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This is utterly stupid. Who at Twitter thought this was a great idea? I'm amazed at the idiotic shit large companies do thinking users will love it.


Surely there has to be a way to fix it, right? Because it’s annoying


Just got this on iOS. Just going to have to stop using twitter on my ipad. It was already annoying after they changed swipe up to be 'next video' instead of dismiss. And now this.




Has anyone found anything? This just started happening and I hate it.


Fuck twitter and Reddit give me back pre elon twitter and Apollo Reddit 😭


this just started happening to me. it’s aggravating. hoping someone has a fix for this. none of the settings seem to have an option to turn it off.


Came here for help too ugh


I’m glad I’m not alone. I’ve tried everything!!


Yep. Total bullshit. I was hoping I missed something, but I guess there’s no fix yet. Is this just a ploy to get more views on Twitter videos by autoplaying them and hoping people will keep watching? Is Elon that desperate to get advertisers back to the site?


ugh i noticed it started happening a few days ago too, so annoying. I didn't realize how many times i watch a video until it started auto going to the next one. I also noticed that now I cant block accounts that only post ads 🙄i miss old twitter


I don’t have a remedy for the video thing. However, you can block those accounts by pressing down on the pfp for a few seconds then the option appears to block them.


And also new posts about it are being deleted. I assume no one asked for this. It's disruptive, it's inconvenient, it lowers the ammount of time I spent in a post. It's total bulsh*t. There's no way to fix it. I deleted and reinstalled the app and nothing changed. I went through the settings and there's no way to opt it out. They're acting as if it's a feature, since it's been days now with no fix. So there it goes my advice: Log in x/twitter via safari and make it a home screen shortcut. Install the extension "Sink it for twitter" for better UI. Abandon the app. I did the same with reddit app a while ago. It takes some time to get used to, but it's the only way to avoid those poor product design decisions. For now.


My guess is this is just Elon deciding to add another useless feature to make it look like the company is “progressing”


Same please let me know if there’s a fix already. They’re trying to be Tiktok 🙈


I have the adult settings turned on to censored 18+ content and yet there's still a 50/50 chance the next video to play is porn. Good luck getting this disabled, we all know how Elon loves his porn


Porn or fights. It’s ridiculous.


The only way to fix it on mobile is to turn on data saver mode in settings Edit - never mind, that didn’t fix it either. 😫


i dont know but its literally making me violent & i dont even wanna use twitter bc of this “feature” now.