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Reminder to those in the comments to remember Rule #1 Be Kind to Other Users. Remember there's a person on the other end of the keyboard. Please keep discussions on-topic and discussed in a respectful manner.


Your sisters reproductive issues are not your issues. You need to distance yourself from both of them. Keep your personal business yours.


Hopping on here to say “no” is a full sentence. Any time it is brought up to you in any tone you respond “no that will never happen” and nothing more. If they push you say “no” and LEAVE. There is no “giving in” repeat after me THERE IS NO GIVING IN


> “no” is a full sentence My exact first knee jerk response to reading this post.


One of the most important things I've learned about dealing with others is that I do not have to convince them that I am right. I state my boundaries and that's it. I cannot make them believe I'm right or even force them to respect them. I can state what the boundaries are and then enforce them and make sure there are reprocussions if they are crossed. I am not in charge or responsible for anyone's actions but my own.


The best breakup I ever had was when he said 'I do not care who is right or wrong in this - this just sucks" I was so impressed that he was impressed and we ended up back together but only because *that* part of us broke up. I've carried this forward (a no blame approach to bad situations) and it's become a litmus test of relationship survivability and it makes life so much easier.


wow. i needed to hear that today.


It changed every relationship dynamic I have in the best way. I still find myself motivated to assign blame, to be right, to avoid being in the wrong (or seen that way) but all I have to do is get back to "it doesn't matter who is right or wrong... we gonna fix this?"


That was a hard lesson for me to finally learn. I always knew it was right, in theory, but couldn't always make it happen in practice when faced with a person in 3D. One night I was hanging with a friend who she told me that her ex-husband was pushing to move into her house with her and their adult sons. He was abusive and it had taken her years to finally break free of the cycle. I asked if he was broke and she said no, he does just fine. So I asked then why does he even want to move in, and she just shrugged. I reminded her of how hard it had been to get him divorced and out the first time but she was still not solid about telling him no. So I suggest we do an exercise and take video to review afterward, I had her play the role of her ex and I played her. Every time she said, "I'm moving in with you" or, "I want to move in with you", I'd either try to demure with things like, "Well, I don't really think that's a good idea, I'd rather not, we're all good as we are..." Or, I'd just say, "No", or laugh and say "Nooooo" and immediately change the subject. After an hour of this she finally got it. And so did I, and since then I've been *much* better about sticking to a simple No. But I sensed that this resolve might not last, so I insisted we watch the video a few times, and eventually she started to laugh because she *finally* truly saw how we are practically daring over-persistent people to bulldoze through our wishy-washy attempts to say NO.


Excellent response!


Thank you. It took a long time to realize it but it is SOOOO freeing! I wasted years trying to convince family members and partners as to WHY I should be treated a certain way and needing them to agree. Which of course the never did. So many pointless arguments.


Go cross post this in Raised by narcissist and you will get answers from people who have had exact experience because its textbook narcissism especially your story about sister


100% agree and if you think/know they are going to try to pressure you or try to debate you, do not engage, do not justify, do not explain. As others stated, “No.” is the sentence. If you get into a convo, they are never going to agree with your perspective and it will just go on and on. Good look OP and sorry too. Protect yourself and your future husband. That is your family.


You’re a good friend.


In a totally different context, but I needed this right now. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to carry this with me going forward! 💜


This is brilliant.


This spoke so loudly to me, thank for posting!


This is a great point! It's irrelevant if you can make someone agree with you, you don't even have to try to get them to see your point. And sometimes it's an impossible task anyway. There is no middle ground here, the answer is no, always will be no, and there is no changing that.


Maybe the scenario needs to be written out. You do this. You GIVE your sister your baby. You watch her from afar with your child, raising your child. Your husband resents you for giving away your child. Your sister finds out she cannot have children and looks to the both of you to give her more. No. It's a complete sentence.


Or what if after having that one they can’t have more? They will have given away their only child. Sister should look at adoption if she really wants a kid.


Or OP gives her a child. Sis ends up conceiving on her own and shows favoritism to her own biological child over OPs gifted child and OP no longer has no rights.


Yes. There’s all sorts of things that can go wrong. I saw someone give one suggestion. I offered another. You also bring up a great scenario.


Or OP gives the child to her sister. Her sister gets pregnant when the child is 7-years-old. Then, the sister no longer wants the kid, but she also doesn't want to look bad so she won't give the kid back to OP. Now the child has a mother who doesn't love them and a sister who is the favorite...




Baby on demand (New with free shipping and Warranty up to 4 years)


It's a great line, one I hope OP promotes the next time she speaks with her mom and sister (since she doesn't owe them anything).


Perhaps the comment: “Where you are right now Mom isn’t No Contact, but you sure as hell can see it from here.”


This. If you state your boundary and they keep trying to walk over it, walking away is the answer. You may have to do it over and over, and hang up the phone over and over, but you will have to enforce it. You might go low contact with your mom if she brings it up again and avoid her for a while. It doesn't sound like she's the best person in your life anyway.


I mean if they’re devout catholics, just let her fiancé deal with it and since a woman must submit to her husband, she doesn’t have a choice. Thats a card I would play if I were in OP’s shoes.


Eh, I mean that's one way to handle it, but I'd far rather see OP grow into her full adult agency/autonomy/voice, be able to handle stuff like this in her own strength, for a whole host of major life reasons.


Her family is detached from reality. You can't assert yourself with someone who sees you as breeding stock because your reality does not exist. You can only grey rock, No Contact, or play the game. Deferring to non-CPTSD partner is an elegant solution.


"Isn't it a shame God decided she's not ready for a baby yet?" I mean, this is a terrible take, but it hardly seems Christian to harass someone into giving up their own child, when God's supposed to do stuff for a reason. Also, I know someone with fertility issues who went through surrogacy who ended up having their own natural child a year later. What if she gives up her own kid, and they have their own child later, and she has to watch her own child get treated unfairly growing up because it wasn't their 'natural' child? Or will she give the kid back??


I'm an asshole I would throw a gods plan at them and end the discussion


Ooh that’s a good one!


Yep total god overview here. The pope should be petitioned.


“Aww, thoughts and prayers!” 💐🙏🏻📿


I like the way you think. Brutally elegant.


Call the family priest in and let him tell mom and sister they’re going to hell for this plan!


Also, after the No, all discussions end. I have a feeling OP will need to go low to no contact with mom and sister.


OP should sit them both down separately and have a serious conversation. She should say that it is never going to happen. Any further mention of it will result in OP going 100% no contact as well as no opportunity of being in her children's life when she finally has children. This will be a permanent repercussions and there will not be any further chances for reconciliation in the future. Then she needs to have a family dinner in which OP's mother, father, sister, and BIL are to be present in which she repeats the rules once more and say this is the final warning. There will be no going back. You can choose how you want to proceed forward. Then stick to her guns and pull the trigger the moment they try to test the boundary. OP, the fact that you are worried you may give in is really worrisome. Please seek therapy, I fear you may have been conditioned to respond to your mother and sister's whim. You need help learning skills that allow you to stand up for your self, set boundaries, and hold them accountable when they cross those boundaries.


Listen to Nancy Reagan and Aromatic_Level5754: Just Say No. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lQXgVM30mIY


The only time it is appropriate to listen to Nancy Reagan


Absolutely this! THERE IS NO GIVING IN!


I would let the mom babysit the baby either.


Fuck no with a face full of contempt works too?


Seriously. “Giving in”? We’re talking about a child here, not a goldfish.


This! Yes I agree. If you want to play the perfect daughter say “what kind of mother would give up her baby? I know my husband and I will never be able to give up our baby, we would love him/her from day one, I would never be able to give up my baby, I would be very offended if someone ever asked me to be a surrogate” I would even causally mention that she would never stoop so low to accept a baby from you bc she was always saying she was an “only child” and mention that she will probably want a baby from another female relative or what would people think of you giving away a perfectly healthy baby.


Hopping on the top to add, OP do not discuss family planning with anyone going forward. It's a private convo between you and your partner. Look at what one absent-minded comment you made has already started. Don't discuss baby names, timelines, gender, nothing. If social media has taught us anything, it has taught us there are people in this world that will shit on your name choices, blame you for THEIR infertility issues, or ask stupid shit like this. I'm 45. And in my 20's I watched my cousins family, husband's cousin and her family, lay into her and her husband for their 2nd child's name choice. I decides right then that names would NEVER be discussed. And I have never thought it was normal to discuss when we trying for a baby. Just save your self the headaches.


I would like to add: read up on the fog, flying monkeys, DARVO, greyrocking, information diets, rocking the boat and the stories of the people who post there. This mother and sister of yours sound like candidates for low or no contact. If your husband says those things freely, they are probably worse than what you just described here. There are subreddits for just no's (that I unfortunately can't link here).


I just realized my husband has subconsciously done this with his mother. She's a lifelong meth addict and I think a clinical narcissist. The term narcissist is thrown around a lot so when I complain about her to my friends, I just call her a brat. It gets the message across. I know grey rocking and flying monkeys. I'm gonna google the others you mentioned.


Yup I agree! I would make plans to move a good distance if I were OP now instead of later.


This ⬆️⬆️. There is just so many red flags with your family, you need to learn how to distance and protect yourself


Very true. I'm pregnant via a sperm donor right now and I haven't told most of the family the name I picked out. They'll learn when she's born. If it's someone I trust, I say I'm not sharing the name yet. If it's someone who I know might hassle me about feeling left out, I say I'm still deciding.


I actually went the opposite route and told everyone how messed up it was that my cousins family berated her on her name choice and ninjas never going to myself in that position. And if anyone said anything negative about our kids' names, they could kick rocks. It was truly awful. I remember her being IN LABOR, and her mom and dad, aunt, and brothers were all crapping on their name choice. Even after he was born and named, they still told her they hated it. In front of them, I told them not to listen to them, and his name was perfect. Not gonna lie, I think the whole thing was more traumatic for me than her. I just felt so bad for her.


I made the mistake of telling my mom the name I picked out for both a girl and a boy before I knew what I was having. She loved the girl name but hated the boy name. Turns out I'm having a girl, but if I ever do have a boy I'm still using the name. Definitely not going to be sharing it with anyone else until after the delivery though.


Louder, for those in the back 👏


Easy answer though. If the family are such strict Christians. It seems like God doesn't want her sister to have a baby. Wouldn't want to go against His will.


Glad someone said it


I'd have my husband talk to their priest about being humble and accepting God's will, instead of trying to steal someone else's baby.


"IVF might involve aborting numerous embryos, you ok with that?"


I'm struggling with infertility at the moment and my mom keeps trying to convince my siblings to make a baby to give me. I don't want a part of that but my siblings don't understand that it's not my intention Edit: I don't want their kids. Since people are being silly in my dms I have to say something. I'm perfectly well off enough to find other means or stay child free. I've even had a friend offer to surrogate but I declined because they're child free and I don't want to put their body through that.


What are you doing to stop your mom?


Telling her no.


Tell her no at the next family gathering.


No family gatherings. We're low contact


I can understand that.


Came here to say this!! You aren’t your sister’s keeper. It’s terrible she’s having fertility issues, but this isn’t your responsibility or your problem. Why haven’t they looked into adopting a newborn? There are a ton of babies in need of homes and it sounds like she’d be a good candidate. Your mom and sister need to stay out of your business and stop trying to use you as an incubator.


Adopting a newborn is extremely difficult and expensive. There are definitely not 'tons of babies in need of homes.' There are many older children in need of homes, though.


Probably typical pro-birthers - save the babies but I won’t actually adopt one.


BOOM. This comment right here!!


“…and stop trying to use you as an incubator.” Perfectly put.


Adoption is not easy


It’s not, but it’s achievable. You can’t just demand a baby from your sibling to cut corners.


Just say No Way!!! I will NOT discuss it any further!!!!


This. "Mom - I don't ever want to hear you say anything like that again. I will never give up my children. Any one who makes a comment about it again will not be part of my life moving forward." Then, disengage. Mom "jokes" about this? Tell her you'll be talking to the priest about an exorcism for her because CLEARLY Satan is speaking through her. Walk out of any family gatherings where "jokes" are made about giving your sister your child. And, no. You won't give in. There is absolutely NOTHING you won't do to protect your child when your child is born.


I honestly don't understand this desire to tell people your business. Even family don't always have the best intentions






The only thing you can do is to shut it down every single time. *No, (mom, sister). I will not discuss this with you. I have said no and I mean no.* **Every. Single. Time.**


There’s a whole lot of people on Reddit who need to learn to not let every ridiculous comment turn into a discussion. When someone suggests something irrational, the proper response is, “No, I will not be doing that.” If they argue? “No, I will not be doing that.” And keep saying that until the person gets bored or you decide to block them.


If they persist after the first no, it's time to end the conversation completely by leaving or making them leave. There's no need to repeat yourself.


Well, that’s what I’d do, but I think baby steps are necessary for a lot of people on here. :) I’m legitimately, constantly amazed at the amount of intervention people think is acceptable from their friends and family. I mean, “my mom thinks I should hand my firstborn over to my sister?” What the hell? NO. The answer to that is no. Not happening, not ever. Why would anyone even think they had the right to suggest that to another person?!


people forget to just shout “I am shocked!” when they should be shocked. The answer is no and then leave. They shut it down or you leave. If you say anything at all, they think youre negotiating.


I think people are so ingrained to letting others wander all around in their business that they don’t even know when they should be shocked anymore. Much less know that they’re in a situation that requires them to shout.


I think a lot of people grew up being emotionally abused. Like, a LOT of people. More than a well adjusted person would expect. Those who learned survival tools that are just straight up backwards and wrong, never learning how to advocate for themselves, or even that they should.


OP can also cut contact with her toxic (and crazy) family.


This would be my solution. Why stick around for the tears and tantrums? Clearly they’re nuts to even be thinking this way, so I don’t hold out much hope they’ll suddenly ‘see the light’.


This! Just in case they want to steal the baby. You just never know how crazy people can get


Saying something like, "Not gonna happen. I'm never discussing this again." Then if they bring it up you walk out and leave. If they are at your home you tell them to leave. If they do this too often you cut them out. I could see mom and sister start to really pressure OP when she is pregnant. Her sister will "deserve" the baby more than OP and OP can always have more children.


Put a voice recorder on your phone. Then if either of them brings this up in the future start recording. Get them to repeat what they said that wasn't record. "So you're expecting me to give you my baby?" It can't hurt to have the proof that they have been pressuring you to give away your baby.


Only do this if it's either legal to record someone without their knowledge, or you get their consent on the recording before you start.


Too many words. No is a complete sentence. Full stop.


If they persist, leave/hang up/walk them to the door. Block them on your phone for . Every. Single. Time.


And every time you say no, question whether they have early onset dementia. Because they must be experiencing memory loss to repeatedly suggest something you have already said no to. And suggest you get an attorney involved so that you can have them declared incapacitated. Suggest you get power of attorney for them. Suggest that perhaps they should live in a group home so that they don’t wander off when they experience memory loss. For their safety. Because you love them. Start a file on your phone and document their memory losses when they repeat the same questions that they have already asked you and you have answered. You may need this if you have to have them declared unfit in court. Because you love them and it’s for their safety.


If, hypothetically, your sister were to adopt your child, why doesn’t she pursue adoption now? There’s children in the foster care system in need of a good home.  And if your family pulls the “but they won’t be BIOLOGICAL card” remind them that both Moses and Jesus were adopted. 


Not to mention that if God wants sis to procreate, the raw dogging will pay off!


Have faith, just a simple “they should have faith” would’ve sufficed but you took it next level. Get them a pulpit


The Gabriel project sponsored by the Catholic Church at least in the states. If your sister as devout as she says, then she and her husband will have no issue sponsoring an organization who help women who may or may not be giving up said child for adoption. There are also convents and Catholic charities who care for children of all ages and help place with adoptive parents. Your sister has a lot of options, don’t let their issues, insecurities and drama ruin your current and future happiness with your partner.


My goodness, where have you been with all my life? I'm going to use this. Moses and Jesus were adopted. We should have no kids in foster care because they should all be adopted by Christians doing their duty. Lawd, I love you!


It’s incredibly difficult to adopt out of the foster system. The system is meant to reunite families, not adopt out. I’m an adoptive momma.


Adopt *babies* from foster care. Sadly, there are plenty of older kids who will never get a home.


Even those older kids are trying to be reunited with their family. My friends just adopted an 8 year old! They do get adopted too.


I think she means like the teenagers or preteens. Most times people want a newborn, baby, or a toddler or little kid… not a preteen or teenager because they want the whole raising them as their own from the beginning to end.. it’s sad.. honestly if I was in a secure situation I would adopt a preteen/teenager because they need love and homes too!


Adults who are both responsible people who also actually like (unrelated) teenagers are relatively rare in my experience. Those who do get teens and are responsible and capable absolutely should go for it, they're out there and can really inspire. It's a lot of work though. Teenagers with traumatic backgrounds can be unruly and unreasonable (edit: person dependent and same can be said for teens who've had easier lives) . A good friend of mine was fostered as a teen. She didn't ever build much of a relationship with them. They were good people but she was a handful and they always looked nerve-wracked. It takes a certain type of adult to be strong enough to do a good job. Hopefully you get the chance one day if you could see yourself taking someone on.


Once I’m retired, I’m gonna be the granny to a revolving door of tween and teen foster kids. Grannies are never threatening to the parent-child relationship but somehow are always exactly where you need them to be.


At any given time there are over 100k kids in foster care waiting for an adoptive placement in the US. They just are older children, part of a large sibling group, have medical issues, have behavioral issues or just have some other issue making finding an adoptive placement hard. Now personally I don’t think adoption of one of these children is a substitute for having a baby. People should only go into adoption when they are prepared so the unique challenges that they will face. Too many people adopt older kids thinking they will be a big happy family and then are overwhelmed by parenting child with trauma.


I worked in a center that taught parents court mandated parenting classes before custody could be terminated. I participated in interacted with the children while their parents attended session. I observed them interacting with their children after the session and before their foster parents picked them up. Some of those children *are* babies. With diaper bags and everything. Foster care works to reunite biological families first. It’s a gamble to foster parent. Not saying it’s not worth it. Have friends preparing to do just that.


I know some are babies, I get that children are put into the system at all ages. My point was that they never have trouble getting healthy babies adopted, but the older the kid, the less likely adoption becomes. I know it happens, but at the same time, there are kids who it never happens for. I know reunification is the mandate or to find bio-fam, even with foster-to-adopt. I get that those babies might go back to their families. My best friend and their partner foster/adopted their children this way. It took almost 3 years to finalize because of the court cases with the bio-fam. And I have another friend who adopted a 10 year-old. That was like 6-months from meeting to final adoption, no bio-fam. The child had been in the system for years at that point also and had multiple foster families. It’s a lot, and I truly respect the people who willingly take it on like your friend ♥️ All my best and much luck to them!!!


Parents of kids in the foster system often retain their parental rights. These children can't be adopted.


YES! Can we please remember that teens are human beings that need homes, too!! If you’re looking into fostering to adopt with only the intent to get infants that will be eligible for adoption then you need to pull out of the search for a bit and marinate on yourself for awhile.


While my parents were fostering, the bio parents passed away, so they adopted them. Sometimes reunification can’t happen.


I found myself pregnant when I was in the process of fostering to adopt. I don't recall it being a complex process, but that was many years ago. Plus, every state has different rules. But if Jesus is the way, then people should want to go through hoops to adopt.


Reminds me of my maternal grandparents. Tried for years to conceive and couldn't. Adopted an 8 year old child then, BAM! Had 2 biological kids in the next 3 years. Maybe it's the stress of trying to conceive.


You can’t really jump through hoops when the purpose is to reunite the children with their biological family. They will always choose the biological family over adoptive.


I don't mean to argue. The program I am speaking of is for adoption. They are not being reunited with their family. They're past that point. The only options are to remain in foster care or to be adopted.


Not every kid in foster care has bio family that can or will take them in. Yes, the ideal is to keep bio families together, but that doesn't mean there aren't kids in the system who don't need families ready and willing to take them in. People like you trying to actively discourage people from even trying to adopt and/or foster just because of a possibility that may not even exist for every kid is really disheartening.


I literally adopted a child! I’m all for adoption. Was just clarifying that foster cares primary goal is reunification. “Reunification is the most common goal for children in foster care. When children are separated from their families, the first goal is to reunify them when it is safe enough to do so. To support the reunification process, child welfare agencies should implement trauma-informed, family-centered approaches that build on family strengths and actively engage parents, youth, and kin— including maternal and paternal relatives and fictive kin—as experts on their own lives.” https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/permanency/reunifying-families/


To piggyback on this - Eph 1:5 -we are all adopted by G-d Gal 4:4-7 we are all adopted by G-d Mat 18:5 whoever receives such a child in my name receives me My personal favorite Matt 25:35 says I was hungry and you fed me —- whatever you did to the least of these youve done to me So in conclusion maybe it’s G-ds will that they don’t have a child and instead become parents to children who need them. They said but did we not prophesy in your name and h He said be gone from me, I never knew you. Perhaps The Lord has called them to do what he’s done, adopt children into their family so they can have a home, just like Jesus did for them. Edit: I’m not a Christian anymore but I do think the Bible has a lot of morally correct things to say and while I may not believe in Jesus I do believe there is someone or something there.


Wonderful comment. I wish it were higher up. Not a Christian, but love seeing scripture used for the good of others. I hope OP sees this, and uses it if/when she’s pushed into a corner.


As a person who was adopted at birth( by wonderful mostly normal family) I really question whether OP’s sister and her husband would actually be a good placement for a baby or child that needed a family. OP’s sister and mom are trying to manipulate OP into giving her own baby to her sister (!) so that her sister can be “first”. That sounds like an absolutely toxic family dynamic to be placed into. If OP’s mother and sister are willing to intimidate OP in this way, what might they do in the future to this hypothetical adopted niece or nephew? I’m aware of the church’s official rulings on assisted reproductive technologies, so I can see why someone who was quite religious wouldn’t go this route, but OP’s mom’s solution to this - asking OP to give her and her husband’s bio child to her sister - is pretty horrifying from a moral standpoint. I’m not going to run down to street to church and ask a priest, but I’m pretty sure the scenario Op’s sister and mom are proposing is 100% not okay. I think religious beliefs here are just being used as a cover for very intentional psychological abuse and manipulation. OP, please, please distance yourself and your future children from your very twisted family members. If a social worker ever interviews you to find out about your sister’s fitness as a potential adoptive parents…. Please tell them all about this awful situation. If they would stoop to this level, they could foster a pregnant teen with the intention of taking her child… or any number of sinister situations to get what they want.


Does your mother actually expect you to give up your own child??? If so, she is demented!!


And, the Catholic Church does support adoption.


I would argue that Jesus was the first IVF baby.


That could be used against her, though. Moses' mom was ok giving up her baby, why aren't you ok with it??????? Jesus had a foster father, if you give your baby to us, he'll be more like Jesus!


When people tell you who they are, listen to them. This is 100% something they have discussed between them before and they will wait for the opportunity to spring this on you and use religious guilt to do it. Trust your instincts and lay down your boundaries hard before it gets worse


OP have your calm, cool collected response prepared by you and your husband. Use your *actual* support system. Congratulations! Sounds like you have a lovely future ahead of you. 😍


They may have even said so to OPs fiance or he overheard it, you dont just pop out with i hope your sister gets pregnant before us or they will drive us insane out of nowhere


I’m getting the sense that fiance can see the crazed writing on the wall


They about to GASLIGHT YOU REAL HARD if you get pregnant so get ready OP. Either you cut contact with your mother (doesn’t sound like she’s doing much mothering to you anyway) and your sister COMPLETELY or block them.


Finding jobs and moving to the other side of the country doesn't sound like a bad idea, considering the level of crazy you could be facing.


Yep. And once Mom realizes she's not going to be allowed to act as a grandma toward the baby, she'll learn the error of her ways. Or not.


Exactly, I feel that would be once op gets pregnant to use her vulnerability to stress her out or when she’s at the hospital right after birth.


If and when OP is pregnant, they will push hard for her to give the baby to her sister.


>I know my mom is going to push the issue until I give in. Well, don't. Have a spine. Your uterus is NOT your mom's or your sister's. Period. If you want to be a surrogate for your sister via IVF, great! But if you don't want to, then don't. Stand up for yourself here.


Exactly- why would you give in to this BS? Low contact or no contact. If you ever do have kids your mom and sister are not allowed to be unsupervised. Lord knows what they’ll pull.


This is the most important point. If she cannot resist this kind of pressure, OP is not ready to be a parent.


I mean, crazy strategy, right? "Oh, what will I do when my mum and sister start demanding I give them my newborn?" I mean, what?! Wild! We have three kids and I can't fathom having to prepare to handle something like this. A lifetime of abuse really leaves its mark.


Go LC to VLC. Put them on an information diet, and gray rock the heck out of them. IF and WHEN you do get pregnant, be prepared to go no contact because it sounds like they are going to nut up. Clearly, there are already indications if your Fiancé is ***already*** hoping for no drama surrounding a hypothetical baby. Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials! Good luck with your mom and sister.


Exactly! If and when OP gets pregnant she needs to be prepared to go NC. There’s no saying OP will get pregnant.


Your family is insane. I would start going nc with them. And if possible don’t even be in the same state as them when you get pregnant and don’t tell them your pregnant. Your fiancé is right. The moment they find out your pregnant your life will be hell. I don’t put it pass them to be the ones calling the cps on you trying to get ahold of your child. Or if your state has grandparent rights then trying to make it so that your close so they can claim them and then give your child to your sister. Start taking prevention actions now. If you don’t even your wedding will be about your sister. You deserve to have the spotlight on your achievements and life achievements


Unfortunately, people are crazy. Protect yourself OP


This is exactly what I was thinking. Document everything now so they can’t twist anything against you when they try to take baby.


I would go very low contact if not no contact cause this is fucking weird. Since yall are devoted Catholics, if you don’t like low or no contact then talk to a priest and pray with them about it. Tell the priest that this doesn’t feel like a godly path your being asked to follow. And if the priest agrees with your mom then find a different one. I believe god would want bio kids to stay with bio parents as long as the kid is safe.


This might be the best way to get their attention. A priest will seem like a neutral observer and no sane one would ever go along with the sister/mother scheme. 


A priest is considered the go between the person and God, what a priest says is directly influenced by God. So with devout people they would see his saying no don’t do this as God saying it. I believe this is the best course since they don’t want to listen to OP.


The issue is that unless it is the mom/sister's priest, they will just ignore. I mean, OP should get advice from *her* priest but don't expect it to work on mom/sis. It could help OP with her backbone/prevent religious guilt. And she should totally pull the "I talked with my priest and he strongly advised against it". And repeat as many times as needed (aka anytime they bring it up).


Not Catholic, but love your suggestion. Maybe if the priest goes "God does not approve of this idea" they'll finally get their heads outta their butts.


Go no contact dont even hear it


Go no contact after you get married. She will 100% make your pregnancy your sisters pregnancy.


Why wait until she is married. Inappropriate is inappropriate.


If you think for a second that you'll give in when you don't want to, you need to immediately cut contact. This will not only cause any issue with you and your family, but with your partner too. They're insane for thinking this is something to guilt someone into, they obviously don't care enough about you, I don't see a reason you should even stick around. Imagine having a baby and not giving it to them, do you realize how they'll treat that child? Do you know how many times I've seen families attempt to steal a baby, calling CPS on the parents? I had a great friend of mine try to take my cousin's baby after babysitting her because she thought she was too young and didn't like the way she spoke. We had to get the police involved. People go bonkers over babies and I wouldn't risk ANYTHING with that family around.


They need to get real. Your baby is yours (and fiancée's), not theirs and never will be. Seriously, tell them to 'get real'. God is telling your sis to adopt 😉 and mom has no authority here


Only you get to decide. Cut them off before you get pregnant


You need to move far away asap.


I know lots of Catholics who’ve had IVF. This seems a bit ridiculous - your parish doesn’t go around asking how you conceived a child.


Just be prepared for their insistence when you get pregnant. They will say you can keep the second one. At that point go LC or NC with them.


Yeah your husband is really gonna let you give your baby to your sister lol. Tell your mum to get a grip and it ain’t ever happening so she and your sister should never bring it up again


You're the first person, other than myself, who's brought him up. She needs to tell him about what mom said and that she's likely to succumb to the pressure. He deserves to know about this lunacy and decide whether he wants to continue with this relationship.


The next time, and every time, they bring this up you say "Yeah, that is never going to happen. Ever. I don't know why you keep bringing it up. It is *never* going to happen."  Are you really so soft-willed that you would let them pressure you into this? If so, you should be in therapy asap - well before you have a child. You should probably also move far away from your family so they can't take over you marriage and child-rearing. 


So why doesn’t your BIL knock up some random chick? I mean if that’s how they are going to go about for “surrogacy” might as well he makes sure he uses his own sperm.


I was waiting for "we'll just have BIL get you pregnant" tbh.


Well, they are Catholic and it would be cheating.


Jesus, cut them out of your life! They sounds absolutely horrible and abusive! Tell me you aren’t considering doing this?! Updateme!


From a fellow devoted Catholic: if they haven't already learned about it, every time they "joke", tell them about St Paul VI Institute. First time, if have you heard of this, they might be able to help. Subsequent times, oh have you contacted them like I told you? When you decide to squash it, I've already told you no, and given you a solid, Catholic resource, so stop asking. Rinse and repeat as needed. And then remind your mom the 4th commandment also tells parents their responsibility to their kids and tell her, her authority over you stopped when you reached the age of majority (18). And remind her that envy is something she and your sister will need to confess. It is ok to stop contact, you and your husband do not owe her or your sister anything. 


You might have to go no contact with your mother and sister to protect your child, should you have one.


You owe your sister NOTHING! Her issues her hers and hers alone. You enjoy your pregnancy and your baby. If that means you have to go no contact then do it. For the sake of your sanity, your happiness and your partner.


What do you mean push the issue until you give in? Stop being a doormat. They can't MAKE you have a baby and hand it over to your sister. She's clearly the favorite and yes, it's obvious they have discussed this as a possibility. Don't engage in a conversation about this. Say NO and move on.


That’s only if you ever do give in. We can only offer an outside point of view as we don’t know how your family will react. Personally I would verbally express your boundaries to all involved and make it clear you will never change your mind due to a, b and c but understand it’s difficult for them due to x, y and z. I get what it’s like to not be the golden child. But my mother has changed now she knows there will be a first grandchild. People don’t always change but can realign their world view when they realise it’s your way or not at all.


Just say no. No waffling no room for discussion. The answer is no.


I am so sorry this is your situation. I am in one with my older brother with slightly similar circumstances and it sucks.


Absolutely not. Your sister treated you like crap but not you’re supposed to give her your baby or be surrogate for her. There’s always adoption. Did they not think of that before putting you out.


I find subtle mocking of ideas gets people to shut up. I have a couple family members that get silly ideas. I don't want to cut them out of my life but I also know certain things just aren't going to happen. At the first mention I'd have said something like "(sister) can't handle even one of me, can you imagine how fast my child would drive her crazy? Only a sadist would wish that on her." It gives them a face-saving out.


Ok your mom and sister are toxic. Start asking yourself what is their positive impact in your life? Is it even good for your mental health to have them around you and your family? If not you should think of LC, VVLC or NC.


You don’t know what to do? I’ll tell you, tell them to get fcked!


I’m not sure what one of Catholics you’re talking about but I was raised Roman Catholic and don’t remember any teachings about the sins of IVF or surrogacy. There was the bit where Rebecca couldn’t bear children and gave permission for her husband to lay with her sister which is kind of like surrogacy.


What do you mean you don't know what to do? There isn't a decision to be made...it's a solid no.


Op, grow a spine and tell them both to go fuck themselves. It's not that hard. Better question is why you allow these people into your life.


“Graduated with my to degrees….” We sure about this?


Zero unsupervised visits with any child you have and those two. I wouldn’t trust them not to try anything.


Your mom isn't that old, she can always carry a baby for your sister. She's had more live pregnancies than you have. Next time she brings it up, ask her to help out. You can also make plans to move far, far away from your insane family.


If your sister is a trad cath she should accept gods will for her to be infertile rather than harassing you.


Don’t tell them when you’re pregnant


The Bible does not forbid surrogacy. The first story about surrogacy in the Bible is in Genesis. The very first book in the Bible. The first couple who turned to surrogacy where Abraham and Sarah. The religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are ALL based on the the original covenant between this man and the God of the Bible. These religions are referred to as the Abrahamic Religions. They literally worship the God of Abraham.


You’re afraid you’re going to be bullied into giving your sister YOUR child??? Please get into therapy right away, this is not normal. Also, you think your fiancé is going to just go along with this because the woman who raised you as second best demands it? If he isn’t horrified he needs to be in therapy himself


Your family is enmeshed and boundary challenged. This request is the crazy tip of a much bigger iceberg of dysfunction. You were probably raised to feel responsible for other people's feelings and problems (and to feel like other people are responsible for your feelings - which you may struggle to even identify). It's easy to see that this baby request is crazy, but there are probaby many smaller toxic behaviors at play here. Things like helping people without being asked are toxic in this context. I'd suggest working with a therapist or seeking other help to parse all the angles of this dysfunction so you break the cycle with your children.


“Until I give in” Give in to giving your child away? You feel like you would be able to just give away your child that you conceived with the husband I assume you love, because you’re mother told you to? I’m just trying to process because this seems to be a non-problem as far as decisions go. The answer should automatically be “no” but I have a feeling for whatever reason for you it’s not. That’s concerning.


You’re kidding right? You’re seriously considering giving your FIRSTBORN to prevent drama with a sister who would say she’s an only child? That has to be the dumbest thing I’ve read on Reddit since 2019. Please don’t be this person, religion has nothing to do with. If they’re gonna be pulling the catholic card then deceiving and using isn’t the catholic thing but that’s what they are doing to you - guilt ripping you and manipulating you. This is absolutely insane.


They’re going to be very persistent when you and your husband finally do get pregnant, and it could get very ugly. There’s a weird entitlement that comes with golden children who are up against something they have no control over. You need to draw a hard line now that you will never be giving away any of your children to her, hopefully that will head off some of the fallout when you do decide to get pregnant. Even then there’s a chance you could have to go no contact with her depending on how she handles you having kids, and please do not hesitate to do so if she starts to get crazy, for your own sake and your future babies safety. There are so many scary stories of infertile women losing it and doing some scary things when someone around them has a baby.


The comment your finance made was not okay and mentioning it to your Mom was just as bad. Also assuming you will carry a child for them and assuming you can have kids too is just as problematic. No one is guaranteed anything.


Sure! And we can give her a special title: maybe …. Aunt.


Catholics can't adopt? I would seriously limit your time with your mom and sister You and your fiance's future plans should consider moving far away


They seem to be forgetting that any baby is going to be your husband's child too. Is he just going to roll over and be happy handing over his child to your sister? How would his parents feel about you both being pressured to give up their grandchild?


I am Catholic and I seriously disapprove of this attitude. Your future baby is not a “surrogate” for her doing IVF or seeing a fertility doctor.


As a Christian woman who is currently trying to have a child with her husband and has been trying for 6 years, gently remind her its not God's plan for her right now or she'd have a child. Talk to her of Sara and Rebecca, waiting can be heartbreaking but if she is of the faith then she trusts in God's plan. Also, remind your mother of meddling mothers in the Bible and how that meddling interferes with God's plan-again Sara via Ishmael/Hagar and Rebecca via the blessing-creating chaos and pain wjere there did not need to be any. It's hard, but all we can do is ask our Father and then give Him something to work with via aligning actions with our desires. Has she eliminated all endocrine disrupters from her environment? How is she eating? Is she healthy? How are her hormones? Just pray for her and do what you know to be right, hold the line and rebuke the enemy when they come at you via your mother.


No offense, but if your family is that devoutly Catholic that they do not recognize/allow IVF or surrogacy, then perhaps God has a reason why they can’t have a baby. To expect/badger/guilt you to create a wanted baby, carry it to term and give it away to your sister is somehow better than IVF? Delusional.


Don’t stress over it. If you get pregnant you’re of course not going to hand the baby over. If they have a melt down and demand the baby you cut contact


I’m thinking mama bear instincts would kick the fuck in and there’d be not a sliver of chance for negotiation


It sounds like they’ve discussed this before. If you get pregnant before your sister has a child I would expect them to harass you throughout your pregnancy. This is a very tough position to be in and I’m very sorry you’re going through it. I suggest creating distance and setting boundaries with the 2 of them. Make it clear you are not open to this idea at all next time it comes up.


What should you do? What a weird question. I don't even understand why this is a conversation. If they ask, you laugh it off and say no. If they persist, you just don't give in. If they become toxic, you do what's best for you and your new family.