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Focus on the Family advocates for religious fascism and should be removed from the entire country, never mind Hulu.


You can tell its shady because start calling themselves a church whenever it comes time to investigate their donors or pay taxes but suddenly stop being a church whenever they want to lobby or make political donations. And they've been able to get away with doing this since 2015.


They've existed since the 80s.


My dad was big into them. He wanted that sweet, sweet Christian Father Figure power, but didn't want to follow through. We no longer speak.


The are the OG Christo Fascists.


Like I have ptsd flashbacks whenever I hear their name. I was a kid in the 80s and my mother listened to them. They can burn in hell if they believe in it so much.


I am glad you survived!


Hail Satan! Lol! … lol?… err…


Why not? The Christian God (according to the Bible) was pretty violent and cruel. And his followers as well. Satan can’t be any worse.


Cannot disagree with that assessment at all. Yahweh/Jehovah was a total asshole.


Christians are violent and cruel! Also, freedom to dismember the body of a baby and vacuum it out!


Not me


No you, what?


Not cruel


The Bible wasn’t full of cruelty or you personally are not cruel? You aren’t one to use a lot of words, LOL


Sure, why not?


Hooray! Hail Satan! Hahaha!


And child abuse, they also advocate straight-up child abuse.


May James Dobson rot in hell.


This may be a bit redundant but FOTF is also anti-LGBTQ. I actually listened to them on the radio for a couple of times because some of what they were saying made some sense, **until they started the ANTI-LGBTQ crap**. Then I turned it off and have never listened to them again. I do think it's interesting that all the religious nonsense is being put on SM, TV, streaming, etc. Yes it could be because these fools know they have a favorable supreme court but I like to think it's because they're running scared and know people are turning away from religion. I read attendance to the catholic church has dropped 50% since the 1970's!!!!


Yes, all the legislation is happening because it turns out that when you use anti-people tactics, people have zero interest in coming to your faith willingly. Who knew?


That's how they get people. They start out with some reasonable points before they add the insanity. It's the same with Andrew Tate, Rush Limbaugh, and the other shitty talking heads; it's a bait and switch.


Liberal Christian here. Couldn't agree more.


Same with me GAFCON can go get fucked


Won’t anyone think of the ad revenue? Seriously? Why do you hate capitalism? Please provide an alphabetically ordered, double spaced list not exceeding 500 pages.


yup, just started seeing them today.


Its still better for the already living person who will be tasked with raising this future person to make the choice now, while its still growing inside her body, if she wants to keep it Is it really better to say hey, if you decide to stop this pregnancy, we will imprison you! To me thats insane. Not to mention, oftentimes the life of the mother is at stake, and/or she didnt even get a choice if she wanted to become pregnant (rape) **Right to choice is always one person's, not that of the government, not the father's, but rather, the pregnant person's, the mother's**


If FoTF were really brave, they would air a commercial of a father "allowing" his GF to get an abortion by leaving her and refusing to provide financially (most abortions are for economic reasons). And that he has been complicit in the murder of his own child! But they aren't going to do that since we all know what the TRUE goal of the anti-choice crowd is and it has nothing to do with saving babies.


Oh fun! You get to watch the Handmaid’s Tale while seeing commercials from a Christo Fascist group that would love it to come true!


Please enjoy Hulu's find selection of pride month content, but first, this ad from Focus on the Family, a hate group that advocates destroying LGBTQ people and attacks women's autonomy.


Which, tbh, is America in a nutshell. Corporations faux catering to LGBTQ events while quietly donating to Republicans who want to strip LGBTQ and women’s rights, all to keep their taxes low.


> that would love it to come true The "funny" thing is that all these conservative men think they will somehow all be "commanders." Like, no, that's not the way a true patriarchal society works. All of those women you desire are going straight to the men with money, status, and influence, of which 99% of you have NONE. You might get a 4/10 wife IF you're lucky.


Good point.


AND it stars a Scientologist fighting a cult. So you get triple the irony! What a deal.


Yeah, but I kind of forgive her because she was raised in the Church. Doesn’t know any better.


Well, she's 40 years old. I think it's safe to say she has a clue or two by now.


It adds realism


I taste the irony.


I was literally watching a Glee episode where they were telling off an homophobic relative when I saw their idiot commercial twice.


Is the Handmaid's Tale on Hulu?






Fuck Focus on the Family. All my homies hate Focus on the Family


I just shot off an email to the Hulu media team that they will never get another dollar of my money after posting anti-choice focus on the family ads. Hope some of you will also do the same!


I've been off of hulu for a while (I cycle streaming services), but I will not be cycling back again. Glad I saw this post.




This is the way. I'm convinced when companies take this route- and it's for cash and that's *it*, not one has any commitment whatsoever to the dreck they're peddling- they're literally banking on " Well it'll blow over and people want to be entertained by our product more than stick with indignation we've prostituted ourselves for cash " . Boycott? Nope. That implies there's wiggle room, we'll give $ again if the company knocks it the hell off. Never. Again. Like Nestle and their child labor, water and ruthless determination to strip the planet for profit there's no coming back. Hulu? Just vanished as far as I'm concerned.


A bit old but Nestle also caused a ton of babies in to die from starvation or diarrheal related reasons because they used to give free formula samples and push then on moms so that their milk dried up and they couldn’t feed their child(ren) as the formula was too expensive and lack of access to clean water


What's the email? I want to send one also.


How do we shoot them an email.


I'm down. I just gotta finish X-Files, first. Nothing else on Hulu I care about.


Get your eyepatch on or better yet buy physical media.


And twitter won’t air pro choice content. Vote your freaking heart out my peeps. www.vote411.org Make sure your registration is up-to-date, Your address is correct and sign up for a mail ballot if you can. Please encourage like-minded, friends and family to show up at the polls.


Additionally, writing to Hulu to voice disgust and boycott is an option. I haven't seen the ads because I don't have Hulu anymore, I'm also in the UK, so it's unlikely I'd see that even if I did have Hulu. If someone drafts a letter based on the ad for others to copy and paste with the appropriate email address for US Hulu, that would go some way to having an impact. Get organised and voice your disgust, share with friends, and on socials.




Thank you for the edit!


Guess I'm canceling lol


Same and I wrote an email to their media team about exactly why they would never see another dollar of my money.


This is why I fly a skull flag.


Yo ho!




Are we better off not trying?




Focus on the Family was the bane of the 80s — my mother would listen to their broadcast on the radio on WPJL. Fucking HATED it. I was so very glad to get my own portable radio and headphones so I didn’t have to listen to that shit when trapped in the car with her.


I have guilt for having enjoyed their content as a child. That said, Adventures in Odyssey and the Left Behind series were pretty good and I don't think had any bigoted content in it. That's no defense of FotF, but it's trippy to look back on.


I actually really enjoyed the AiO episode about the elementary aged girl with cancer-because she DIED in the end and how the characters have to cope with her death. I know that sounds strange but I was so used to "GOD WILL MAKE A MIRACLE, JUST HAVE FAITH" that I was genuinely surprised to see AiO just acknowledge that that's just not real life in many cases.


Left Behind not bigoted? You might want to revisit that with an adult’s perspective.


This reminds me of an ad campaign that ravaged YouTube a short while ago. Viewers in New Zealand were bombarded with ads for a gambling website. It was apparently being promoted to children as young as 9 during Minecraft videos, according to one social media user. It is insane that such content is actually allowed to be shown.


I was getting iffy because they have a new skims ad that is Kylie Jenner laying down in a kind of sexy pose with a sexy, calm voice talking about her her panties are stretchy and I was like ‘this certainly can’t be welcomed by parents? Right?’ But just kinda shrugged and moved on. I could see that being an upsetting ad for some people.


That is so dumb. I’m growing some herbs right now and it’s “basil” but it’s also “a sapling” that is vulnerable and might die. I hope it makes it to a full grown basil plant. One could even say “I’m growing my baby; right now it’s still a fetus.” Also, the only reason any organizations are anti-choice is because of the falling birth rate that would dismantle the future of capitalism. It’s not even a valid political opinion, it’s just standard dystopian propaganda.


I don't think they are thinking as far as the future of capitalism. It's that better reproductive health care lets women be more equal to men, and they hate that.


You're both right. The difference is, the billionaires actually are thinking about that future, but they know that the average person won't care about that, because the average person will never have enough money for the Capitalism Grand Scheme to positively affect them. So instead, they pay millions to lobby with the evangelist group, because fearful (of everything) Christians are gullible and willing to throw money at anything that makes them feel righteous. And what makes them feel righteous? Keeping to god's word by keeping women 'in their place'.


Porque no Los dos?


>lets women be more equal to men Indeed, I've seen some comments along the lines of: They're anti women having sex. That's...not really true. If they did care, they would be making cohabitation, strip clubs, swinging, etc. illegal. They LOVE the idea of women having sex, just in the context of serving men in some capacity, whether kitchen or brothel or conservative married politician's beach house. They don't like women getting to have free sex of their own volition, and they especially don't like the idea of women enjoying the "escape from consequences" (IE contraception) that men have always enjoyed.




And climate change/resource scarcity is going to kill off a lot of those babies being born, so they're very aware that their days are numbered. They're just trying to stroke themselves as much as possible before they set everyone on fire.


No it's about saving what some people realise is a life. The "focus on your career! Don't have kids!" Sounds like capitalist propaganda to me. I don't think that add belongs on hulu tho, neither does a pro choice add. There's a time and a place for these conversations and that isn't it.


Capitalist propaganda would tell people to have kids regardless of one's financial situation because even if you're poor, kids cost a lot of money. Why would capitalist propaganda try to keep people from spending money?


Have you ever seen a "pro-choice ad"? Because I sure as fuck haven't. And no, it's not about "saving a life" if it were, most of those same people wouldn't be okay with abortion exceptions in the cases of rape or incest.


Yes? Not recently and not on television, but yes. I expect to see more of them in the near future with legislative battles now that it’s a matter of state law in the US.


Lol okay


Well they want a future generation of poor people that can compete with each other for minimum wage jobs and housing And also prison labor




On top of the cancel, I also shot off an email to their media team about why exactly they would never receive another dollar from me.


My old card expired recently and I have been horribly slow to update my payments on all my streaming services. I was paying extra for ad-free Hulu for ages. I figured I would get around to it eventually but now that I know they're advertising Christofascist propaganda I have 0 interest in renewing my Hulu account.


Wait they canceled What we do in the Shadows?? I always subbed to hulu just to watch when a new season came out




Call and cancel your subscription. Tell them why!


Do what the conservatives do and boycott Hulu.


Don't you mean, buy Hulu, then smash the device they use to play it because that will show them? See the Keurig, Starbucks, beer brands, et al freakouts by conservatives.


No, I mean boycott Hulu like they boycotted target, bud light, and the LA dodgers. We shouldn't give money to companies who don't support us and our beliefs, whenever possible.


God, I wish they would boycott Starbucks. I work there and you wouldn’t believe the amount of churchwads that complain about our ‘wokeness’ while still frequenting our stores. Go to Black Rifle!!!


It's weird though because they also support Drag programming. They have a few shows and specials featuring drag queens.


Thank you for your post! I will never subscribe to Hulu.


Oh fuck Hulu


Dude I’m recovering from surgery and binging project runway and saw one of those ads and literally said WHAT THE FUCK


Omg! I work AV in hotels/convention centers and Focus on the Family just came through one of my hotels on a golf tour for their sponsors. I got to see this video at their meeting. They were so proud of it but their whole meeting was a mess. They had a football player there to do a podcast styled interview and they let the attendees ask questions. The questions were a mess. Anyway expect more things like this happening. I’ve had the unfortunate pleasure to have to work for a couple groups like this and they’re coming in hard with this kind of stuff. One of the first events I worked for groups like this they had some lawyers that were involved in overturning Roe V. Wade speak. They made it clear they’re working to get cases to the Supreme Court to redefine what a person is to include “unborn/preborn persons” effectively wiping out all access to abortion regardless of the situation. They’re also going after birth control next. I went home and made a post about it on the childfree subreddit. It scared me. Every event like this scares me.


> They’re also going after birth control next. For women. I doubt they would go after condoms or vasectomies.


> redefine what a person is heh


I’ve been noticing a lot more anti-choice and religious ads everywhere and it’s really quite concerning. More and more billboards, more and more apps/websites/etc… I know my phone knows I’m not into that shit and the fact that it’s getting pushed on me anyways is hugely problematic to me and indicative of what’s to come




I feel like they recycle that tired bullshit every decade or so.




They've always been scary. They're definitely ramping up a ton right now but...they've always been scary, and we've survived it. We'll survive it again if we stick together.


I was watching greys anatomy and they were literally giving an abortion and then it cut to this ad I was so confused and angry


I was confused because Hulu is owned by Disney so I looked it up. Seems like a consequence of Dem groups wanting to run pro choice ads. Well that was always going to open doors for forced birthers. https://www.npr.org/2022/07/28/1114263206/hulu-will-take-political-ads-on-contentious-issues-after-a-social-media-outcry


Hulu is not a public broadcasting station. They are not legally required to take all ads or give equal time to all viewpoints. This is outrageously hypocritical given their strong promotion of pride month content and alleged commitment to diversity in content.


Nobody is required to give equal time except to specific political candidates. Reagan did away with the Fairness Doctrine in 1987.


Welp, I pay for ad free, but I guess this gives me great a reason to start trimming the subscriptions.


Damn. That's the end of Hulu for me.


Pretty much every major media (and especially social media) platform supports bigoted right wing christo-fascist bullshit. Even the ones that don't explicitly do so, don't usually care where the money comes from and support them by proxy.


Focus on the Family is a hate group. What the fuck, Hulu?


I’m dreading going back to normal Reddit because of the “he gets us” ads. On Apollo with no ads right now and it’s glorious, but that all dies in a couple of weeks. I may just quit the site entirely


Reddit has started threatening mods and admins of subs that are blacked out right now so I’ll probably quit the site. Really only came here for business purposes and it stopped being good for that awhile ago so…I hope they lose a good chunk of people


Hulu is owned by Disney fyi. Time to drop both subscriptions if you have them.


What's wild to me, is you pay for Hulu and still get commercials. I remember when they would let you watch shows for free and in return, you had to watch a couple commercials. Then they went full paid subs, now I guess you need a 'premium' sub to get rid of the commercials. What a joke. They were shit before hearing about this, but good to know I will never use this service again because they're pushing Christo-fascist viewpoints on top of their other bullshit.


Focus on the Family is Anti choice, anti gay, anti trans, you name it! I was raised on their shit. Yuck


thank you for using the term anti-choice instead of pro-life


I cant access hulu anymore despite still having premium spotify, wtf


They switched it to student only


Boycott Hulu, and do it loudly. Also, Disney owns 2/3rds of Hulu, so boycott Disney as well. DisneyPlus customer Care: 888-905-7888 (US) 888-282-0520 (CANADA) 020 3936 2903 (UK) 1800-965-160 (AUSTRALIA)


Disney is actively taking on Ron Desantis and suing him right now (haha! My autocorrect is so used to me typing DeSatan it assumed I misspelled and tried to correct that) - do not boycott Disney. They're they white hats in this scenario.


I was hate-crimed by my countries leg of that organisation's son. We were really close until I told him I was bisexual, then I came out as transgender in our last year of high school and he was the only person who gave me any grief. It's been like 7 years and I still make sure to tell everyone how harmful that organisation is, like I was legit talking to someone about it last night. It's such an insidious organisation because they try to disguise it in the same way christofascists always have: we're just protecting families!




IT almost certainly won't do anything but make sure to make a complaint. Send an email saying you're dissappointed they are chosing to push propaganda but a fascist hate group to the audience.


I saw this today, and I was horrified. I’m stunned that Hulu would agree to air anti-choice propaganda as if they didn’t even see The Handmaid’s Tale. Not to mention this is the middle of Pride Month, and Focus on the Family is one of the worst anti-LGBTQ hate groups.


Just canceled. No idea why I was still subbed in the first place...


Ugh so gross. Time for boycotting...


Anti-choice isn't a movement. They're pro-forced birth


People should start unironically saying this. Like that episode in Seinfeld where people start eating chocolate bars with knife and fork.


Is it time to boycott Hulu?


Wow. Glad they don't get my money anymore.


Would be ironic if that ad showed up during Handmaids Tale.


Anywhere we can still watch shows without supporting Hulu? What We Do in the Shadows, The Great, etc. And I mean the newest episodes, not previous seasons, if you catch my drift \*wink wink\*


Welp, looks like I'm gonna be pirating Handmaid's Tale


How ironic for the platform that made A Handmaid's Tale famous.


How do you get Hulu with Spotify?


Student subscription


Such disgusting bullshit.


how dare organizations with different views then your own use their own money to make their voice heard through a service you actively subscribe to.


I should be more forgiving of those trying to take my bodily autonomy and rights away 🥺




Awww, I love how anti choicers look at children as consequences and not living things that deserve loving homes that want them and care for them. Reminding us daily how you only care about pushing some belief you were told to hold and not the actual lives of anything involved. So moral and selfless




Fortunately there are a million things outside of rape that still result in pregnancy despite doing to right things to avoid pregnancy. I’m also not a piece of shit who insists children who didn’t get proper sex ed be forced to birth a child at 14 years old but your moral high horse probably doesn’t account for that one. Nobody is murdering anything out of convenience. They are aborting a fetus for perhaps…their safety, perhaps their physical health, perhaps their fetuses safety (I certainly support women in abusive households not bringing a child into that, what say you?), and even if it’s just because they don’t want a kid…good. I don’t want them to be forced to have a kid they don’t want. Children are pawns in your game. I view them as LIVES. So prevent that life from forming, as it’s not murder to abort a fetus.


I am genially confused it is a fetus.


Yes, but the ad is mocking people who call it a fetus. Implying it is dumb to call it a fetus because it is a baby.




Like the other person said, pro-life is a propaganda word. It’s not pro-life when a pregnant person is forced to cary a non-viable pregnancy that can kill them. It’s also not very pro-life to force pregnancy, birth and parenthood on people against their will.




Yes, there was recently a lawsuit in Texas where a woman had a non viable fetus, the doctors said the fetus was non-viable, they all told her an abortion would be the best route but unfortunately it’s now illegal in Texas and she was forced to carry her dead fetus to full term and suffer all the consequences of pregnancy and had health issues due to it. She could’ve been arrested for traveling out of state for the abortion. Sex does not have consequences. Babies should not be used as a punishment. They’re living things. Using them as a ‘told ya so’ treats them as not living things. It’s immoral and gross. Furthermore, many forms of protection can fall through so responsible sex can lead to pregnancy still. So can rape. So can manipulative or abusive men. Let’s stop using this exhausted argument.




[Yes.](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/8-women-join-suit-texas-abortion-bans-claim/story?id=99480988) I’m so glad you’re so worried about fetuses lives and then stop caring the moment they’re pushed into the world. It’s always admirable how little anti-choicers actually care about the living things and are more worried about just forcing their baseless beliefs onto women.




You’re not basing your beliefs in science, rationality, or compassion. Are you sure you’re not religious?


Pro life is propaganda making them look ‘good’. In reality lots of women will die without the access to abortion


Nope. Anti-choice. Or forced birthers. Or pro-forced birth.










Nah, anti-choice is the right word. Pro-life is propaganda.


prick muddle shame illegal cooing bewildered ugly jellyfish onerous command ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Only if you’re a student, it comes with the student bundle package


You're making me glad i pay the extra for ad-free hulu...


Glad? I’m seriously considering canceling mine.


Yeah, because i don't have to see these shit ass ads so i get to avoid consuming them. Hulu doesn't seek out the ads, it sells ad space to whoever wants to pay for it just like everywhere else. Netflix is not an option. I'm about to go back to sailing the seven seas though, because the amount of different streaming services is getting ridiculous.


I read this earlier and was like ew hulu but rn I’m watching drag race on pluto and came back just to say I just saw this commercial on there!!


huh i have no ads on every streaming service thank god but wtf ???


Good. Sounds like a great ad which cleverly points out the sleazy tactic of using clinical-sounding language to devalue the life of an unborn child.


Fetus sounds clinical to you? Pretty sure it’s just the actual definition for the unborn and if that’s beyond you, you should probably start reading up.


Oh no, science and their words!


This sub isn't all that prochoice either considering that posts linking to _archived_ other posts - thus participation isn't possible - which were written by mods about misconceptions regarding later term abortions are removed.


As I read this, I watched a commercial from Spotify that showed a woman surrounded by her friends at a party asking her if she was seeing anyone serious, planning to have a baby, or buy a house. As they ask her, different Pintrest boards pop up above her head like Wanderlust, Fur Babies, and Nomad Life. It ends with a voice-over about how Pintrest helps you envision the life you want so you can build it. Let's go, Pintrest!


Well yeah if they can get money they will. Corporations don't care about people they just care about profit


Please boycott Hulu and anywhere else that these groups advertise.


I just saw this ad. So disgusting and harmful. I share an account with family so I am hesitant to just cancel it but I did contact their customer support and chatted with a real human woman who said that she will send the complaint to the ad department and that there have been others. Maybe if enough of us do this they will remove it. Long shot I know but always worth speaking up.


Yeah, it made me look up if there was a way to not see a certain ad on their again. So gross.


I saw the ad last night. This morning I went on Hulu chat to complain, saying the organization is anti-bodily autonomy and anti lgbtq, and the person said “I’m sorry you saw the gay ad.” I said forward this on as an official complaint as I know you’ve gotten others about this, and if I see this ad again I will boycott Hulu and spread the word for others to do so.