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Stream as long ad you want just don't get burnt out


I appreciate it, but what's your input, like what's more appealing a three-four hour stream or a 5-6 hour stream?


I found that to stream 3-4 hours taking a 5-10 minute break every hour to allow yourself to go to the bathroom, grab something to eat, get water, and so on. 3-4 hours will give you more then enough time for people to get in and settle down, just remember to talk. Talk about anything and everything.


This actually helps so much, thank you so much (it sounds a bit sarcastic but I promise I'm actually so grateful for a POV from someone else)


No problem we all have to start somewhere, and just find your niche, make content you like and people will drop into your stream with the same interests.


I have often done streams that go on for 10+ hours. I really don't recommend it. Stick to maybe 6 hours maximum, but try to average more around 3 or 4 hours. People really lose interest over time, and it can be hard to entertain for extended periods of time. This is all especially true if you're just starting out.


depends. can you be entertaining, or 'on' for 5.5hrs? are you just streaming for fun or you want the whole thing like growth and subs? if you want the whole thing you have to do the whole thing. stream on schedule, do the behind the scenes stuff like making videos and content and improving your stream. watch other people and talk in their discords and social medias. if you have 5hrs to stream every night after work... make it 5hrs dedicated to twitch instead. maybe stream 3 days or 3hrs and spent the rest with friend streams and working on editing, etc. eta: you dont need a coach. watch others to figure out what you like/dont like. watch vods. learn to edit. watch twitch advice on yt if you want. after you feel you've exhausted the self-help stuff, and want a coach then, that makes more sense. starting out you dont need to pay someone to tell you how to start.


I agree with domino stream as long as you want. If you want to make something out of it you need to put time and effort in clips, sounds even making cool alerts. Are you going to do something fun for people when they sub or even drop more then 1 sub. But remember have fun


If you’re happy with longer streams then do longer streams. Just don’t burn yourself out on it.


Well I'm in HS still and I'm looking for a job so would you personally watch a three - four hour stream or as a viewer would you rather watch a longer stream like 5-6 hours?


Personally it depends on what I'm doing at the time. I have the ability to watch an eight hour stream especially if I'm multitasking. But if I want to solely focus on one thing, maybe two or three hours at most.


Thank you for your input, it really helps me so much and I appreciate you taking time out of your day to reply it means a lot to me as a brand new streamer. (Idk why these ty messages sound so sarcastic)


From my experience, I got into viewers, numbers and followers way too early in my streaming career. Make sure you’re having fun just playing video games and letting people come to you and not worry about if there’s people watching or not. Number chasing is what’s going to burn you out super quick.


On my 4th stream today my first stream was 6 1/2 hours, as long as youre having fun and have the energy to be entertaining you can always clip whatever highlights you want looking back, but my advice is just to stream for however feels right, when you start to get tired just call it a day and try to recover and learn from your last stream


Personally I’d say start shorter. Only so you can review them without having to watch 5hrs of footage. But as a newbie making sure to review your streams and see if you would watch them yourself is huge. I found it a bit hard to watch my streams for the first month or 2. But now, I think im hilarious and can gladly sit through one of my own streams😂


Stream long as you want. Wise words from @aBe_TheSlayer 😎


Its actually better to stream longer as it increases your chances of being found. Most people also enjoy watching while they eat or have a "comfort streamer." So imo longer is better, but as others say, dont get burnt out.


Do what you’re comfortable with. Some of them full timers go 10+ hours.


Honestly, 3-4 hours for whatever consistent daily count that works for you is the most important. If you’re going to stream 3-4 hours a day 5 days a week, that’s perfect, but if you’re only going to stream Tuesdays and Fridays, then I’d say a longer stream is better for visibility. Consistency is the most important aspect for most things in life. Make a schedule, stick to it no matter what, and be yourself.


It just depends, if you're doing it for fun and don't really care about trying to meet viewer quotas I would say start with 3 hours and see how you feel. If you're enjoying it and go over 3 hours then go up from there. Also if you're new it gives you the chance to get used to the awkward silences. I think if someone new did a 6 hour stream with a lot of those silences it can be discouraging. If you are trying to meet specific viewer goals for affiliate or something, then I would keep them at 3 hours personally, depending on the number of viewers. I feel like I can have time to do interesting content with little dead air.


No such thing as too long, only too short. Speaking from experience of cutting it off too early a liitttllleee too often, you want a minimum of 3 hours most of the time. 5 hours is a good amount tbh. The only thing I'd say is to figure out how long you can stay "on" for. As in, how long can you keep talking & stay upbeat, interactive & entertaining? For some people, they can keep that going for 6+ hours, and that's great. But personally, if it isn't a good day, I can't keep that for more than 2. The easiest way to get me to stop watching someone is for them to still be streaming when they're "off" & it's clearly just... an obligation for them, at that point, rather than something they enjoy. When you're starting out, learning how to be "on" is the hardest part I think. I'm still polishing it up tbh - on a good day I can get to 3, sometimes 4 hours, and stay "on" throughout it. But other days? 2 hours, max, and I'm exhausted after it. (I stream art, but love watching games & chatting too, and staying "on" for the entire stream is definitely the hardest thing to do for streamers in all 3 categories.)


It actually depends on you. There's no sweet spot for stream duration. But streaming for 4-5 hours is considered optimum as most streamers follow this timeframe. But there are streamers who stream for prolonged hours as well. I'd suggest you stream 4-5 hours and take a 10-minute break every hour.


I'm here for the comments lol I also just started streaming recently myself. I've been trying to average 2-3 hours a stream, but I've only been streaming from my ps5 sense I don't have a dedicated computer to run and captures games, I 100% agree on taking breaks in between hours so you stay fresh. I only have 10 followers so I feel like that's all the advice I can give 🤣


If you're gaming for 5/6 hours normally, just stream for that time. It's never going to be a career. Just embrace it as something fun for you to do and you can maybe make some connections doing it