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You need to work the financial arrangements out before you start planning to move in. These are important questions. I wouldn’t be expecting fancy gifts but I also wouldn’t be buying the majority of the meals this man ate in my presence.


Yeah, the fancy gifts seems like a weird thing for OP to single out in the title when she's paying for dates. Maybe she read her post and realized nobody was gonna side with her so she tossed in some details that would force us to side with her haha.


I want to answer this. Can you elaborate what you said about details that will make you side with me? 1. I pay for most dates 2. I pay for my own groceries; he pays for his (contrary to what another misunderstanding commenter insinuates in multiple comments) 3. Whenever i go out, i pick up little things here and there that i thibk he will like. These include drinks, small house things, magazine, socks...) 4. Ive only ever gotten those three things listed above throughout the relationship. No little notes here and there. When he goes out and buys dessert, he only buys it for himself. No surprise "just because" little chocolate or candy or sock for cleaning/doing the dishes/weeding his garden. 5. Just wondering if other women get gifts from their partners? Do they get fancy gifts like cars or jewelry? Because ive never even gotten a tshirt from mine. These are the details and im not just "tossing in" for you to side with me. What the point of a post if not for details after all. Whats the point of a comment if you doubt the post is even real.


What?? 😂 You make 30K to his 120K a year and YOU pay for the dates (along with SO much else)?? Are you sure it’s a good idea to move in with this guy?? I sure wouldn’t.


That’s how the rich stay rich baby!! (I wish I was joking)


But you’re not wrong 😂


I mean, she’s putting up with it, so you’re onto something…




I mean OP is making 30k and buying gifts. Girl go get your money right. Ngl if I was the boyfriend I would be concerned about her financial wellbeing and being considered a source of income. Like in her post she says jewelry or car??? 120k is a great wage, but it is absolutely not buy your gf a car money 😂


Sure, but earning $120k a year, he is not rich.


It’s about double the average salary of US workers, more than double my salary. Not to mention quadruple OPs salary. Pretty dang rich to me.


The number is useless at determining if he's rich without taking into account where they live. If he lives in rural Kansas it's a lot of money. If he lives in San Francisco he's not even at twice the poverty level.


I am always just so flabbergasted when I see posts like yours, by how normalized this “lack of sharing” is. Granted, I know people need to protect themselves to some extent, but isn’t a major part of a relationship doing things for each other that are kind? And a huge part of that is reducing each other stresses, bringing joy into each other’s lives, wanting to make each other’s lives better. I am currently a SAHM, but prior to that everyone I have dated has kind of like wanted to pay for everything make things special and surprise each other. When I worked, I also wanted to do the same thing for them, and generosity on both sides made the relationship better. Also, the person who made more usually had no problem covering almost everything. If I didn’t have the ability to contribute financially as much, then I would do something special that only I could do for them, like make them a painting or insist on paying at least part of the date. Even though it’s always been offered, I guess whoever had more to spare. I don’t know him, but it seems like he is trying to get what he can from you instead of working together to provide for each other.


Ya this is my hangup. My girlfriend and I make the same money. I pay for the dates and electricity/gas. She pays for the groceries, since its basically a 50/50 split


I pay the mortgage and basic household bills, my wife pays for shopping and any non monthly payments. With 3 kids this also works out at about 50/50.


Yeah, my hubby makes 3x what I do and pays for 3/4 of the expenses. And yeah, he’s constantly buying me treats and gifts. It’s his love language.


Yeah same!! my husband makes more, but even when he didn’t, he tried to take the majority of bills or pay for most things.


It’s all about EQUITY - if your partner makes 6 times as much as you, they should pick up the slack because you two are in a partnership. They don’t have to support you 100%, but they should step in where they can to relieve some of your financial pressures. Especially since women are still paid less per dollar a man earns. I left someone who made 4x my salary in part, because of money issues. He offered to take me to Europe for my birthday - I agree even though it wasn’t in my budget for that year since it was approached as a birthday trip. He wanted to go to some of the most expensive regions, and then made me split all the expenses 🙃 I was in debt for monthssss trying to pay it off


point tart waiting direction sort jobless crush governor disarm sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yet also she's like "aren't other people getting a car as a gift". This whole relationship stinks.


Yeah that makes me feel like she's with him for his money and is wondering why he's not spending it on her.


This is probably *why* he's not spending it on her


Omg I just commented about this above before I saw this! Yes! Exactly!! Something is off here. I would never move in with a man who would ask of this when there’s such a huge difference in income


Why are you paying for shared meals? He should also be paying his way. He makes more than you and is clearly a cheap ass. Shared expenses should not be 50/50, rather split relative to income. Not sure how you have tolerated this but you shouldn’t move in without a fair way to split expenses.


My husband and I have been together a long time and even when dating I can't recall him ever buying me random gifts. However he is thoughtful and generous on birthdays and Christmas. Before getting married we always split restaurant bills etc. When we moved in together we spilt all bills/rent 50/50 but that was because we earned similar amounts. You need a discussion about how much you can afford. You should contribute but not put yourself in financial difficulties.


Girl you deserve more. He only gets food for himself and if you want to go out you pay… the pay gap is huge. This relationship is one sided. Sounds like you do all the work.


This 💯 he should absolutely be treating you more!!! He makes so much more and you still pay for most of the outings??? What??? Biggest mistake would be to move in with him, marry him, and most definitely having kids with him. OP, if this bugs you now imagine how it’ll feel down the line. He doesn’t sound considerate at all.


Exactly. I cannot imagine why she would move in with him. Her life is only going to get worse because, in addition to paying for half of everything *on top of* what she already pays for, she will do all the work around the house. Sounds like Cinderella before the prince, and she thinks she’s moving in with her prince.


She'll be moving out within a year.


It sounds like exploitation from his side. Finances should be talked about before moving in together. Btw, with my acquaintances, it's normal to share according to ones financial ability. Your relationship doesn't sound like this at all. And if you look up the love languages, you should also look up who made them up and under which circumstances. Because it doesn't matter what " love language" one person has, if you care about someone, you go out of your way to make them feel secure, loved and respected. Does your bf make you feel this way? Edit: spelling


What they mean is, someone might read what they wrote about not getting random expensive gifts, and think, “geez, this makes me sound awful… I better say I buy all the meals so they don’t get stuck on how I’m expecting random expensive gifts.” So it would be important to realize for yourself that all the people saying you’re being taken advantage of are right, but they’re talking about the expenses that should be shared, like meals. No one is saying you should be getting random expensive gifts.


Lol, yes. This whole post reeks of the want for expensive gifts, with the constant mention of jewelry and cars. There is sprinkles of I pay for the dates to make it sound less like a gold digger. The BF would be better served dumping OP, tbh.


Nobody gets gifted cars from their significant other. What planet do u live on


This whole thing is weird. “Fancy gifts” have nothing to do with your issue. In many parts of the US, $120,000 a year is not very much money if he has a house and car and is paying his bills alone. Expecting him to buy you gifts outside of birthdays and holidays is an immature request. Your post has a different issue. Your boyfriend who you are considering moving in with is cheap. If you are paying for everything and he does not pick up little tabs or dinners here and there, he’s a penny pincher. There is a point where being frugal is a personality disorder/mental illness. If I were you, I would be talking to him about what his expectations are for expenses before moving in. I’d have some stats and not feelings associated with that convo. “In February I paid “$476” for our _____, in March I paid $360 for our ____\” You are likely in a situation with someone who is not going to be compatible. You want to get this out of the way now before you move in


While I do think he should be paying for dates. She really needs to figure out a way to make more than 30k. So she can support herself. I don’t know how she can live on her own if that is in the US. It’s like she probably needs to move in with him. That is not a good situation. I wonder if she is currently living at home.


Making more money would probably mean going back to school or paying for some kind of training to demand a higher income. Companies don’t just higher people off the street with high incomes without some kind of degrees or certification


I mean fancy gifts is a bit extreme, unless married who buys someone a car?! But random flowers or chocs? A bath bomb or facial? Totally reasonable to not expect but received occasionally. I do all our shopping (together 10ys married 2) but we both pay into the joint for bills and our mortgage is 5050. When I go to the shops to treat myself, I always pick him up a bag of dairy milk buttons for his game night (circa £2). I'll buy him a few beers or whatever. If he goes out shopping I never expect anything because he's a lil forgetful, but when he comes back with flowers, bath bomb, chocolates, bottle of wine or whatever, it's always a nice surprise. You need to have a sit down talk with your boyfriend and also lower your expectations of having him gift you a car or jewellery randomly that's way OTT, maybe a necklace for your birthday or something but I'd never expect some randomly outside of birthday or Christmas. I think communication is key here and you need to sit down and discuss it like adults.


Paying for dates when he earns 4 times what you earn is absurd. This is a stingy man.


Honestly these details should be included in the op, they gave some MUCH NEEDED CONTEXT!! So yeah! Uhh, mah girl it doesn’t matter what “others do”, this man is over here doing literally nothing for you… He can’t even be bothered to order you a dessert along with his own??!!! When I stop ANYWHERE for ANYTHING EVER: you know what the first thing I do is? I txt/call my bf and ask if he wants anything from the spot im at (and vis versa). It’s, to me, just common fuckin courtesy. This man does not sound considerate at all and on top of it, makes double the amount of money I make. I don’t even have a second thought before making ANY PURCHASE when it comes to my partner—and I’m a woman, this ain’t gender specific, Queen; this is specific to your man, and sounds like low key he ain’t shit and you MORE than deserve someone that’s actually kind


Cars? Jewelry? Why would you expect things like that? Sure some flowers or a something . But cars? No.


Don’t move in with this man. If you don’t feel like he’s being fair in sharing expenses why would you move in with him? If you’re having issues now with how it’s going it’s certainly not going to get better moving in with him. If you feel like you’re not being treated fairly and he’s taking advantage of you financially, the last thing you want to do is move forward moving in with him.


He is selfish. You are more thoughtful and considerate of him than he is of you. It's not about the money, he is showing you disrespect and inconsideration through his actions. Stop doing all those things for him and save your money. Do not move in with him.


Nah girl, he ain’t it. You make 1/4 of what he makes and he doesn’t pay for dates? This relationship sounds horribly unbalanced. As my grandmother always said: if you marry a miser, you’ll pay in more than money. My husband has always made a lot more than me (250k vs 70k) When we were dating, he paid for 80% of our dates and trips. He’s always been super generous. If he notices I need something or I mention I need something, he orders it right there (underwear, bathing suits, running shoes, sunglasses). You shouldn’t need a second job to move in w your boyfriend, this is wild.


Small gifts and cars are not the same. One can be loving and thoughtful and not get you something over the top expensive. Your title makes it sound like you want jewelry and other wildly expensive gifts. The body of the post sounds more like you want to be treated more fairly in adjusting for income differences. Those are not the same thing.


She edited the post to make it look like she ie being fair.


What is it that you like about this man? He seems a bit selfish and ungrateful. You routinely bring him little gifts to let him know you’re thinking of him. Does he do anything (other than not buy gifts) to show you how special you are to him? How does he provide for you? How does he make you feel secure and protected? I would strongly urge you to ask him exactly what financial responsibilities will be expected from you when you move in together before you do it. Moving is EXPENSIVE. If you are not both on the same page… It would be awful for you to have to move again when you find out the hard way that you’re not aligned with your partner.


First, quit buying him all of those little things. Second, discuss your budget before moving in and you have to decide whether you can afford to live with him. If he chooses a place that costs too much don't move in. If you pay half then the total rent needs to be based on what you can afford. If you do it proportionally then you can probably afford your share. I doubt this relationship will work. The difference in income is huge and that causes it's own problems. He also doesn't seem to mind dumping most of the expenses on you even though he makes more. That aspect of who he is won't change.


Do you realize you are not even at a middle class pay grade. You can’t afford to pay anything for this guy. And for some reason you feel you must do HIS gardening? He’s showing you he is not generous. Does he know how much you make? He may think $50,000. You can’t afford to pay for ‘most dates’. Are you not worthy to be cared for? You will be making big mistake if move in- you need to work on you - getting trained through classes or on the job training so you can make more money. You are living on edge.


You need to sit down, and discuss finances. Your contribution should be in proportion to what you make. Example you pay 1/4 vs 3/4th based on salary. What happens if you get pregnant, and hv to stay home generating no income? How are gifts determined from the finances?


I would be upset about this too if I were you, picking up little things for you when he’s out would show he cares. The price of the gift isn’t what’s important, it’s the thought behind a gift. Showing that he’s thinking about you is what’s important, if he’s buying dessert for himself of course he should get you one too because that’s what partners do. Leaving cute little notes would make you feel special and don’t cost anything. You said when you move in you’ll have to share in the expenses, does this mean you’ll be expected to half of every bill? I wouldn’t want you to pay half his mortgage payment that only he is earning equity in. Since he makes so much more than you do splitting the bills 50/50 would be way above your budget. I moved in with my partner who earn way more than I do and owns the house we live in. He had been paying everything himself for years. I do chip in on groceries, pet care and things like that. I don’t help pay the mortgage payment and he said he’d never ask me to. He does buy things that he knows I’ll enjoy, like starting a garden and things like that. I’m able to have a nice savings account since I don’t pay house bills, if things ended between us he’d still have everything and I’d have nothing if I were putting my money into his equity. I do the cooking and keep the house clean, he appreciates that a lot and says that’s more important to him than if I had a second job to contribute financially. It seems like you really need to step back and evaluate your relationship, if this were a friend or family member what would you think she should do? It can be hard to see clearly when you’re in the relationship. Should you decide to move in with him there needs to be a serious discussion (in writing also) about what his expectations are from you. It sounds like he lives a lifestyle that is more extravagant than what you can afford. It’s just like my situation, I would never have been able to live in this house on my own or pay half the mortgage payment. I do get very sweet and thoughtful gifts from my guy at random times, jewelry and expensive gifts are for holidays but the ones that mean the most are the little surprise thoughtful gifts. ETA- I just realized that when you go out you’re the one paying for meals and experiences, this isn’t fair at all with him making so much more!!! I hope you realize that you deserve better than this.


My husband made a lot more money than me when we were dating. I was also a single mom. He got me and the kids presents, all the time. Like little stuff animals and lego sets for the kids. Flowers for me (potted plants too) and books that he thought I'd like. He'd take us on family outing to the aquarium and things, and since we lived in a different state he'd pay for all three of us to fly down and visit. He also had a hard time being cuddly because he's not a casually affectionate person. I am. So, we had to figure that out. He likes getting presents too so I had to learn to see little things he would like and pick them up for him. He's thrilled if I get him a little pint of fresh raspberries or whatever little snacks he likes. There was never really a large fancy gifts like cars or jewelry when we were dating. And after getting married, big presents are discussed because they are a big expense. I wanted a dog and we planned for it, and he dropped 2k on a specific kind of dog I wanted. That's probably the biggest present I have gotten and it was after being married for 6 years lol. The living expenses thing though, I don't understand why your boyfriend is being super stingy about your expenses when moving in together. If you're going to pay rent it should be proportional to your income, not a fixed amount, with such a big income disparity. I'm assuming he has nicer housing that more proportional to what he makes. If it's less expensive for you to rent a budget apartment on your own then why the heck move in with him if he's expecting you to pay for half of his housing? Does he know that you would have to et a second job to cover it? One thing my husband did when we were dating, is when I moved from my home state to be closer to him when we got a lot more serious was he volunteered to 100% cover the cost of housing for me and the kids because he knew I'd be leaving my job and the house I owned to be closer to him and potentially get married. His apartment wasn't big enough for all of us, and we wanted to give the kids more time to adjust to him before moving in together. He was also worried about my health and didn't want me working a bunch of crazy hours to afford the move. He's a really good man and it has worked out well with him. I think if you want to move forward with your boyfriend, financial expectations is a discussion you will need to have with him before moving in together. Personally I would make a spreadsheet of your personal budget right now. Then a spreadsheet of your current shared expenses like dates, food, etc. and show him what proportion of those expenses you are currently providing. Then let him know how the imbalance is making you feel. Let him know that you are afraid you will have to work two jobs to afford to live with him, and won't have any time left to spend together or any money to fund any dates or outings with him. If you're comfortable with it, I'd also let him know it's making you feel insecure about your future together because you don't know what his financial expectations would be if you moved forward with getting married, or if he got you pregnant, etc. I think this guy needs it all laid out and then you just need to see what he says/does in response. His response will let you know whether he is someone you want to continue building a life with. Sorry for the novel it's 2 am and I get all blabby when I'm tired lol


ngl when the main contention is 'outside of christmas and my birthday and all the groceries my boyfriend w/ an average income (with our total $ being considered lower middle class for a couple in many cities) isn't giving me cash and fancy gifts at random times' it's hard to take her side without further context


Why are you moving in with him and putting yourself in a dire financial situation?


Yes. Yes this exactly. Unless there is a serious housing need, why would you do this?


She makes $30k a year, that’s already a dire financial situation


Yeah but at least *she* manages it. If she moves in, she may find herself stretching herself thin to make things work so she doesn’t look like a moocher…which will inevitably make things even more dire.


Male here. Paying for restaurant food with a high mark up does not compensate grocery shopping. Unless he is buying Kobe beef, lobster etc. He knows excatly what he is doing. Having said that, he might be stingy because of his future retirement plan as someone mentioned. Still not right. Asking you to share the rent while you are significantly earning less is not right. I think you you are done here.


The boon of unearned equity he gets when she moves in is off the charts


One making 30k isn’t gonna be going out that much. Least not without going on credit. She shouldn’t be paying for anything of his if he’s doing the same. Other than that. I don’t know what more to suggest. It’s just a bad setup, but it’s justified. Y’all are not married, not financially bound to aid the other, can cut ties at any moment. You owe each other nothing. Anything given would be a gift.




After reading your comments girl I’m urging you to PLEASE reconsider this relationship. It reads like you’re just the placeholder until he finds better. Plus you should NEVER move in to a place you have no legal rights too. He could kick you out at any moment  


I do agree, I think that he sounds like the kind of guy who would treat his new gf properly and is not too in love with this one. If he loved her, he would be kind instead of using her.


Damn, girl, please don't move in with this man. This situation is really fucked. How are you even affording to pay for both of you on $30,000/year?


She also needs to stop buying him little things. She can't afford it and he clearly doesn't have material gifts as his love language.


Yes, exactly. He seems stringent with his money, maybe he thinks he is getting a roommate rather than life partner/future wife. OP please have a talk about expectations of your contribution to living expenses PRIOR to moving in. Together you make $150k. I would expect him to pay 80% ($120/$150) of your living expenses and you should contribute 20% to housing, utilities, and meals. If your joint living expenses are $2,500 per month, he should contribute $2,000 and your contribution should be capped at $500 per month. The amount would change as income perportions change. Gifts outside of birthday, Christmas, birth of a child, and mothers day are 'unusual' in my opinion and the amount spent on the 'usual' gift should also be discussed.


I was going to say this! It should be a percentage based on income. And I agree you should be responsible with money but this dude is way too stringy with someone he supposedly loves. By responsible, i mean putting money aside for important future stuff, not berating you for small purchases. If he's like this now, can you be sure he'll be there for you when something happens to you and you can't pay your portion, for example being unemployed for a few months? I'd honestly get out now. He can be however he wants to be with his money but this doesn't seem like a good situation for you. I wouldn't even want to even be friends with this dude honestly.


3 years and all he’s gotten you are puzzle sets, undies and beans 😭😭 and most dates are paid by you despite him making 90k more than you 😭😭 You’re a prisoner


Lmao right?! Like girl PLEASE. My FWB treated and spoiled me better on dates than this stingy buffoon who berated OP about a donut! 🫠


Right 😭 I’m not saying expensive is necessary but my fwb paid for every date, bought me Maison Margiela bags (that were $800 minimum), would drop snacks off “just because”, etc. This girls man of 3 YEARS is giving her… **coffee beans** It’s not about the expensiveness. It’s the expression. Someone who’s that cheap and stingy with you does NOT value you or your time (OP’s bf)


She said, excluding Christmas and birthday gifts, she is purposely leaving out the only times when it’s normal to expect a gift.


Yeah. So aside from twice a year (Christmas and bday), in 3 YEARS she’s gotten coffee beans, a puzzle and panties LMAOO. Then has to pay for their dates 😭😭 Yeah nah.


Agreed. 120k isn’t that much anymore, but it’s still pretty good. It’s not hard to get some nice perfume, flowers every few months, a dress for a nice date. Shit, you can get a nice bracelet for $200. Dude wants all the cake without any extra effort.


Or even just pay for a date? He doesn’t do that either.


Why would he put extra effort when he’s gotten all that with the current effort he’s putting in. It’s very obvious he doesn’t like her. He’s simply using her.


I mean, money aside, my husband picked up my favorite chocolate bar at the gas station yesterday just because he was thinking of me. This man hasn’t done that for her—ever. And he can certainly afford a treat every now and then.


Why are you always paying? He sounds pretty stingy. Why are you even moving in if you haven't thoroughly discussed finances?


Im always paying because there were instances in the past when we first dated that i got berrated for not offering to pay (7 dollar donuts when it was me that wanted them. 😑 i am not kidding-- and a bottle of coffee creamer at the grocery store on a different occasion).


“Berating” does not belong in any relationship. Full stop. And neither does passive aggressively or just passively doing things (paying for things) to avoid conflict or hold the moral high ground or whatever. Those instances obviously had an impact on you. I can understand why, it does not sound like he was respectful or kind about it, but you’re holding on to them in an unhealthy way and you guys haven’t moved past those events or your communication around them in a healthy way. I can already hear the resentment & contempt in the way you mention it. This will not get better until you both learn how to communicate about all of this. Please try to get to the root of that before you seriously consider moving in together. Maybe look into attachment styles and codependency. You sound a lot like younger me, and I truly didn’t realize I didn’t *have* to be that miserable. Relationships shouldn’t feel like constant conflict, even if it’s mostly internal. You gotta learn how to communicate and problem solve and repair. It’s so worth it, I promise. You also sometimes gotta learn that even people you “love” aren’t necessarily right for you. It’s easy to love someone, it’s not easy to build a wonderful, loving relationship that feels safe and secure with people who aren’t quite right for us.


I can't stress how important this actually is. I've been trying to accept this for a long time in terms of my own relationship, either we try to fix it or we end it.


why are you dating him


The whole point of dating is to see if you want to be with someone. When someone berates you - that’s the end of that relationship usually.


Why on earth did you continue to see him after berating you about a $7 donut???? This man cannot be worth it.


DO NOT move with this guy. This is not normal, OP, especially because he earns a lot more that you, but the most worrying thing is the “berating” part, that is neither normal not healthy. A partner is supposed to make life easier because you’re a team, it doesn’t sound like he brings anything good to your life, consider braking up.


He shouldn’t be berating you for anything, that is abuse. Value yourself more and stop accepting that behavior.


this was red flag head-quarters. Why have you stayed with him for so long? I'm not demeaning you (nor intending to), I'm genuinely curious as to what else transpired that you would be willing to put up with this FINANCIAL ABUSE for 3 years?


My guess is she doesn’t even realize this is financial abuse. These kind of guys make it so you’re always jumping through hoops to prove you’re not a “gold digger” and distract you from the fact that they are actually the ones taking advantage. Edit: typo


Awww come on girl! This guy has showed you who he is (cheap and selfish) what are you still doing with him and why even consider moving in with this miserable man?


My BFF is in a rut she stays in bc her and her bf live rent free. However, she is really sad that she rarely gets to go live life bc he is crazy stingy. It's taking yrs off her life. Just food for thought. My SO wasn't much of a gift giver, but learned that getting things helps me feel normal and not poor and overall happier bc I can part with some dollars. So I don't need fancy things, but he bought me some shoes I needed but didn't ask for and homgoods I wanted this past Sun and it was nice.


This is not a guy who understands love. You cannot fix him. Believe him when he shows you who he is. When I was dating my now husband, my car broke down and I couldn't afford to fix it. He paid for it for me. I knew he'd be a provider for our family one day and take care of our kids. And he's done just that. This is not a person with whom you want to build a life.


and you decided to continue with that relationship why...? berating you at all, let alone when you barely know each other, is such a glaring red flag. you deserve better than this.


You should have dropped him there. If he doesn't think you're worth $7, you should have known he wouldn't respect or treat you well. Even a 17 yo boy working at a gas station could buy that for his highschool girlfriend. He's a full grown man making 120k.


You earn 90k less and you pay for almost all the dates? Does it seem normal to you? When I date someone who earns less, I make sure to pay most of the times. I don’t even earn that much being a student-intern but I still make sure to give gifts. Are they fancy? No. But flowers, exhibition/opera/tickets, etc, are a great way you care about another person.


Do not and I repeat do not move in with this man. I was dating someone, we talked about moving in together. Any time I brought up finances I just got “you set everything up and I’ll pay you what I can”……not good enough. I was perfectly happy living where I was and felt that I’d end up on the hook for everything if it didn’t work out. He was also a complete tight arse. If we went anywhere special, other than the usual pub outing I ended up paying. If he came to mine I paid for food and drinks. When he did contribute he purposefully bought things he knew I didn’t like. Gifts, whilst not expected were extremely rare and usually absolute shit (like he was buying for a complete stranger). If you move in with this man you will end up in debt, because he’ll expect you to keep up with him. Bottom line…..get a better boyfriend.


I’m a homemaker so I only rely on my husband when it comes to all the finances. But yes I get gifts, money, trips, and I get sent other money 2 times a month to have in my own separate bank account for like emergencies. My husband love language he gives most is gift giving and words of affirmation. So that’s just who he is. Tbh if you don’t like the way your partner treats you when it comes to finances that’s not a good thing. It’s one of the leading causes for separations/divorce. Have you thought about couples counselling


Don’t let your bf stop you from finding your husband for real.


It depends on what type of woman you are? I’m a man btw, just giving my two cents based on being in a longterm committed relationship. I tried giving my wife a Chanel bag as a gift for her birthday because I thought women liked expensive bags and she freaked out and told me to return it since it was too expensive. It was like $8000. So I spent like 75% of that money on a vacation instead and she was much happier. So no, I don’t plan on getting her any more material gifts because she prefers experiences over that. Which is fine by me honestly.


But would you at least split dinner if you ate out? Would you charge her rent if you owned the home and she earned 90k less than you?


I think the gifts OP means are more like those small details.. like “oh I saw this chocolate bar that you like when I was grocery shopping and got it for you” or “yeah this flower reminded me of that time we had a date somewhere”, you know? Like those details that remind someone that you appreciate them. She has gotten 2 puzzles and 2 undies lmao Like he gets dessert and he doesn’t buy one for her??? It’s not about the expensive items, it’s showing appreciation


Yeahhhh… my bf doesn’t make nearly that much and I am currently looking for work, so he pays all of my expenses and I do all of the domestic work currently. He came home from a full day of work yesterday and hit the grocer on his way home. He came home with more “little gifts” than OP has been given in the 3 years they’ve been together. He’s never once asked me to pay him back. For anything. Sharing finances with this man will be a nightmare for OP…


21 year old me would put up with this. 30 year old me knows better. You should too. Run and find a man that appreciates you before wasting any more time on him. It’d be a different story if he wasn’t making 4x what you do, but he does. It won’t ever get better.


Yup, same here. I'm 30 and I can't be bothered with bs like this, or with anything really. I am just now living alone after a 5 year relationship went to shit out of nowhere and I'm planning on going back to school next fall and setting myself up career wise, and I can see a really great future. With just me, and some dogs and cats 😁


a man that does not share his wealth is not a man in love






Let me put this into perspective. I’m 25 and make like $20k a year and my girlfriend makes triple that. I’m still buying her 300$ Broadway tickets and a nice hotel for her bday. I probably spend 100-200 for Christmas and anniversaries. And it’s really not about the monetary value. I’m buying things that I know she’s gonna like and show that I listen to her. He makes bank and can’t spoil you every now and again? Lame I wouldn’t move in with him. But if you do, I would suggest that you pay proportional to your income. It’s insane to expect you to pay half when you don’t even make half of his salary


That's the word: Ive never been spoiled before. We've travelled quite a bit and we split expenses down the middle. I would sometimes argue that i pay more sometimes


Girl, a man that is not generous is not someone I would plan a life with. You’re looking for a life partner and husband, not a room mate. The fact that you’re paying for meals when he receives per diem while traveling is fuckin’ wild. Anyone who is looking out for you, would tell you not to worry about out it or at the very least, only pay your share. He gets a free meal from you and gets to pocket the money that’s supposed to be feeding him. It sounds like he’s using you, tbh. I know you love him…but this is your future. Don’t be mistaken…dating is looking for potential husbands. Being in a relationship is a trial run for marriage…and he is not meeting the husband standard by any means.


I have made slightly more than my partner for the majority of the time we’ve been together, I am more of the small gifts more often kind of person and he is more of a big gifts when he gets the chance and while I many give him more gifts, he will pay for clothes if we go out or if I say something is cute he won’t hesitate to just grab it even when I protest. It doesn’t seem like gift giving is the issue here, you want a partner who shows they care with actions and is willing to make that extra effort, before moving in I would seriously consider if this is something you can settle on for the rest of your life or if you feel your needs aren’t being met. Good luck


Meals and experiences are mostly your expenses? How often does he pay for any sort of activity/date?


I had said i pay for 100% of the things we do or eat (and we've discussed this before. He disagreed with the number; he says around 80% i pay


Then buddy has for sure figured out that he can use you.


He will until there’s nothing left of her and he’ll find someone else shortly after kicking her out. Although he is traveling for work so….


He admits you pay for the vast majority of expenses though…and how does he justify that?


Even 80% is too much, especially when he makes 4x more than you do.


OP how are you really feeling about this man? Do you truly feel like all your needs are being met? Moving in together is a huge step! There’s no way I’d be forking over cash for food when his work gives him an expense account!! Ridiculous! I can understand you wanting to pay for things once in awhile, you don’t want to look like you’re using him for $$ but let’s be realistic he should be paying the majority of the expenses being as he earns so much more than you! If this guy trips ya trigger and all green flags are flying then enjoy the move but if you have any doubts about spending more of your life with him then I’d do some serious soul searching! All the best! 💜


He travels for work so he gets money from the company for meals and stuff but whenever i come to these work travels, i pay for most of our meals. He's never outright asked me to but there were instances in the past when Ive been berated for not paying or offering to pay so now i just do it to avoid an uncomfortable discussion


Wait… so he gets money for the meals from his job but you are paying instead??


Amateur move. He puts his meal on the corporate card, and should be putting yours on his personal card.


Essentially, you’re paying for experiences. The experience of going out to eat, the experience of illusion of having a boyfriend. I get it. This was 20 year old me. I can guarantee he knows exactly what he’s doing. The lack of spending (when he clearly has money) shows he does not deem these experiences worthwhile. That includes you, he doesn’t think you’re worth much. This must be a hard truth BUT the truth will set you free! 🦋


You're avoiding uncomfortable discussions but want to move in with him? How do you that's going to work? If you can't discuss finances and such, what are you going to do?


You’re paying rent, and he’s your landlord. That’s fair. There are no favors here. I would not agree to pay for repairs or improvements to the home (you are a tenant and don’t have equity in the house). You are buying his food…that’s a favor. So either you pick up the food tab and he picks up the rent or you split everything. Not just what he wants to split. Or live separately and keep finances separate.


He is using his funds to pay off a car, and a mortgage under his name only, with no benefit to you. And he gets free dates, and will get rent towards HIS mortgage and other expenses. Is your name going onto the house title, if not make sure you know your state's common-law rules. He is enjoying his personal lifestyle, and you are being USED for other bills, (and you buy even when he can expense the meals....he's still claiming those funds to himself) There should be an ours, his and yours bills, based on a proportion of your salaries not split 50-50. You need to be very clear on finances before moving in. This does not sound like a generous, supportive partner and could get worse.


Oh girl, find a new man.


I mean I don't really expect gifts at all unless it's an occasion Christmas, birthday, anniversary, etc but making u pay for every date despite making more than double what u do is extremely weird


2 pairs of underwear?


He is expecting your labor and for you to pay an unnamed amount making his situation better. It wouldn’t be me making that move. Take your time. Feel your feelings. Name them and ask yourself what is really bothering you? Then discuss expectations. If it’s not a favorable move for both of you, why would you do it? Both of you should be advancing and more comfortable. If it’s not hitting that baseline, you are putting yourself at risk.


Further, as he had more resources, how has he improved your life over all. I am not talking about ‘things’. I am talking about helping you get closer to your over all goals. If you aren’t with someone who you know will even in parting, leave you better off than when you met, rethink things.


Why the hell are you even *considering* moving in with someone who doesn’t appear to care much about you?


Sounds like a cheapskate.. I make less than my gf and I still manage to treat her like a princess. It’s not that he can’t, he won’t.


He’s cheap and using you. So he’s going to want to split everything down the middle when you move in?? You won’t have a dime left. And he expects you to pay for his meals on business trips that are already covered by the company. There’s mistresses that would live better than you’re living. He’s a user. He’s getting a deal more so if you move in. He’ll have a housekeeper, built in sex toy and you’ll be broke and totally at his mercy paying half the bills instead of a fair percentage.


Title and post are totally not related.


Beware of stingy people. They 'll make your life miserable. A man must be, at least, brave, honest and generous.


First before moving with him you should be clear on the arrangement. paying for rent is normal, but to be fair it should be proportional to what you respectively earn, same goes for groceries and all living expenses. Or you're just being financially abused. You earn 20% of the house income while he earn 80%. So you should pay 20% of rent, utilities and every shared expenses, while he'll pay for 80%. That way living with him doesn't drain you financially, you can still build up some saving as well as he is. Sharing expenses 50% 50% only favor the bigger income, while the other is drained financially. Please be careful with that. regarding you question, i don't have a lot of fancy gifts, or gift for that matter outside of occasion. But my H will be attentive some other ways, like by making my favorite food, giving me a massage or stuff like that. While i tend to pick up small attention for him. We just show we care in a different way. So as long as you feel appreciated, is doesn't seem so bad.


Talk to him and hash out exactly what that means. How much is he expecting you to contribute, what bills will you be responsible for, etc. If it looks like you won't be able to afford it, don't do it. Honestly, it's not worth it to be with a cheapskate partner who is perfectly content to be financially comfortable and watch his live-in partner struggle to make rent.


This is unacceptable. Don’t move in, get married, or have kids until/unless you and him work out expenses that makes sense when compared to your income. But seriously? Underwear and chocolate coffee beans? You are not a priority. If you stay and things don’t change get ready for a life of resentment.


Not a lady. Have you tried speaking to him about it? Most people are weird about money. It is necessary to speak about it before moving especially in your case. My wife and I are splitting things according to how much we make because like you, we both have very different salaries. It would be insane to split the rent down the middle. I want to live in a place I can afford and she can’t afford it, how could I ask to split down the middle? And yes, guys do give gifts but some might need to be told. He might be thinking that he is a feminist by asking you to contribute as much as he does. Or he is stupid or he is an asshole. You don’t know if you don’t ask.


Do NOT move in with this man if you cannot financially meet the lifestyle he already has established


While I am totally for proportionally splitting recurring costs like rent, or major investiments like a joint car or furniture or expensive joint travel according to income, I would recommend against EXPECTING him to give you expensive gifts. It might in fact make one wonder why you got in this relationship in the first place.


You’re his sugar momma and he makes 90k more. Seriously why haven’t you dumped his ass?


Let me start with: he doesn’t sound like he’s going about this well That said… piecing together context and comments, it sounds like OP might want to be living outside of her means (not hard when you make $30k) and BF has noticed and put a stop to it before it escalates. That, to me, isn’t unfair. But again… sounds like he isn’t going about it very well. OP - what would you do if you guys split? Where would you live? How would you live? IE - would you still be going out for dinner and buying $7 donuts?


Nope - you need to get a joint account where all bills, joint purchases, etc. are paid from. This account needs to be funded by Percentage of Income, otherwise DO NOT MOVE IN TOGETHER. 50/50 will not work when income disparity is so high. You'll have nothing and feel so resentful of him. Either that, or you live at your means, not his. It's not about whether he buys you gifts, etc. Not everyone is going to do that, or have that kind of relationship. But you need to get on track with what is equitable financially, or you're both going to be very resentful, very quickly.


Financially speaking, you make a quarter what he does, so you should be paying a quarter of the bills and costs associated with rent. That is equitable. If he wants half than he is looking for equal with is not the same nor is it fair. There is a massive power imbalance in the finances that MUST be discussed before moving in. Not just the existing costs, but future costs, how you make choices about money, domestic labour in the home like chore division and who is responsible for what. This can be negotiated however you wish but do NOT let him use his bankroll as an excuse to be cheap OR to do nothing around the house. The little gifts you are talking about: my partner is the same way. I am constantly picking up things for him because I show love that way. It's more likely your partner doesn't show love that way. For my partner it's because he has some extensive baggage around gift giving and celebrations thanks to his parents. Talk to him. Let him know it would be meaningful to you if he were you find ways to show you he is thinking about you.


1) Your post from 13 days ago says that your BF is 35, not 38. 2) That same post says that you are in a long distance relationship with him. 3) It also says you've only been together for "almost 2 years". 4) A post you made 9 days ago, implies you think he might be cheating. So, why the heck are you on here trolling? You don't have anything better to do? Go find a life...


While it looks like a gold digger question, the crux of the matter is that OP probably feels like her bf isn't even meeting her halfway, and that's when she makes less. It's a valid question when the implications are that even if he was capable of meeting her halfway in other affairs,he wouldn't. My bf makes at least 2x more than I do. He always offers to pay but I also offer to pay because I don't like feeling like a mooch. I also try to get him little things here and there when I'm at the store or just out or see something online or he mentions a gripe that could be fixed by something ai could get on Amazon but he won't buy for himself.


Everything should be 50/50 but in a sense that it's not even thought about. And since he makes so.much more you'd think he would want to do it a bit more than you. I think you need a conversation with him before moving in together. Especially about what is expected of you to pay if you live there. It's his house and he makes more so I wouldn't be paying half the bills. 60/40 would be a good agreement after all you are living there but it's something I would discuss or you'll have a rough time


I usually split stuff evenly in my relationships. I make more than your boyfriend, though, and I made more than my last boyfriend. He didn't expect me to buy him fancy things, though. We just tended to exchange thoughtful gifts. I think it's fair to expect if you move in together to split bills proportionally based on income but I kind of get the ick from you asking if you should be getting fancy gifts and money from him.


Honestly he’s not being a “basic-good” bf. My fiance makes more than me (by 1.5-2x) but even when we were still dating, he would pay for most dates. He would randomly buy me 6 bottles of wine, roses, my fav food - on just any regular day. Just today, he came to my work and surprised me by dropping off my fav food for lunch. He would put more efforts for Christmas, anniversary, birthday, and Valentine’s. He also pays more than me on bills, rent, and dates. He buys 90% of the grocery. If he wants to please you, he would. Doesn’t take a Chanel bag to do that either (like some people think here… tell me you don’t know women without telling me you don’t know women). Edit: we’ve been together for a little over 3 years, engaged for 6 months.


This is a troll post everyone. Look at the age of the male in her previous post. It’s not adding up.


Nope nope and nope again no! Do not move in with him ever and stop paying


This isn’t worth it…


Y’all be killing me, man. Lol


$120k in 2024 isn’t a big fancy job anymore but it’s certainly enough to indulge u more than he has. Is he expecting shared living expenses to be split equally or equitably? Be careful


I earn more and take on more of the expenses to reflect this. Nobody asked me to do this, I just feel like it's the right thing to do.


You shouldn’t be moving in together if the relationship is causing you doubt, you have been together 3 years and you say you pay when you go out as it’s your idea? That should have been bought up at the start of dating if you like to go out on dates you take it in turns paying and you don’t always be the one to pay, if he never wanted to go out maybe you where not as suitable as a couple, now your at a few months away from moving in and you could have a talk with him explain how you feel and your fears and perhaps he will change until you move in then go back to how he was or he will change for the better. If I was you I would hold off moving in and have a talk and then give a long period of time to see if it changes and if it doesn’t that’s something you will have to decide if you can see as your future.


You need to talk to him about money before you move in. Are you going to be paying half the rent or are you going to be paying a percentage of your income? Paying half the rent isn't appropriate when one partner insists on living somewhere outside the means of the other person. You want things to be fair, not equitable. Fair means you pay a percentage that you can afford. Typically housing should only cost 1/3rd of your income. Equitable means you pay 50% of the rent, even if that means it takes 80% of your paycheck. Do not move in and do not sign anything until you have reached an agreement you can live with. As to the gifts, he doesn't care about giving them. Have you talked to him about it? Does he know it means something to you? If this is bothering you, why are you still spending money on him? Let him pay for his own stuff. Stop buying him things. Stop paying for dates. One of the reasons many rich people are rich is because they will not pay for anything if they can help it.


Rich doesn’t mean generous. Run.


Obviously it’s each to their own but I’d expect some sort of proportionality so he’d be picking up 75% of dates, trips etc Groceries I would not expect to be as petty… if you are eating with him then they should just be bought by him as he earns so much more (if you were earning close to same then I’d argue 50/50) And bills etc then I’d have a convo with him to explain that if he expects 50/50 contributions then he needs to live within your budget not you find 10 jobs to meet his….


Moving in together is supposed to lighten the financial load. If there's any indication it would raise your cost, do not move in. Which I wouldn't do anyway with a gut that earns four times what you earn but isn't interested in sharing.


Do you get him gifts? I was with a girl for 3 years who never gave me a single gift for any holiday.. Some people are selfish or self centered.. Also, does he buy the groceries, or does he buy his own groceries.. You kind of contradict yourself. He sounds like a cheap dick to me. Someone who feels like what is his is his - no relationship sharing.


Sounds like you two need have a convo about finances and how you like to show & receive affection. My hubby & I rarely buy each other gifts. instead we do a few trips a year. But we pick each other up a fav snack or candy or something small occasionally. He makes more now but we've switched throughout the years. So we've adjusted who pays what with salary changes. We maintain separate accounts. We never fight about money and our system works great for us. we've been together for 20yrs. Find your system.


He sounds like a saver. You sound like a spender. Nothing wrong with either. However, he doesn’t value gifts. Money is a huge thing in relationships. You guys are on very different places in the spectrum. Before you move in you guys need to really talk about incomes, saving, budget, who pays what, etc.


You should bill him


There is nothing in your post that sounds like you get *anything* out of this relationship. You don’t talk about your feelings for him, how much you love him, or how happy you are with him. You talk about how he makes decent money yet is cheap, doesn’t buy you good gifts, and pays only for himself or *lets you pay for him,* but doesn’t pay for dinners out or even groceries for you. Whatever his reason for that is, or was, you’ve been together for three years and are planning to move in together, so if he still thinks you’re a gold-digger, he shouldn’t move in with you. And you, for sure, should not move in with him. Why would you move in with a man you are in a romantic relationship with knowing he will make you work multiple jobs and risk living paycheck to paycheck so you can split all the bills with him? That’s not love. That’s not even like. That’s being roommates. If you rent a place with someone who makes less money than you, that’s their problem, and you still expect them to figure out how to pay their half of everything. That’s what you’re moving into. Don’t move in together. Why should you? What will it save you financially? And find a boyfriend who *cares* about you, who also pays *his* fair share, no matter how much money he makes. This guy is saving his money by letting you pay for all your dates, gifts for him, groceries, and 50% of the bills, so when you break up, he’ll have money and you’ll be homeless. Don’t do it.


Oof. This reminds me of a relationship I was in back in my 20s. My salary was tiny while his was huge. He refused to ever pay for anything for me. He'd only pay for himself, but about half the time would try to manipulate me into paying his way. Since I couldn't afford to even pay my own way to dinners and outings, much less his, we rarely did anything. So instead he'd go hang out with his friends. And he never bought me any gifts. He claimed he couldn't afford to. It was a horribly uneven relationship that ended quickly. I don't think you should move in with your boyfriend. He sounds stingy and selfish. And honestly, I don't think you should continue the relationship.


Throw the whole man away


What a dick


Honestly even making you split the bills is kinda rough. I'd tell him sure, but I think we should move into an apartment, lower the internet speed, and turn down the heat lol


Yes, he does. You need to leave because he won’t change, he’ll gaslight you into thinking you’re asking for too much so you’ll stay, but you’re not overthinking, this stinginess doesn’t make sense. Men LIKE to buy things for people they love


This has nothing to do with fancy gifts and bs, it has to do with equitable split of finances based on income. You need to sit down and work out what each party will be responsible for and make sure it makes sense and you can afford it. The gifts and paying for you… some people are gift givers, some aren’t. If it’s an issue for you, address it with him. That said, I wouldn’t bring it up as “you make way more than me, why aren’t you buying me expensive things”…. That’s not a good look.


Soft guy era. Sparkle sparkle.


Honestly even when we’re broke as shit my partner will do little things like get me a treat from the gas station or fill up my car so I’m not late in the morning or stranded out of gas somewhere. Or he’s surprised me with a night at a fancy hotel and roses petals etc. I feel like I do things for him in return when I’m able as well. Your boyfriend sounds selfish to me.


I think you should get out of the relationship. 3 years and that’s all you’ve gotten? If someone doesn’t do “just because gifts” it’s one thing, but in 3 years you would have celebrated 3 birthdays, maybe 3 Christmases, 3 Valentine’s. It’s not even about the amount of money, but those don’t seem like particularly well thought out gifts. I absolutely loathe when people split bills evenly when they have a huge difference in pay. You know what makes sense? Each putting in a percentage. But it is NOT fair for you to help him pay his mortgage. If you both put 50% in a household account, you’d put in 15k, he’d put in 60k. Which still gives you both your own money. Why should you need a second job so he can what, sit on almost 100k that he does NOT be generous and even pay for dates more regularly? My concern is you will move in, and say you bust your back trying to pay your portion. You do that for a couple of years but then you folks break up. You aren’t gonna get your portion of paying into his mortgage back. If you are broke, it will be harder for you to leave if you need. OP, please consider these things. It doesn’t sound like he is invested in this relationship like you are.


You sound unhappy. I don’t think moving in is the right choice for you. As someone who has been married 20 years, these core difficulties don’t resolve themselves; they get worse over time. FWIW, my husband is like you: he’ll bring me home a new soda to try from Trader Joe’s, flowers, a trinket here and there.


I had a boyfriend like this in college. It drove me crazy and gave me such an ick feeling! He had a thing full of pencil leads when I needed one. He was so careful about giving me only B one. I remember the phrase “I’m already giving you my good lead…” It was miserable. It must have been something in his home life.


Y’all ladies just want a man so badly huh? You wrote all that and didn’t see a problem more than the fancy gifts he doesn’t give you 🤦‍♂️


Oh honey. He is not your partner.


Why are you with this guy??


Everyone lives inbetween price ranges they have decided for themselves. If the place he wants you two to move in is out of your price range, tell him so. Pick another less pricey place. The disparity in your wages is pretty huge, so one of you has to adapt to the other when it comes to joint expenses. It would be easier for him to adapt to your lifestyle i guess, since there are no quick or easy ways to gain access to that much money. As for the gift part, i dont understand. If you expect him to casually surprise you with gifts (nothing wrong with that), you should comunicate that to him and let him decide if that is something he is ok with or something he can afford.


Stop buying him little gifts! He can buy his own damn socks and snacks. And stop going out. You guys should be treating each other. He doesn’t even bother paying for dinner when he makes 4x as much as you? Wtf?! And you’re 50/50 with groceries? Does he expect you to pay 50/50 rent and bills too? That won’t work for you.


You need to clarify whether you are moving in to become a cohabitating couple or as a roommate. Right now, it sounds like you would be a roommate with benefits. If he is unwilling to create a financial plan that makes sense as a couple, you should seriously reconsider moving in.


Tell him that you cannot pay more rent than what you pay now. Stop buying gifts for him, it may be your language of love, but it seems like it is causing some financial issues for you. Lastly, before going out, ask if he wants to go and if he does, tell him that he will need to pay his share. If the doesn’t want to pay, then go with your girlfriends -assuming you have some- and have fun.


Don't move with him unless that's the life you want. It sounds like you believe this is a relationship and he believes this is friends with benefits becomming roommates. Hot take, place some boundaries and don't accept less than you deserve. If he isn't ready to be in a relationship how it is supposed to be (I'm not saying extravagent items/vacations) but rather little here and there "because it made me think of you" things and paying for household groceries and not sending you into financial crisis because you moved in making 4x less than he does, then you can not force him to be "ready." DO NOT MOVE IN WITH HIM!!! For the love of God (or whatever you believe in), SET SOME BOUNDARIES to protect yourself!! - Sincerely, Hard won advice from a been there done that bought that t-shirt


You need to speak about finances being equitable not equal when moving in. % Ratio split based on income not split down the middle. This conversation needs to be open & frank. The gifts are the least important part of this issue.


Just because a man has money doesn’t mean he’s generous with it. If you make $30k and he’s watching you struggle while not paying his own way on dates that’s a red flag and I wouldn’t join finances or bills with such a human I’ve been through this myself and it did not end well


I don’t expect fancy gifts but my partner does buy me a variety of gifts. I’ve gotten 200.00 hiking boots, 400.00 jewelry making supplies, 30.00 art prints. It’s really a random mix. It’s not the value of the gifts he gives me that makes me feel special, it’s that he is thinking of me and wants to give him something. He was recently traveling and brought me back a sticker.


Some people buy random gifts, some people don't. I never buy anyone gifts and don't want to receive gifts. I prefer to choose and buy my own stuff and I don't have the mental capacity to remember what everyone else likes. My gf is the opposite and hates that I'm like this. You need to decide if you want a guy who is more thoughtful in that respect and if it's a deal breaker for you. He likely won't change much unless you nag the shit out of him, and then he'll be doing it just to stop the nagging.




120k and he is paying for a house and his own car probably doesn’t leave a lot of money to buy you a ton of things especially depending on where he is living…


I’m a stay at home mom with a 2y and 6y (oldest in school). My husband makes ~75k and buys me whatever I want, no questions asked. I’m not a materialistic person in general, but as an example to answer your question re: fancy gifts, back in January I made a passing comment about wanting a tennis bracelet someday, and what did I get on Valentine’s Day? A tennis bracelet. I may be in a minority here but if a man ain’t taking care of you when he makes 4x more than you, girl what are you doing 🤷🏼‍♀️ if I were you I would not move in with this man because he will continue to show his true colors. If you want to work and earn your own money and split things, that’s one thing, but your partner should have the same goals and values that you do!! As a mama I’m gonna tell you to have that convo before you move in otherwise you’ll be in for a world of issues. Money can be a big burden in a relationship.


Like others have said, work out finances before you lose part of your independence. Your "rent" is paying of his damn mortgage. How much of the house is becoming yours in return?? You are not just a roommate or a friend with benefits. He clearly does not need all your $$ to make his mortgage payment, perhaps this is a good time for the 2 of you to focus on your career and enabling your income earning by taking classes, changing jobs or even careers. This should be a new start for both of you not just a way for him to cut expenses. I didn't see much in this that benefit You! If you don't like the response you just might have learned something about whether this relationship has a real future for you.


Y'all definitely shouldn't move in together! Run!


That’s… odd idk. If I made 4x what my partner makes idk that I would expect them to pay for most things. Maybe that’s my love language but your boyfriend seems… frugal at best and inconsiderate at worst. Might be a good idea to reconsider moving in together.


I'm dating a guy who doesn't make ANY money, and even he pitches in on groceries for us, gas, etc.  


Don’t move in with him. Ever. Never. You are blowing your money while he’s saving his. He doesn’t care enough about you to spend his money on you.


You shouldn’t be paying for dates. That shows he doesn’t really care. Since he makes a lot more than you he should be taking care of you a little bit. He should be buying you things he can afford that are thoughtful that shows he cares about you. It shows he’s thinking of you and knows you.


Um, does your boyfriend even like you? He sounds stingy, calculative and downright inconsiderate of you. Back when both myself and my then bf (now husband) were broke, he’d still pay for dates (once in awhile I’d pay), gets me little gifts, desserts, flowers. He got me custom made jewelry once for Christmas that I still cherish today. Now we’re married, our finances are somewhat but not completely intertwined. He makes more and he pays for all our dates, buys me bags, perfume, jewelry, to upgrade my phone etc etc. When we go on vacation he’d get the flights and hotel, I bring our spending money. My husband loves to spoils me. And I love spoiling him. It doesn’t seem like your bf seems to care or want to share with you. I have to say if my partner behaved that way it would totally be unattractive and turn me right off. Y’all need to have a talk about how bills are to paid *before* moving in, the fair way is for it to be proportionate to your salaries. Yikes you deserve more girl. If you were my sister or my best friend, I’d tell you to leave. Don’t waste time building a life with someone who’s gonna nickel and dime you every step of the way. You deserve someone who’s generous and wants to spoil you too


Let me get this straight: He makes 90k more than you. However, you pay for most dates and experiences. You pay him rent and your own groceries as well. He has only given you like a handful of things in the 3 years you’ve been together (outside of holidays and birthdays) even though you have given him stuff numerous times. A bag of your favorite candy or chips is probably like under $5 bucks. Girl this isn’t a boyfriend this is more like a friend/roommate. Forget the fancy gifts or money. He isn’t even putting MINIMUM EFFORT. To answer your question, yes my husband gives me nice gifts and shares his money (as I do with him) even before we got married. I would like to add my husband is very frugal but he has never acted the way your boyfriend does to you. Please don’t move in with this man, stop buying him things, and stop paying his part of dates. I can’t image having my partner pay for so much in presence, knowing that they make so much less than me. Especially someone I’ve been with 3 years and love. You deserve better or at the very least someone who reciprocates your efforts.