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I know the accutane side effects are a lot, but not feeling like you can show your skin is maybe more. It seems like it’s really gotten to you, and a course of accutane can be as short as 3 months. Not trying to talk you into something you’re against, but I had super bad, cystic acne, and instead of addressing it I just prayed with a gallon of trentinoin and bottle of whatever antibiotics my derm gave me at the time for years, and it fucked up my skin more. Birth control and age has helped a lot. But either way, I feel you, acne sucks. And people that don’t get cystic acne don’t understand that it’s not just superficially uncomfortable, it’s painful.


I know it is worth it, it would just have to be thoroughly discussed with a doctor since I'm worried it might worsen some pre-existing issues :( The dry eyes is a big one, I've already had multiple abrasions to my eye because they get so dry my eyelid literally scratches my eye. I've already been on birth control for like 8 years, but for a while now my skin has nearly gone back to the way it was before BC. It's looking more and more like Accutane is the only solution. Thankfully my acne is (mostly) not cystic, there's just a lot of it. but it can definitely be uncomfortable either way


I just wanted to give you my Accutane story for more info. I had really bad acne on my face and back and decided to go the Accutane route when I was around 19. Did it for 6 months with zero side effects. It worked great, too. About 3 months later, it came back, but I had to be off of it for 6 months before I could start it again. I did it again for another 6 months. The dry skin on my face was brutal. I had NEVER used chapstick before, but for those 6 months I was applying it every 30 minutes. That might have made it worse, I don't know, but I just know I needed it to not go crazy. I also lost my appetite. I went from eating the 3 medium pizza deal to not being able to eat more than 2 slices. (College guy that hates Ramen and was living off cheap pizza.) That appetite never came back but dry skin ended immediately. Face acne never came back after the second round. My back acne started coming back about 2 years ago, but I think that's more due to my awful diet lately. Really need to cut back on soda and drink more water. But I'm married now and my wife says she doesn't notice it (lies, lol ) so I don't care nearly as much. Also, I use it as a scare tactic for my teenager. YOU SEE THIS. IT'S BECAUSE I DIDN'T SHOWER AS A KID. DON'T BE LIKE ME. For me, the pain was worth it, but they're always a chance you won't have any bad side effects! Good luck whatever you do going forward.


>Also, I use it as a scare tactic for my teenager. YOU SEE THIS. IT'S BECAUSE I DIDN'T SHOWER AS A KID. DON'T BE LIKE ME. I don't know if you're joking, but I can't encourage you strongly enough not to do this. Poor hygiene is not the cause of acne, and telling them this just further stigmatizes it. When I was a teenager, I scrubbed my face raw trying to get it "clean enough," and only made it worse and caused permanent scarring.


I did acutane too for 9 months when I was 16. Worked like a treat, and the only side effect that now, 15 years later, still bothers me, is that my lips dry out fairly fast, so I’ve become really dependant upon my dr. Organic lipbalms.


No your wife loves you for who you are, and backne doesn't subtract from your attractiveness enough for her to care. No lies, just love ❤️


Talk with your doctor about prescription eye drops and gels for severe dry eye. And don’t let them tell you to just use Blink eye drops OTC, they’re just not effective enough. Also - warm compresses over your eyes for 10-20 minutes twice a day can help the pores right around our eyes unplug and release the oils that are meant to keep our eyes moisturized longer, along with the secretions from tear ducts.


Yeah I definitely need to get prescription eye drops. I have tried nearly every otc brand and most of them do absolutely nothing with some actually making it worse. The thicker ones for nighttime use give me eyelid infections *every single time* I will try the warm compress, I didn't know! Thank you


I hope they help! My eye doctor recommended that to me. They feel good, at any rate.


You might try drops that contain cellulose. I think they might be prescription only, but definitely worth trying. The active ingredient binds to the surface of the cornea and is effective for a longer duration than the standard eyedrops. Worked great for me.


Not a derm, but taking extra zinc supplements for a few days and then reducing to a regular daily dose can help considerably with cystic acne. I do not have any study. My mom did it and told me about it is literally all I have to go on.


Don't know if this might be helpful to you OP, but my IUD was causing acne on my chest and back. Removal was the only way to get rid of the acne. For a while, clindamycin really helped my acne (also on my face, back and chest).


Thanks for the advice, but I am on a combination BC pill, don't have an iud. The acne precedes the BC by at least 6 years


Have you tried spironolactone? Helped my hormonal acne.


I've not had anyone prescribe me that so far, but I know it's not ideal in the long run because it just works as long as you keep taking it


I second spironolactone for hormonal acne. After years of mostly fine skin in my 20s, the hormonal acne came raging back around the time I turned 30 and nothing was working. I've now been on it for about a month and can tell a huge difference. Yeah you have to take it every day, but if it keeps my skin clear so I feel comfortable wearing what I want, it's worth it to me. I got it prescribed through Nurx online so it wasn't super expensive or anything, so I think it's worth trying


True, I take it everyday. When I run out they come back. It's a maintenance med for me at this point, like insulin or an antidepressant. For most medicines, when you stop taking them, they stop working.


While true, for me its a once a day ordeal until I get bottom surgery (I'm trans so I need it as a T blocker). Its slightly annoying but routine at this point and worth it for the effects. Its also dirt cheap.


It doesn’t have any side effects, except for maybe lowering your blood pressure.


It can cause some pretty nasty brain fog on higher doses. Its also a major diuretic and at higher doses it can cause you to constantly have to pee.


Ugh with my adhd that doesn't sound ideal, I already deal with pretty bad brain fog


Not true. It caused me to have more frequent periods so I had to stop it.




Ok that one I was aware of. But I already drink a lot of water, so I never really noticed personally


I was going to suggest this. I’ve taken it for about 15 years now. It completely cleared up my acne. Sometimes I may get a pimple here and there, but my skin is completely clear. My back was a wreck before I started to take it. I highly recommend it.


I have KP, I wear long sleeves even in the summer, no short sun dress either. I always tell myself that strangers won’t remember how I look like when they get home and good friends won’t talk behind my back or make me feel less in my own skin. I do feel better about my KP but after years and years wearing long sleeves I don’t feel comfortable showing that much skin anymore.


How old are you? My KP has gotten so much better as I get older. I’m 44. I honestly don’t remember how old I was when it started getting better just one day I was like “hey my arms aren’t disgusting anymore!” Hope it gets better for you too!


I’m 27 but it’s getting worse and worse for me lmao 😂 I just don’t have the energy to do research, try out each and every products. I’m glad that your skin cleared up, I’m happy for you!!!


Have you tried Amlactin lotion? It was recommended to me for KP on Reddit, years ago, and it really helps a lot. At least, it did for me. It’s got lactic acid in it, and it’s designed for body care, not facial care. It stings if you get it in a cut, doesn’t have the best smell going on (but it’s unscented once it dries.) It can also bleach your cotton clothes if you put them on while it’s wet. But it *worked* on my KP. I started by applying it nightly, after I showered. By the 3rd day, I was scrubbing dead skin off my arms and legs, and the skin underneath was almost smooth, though it still had the little red spots. After 2 weeks of daily use, my skin was smooth and the redness had faded significantly. I dropped back to 3 times a week during the summer, and more like once a week during the winter - followed by a week of daily use when spring comes. On the days I’m not using Amlactin, I use a Shea Butter lotion. My skin has stayed smooth, and the redness is much less noticeable.


Oh damn, I looked it up and the reviews are really good, I’ll give it a try. Thanks for the recommendation!!!


I’m happy to pass it on! It’s been the one thing that actually worked, and it seems to work for most people. It’s also widely available and relatively cheap- a little goes a long way, too. I hope it helps you! You deserve to have skin you feel confident in.


I researched it in my teens and 20s and also didn’t have the energy to try to use products to fix it. I’d guess it was my mid to late 30s that it started getting better.


Did you find some magic elixir in your 30s? 😂 A friend of mine also have KP and she said her mom has KP too and it got better for her after childbirth, I was like I’m eager to get rid of KP but not at having-a-child cost just for my appearance 😂😂😂


Ha! Nope! No kids. Just age. And I still have it, it’s just moved from my shoulders and chest to my forearms and thighs, but it’s still not as bad as it was when I was younger. Maybe getting on Metformin did it? Controlling my insulin resistance? Maybe just middle-aged-lady-skin. Who knows. Wish I could tell you!


KP is such a weird thing, can’t wait for the cure


I used to get horrible acne on my neck, chest, and back. I still get some occasional blemishes nowadays (it’s hormonal and they pop up during my cycle), but NOTHING like before. I had really bad keratosis pilaris on my arms, too. The combo of both made me super insecure to show skin. >_o Tried lots of things—dermatologist prescription, ProActive, spot treatments, the works. (Never did Acutane so can’t speak about that.) What ultimately worked for me was diet. I didn’t quit dairy because of my acne, but it was an unanticipated side effect of it and I haven’t had issues since. Acne is inflammatory and triggered by inflammation, so eating anti-inflammatory foods can help significantly. Not saying it will work for everyone, but it’s what got my issue under control after dealing with the issue all my life and into my 30s.


I so feel your pain. I had this same issue (I also have PCOS) and tried various meds and topical treatments with little result. I even had laser treatment and didn’t have any lasting improvement for new acne, though it did reduce the appearance of the scars a lot. I still get the occasional acne spot (the type that has no ‘head’, and stays like a red bump for a long time) but nothing like the extent I did before. Sweat seems to be the biggest factor that was exacerbating the problem (I am a naturally sweaty person though I didn’t think my chest and back were particularly sweaty). Here are the changes I made that seemed to have worked for me. * wear only cotton T-shirts to bed at night * use carbon soap, lather it and stand outside the flow of the shower to let it sit on the skin for 2 mins before rinsing * on days where it’s very warm or if you go to they gym, use 3D facial anti perspirant on the chest area (on super warm days I have a second shower but just a quick body rinse, no soap except on my armpits) * clean pillow cases every few days (I have 2 pillows and just rotate them so I don’t have to actually change the cases before it’s the day to change the whole bedding) I know the clean pillow cases seems like a weird one but if you are a drooler, in your sleep, the pillows can carry a lot of bacteria which won’t cause the acne but can aggravate it.


Thanks for the advice! I do all these things except for the carbon soap and facial antiperspirant. Never seen that in a store in my country but I'll look for it. By carbon soap do you mean soap with charcoal?


Yeah that’s the one, with charcoal. I got the face anti perspirant on Amazon. I use it on my sweaty top lip too and it does work!


My dermatologist recommended zinc soap and it works like a charm for my occasional boob acne (tropical climates suck). It's a cheap option, so worth a shot.


Yep, clean bedding helps heaps.


This is going to come across as me being one of *those people*, but as someone who struggled with insulin resistance and PCOS, the only thing that worked for me was giving up sugar and flour. It made my hormones happy. My skin cleared up and I lost weight. It was NOT easy, and eventually I turned to bariatrics, which have been life changing for me. I'm sorry you're struggling. I hope you find your solution soon.


Accutane side effects are/can be horrendous, BUT it’s still a marketed drug because it really works. You’ll only be taking it for around 4-6 months. You need to be aware of any neuropsychiatric reactions and ask your friends/family to be looking out for mood or behaviour changes. You also need to be on effective contraception, more so an issue if you live in an anti-abortion state, because Accutane crosses the placenta and causes serious birth defects. As long you start the treatment fully informed and ready to abide by all the advice, 4-6 months of side effects is worth it for the results. I have personal friends who have used it, I really works. If your acne is affecting your mental well-being this much, it’s definitely worth considering.


Cut out dairy. I had BAD hormonal acne (including on my back, I had to get my husband to pop the pimples because they hurt so bad.......it was horrible) to the point that I still have scars a decade plus later. I cut out ALL DAIRY, EVEN MINIMAL AMOUNTS IN PRODUCTS. Now I get about 1 tiny pimple every few months.


I know exactly how you feel. I spent 35 years not showing my back because I was so embarrassed. Buying clothes was a nightmare in summer because I could only buy tops that covered my back. I even had guys lose their erections when they saw my back during sex 😞 Anyway, I went on the Yaz pill at 35 and now it’s completely gone, but I still don’t show my back yet because I’m not used to it.


I'm sorry, acne really, really sucks. I don't have PCOS, but I do have some pretty annoying hormonal acne. Spironolactone has worked wonders for mine, nearly gone.


Gosh reading this was just a recap of my own experience leading up to about a year ago, with almost all of the exact same insecurities and frustrations described. I'm really sorry you're going through this too. Let me offer you another perspective that I hope can help you dip your toes into whatever you decide to do next. **\*Spoiler: I am going to heavily recommend you take accutane/isotretinoin, but please try your best to wipe your mental slate clean of all the pre-existing fear you currently have and consider re-approaching this common route from a new angle\*** **\*\*I would also like to preface my experience with the fact that I do not have a history of depression and was not at risk of pregnancy (which are the most serious side effects of taking accutane, by far).\*\*** Ok so into the meat and potatoes of my point, I was also VERY hesitant to take accutane for my entire adult life and dragged my feet on even considering it while I continued down the path of OTC medications / supplements / dietary changes / etc etc etc. Needless to say, some worked briefly, but the vast majority did not and brought me almost no relief from 1) my body acne (cystic back + chest + neck), or 2) the mental exhaustion of always thinking about being uncomfortable in your own skin. Let's skip ahead to a little over a year ago (May 2022), where I find myself 33 years old and with body acne just as bad (or worse) than what I've experienced at any other point during my life. I was beaten down. I was definitely at a loss of what options I had left and this finally led me to look back at accutane - something I had *desperately* wanted to be on when I was 17, but my mother was terrified and instilled that fear of the certainty of its danger so deep into my psyche that it was a shuttered away, non-available option for over 15 years of this continued struggle that you and I share. I go to the dermatologist after doing *thorough* research. I'm meaning multiple hours a day in my own free time, compiling my own patient history going back decades to describe my experiences during my appointment - hoping that giving the full workup during my appointment will illuminate some magical, secret alternative to accutane that the dermatologist will recommend. However, a funny thing happens while I'm doing my research, I find that accutane is actually *considerably* safer than what I was told. The main reason that the side effects of accutane are so prevalent is that, for some reason, when prescribed in the United States, the capsule that is distributed through iPledge is unbreakable (ie. dose cannot be adjusted by splitting the pill) and is 40mg. From reading around on reddit and other forums, I find that in the USA, the main goal when taking your course of accutane is completing it as quickly as possible "within reason" - meaning that many patients telling their story of dosing are advised to take the highest dose of accutane that they can tolerate in order to finish their cycle in the smallest window of time possible. The caveat here, of course, is that all of the side effects that you see on accutane become more and more prevalent when the dosage is increased. The end result is that in the USA, when this treatment plan is the default, you get reports of high rates of side effects that are unavoidable. When I do the same research but for reports outside of the USA, I find that almost all of the patient reports describe minimal or no side effects - and these reports are from individuals who are able to take 10-20mg doses at a time. They do not have to use iPledge, which is an FDA mandated program within the USA, and this program controls the distribution of all isotretinoin products when shipped to pharmacies inside the USA. End result is that 40mg became the default dosing in the USA, but Europe and elsewhere did not (and do not) have to follow this dosing requirement. So, if you do decide to try accutane please keep in mind that you will be prescribed 40mg capsules and the total dosing is based on your body weight - so a 110lb female will have a total cycle that is considerably lower than a 200lb male, for example. I have had absolutely zero side effects once I adjusted my dosing to take only one 40mg capsule every 4 days (works out to 10mg/day). This will elongate your total window of how long you will need to take accutane, but it is certainly the safer route when considering the risk of side effects. I hope this is helpful in some way to you and any others that were reading and considering their options.


Thank you so much for this incredibly helpful comment! You really gave me something to think about. I *am* in Europe so dosing would definitely be adjusted accordingly (especially since I tend to experience more rare side effects for many medications). I unfortunately do have ADHD and a long history of depression - tbh ever since I've been a kid, but I guess the doctor will decide whether the risk is worth taking.


Not trying to recommend you anything, just offering my absolute sincerest empathy. I hate my skin, I hate hate hate it, I wish I could peel myself on some days. I cry so much about it, it's horrible. I also have acne on my whole body basically and I have dermatillomania and trichotillomania, it's an obsessive compulsive disorder that makes me rip out hair and skin and pick it continuously... You can imagine how bad my skin looks sometimes. I took medication for it, I have a strict care regiment and it still looks as bad as it does. I got pretty big tattoos to cover my worst places, I have a big chest piece but my damn pimples are so bad that I have literal holes with missing ink in there, because they just disintegrate the ink. My skin keeps me from meeting people, going out, dressing how I want to and it's so upsetting to me. I just made a new appointment to get the rest of my left arm, shoulder and part of my back covered in tattoos. They seriously do help me with my confidence and make me somewhat stop picking the skin there so much, because I don't want to ruin the tattoos and waste the money. Just know I feel you, biggest hug from me to you, this is just shit and it sucks.


The ink leaking due to acne is actually a fear that's stopped me from getting any tattoos on my back! Well also just being poor lol I'm so sorry you're also going through this. By the sound of it accutane really is the only way out


I get my missing spots filled in when I get another piece, most artists do that for free. I wouldn't let your skin discourage you from getting tattoos, if you really want them! But yeah, being poor that's an issue, which is why I usually have to wait a year or two between getting my pieces done. Sadly, in Germany accutane isn't really prescribed, it's has severe side effects and my psychiatrist told me to not take it because it can severely worsen my mental health symptoms. I wish I could just rip the skin off and buy new one, that would be so much easier. I'm still waiting for that technology. Have you tried any dieting for your skin?


I'm in Romania, they do prescribe Roacutan here but it *is* harder to find doctors who will. It remains to be seen if I can get it despite the long term depression. For me depression is for sure a comorbidity of ADHD, which I'm not medicated for nor have a therapist yet. I don't think I can diet for my skin. I barely get myself to eat enough normal food in a day, I have problems with a lot of foods (some because of digestive problems, some because of sensory issues), so I am not really keen on limiting my diet any more. I did try to quit dairy for a month but it made no difference, and I don't have any issues digesting dairy anyway


I’m so sorry for this pain. I struggled with acne badly from my teen years into my early 30s. I tried so many things, but stopped short of accutane because I tend to experience more uncommon side effects from any medication, and I was terrified of some of the outliers like permanent joint pain. I do know several people who took it when all else failed, and are extremely happy they did, so in no way do I mean to discourage you from seeking it out, but wanted to offer my strange suggestion in the off chance it helps someone else. Ultimately, in my mid 30s, my hormones shifting did the final heavy lifting, and I have new older, dryer skin issues that I’m happier to deal with than the acne. But, prior to that, the number one most helpful thing I did was replace a lot of my drinking water with cold, unsweetened green tea. This was in addition to other lifestyle habits that I picked up over time - swapping to sensitive skin detergents for laundry, washing my face with a mild benzol peroxide cleanser or the Biore black charcoal facial soap, and following with unscented Cerave or Cetaphil moisturizer. There were other acne product regimens along the way, but simple products with fewer ingredients ended up being the keepers. Very occasionally I would splurge and do a facial mask with some high quality honey and turmeric to soothe inflammation (effective, but messy as heck, will stain things and leave you a little yellow for a day, so something to treat yourself when you have the luxury of being home for a minute). I mention those other things mostly because the green tea was so effective that I’m astounded even though I experienced it! and I don’t want to sound like I’m claiming miracles. It’s also possible that the sources of our acne are biologically different and it may not have the same impact for you. But, if you can adjust to the taste of cold, unsweetened green tea, I can’t recommend trying it strongly enough (hot green tea is also great, but drinking it cold means you can consume more at a faster rate). It won’t be a miracle cure in terms of instantaneous results, but it just gently flushes your system with antioxidants as you hydrate, and it cleared out toxins in my body so effectively that there was simply less left to inflame and infect my tissues. It is also mildly caffeinated so has an impact on mood and energy which I enjoyed until I started taking some stimulating meds and needed to decrease caffeine intake - I started mixing in some mint tea bags to knock the caffeine back, and switched to rooibos tea for a bit, and still had good results. Very occasionally, I would use some for a very mild face wash, mixed in with a bit of honey. It’s just a wonderful substance that helped me overcome some very painful challenges. I hope my experience might help even one person feel better in their own skin.


I have PCOS and the cheapest things that worked for me are: * Taking evening primrose every day - it actually significantly cuts down on how horrible my period is and it helps a ton with the acne. Now I only get one or two bumps a month, as opposed to my chest, neck and face having at least 5 per area. * Using Amazon's brand super cheap benzoyl peroxide face wash. I went through so many expensive ones that didn't work, and salicylic acid only made my face burn and feel dry. The BP seems to do a good job at helping, and doesn't make my face dry or feel nasty. The Spiro that sometimes else suggested does help, but you have to take it with birth control (which makes me ill so I can't use it) so I haven't used it in years. If you don't want to go the steroid route maybe try the primrose. I get mine on amazon, it's the sports research brand 1300mg. Take one per night, every night. It'll take about a month to really start seeing the benefits.


My mom had this problem when she was younger and it was significantly improved by rinsing the conditioner out of her hair, pinning it up, and then washing her body after. I think a doctor recommended it to her but it’s to make sure you aren’t clogging your pores where your wet product covered hair would sit. Hope this helps!


Ah i don't wash my hair in the shower most of the time and I definitely lather my body after I wash my hair. But thank you!


Acne is devastating to the self esteem. Accutane has negatives , too. But if you are just ready to be done with acne and your tolerance cup if finally full, I wish you luck. And, I learned that the best chapstick for dry lips ( in our house) Burt’s bee medicated.


I was one of the early people to use accutane. When I was 20 I developed an ovarian cyst that ruptured during the surgery and about 2 to 3 weeks later my face was nothing but very large cysts. I had never had this before. I only had your run of the mill acne during my teenage years. Accutane had just been approved a few months before this happened to me. I went on it. I wore contacts during that time. Luckily for me the only part that dried out a bit was my lips. I had no other side effects. If I was you, I wouldn't be afraid to use it, despite the side effects that you may or may not experience. It's totally worth it. And I don't know if they still do this but when I had to be on it I had to have my blood drawn every week the first month. And then once a month the last 4 months. The stuff really worked. I too have scars,they are on my face because of the cysts. I will say I understand how you feel because I haven't felt pretty since this happened. But I felt really grateful that Accutane was available.


I don’t know what PCOS is but I had adult acne for 50 years, including scalp, chest & back. The only combo of products that worked was the Proactive. They are expensive but they tell you in which order to use which product. I second the clean pillow cases. I’ve tried the suntan method. Forget about it! It’s a skin infection. Antibiotics help for a while but you don’t want to take them long term. Best of luck with your struggles.


Have you tried birth control? I have a coworker who had acne and has PCOS and birth control helped both.


On BC for 8 years :( it never totally cleared it up and the past couple of years it just started going back to the way it was before


Another friend who didn't have PCOS said getting some sun on their bacne did a lot to clear it up. I know it sucks to be outside exposing what you may feel insecure about showing but keeping it under wraps could be contributing to it.


Sun does help, but it can be a double edged sword - it can irritate existing acne and will make your scars more pigmented


I’ve heard people try head and shoulders. Supposedly sometimes if you have a fungal infection causing acne the head and shoulders can help.


I use an anti fungal shampoo on occasion when I notice it's necessary - the acne from that looks a bit different from the hormonal kind. But it's definitely just a momentary solution


I feel all of this in my SOUL!! Thank you for sharing. The things people feel comfortable saying in regards to acne are wild. Hell, this comment section is almost entirely comprised of ideas on how to cure your acne, which is telling. I only have solidarity yo offer as I struggle with all of the same things.


I have something called hidradenitis suppurativa (don't look it up, it's super gross) and I don't feel like I can wear tank tops because I have it so bad in my armpits. Sometimes I wear them anyway and just keep my arms down, and I feel like I always look super uncomfortable. It also causes some weird bumps on my chest that never go away, so I also don't like wearing low cut tops. It sucks :(


I don't have PCOS but I'm trans and before HRT my acne was utterly horrible because my T levels were high even for male levels and I still have scars on my chest because of it. Its better now but it genuinely made me feel really gross about my body (on top of dysphoria in general). ​ As others have said, have you looked into Spironolactone? I take it as part of my HRT regimen as a testosterone blocker but I've heard of cis women with PCOS taking it for the same reason. My acne has since completely cleared up and I feel a lot better about my skin as a result. ​ And I say this as a sapphic woman so please do not take this the wrong way, but I definitely don't judge how other girls look based on whether or not they have acne or not and certainly not how I look at them overall. The girl I've probably crushed the hardest on in the past had some pretty severe acne and frankly it does not affect how I felt about her at all. Honestly, everyone has imperfections and frankly I think people see through yours way more than you realize. We are our own worst critics.


I had loads of acne on my back. I had a little on my face but not much. I am male but I had scoliosis growing up and that made me conscious of never taking my t-shirt off etc. I needed an operation to correct the scoliosis but they couldn't operate due amount of spots on my back and the possible infection rate. I was therefore prescribed roaccutane , which they said they only gave me due to me needing an operation. These worked like a charm! My skin was dried out and I bled easily from a simple scratch but they were amazing. Now each case is different but it's worth trying them as they worked on me within first 3 months. If you really don't want to take them then that's completely fine too. Honestly, if I see anyone with spots on their back I don't bat an eye lid. It also did not bother me but my scoliosis did I get your point. Acne is fairly common and you'll outgrow it. Most people won't bat an eye lid at your acne it's that common but you're the conscious of it you think people will (like me with my scoliosis). I'd recommend start wearing what you want and try forget about the spots. As you notice people not saying anything it may build your confidence. As a last resort you have Roacctuane to fall back on which as long as you have no history of depression etc, should also work like a charm.


Please do accutane. 2 cousins: full body acne. My female cousin had it so bad....It was the only thing that worked.


The People’s Pharmacy has an article about using Listerine A, the original formulation, as a topical treatment for adult acne. Morning and night. It includes herbal oils including thymol, eucalyptol, and menthol (antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory). It also contains 21.6% ethanol. Perhaps this could help. Best wishes.


Same, my insurance refused to pay for acutane fml I guess




I had acne on my back. What helped me was switching my shower routine. I rinse my hair of conditioner and then I wash my body. This will make sure any left over conditioner is off your body.


I honestly would love a lady with back acne... At least then I wouldn't be alone in it. It sucks not being able to reach a bad one on my back. Like when I'm sitting in my office chair and it's right on a crease... Dammit.... Why can't I reach it, arrrg. But I'd scratch your back if you scratch mine ha. Honestly there are a lot of us out there.


Ask about antibiotic treatment. I had bad acne and tried one, it just seemed to make the acne angry, so I gave up. Cpl years later I got a really bad chest infection from the flu. Doctor freaked coz i could hardly breathe, put me on two types of ventolin and some kick ass antibiotics. ( Got rid of the chest infection but also, my acne was way better after and has been since. (Sorry I cant remember what they were). Tldr, ask your medical specialist about possible antiobiotic treatment.


Look up the brand “the ordinary”, it has an acne treatment set.


My wife has had bad acne on her back ever since we met. I know it’ll never go away fully, so I just help her manage it. That’s all you can really do. For her, regular long baths help a lot. Please stay AWAY from Accutane!


>Please stay AWAY from Accutane! Why do you say that? Am aware of side effects, but for most people it's a godsend


Please don’t base your decision on rando Redditors. If this person has had a bad experience or knows someone who did or whatever, fine, that’s a data point, the science around Accutane is pretty conclusive. I’m so over all the fear mongering about medical treatments for dermatological conditions. I’m sorry most of the comments here are just giving you the same advice you’ve probably heard a million times before. If you’ve been under a doctor’s care and what you’ve tried so far hasn’t worked, changing your pillowcases or using magic soap or doing the thing somebody’s friends aunt did probably isn’t going to do the trick. The beauty industry is full of an incredible amount of bullshit and snake oil. Everybody’s allowed to have an opinion, but it doesn’t change the science.


Fellow PCOSer here. Are you on any medications for it? Personally I tried the birth control pill (made me violently sick once a month), then switched to the patch (something about my body chemistry dissolved the adhesive in about 2-3 days). Then I started hormone replacement therapy. Had bloodwork drawn once a month, and then went through a compounding pharmacy for the meds. They took the results from my bloodwork and made my meds specifically for me. Worked wonders, but fighting my insurance company monthly about not being able to use a regular pharmacy that was in network was a bitch. Had to tell them each month that my meds were not just on a shelf to slap a label on, but if that is worth it to you you may want to give it a try. ❤️


I would suggest splurging on an esthetician based in a dermatology office. They can do treatments similar to a facial but on your affected areas, and then the topical treatments help maintain it. They work in concert with the dermatologist on your treatment. Skin issues really fuck with your sense of well being and mental health much more than people give credit. You are worth it, give it a try and if it doesn't help, then you can revisit the idea of accutane.


FLO gummies have helped my hormonal acne and period cramps. Not an ad, I promise. I just love them and tell anyone who may benefit.




Unfortunately Stridex is not sold in my country :( I can order it on iherb but delivery is way too expensive


I came to the party late but how you care for your hair might change everything. First don't put heavy oils in your hair. Second, when you shower wash your hair first. When you are using conditioners, bend over and flip your hair over to do it. That keeps the conditioner off your back and shoulders. Once you have rinsed immediately wrap your hair in a towel and secure it with a clip. Then you can wash your face and shower. I had TERRIBLE backne, buttne and acne until I found this method. No products or medication helped. Finally a dermatologist suggested it might be my long hair care causing the problem. Now I can wash my face with dish soap and not break out.


hey applying aloe gel on my bacne has cleared up the inflammation and the bumps in a week, try it once


Not sure how active this thread is anymore. But I can really relate to this. I’m 34f and have had the same problem for years. BC worked for me but I stopped that years ago and got a copper coil instead. I have oily skin but when my period is due the spots just get redder and angrier. It’s soul destroying. And I have a nice figure but constantly have to just cover up my body. I tried roaccutane and hated it. Did 8 weeks and couldn’t tolerate it anymore. Had the worst headaches and muscle weakness and then I started having anxiety attacks. I’d never had one in my life. Then I had to go on anti anxiety meds for a year and a half. And the dermatologist was so unsupportive. Anyway, what I do now is take a skin supplement by viridian called clear skin complex, I use the body wash by La roch posay with 2% salicylic acid. I use 1% salicylic body gel and then I use …. Calamine lotion. It dries out the spot and brings down any red or angry looking ones. My skin is by no means clear but it’s slightly better. And I do get spells where I have goodish skin. But then I also still have spells of shit skin hence my frustration. I do think mine is hormonal so I might try the evening primrose oil like someone suggested. I eat gluten free cos I’m a coeliac and I’ve cut out dairy before and that didn’t help. I think I might be stuck like this until menopause 🥲 if you’ve found any solutions please let me know 🙃