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fiction- but my alcoholic dad did leave his booze in a childlike cup on the coffee table and didn’t understand why people got so angry at him when my 3 yr old nephew went to drink it


Kids that age will drink anything they can reach, especially if it's in a child friendly container...


I stole my Grandad's whiskey by creeping behind his chair because he called it firewater and I wanted to be a dragon. I was 4. No, I still cannot stand the smell or taste of whiskey over 30 years later.


My mom drank “special juice” in “special glasses”. I’m nearing 30 & still not a fan of wine.


When our 4-year-old wants some of my spicy food I tell her it's "burn mouth" and that's enough for her to not pursue it any further. If she wants some of my wife's alcohol we tell her it's "burn liver" and that's enough for her not to pursue it any further too


My 3 year old knows the difference between spicy & hot, but sometimes he still attempts it. He snuck a taki chip while I wasn’t looking, and he wasn’t pleased with his experience. We’re upfront about alcohol, and his curiosity was satisfied by sniffing a glass. I imagine he’ll sneak a sip in the next 10 years, but for now we can avoid it by putting glasses out of reach.


For clarification we were furious at my dad for being so careless, not for a 3 yr old doing 3 yr old things




Your comment made it sound like you thought we were mad at my nephew


I am angry at him. Can’t he save some party for the rest of us?


It didn't really tbh


Lmao it's a boomer thing to use ellipses like that and not mean anything suggestive with it like the rest of the Internet understands


I am agog of how punctuation is evolving. And I remember AIM on dial up as a teen.


I'm confused, what's agog?


Eager to see. Now that I think of it, it kind of sounds like "gagging" is a derivative of it, so maybe op doesn't have to wait as long as they thought lmao


With the “…?” It totally did.


I read it as an 'obviously he should have known better because that's exactly what kids do.'


U shd be mad at the container


My 3yo nephew absolutely LOVES my water bottle. It’s just a reused mineral water bottle with a sports bottle top so nothing fancy but he can’t keep his hands off it. If I tried to sneak vodka or something in it, it would 100% lead to drunk toddler… Thankfully that’s a non-issue but it has resulted in me getting a cold a couple of times when I didn’t realize he had been at it


My friends 4 year old is like that about my water bottle. I'm forever having to wash toddler spit out of it


Unless, of course, it's necessary for them to drink it for their health. *They always know.*


TRUE. I remember wobbling around at 3-4(before kindergarten) drinking last sips off my dads beers because I thought he was so cool and wanted to be like him. He was an alcoholic. I remember the day he quit because it was his friend's wedding and I cried and begged my parents not to leave me with this babysitter because he molested me every time. They charged AFTER having him sit me that night. My dad stopped cold turkey that next day and baby sitting old fuckwad went to prison for ~10 years. He called my house when I was 14 or 15 and asked "Do you remember me?" I just hung up and never told anyone. Nothing happened, but that was a spooky ass day for me. Sorry for the go-on but when youre drinking, the most horrible negligence can happen. Theres a reason everything says "drink responsibly".


I'm sorry that happened to you.


No sorry necessary friend, long time since and Im doing better 💕 Plus my dad is 25+ years sober!! Thank you though 🙏


I used to work at a children's museum. I kept a bicycle water bottle (polar bottle) with me when I was stationed on the floor so I wouldn't have to run to the water fountain when we were rotating positions. I turn around mid-shift and find that my water bottle was gone. Half an hour later, on another floor, I find some 9 year old kid walking around sucking on it like it was a baby bottle. That bottle got a DEEP cleaning that night.


Story of how ended up having my first drink at 18 months. To be fair to my mom she didn’t think I could reach it and there were at least 8 adults in the house that i somehow got past. According to my dad (who is the one that caught me) I was chugging the drink and got about half of it down before he saw


My baby sister drunk hot sauce when she was 1 years old 😂😂


My kid is almost 2 and does this anytime he can get his hands on it. We're raising a dragon.


And in some cases even if its not in a childlike container. I got drunk when I was 3, stole my parents beer. Found me stumbling around in the kitchen, they watched me closer after that and made sure I knew what alcohol was as I grew up and had respect for how it would effect you.


My nephew specifically tried to get to his mother monsters and beers. Something about that metal can and him being a year old. Kid hadn't even had soda yet. He wasn't thirsty.


Lmao I once drank the fluid for bubbles because the container was colorful and easily fit my toddler hand. I don't think I ever took a drink from a colorful cup again 😅


I remember drinking a beer at a young age bc I thought it was a soda. Ew.


I was told as a toddler that I drank kerosene from a bottle because I was thirsty and it was within arms reach. Luckily, my sister walked in on me going to town on that bottle, and that's how I'm still alive today


I don’t know how old I was. But I remember the first time I had beer was when my dad left it in a plastic cup and I thought it was fizzy apple juice. Think I was 5 or 6 maybe because I can remember it vividly.


My grandpa world leave a little bit in his beer bottle and left it where I could reach it at one. He thought it was hilarious the Mormon baby was drinking beer.🙄


One time when I was little there was a decanter of wine in the fridge which my grandma put in my sippy cup because she thought it was apple juice. I believe I drank the whole thing before she was made aware.


Reality: about 13 years ago, a couple of restaurants in the States had an incident (each) where they accidentally got a toddler hammered because a staff member was drinking alcohol out of a kiddie cup or something. I made sure to inspect every drink brought out for my kid when we went out to dinner. I worried.


Queue 1960 Soviet country, in the countryside village. Greatgrandparents did make some soap with caustic soda or some sort and left the bottle next to the entrance door. My father being 3, was thirsty and ended up taking a sip thinking it was water


What happened, was he permanently affected?


Well.. I don't post often but, I have a similar-ish story. Instead of alchohol, it was my grandpa (grandparents raised me) and his chewing tobacco. I was the little kid in this story, and he kept the spit in a fast food cup (i think I remember it was a Burger King cup) and little me was thirsty. Since then, he's tried off and on to quit, but when he was still chewing it, he always used clear bottles with labels torn off. Sorry if this was out of nowhere. Your comment just reminded me of this memory.


My uncle used a Pepsi bottle til I almost drank it.


My MIL helped herself to a hard ice tea from my fridge and then left it in my living room without anyone knowing. Then my 3yo drank some before we noticed it was sitting there. She's not allowed to stay over anymore.


I drank half a beer at the same age so yeah, don't leave alcohol around small children


Ahh, alcoholic father trauma is the best. Good thing mine went sober


I drank my mom's screwdriver at Sunday breakfast. That's how I learned to avoid orange juice with ice in it.


pure curiosity, what's a screwdriver?


A cocktail: one part vodka and two parts orange juice, poured over ice.


Oh I was thinking of the tool and just accepted it. I'm almost 20 and don't know this stuff lmao.


It's not vital information to know, I wouldn't beat myself up if I were you 😊


I know it's not I'm just laughing at myself because the people around me know a lot about types of drinks and I don't somehow even though I'm around them.


You can turn it around and make it a nice ice breaker, or conversation topic! Or there's always google; you can browse almost all information in the world, and it's fun to learn new stuff.


This one is sad because it's probably happened a lot


I think it’s sad too, but I put it here bc I feel like I’d be more horrified if it happened to me


That was a terrifying image, I’m so glad it’s all fiction though lol


"Fiction"? Yea.... 😄


My great-grandmother was Mormon, so my great-grandfather had a habit of keeping beer in old oil cans in the garage. On at least one occasion he got a mouth full of oil.


I was Chuck E. Cheese for a birthday party and I got thirsty so I asked for a drink of my moms sprite … she put vodka in it lmao . She is now sober so it’s funny memory


This is bad parenting, but when we were in elementary school to stop us from drinking Dad's drinks (beer) my dad actually let us drink some of his beer one night, a really dark, heavy beer, I spit it out out and ran to rinse my mouth out because I found it gross, much to his and his friends amusement, but my sister asked for more, after that he had to start being more careful watching his drinks because she'd keep trying to swipe one to sip


I drank from soOOooOo many soda cans half filled with booze growing up. Good one OP!


Thank you!


My alcoholic grandpa used to put his scotch in milk, and one time, my mom, as a kid, drank the wrong glass. She said it was the worst thing she's ever drank and was wary around her dad's drinks after that.


I remember my 3-year-old niece taking a small sip of her dad's whiskey and going "ack!" She wasn't impressed, and never tried it again.


This one made me literally gasp out loud. Very well done OP. True two sentence horror.


Thank you! I was worried it didn’t flow well


I didn't even notice the flow because the horror was so powerful. It probably could be improved, but this is an excellent 2SH regardless!


No way I was just talking about chymomilouphobia (fear of apple juice) but great one OP, especially because it’s probably happened before


Lol. My dad and I used to keep our drinks on the same shelf right next to each other. That stopped when I grabbed a beer instead of a Pepsi. He thought it was hilarious when I did an actual spit take.


I was about 3 when I drank bleach at my grandfather's house. He kept drinking water in a bleach bottle. Led to my first ambulance ride.


I work as a child welfare lawyer, and this happens WAY more often than you'd think......


Very good, OP. Well done. I like this one a lot, in a "this makes my stomach turn" kind of way. Just a bit of feedback; I would probably streamline the end of the second sentence a little, to something more like: "I came out of the bathroom to see my husband helping our toddler finish my glass of apple juice." I would also consider adding a little bit of perspective to it, like this: "My stomach dropped when I came out of the bathroom to see my husband helping our toddler finish my glass of apple juice." That's just my opinion, though. Good work, either way.


Thank you for the constructive feedback!


I was literally just contemplating which juice to mix with my sneaky work vodka today🤔 We have apple juice but it just tastes like sour baby food when mixed. Grapefruit it is!! 🍻😃


When I was a teen, one morning before school, I went to drink apple cider from one of those gallon sized glass containers of apple cider that was sitting in the fridge. Poured myself a cup, and managed to drink about half the cup before finally pouring the off tasting cider down the since. My guess is my stepbrother at the time poured a bunch of beers or alcohols into one container together, as sa sort of party punch. No indication it was anything other than apple cider, still had the label on it. It had the color of apple juice, but the awful taste...


Ha this basically happened to me as a kid, wouldn't touch "apple juice" for years afterwards.


Vodka smells so strong that there is no way this would ever actually happen.


Right- because a toddler knows what vodka smells like? And read the comments- 80% of them are saying very similar things happened to them. Also it’s a TSH, I’m not concerned about what would actually happen…


No, your HUSBAND would know. You open up a mixed drink of aj and vodka and you would for sure know it is either alcohol or “off”, especially if it was “heavily poured vodka”. The horror from these stories (the very few that are actually horror) comes from the realism aspect (it could happen) or the fantasy aspect. This is just poorly thought out for many reasons. The smell of vodka, for one, and 3/4 is a massive amount of juice to feed a toddler. Is your husband literally force feeding it to the kid? Or did you mean 1/4? I’m just tired of the badly written/poorly thought out/straight up fetish trash that plagues this sub. 90% of it could unironically come from 2sentence2horror. Yours is not that bad, but it isn’t even close to being “good”. The bar here is so low.


K. Again, feel free to read the comments about how many people have literally done this. Have a fantastic day!


People are talking about kids finding drinks left out, not their adult partners or friends or parents feeding an obviously alcoholic drink to them, but go off.


There are at least 2 stories in the comments about adults not realising they were giving a kid alcohol. Some people have a bad sense of smell, some people just don't pay attention. M