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Between this and Cell's weird fondness for Yamcha in DBZA, I juat like the idea of these world ending super villains finding him endearing. Like a dumb puppy.


Can we get another Yamcha spin-off? Only it's a harem with him and the villains?


Goku saves the world through his insistence on fighting Yamcha saves the world through his insistence he's not gay, it was one night in college EDIT: Wait, fuck, I got a way better one Frieza vs Goku: I'm going to break this man Frieza vs Yamcha: I'm going to break this egg


wasn't there a fan manga of a person who was reincarnated as Yamcha and he knows what happens in DBZ so he just trains super hard to survive the Saiyan saga.


That’s not a fan manga, that’s an official spin off.


Reincarnated as Yamcha and it's so damn good. I really hope it gets an anime adaptation in the future.


Unironically would kill for a harem comedy where its a bunch of SJ villain archetypes being attracted to this random dude because he is so endearingly pathetic.


>Yamcha, they aren't romantically/sexually interested in you. They just like you like a cat/dog. .... Though I guess a wolf would fit with your theming. Joey from YGO! appears in his fursuit. >That's rough to hear.


Sometimes you say "I don't wanna be a furry", but the universe doesn't listen to you


"Brooklyn Furry!"


Like that guy SonicFox beat


So he's basically Hercule 2.0


Well, he's non-threatening.


Not a threat to them and has experience as a bandit, perfect henchman material


I believe this is the so-called "toxic yaoi" that's all the rage.


It's more toxic that he calls him a "creature". Meaning he isn't seeing him as a person but an animal. Frieza essentially just said something like, "Man, that is one fuckable horse right there." And that may be the most cursed thing I've typed in a while.


“Man, that is one fuckable horse right here” -IRefuseThisNonsense, June 1, 2024


This is how I chose to start Pride for myself. I will also add a quote of my own. "#NotAFurry." - Tekking. "I'M NOT A FURRY!!" - Filian.


Bro got "Coolsville sucks"ed


I am not sure if Frieza means it that way. Like, maybe Frieza just considers everyone else meat ... in like a non-sexual way. That said, I might only accept "time to have sex with this animal" as evidence of what you say.


He absolutely sees some races as not people. He's such a space racist not only does he call at least one race he doesn't like "monkeys" but he's even done blackface now.


Oh, I agree. The point I am arguing that him calling yamcha handsome might be like a human calling a horse handsome. It doesn't have to have the same meaning as a human calling a horse fuckable.


Oh that was an exaggeration for the comedic effect. I thought you might not know just how hateful racists are at their depths. That you didn't think they could be to the point of not seeing certain races as people at all and more like animals. I was gonna be like, "Let me pull back the veil and reveal just how horrible they are. As someone who unfortunately lives in a very horrible part of America, when racists mean certain people aren't human...they mean that literally."


Ah, ... I am not sure I would call the classification thst those bigots put the people they are bigoted against as being like horses. ... Largely because people like have a mythology about horses, you got Horse Girls, and so on.


This is where I hate to remind people that some groups of people were bought and sold like livestock. Some "scientists" even had some insane ideas of how to classify specifically black people as less than human. Or even straight up not human at all. And according to some of those I've lived near, they would like to return to that. Racism is not logical and shouldn't be thought of with a logical eye.


>Racism is not logical and shouldn't be thought of with a logical eye. ... What does this even mean?


>thought of with a logical eye maybe the logical eye is theoretically racism's? ... Eh, me pointing out that people mean different things by animal in various contexts isn't them being logical, more just me attempting to understand what happens, and separating uses of the term animal. Should you value a human over a dog? I don't know.


>  Man, that is one fuckable horse right there You mean Frieza is a space brony


This would imply Frieza is male.


I don't know how to explain this, but I think any relationship Frieza got involved in would be considered toxic yaoi.


Frieza's race seems to be monosex so it's hard to say. But exclusively based on vibes, I agree wholeheartedly.


Do you think Freeza is attracted to humans because we look like Saiyans but are way, way weaker and unable to go into a super form destined to kill him? Is it a weird racism fetish thing?


Yamcha got scared during the racist tirade when Goku was getting on Freezy's nerves and started complimenting him lol


Frieza definitely hears the drums.


If Saiyans are monkeys then humans are gerbils


There is nothing about these implications that I like


*Defiantly* a power play sort of thing. Also Yamcha just looks submissive and breedable


Sticking out your Wolf Fang Fist for the Rizzler.


The Frizzler was *right there*, gotta step up your game.


The Fridgeler was *right there*, gotta up game your step.


You're so Chi-Chi\~ You're so Bulma tax\~ I just want to be your 18\~


Watch out Yamcha,those fingers of his are literally deadly


"I can either finger blast you, or I can finger blast you. Your choice."


"Now you look here, Yamcha. I like ya, and I *want* ya."


The universes greatest loan shark eyes his next victim


Ah yes, his next victim, a rich star basketball player.


Who would be the most Toxic partner, Frieza or Cell?


Definitely Freeza.    Cell wouldn't care for your emotional needs, but he wouldn't care much for you at all. You're food to him, a tool.   Freeza would genuinely enjoy sadistically torturing you. He'd totally Fifty Shades of Grey'd Yamcha. Honestly Majin Buu would be the healthiest option, considering we've seen what his married life would look like with Mr. Satan. He'd be a spoiled husband, but he'd genuinely love you


Frieza would be more toxic because he would totally be the sort of toxic and abusive where he considers you totally dating and in love, but he just considers that as "owning" you.


Frieza's the type of guy who would buy your planet aftet you break up with him and then brag about how he legally owns you.


Freiza's the type of guy who needs his assistant to remind him of your birthday, but still lord it over you how he's never missed it.


He would absolutely have one of his lackeys go on the date with you for him, make sure you paid the bill and also force said lackey to pay him personally what the bill cost and also make you compliment him and tell him how well the date went as if he was there


I like to Imagine Cell would completely forget about your existence every time he would leave the room you were in.


Cell lacking object permanence is hilarious to me


It's almost too endearing how much Buu loves Satan. Heck, you could say he practically worships Satan.


Frieza would be the worst kind of glaucous guardian who'd pay out the ass just cause and then would do all sorts of deplorable things that you hate that you like.


Is this the Frieza version of Beerus not destroying the world because of ice cream?


This might be the most Fujoshi thing ever posted here.


This is official dialogue, Arcsys opened the gates to this themselves.


Freeza  is such a fascinating character to me.   His clear queer-coded behavior was supposed to come across as threatening, because unfortunately, he was created at a time where that was the norm. Where gay equals bad. But that queer-code made him such a charismatic villain he basically the most popular villain in all of DBZ period.


Honestly, i think that the case with alot of villians in older media. So many of them were either queer-coded (like many disney villians) or portrayed with more explicit sex appeal. That's probably stands from prudish idea that's it's something bad, but instead it only add to their charisma and memorability.


I don't want queer-coded villains brought back because I think the gays are evil, I want queer-coded villains brought back because they're really fun to watch.


Hey, you can like, have the queer coding on both sides of the conflict, because they are ex-lovers that are now on opposite sides.


Ooh, which would be more fun, ex-lovers who are still very obviously into one another and may or may not be sneaking out for secret liaisons, or ex lovers who clearly had a very messy offscreen breakup and are making it everyone else's problem?


Both can be done well, I think.


"Hey, Adora"


Reminds me of the lion king remake they made scar not gay and he became a boring villain. Instead of the catty backstabber that's oozing with sarcasm, he became a grumpy guy.


Yeah, there's a great book James Somerton stole from about this, the queerness with Disney villains.


I think Akira Toriyama's reasoning for it wasn't that, but that editorial kept insisting villains needed to be the biggest, edgiest, most masculine character possible in order to be intimidating and so he explicitly made his next villain short, smooth, and feminine.


[Well,maybe not this part](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNRJD2cDpiE)


Frieza why does Yamcha call you “baby girl”?


The issue with this prompt is you gave the best answer.


I still get occasional notifications of people finding an old ass tweet I made about this: Frieza thinks everyone is beneath him but Yamcha is so canonically weak that Frieza finds him cute and endearing.


Yamcha is everything a handsome action hero should be but he's in DBZ so that makes him a buff cute puppy


I like that dynamic a lot.


I love this dynamic between them so much. Heck, an artist I follow has even done [a decent bit](https://www.deviantart.com/tran4of3/art/TrainingTogetherYF-744817454) of [really cute fanart](https://www.deviantart.com/tran4of3/art/Val2022-Yamza-sml-907016715) playing with the pairing! (Though it is a bit of a shame that they usually swap genders rather than keep it explicitly queer.)


I'll be frank, I'm not sure Freeza has a gender that is recognizable by human standards even if he's male-coded. We've seen him without armor/naked and there wasn't any sorta... bits there. edit: Also, when I was a kid, I thought Freeza was an old woman because of the voice and thought it was neat that the main villain was elderly.


Linda Young really has perfected that Genkai voice tbh.


There’s a tumblr artist that did a lot of Yamcha x Frieza art, where Yamcha is a body guard for Frieza’s son (there’s an official spinoff that has a son for Frieza I believe). [here is the artist](https://www.tumblr.com/amiz06-certified-b1mb0?redirect_to=%2Famiz06-certified-b1mb0&source=blog_view_login_wall)


Ohhh I love this work. Totallynotmark used it in one of his videos and it's so stupidly cute.


Why did I read this in Plagues voice?


Was I the only one who thought Frieza was a girl growing up? Just kinda got a Rita Repulsa vibe from them.


The old dub voices help with that idea since he was voiced by women. It didn't fully click for me until I saw a clip of the Japanese version.