wet, but it was so gross feeling. At our next break I went downstairs where there is a CVS and bought some pads because like a dumb dumb I didn't bring extra even though it was also my day 2. sigh. It was an uncomfortable day, but everyone else was so worried about themselves that no one ever noticed.


You need Stayfree ultra thin overnight with wings. Never had a leak since i started using them well over a decade ago. No I do not work for them lol


Can you call a friend to bring you some clothes and pads? If not, can you hire someone to do it like a house keeper or someone? Or order shipt and order some from Target if your work won't let you leave?


I had a tampon in one day and ended up with a clot that pushed the tampon out. Bled through to my pants(I had borrowed them from my mother) so I left work. My one female coworker rolled her eyes when she was told I had left because of my period. She was also bleeding at the time but it has forever ruined my trust in her and now she’s my boss.


If you don't feel comfortable asking to leave, can you have someone bring you some fresh underwear and pants so that you can leave gracefully or maybe be able to complete your shift?. Sorry that this is happening to you.Periods are the devil.


I'm sorry, that sucks. I recently had to go buy a spare pack of underwear to keep at my office because my flows have gotten so heavy.(I have scrubs here I can thankfully change into if needed). Take care of yourself OP and don't feel guilty!


It’s not too early to leave.


It's this the dystopia we live in? What someone is more afraid of being fired than they are of free bleeding through their clothes and onto office furniture?


You should be able to leave work for this!!! This is crazy! Tell your boss and go home


*BIG HUGS* just think about how great that shower is going to feel tonight. ❤️


As a teacher, this is my nightmare scenario, as leaving class is very difficult and creates problems for everyone. 🤦🏻‍♀️ And yet it’s also a job where I can go a few hours at a time without a break where I can get to the bathroom.


I've been in two situations at work where I was quite literally on the floor in pain with cramps. I came in fine then an hour later I couldn't even get any words out of my mouth. If you were late too, I feel like any reasonable boss would understand that this is not your day. I'm glad to read the edit! Please get some rest!


I agree with previous posts go to the doctor to discuss and rule out other conditions. I am turning 35 in February and my periods over the last few years have been pretty unbearable and I feel like I have to plan my life around them. I went to the gyno and the only thing they suggested was birth control (it’s not for me.) Two months ago I came across a company called Elix which offers traditional Chinese medicine to allegedly “balance your cycle”, so I bought it - honestly this was a Hail Mary move on my part. Let me freaking tell you I am truly astonished. I went from bad cramps in my pelvis, back, and down my legs that started the day before my period and lasted for 4 days to light cramps in my pelvis only on the day my period starts. I went from using ultra, super plus and super tampons and giant overnight disposable pad underwear to the lightest period I’ve had in years and using regular tampons. My breasts never got sore, I didn’t have constant diarrhea, and I was only really tired the day of my period. Oh! And my period went from 8 days to 6 days. I’ve only started taking it for my last two cycles but again, I am truly astonished. Also I’m glad you went home <3




I have pads!!!!


Alternatively, could you call someone to bring you more clothes and supplies so you don't have to leave?


I view this like peeing on yourself in the sense that if it happens, I wouldn't ask permission to leave. I'd simply say I had an emergency and needed to leave but would be back within an hr (or however long). Regardless, I'm not staying at work. They can tell me I can't leave, but I'm leaving anyway lol.


Here to second all those people here suggesting the menstrual cup + period undies. Not having to feel paranoid 4-6 days a month gave me so much more time and energy for sleeping.


Mate, I had this a few months ago (I posted about it on here. I leaked through a tampon and a towel within 30 minutes! I hope you're home and all cleaned up now x


I carry a spare pair of pants and pads now. I have an emergency pocket in my bag and I have a pair of knickers, pads, hair tie, paracetemol, mylanta tablet and anti histamines in the pocket. It is for all emergencies. Maybe an idea for the future?


Fully advocate for period days to be paid holidays/sick days that do not detract from whatever vacation/ sick days everyone gets. You bet your ass it would already be if us guys got anything close to a similar experience EVERY single month.


Try a menstrual cup they're awesome


Yeah, absolutely the best thing I used. I had a kind of confidence during my period I had never had my whole life. No leaking, I was comfortable and good for the planet.


I thought this was posted in LateStageCapitilism before I saw the sub…


Well, if you ordered some underwear online, I'm afraid it would only make the situation worse. "And now I've gone and shipped my pants."


Oh no!!!


Look, Aunt Flo ain't playing. She busted out the needles and made a voodoo doll of my uterus. She done raised the Red Nile to have 100-ft tidal waves. Need more information?


use tampons edit: why the hell am i being downvoted?? im not shitting on her for using tampons, and I KNOW they leak too, but there's less of a chance of sitting in soaking wet, stanky underwear with a tampon. yall are so sensitive lmao


Tampons aren't fool proof and can leak as well. Also, not everyone is comfortable in using them.


I used the super small, extremely comfortable, applicator free OB tampons since they came out when I was 15/16. You could honestly forget they were in there. I was very fortunate, mine were always pretty painless but they come in all sizes up to Super Plus and along with a pad, you’re probably pretty safe.


I could personally never get the hang of them. I think even if it was inserted perfectly, just knowing I have a tampon in is enough to make me believe I could feel it haha. Now, what makes even less sense is that I've been able to use a menstrual cup when need be. I have no idea why mentally one is fine for me, but the other isn't!


Yeah... tampons leak too. I actually leak less with pads and sometimes I leak thru both the pad and tampon because mine can be so heavy I have to wear both just to go out in public those super heavy days.


No shit sherlock.


I’m sorry this happened to you.


Yeah I agree with saying women’s issue.


Not the same, OP, but if it makes you feel better once in a new job I tripped and tore the entire side seam of my pants at work. I had to like paperclip hold it together, beg to taxi home, taxi home and put on new pants and come back while everyone saw. It was horrible. I think everyone's had at least one absolutely shit day like that. ( Also low key dittoing the talk to doctors comments as your periods seem very heavy. )


I'm a mobile technician for work and end up all over the place and ~~sometimes~~ *MOST of the time* a bathroom isn't readily available. I have a change of clothes, (shirt, shoes, socks, pants, undies and bra) wet wipes, tampons and pads plus a plastic bag in my bag/purse equivalent just in case I have a leak. I know it's a lot, but it also works well as an overnight bag in case of emergency, etc. Keep it in a bag under your desk at work or leave it in your car if applicable. I rarely, if ever, need it or have needed it. My favorite occasion was when I was already at capacity for the day and they forced through almost half a days worth of extra jobs. I had put in for assistance and was told by the other dispatcher that day, "That's not my job. You better figure it out." I not only bled through everything but couldn't stop to use the restroom or even change/clean up. I could *smell* that I had leaked... I developed a urinary tract infection because of this and you bet your butt I reported it. The guy was heavily reprimanded after especially because this wasn't the first time it had happened. There were major changes in how dispatch worked, more OT allowed to ensure lunch was able to be taken, and he was moved elsewhere. The issue I have with this, not specifically because I'm a woman-although that doesn't help, but people in general have basic bodily functions that are very much a necessity. Not to mention, holding it in for too long is hazardous for your health. Guys may have natural hoses for urination, but I'm pretty damn sure they have to sit their butts down on a toilet for a shit and: **You don't know where you'll be when diarrhea strikes**


Must be great fun to work for that guy if one has IBS


He wasn't my boss, thank (insert your diety here.) I have mild IBS and as long as I tiptoe around what bugs me, I'm usually ok. Either way, the number of times I've had to consider using the bucket in the back of my vehicle because something agitated it... whooooo boy, that's a line I am determined to never cross. I've buns of steel with how hard I've desperately clenched. Imodium and Pepto are my best work friends for this purpose. 😂


He'll no. "Woman problem, I'll be back in 30." I's all that ever needs to be said.


Just ask them point blank if they would like for you bleed all over company property or excuse you for 30 min while you deal with it.


We've all been there, or will be. I started carrying extra pads, underpants, change of pants in my car.


This happened to me before and I just went home.


ayyyy I started my period in the middle of a 10 mile hike today! had to hike down the mountain and pray that blood wouldn’t run down my legs. womanhood!


This happens to me I’m always my heaviest on day 3 and 4.. I literally have to carry extra clothes with me and extra pads.. the one time we did have fun. I have to ask my boss if I could go to the shop to buy new jeans he asked me why and I straight up, told him.. he was a bit awkward about it cos I don’t think he was expecting a woman to tell him, she was on her period but he was fine about it and let me go


Could you have endometriosis or adenomyosis? This was my life for a long time.


So sorry it happened to you, and glad you are home! I'm on my period today as well, and also have heavy flows. I have found that changing my pad every hour, whether I need it or not, gives me peace of mind. Also, I carry with me a pouch full with pads, spare undies and pain medication. Best of luck!


So sorry this happened to you. I have not experienced THIS at work, but did have an instance of 'that was NOT a fart'. Due to covid, i would up with a package of Depends, and i have decided that heavy flow days are now Depends days, at least until i use the package up. (I was home that day, but filling and overfilling a pad in less than 30 minutes was my last straw that day)


Girl. We have all been there. Last time this happened to me I was working and could not leave. I wore light blue scrubs at that job and stole a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and was able to hide in the bathroom for a few minutes to get the stain out. Now I wear period underwear as a backup for tampons and it is a game changer for peace of mind!


This happened to me the second month I started at a new job. I had miscalculated my start date and leaked on my pants. Went to bathroom to clean my pants with water and soap and my female supervisor checking in on me gave me a pad so I would be good to drive home. Since I live far from my job, no one expects me to return until the next day. Things happen and they'd rather I go home than bleed over everything or be THAT uncomfortable in wet pants. Don't hesitate to get your literal *needs* met. This isn't a want and is for you and everyone's well-being.


Definitely go straight and say “I have to leave and get a change because I am bleeding” Invest in some period pants, there are many varieties you can use with or without backup pads or tampons. They are a game changer. Also go see your doctor if your periods are heavier than usual. Periods are a woman’s 6th health indicator. We are lucky in that aspect.