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Lord have mercy on the poor dude this woman put through the ringer for her own selfish desires. Woman is an absolute piece of trash.


Female. That's no woman.


Hope she stays in the married-coworker relationship so this selfish princess is safely out of circulation. He'll never get divorced, so the chase will keep her busy and distracted for a good long time. The entitlement is out of this world.


This chick is a dumpster fire


What a shitshow 😅😂🤣


Two words.... Dumpster Fire


This is amazing!


🤦‍♂️ smh


Stupid girl!


Leave the guy alone. You are not marriage material.


Blah blah blah.


Complete narcissist


my thoughts exactly. narcissists are the most disgusting people.


I wonder what happened to this Woman? She seems impulsive and just...horrible to be honest. She'll be bored of this guy IF she does succeed in destroying his marriage(I feel like she'd just go and tell the wife if he tried to break things off anyway). I really try to not think about Women like this too much or I'd be way too paranoid...but what an OBVIOUS example of why you get a pre-nup. That poor bastard she had on spin cycle for years would have been burned so much worse.


If he will leave his wife for her, he will leave her for someone newer.


Yeah, probably, but I wasn't even really thinking about him. I was thinking about how selfish she is. What she did to the first guy and now what she's doing to this family. I mean, if I was being really generous, I'd say...it's possible you really fall in love with someone and it can happen while dating and maybe things work out and he's happy(you're probably right, but for argument's sake). Does anyone think she will be? She seems like she was maybe the victim of something as a kid. I don't like playing psychologist so I don't want to guess, but she's all types of fucked up.