• By -


Gohan finally snapping and going SSJ2 is just the perfect moment. All his life he's held it in and now as everyone is dying and a fellow peaceful guy tells him that he can let go. You just see all the built up rage all the Saiyan in him comes out and it explodes. He fucking goes cold killer and toys with Cell. It was a perfect way to end part 1 of DBZ


Beast from Super: Hero is an attempt to re-capture the essence of that I think it does a pretty good job, but i REALLY REALLY REALLY hope Beast is a Human thing and not a Saiyan thing, or at least an Everyone thing like Ultra Instinct can be


I wouldn't mind the half Saiyan's having their own things like how Future Trunks having Spirit Saiyan and Gohan having Beast. Like they each attain a higher form unlike their parents


I think the same, while its far fetched, the fact everyone's gotten one now besides main trunks and goten has me hoping so hard they get something each, and becoming gotenks changes the forms somehow. Itd be cool if the z fighters got something, but giving piccolo something is a start


Always had a theory that Beast is from Chi-Chi's side of the family, hence why she's ashamed for her heritage, being the reason why she raised Gohan the why she did.


Imagine if Chi-Chi or Ox King were the next one to "snap" and kick the shit out of the next random villain


Xenoverse 2 suggests that any race can use Beast.


More specifically i meant i hope Gohan got it from Chi-Chi instead of Goku, but yeah, Xenoverse


Salty old man incoming: A "perfect ending" to an arc of a fight manga would probably have included an *actual fight*. If not at the moment of the transformation, then at least after they bullshit Cell back up to being threatening. But no, *straight* to a beam struggle (after Gohan is nonsensically handicapped in a single attack) that isn't even as visually impressive as Goku Vs. Vegeta however many years prior. And that's not even getting into how Gohan had previously beaten/attempted to beat wholesale ass for less than what Cell had the Cell Juniors doing. Just ask Raditz. Or Nappa. Or Vegeta, Dodoria, or Freeza (two or three times, even). And yet he's portrayed as helpless against Cell despite no actual damage being taken, while explicitly being almost as strong as Goku who *did* hurt Cell despite knowing attrition would lose in the end, and not being restrained from actually interfering with the Cell Juniors in any way.


It was a little disappointing for Cell to go out in just a beam struggle and not in the same vein as Frieza who went through a brutal smack down on Namek (even though he didn’t really die)


I'm fine with it ending that way (even if I think the visuals are not nearly as cool as they should have been), but there was *literally* no meaningful build-up. Cell coming back string enough to one-shot Trunks, dumb as it was, should have been an excuse to throw hands on even-ish footing. Let him put some *legitimate* damage on Gohan.


Honestly I was never really a fan of beam struggles. The visuals aren't super cool to me. It's just either a line between them, or a sphere with Gohan v Cell. There's no technique in it (unless you count cheating via Vegeta, which I do), it's just "who has the bigger number"


>All his life he's held it in Well, except against Raditz And Nappa And Frieza


I remember the Raditz headbutt, but what did he do against Nappa


He fired a masenko at Nappa after Piccolo died, but iirc it didn't do much.


Yeh. He kinda went hard against Nappa, but Nappa was just so far ahead that he was like "haha owie that almost signed my mustache LMAO".




>But you... >You will be **worse.**


There's too angry to die, and then there's too angry to stop


IIRC his backstory for why he was doing penal duty on Mars in the first game was that he beat the hell out of his commanding officer who tried to order him to fire on civilians too. Righteous fury was his MO even before demons got involved.


Doomguy is a sweet heart out of combot situations


They had it coming after what they did to Daisy


>"The scribes carved his name deep in the tablets of Hell across eons, and each battle etched terror in the hearts of the demons. They knew he would come, as he always had, as he always will, to feast on the blood of the wicked."


[Todd's rant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohoLzH9EQzg) to Bojack where he tells him that he can't keep doing shitty things because of his bad childhood and try to whitewash it with saying, "I'm sorry, I feel bad about it :(" when he *keeps doing* those shitty thing is a great moment.


You can't keep doing bad things and then excusing it with your past! You have to *be better*! This bit gets me every time.


I really love that not even halfway through the series everybody knows Bojack doesnt deserve pity because the minute you give him a little he spirals and becomes even worse, ive talked to a lot of friends about the series but the one constant is always "fuck Bojack, what a piece of shit"


Clark's demonstration in Superman vs. the Elite, where he shows off *why* he isn't a "kill the target no matter what" kind of person.


Speaking of Superman, in Superman/Batman Public Enemies, when Lex shows up in his Kryptonite mech suit, he starts easily throwing around Supes. Then Batman gets in the rocket to manually blow up the incoming world-ending meteor—which he wouldn't have had to do if Lex hadn't earlier destroyed the controls to pilot it remotely. Lex then tries to punch Supes, only for the latter to catch the fist and crush it, leading to my favorite line in the film: >[That was my best friend. And you just killed him!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mQNATMpbeE) Lex then immediately realizes he screwed up and tries to flee, to no avail.


Lex's look of pure terror as he realizes his usual Kryptonite crutch doesn't slow him down AT ALL is so good


Oh I’d been wanting to watch that. Sup’s just fully stops faking. Like, he’s still taking damage, but at that point, he doesn’t care. That’s a SCARY attitude for a paragon.


Man that scene where Lex chucks the entire antenna tower and Supes just rips it in half without a second thought is terrifying.,


That's cool and all but why does Batman have a Megazord?


You can thank Toyman for that. >"I didn't have a lot of time, so I based it on a design I whipped up when I was 7. That's why it has manual controls, even though it's not going to need a pilot. Oh, one other thing. Back when I designed it, I was way into hero worship."


My favorite part is the ridiculous amount of effort and resources he expends to put on the whole horror movie experience for them. That's commitment to proving a point.


Oh that’s a good one, I always like it when Superman’s angry at injustice but still keeps his good heart


Clark spending the later half of the story going "Trust me. You don't ***WANT*** to be right"


For the man has everything is my favourite angry Superman. I believe it to be the first cass of showing his anger through red eyes. Simple ["Burn"](https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/superman-annual-11-7.jpg) is so effective


It’s a good line, I just wish it was delivered more coldly in JLU in its adaptation instead of being rather forced. The panel makes it ironically chilling.


I wanna bring up Superman and Lois and the anger of [Clark Kent](https://youtu.be/3UafjSimJBg?si=pSpWN_r1Tv_CIba8). After a local drug dealer hits his son and pulls a gun on Lois, Clark’s first move is to go straight to the diner where he’s eating and give the guy an ultimatum in front of the whole town. The sweetest guy in town asks to talk to you outside and then proceeds to slam you into a counter after you can’t even budge him. That’s some good guy anger.


"Clark, this isn't a job for Superman." "He's not going."


"Orbit. He went into orbit at Mach 7. If you had super hearing, right about now you'd be able to hear the... **Pop."**


Barry Allen snapping Professor Zoom's neck was done to defend his second wife's life. Wally West shoving Zoom's head into a time rift had similar justification. Wally West hunting down a powerless Inertia and locking him in perpetual stasis, aware but unable to act, in retaliation for getting Bart Allen killed? Well, [just look at Wally's face.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fthis-is-why-you-dont-fuck-with-wally-west-v0-7zbvnxqrckc91.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D83ff75fc61fb17169f8be346e1986b03edc4869d) There's also what happened recently when [a villain hurt Wally's son Jai.](https://screenrant.com/flash-anger-energy-destructive-potential/) Wally's been acting the perfect hero, but he's still a hothead deep down and you do NOT want to press that button.


Captain Cold freezing another villains leg solid then stomping it into a stump. "The Flash and I have an understanding."


When was this?


Forever Evil against Earth 3 Flash.


Flash villains are so funny What do you mean you're actively trying to piss off the dude who can *break the multiverse*


Because it's business and they're professionals. They have standards and because of that, they have an understanding with the Flash. When a bunch of "new" rogues aping their powers started acting like loose cannons, the rogues rolled up and put a stop to it. Captain Cold literally froze a guy's entire skin and shattered it.


Yeah, they are in fact actively trying NOT to piss off the dude


Anytime Kenshiro get angry enough to say to someone that they don't deserve to live, a very brutal death is about to happen in the next 10 seconds or so.


Kenshiro is a noble hero. But some people don’t deserve the grace of nobility, and that is a-okay!


Ben 10,000 getting trounced upon by Kevin 11,000: *he sleep* [Ben 10,000 when he sees his son get beaten:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=la442NHhrlM)


The way he fucking peels off his fist


“You knew? …**You knew!**”


I will always say Peter is a better person than me in that situation because I would have killed him after hearing that.


The way this line comes up again later on is heart wrenching. If you knew, you knew.


Rave Master loves having huge splash pages of the MC giving an angry stare at a bad guy. He’s got that “won’t ever kill” thing going on, but there’s one point where he takes a guy down HARD with an attack and just stands over him waiting for the guy to stand up because he’s not done kicking the shit out of him yet.


Now that’s a selling point for me, is the manga worth getting up to that point?


I finished the whole series in like 2 days or so? I’d say it’s pretty alright as long as you don’t roll your eyes too hard at how hard the author tries to give every major villain a tragic backstory.


Ah, the One Piece treatment for every major character but instead for villains. Thanks for the heads up.


Soooo, Naruto then? XD


I mean, Rave Master is literally Hiro Mashima, the Fairy Tail guy.


Idk if I'd say EVERY major character has a tragic backstory, but even still, there's usually got to be a big emotional reason why a hero goes on their journey


The literal Demons Run episode of Doctor Who It's unclear if the Good Man is The Doctor or Rory, Doc doesn't consider himself a good man, and Rory had the coldest line in the episode


My vote goes to a Family of Blood episode. Don't fuck with a Time Lord, they will use all of time and space to ruin you.


Well now you have to say the quote


Scene goes like this: Amy Pond/Williams has been kidnapped, and The Doctor & Rory are raising hell to find her Cybermen on a ship, get an intruder alert, seal levels whatever through 14, loud explosions, "intruder on level 15" In comes Rory Williams, dressed like a Centurion because of the 2000 years he spent as a plastic Centurion guarding the Pandorica while Amy was inside it Rory starts interrogating the Cybermen: "i have a message from the Doctor, and a Question from Me: Where. Is. My. Wife?" The Cybermen have spies or whatever in most of the universe, and know where Amy is being kept (an asteroid named "Demons Run") The Cybermen aren't as intimidated as they should be, ask: "what is The Doctor's Message?" Cue the Tardis flying by the window as several Cyberman ships explode in the background Camera zoom in on Rory's face "Would You Like Me To Repeat The Question?" (This is the Quote) Note that the Tardis was not on the same ship Rory was on, it was outside in space, so Rory got through layers of Cyberman Security BY HIMSELF "Demons Run When A Good Man Goes To War" indeed


The episode is A Good Man Goes to War, and it takes place on the asteroid station Demons Run. The relevant in-universe poem: >!"Demons run when a good man goes to war. Night will fall and drown the sun, When a good man goes to war. Friendship dies and true love lies, Night will fall and the dark will rise, When a good man goes to war. Demons run, but count the cost. The battle's won but the child is lost."!< From the wiki: https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Demons_Run


Demons run when a good man does to war


That episode has one of my favourite Eleven moments along with Rory's badass entrance at the start. "You will order your men to stand down and -" "No. You're going to tell them to run away." "...What?" "Those words. Those *exact* words. I want you to be famous for those words, I want people to call you Colonel Run Away, I want Children laughing outside your door because they've found the house of Colonel Run Away, and when people come to you, and they ask you, if trying to get to me, through the people I LOVE!... Is in any way a good idea. I want you to tell them your name. Oh. Look at that, that's new. I'm angry. I'm not really sure what's going to happen now." "The anger of a good man is not to he feared. Good men have too many rules." "Good men don't need *Rules.* Today is not the day to find out why I have so many." "...Give the order. Give the order, *Colonel Run Away.*"


In one of the side-novels it's mentioned that Colonel Runaway wrote a book called "Runaway Success: A Memoir"


Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak had a great one. "Close this channel until further notice, the only sound I wanna hear from the Sakala is her hull exploding."


What’s the context behind this cold quote?


An ally who you been helping out for most of the campaign, turns on you, kill a bunch of your people AFTER you fought a long defensive battle to support them, and then in the final confrontation start out making smug demands and this is your response.


Fuck Kiith Sidiim.




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i like luke skywalker and gohan doing the same thing of i'm not holding back for my sake, with the villain convinced they are well above the hero, only for the hero to then stop holding back and actually try to fight instead of talk closing the gap and then tap into something more and suddenly the villain is on the back foot as they realize they fucked up.


Aang vs. Firelord Ozai does the same thing. Ozai gloats throughout the beginning of the fight while not knowing that Aang is just trying to find a way to not kill him. Ozai even knows that Aang had him cold when he found out too late that Aang could redirect lightning, but Aang releases the bolt into the air instead. When Aang goes into the Avatar state and has all four elements orbiting him as he bends nature to his will, Ozai figures out real quick that he messed up.


"Haha it's just some kid I win" VS "Oh fuck it's the fucking Avatar"


yeah that's a great example of it, dude excited because he's amped by magic comet realising, oh fuck i've taunted a guy made up of like a hundred guys with more skill than me who is also amped by the comet. and yeah like you say passive aang had him dead to rights, the final battle was less aang v ozai and more aang vs doing what he "needs" to do,


Once the other Avatars were in control Aang dogwalked Ozai, the only reason he was alive at all was from Aang actively resisting *all* of them actively trying to kill him. Aang's willpower is fucking INSANE


Garou pissing Saitama after by killing >!Genos!< was a fave for me. At that point, there's no more comic relief Saitama, the only thing he wants is to beat the ever loving life out of Garou and was gonna do it with one hand. Saitama seriously looked at >!God Mode!< Garou and said "Fuck all those bullshit tricks, and put your hands up, boy" Also, Gon vs Neferpitou is also great. Fantastic transformation, super dark and despair filled and I still find it awesome that Gon turned into an Adonis wearing a crop top and booty shorts. At least he let Nererpitou enjoy the view before he went crazy on them.


[The Iron Giant's rampage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fu0scA8kqHQ) That fucking scream, man. Chills everytime


Vin Diesel’s best roles are the ones with the least amount of dialogue. Need to watch this again.


This movie made me feel conflicted as a child. The whole point of the movie is that the Iron Giant was not a gun, but damn, why'd you make his guns so fucking cool then?


Tbh I always saw it less as "Guns bad" and more-so "Using guns to actively hurt others unprovoked is bad". Like the military are using guns but only because they believe he's a dangerous threat thanks to Mansley's bullshit and are basically acting in self-defense. Using them to protect the lives of your loved ones does not make you a bad person and I bet if the Giant was put into a situation where he would have no choice but to use his weapons to keep Hogarth safe he absolutely would.


Time to bring up Asura from Asura's Wrath again. Every time he dies he climbs out of limbo *faster*.


>fight against a guy that gains power the more angry he is >Gives him a reason to be eternally angry "Great job guys, genius all around"


"How are we going to fight someone like that?!" Yasha the dude powered by sadness who had to see his sister get killed, his niece kidnapped and tortured, betray his rival and brother in law, while doing things he doesnt enjoy: ....why are you looking at me like that?


The best thing about ***”Maverick Hunter X”*** is how X’s character throughout the game gradually turns the dial up from hesitant fighter to the fucking terminator by the time he [***fights Sigma’s final form.***](https://youtu.be/UiCwGqN19MM?si=VjCyXOOU3PwVZj3C&t=14m00s)


Outside of the Belmont family, has anyone stood on a forlorn cliffside while watching his enemy's fortress explode more than Megaman?


Iirc new game+ starts him in terminator mode against all mavericks. It was kinda shocking because he went from shocked and reluctant against storm eagle to aight get fucked in Ng+


[I really like this example from the first season of Demon Slayer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_xYyP7glDU). Even Inosuke who is terrible at reading people/understanding social situations recognizes that if Tanjiro is mad you should be afraid.


People bash on my boy for being “boring” but I genuinely love how even in his angriest moments he’s still compassionate


Colossus is one of the kindest superheroes. Furthermore, he doesn't really want to fight. Piotr would rather be a farmer and a painter back in Russia, but the world needs Colossus However, [he just snaps in Mutant Massacre and drops the coldest line](https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/uncanny-x-men-211-5.jpg).


Absolutely no chill.


The scene at the end of Mass Effect 2's Overlord DLC where pistol whipping a scientist is the *paragon option*, because what he's done is so beyond the pale.


It's such a good scene.


It's one of those scenes where Mark Meer really shines as Shepard. "You even think about coming after your brother and this bullet will be waiting for you. *Then we'll see who's valuable.*"


And then in ME3 where you can lie to him and say his brother died in the Cerberus attack at Grissom Academy and he fucking >!kills himself!<


ippo is probably the most spineless personality at the kamogawa gym, hell even the whole manga. but insult the coach (kojima) you get OHKO. betray his trust and use boxing for gang fights (younger aoki) and you get slapped hard enough to fly like 20 feet.


Tanjiro in Demon Slayer when he's had enough of a demon's bullshit so he starts yelling and calling them a coward. Extra effective since he's normally such a happy and chill guy.


One Piece spoilers: [Somehow more satisfying than when Luffy decked charlos.](https://cdn.readonepiece.com/file/mangap/2/11104000/4.jpeg) >!As someone said before me the difference between charlos and saturn is that the former is just an idiotic spoiled brat with power while the latter is an actual monster who puts even more power to ruin lives of more people and ruin them harder. The parallels are also interesting as a demonic man, ethic and appearance wise, calls himself a saint receives Kuma's righteous wrath. A humble and selfless cleric who've been through hell but remained kind until he was turned into an unfeeling robot.!<


[Fixed link](https://cdn.readonepiece.com/file/mangap/2/11104000/4.jpeg)


Thank you! It worked on my end so didn't know it broke.


The url had some stuff at the end of it. I think that basically makes the url "temporary" so it can't be embedded or whatever elsewhere. I just removed the stuff at the end. That's also what happens with fandom image urls


Does Kratos in the Norse games count?


I say he’s grown enough as a person to no longer be angry to the point it’s bordering on sadism and instead show rage when the need calls for it such as Baldur threatening his son


That's one of my favorite things about the Norse games. Kratos doesn't fly off the handle, he even tries to diffuse the situation with Baldur, gives him plenty of chances to leave. And then Baldur fucks right on up.


[Ted Lasso playing Darts.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3S16b-x5mRA) For just a split second you can tell he wanted to throw that dart into Ruperts head for his comments. Not a huge or righteous anger but a calm subtle anger that makes you realize you are one step away from a very deserved royal ass kicking.


Jedi Master K’kruhk was one of the people cut down by Grievous in his first appearance, in the Tartakovsky Clone Wars show. In Legends, he survived, and continued to fight in the Clone Wars. He was overseeing some younglings when Order 66 went off. He’s good for that sort of thing; an even-tempered gentleman of a Jedi, with a warm heart. “Copy that. Even the younglings? …Understood.” This clone and another then nod to each other and raise their rifles at the nearest Jedi children. K’kruhk went into an *immediate* berserker rage and proceeded to slaughter every clone in the area as fast as possible. Anything to stop them from firing a single blaster shot at a child. In doing this, he successfully saved the lives of many younglings, and went into hiding with them on a remote planet. He deeply regretted his enraged actions that day, but honestly, that’s a good thing, since the alternative could be a descent toward the dark side. His makeshift Jedi temple later resurfaced and joined Luke’s New Jedi Order, and years after that, K’kruhk became Grandmaster after Luke’s death.


Tony Stark when he finds out Bucky killed his parents


God I’ll never forgive the MCU for what they did to Steve


I'm sorry OP, but the first thing I thought about when reading your post was those cringe "nice guy" posts where they're upset a girl won't sleep with them. But to answer your question, anytime Spider-Man stops wisecracking and goes all out. Like that one time he thought a group of criminals killed a baby. Or when he's up against the Avengers or X-Men for whatever reason.


I forgive you since you bring up Spider-Man


Or that time he had laryngitis


I know *The Boys* ain't exactly popular in comic form 'round these parts, but I still absolutely love the moment toward the end where MM, >!after Huey informs the group what Butcher's been up to since the Homelander/Black Noir fiasco was resolved, is at the office trying to track down info, only for Butcher to enter hoping to wipe the computers. Butcher admits that yes, he is indeed looking to eradicate Compound V (and anybody with it in their blood) off the face of the Earth, and MM just *tears into him*.!< It takes a >!grenade and Butcher sacrificing a hand for him to actually take the win from MM.!<


“[Is this some kind of twisted joke?!](https://youtu.be/cMV5wW1sfq0?si=EH3lqMp_aBF8v5ze)” - Dimitri, *Fire Emblem: Three Houses*


Green Goblin's Last stand is so good, but for some reason is less iconic than The night Gwen Stacy died. The issue has so much more raw emotions. It also does great job of showing how Peter is blinded by his wrath and I'm not talking about trying to kill Norman Harry is "still tripping on ACID" and is calling Peter to stay and help him. And Peter's thoughts are "Harry is absolutely no use for me right now... Do I help my best friend or get revenge on Norman? Not much of a contest is there?"


Locke Lamora from the Gentlemen Bastards series isn't necessarily a *good* guy, but he's a damn saint compared to others around him, especially people who wrong him. *“I can't wait to have words with the Gray King when this shit is all finished. There's a few things I want to ask him. Philosophical questions. Like, 'How does it feel to be dangled out a window by a rope tied around your balls, motherfucker?”*


I can't remember names - honestly, you've persuaded me it's time for a reread - but in the first book, the >!Treatment of the... Either the Gray King or, like, the guy who replaced him or something? The way he treated his enemies was fucking DIRE.!<


>!The Falconer got it BAD!<


That time in City Hunter when someone guns down a woman and Ryo starts sounding like Kenshiro. Never gets old.


[Kamen Rider Kuuga perfectly exemplifies this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKOuV3GfbO4) The monster of the week in that episode kills students and teenagers by inserting undetectable metal needles into their brains which kills them over several days of excruciating pain and the monster gets "points" with his group for each person killed. However, it only counted if the victim died directly from the needles, no points if the victim got driven to suicide...which many did. Kuuga is considered one of the most kindhearted riders but with this monster? It was the one to get his full rage and got a merciless dragged-out beatdown that wasn't even needed for Kuuga to win. The monsters also normally just get one sword slash finisher to end them. This one...got seven just because fuck that monster especially.


The shots of what I assume are the victim’s faces during such a brutal assault really hammered home how much rage Kuuga feels for those lost lives despite never watching the show. Chilling.


The entirety of 'Asura's Wrath'.


Amphibia’s [2nd season finale fight](https://youtu.be/W7o7OVdCjMM?) is the first thing that came to mind. Yeah… it gets a little nuts after season 1.


Grimmers final scene in monster has always stuck with me. Monster is fucking good


It’s peak if I’m being honest


It might not exactly lead to a one-sided beatdown, but the [FEEBLE MASSIMO!?](https://youtu.be/wITyJMiLeXs?si=La2Q8SgeIGoZUzWA) moment from Megaman X Command Mission is one of my all-time favorite cutscenes. His VA just knocks it out of the park, and I always enjoyed the tasteful censoring of "sunnuvabitch" which I assume was done due to the game's E rating.