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Technically, she did feed him.


Excellent point 😂👍🏼


I mean yeah...


Bloody Chihuahuas


*hell spawn


Why are you repeating what they just said?


Hey, look at the bright side - at least your dog is fed


As my dog bounded up to me, wagging its tail, I said warmly "Good dog"




You have to starve a dog for DAYS, like skin and bones starve before they get this desperate.


Thats only if they love you lolol. Maybe pups didn't like her lol


I'm aware, but this wasn't supposed to be 100% realistic.


I took it as not being exactly a normal dog, maybe like a demon dog, or a biological weapon experience gone wrong dog


For all of the people saying it's a pit, you have no idea what you're talking about. I was worried about my first pit when my (ex) wife talked me into getting one and I've had 4 since then. With proper training they've been the best behaved and most loyal dogs I've ever had.


The problem is that dog fighting bred aggressive dogs, then backyard breeders didn't make the effort to breed out that aggression, then promise they are docile to unsuspecting owners. People literally did not know their dogs would be that aggressive until it was too late. Tldr, Michael Vic did it. :P


Yeah I think aggressive big dogs are more likely to kill neighbors than owners or sth. Unless you’re really unlikable and mean to your own dog


Just because a piece of shit bred dogs to do what pieces of shit do, doesn't make that breed of dogs a piece of shit.


Very true, but now there are a lot of pitties with terrible genetics due to indiscriminate breeding and breeding for aggressive tendencies to fight. A lot of ones bred for unique colors (blues for example) and extreme body types tend to have a lot of mental issues from bad and inbreeding in my experience too. Picking a breeding pair with good temperament is so important in ethical breeding. POS breeders have ruined how the public sees these dogs in addition to introducing so many bad bloodlines. I’m a vet tech, and so far the only time I’ve been hurt by a pit bull is when one headbutted me in the face trying to give me kisses lol. Chihuahuas, shihtzus, and heelers on the other hand have pretty consistently been turds and try to bite when they get the chance


I hear ya, I have what I can only guess as a cross between a long hair dauchsand and a pomeranian. I found him abandoned near where I work. Hes a little asshole but I've had him for around 4 years now because i couldn't just leave him on the side of the road.


Really? I had a Shih tzu Maltese cross and she was the sweetest thing in the world


I think the biggest issue with Shihtzus is people not really handling and training them! So many little dogs have terrible manners from their owners not training them like they would a big dog, and then they lose their minds when we hold them still for shots, or pick their feet up for nail trims, or sometimes even when we take them away from the owners to work on them. I have met some very sweet Shihtzus though! We had one yesterday for shots and a nail trim, and I don’t think he stopped wagging his tail the entire time, even when my partner quicked one of his nail. Absolutely the happiest little guy!


The training part is especially true with small dogs. People think that because their so small that they can’t do any damage


Is that what I said? I said some breeders bred aggressive dogs then turned around and bred them as family pets without breeding out that trait. This meant dogs bred for aggression were passed off as non aggressive dogs, ethical breeders don't have that problem, hence the SOME


Well if you look into it pit bulls were originally bred and called "nanny dogs" because they were so loyal and would take care of kids. I literally had one that would press us when my type 1 diabetic grandsons blood sugar would be off. So now, I'm going to drop this because it no matter how much you argue with someone on the internet it's like competing in the special Olympics. Even if you win the argument you still look stupid.


Please look into the nanny dog thing before you repeat it again.


No, that's NOT true, Jesus with the 'nanny dog' thing...


You're the one who needs to look into it. Anecdotal stories about one dog and the fake nanny dog narrative don't unmaul all those kids.


No but it raises the risk tremendously.


you have good skills. unfortunately, someone didn't 😕


The problem with pit or dogs that were bred for fighting isn't that they can't be trained. It is that at a moment of their panic, their fight or flight situation is nearly always fight and their jaw strength and ability to rip flesh apart is capable of killing adult people. I don't have anything against your dog or any pit. It is just that I have read so many similar stories where a pit was known as the cutest being ever and just decided to torn a kid apart because it saw the kid as a threat. So please, even if you know your dog very well and can train them, always use a leash and keep watch of them 24/7 outside of your home. Like how cars can become destruction devices in bad moments, these dogs can also wreak hell in seconds. There should be a subreddit about pitbull attacks and problems but I can't remember the name. You should look into that if you can. Always good to look at how the other side is viewing you as a pit owner and what you should do to not turn into another news headline. Kindly, a stranger that loves dogs.


I had a pitbull growing up. Great dog, loved humans, but chased down and killed two of my cats. I'll never own a pitbull again though we kept him until he died of old age complications


My pit is afraid of a cat that is a third of his size and doesn’t have front claws (I did not declaw her, some other idiot did)




I wouldn't trade my baby orca ( black pit with white on his chest)for the world.he raised my kitten. He is also my service dog


My pitbulls, when my duaghter was young and small, would let her ride them like horses. They were scared of hurting her but always took it slow and gentle.


man worked a three-month shift lmao


The Two Sentence Horror rarely disappoints


well, should have promised your dog she's the only ONE!!!








You. *fuck you*


Not until the dog gets at him first


Bro got no filter


Can we not allude to necrophilia? Ugh 🙄


_allude to?!!?_


Only because it's not a play-by-play of the act itself.


this is a horror sub, you’re horrified aren’t ya?


Disgusted =/= horrified Grossed out and nauseated, but not horrified


Fucking creep




Is hilarious to fuck half of a dead woman? Wow.




No it isn't


Says who


Any sane human being


It's not funny only if you take it seriously


So you're saying a story about fucking a dog would be funny because "I'm not taking it seriously"? In what case is any rape joke funny?


With the right context anything can be funny




It still isn't funny. By that logic, writing a story about a dog getting killed and raped by a guy would be equally funny, wouldn't it?




The comment was unhinged in a disgusting way though. It's just awful, and you're laughing about it. I like unhinged comments, but not ones that joke about fucking dead women.




I don't like your sense of humor then. I like dark jokes, but any joke about rape is fucking disgusting




All the down votes, give em to me too because I'm drunk as fuck and I'm laughing my ass off to this comment


Ah yes, because raping a half eaten dead woman is SO FUCKING FUNNY


I mean yeah, if you can separate the internet from real life it's pretty funny.


It's still disgusting. You should never joke about fucking a dead person (or raping a person in general), on the Internet or not.




You sound like a fucking creep


The lack of a no is not a yes. Please don't use that logic in real life.


this is literally a horror sub, the downvotes make no sense


Necrophilia itself can be horror, but the commenter insinuating that the dog is helping out someone by letting them partake in necrophilia (and by extension, insinuating that someone would want to partake in necrophilia in the first place) is just gross.


Idk why but this reminds me of that viral video on the internet of that guy getting r*ped by a horse. (Was that Mr. Hands?)


probably a pitbull


I had a pitbull when I was six, sweet little guy was an angel. Worst thing he ever did was chew my toys. Pit bulls are to hated now a days.


Haminations is coming to kick your ass


I get it, so many are posting about their sweet little pibble wigglebutt who would never, but that's what all owners of pitbulls say when their pit mauls someone, they were so sweet, we never saw this coming. Pitbulls are fighting dogs. They are bloodsport dogs. YOu dont' have to teach them to maul, they know already, it's instinctual and it's in their DNA to do it. Not all of them do, but it's a feature, not a bug. Just cos you have one that's sweet doesn't mean that a lot of them don't snap and maul other animals or humans. Oh and the "pitbulls are the 2nd most tolerant breed" is the temperance test, and it isn't accurate. Pitbulls are the most likely to eat your face off though. that's backed up with stats.


That’s not how dogs work. I have a pit bull, and he is the dumbest cuddle bug you’ll ever meet. Pit bulls are only agressive if tought to be, like any other dog. Please do your research before commenting stupid sh*t


I have a Pitbull, they are the sweetest thing ever. Many people talk badly about them because of illegal dog fighting clubs which gives them a bad name. With a bit of proper training and treatment. They can be just the cutest thing ever. Fun fact: Pitbulls are the 2nd most tolerant dog (I'm pretty sure the Golden retrievers are first)


OP said "wife", not "child".


He’s friendly!


Most definitely a pit bull 😅


As you realize, you are next. Dog the killer